-, P ;?' JTlV 44 r 1'J X : N'r,; !tV:7if . tl l.'-Tt R' i.; y L"J r lij lv ii t. ! Iff. I v r , iCt ft) .If rfj tf t. Jt -r m I fc V 2 13C 3$fc. !W ;3l . ES .. .iVJ. . 1 &.!"" 1 RS ' ft? icKsr RSS: ls& && tf 'T M '; !f It K 7 55' Vj: jJ !" Ift.5 iw i ' r i;' i . riV5 ? M " . r i &,.n ST Ji;i 1 S Vr. 7 Jul i -j k'&A l& St. It yIS r- i' fer J &z h A u n Kli & 'j- rf P & IM$:' r THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATUKIMV, yiCBKUAHV u n a ? rsChtriicdlAihrs, ItrfSMsiSXrfMWMMWWISISWWWMMWMwUjWWMWMMWSWS FOR RENT I WVIMMWMMWMWMMMfWMMMMA rooms See L. S-tf. IFOR RENT Housekeeping over Altaians fruit store. Jacobs or phone I60J. . . lorriCS ROOMS Choice suites la the Odd Fallowi ud WUUU buUd. lings; best loeatloa la the city. lee ivv. 0. Smith, Herald o-ce, 10-tf The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH MHer Published dally except Sunday by The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth 8tret. At the Churches FOR SALE BrfSWWWWWWMWWMWWMN IFOR SALE About 15 tons extra quality wheat hay at 1 10 a ton, Ron E. W. Curfman place (formerly JMendenhall), 3 miles east of Klamath Falls, or address E. W. Curfman, Clamath Falls, Oregon. -t MISCELLANEOUS First lWrocla Church Corner ot Tht Pine streets. J. 8. Stub bledeld, pastor. Cleric ot Sessions C. C. Hogue. Superlateadent of Sunday school J. D. Mason. Pianist MIm A. B. Parker. President Christian Endeavor Roy LaPralrle. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Subscription terms by mall to any' Preaching 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m. address In the United States: I Morning subject, "Clalllo": evening, One year 16.00 Fanny J. Crosby memorial. One month 50 j 6: JO p. m., Christian Endeavor. S trial music and sptakiug. :S0 p. m. In Grace Entered at the poatofflce at Klasa-i ath Falls, Oregon, for transmission, through the malts as second-class! matter. KLAMATH KA1XS. . SATURDAY, FEHRUARY OREGON; union Meeting in. iBin'M. E. Church. SOME MINOR WAR NEWS FROM EUROPE! LITTLE STORIES FROM TIIK FllO.VI' THROUGH TIIK t.'AI'ITAlJi OV THE EACH OTHKK HOMK ,tlK TIIIVIAI 1X1 AT THIS TIME. I HAT AIIK fOMIMl I.N NATIONS NOW I'HIHTIMI . hut Ai.ii tm: iMiJiiiwi' OUR WEEKLY SERMQri "Christ the Light of Men" Uy Kl.liEII S. I. HARLAN, Paser Christian Cl.ur.l. llnlleil l'lesaScrXco superior u (In) or two iiko, hut w LONDON, Feb. 2. (Uy mall iq'nre i-qunls now. Now York.) "I know 1 am dying. nlwnjs our 'M'ullcil PicsHHeitlro WIWWWWWWWWWWMWWWWMWW (WANTED Young man desires room and beard with private family. W, Rclo Herald. ROOMS AND BOARD Dy the day, week or month. Corner Ninth and Oak, No. 833. Phone 197X. Terms treasonable. 12-6t MISS GERTRDDE ECKMAN be ing absent in the East purchasing ! spring stock, the store wilt be closed I until her return, March 1. Gertrude A Co. 23-30-6-1 3-20-27 rcuoNJJTS AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALLS Prayer meeting with Prof, and Mrs. M. D. Coats, Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Missionary society meets with Mrs. J. 13. Watson, Thursday at 1:30 p. m. You are cordially Invited to all of these services. Chriatiaa Charch Corner ot Ninth and Pine streets. Eldsr S. D. Har lan, minister. Residence, corner Tenth and High streets. Phone 147. 