m "l. .- r i. ff.V'i j .. tfK,j. lEuntng H PRINT! THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS -? 2 AX-fc-vi. .: KLAMA' 'i OFFICIAL, FIEW a -. . jiiT - T- i, f- &... iv-v.t.i .vj1I '- -r-'.y ... ... irfi.sm . '"A-?! fl-f tfe-,? s zsmxsrssnru; . Ninth Year No. a,aaa KLAMATH, FALLS, OREGON,. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1915 'if t1 j Other Neutrals Send Protests JP tealii f ' ' , JfiiUi ii6rmanv v ' tvir fr iiU(jWVWW"fllii"" --!-- SPAIN TO APPEAL TO POWERS OVER MEXICAN AFFAIR fulled I'rOM Horvlce MADRID, Feb. 18. A a remit or the expulsion of Spanish Ambes. Mtlor euro from Mexico by Carraaxa, Spain U contemplating making an appeal to the power ia order (o obtain net Ion and end at once the rule of anarchy which for four years lia keen n rrlgn of (error In Mexico. Officials openly admit that tltejr are very much worried over the poe klble fate of the extensive Hpaatoh colony realdlng In Mexico City. fol lowing Hie expulsion of the Spanish mlnUtor. It In undcrNt4iod tltat Mrong reprwutntlon on iliU Mibject uro 10 Ik; iiumIo m the United M4atei In Iho hope that Ainelcn "111 lit to Inter trne In Mexico nnil safeguard the right of l lie SMtnli ii well a oilier foreign resident. The Spanish foreign MTrctary 1" today rloM'lvd with Jocpli K, Wil li! nl, the Amerirnn ninhaaandor, and it l Ix'lleved Unit thin matter Is being ihurnughly discussed. rViAAAAMAMMrAAAMMAMMMfAMrVMM0AMMMrVMWVM I One Turn of the Four Mile Course For the Big Auto Raeet to Be Held Inside he 1915 Exposition Gates i ' i-lrSiflBBBgrJtNfc- A " yjtfjE''- &$&WfflBBBMttM H SCANDINAVIANS PROTESTS BACH The Vnnderbllt cup rnco and tbe Clrantl Prix aro early features of the Panaraa-Paclflc International exposi tion at-Han Franclso. Tbe Vnnderbllt cup rnco la on February 22, and the Grand Prix on February 27. Tbe exposition courno In tbp moBt novel ever laid out, and a, part of It Ilea between the exhibit palaces, state bul!d Iiirh and foreign pav!lllonn and parallel to the Golden flate. The prize money for the two races Is $15,000, In mldlllon to tho cup. Tutted I'reuu Service WAKIIIXOTOX, Feb. I a. Aa reoull. of l lie cxpluilou of the MjwnUli iiiuhnMador from Mexico by 1'rovUlonal I'rcwldcut Carranza, avrlou and niiMt perplexing illMrttltlia have ariien, t-nllluit for rnreful and uefful diplomacy to urevent nnther oiil break of war. A irteaMge was forMarded to Carranxn toilay In which ho wa ulinrply liifonneil tltat any further trouble of the nauio acorc would cnue him M-rloii dlMcaltiea. A copy of thU note wna given to Krnor Ihm Junn Ittauo y Oapangos, Hie HMnlidi ainhaMUMlor to Hie, United HIaIcm. rllo in wald to have cabled it to the HnanUh foreign oAce Immediately. KENO TRIP ENDS iMASK BALL AT URAIG KENNEDY IN MUCH TROUBLE1 MAUN PLEASES; REACHES TOWN IIAKKKTIIAIX TKAMS AKK 'Ah,AIA.VV CHAItlCTE8 SUSTAINED AltTHUS B. REEVES' "SaKXTIMC f I.CI'KI, ONE 1'fiAYER FltAC TUItKH XOHi:, AND SlOTOU.i MOATS A'ltE IIROKEN DOWN i COURT AOJOURNS GLAISYER WILL FOR ITS CLERK DIRECT A TEST I.eo'rt defeat at Qettysburg, Na poleon' retreat from Moscow with 'hiicIi tragedies can bo classed an 111 xlarred Invasion of Keno yesterday by n public school second basketball team, and n high school third team. Iloth teams wcro badly walloped by tho Kcnoltos, and Lawrence Mot- Hchcnbacher broke his noso In the midst of tho conflict. IN OANCE AT NATIONAL HALL. SAfJr.nilUSH CLEAUIXG TAKEN UP. OTHER MAUN NEWS (Herald