r$ &&, , PRINTS THE EWS WHILE IT IS NEWS ili Year Xo. MM hi Evening Mtmlb r c f &- t Wt.V'S' nunnni 11 riuiup .fV.,I.:iH . f "if.y"xjv,Hfw d OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEII!;!- ' , , "tk. ..v.-. i yi-,vi -. - - jr.'.r" ' tv;..i r;-f2Ma IERICAN NOTES 0 BELLIGERENT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12,. 1915 Senator Clapp Snubs President Wilson AFTER 12 YEARS GETS A PATENT: NATIONS STRUNG Ml) SAV THEY XWI.II RESULT in a war Iniliil-iiHlltiii Official Oinllilcnt llml I In' Tone An Kuril lo Cmumi li:iiitliuul nnil Oeritwny .Vol i In1 Itcrrrrc Willi .liiH'rlrMn Hlililni( lllii-) Hny I lii MiiKMgi Ik Hllff fur line Wry Kann ruifMieo iltt'd I'rtM Service hV.WIIXGTOX, le stair itt. (iiKiii loney fiKXMiird n uT- it) nuniiwi me iHivrtrmire S. Willi -I .MlnUirr Vast Dyk' conmuinl- I geBmBmBmamamammmmmBvi I sBmBmBmBmBmBmBmammBmBmammBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmal ' am.mBmBmmBLmBmBmmmBml i i WU ""BaamBmBmammmmmaV ffl fliftin .... ...... . . . j...,. n.u Mu.i l.viihi:kt ri. ally sixriti: title to home.'? w TO home. steads tiikv Hirrn.Ki) ox in kpiiixo or i oo.i j Tliui "enry thing comoa to ho who UiI(k" waM borne out ncro this week 'MliuM I'niil Lambert ami will Lam bert fi'ci llml mi I kiiI . ,. i...... .... ,...,v.., ,, illu uuillO' MiuiiUH on Chow li. .ill flirlltl.ii. .m .... . ........ .. -- . . I1IIIIIIK .1.1 IIII" Kmmtor Moses i:, Claim, pro- KK'Knitc M'iiiiiuiriiii in .illlinrMOin, 4li.it iMiMivn Holland mbi! Lutein-'miulibed President Wilson tho othor ilny when hi- wos Invited to the White Mount to tnlk about tho ship pur chase hill, over which there him been tliii niONl liitoroUInc llitht in which I ho president linn been concerned. Ah th slury boob In Washington, ifloimlor Clapp wiih ctlllil to tho nltoil Press Hervlcc WAHIIINOTON, Fob. 12. Bomo liiiin:i(Ic and govcrnmcnl olTtclalH Iclarc that Amorlcn'i nolo to llor- w'hltt- Hoiiho with two or thro other mi) regarding tho "war iono" In ' republican iirogrcRBlvoH whom the tclt an to require tho United fltnton I lircHldcnt woh trying to capture fori dcclaro wnr on Qermgny ii hiiik nu American imp in me creek ihey have twl.. ...k.. A. ilhn ImciH nro earn l:o acren In ex- ifii t, oiilalnliiK iiuo tinnier. I III I III" Hlirlnir nl tem't .1... u .. " "" hw ...iniufri w hioth rn look up tho homiitcada. Two o.irx Inter, before time or them to make Mnnl proof, the tractB were withdrawn from entry nt tho croa- tlon of the Crater National forest. Hlnco then thern him iinn i...i l,,.,... , ... . . Kin n.r i in- nomeHienim, When the' tractM were finally excluded from the rcnerve, there wan n delay owing to the fact that they woro uniiirveycil, nnd It wa Home tlinn before n U. K. Mtinoyor ran tho lines, etc. At-, torney J. ll. Cnrnalmn represented the LnmhortM In llmlr lato struggles for thp hoincKtcadR. .uiraham; linoolx ! IMMNS r w w .m j m 3al :i : mSSm : i: M. X . I ' JFL WILL BUY CATTLE FOR THE INDIANS IHDH FOIt IM) IIL'MA KOIt KLAM-J ATH IIKHi:itVATIO AXI DULLS - -V 'ZnVTft y?ft?!.',2;V nynit niiiciicr i ! I ? .' Kl1 -- - -- ; . ,. t . " , ' . 8t IW New Photo of Russian Czar AXD HKIKKllKv ron HI'HIVfJH CALI.KII FOIl WARM That thin nation, under God, hall hnrojn new birth of freedom, nnd that government of tho people, by the people and for tho people, uliall not per IhIi from thin enrth. Oettg-burg. (Ifei'iilil HKal Hervlee) WASHINGTON'. Ktb. 12 Cato Selln, commlMloner of Indlnn nffnlrfl. (haB called for blda for furnishing enttl lo Indian ngenclea at Klamath nnd Warm SprlngH, Oregon. 