11 a. m.. preaching, subject: "For- T A MEETING Jast week of theisho Me-" 8 i. m.. "Qoa so Loved the worm. GKTCTXG THE BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL CARDS ' AAA00m0wwwwmA0wwwew0i CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY - ABSTRACTS INSCRNC Members Ore oa Aasocla sa Title Men Tw Southwestern Lumbermen's as sociation. Its seccrtary, J. R. Moore head, presented figures derived from members showing the business done annually by retail lumbermen of the states covered by tho association amounted to $74,280,000. In com menting on this showing. Secretary Moorehead said: Wood! Wood! Block, single load $2.75 Block, double load $4.00 Absolutely dry slabs $3.25 (Extra on hill) 16-inch Body and Limb Wood 4-foot Body and Limb Wood Rock Spitaa Coal Leave orders at Ashland Fruit Store, 3d and Main. PHONE 983-J P. C CARLSON Midway Livery Co. IN NEW HANDS Horses bought and sold. Har ness and buggies for sale. Good rigs for hire and gentle horses. Haled hay and grain for sale. Phono 216J "Much Is said about mail order competition. I, for one, have quit talking about mail order competition. Someone in that line of business is credited with a statement that the retail merchants of the country are the biggest assets of, and the living advertisements for the mall order houses. I want here today to re verse that statement. The mall order house has become the greatest asset and advertisement for the retail mer chant, particularly the retail lumber man. It is, in a way, a blessing In disguise. If the mail order man has done nothing else but wake us up and make us live merchants he has certainly been a great asset to us In our business. "One per cent of the total annual sales In this territory, as given above, Is $742,800. Just one per cent is that great sum. Is there anyone here who has his eyes on these figures ready to believe that the mall order houses ot this country are selling that much lumber and building ma terial within the trrltory of the South western Lumbermen's association? Does anyone believe that they are even selling one-half of one per cent of the annual business done, as shown in the above figures?" ( Mr. Moorehead then expressed his view regarding the rural region situa tion by recommending for adoption the following slegan: "To tne re taller belong the trade Get the busi ness." American Lumberman. '3 ii. m. Junior Endeavor. 0:30 Y. P. S. O E. H. S., Fox, I resident. Union memorial services Tuesday night at 7:30, In honor ot Frances H. Willard. All welcome. Grace Methodise Episcopal Gburob Corner Tenth and. High streets; E. C. Richards. mlaUUr. 10 a. m Sunday school, Geo. J. Wiilton, superintendent. 11 a. m. preaching, subject: "Heav enly Reflections Here." 6:30 p. in., Epworth League, E. but 1 don't care. It'i luck. It runs In our family like wooden legs. My father wax killed ut Abu Klca; his father nt Unmlt whanu; his grandfather nt the Alum, and his great grandfather nt Water loo." Tho dying soldier was nil Irishman of tho Liverpool regiment, wounded In the big light at Ypre.s. Describ ing tho scono, Lt. ii. R. Watson, of ,taM for tlu future, tho Highland light Infautry, sns It was the most philosophic death ho over witnessed. "His destination mark was shown clearly on his pnlld face, and I tried In the most sympa thetic way to reconcile Mm to tho PirritOGKAD, Jan. 31. (Uy mull to Now York.) Tho Cossacks dp not hold ury high opinion or tho prowms of the Turks, II n story told by n Uimalnn army surgeon recently icrurneil from the front, Is to ho l-llovml. "l.Nirly In tho lighting." ho unld, omIh nnd works "1 mitrutiul iiiion a Cossack who had dlmll'loH that I hoy lost nn arm. When ho ih about llgliMionrow In the world. recotcrtMl, 1 naked lilm what were I John 1 I - -"In Him wns lUo nnd the , TJio Kntlior give. ( , ,.' jH ,1 life w tlm light of men., M tormll iitlvnllon nml ere 5Jl Ugh) wn tho koy-noto of crea-,nnyiwti r uom l!H, wu (tt t.V?b . .. . Mild d hilMtll ilnrb. ....... ..... .""""' (Ion Tin I rut HPiimnee sinnjuu , "v-" "t hk, uj no miMice or oter- ... .... , , "unsgn,;, nil, dlapellcd the nlt L KM " ft. S5l tulHls of tnllon- v ,tH ' " ' "'' "'uor uk . ' "w "io light of (ii,. u.u , iiliima wns whim " ' Ul" worlq," t (loil until "let thero V ' " ",0 wn" '"' "'ly WoNw 1 ... Ill'lillll. III. PHI.il. I ... .. ""St '1 Uo HKIH." TO litis . ' V -. lV ajSMla high key atruck V!Jor ,honK,1,w',cl''rlnZ on tho orgnu of "'' Vh " '' tn aKl. . thuo nt trenllon's Mt'h nro gulilvd to hemu, by r, inoriiiiig una uou i"i "laiioiinnia , vord su. IiiiumI all Ilia nri from ilnnger, hut U not . Chrlut told hU nrlotit gulilo In th.. fornmio, -il ....... ... ,j. 111m 'I'linrarli.i-. TI.U U u i... n. .. ... . tl "i' v u n ' ......, ..,., miirii If II wore luminous, than siu'rcli If vft. . '4 smIBsV ila not for lUlit Iho world to iu would drn nro not Clirlstlnua u It ht Ij bo olil mid without form, for light f your life? Our lit.. m, i, ..... a ...-.. uii.a ! w wiiriin ! niiiiiiuiui ... . - "'I'm go tig to enlist In tho uiu- "im eiiinu in-uiro iism w ... ..v. - -....-v.... ..... iinavrtlool 1 p ....... .. ... l.. 'In- vvw mat. I.. I.I. ...... . v ciitslnu army,' wa tho reply. Kriniem nriiiovviuciini m no mniiy " h nniuin, " 11 tit how can you, with oiily'tlat Is his nhlllly to dUpot darkness Light Is Impartial Th, j, t ono are?' I Inquired. 'nnd beentiwi "men low dnrkuosN Lot division fonres In (loirs lilniJosiii .. . ...... .... ,1..... II..I.." t.il.ii !ll 111. A Klrntiir .u ll.l.i ...u.iui .... . . . o vossncKB noil i neon moiv i'i ...... nt ". .. -. - ..- ..... i-vH"iivn int. unrk m v Ik' district ( rhrUt nHrir,.i.,u ........ . 'i yi. ,j ?n than ono arm to beat tho Turks,' an- light ' eorner In u Inevitable." said tho lieutenant, "but 8wcrcd tho soldier In nil seriousness. '! belter prolecllon lliun police with-' Light cannot he shut In, hut eti L he needed no bracing up. "Slnco then I hao made n prnillco'out Iho light. From tho lamp In the shut out. I.Ike nmtitm It raDBM w "To tho last," continued the of- of asking cury Cossack who hnd to homo to tho llghlhuiiso on tho rocks honrilcd but limy bo r.iecd ucer, tne young Irishman kept up a continued chatter, 'Why more mem bers of my family than 1 have buttons on my clothes,' ho said, 'havo died on battlefields since war was first invented. Now. It's simply ray turn.' " 'Do you know it's been said that I to New York.) ill one ot us died In bed ho wouldn't, now sent Into nave the Impudence to ask St. Peter to admit him to heaven, but would rather wander about between the two places until he met somebody who would kill him In n decent fight? That's the way we are built, and i Mt kt 4 undergo a similar operation as to his light 1b n bussing. dny as needed. Tho light ChrtsH ftf. A intentions, nun inmost invurinuiy ma (Jod u tho source or all light, ino iers is unnnmou, na it 0,1,(1,. lin recoiled 11 similar reply." .Christian does not urlglnate tho light jevor-wldtntng rays, ami to ths Mtl liu glwa to Iho world, hut like tho'thnt calls, shundanro will boilw. M. Chilcote, president. 