w 'qm: .vrp TA ;.'-,-''?f,:?.. ,.s,i.A.y. ,.,t b y. ir'.4?-M: PRINTS THE ' NEWS WHILE IT II NEWS : Jiiii'.l.' . KLAMATH FALL' .- -tfn OFFICIAL, NEWfPAPK eitftBABiii' WC; f? ": -x r! w tirraui ??&?? TrW, IMBVMMMMMaMMMMHMNA Tk w U. S. VESSEL SUNK BY RUSSIANS IN BLACK SEA FIGHT Report Is Confirmed Minister to Turkey. Other News of War United I'res Service rKTIlOGHAD, Feb 11. The Rueoian Mark Me fleet of destroyer bom harried the TttrkwC batlerlee at Treblxoadc, silencing the Turk, and de stroyrd a number ef bride In the vicinity of I'Uatiu, More Hub fifty Turk veiling craft were Mnk. United Pre Service UKHUX, Fee. HemlofcUI ailvlrce from Constantinople declare that the Rnaelan warabli sunk tho American steamer Wahlngton In I ho Mack Hea. Tim report declare that at the time, I ho lluwlan Men raiding the shipping In Trrblsonde liarbor. Tho Washington waa there ,lt I Mild, Hying the American flag. A liMhi boat flretl at her, damaging her slightly, and later two crusire uuk her. Nothing U known aa to the rale or the crew. United Pre Bervle WASHINGTON, Feb. II. Henry .Morgetitlwu, Turklah iiiiilmawtdor iiHlay cabled roaNrtnatlon of the alnklnjc of "be American ateamer Washington ta Trebblaonde harbor by the lluaalan Beet during (he bom bardment of the liarbor. Uulieil Prose Service FALMOUTH, England, Feb. II The government today aeUed the cargo of foodatuffa on the WllbelmenU. aent by the United Mtatea for Ger- man relief. Ttie cargo la to lie unloaded at Hie docka tending llnul ilUpoalllon of the prisae conrt. Ciiltcd Press Uervlco VIENNA, Feb. 11. Ilusaiaae are In full retreat from llukovlaa, the AuMrlaaa and Uermana driving the whole line ileaplte Ituaelan re. .Wlaur. lYogreas la somewhat alow, but lle movement Indicate that the Ituaaiaa Invasion of Hnngaiy haa been frustrated. BOYS DRUNK; MAN BOUND TO JURY IHIvOIKlltK WARD TODAY WAIVE PRELIMINARY HEARING AND IH HOUND OVKIl BOND IS PLACER AT 1(I0 Charged with selling or giving ln toxlcatlng liquor to a minor. Theo- doro Ward, aged 91, was arrested ))- tho police last night, and was Short Course Five Specialists Coming For the benefit 'of Klamath coun ty formers, short courses In agrlcul luro nro to bo held hero and at Mer rill this month,, according to an nouncement Just made by County Agriculturist H, Roland (llalsyer. Mr. dlulsyer returned last night from the KnrmorB' Week sessions at Corvallls, In which ho tpoit n very active part, Tbo sessions will bo held at Klam ath Palls February 2J, 83 and 24 and I" Merrill February 26, 20 and 27," HHld Glaisyer today, "Tho sessions Itrro will bo at the high school, and lie place ot meeting In Merrill will bo decided upon later. "Thore will ba ivo Instructors here from the extasalon department of the Oregon Agricultural Collaga-for tbe seaslons, Tkaaa are: R. K. Rey nolds, aalnwl kuabandry; Jt M. Ur on, agroaoaiyi I. B, ntts and W. A, Oarr, dairying; 0.. 0. Lamb, poultry; and Alma M. TurUy. ,boe econom ic "Tka arogran will ba tk J by United States the brought bofore Justice of the Peace Gowon. Ho waived preliminary boarlng, and thli afternoon was bound over to tho grand Jury, his bond be ing fixed ot 160. Tho information charges that Word furnished" liquor to Harvey Gumm. It In alleged by oMcerH that soreral youth were found Intoxicatod by the police lust night, and Ward ia sup postd to bare furnished them with liquor also. This Is the first Instance of tho kind to come to light and city and district officials Intend to stamp out tho practice. Tho linker City Commissioners and cltUons committee unanimously turned down a proposition to bond the city for a lighting system. for County Here to Assist Glaisyer hero and at Merrill. It will consist of lectures and dumonstratlon aua laboratory work lu livestock raising, dairying, stock Judging, breeding