1 loFf-i " i, AV , TVJW "V3Vv.'' . u 'f flj w: r;.' PRINT! THE . ft.rJLr .. KLAMATH FAULT v3 NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS H-' OFFICIAL NBWlPAMlft "-'- to " V -w" ro , ti.'v -w , J(V I 4 ,l l jPW? Qun Euimma UraUi mtflFr fVMsannwnftrrsfrgiea; tlnlh Ynr No. aH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY . 10, 1915 S sVamvarlesj Mb VJ J' ORE IRRIGATION PROJECTS MAYBE ! DEVELOPED HERE till,!. IIKFOllK COXGIIEHS I'Olt AP- PltOPIATIOXH I'lojcci Kiiulntrr of Modoc Point nt Ji'it Hayt Indian Hi'rvlfo In Ho-k. Inu Money to Itcclaiin 111k Klniiinili Mnmli ii ml Irlanl" l?tHiirdN of StO, ooo Ariv f Land m Vnlnnv, on' KfM'rvnfJoii New Photograph of Kaiser Wilhelm ot Germany in Field i !lHBBSiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflM " sannnnw '' "i BBav ''(f;'iABaBi 1 BBaaaaBJ 'VgBl ' ' Banana; JBBafl H BBBBBa j k.f m ' BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBmaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa nBamvp bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw jWTf SlM 'rHBBBH'B.-'lBH wl m'mJt h ; v'-bbbbj kkkkkkkkkkkwmWJfJLkkkkkkkkkkx. nBBBBBtrTsF . naaBBBBVl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnnl L fcigai'iy MTiWHiiiffff ' "; " ' iBBl 'x'i.,BBaeBBBa.BBBBaemMv:ri PBB3xMKBsRsyi-v1BBiSf v BBBBBtl3BflBBBBBt? H ikBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBa al FILIBUSTER SETS . NEW RECORD FOR LONG HOLDOUTS t i i SII.VATOHH AUK OUT OVKIi VIVTY( Democratic Senators Fighting President oh Shipping Bill HOL'ltH ) r - Ah ViTIiitc J, X Hrii of Wear iiiK Owt'Tlidtie bppcl to tlx Klilp. iln lllll I'ronldHnt Will : tin Kxtrn HeMlos'Mjii'li 5, If. I In- Fill. Iiwl-r Hhiik Onrimlmtil Oilier HcniKoru IMcmI' for Vrto I AnorilltiK I" II. V. Illnckn, Jro- J.'d ciiKlncvr of (he Modoc Point r rlKHllon projrtl, tiolnit built on tlio Kin inn Hi rtmcrvatlon by tin Imllnn irclnnmllon ticrvlcf, n 11 1 1 U now li.forn roiiKrcM nuking for tlio ni-l proprlntlon of $10,000 for conduct' Inn prollmliinry iiirvpyn on othrr oi cllilo ruclnniatlnn projccln on tli" rcu'j crvnlloii. Tlio two mom 1 111 porta in pioJitu' llo lie tdiiNlilprril nro tlio IIIk Marnli iHiil Viilnnx projcclt. Thonn would lr IrlKiito upwiirtU of SO. 000 iutimi. If lenrrltil out. Tlio Klniimth mnrxh project would iniuUi innltily of thn drnlmiKu of 1I10 IiIk innmli. In the iiortlii-rii part ' of tlii rcorrvntlon. I'rovlHlou would nlp.n lie tnnilo for Irrigation of llu- K-i'Inliiuil liiiul, ill men of whlrli luoulil tin About 00,000 nrrcn. Tlu extrul of H10 Ynlnax project linn Ijivii rouiiliy otliiiftiiil at 20,000 irreK. iiiucKx nnu otner cmtinoor. tlmiiRli, slato tlmi It Ik poHnlblo iliat n iinrvty would provo thnt tlio lr rlRAblo area will bo much lamer. Mr. Hindu In In town today from Clilloquln, KPcnrltiK n rrow and mak InK other arranitonmntii prcllmlnnry. to rextiinlnr: work on tlio Modoc I'olnt TIiIk h a new pl.otornpli of ,Kmi r Wlllu'lm In (tic field. It s!iov:i project a noon an tho wcathtr nor xory dlntluctly, an have nil lilu latut ilclui, the gray Imlr, wlilch mil. It .U oxpectiMl that thin will uttnu to hnvo como to lilni bluco tlio wur begnu, at least since plioto bo within a couple of wctk or a f.rapliH prior to tho wnr voru tal;cn. month. "Tli,. K.itiylriii'llnn wnrk mi thn II ro "" """ ' ' . .1 rt la nrnrtlrnllv comilletod." HftlU Mr. lllnckii. "Thcro rcronlna yt thcl i...ii.ii n n t...t.lt... tt (.ntirrAtAl IIII1I11IIIH III II IIUIIIMVI ..