30 p. m evening preaching,, I would rather die hero thau In tho t'niteil Press Sprvlet. United Press Sank moon, who borrows her light from Tht soul which ucfhoi this ut ROri'EKDAM, Jan. 30. (Uy mall tho sun, tho Chrlstlau Is expected to, may bo warmml nnd lnrntu a bssi -All lonxes of bread rotlect tho Christ spirit. Tlit palmist iing to other nnd hi. may sparkW UelRlum from lira ; speaks of spiritual light In tho fol-nn tho diamond, or offer soul f4 bnnt nro now, by order of tho Oor- lowing terms ,1110 prcctaua than wheat, which tn man authorities, cut In two, na many' "Tho Lord It my light ami salin-'rtrh stored up In light llm Carta Instances hate occurred In which let- tlon", "Thy word have I hid In mys the light of inrn mmi b f ( ters hne been smuggled across the heart, for It Is n lamp unto my feel tip by tho lives of inrn or th. wotU frontier by this means nnd u light unto my path," ,wll bo lost. "The Gospel Prayer", Part II. Vernon Motschenbacher, choir mas ter. Miss Hazel North, pianist At the morning servico Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Motschenbacher will render the duet, "God Is Love." Prayer meeting "Wednesday night, 'miss led by C. E. Wlddoes. Baptist Church Corner Eighth and jmost comfortable bed you could rig IIKHLIN, Feb. 3 (Uy mall to up at Home. The man who dies at. New York.) According 10 Hvrr Cnrl home doesn't know the pleasure of death. '" There's much In the Joy of fight ing that appeals to me, and I wouldn't n set-to like this for ntl the world. " 'Good-bye, old chap, ou were my Scheffer, one of the German "npoilloj of Idealism." the war wns begun be cause "tho artistic regenerations of German) Is only possible through ratnstrophe " After tho war "Ger man Kcnlus will develop Impression which will kill cubism nnd futurism." Six Conventions a Day at San Francisco Fair Wc Will Give Scrip WITH AUi SPOT CASH WOOD BUSINESS at regular prices. Leave money with order or pay on Delivery KLAMATH FUEL CO. 515 Main Street CaneJ streets. Rsv. A. F. Simmons, pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m., C. It. De Lap, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Everyone cordially Invited to all of these services. . 1 Church of Christ Scientists Services are held on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and Wednesday evening at 7:30 In Christian Science Hall, la the! Jacobs block, corner Third and Main streets, upstairs. The lesson subject for Sunday Is "Soul." Church of the Sacred Heart Comer TELEPHONE LINE IS PROGRESSING luliig prepared, nnd appropriated re-' fr.'Siuncnts will be served. A silver orbing will bo Inken. HAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13. -An bo covi-rrU, llnrr rlnssliies tbe tM-"A utcnige of air conventions dally will notions bo held Iu this city during tho life Women's follew: congresses, it, tgrktl- .'. Scattered Shots .. CAN YOU BEAT a beet factory for an all-round benefit? Let's get together and get one. ftnfcitg aid TmsMmg We Do tbe Work Just Right . PAVE & PINOLE "The Know How Men" Cor. Mb A Klamath, PhoBe 217 ONE FELLOW TRIED to get a woman angry by cussing her, but failed. He then tried to Ignore her, and this riled her. UNTIL A BOY Is sixteen he wears out four pairs of shoes while using up half a can of shoe polish. After that, tbe ratio is just the opposite. TO COMMITTEE .MET TUESDAY CONSIDER MATTERS LODGES IN MAN'S THROAT. The Young Peoples' socloty-of the, of the Panatim-I'nclric International turn), 34; husluras. 47 uluratloui. .Mt i.aitt church, will hold a valcn-(opoltlon, which will open hero on 3: fraternal. 0; college fralerBUles. M ..uv, . ..eroeri runups, February 20, nnd run until Decern- 44: governmental and chic, U; ItW 'i Oil S.ltyrntlv. Ohrimrv 19 ,i... 1 ............ 1 1 James I. 30; priifi-ffsluntt, tl; silent I He. 2C; soetel (Herald Special Service) MT 1 llfl E...1. 10 .