questions, agronomy, irrigation and dry land farming, tillage methods, etc., and work In homo science" The work la for women oa well as men, and some practical things about cookery and tho conducting of a home will bo taught by exports. Besides the visiting oxperts, Mr. (llalsyer will take an active part In tho short coursoj work. According toQlalsyer, the Farm era! week Just ended at the 0. A. C, was the most successful over 'held.t Over 1,800 attended, making this the biggest gathering of the kind ever held In the West, and there were present 'cwtenalon officials fronyill parta of the, state, from the itate' of Idaho, and from the department of agrlcluture. Several important con ferences were held, which will do muoh toward'advanelag tho farmer's latereets la ikef state. " KLAMATH FALLS, ORECrON, THURSDAY, "Parasites," Mother Jones Callsthe Women Frequenting Millionaire Club tz:riV!Wi?m 'Mother" .I.oiich, the famous woman labor agltiilor, who has lived In all the mining cnmpH of the Went among men who never dreamed of society luxury, ns It Is known In N'ew York, was Invited to tho Colony club, tbo mlllloniaro womcu's club of Now York city, by Mrs. J. Dordcn Harrlman, tho woman member of the Industrial Relations commission, which had re cently heard her on labor conditions. The Colony Is the richest and most gorgeous women's club in the United States, porhaps In the world. Scores of women worth great fortunes and BOB ALEXANDER DIES SUDDENLY ItKHIDK.NT OF HOT HPIUNGB DITIOX 8UOCUMI1S TO HEART FA1LURE THIS AFTERNOON HAD MANY FRIENDS 111 ouly a fow days, Robert Alex- andcr. a well known resldont of Hot, Spring, addition passed away at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Death was due to heart trouble, which has kopt Mr. Alexander In bed Since Mon day. Deceased is survived by hta wife and two sons, Archie and Claude Aloxandcr. Ho was C7 years of age, and a native of Scotland, luavlng there with his parents when an in fant. Flvo yearn ago Mr. Aluxanderl moved hero from KpwlervUlc, Mich., nnd since then ho has boen an en thusiastic booster for Klamath county. He invested considerable money hero, and erected a number of houses. Tho news of the demise has shock ed the entire community, as Alex ander le known to pretty near every one in town under a doxen or more affectionate-nicknames. It will be .a long time until tho Hornld force for gets the genial old chap who styled hlmsolf the "snake editor," and left tho force in much hotter humor after his many .vIbUh ami his expressions of humorous phllosphy. - No' arrangements hnvo been, made for the funeral as yet. New Manager Is Hero - J. 8. Watklns, who is to succeed H. U, Glem as the local manager or the Western Union Telegraph com pany, arrived .last, night from Med ford. Mr. Glem leayes tomorrow for Mod ford to take charge of that of flso. Tho departure of Glem will be sincerely -regretted by the many friends be haa made here through uls pleasant,, courteous and accom modating manner, lJ Jgmx'' "J-CalfirW' ' l'-,''-sn f Q nsto tt4ftt,rFW,iHfU'':ti'. 'WiBKNKKK&Kt .Igsssssssnarsssssssssssssnl m i i SmtilmriMX'il't.fi ' ,t,j . 4 IS1aBeC'nilV' . 4JIsT3sBBBKBlBBMSBSKSaiCmssBBBBl H M9m'wtLLcr S t V M IftSSV U'a'flSBaBlj uJsiSBBBUajBBBBBEjgSBBBVilgSHjlSSBBBBBK SK SggCCCCCCCCCCCCfl'yJ jasssssnsfTsifev.-? Bi KstigsssssssssslaamBSSsssssssssna fM f zMim&;-;mmmmmrmmmammaBK& Hcores more whose husbands have for tunes fnmoustlio world over are mombers. This Is what '"Mother" Jones-had to nay about the; club after her visit, and she certainly shocked New York society, woment "I wouldn't live at the Colony cliib for a million dollars. . "Tho women who go there are nothing but parasites. They are a lot of d d cats. ' "They weoijuni and furbelows and expenslvo hots. All they own Is on the outside of their heads; there Is SAN FRANCISCO FEARS DIPHTHERIA AD-JFOUB NEW CASES REPORTED ( TODAY FIFTY-FOUR CHIL- DREN CONFINED IN ISOLATION HOSPITAI-S United I'ross Service, oiv rnivnum v iiti...: ... , lma, , ' .. " ' f .f a lhreatened epMmle of dlpthw,a among the school children. Fifty-four children are now con tlned in Isolation, hospitals. Four new cases were' reported today. WANTS EXCURSION TO THE EXPOSITION OLIVER SUGGESTS A CAR OR TWO OF KLAMATH BOOSTERS MAT. ,' IF V TEH MAY BE TAKEN UP THE D1RECTORB; Sii.'i."