-.."- ntructurcR. "When (IiIh work In ilnlthod, work U to ho Htnrlod on rccontructlng' tho dam nt tho Klamath Ugoncy. which I cuifintlnl to Irrigation of thntj section, and which alo la Hiantlnl lo thn electric light and powur Ihcro. bulled I'rcnH Service, VA8IIINaTON, Pcb. 10. At 3 O'clock tlilo afternoon, 'the filibuster flculnnt tho govern men t-owned mer chant niarlno had been in session flfy ono hours. There acoms little chance of weiring out tho filibusters. 1'icsldont Wilson tins definitely de elded to call nn exra session of con gress March S, if the filibuster con tinues. 1 Tho prlvlouri fllUmster record was HS lours, made In 1893. , Sherman led the filibuster from' 1:27 this morning until 9:10. He (was followed by Townscnd, who held 1 forth until non. ' Myers, of Montiina, jileaded with Mho filibusters to let the bill come to n vol?. Ho urged the necessity of jiaHsInt; tho water' power leasing bill nnd pthcr measures. Oalllnger moved to take up this bill. Fletcher moved to table this motion, which1 was done by 11 49-30 vote. It U understood, thnt at .11 con fer nee with Underwood and '"other leaders. President Wilson has an nounced that he will not consent' to the dropping of the ahlp, purchase bill nt this session or at the next one. Judge Worden s Name Is Used in Big Swindle FLOOD DAN6ER BAD J CALIF. I ICATHKIt. SACRAMENTO AMKIU CAN AND SAX JOAQUIN ARK OX THK RAMPAGB, AXD REACH THE DAXGKR POIXT Tho dam Is lu n and atntc, and an ap I ' proprlatlon of $6,740 haa been made for Its repair thla summer," A chock for l-'.SSO and u telo- Hcngur was irnint uniiiioiiuillv Hent from hero brine Fobruury fi. Fulls, United Press Service Hoard of Tnule CfWiratc United Preta MrvlM WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Mem iluted Klumath It was signed "First SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 10. Flood Vf..il..1 TI....I. I... ..-11. 1n I . . 'to light u swindling schomo whereby "'"" '", uwu ""Bc", COUditions in the Sacramento and Ban aomeono nosed as tho son of William Ca8h,nr"' ",,a ,"al,,, Umt wa,,am .Joaquin valleys have reached the aomeono posed as tho son or winiam s Wofdcn m() ,,eI)0sIUMl fit 2 0.cIoek ,t ng re9U,t of MonMf 8, Borden to fraudulently aecuro' .. the dnv ,,recl.,iillB $o.8B0 at thJ ?, , - . . . . . . . .t.. ci... N..l.... K.bl ----- - -" nil mo j.in,': o uwi " . ..a . .. nr .. BdsHMiB nr inmin v 1 rnm iim r 1 hi iii 11111 iiiiu ,.! .. .. 1 . .. rw. 1. iir.j iters 01 me nasuingiuu uwm "' - uibpohiu 01 iiih son. uuiirit's uuraeu. gor raarks, bursting their levees at trndo will colcbrato tho twfnty-nnn ot 1.0s aiucibh. .ludgo Worden husim son mraed ome of th0 j0wlnnd points. anniversary or the rounding or nc nm iviukm"" "".w.i .... ' "Chnrloa R. woninn. Neitn r din no AVL BBBDB -' i t bD91-! ' BBflBBH. ( bbbWb. I ' w BBBBahJhBaB ft aBBBBBBi Swv'' II BBbBb irattx f Tnf(. LVaBBJPJV 11 iBr JJ vBBBBB 4ftBBBfll J0MM. 11 LtIbbLv II BHbBBbBBv IIMummm ViBBBaBBBB Mm 'V BaBB Vs JBaTsffsTAvy ' VK99 W I BBBBH U 5B,',ac,-I . BBB-S-1 - . J BHiFjl AAJua I LBflBBs I bHbbalI fawfiH! BBBBH aa BLBJBMbJJ i COMPROMISE i BILL PROVIDES COMMISSION liAmC, vh i cm w agaggags f j'jx u" i . fj - ftMW4iS&::. . a n , f-i-j "xme. i 5teS?1 " y m a -tr."js. -, 2-' Lf'i AK-iiw:-!, 'i.Ti.'r 441 kVs-"! ViSuAh'iJ 2n:& ,I .mm -'! r?mA i V.S -pv7a. itJtTS&Ti ettSfff rliE , rsgs y-jy'VZ, zmt I I 111 Bx H BB h BB Ul 11 r Klamath County Assured Reprefentation on New Board Also .'