j-vtr Mh jt-i IV ; j w$f w&bv&n. fti'JA T. . -J' -.iYjfi 'P2.i'&f'!:SA.. ;4 Pi PRINT! THE KLAMATH aji-j.c-1 ' -' .aLW:i;CJ.V5 iaSw WHILE IT IS NBWS .. - 1-"7ITSS'.Pi.i!.'i;i M OFFICIAL NBWtnMk V M dr"!1 iV. ,.:.- i h&s4M y ,vjrT(irt,. ft .t h mram lf J. .1 4f ' a- a t a. n ,r -mt .T r- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1915 r l. l-il IA INCH CLAIM A VICTORY AROUND LORRAINE HILLS rum: iav ATT,K ,H KIH,,lT- Kll IX HOUTII j ftfcgnelilr Advices " H"t; a Typhoid KIUwc Aftrtaii Aviator Hhelw nusslan Winter IOTUrrttuiitf. Claim X rarM, unit May the Russian urn Halted rr Hcrvlca ' PARIS, Feb. 16. It ! claimed that tae Hermans have been defeated it a tarte-day battle rou" Nor re In Lorraine. Official reporU say tta'atrmn vcn driven from the Mints surrounding tUo city. Wett ot ! . l,,B A,Ucn are m the offensive, directing their at tack In ibc direction of llethuno ileal both banks of llio canal. A chirse won J50 yards of trenches. Latest Photograph of General von Falkenhayn, German Chief of Staff m Jnlitl I'rrtw Service BERLIN. Fob. 16. Important ftlnj south of Ypres and to tho north vnt of Mulhaiiscii. are claimed liy the wsr office. french victories are reported from I'ntHln. where the ICtmlnnH are every where retreating, " I'aljcd rn- HtvIi LONDON, Fob. If.. An exchnugo cerrHpowlcnt wins from Amsterdam that a terrible typholii epidemic U railfit In tho vlrlnlty of Lodx, hold by the Hermans, In tho eastern then- . tr. A it result, tho Kaiser In snld 'j to have abandoned n propotod vUlt to that city. Halted I'reis Hervlce CETTINJB. Feb. 15. The Aus- YfYjBVJBVJBVJjP'kJIHSslKfcd neBWaWaWaWannnnwV Lt J'Ail BnYanss99sWVslRWB7s R ?1 . vE .nr FOUR MORE DAYS , FOR LEGISLATURE TO END IIS WORK ll......t.i L! I.I LI i-.i iii'iiiii ri-imi fi'nnu; j HAI.KM, Kob. in. With but four, jBdiodulod dnH yet before It, thej Hnuto has precisely 111 houao bills on IU calondar'undUpoHcil of, besides , tho Bennto bill. Many of these mcunurcn yet arc In tho hands of iho committees nnd will I find their otornnl lecp Ihnrc, EBllmatlnn that ISO or morn hills will come over from the senate, tho Moimo will hnvo to dispose of fully lllfty hills n day to get through with f lis biiHlnrkfl, but by holding night s'cKHlnnx It Is bolloved that this can do accomplished. .Six, Important bills have been placed on tho Hoiibo calendar "spe cial order of business" tonight. ' Among tbo actp is House Bill 401, which provides4 a general revision of 1 tho Kmo laws. This measure Is 'certain to cnuso a lot of discussion, as nearly every one In tho House has 'an original Idea about fish and game i regulation. Tho principal provisions In tbo bill aim to cut off the first two weeks In August from the deer season, and to 'open tho season on female Chinese t pheasants. Onu of tho game committees mens uroM provides for abolition of thq present Ilt.li and gamo commission and the appointment of a new commission nnd tho preservation of the fish and Kame receipts In a separate fund In tho U;ih treasury. , It Is believed that this plan will ulL tho sportsmen, who have pro Jested vigorously against the Scnuebel 'plan. : ; . ""-S k M -. " - - - -- itffe,!!! . - j. rj Young Standard Oil Official Who Is Lost ANOTHER J IsHI ssHHsfpflHlBsH ' tfrWswisfcafc''-4'r" 'I'iid I ' tyl LsssHslsssssPrll VkEJsVsssH iB 1i7i rMsssssWil sMEssH m t't l;-BBBsBK- i?