- lu a letter Just. received from C. T. Oliver, Installing -tlie Klamath county exhibit in the Oregon build ing at the Panama-Pacific Interna tional expoFlt!ont a suggestion is made that an excursion be formed hero to attend the opening ot the exposition, The matter may be taken up by the Chamber, of Commerce di rectors. ' - Oliver states that' twenty persona caiv.secure n special. Pullman for the trip, and he promises to secure good accommodations tor.; aUraUaaew hotel, besides arranging for the Klamathltea to participate In the opening procession. Portland has set'tbe paoe tth tbe office of "Publlo Defender." Now watch the omce gww.V'' v ' FEBRUARY 11, 1915 nothing hislde. Never again. When I went In n gieat Die flunky In a gor geoiiH uniform, opened. the door for me and set me In the reception room. J frit like u fool. ' "There were a lot of women around ,and T Just ?nt .and looked at them. I neer saw the equal-in my life. "There they sat and talked .of clubs 'and theaters nnd clothes and money. .Beautiful hats they had on their , heads, but tkot was all The Insldea jWereernptr. 1 could have told 'em about a club that'wouid'be better for ;them." ROB SALOON MAN IN THE DAYTIME I'ltOl'ItlETOlt OF THE "SMOKE" LOSES POCKETBOOK CONTAIN. IXG 8105 AND SOME VALUABLE PAPERS Lato y'erday afternoon. Oerry Coxard, proprietor or the "Smoke- ,was relieved of his pocketbook con- taitiln $105 and some valuable papers. The occurrence took place In the bun factory, and the two es caped by the back door. "No, I didn't notify the. police be cause I believe I have the propost tlon pretty well figured out myself, .and think what might be said lf a 'cop was to be seen coming out of my place of business," said Coxad. ,"Tbe two men were rather short In .size, ont dark, one ltgut complexion cd Just about like Hank Free and Gits, Keller's chef. "I can't say that I suspect these men, but you'll admit that It looks a little queer, when one of the pair, ByJ who was never known to have a dol lar or buy a drink, threw a ten on (the bar last night and called up the house." Lyons Funeral Tomorrow The funeral of the lato Al Lyons will be held at 2; SO tomorrow after noon, from the Whuiock Undertak ing parlors. Relatives of the deceased will be In tonight from Watsonvllle, Cnl. Lyons, who was 10 years old, died from heart trouble and rheuma tism, the latter ailment afflicting him for months. He has resided here for many years, All Motorcyclists favRed All local motorcyclists, " whther, members of the F. A. M. or lot, ire Invited to attend tomorrew-rsilght'e session ot the F, A M., at the 'p.(sV'.K store. . , , , "' iffit i -" : T" 1 .. Eugene people are looking after a lae fseiery proportion; '" ,S "i . ft SENATES PASSlfP BILL FOR JUDGE FOR LAKE BENCH Smith School Kund House, as Was, Brewn's: Road ... . (Herald Special Service) SALES!. Feb. 11 A bUl ertnl to embrace Lake connty, waa naaaed President W. Lair Thomnenn, oppoMd the- Indtotilnilnate creatloai of the long distance 10 be traversed front Klamath FaB to .TialreVleW by stage. In the present district, the prompt administration of Jnetlee nee- flutes the creatlom of the A ncr system of apportioning J provided fqr in W. O. Smith's bU, the House of Iteprfaentstlre. The measure apecttea that oate-half I tMmed upon tbe actoat attendance f with