Special Service) DETECTIVE" TO HE FEATURED IN HERALD ANDAT THE STAR THEATER Arthur B, ReeveB, whose all-absorb- Mntr otntilan t PnU ITahmaiIh v. MA1.IN. Feb. 13. On the evenlnkf ."". -"'. " """". ""-"'. "" . i"Qmfn,in lnkA.lnM " Vk..hi1 w v.u.uw uctcuiic, ivaiurcu or at February 6th a mask ball was glvtn nt the National House at Malln, Tho hall was fairly well filled, and (iilte n 'number woro masked. The maskers were quite grotesque, repre senting many personalities. All char-i ncters were well sustained. v CIRCUIT COURT HTOI'H Sl-HIONH FROM ii UNTII, U OCI-OCK WHILE CHAKTA1N FUNERAL IS IN PROGRESS TO SUPERINTEND AXV Hl'OAII "' to J Um .for departure. D. 0. Morris nnd MAY BE high grammar kids reached Teeter's llondlng, and landing there, lit a lire and snent the night. Earl Chand- """ .Inr-'a III oil uphnnl llOVS' DORt didn't . , '"'u 1tHt ,,k "I' ",0 coul-! leave Keno until C o'clock this morn- palgu for a beet sugar plant forjnK and 0le boyg gat ln a dance uuu oi rospoct lor circuit t-ouriMMamniu coumy is i-ouniy AKncui- ;imii untllthen In order to keep warm.. IIEET TESTS THAT MADE HERE the Cosmopolitan, Red Book and other national Journals, today begins a splendid serial "The Exploits of Elaine" in tho Herald. The Install ments will appear Mondays and Satur days, and Monday night, the "Ex- .plolts" will be shown In fascinating Mr. Halo has been assisting Mr. niotlon pictures at the Star theater. Hunt In logging the sagebrush from- Reeves makes use of none of the the latter's homestead. 'old time gumshoe themes. His Miss A. B. Gillette from Canada lai8'0?63 arf ,aU ?"f " "ltra- visiting nt tho home of Mrs. Wood.lmod,ern p ot8' and s,torics ." all Instructive as well as Interesting Mlsn Harrison Plnnacy, teacher of by reason of the exposition of a nnm- tho Sluuta View school, visited neariber of Inventions and scientific facts Merrill Saturday and Sunday. 'that to the laymen are mostly en- Clerk George Chaxluln, whoso father, jiurlat II. Roland Olnlsyor, just re-; Dr. John A. Chastalu, died Thurs day in Konnnxa, Circuit Judgo No land adjourned court from 2 to 3 o'clock this afternoon) the tlmo tho funoral was held in Honanta. turned from Covnllls. "if. any iKrsou wants to mnko n thorough test ot the possibilities of j licet culture hero, I will be glad j to superintend Iho work free of APPROPRIATION iHhroiiilfd In nivAtnrv. Knnpdv nll Mrs. II. E. Wilson gave a qulltlngU)e why.. and. hmt nn(, h,g 8tory bee recently. Thoae present were: wj no doubt bo eargerly followed .iiesuumes aiuwonoge, naie, num Trial or tho Roberts divorce suit chargo," said Olnlsyor. "I am con Is hIIII on. Mrs, Roberts was still vlnccd that this Is a splendid beet on the stand today, and tho caso country, and know that a test will nppoars to bo dragging, iprovu this." Hold Willard Service (nnd Klrkpatrlck. Besides much work being accomplished) n good time socially was had. The student body ot Shasta View is taking drills In parliamentary law. They have drawn up a constitution J and by-laws. THIS IS THE AMOUNT THE HOUSE Sunday SofTool at Shasta View was very well attended last Sunday. Next in words and pictures"".. IS $177,000.00 OF REPRESENTATIVES VOTES FOR KI.AMATH PROJECT FOR COMING YEAR CADILLAC "8" ON WAY HERE Temperance Worker to Be Honored at Meeting A union service will be hold nt tho Christian church, Tuesday even ing, beginning at 7:H0, mourning Frances H. Willard. All the churches of tho city will .unite In honoring one of the greatest woman America has produced She was the leader ot two great armies ot 'reform, being president of tbe World'a Woman' 'Christian Tomptrance'tfnloB, m well at the Tompera-ce Union of America. She was bom September 28, 1839, and died February 18, 1898, Following la the program that "will be rendered: . The hymns selected were Miss Wll lard'i favorite, v t (Herald' Special Service), WASHINGTON, Feb. X3.