-t.-i;';aBW J .i KsW!tKjaB WmfmMnmmmm -) sV''s4:-'-'t.:l:i' -".ssbsH l ll sBSsVilwsssDsH SlUsHH aS V'isssbH H f Wi HiaaaaH '1 B sssssssssLwIbIssHbbbV 1 sLsH8VSiw s sssssbIi vyisysisiB '&'9$-t I'bW bbbVbbI kW .BfttM ibV "' tfal 4sMsfeflfli WYI'UANI.h 4 . "- NOTES i'j-.'i" ; Bvtr8? es vm !r ' "T WAR ZONE TANGLE (,'nlied I'ress Service ., ' . WASHIXOTO.V. Veto. io-Mft4 depattiBMiit oafcteto.deUam ltet,AMil' ' ra N plii) log humanitarian role hi ber protest to England aad Gerwaajv lioldlnK that the effort is seleljr teat raignten out trie tanve into wnscn food xlilinient matters are sow twisted. , , if America takes any band km the controversy, It will be Hpon the srouiiil that the British detention of American feed earfoes lays Anseri. ran ttlilpplng open lo the fliinmn anbrnarine peril. Rchtwd tbie, 0fy will lie the tmmano idea of aariag aerntanjr and nland f roat'thW sehnw .' -J L'ulieil Cress 8rvJos THK HAOUK, Feb. IB. Kniaer W Ilbeta is Irritated hj the growth anti.Atnerlcan feeling am Berlte. ntelet Beriln knew'that he .of the angry conunantacf the preaa, and aa a renmlt, the nioi- restrained bi dleesiasfag the Am erican tMte. - ' .'Hl r tJ'i -" -,! .. ieVI iXiFJ -C-.SiN. !. TT"cTv e 3 KH'1 FS3TJ United 1'rt'M Service ii'iituivni'nv' fK irr n,mi - -- : - - o u- ..! .. nn tn tiu mtmtn iiiiniin mi r. in which' flu man i rettCMsM her . -. ,, request that nentral shipptag avetd t he war some, and take a track atrowne the north of Scotland. The sone de cree la declared measure ef re. lln,l.. ntrmtnm RmBtanri. " .-... - , , 1 1. .s& 0 It is announced that the. Bens tor .note will be tranemltted ,-' in,i in iIm Interest or Anssrieaa coiiiwirial'BTQtetloa. He:- t" tioiw will lie made br America, and at' the aame tiase, a note wtll, fc. aeV fliuuxltn KBBlaad bearbsa: aaaa the withhotdiak of the cargo, showing that It Is America' Intention to be itpiestnted a the" proceedlncs. " ir l'nlir.,1 Pivu fUrycm " -O v 1 :. l r t m' i v.a.l .Wsl t . i TIMBER CRUISER - -. . ? ,t j uTi:nnu. Pb. in trtnr WUhalm th Um Mfssni'"te"'the'ab' g . . - . ,-j irlu fleet has resumed the bombard rat of Antlvnrl. DesDttchei sar that Austrian avia tors unsuccessfully atneked the win aaaB This Is tho latest photograph of (ienornl von Falkenhayn. tho man CALLED BY DEATH on whom inn harden of war rests more In Germany tl.nn any ou.or e- UOOIlER , oXITOP THE MOST .... .l...l r!ninrnl Vnll .MOIIKC OB CniCl "I copt the KaUcr lilniHolf. tors unsucccisiuiiy nctm mo n...-, iujii m- ...... - - 1r palate of Cwr Nicholas, at Slekn. Hln .omo wt.ck8 ago. and during most of that time he has been In the . i . . .. t. TnK wlinn tne ( bt bombs raiisod llttle-damsge Uarrs fr Fort Miss Hatcl Uarnea leaves la a day or two for Fort Klamath to spend a few days visiting her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. W. II. names, who are con tatting the Hotel do Dixon at the fort. nonl. Oeneral von Falkenhayn wah minister oi ... ... -, conflict broke out. and tho Kalwr was so well pleased with his work that I... ..rn.nnl.Hl UK SO0I1 US Vtlll Moltko WIS dlsplttCCd. IV "Sin ,.,... WIDELY KNOWN LUSD3EBMEN IN HOLTHERN OREGON,' DD3D THIS MOnMXO Mrs in FortlaRd Relatives of Mrs. Loula Bollinger have received nows ot her death in I'ortUnd. Mrs. llolllnger was a sls t of Charles 8. nnd Rufus 8. Moore, and