?? " tsa laJtii . .Aj.. j.v jjni rmm. Culled Press, Srvk SALK1I, Feb. ,10.. f y-rty, 53 toii'promhe'falll u now betncdnftcdlM' HtmsS. ' " . ' A, Joint game committee of llw two Hnie of theKWaiwr-Itwll.Boo ri" iniruuHinj. t.v ,-,' jsv-xw'-.-' Tlu itenern) pUn of Hie cofnpron.lse memarc, which caiea 'mitotwr$fcl I plt of n dozen or more conUcttag hilb aloaff the mmk lbiviraTiaIleV-y ', .'1& i JJylfV I four wembers aa'd the goveraor. The governor uppolate the coHHi.taalonerB.' I ACCOItHBC H UK5 BUI, WW SUIIC II UITMirU, MMI leori-.HVMOVtj.fwVBIIiipi eastern, and two In western Oregon. Thla prerento aaywnoifTtt:ihi n.l. H .!. I.. k MMW MMIIH'flf 'lh4lala .. .- i. ,.--...-. ,"CTW ' viiiiiiiiw w njvscinip Mnj ,. ? .- ' - r' -r;-iT"-Jt7vTH;J I Klmnnfli raantv trill Mmd on of tho romralmionfral im'caw thl,alM(' . , '-' . ..J. ...... lwi ." ( -i.- -.y.r. - -- a- Vf 1 Is adopted. The reprCsenUtlves ot district have agreed to this. tin other counties at the aoatBeaeteean,, " "s. . .tf.?fi Ilesideii thtii. Governor Witliyrorabo l agreeableto this.. 1 , Av.i!? Kl.-ni.tith county In ircosnlzed aa kivhwr the most, effective Bortaniea'a'.i' organization In the trtate, anil it hi felt that It is entitled to ;iwognWe'i'S oil Huch a board. . . - ?f31wl ' ' . x a iZ.uycJ&r It Is unjerall) believed Uiat Ctiaile ;F. of the Stat Flafa and Game conrniisflloa, will be " n .fJht.i rwi nanted as;ceMualvV& 'i4Hf Mloner from Klaniatb, owing to his experience and splendid record 'In the. '. I Ttf: Bionv, . mi prearni., a administration of game matters. u ( lifted Press Service SMITH AMENDMENT PASSES, t?' "'fe.iJfe 4 dfBi'Si? 5S " .. -&& ,T'iS. -wSAIiEM, Feb. 16-The amendment Bropoaed hjr.W. O. Smith, .Ktoaxra&p ' nth, jo meet; the object fomi to the naiformity aeoMntaieyf iftaaaga;g; j defeated by, one vote at reaierday'asesakm. , -" "flillM Ws -Ji3''Sl Tbeso are Ave of the seven demo cratic senators who have rebelled ngalnst tne shipping bill President Wilson und his administration bavet v.. ... -... ...- - ..., -. . . -- - j-';.":"' flKtit lasting two hoars, Smiths amendment Mud by a r&,&.3Kfm.mC$ffi The system has been saved aa far as action br the Honse is'coawernai.'W'.K? -.'- ... : -v.-?t'i..',.,x,:ja' .. , 9 9. . . . l.La. ,-- !.-. ti - -WV1. T ?.?.j'jit.i LTr. in uiiunaio sneceas aepenas,npon tneamnme 01 toe 1 nanus. " . vS7.Mj ".3: ? SSfiSS. l, Athletic Meet .Tonight United Press Service n J ra 1 United Press Service SALEM. 'Feb. 10, rThe Benatesjo-.,- befn trying to put through for sev-1 , "& """ co- ne r eral days: James P. Clarke, Ark.;Prk Atnlec cb w, od lta Gilbert M. .Hitchcock, Neb.; organUntlon tonight at n banquet. to tho I.oa Angeles bank by a mes U.S. Navy Is Second Tho situation is very grave at 'deposit tho money in tho local bank.Knght,8 ,andl)g( and people aro pre- I inquiry nt 1110 atarn union ieie-,,,., for nn ,nUn'datlon. The rail . .-. !.. . ... II.