4. Tho propoiah. which will ba re-' Icclvrd until 2 o'clock p. m. March; jl2, lOir., aro for 50 bulls for the; JKIamnth agency, nnd2 for 30 bulls 'Innd f.00 hoirera for tho Warm Springs ' agency. ( T i The animals must bo of normal . Ifilzo and breeding and range grown.! JITNEYS COME UP IN.LEGiSLATURf!AU(UAASS'N tLtCTS OFFICERS! r tone. .... . . .u . i nhouldl1"" Ml"' purciiiimi urn, Mcnaior Ulappi ar the prctildont iiIoiip mid waited ' only long enough to hoar Mr. Wil son mention tho miujoct of the nhlp Ailmlulntrntloii offlclaU IntUl that M'urclianu bill, Then ho told the lrc- M'lle the strength of tono dlaplaycd IUUMl llml no.couw not dincuRa that both note,, neither couW Involve n n,ur "a muniaecd cifry that he dUapproved of executive Interference i nueu niuiea in uiiucuujr, nu;.,, ii.iM,iv n,un Heuutor Clapp said (he vlowa which ho now lioldn were exprewicd by him lu it apeecli delivered Ian Hcsulon. In that Hpeech Senator Clapp huIiI, among other things! (. "Since I entered thU chamber no iy (.mini to neiiovo mat t-.ngiana d Germany will acaueltce at Amerl 'ii ponltlon and grant relict to n re tho safety of American ahlpa d pAKHcngori. It la because America doca not ant to bo draw Into Europe's maol- man has been tho keeper of my con- rom of war that tho protetta were.Hclonee, and high as I hold a seat In nt to England and Germany. Thla'thU great body 1 will retire lo prlvato the admission of government of-Mlfe boforo any man shall become lalg. iho keeper of my conscience or my ti,..v unv i.a w.rnin.. tvr min ' Judgment. I linvo pcrhapH thin ad- Iff so thcro would bo no ropotltlonVn'e ovr some, that 1 took this position wiiou i no party nuicn i was NEW MAXIMUMS ENTER LEAGUE two iui.i.s ixtoih;;ki would i'lt tiiih mka.vh ok tuax8- I'OUT.ITIO.V UXDKIt 8TATK DEG-l Hi:illlKIlT D. OALH IS CHOSKX TO ' T1.ATIOX I HEAD OUGAMZATIO.V TO PRO- VUE HIGH CLASS EXTERTAIX- the Maine disaster, which started ho Spanlih-Amcrican'wnr. Olllclnls feared that, tho destruc tion of American vessels under mis- Ipprehcnslon as tho result of Kng- und's use of (he American flag would nevltnbly hurl this nation Irito the rar, and to avoid this put "tooth" Btn tho wnrnlng. KiiRland was Informed in tho note Rial the kingdom would bo hold re- Ipouslhlfl for any Iom of American kfo or property through tho Drlt- h misuse of tho American flag. To Bermany, It waa stated that the U. would hold her respoBlbsie for tmeriran naval losses through Qer- aan attarka and said the government vnuld tako any stops that might bo kreessary to safeguard American lives Ind property. then lu harmony with was In power, and I can speak for tho freedom of declaration and purpose of u sen ator." In the same speech Senator Clapp said: "It la time that American sena tors, rising to tho dignity of ambas sadors of their states, shall (tako (heir responsibility for legislation and accept (ho declarations of no man, whether ho la wlthlu or without (ho White House. Tho dangor of this one-man power is tnai no matter how true, how pure, how Ideal a man may do in mo wniio nouso u Is Imposslblo thnt ho shall know all that Is going on, nnd any Influence thnt can surround that situation cnu work uulold Injury to this republic." ffcL'1,.1 IfTfTI! Stt . r... " " wii tMi mu. (ln,l made OTHERS CAL'NIH RREAK-UI !for Tuesday. AMRROSE TEAM WILL FINISH THE SCHEDULE United 1'iesa Service ( SALEM, Feb. 12. -Tho senate, al- .Cdliol (raffle commutes unanimously' lintinrfOfl fliu Imlahnn llfi(tA M4nM' ,"--"- mw MMV.aw. IIVUUI IIBU1U a speiinl order of It MEXT The senate Indefinitely postponed I ho two bill Intended to place the jitney buses underregulatlon or the 'state railroad commission. y . wA-- The House pased the bill giving ' sheriffs solo Jurisdiction In the col a new 1 1,. , . i.viiuii u. mun, The bill forbidding the use of rail road (racks or right-of-way by per sona not authorized wag defeated to day In tho House. - After considerable effort, .Maximum team has