- Worden avenue and Donald streets. I V 1 Z . ,arraers ... -nr ...,"! I""0 telephone committee met Tues- Rev. Wm. McMillan, S. J., pastor, First mass at 8:30. High Mass and Benediction at lo:30 a. m. Catechetical instructions every Sat urday and Sunday morning at 9:30. Week day Mass every morning at 7:15. Services at Merrill oa the third Sunday of each month. Baptist Mission Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. In the basement of the Library building. Mr. O. P. Coucbman, superintendent. You are welcome. KLAMATH FALLS Steam Laundry Rough Dry, 6c per pound, 40c ped deem. Sock-darsUng machine will re pair jrosr hosier'. New collar machine prepares the rouar ror tne tie. GARDEN SEEDS placards replac ing oil stoves in the store windows, marbles in season with the kiddies, and the older kids practising base ball or growing mooney and senti mental does this look as though spring is a great ways off? UatfFalb Mm Bisk VICTROLAS 'if OaJJ $15 to $250 RAW PAYMENT FLAN M. Orea, .frtpricfer THERE HAS been no advance in the cost of smiles and kind words. They seem to have Just as good ef fect as they ever did. day, February 9th, at Mac's Cash Store. While they say they have not ' much for publication, everything! looks very favorable. , and Industrial. A. llnrr, director of con- religious, lb: 1 1 nato lnirem.nl my luui-iinri. ' ureases of the txnosltloii. makes thin un.l ilirlitikl u- ..,. 1,,-Im.I ilr ukvi.' to ir.n (inn in m, ....... -..i....i ......... '..uti........ .... ... 1. .. .. . .... ... ... ...... . 31 ........ , . , .... ni.iiiuiini uuiicr . ..... ii inw wiinm in iuiih'u ro- niHioricni ami inornrf. r. n it Is tho best coiu'it tiy him mid he gives nssur- Tho conventions will rem tin In m furnishing In- mice that r.00 conventions will hold slim fnim three days to two wmi W. I. their sesalomt hero. Hit (stlmnlix -- unit tiieso KiilherliiKs will brine to ,tho city and the fair between K00,. (000 and 1,000,000 persons, j Delegates will represent marly all nunrterg of the globe and practically every Held of human endeavor will of the Mutual Llfo. policy ever Issued, OTHER NEWS FROM MT. LAKI trance at nctunl cost." Hon Vawtcr, Madford, Oregon. 13-2t P. M. PRIEST, Aicent. STOMACH ACID SOURS THE FOOD Arthur Hayden, who spent tho! winter in Kansas, has returned. He, SAYS says tne country looks much better here. vs'w ::. v-n- .M-. HtflU STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD i Spring seems to be here. Several of tbe farmers havo commenced plowing. XCESS OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID IK CACHE OK IXDIUKHTIO.Y Ssys Cream Opens Air Applied In Nolrils T Passages Right Up. r 2 Mr. George Williams Buffered with i severe accident sorao days n:o. A bone becamo lodged In his throat, and he had to go to the Palls for medical aid. Tho doctors found nm Fanny Crosby Program In honor of Fanney J. Crosby, whose death occurred this week, tbe reeular evenlncr nrMnn ik. d.. byterlan church has been dispensed dlfflcu:ty In dlsl0(Ie'nK with, and instead a program will bei substituted, beginning with a sketch of this gifted woman's life by Rev. Stubblefleld, followed by tbe reading 01 a number of her enema. Th, will also be a program of song numvN here composed by Fanny Crosby. which will be led by Arthur D. Hay. Al( are Invited to attend. Mr. Will Morrison was a visitor at the Falls Friday. Mrs. Morrison and Miss Mable returning with him for the week-end. BUT WHEN it comes to speaking paradoxlally, some ot our brunettes are just as light-headed as the blonds. 