r 3tfn PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS ia flfviw licJ'A-iit.rf -ferf ff KLAMATH FALLS M-,. i jK ww3r A r. OFFICIAL NEWlPAPaTW i( --7 i '. s" . V il. ' ' ,.'sy?w', Vi'3SS i -wvwy- A, I Ninth Vmw No, t ......... i HMMir) v.H. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1915 fritoMra HANKS STEPS (Kfc COUNTY i:taB annM ,ti VA) MHi: . A.r ' IN AS ww ti 'Mm wm$. m -inviM JUMjL '" " " " " " ' J j iAAiiaAMVMMSWAAAMMMVMoVMMWMMMMVMVMVMVWMMVMMWA nnnsusnu'MsnnsnnnnnBnnhnn HANKS PROMISES A I &"" MAtXw4ti smk (SUPREME COURT'S ? r v V REAL BUSINESSLIKE ! TERM AS EXECUTIVE , hiiln'tMt administration for Klitimilli loiinl) U promhed liy Mar lon Hunk, uliu was "fleeted county JiiiIko in Xo. flutter, ami who took .iill( today through the decision of the Miprfitio lourt. "In my rampnlgn for the olllri? on n plutform of icoiioni), I pi-omUi'il lh himmikm end VoUnt lulnn.ke mliiiitiUfriilioii," miIiI HniikH to. .In). "I Intend lo carry this ! to Uic Iwior, it llu witerM m the polN In Viiu'miIht, nirHUMMl their desire for huiIi n mrllioil of roiiilurlliii; ll"' iiiriilm of Klamath county for tho nf.t hU i.ii. 'Tiuitoiny in to ! our wulrliwonl. My 1I1U, i U mil tx iiiulfiilooil iluu (In1 iih'IiiIm'im of tlu prrwnt innri uti uoiiiu lo t'irt lo penury In I ln i'oiioinlril oik. II l uncIo lo wy ilmi mii-Ii n our would ..nl) lit fnlu ronoiiiy, nnil would linti tin- lounly In suili hIiiim Mini later n mint amount of money would hn to li- extended to repair I ho itniiiaui' r'iiillliig front Mnjc intmrly. "Our itinoniy U to Im llio klntl Oinl h-n lluit fnnr minrti'r' Moitli fur evrry (htlliir t'kprtnlcil. Kurllierniorr, ill not M-itl tin I (our itmrlrit for n ilolUr'n worth until i lmi tlu ui'rrs'wiry 100 mitt in my nlili. , "I mil a Hrm lirlkvtr in good ro.iU. Ko am I lie other iik'uiImi- of iln lounly rHirt. llHt wc lao behove In lutylnic our ' ituxt), nail mi . no gain by rNnnlaic tlt county Into ilelit for nny mml Imllillnfj uitiinlitn. "1'lie Mt four yrn lurn Men c.tenlre mud Imllilliiit in illfferent ' pini of the rountjr. Wr ito not intrnil to enm mail bullillnit, r to lee the mnilo now built go to piece for want of proper nmlntenanre mill re- : pair. We will eitenil the roail Into the wet Ion of the ronnty nollnic iImiii the tniMt Juiit hn fnt n we nrnuli-n the niranx of no doing." i 'JiHMMPawVHM9fnir -.yiri i'i j nr i i i i i i i iiii i i n i i i 11 ini mipi n ii al Tk;vf:''1 - - lltWiiBililllllilllllH wp'4flHiA - 1 WWmflBSAoBffilllltBLIIIIIIIIIIIIH fllJiLIIIIIIIIIIIIIHLHBHHLiiyKLB 914 LlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHi DECISION HANDED DOWN THIS A. M. ?L. V i . -; .Wl fts vvy?l 'jjr .j a !i.! i J I Sv "Sl . 5f, SVt - ' ".-! VJI fc' '"2I ! SALEM. Kel. 0. The raprene court today decided that county JadgM v - ''uL Xn elected in 1010 hold oMce for foar yearn. Tliia inw the decision te the ('5 Milt of. J. V. Phy ra. Ed. Wright, tarolring the Judgehip of UiJon;cowi-;yr? ty, the court holding that t. v. Henry's term or oMee exptreiii anJTWI . ... . - v .y'Wi I, idi.1, and tnat my, eiectea uac tan, m enittieu to tue onicc. ,,- The opinion wan written by Jaatlcc Kakln, Justice Moore and Burnett; "xne aricnaant uunn toai ameniiiucniM pniposcu aj uuimuTe w ., ,.