her father was uromlnent both la this country and, In tho Willamette ultey as n millwright. Mrs. Bel- IteiuniN Front tnllfornln Miss Orn Nelson returned Saturday fmm ihinmniilr. where she had spont n two weeks' vacation with hor rel atives, Mr. and Mrs. I.cstor Kira-patrlck, llii)K u Harley lien Mltcholl, of tho Van Hlpor llros. grocery force, Is tho first now victim of motorcyclltlB. Saturday ho 1910 . model iinnoy- mivAliiiflnrf n. llnwr Is remembored bv many of the Davidson from tho C. & S. hlectneai oltt residents ot Klamath Tails. ,nnd Oyclo store. NEW ALFALFA IS OFFEREHARMER t:Ol?NTV AOIUCULTURIHT WANTS TO LIST FARMERS WHO WILL TRY A NEW HARDY TYlE Ol? 1LANT Going t o the Op If Enough Sip Up, Klamath Can Have a Special Is Klamath county to bo well rep resented at the opening of the Pan mvPaclfic international exposition That doponds upon the number of Poplo who toll tho Chamber of Com rco of tholr intention to make tho trP Until tomorrow Bight, Secre try Fleet will list the name ot those wishing to, make the trip. It ore than twenty are Hated, a ape e'M Pullman will be seat hare,. ; r Tl)e spectrrtwlll leare Thursday HA """",0 wr me exposition city. A' ground trlA rate of $10 has been an- f uu, wurt a'tnirty-aay limit ana $ topoTr prlrelegea, ,f ,.' r4iV ,. " 0. 0. Low. Dr. and Mrs. 1,'f.iinwine tho rocolpt of a letter rrnm It. F. Patterson, Unltod States Department of Agriculture for South Dakota, offering to furnish an cspoci ally doslrablo hardy alfalfa seed, cul tivated In South Dakota, and there fore such as to stand the severest kind of weather. County Agriculturist (llalsyor Ib Inquiring for n few of iho 'armors who wish to purchase this need. Those Interested should make In quiry at onco, as It Is Mr. Glalsyer's Intention to send for a small shipment ih noon us possible. The cost wilt be .verv Biiinll. nnn mo !" "l ., til ....... l.ni.A nlpumlv ulOFIieit fOl' y. niuiuuun uniu ...... -.. .VOI'i' Bllinil. "" "" '""" " -"-" ih triii. This uvunlnx Commissioner .,. elim-iont for n good demonstra John Hagelstoln will moot with tho,.Jon horo ls wnrmiy coramondod by Mllco Dooher, for thirteen years one of tho best known tlmbermen In southern Oregon; passed away this morning at the Blackburn hos pital. Death came suddenly, as Dooher, though suffering somewhat, Via mi nnd around Saturady. Sun day his condition became worse, and he was taken to. the. hospital that day. Chronic- Brlght's disease caused tho demise. Dooher, who has. many friends who know him only as ''Mike", or rUncle Mike", was 65 years of age. He was a native of New York. In tile enrly.daya'fcei.waB connected with tho Weyerhaeuser Interests, thou In their Infancy, and he bad charge of their Important woods and logging operations, being with iiinm for 20 years. Later, he In-i depcudently wont Into logging con tracting or Uimsoil. uiko many others, he Baw his business kilioa In the panic ot 18S-4, and after that, camo- West. ' It was In 190a that Dooher came to Klamath county. Since that time he has been considered one of the most efficient and reliable timber y;ulsors hero. Thousands of dollars iinvo changed nanaa in die iimoer Detectives searching for Henry C. Coo, Jr., a former New Yorker and now Boston representative ot the Standard Oil company, who .has .mysteriously disappeared, said they felt