been organised to carry out tho scheduled games In tho City nowllng league. Tho (cam captained by Claude Maxwell fell to pieces when Maxwell left for Cor vnllls to enter (ho agricultural col lego and study pharmacy, and other members were obliged to drop out. The team was scheduled (o bowl (he Mnkvlllca Tuesday night, but I (horo was no (earn. Captain LeavlU, of (ho Links, and Klcth Ambroso1 agreed to postpono (he gamo (o give, Ambroso a cbanco (o secure a team. Ho haa done this, and In addition to HKIIVICKS wlhh ihTfboM THE tilnvinsv tit itnolnnnAil f!1l ' ' lu sf iii 'UDVrviivu KS(4lVf 111 carry out tho schedule In (ho league. I ALEXANDER TO BE INTERRED SUNDAY At u meeting of those who are re sponsible for the Incorporation of the Klamath Chautauqua association held last night at the Christian church, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President HjerJD.QajUjjrlce prcsldent, S."D. HarlajTrsecretaryTw. S. Slough; treasurer, J. W. Siemens; directors M. D. Coats. A. B. Camp bell. Mrs. Beebe, Oscar li Wllley, H. S. Gale, W. E. Fraught, W. S. Slough, S. D. Harlan and W. S. Slough. A constitution and by-laws were adopted, and a tontract waa signed with the Ellison-Wilt Chautauqua association for furnishing the talent for the six-day assembly to be held there In June. gajVgSBittw smmmmmmmmmKlyiBmH'X smmmmmmmsPSBt' EusEs9 sV mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi ka ffsmmVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmftftVw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBRmmmmmmflSrl I ' ssmmammmmmmmmmmV 1 VsmlllllllmsflBBBBBBPJ I'aaaaaasaaaaaaaisalVSfl ammmmmmmmmmmmaSfsVPR ANTI-AMERICAN , : FEELING ABROAD .3 KXOLISH I'Al'ERS CONFESS 8UR. I'RISE . . mt 4 f5 sK , -Mi w-V-' isn' i FffllnK in London Has I.Hg ueeji Tlwt Xation Should Tako Up (be AllW Side, nnd the Tone of the Xote Cause ReseafBBBl,AJtlulh t U U Admitted That thr Ifslsti'si. Letter Is Stronger ' Thin la n nttw nhftlAvranh nt Iha pr nt rtiiaata on thn hattl front. !"' ..mwIhi ttiA IAn rtf nvlvata mnlAlm ..ailj.ltb .C I.UC W m A..V BWHMW.j The Czar has appeared on the line .for United Press Service r LONDON, Feb. 12. That America intends to fully protect all her rights and prlveleges la the coBStruetiett that is placed on her notes to'Qar ,many and England. ' Although the text reached here too late for extensive comment, thekmora (Ing papers do not qnestioktke vigor- . ous language, but both communlca- lions, come as a surprise to dlplo-f mats. The general disposition is to re-, sent the action of the state depart ment In assuming, without 'official la I formation, that the foreign oce; I sanctioned the "misuse of neutral! It is believed that the note 'wnnlff oitsA bmvaa t4.4fMM .. mvimq rainv uiiuiuvu, the 41 i lis-1 v4l :ja of battle so often that the Russian soldiers have come to know him and he is immensely more poplar than he was before the war. fact, thatthe v A'?l A Sr ' uaguage the note to Qermany, is strong, and the general reeling Is that the Kaiser- ; " J TUf, got the worst of the two.- - -I..- Thr L. nn Jhwl.1.. th aaA.h&. SUkiyou la Movies The members of the Siskiyou coun ty Panama-Pacific Exposition Com- however, that'' a 'strong antl-lmetlimii r'' j1 Mombers of the new team aro Am- broso, captain; C. E. WIddoes, John' Hubbard, Edmund M. Cbtlcote, R. L. I Johnston. W. D. Miller and Will Hum. , RESIDENCE AND WILL BE CON DUCTED RY PASTOR OF METHO. DIST CHURCH ore About Beets Muster TcHs of Early ExperitDce in the East (lly W. A. Delsell) Hack in 1880 and 1800 the sugar business was a very active Issue In Kansas, For years the 'settlers on Hi" prnlrcs (hero had raised sorghum rnno irom which good quality or uonio mndo sorghum molasses was inado each season by the primitive mot hod of