- tion do not take effect by rlrtae of Article 17, of the Constitution," aaya' ,'S tlx fkMlnlntn ha tin? fhA loir naMatrttrn nf fw flftlfl. Sntrh !!! Mil llnnWnllnl ?l ""' gaaaifaa hw "0 ' i w- . - -- - wV vv.. .v..v..w-- Oli (I ;s SrT muHRTV , v sr 'I lie ilrnmatlc story of the Hlnklng of tlio Ccrmnn r.ililor KocnlgHborK on the ionnt of east Afrlen, Ims just been told by Cnptnln WJIletl, of the Urltlxh mcrclumt blt NeKlirUlge. Tha Kaenlgsbcrg, which a a me ierred from application, and would take effect upon the col the poll "But by a former clause. It hi pro tided tluit the votea for and i kucIi amendment, whether propoaed by the. legbttattve aaaentbly orinjy in-- by the secretary of' the atate, 0ftff . f... f y. , fT r- iifim &JP- cmc ills tame up river, where she which fiow ud the river and Indicated I ..an completely screened by the bend the position of the German cruiser! of the rlxor. and hcre the Drlalsh by dropnine smoke bombs. Thr. itunller shin una mitik. hut " i-n...tMi.or iiv oinkinv Pnntnin win.1, itlntlve petition, 'ahall be canraated --. .-- ,. -.. , --utuvillflouvlH rj -a- - --- 1 - jj. i -i, bu.A.M. .affL ilii KnnnleKiirrflr kiirrnodod in irnU vttu .i.ir. it. the -i.nnnnl Thnv thpn ho that the ltut mntmc of the tnrticle iicW referemce oalr to the rM-riWnW; --- - r k - . .. 9 v tl fc O DUI1' IU U ' . w -. . - - - -- -v . . " tine behind tho Mafia Islands andiualtcd for the arrival of a seaplane, menta or some other political act to iicompllh .the amendment:' ... .Ili l ...I ---l . . . . .. . i-jt ..jL -). "To give In the effect of leqnuJnjt 11 . 41 .l - - -- -- - "- At. vinn7iHtn w. too vvw nvtjum. cnBfivii"wu a light cruiser of about the same class1! calcr draft shlpn could not follow' Tbo Germans had hid their ship, quoted above. Justice Bean, bolda.tbaiin that ease," as to Iniw jnVJfioVf an the Kmdeu. Urcsden and Knrls-'hti. They also. It ppnearc. landed. close to the bank under cover oft unon an initiative aetftlaa., tha rlaht is reserved to the Beanie ruhe. mouniliiB only 4.1-lnch guns, detachment who" mounted Bomejuome palm groves and had covered 1- nt,u it,- utT a thtlwT TST uJAVh as In ..ompany with a smaller Ger-hlgl.t guns on the bank as a defense.her with foliage. The aviator, how-1 ., ...,.. 4 , .sj . .u,.i .1 JiJ ..tl .iJ' man ship when chased by the Brit ,. aff-V ; "1 buaiediaie uOpetnUon4HjKNi a the . r. - sj.j-jfw "...'..it- ,1 uj latri '.-i r7v5jiesi I.JMI iW "ill ' Wftil - i-- ioijrf i'.".? r w e.ner wun iouage. ine aviator, now-j , , .k...i.. .- ..... - ...i.... , k.i.. .-?t-. -.wi.iK3yil against attack by a British boat ex-icver. was able to make her out and? l " . - m- -.- . .. vfvl l.sh squadron, which Included, It Is pedltlon. 'believed, seternl armored cruisers of Tho liritfsh, however, contented the Count) class. themselves nlth bottling up the as to amendments of tho constitution, the people .themselves hnvo; .' to direct the Ore of the Drltish fhlps so accurately by signals, that thef mined by Article 17 when they ahonldtakc effect. cruiser was completely destroyed. :& ' 4 -v . ( fT m rmmffninrtiffriffVnri imf TiTmTnrrimT nrfirim MAN IS RELEASED TURKISH CRUISER I1IWW1HCN d IrlJUNllIUrl dUlId iHhwnujKmj wfli SAVE COUNTY $35,000.00 "The holdings are confflcting with the decision In the State tsHI- J ....... mm,!... 