he has been murdered or was being held for ransom. - At. tho Coe home In Allston, Mrs. Coe Is prostrated. She was Helen Alnslee, daughter ot A. Allen Aln slee, proprietor of the Hotel Lenox and several other large hotels scat tered throughout tho country. She is In a delicate condition, and grave fears are entertlned that her husband's disappearance may result seriously. Police and operatives from the Burns detective agency are hunting for Coe. who is twenty-threo years old. Coo left his home in Allston on Saturday morning, January SO, to meet General Manager Wilkinson, of tho Standard Oil company. He was to be told that he has been promoted and hi3 sales territory had been ex tended to take In raoro Important ground. When he left home he was in a most cheerful state of mind.. He had with him $100 in cash, and wore n three-stone diamond ring, valued at $300, and an amethyst scrafpln. He boaorded a trailer car near his homo bound downtown. Where ho left tho. car or when la not known, though hewaa seen on the car by acquaintances. marine and cmn as they left for the see hi their oaipalgn to ... MfatmA mmA HtfM luk MJHt WAV MM.' TtjtMT S tli OtSBhA'taSi m K.... .- t - rm -.'. "M leave there Thursday when Grand Admiral von Tli pita's a'de policy starts. United Press Service Ji-' tt 3 s t -S? X - .JSS-fl i,'i i 's- !5SS m M M SH: sil V & WASHINGTON. Feo. 15 rCcll 8fH4-g;IUiBrltsha totlay notlRed the state dtpaitsneni that Faiand pM'mytM--fiiVmm; MH... .i.iwt mIimii 'n, ii.MMf 'iMi VAaatfas''tfaSjfli4ssf eesealnifr wio. i. tbiitaii mioibi -j - irut. Mat ' inclndss M? JaJiel ''.. ,..., : . , '"it-Xi. New Fouadlaad, HaUiax, WMgatw. Jamaica, yictvrw, -as .v , ',; .- , ... j.,iirK Krhav Ifmita ajAIIHMIPHH srnVriHBnVldP. aasjamnuBamw. OBjamnmErs - aajBH 'avsmsnai ia,i aswiw $ '? - ""- r, WJ J ,t '-?, tOWB. Jlr?" ,-aati S'l TRADING STAMP BILL IS KILLED HOUSE SMOTHERS MEASURE TO PROVIDE FOR A LICENSE FOR THE CSE OF TR.U)E PREMTOMS IN THIS STATE !stssaD bill.' which orovlded tor'ii'y !... 1IA.MMA A. A A At4 llW Alt 3 j concern using tradingstamps, scrip i or other premium or the una. u ... , v.,,. .-u. wit. . wua ail, eleven iiiui ,nre t.reu HmiEn Inrlnitlnr the. rheasurs for -a a.wn., -"" -,. l..a..WI. AnAtrtmtrxr ' " "-' u-Vw 4.w..,. fi. After the- HonseDaasedtfeeHli .? n.fnliUnr tnr 4bj. rrttatlnn at nnStliefC .....:. .jt. .ijf -tiJv-Jiira """P.J WslHiiWf '"Ba minmiinlltai thnr iisw'. rlchts - as if. cities and towns for pwiiag and opef! iui lava owujiuMv111M'?,ei. senate defeated the nieasmre. 1t;WM- ... .... jt, ? .., . -,. Tne MOHBepaeBee; uie eiii .feai-3f ranging the system or assesaiag-r"-, Iroad aliens ' ' , '.PM i ST.-yi f "S SALEM, Feb. 15.-2-Tho House to Sabecrtbe tor the'Hsrala. ee.caets;; day killed Vernon A. ForbeeVtradingJa nwath. & e -fegi directors of tho Chamber of Com-8lftto UmAcr h. T. Fronch mBmsassm ---" tvy r .-!-' --.--. -, Tici NEW PAVEMENT IS FOUND BY mnrrn t iIIhcubs tho probability ot tho Klnmnth county court making tho ,,vorCo cirauted trin or Eonuinu u iui""""' i n vo rotter whb II I. tlm nlnn to llllVO tllO Pllll- mnii decorated with banners boosting Klamath county, and to hnvo pon nanU for nil In the party, oihor Klamath oounty people wno will attend the fair opening are Mr, mwi Mr. K. B. Hall. Herbert uarry, Mr. Riui Mrs; Andrew Horner, ana " ""-T- '- -.