-The j House pt Representatives haB passed a bill appropriating $177,000.00 tor i the Klamath reclamation project for . itho lineal year beginning July 1, 1915,) lilos y lie tho Tlo u eIulnB Juno so, 1016, Sunday Rev. Hutchinson from Mer rill preaches at Shasta View. Win. Slmms hat contracted to re I move the sagebrush from the land of I J. Frank Adams leased by F. H. Jobes. DRAWING Opening Song- Tliat Binds." nosponslvo Tribute Sketches W. C. T. U. Selection from ElUaboth Stewart Phelps Mrs. Stearns. Solo Mrs. R. R. Hamilton. Character Sketch of Miss Willard Rev, Simmon.' . Memories ot Prances Willard Rev. Harlan. Solo J. B. Mason. Mlu Willard as at Reformer- Rey. Stubblefleld. ' ' Final Estimate Rev. R. 0. Richards, Song "God Be With Yoh 'Till We Meat Again." A silver oferlng will be taken, PLANS FOR NEW SCHOOL WILL T. LEE TAKES KLAMATH COUNTY AGENCY FOR THIS . POPULAR CAR, AND H. D. MOR TBXSON BUYS ONE Accordingt to tho local reclama tion offlclals, the appropriation, covers tho expenses of operation and mainte nance ot tho project, and the carrying on ot the drainage operations out- j lined. No new extensions of the project aro planned for the ensuing , ftscal year. Will T. Lee, proprietor of the Cen tral garage, returned last sight from a business trip to Portland, where he .secured the Klamath county, agency for the Cadillac car.- He is expecting a Cadillac "eight" here within a few days, and says this will RENO'S NEW SCHOOL WILL BE j-ttrnct everybody. Already one or the "eights" has HUNGALqW, STYLE, AND WILL i bobn fl0)d her og nn oraer for one COST CLOSE TO $8,000 PLANS '")T . . OUT MARCS 1 Here for Visit Mrs. K. C. Mlllner, mother ot Mrs. E. C. Richards, arrived Thurs day evening from the family home In Ashland, lor ft two week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. B, C, Richards. , ex. Veghte & Co, are preparing plans for a new sohool building for the Keno school district. The building Is to be built California style, with a. flat roof, and wlll4eot about 11,000. The plana will belready for the contractors about the trst of Ifarok. s. ft s was placed with Mr. Lee by Presi dent Harold D. Mortenson, ot the Pelican Bay, Lumber company. , ' 1 ". Home from Salem jP?' j ftp1' . "Jackson 'F. Kimball, has returnee from a business trip to Salem and' Portland, He was away several dayis, and walla j Sale.attede4 the a leeaioM, ' it ' UP u. s. i) mm '.' f i. aLrt ,.'!7bf&& Si AN fijHeii Press Service WAsmNGTON, Feb. lU-4c to learned by tbe state that Swedes aad.DeuB-rit hav alee the hitcst imperial decree, wMehi .3;' I to' -r -'"" lfLr-f9t''ffrf yiAt such n masBer a to srrio ly mteefere 'wWh the e a atek I ,nsaeiaW''iM xne scaaanwTiMs mosee at eeM to ee mm ' .. . .- . .- " m V ''. '. :. ' " -'."'Ste-'-n uie .imvncaB p leu, out are sm io eve Swiss sae), 1. Vn'ij tiviUei of the Scaadiaavla- pirsaed la the latter. It U understood that Holland and Italy wU hi j - j",' AZvl J 7Vr ' - T ...' nJfh , "Jf .iTfZshtL 8 .j.tf 5.'tWS ni..i v" eul 4 iw - -m -.k - m -." .aA i?.a.. acuinst the war xowe order bae Been la the haaas af tae -i . . . --; . 