1l. .. - !. .......tf .!... tmm ,1.1. 'V.. S .. J,HH IKHUU. JltHBii Mini MlVClf WB WHU4I1UJI Ck UV I HWl AVP -V9KBWHH nah county for county was presented for election in .. MO B.OMA M..B, - - - - ta i in presenting the case. It seems to have ben taken for granted that. , be held over, and we have, by a thorough investigation of tho subject, , arrived at the conclusion that In the Union county case, Henry's term ' j of office expired January 4, 1915, and that we are justified in ignoring I the decision in the State vs. Holman." :, M..ti I to the term of election or emphasis noMelS , .! sfcA w: I.Vnir.ll AMt rtlllMKIl KMI'I.OV i:U )! (M)K ACH!SKI OK llllt.MXil l'l itKHTAVRANT I'DST HONII TODAV A mah hnmt for fl.uou was potted tlilx afternoon for tho nppfnranco of Kdwnnl Warner before tho grand Jury on tho charge of arson. Tha homl mih poHted by tho father nf the mciihed, and by Mrs. Alma l'eter sieliur, Warner's former employer, uIioho restaurant ho la accused of i I'nlled I'ross Serlro I'BTROdltAI), Kb. 9,Tho Turk ish cruiser Hrcslau today shelled tho fashionable Uusslan seaport town of iVnlta, Crimea, ft. miles southwest of SohtiHtopol, This raid was mudo! while the Russluii fleet was at sea Several hotels and merchant Ho! establishments wero damaged by shells, but there wero no deaths. . rM" '""".' '" I" '." ',llu1;. sui,ou.ly .III, IU. ni.ouno. K rTS-TErST ;w o. .. ..-ion -. . .. -.;.. -- . . . . . . . . II.. ilifl. nniiklv iitdfrn v"" vmiis t - nan v " htroyed by I no itusstans. couri reBuruius mu vu,.., jo- The decision of the supreme court today also decides the Klamath county judgeship tangle, and makes Marion Hanks, who waa elected ' ft over W. 8. Worden hi November, county judge. A A J'i 1 3tdl ,1 s u o a iiii i n-i i ir wrll Agreement IS Olffned WnereDV OllOineO Warrants Will Oe Union county case went up to the supreme court onrnnMUMlann :& w j. w I . j.. - . . .. ... , .... .. . j-SR'iH proceeoiag o compel ine county, ciern n issue n cwuihumkh mwui'Si?. ''., 4 Ifft.A athntna odna o tha luallnlail annannci tn aum In nl wanshMs. . AgUklr annTnnsln -"r' fi- -. , .., , .-j.. ,- . ,. -. . --7gg Redeemed for the Real Value of the Debts for Which Issued According to the terms of this The Kugeno water board will call ship, comes an niinouncemeiui..ui.u,(, wnnnnt -redemption levy 'piotested Kiamntn county WBrrenlBlragng from t ' i.. i... ..l.l Vnrtlinr llinir nrn .... that the county clerk shall make a 100,000 to 1185,000 counted, or that the prices for which much material was sold to the county were above the market prices. He held that some reduction should be made in the wnrrants thus Issued. It was agreed that the matter be titling on lire. Warner was relased for bids on $20,000 reservoirs on Col- nro to bo paid. Further, thoy are yonr,y( beginning with the levy thlsljoft to the-Judgement of the various from rtiRtody this nftarnooi. 