-'.. . 1 Miss WIIU Leonard, who left wis , l today granted n dlvoco from Wesloy Potter, also the custody of tho minor child, and the recovery of n watch, set of slWerwnro, (tot of Blasrnre and a. pair of. eye glasses in the defendant's possession, Desertion Is Charged Alleging desertion, s deals horo upon the judgment ot j Dooher alono. and neyer hps his Judgment been questioned, nnoher Is surTlTed' by a wife, two daughters and a son, who all reside In Seattle, but who have visited bore frequently. Relatives will be here from Soattle Wednesday nigni, ana until that time no funeral arrange ment ore to "be made. Deceased was a prominent, loeai ik. j.. l"HOCMAC" IS SUCH THATIT CAN iir T.Ain WITHOUT A HALT OW- I ivn vet TtAlXS IS- USED, MUCH IN BRITISH ISLES N, Fleming (Tax Rolls Ready morning for Ban Francisco,, and P. L. wn.mtnin. who left late last wcok. The lotier wll) alio visit Mi on. Dr. .h.r?a?Tii ..a - o. A. Fleming, through F. H. mm. w,aua.. ! v. ----;' The vfoman asks to be rostored her 1 m.tdam name. Cannon, for the title j to property In and near Merrill1. asaaaaor'a oce. The rolls are ready to turn oTer to the treaaurer tomor row tor tbe-'eoUteUoB' ot taxes. 'nocmac" Is the latest pavement to reach Klamath Falls, ana j.m. Garrett has Just secured the agency for an extensive atrip of territory. The t secret of the new pavenient la in the hludor, which forms tho fine crushed rock and rock dust Into a rigid wear. ii. Declaring his intention of rkt Ing a damage suit against JOaXMUi count' to recover $10,000 for' taHee Imprisonment, Qua SplUoe, Oreek who was confined fn the.eonnty jell for 16 days before' he wae gtTt ' nrellmlnary hearing, left UU nterh- Ing: He Intends to, hire counsel' In Portland to bring the action. Bpllles: was1 arrested at weed on a charge ot stealing a watch from Miller Qeerge, an Indian. He was arresiea ittwovesnoer, ana a tae wT ill'j.11'.' kiui, t.1A l, ,'laiUM.' tiniMiri imrnHi.' w w " irslsliuc uaveiucui. iio ,, ... .- -- -. This variety Is Impervious to water, Ibe was'reJeased.ae he proaneee are ...i ..- n ioi,i and roiua siwu. I-iitnt.'Vtmsd bv the Indian: for three any rainy weather, thartsmrirta iolB. completion ot a. Job' on time, -n'ffl ' 'nee;thn ".ItlllN haah rfiw4 iii fltB.iviv in the Brltlsa'leue KlanMth mm.- y wnent etanieyxeemt. rt m lutirn and 11 iddla WeeMnlYesiWheUdtmtM' f Aceordla, tol ttiese people, "gpilies' stated that certain county; oglettta adyieed him to bring salt' for tdanV, ages against Sheriff C. C.'Lew.Thf; told him, SorUeaAiAld. 1 that SLOW could be made to pay UedsmMiH demanded and urged"' him; ta.hrtng the action. ' 5niAJ ' ' . t , - ..r-X-C I in snostantiation or- mis sunei .1 . k '; nil '." I meat, gpUloa showed! a,ocUra(t; with a loealattcy'VltTiM by)he at- tomr'wu.to Nnduet5th!aBsBl 1-. tf-r" (!.'-; I". ... AiJl i TLiAJBiI suk aganuc law, bbowm m f nip mXL terey.':th4:hev L I r'Tff. states. - uaa mtee isuanwia nuw, wiwpj w 'efJKn1teCeifWttrM' . '" ' '" hki lntentten to hr leg the; F isi -" -' ' 'MMUK wnm BFJJWnnBimBy pVBnBnBnjjssnst empt A that he the i itKI is wmmldMJ self- - 'qto:brksg;nissia mm il )1 1 If' .v it li. L. Illl mA fl.i.1 ..a u T Ray Fountain, at Mtreea, uai. l ','TkV . :& .- . ,' i. . . i- s . ' !M; l i?w,iaSifaSSMP-: - . :M. ap. v ' .,. ' ...i1, r ' Tr t. iu ';jr -'i w . .. .' k.AW "