an average monthly attendance each district. The remaining half la based npoa tbe nnmher of teachers employed in tbe district. The proposed law la expected to. resalt fat' mere eanM-' ,' able distribution of school fanda, helping the smaller dmtricta, considerably. ' The senate, by reTasbsg to adopt report fat favor of UUbtg the hlgf '"''- viiicn proTiaeB sum Mraincr um mission must be elected, one from went on record today aa in favor of 1 .tlu The mlBOrltr 1 oil, waa AmtA - -- The Howe spent great pertlen road bUl introduced by Brown, ec tlurd readlnar and naal auaaam: aMsr th mlanrltV murt at lUmi and meana committee waa adoated. SACRAMENTO IS !STIU RISING FLOOD THREATENED IN CAM FORNIA BY BIG RIVER FEAR ED THAT MUCH DAMAGE WILL BE DONE BY RISING WATER I KNIGHTS LANDING. CaL. Feb. 11 Danger Is still imminent at points along the Sacramento, aa tbe river Is still rising and the crest of the flood lis yet to come. The river roae two Inches last night , Dallas may Issue bonds to buy the waterworks. Resolutions adopted to raise $26, 000 for a cannery at Albany. Noland Clears the GiSgliog of Spedatort "Mr. Bailiff, please clear tae'court-'i room rxm ' Following thla order thla afternoon tbe throng ot Idly curloua who have been enjoying the recounting of fam ily ;Jangltst. t scraps and, cusalagi brought out la the .Roberta divorce suit, were aent from the -room by Ballllt Bryant, who waa tickled to ha"ve''then.hnce to .dispose .of ;ak' aa'audlMce. , 4;Ia thkalvote; anH,- U.;.ailgaT tioass are" that .there wa lewrtaA fighting nnd diMerd between the tw,: thii tttwwatfnii epitheta. freely naMed.ttnat line;wrojstMJlg yelW WlW gpnawWgje Wejplwvelni vWemm MMPt Ur ugly eUtemente' were 'glTwt.cf. .t.. ' . ' .m-wlz;j u i i. miag-aaa HW,-I f ii:ii'oiA;Mi : v,"?:jtti.? &,'. mmmmmmmmmmmtmm ,;vl Kill Paired hvttieJ f, - , l Bill if '' " Iff. -'" i iu. ivi.m rt. JmaioUi ' ' -"'"i- H :. . . , ---, today by the antfaor of tbe of'ocea, bnt be held that ath district. tbe for rami school dsetrlete, which waa this of' the or pnpOs, and It dxea flfteen pnpK off twenty days aa the inlnlmnm.feey . te vir mmorrm ok we -mam wiwupr each of tbe giving eastern Oregon ttpreeentnflei ' -- ,vV "- SmT hr'. -mm a (a (" 'A -. - .-f. iii A of thla raomhig h?J Marion. TW waa'smaJbj' rll 'i-'xa r.- nl i ifLii&ti-gZ DECISION HlWtS fir y"jfii v m. - rfSstS RELIEF TO WEST INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMt' MISSION HANDS DOWN DECI SION IN THE INTERMOUNTAIN CASES FAVORING ROADS, ' i ! , . " . . . . . ,'? Ji r. --1 Jt't'i .kk&l United Preaa Service . . , .; 3 vfe nfionivnFPAU t c .. mik 44 ?? Jl vii.i ..11. r Ttru.. .i.i.u ..v., iwn w iinwia. aurl . $ embodied ia the -" --- - a-a m down br the Interatata- CnasmtrSi "iJ'- , .- . '. . ' . . -VJl iuiuiuuaiuu luuajn iu me uiioriauaa jg, tain, eases. i ; ' . - ' In this decision the roads are per. :- mltted to establish -rates Inm.UUh ; souri river points to Pacific .Coast points lower" than " to tntermountatn 'l poinU. j - i' MaMP-l A- . JT .TIMi!'1. . . . tC .?. iCJ& liif'',J;;i;j.!i 7aTmmmWl --'.-.ax.--. i .. 'rp Js-s m.y mmmmnr j. li tltu V . I - ... aft, ' ' s -i rv rii U RtteUc. : Jmtfe t .&$&& &? ' pretty near all of the wttaeaaaa. ''-TklaiM ...av. tf abIatI.U vnamw'V i seemed to entertain mwsy fof ofM caslonally they broke into' Utteringsf Today Judge'Nolaaaiecame tlreog ot this. He lntomed'ta' audleejea,-! that1 he was prealdlng over - et , ot justice, iria .fu.iiievB'SOT eaae.- aid Jhat hs waatsd Wfe oraer, , ,a intra. wter were heard, anditkeiei iSi'm cleared ot.alUbswliUi a WPIimiBJ,, hi wgVBgweV fmnWev "f I tafcfaia af tenHai gnjwnejHdn. ' T7. a,r 4jfjggflggMtdgtSgmmmmmmm JABf.,laljyUBacccak2 't -i,.1" uvy ' - Iw-'w I :i i rl V '4I 31 S i 13 .! ' Mi i- -f ..l 1 : v s fK m w.5ca?. (iji WHS. : i&&mMm&Ki:L m ih;