boiling down the Juice In n open nan. With the Introduction of the dlf- If union process In the maaufacture of sugar, great possibilities ware seen for making sugar from the common "orghutn cane hitherto used only for molasses, The United States govern ment placed a bounty of some two costs per pound on sugar .msnufao- turod from sorghum cano (o encour age tho Infant Industry and tho state followed with an additional bounty nil of which greatly stimulated tho Industry, Several Kansas communi ties bonded themselves to oulst In constructing sugar mills using tho diffusion 'process. The usual mot hod to get around thoJawH provisions against bonding for suoh things, being io bond for a system for wator works and than turn ovor the con tract for the building of the water works to the sugar company,-who of course built a nlll with the greater art of the preeeeds and Incidentally (CMthuad m nags 4) FACTORY FILES II CORPORATION KLAMATH MANUFACTURING CO. IS NOW AN OREGON CONCERN, ARTICLES RE1NG FILED LATE YESTERDAY Articles of Incorporation for tho Klamath Manufacturing company were filed yesterday aftornoon In the county clerk's office. The company la rnpltnltzozd at 1100,000,--divided Into $100 shares, and tho Incorpora tors are Robert A. Johnson, Arthur J. Voyo aud O. L. Johnson. Tho Klamath Manufacturing com pany conducts a box factory at Ship- plngton, and it proposes to conduct a general lumbering business. The In corporation is filed owning to tho Oregon law requiring outside cor-i poratlona to pay a llcenao for operat Ing in the state. The funeral of the late Robert Alexander will be held' at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon from Jhe family realdcnco In Hot Springs. Rev. E. C. Richards will condct the cere monies. Tho pallbearers will be Judgo George Noland, C. M. Onelll, Joo M. Evans, John Foster, C. K. Sells and Tom Skllllngton. Telegrams state that It Is Impos sible for relatives from the east to heach hero. A brother living at Roseburg will arrive tonight. HAND-MADE FACE BARRED BY BILL Away for Study Dr. C, V. Fisher left yesterday morning for New York city, where ho will spend two months at the New Yoyk Oraduate school, taking a post-graduate course la his specialty, eye, ear and throat treatment. TWENTY DOLLAR RATEJO EXPO OHAMHER OF COMMRCK-SEKKS TO LIST THOSE WHO.WISH TO ATTEND THE OPENING OF THE DIG FAIR KANSAS LEGISLATURE , SIDERING PROPOSED MEASURE TO FINE WOMEN WHO USE POWDER AND PAINT mission are to be congratulated on the One lot of moving pictures which they have secured of the various indus tries of our county. The pictures were shown to a big crowd Monday night at Peters' theater, and will be taken to the exposition, where they will be shown every day. Among tie subjects are some fine pictures of hay ing scenes on the J. F. ranch, a big herd of thoroughbred cattle on the J. A. Walker ranch, hydraulic mining scenes, quartz mill In action, lumber Ing sences at both Weed and Mc Cloud, showing the lumber business from tho cutting down of a tree to, the finished product, besides these, i there are a lot of magnificent scenes IS GOV. IBUCU as loe toaDrae raits, os mc- fAAllnv la ,! In Phb1J Lmi ing its basis In the belief that the ; United States should openly sym-' " pathlxe with the Allies. Ithas been' augumented by the original protest j of England's domination of tba seas.: r and the latest-note Is expected' to In-j a'Z -i-ri JSI TOI Pj Jnlted Press Service BERLIN, Feb. 12: Kaiser Wll- helm Is again at the eastern front. Severe fighting continues oa, the Prussian front, along the Vistula" and' In the Carpathians, the results being satisfactory to Germany. m ? ' 'l Cloud river. There are also a number? nf nnnnmmn omum nt Intnraal of Interest throughout the