2'W21i ' inn) )tEcw;. m fvk mo HBKncw I am it' United .Press Service Ushed, aa the text to stUl w-fekaM from the It to believed that the lai atoaa ta asiilfth. a humBarT te a short Ue. , .. .A figfld m-.. ".."?" 7:rrm A few oC the Trame--t n-lfll. who tarn mtiattmhntftd.i of the protest declare that they aa aot aeiiera that ..the ;wmm7Smt$A epistle, are "warraated by rlirumalaanai " a- ,; a? It is svaevaUr declared that toaamach aa JTaalaad to irrht ta : out Ger.-.y.ofretsattmal. i-S,!l - -lie ironu oiHiiigiBiigi.iiivi.iggi Besoru mnnw iww mrmmmam tect neatral sblppla. to the atoanl of her aewk to.haM,'hai answer to the demaades United Presa 8ervlee ' LONDON, Feb. 1& Thereto greaV iaterest' 5 -l.'nfi"ii r' PfS5"W5" .. .. -...- . - . - . .,.. . .- . ,.' ".'"l or too uaera uasifaaia aaa au raai treat rvirfBBi fetvimenriaa, 'Wliile there to ao real reaeoa to aeUevo that, they,' wattih'l . . . I" , - .. ,-.. . ' Jv-.A" who, were m sou a pooawunr or a aapmanae artaca. Te caatae or i k-m vessels are filled, l.nsted Press Service ,, AMSTERDAM, Feb. 1& Bera advkea say the Katoer has to General yob Hiadeabers to order a desaemte dash afiaa Waraai ... ..-..-. . - " ' "i5 ucvi wees, sacrwciag everyuuag i orqer to mare tae caatare. ,- It to estimated that the eswatae - to to so.eathase.theBietteta-'a-i the new 914180,000,000 loan wUl be voted, wttaaat aapealtloal $$m& SALTON SEA IS , SCENE OF FIGHT United Press Service LOS ANGELES, Feb. 13. Federal Immigration Inspectors and a posse ot Apache Indians today fought a pitehed battle below sea level with a party ot American smugglers, led by a woman. The smugglers were defeated, and j two ot them, six smuggled Chinese rt . r, i-, ..jTO755.-ifl andftaaioiipta jue sauggmes wjerevamewsaoa. the edge of a dasy cllft.Whleir:: h lookout' foraU JtbV 'aWNyi lisitin Hun rlfA ahola imV changed, and ihe jmrnlgrtiaaM ttcers were nora pressea.onuig'.i Indiana. cameto their reeeue.c Gojdle Evans, the. alleged leadJ was 'one of the captwg.fS'fl , .:, , ;4fejMl -ameta. ft i -MitEF, Xf 5SJ. Wt.flHp': S U-JT A I, !! i. ! mmfimmmmmmmmmmmtm " al 'ra ,s 1 I 1 L- 1 P, ' ; " VtltSvBJa tycusis io auiiooui . , . . , y , .rf-rje f i WrW&vgivhiijiZ I tKX w- Jaafic.&!l . . w ... jr.. . " -:"i.,. $&& eii w '. . , in' Ji v ti;v.!.y.aa.;''. Hondred-Miie tommi Km tor mm 'J -Jr" 1 jl''' ' JJ i '' ' .'WJ.'(IS"P t. ?,-' -i.h-m Tho Klamath, Falls Motorcycle club met last night in their clab room and made1 final plans for the much talked-ot endurance race. It Is to bo held, Sunday March !., A committee composed ot O. B. Coon, L Decker and O. Bodaahalmar was appointed to Pick a eonrae the day before' tberun. Thla V'eourse la - - . Jl-'- AV, . r,n' t v to be over lOe.mlUa la jeagth and qverM awfWAl8i"T? eeaalbla juviaas'eeunty. e according to their, aiake.-aed la tbe sUrt.. TaeyCaretie tor any deflclncy 'iueair so forthf - " , The t machine flalaiTliftlll me score given iwiaae apwa Taeee who have eatevaC i ritv & n n iis-is-i i j . j - 3r ;, -'.n Vetnttri .$&m habett. W-mtf . ' .. . -1 L , Ai, u MA -- ' - - " - v . (--: ; t A prlseof B s huagup'anth frem'Wiaiv' run, whHh te , be ua4er;:the-;: WJmWmmM - " 1 -. MtaaViaa. m,m -'"-' --- . - " ' T ' ,.jS v" , f- ' 'leWvl-tWtWflu-Wf HT-H . . Pi I I 4BPPV tl"'- . if-avJavxM, "ik... -, V, ''pS'.X.u . ., W$MFt -W !&.'$,-. 'f BB9I