-.. t IU- .. - - (. grapil ouiro uriiiK iu iikiu ii .a... ,..,,, trackg are floode(j and trafflc thnt tho mossneo was not sent rrom is temporarily hel up. jviuuiiuii ri..m, .u, n ...c. .w .-w- PIqod niarnl8 i,ave bcen gouned ord of Its reception in ti.o uo An- a,ong the Amerlcan peaUier. Sacra gotea omce. uieuny mo .. w,monto and San Joaquin rlvera; It la written In I.os AnKele, nnd akon.cxpecte, ,uat thoy w,(, rClch the,r to tho bnnk by somoono Impersonat; hl. . ..... u-tti.in th. n. , Ing n Weatern Union messenger, This Is (be Cootenuoo of "Little Navy" Leader lly llUHTOX K. STAXDIHH (Written for the United Press) WABH1NOTON. Feb. 10. "Tho American pooplo haven't any more of nn Idoa of what a great navy they luivo than' a lot at monkeys, I don't bflllnvo they know that tho highest nnval ofllcor of the United States who appeared boforo the House Naval Af5lr.h-'HiaetjHai fairs committee. doclaftai-'tliBV we Jmve thearajittMitrnavy in tho world, ouoptlnr that of Kngland, and that we don't need tho addition of fifty million dollafa' worth of ahlpa thla year to make It efficient. .Instead of listening to these authorities, the People read thla bunk the nival agi stors spread wounfi," Thnt la what tho lender of the "little-navy" men In the House do clarod today.. "I'coplo mistake the Idea of 'little nnv,y,' " said Judge Wlthorspoon, of Mississippi, the Tho First National bnnk of Klam .nth, telegraphed I.oa Angeles thnt the messago was fr,aduulent Immediately 'upon receiving It. 1 Whether tho Koa Angelea Institu tion nald tho S2.850, supposedly de- 1 posited here, has not beon learned, by; 'tho local bank officials, j highest days. point within, tho next two RATE COMMITTEE NAMED BY BODY navy; wo believe tho navy ytho IJnlted uatV'for de- In Sun FrancUco aflm Lillian Stilts, of tho Stilts Dry- KLAMATH IIUSINKSB MBX'S ASSO ' I vtimmvf tawansiis 1 1 a iAf Mnnrtnv for tha' wiaiui n . iaiv A good compnny, Cooat motropollB lu tho Interests of leader. "Wo don't bellovo In n IHtlokha firm. Misallts will makeac.l FIGHT FOR RATES LOWER, FREIGHT fenso, purposes and wu aro opposed to building new ahlpa every year Just to give the big corporations ohanco for graft." more tlona forth Bprlngnillllnery wblleKv , , T. m LMwvr Maisunivasnaiu came up for discussion by 'tbe1iiaiBeM Hejt'a association at last night's meetlag- away. Tho Dlue Sky Corporation Depart tnent wanta control of platting ad- 'dltlona and selling stock In real esj uiscusing me navnrappropriaiion (nt schemes. bill now beforo tho House, with ts . !: building program of two battleships,; A st Helena shipbuilder will build. a new mill for the government snag boat Mathloa'a. (Continued on page ) Edgar Virgil, A. QeUger and J. I. Johnstone were namei a rate com mittee, and they will work In con nection with the Klaauth Chamber of Commerce ana otter agenclea to cauae the Southern. PaeMe tp lower Its tariffs to and front Klamath Fall K. Vardaman. Miss.; John H head. Ala.; Thomas W. Harwlck, Ga.; James A. O'Gorman, New York. Most ot them were opposed to the; government going into me raercnaui marine business at all. In the first part of the week considerable pres sure was brought to bear on them by friends of the president. The fight of these senators was the first important contest in which Pres ident Wilson has engaged with the members of the upper House, The feeling against him there, it has been t .."