'iW- ft YES, BERTRAM, a rotten egg broken to use In cooking Is not what It Is cracked up to be. THERE IS ONE fellow who never makes a holler about tho cards in games or in life being stacked, no matter how crooked the game may appear. He's the winner. A FEW MORE of these days 111 drive us to Inaugurating a "clean up day," The Laldles' Aid of the Mt. Lakl church will hold an old maid's tea February 23. A unlnue nroaram U Subaerlke for tks Herald, so ceaU a moata. AGAINST THE TIME OF WANT ihsri&vT joii will he well guardsd if your protection he a well filled savingH bank book. Want has no torrors for the saving hut only for the thoughtless. The tlrao to guard against want' is while" you are earning, riegln that protection by opening nn account here to day, or next pay day. FIRST STATE -IS SAVINGS BANK A well kuown authority states that stomach trouble and indicpatin,, 1- nearly always duo to acidity acid stomach-aud not, as most folks be lieve, from a lack of digestive Julcos. Ho states that an( oxtcss ot h,iroi chloric ucld In tho stomach rotnrds digestion and starts food fermenta tion, then our meals sour like Kur bago in a con. forinlnir ncrld iii.iu mm gases which Inllato tho stn.nnn, .like a toy bulloon. Wo then kul tlm. heavy, lumpy feeling In tho chest, wo oructnto sour food, belch gas, or havo hiartburn, llatulonco, water-umsh or nausea. He tolls us to lay aside all dlgostlve nlds and instejd, get from ony pharm ncy four ounces of Jad Salts nnd take a inblespnonful In a glass of wator boforo breakfast wlillo It Is effcrvea ilng, mill fiirthcrinoro. t mnii., 1 this for ono week. While relief fo- I lows tho am dOSO, it is Imnm .,.,.. to ucntiuIUu.tliu acidity, romovo tho gas-muklng muss, start tho llvor Mlmulnie the kidneys nnd thuH pro! moto 11 freo How of nun. ,ii,..i.. Juices. ' I .lint Uf.ll.. 1.. f . ' '" ' moxpciiBlvo nnd Ih mudo from tho acid of Knm aud lemon Julco, comblnod with tm.. oiid sodium phosphate This harm- ohs milts M uwd by .-,,. f People for stomach troui.U ,m. collent results. (I'ald Advertisement) Instant icllef -no wnltlng, Your clogged nostrils open right up; tho air passages of your bond clear and you ' 'nn nrentlio freely. No more hawk-1 lug. snuffling, blowing, headache, dry'-, . nu struggling ror breath nt night: jour cold or cnlorrh disap pears. Got n small bottle of Ely' Cream Hnlm from your druggist now, Apply a llttlo of this frnKinnt, antiseptic, oeniinK tream In your nostrlla It peiietrntes through nory ulr passaged ui mo iiuiui, Miothes tho Inllamed or swollen in ileum membrano and relief comes Instantly. us jtiht fino. Don't stay stuffed up with it cold or nasty catarrh. (I'ald Advertisement) Wi: WVi frrv MARKET Wt Wo take pride In our ablllly W please, and our customrri srt always satisfied, because they est tbo host. COLUMBIA RIVER HMM A HPECIALTV l-'rrkli He Fisli and I ttm Oysters Alnnys mi llsad UN MAIN I'llOXKsaM esa tV. Cinfiniv rinflW 1 i i-, lii-iiiaiKo thai .,.. .... lime. Sin rh,llf pays on m Main St. mm .... 7I, 11'ls WSBSSSMJ.. I wi appsars Irst la The Herald, S0o a moatk HALL GRILL .asc Special every dny Noon Lunch Wghl course Dinner ooc Huudiiy Chliken Dinner for 7c "MiihIc every evening by Tlndall's Orchestra HENRY E. DAY. PMn 1 ' H The Herald, dellvr.i .. your door, omc.. or ho.., ,oc An what wo nro receiving ordsn for every day, and wo ore taklal this opportunity lo nsk you tor your order.' " It' may seem n llttlo early, bst thnt Is the tlmo to order, to M lo, give nmplo tlmo for csrsftl conutruetlou. Our now fabrics havo arrived aw also the new fashion plutos, wits reports from the Cultor's t'onvM tlon nt Chicago, Wo koop abreast of tho time to our line, and don't hosllnto to ssk for your patronage. Give us g call and look over of line whether you order or not. Loewe Bros. TAILORS AIM MANkT. XL.'. ' "H. "1 'tS!tt.?v&. ' f.lMll.1. 'VTitV