county. - TOPBIvA. Feb. 12. Kansas wo men under M 5 years of age who wear ear ornaments or treat their faces with cosmetics "for the purpose of creating a false Impression", will bo guilty of misdemeanor, upon convic tion bo subject to fines, it a bill Introduced today In tho Lower House of the legislature by Representative McGlnnls, becomes a law, Faco powder, ferfume, false hair. and bleaching materials tor the hair are among the articles the bill would forbtd women to use. The bill provides that the women may not have their ears pierced or wear, ear. rln gs"nt parties or In any - , VU. T T irvg iwh;' j . ... ' 1 Pioneer Doctor Dies tU John A. Cbastain SucoIk Aftw Utcri Dbess public places' A round trip rate of t!0 to the Pauama-Paclflc International exposi tion Is In effect for "tie opening of tho fair. Besides tala, there Is a thirty-day limit, wtth'stbpeverprlvel- eges galore. a"'Ml The Klamath Chamber, of Com merce Is anxious to set Klamath Falls represented nt the fair opening, and asks (hose Intending to go to leave their names at, the headquarters of the organisation by. the llth. If enough can be lUteea'speelal Pull Tln-eo-Ceat Books The following are tho new books fro which tho library will charge a thrce-cent-a-day rental until the cost of the books Is refunded to tbe as as as sociateon: Cordelia Blossom George Ran dolph Chester. Mother Ko Kathleen Norrls. The Valley of the Moon Jack London, Bambl Marjorta Beaton Cooker, The Eyes of the World Harold Bell Wright. -v. T. Temborom Frances Hodgson Buraott. , Little Bve sMgsrton Eleaaer Kal- J WJ- 1 tit wl After a lingering Illness, Dr. John A. Cbastain, the pioneer physician of Klamath county, passed away at his home near Bonanza, Just before mid night last night. The funeral will be held at Bonanza at 2 o'clock to- MIV.nill .flAMIAIIII V Wm IIivaa tnntiilia It ha w '' parent that the aged pnyslclaa'e life was nearly run, and his ckltdrea had abandoned hope of hw .recovery. All were at the bedside at tile time of the demise. Dr. Cbastain was over 80 years of age, being bora April '3, 1884, 'la Meigs county, Tennessee. He strug gled in his early, life to secure as educatlonaad after teaching several years, he beata the study of medi cine la theearly 60's.1 Waeu the ClvU war'broke out, Or; Ckaatata" wlet; la - oVftAlatai:; a company, and espoused the caaaevof the Confederacy f' aenrtiria' the make. He -rapidly earaee; prematlea, aeiri ever, end after beeeatlaf a eaiHeJa. he was reeemmeaeal, for- pnmtMm promotion waa'ma4e,.the'war.ea4ed w d AMa .. -1 - in J.9ID, UT, T mi - Jr Jit & CTuurtalacand fiaUly reached Oreaoa.f after am' evertaed trip. la 1888 he came to Klassatt n a., '.-.'' j. . i. r,f -0r. seuai a awaaawwaere Be v pracueee. meewae, and his, family conducted a livery stable and a hote wae la tie tnat "r. ynastain retired from active life, and he has alnce been living en hls""aVpuiaT Boaaasa, Thedoctor wa's'a Ufe-teM ', m Si w m waarn saaaiBuiiaiv aaueeii aima.eai.x m.' -- ,'.-.." -?- rj-v"''"!5-iijs iuanwta, ioeae,-;. Y; d.,77, A. r. A. MraadteaismUW: sdge. No. 17, IO, 0fcAhSi$gi .c was a. member of No, Lodge. the Banters Star and theJRebeiahs.. IsseddM-'wlV-l urvlvad br uvftB okiMraa; VMba i."-tt 7-- ' t r.-. ' "j'liii r ' y : - B. Chsstain.-r AT.rLaageU, Cleade p., ChartalB." Mrs.i.VU tea i-Vi2i.irrx JKt iJswBIHHLH and Joaa K. Chaitala. ,'Jt ti 1 1" . ."wM.i'.ti a, -a;iuaeraiiserviesa tu,m l wisrw; wz immy ajswrssmy wn s f nssek'ed ,khi' temsk:' ef:Um::.laTsac fca iHi rwi i , man car win tie provteed.. loweirAiustH- 4 - ; to, laspeeter-aeiwral.'SletretlJSi 'ttr riwwaTi.r-': r -Zip f E- t i t i.k1 -.r... -f i v J.i ,n. - V T i v L VX;ft V . V1 , s. -.. ' '-' .a.v'j,ivi v- '!.. i ii1- .c.vxs.v..;'Wi tj. ;.? . av.i.-.. . ' . J-r wKfvi