..,. f t. ... 1 jr aa'ithat woman school teachers shall be" .-";! inmBanual indoor athletic meet at Madison' ,. , - . i-,ii " 4Sl Bank- ". - ... , vg '. - & .-" services. Senator Lagguth introduced a res- Golfers at Pinehnrst ' United Press Service riB,mjKr, . u., reo. 10., tt0 tbb warring nations, uracK women gouera rrom many cities today teed off. in the annual three-day women's tourney here. ,.... ...,.. 'iUDui uiuuuu uicjuwiMiaius wnm.Au, u. 1 ..w . -. c." ss- ..-"WCj:; place an embargo on food shipments i " LMm& The House killed the JoneaV'WilJi, n oKnlfah'-vliA nfllMnf fnnntv rotAmZ ft&H '- v i- "-vSSi In various counties. y&m The House passed the Lafferty blUfsw MISS Runk and Miss SnYder. tha lllili,r Irlllln ht, hmm-rr al'n-ik'?5'5l.'t r.,,1, mllllnn. l O. L ... ...- w: lVUr.JJill'ltW-.. Buying Xew Goods popular milliners, are In San Fran-'blll regulating the approtlbnmeitTer&J Cisco at present, making their selee-ntv uhoni fundi. ?; :-&hf?,te'':4& claimed by political enemies, has been tlons tor the season so close at hand ' , . ' - fc ', tfaffljBJflKg " ' " 7, " , ""'- wnne tne mates are away tneir atore The Bandon laundry and ;lce pUnt1.; .- ... ..v..u. . is m charge, or Mrs. Blatchley; .are consolidated. ;A'5TwS states over tho heads of the senators! . "P"4l.fetHs representing these. j . ',," ,'Mi. t W.Vaiai " am m ' ' JmtfmmM .; V?M3I r,mzm ffas5JMi lM(?SiaaSI FOURTEEN CARS LEAVE TOMORROW C'HAS. HORTOX AND ALEX, DAVIS ARE SHIPPING CATTLE OUT TO OAKLAND CONCERNS ON STOCK SPECIAL Fourteen carloads of cattle will leuvo Midland tomorrow on ihe stock special, according to Louis Gerber. These are all consigned' t Oakland concerns. Charles Horton will ship eight .car loads to the Oakland Meat company. Thcu, other six carloads ure tt be shipped by Aex.tDayJsojyaJryJ aon-uwen company; mere may ee also some hoga'aeut out on the 1 clal,, . -v The 'Ceoa i Bay Iron Werka manufaeture gaa engines, will Killing Is a Game mrn Tfe Is lb Way Officer Sm Up Cnratc BaifaV i rA(i4m$mM:lt, V..1L i lly WILLIAR Q, SMmPHARD United Preaa. CorreaponJent Vv, .iifi " TT7! &mm .. 'wi :lj"(Sl-Kfti'v .'?. DUNKIRK, Jan.,87.XJiy. mall ttiTM In Flaad.r. ianWttl V -. 1 i t - - . ' ' n- L"i. ",T-f" to New York.) "What'a Agoing happen when spring ooaea." A Belgian oSeer, jitraighi from thai trenches, tln Flanders, answered the quvBuon, taiis w me: 'Nothing, my opinion, the army boerda onfcboth sides have, get PjJJMto work , out thatt,ne military ien have ever faced-In the. world's htotery. DW youver;see;twe prhvei ipgtsrs go Into. a cllath.and retiiae to break aparV.ffor lear gtfitim wonli let the advantage ol 'krabi the)bieJtwjrte, 51 Well, that's tae siUatto 7-7 A A: IN ...-." .- '' "'iT..-i '--Lsrrr-r: AlABff than. ,Hhnla sillistat . . ZXava amha."emaM"itT. ;.rn.,nb4emlJ mruugB rauuarnifm'JSM,fy0'ii never find two armlsa; that. aawaaaaa ,v -.-;r:'.-"M.iy-s-.-7rr ?3 .0 ?,ose vwHaeanwap-vm-njsn oaue, aa;,aa;.v. wi ape, "MOW ATfk WAMtnananmaUB' t n re ? . b ' "W-iV r' ., .WeS?5.t; apart. .'yeu murirlaa'iha. Uses; fer maay rra. 1 WHMt"- Cam:irU,nHaM Tjt?im:ffww rsBLan nsBBanBk .4 ffrajaBBignBhaBjaBL iTjJ, Wemm !.71VJi'(fJ TfUJU ' ' PrfW- .TaWakllJJIIu OaaanW mm & ' '. h' Vv .. " 3J .M-j;vf. -..'-". ?uiw 2t3Bi