'lego Crest, to bo paid at par value In all cases , tnttorneyB ,n tho ca8e. 1 .. ... i iu uimnn ihnf full vnliint I Will Seek Lower Rates Commerce Chamber Assists Millmen, Merchants Convinced that somothlng must be ! iloiin toward securing lower freight inlos from and to Klamntb Falls, I lie Chnmbcr of Commerce Inst night appointed Judgo Qco. T. Baldwin, I, . Whit more and H. J, Darling as a Nrmonont railroad committee to woik along thli line with the Klam "Hi Iluslness Men's AMAcjatlon and Olivers soaking . lower 'rateai Thomittcr waa. out' un to tho Chamber of. Commerce rather forcibly lat night by Obnlea M, Cowan, man "Kor of the Rwauna Box company, Ha Mated that the local manufacturers liavo uttle chanee la the present 'bex war," at the "trust" aeeaii'to tecnM much belter freight rates. Ho stated that the rate from horo to Sacra mtmto Is M.10 n ton for shooks, while from Yostwood, on another lino under construction, and twelve miles further from Sacramento, tho Bed Cloud Lumber company pays only fS.OO a ton. Under such conditions the local manufacturers ara at 'de' elded dUadvantagr and 'the payrolls ate none to certain If tbia continues. The Klamath Business- Men's As sociation la alio pegging away to get the freight rate lowered to Klamath. They contend that no work hat been done on this line in the past two years, 6 U can not atlll be classed as "under construction," tausJJniU fvlto hlkr fralaht tariffs.''" f..H M.M" -. -.w-- . -r J luheio It is shown that full value .was rccohed by tho county for tho iwatrant Issued. J Au ngrooment to this effect was reached by the representatives of the .Weyerhaeuser Land company, the OshkoHh Land & Timber conpany and tho Western 1'aclfio, Land & Timber company, tho threo oencerna bring ing tho action against the warrants in tho Pcdoial district court; R, N. Day, who sought injunctions in, the circuit couit, and tho old county coutt. A loptescntatlvo of Judge Hanks and Commissioner McCornack, aso signed tho agreement. Tho plaintiffs will have released' The defendants have agreed that from tho temporaty Injunction aauf-L discount of about 35,000 will be flcicut number of warrant! each year to equal tho amount of the redemp-j tlon levy mado for -that yoar. These warrants, iU,ii. agreed, are to be released from' the Injunction and settled in tho "order"! in which theytwere protostcd.t t R, N. Day, tho timber owner who was represented by Kuykendall & Ferguson In their 8uits"agalnst the warrants filed In the ''circuit court here, has been of the opinion that a number of warrants should be dis satisfactory. That ts their estimate of the amount that Klamath county paid in excess of market price. This meaus that as a result ot tho Injunction suits started by the timber interests of' the county, the present warraut Indebtedness of the county has been reduced $35,000. v The members of tho present coun ty court, by their attorneys, have agreed to do everything in their power to carry out the terms ot the nboyo understanding. Drygoods Men Fight Regulation United Proas Service M.KW YORK, Feb. 9. Department store men "must come forward and refuse charges made against them by labor organisations, according to F. Colburn, secretary-treasurer of the National .Retail Drygoods association, who arrived here today preparatory to tho opening of the,annual conveu-j W -a.- DnkintnaVft tlon ot tho association tomorrow. aTlHeWd Cftlllicr Hold Convention at tho closing ot tne pous tne same iiay tnat it was aopieu.tne uue .v ! v ?-, ;vifr , f.V -t - that the former county Judge was 'also elected. .AS bSESp ijsgr Increasing use of tho natlonallfor-A f? Barney. Is a Daddy Barney Chambers Is about the most tickled man In Klamath Falls to day. This Is not because of the su- i . . . nrAino. inii,l itoplBlnn nv tha rnllvnAd 3 snlna In ttlA fnrtmr nnmhArMl I.I9K Jp? rumors, but because a son arrived, In 1914, against- 6,188 the prevlouV p at the Chambers home this morning, (year. ests by local farmers and,, settlers ti; to supply their needs for timber! jft shown in the fact' that small timber "l A w ,. T ?. i' t-rt iw uv i-v v, tyfc "1 35! -. IWCf. H ta. Will Race Motorcycles I8S kS,f Jvi h-rtA-JI 'rVl-M. E-.PH . .. 17, P.?. I 'Jjti,,! ? '.! V . 7 TV " M i -i Endarance Ron Is Beipf Oatnted by Local Fats f .rtI " i'-i&ri .y&3m '-.!, sjrfasssr A motorcycle endurance run la the. the state, with the toDoaraBhy of, it-J T .. .-(Sv - ul. I-v- .-' 1 .. h -i J . T l. T- ' ." T- tT..'LV.rTl'' ? iVW. rsff. "We are cqnfrontedjby.a.sltuatlon wherein business baa Been placed 'on -jtte defensive, whl!eanilslntored. puniiowanu a,aiciauncguTrnmen( vll) work Irreparable laaaUo business unless checked," salPt'nkam.",;''v Plnkham characterised -the mini mum wage agltatlonias."dhiastrous to business. "" "jj The Portland' Eaet-1'; Business Me's Club will ereet a two-otory building. i"'JU'i h ,fV "1 United Press 8orvlce "WASHINQTON. D. C., Feb.a- AboutM.OOO' delegates' were exveehtd here for the twenty-third annual east vcntlon ot the International ' tlon of Master House Painters f and DecoratorsMWhlch opeaed.here t4ay. A woasea'a auxiliary will aslolaaM msetlag.; " ; -' 0 deration of American, Motorcycl s. At a meug of tieorganlia- latest plan to be ,advoea4by the members of tbo local breach, ot the Federal lata. tlon at the 0. ft S..etore Friday night, this will be dlsettseed la detail, and plans will be formulated 'The plaaW Bt'fora! speed con teebut fer an eadtiranee run, the wlaaers to be 4eel4e by. the-eon-ditlonWr mach'fae are iaat the endof the run the assount ot gaao-. line, oil, etc., used, ete. Therekaa been no enuraee'rtui heM'ln'XInBV ath county, and as Us eUvatiesile much' bicker here taavehWwata ha ' ' - J S ' a 5 topography ot A' a different .type, and the vwlrf,U lerentjiBUt run-,wni 'tjpjffsW'.TOH time the question of thelmakuSof JSS5? ". . "j A.j ... iA.ii',wl :-.?,!? mo.orcycie auaptea "io HHt. laasstn-f country.' JS A 200-mile: run is! being. eonsUor a t .V . m . 1ml -.K..'"- . " i ea oy wwMTorausiiMi V" Br "" - - : r s. 4. i k. circuitous routft or around' Lake la, another !ioia that to be settled. ?tl:l&&&$v, itv :yU2JJLtfllJUp1U 7 TT 4-i 1Ti!ilSiTl.L t-jimiwrrMr sjnsnii Uy .lvid, ; fteslatir would se well MsWissntatL would' he; entries kt Mm MI HIM Hi XTi..T . w.uevnin J.-W 7 J IT , fptfi "r NS , ,'W i1 th W fVj&'r . r v .1 . 'n.iw .? f.i.. . .'L.-i'.5r.'-Tv. W . .i? PT' V ' '"AV " it r ' ..yi&Ui?aaS2iFinBi "." trsK