l i? fi 'Jifc WR": V t - -..i- .-4 j r .jr' .,fT'a .. r ,, :s.?.( Efo r 'Sifr i? ", .' . "H - - " i- j PRINTI THE IEWS WHILK IT II NEWS fcnlliVntr - No. 9,Aw4 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, " FEBRUARY 8, 1915 tirnhuj li,M, C11ER OFFICIAL NEVPAPIJI l flLSON SAYS HE ! 1'THAVE EXTRA SESSION AT ALL, I'd OilU'.IIH IT I.OOKH A LITTLE IIIITEHKXT I LiiijmtuiHH'iit f "iy '' I My-. Auny, mill Many lllu HIM Siill l'l f'"' ritnilil'rnllin 4)iiirnl Belief Htfiiw l lit" Tlwl HtwlH'i-' Inu Weather Will Attain Hit" Hie l.ittwimkiTN Tolling Away (liy Kdwnrd Damon llitlilwlu) WASHINGTON, Feb, H "If con- r.r'M Iuih mi extra session It wilt In? (ner im- dead body," Ih ii statement' uiilrli President Wilson recently mmlo, In private conversation, ll Ih huIiI. Whether Amerlcos most noted ': KriiMilim meant tin would Unlit lo 'tin' last against nn extra session, or Dint tilM health wo III mirli n con illiloii Urn i ii summer session would kill Mm, Ih i subject for specula-' llnli, C'iiiiKroinnii Jim Miiiiii, icpubll-; rnu Hour I'.'ailcr, and godfl) In wuli-, Iiir for (liu democrats nt nil bourn, Ih reported to have said tliit- it there Ik mi ix Ira session rnllod thin spring Hun ho will k'i to It that his con rix.limiil rnlloneiion enlov tint lor .Llliy of Washington during the rMWVH '"""' l"" "' ' -whole old summer lime. Tlioro Isn't "r" '''' "' '" member of a inoniiHT or rongrens me or iiiiip, lean or fat, lmiortant or Income- iiriiilnl, that looks forward with pleasure to aforenalil (orrldlty and no they look mlnerwhlo whenever nny mi" hid'h extra soiinlop. I Today I here In political KoHlp llonilim around that the prculdent w.iiiIh an extra Henxlnn for the polltl- i.-il I'lTrrt on tho country. Two doyni tut, ( Iwt livul Aulltimti. unu tluk I It a fsr tit- ifi m t nuiimiu nun iiimv m extra mcmhIoii would not he called lirfore Heptember, anyway. And no I kocb. Nobody con prophesy with any decree of certainty. The ftnnato. Ih Hitting up night with fourteen Ills appropriation mipply IiIIIh, lying lonesome like on tho noti- nle calendar and automatic ndjorn-j int'iit of tho CBrd congress only twenty lrRlnlntivo days nway. j ItepubllcatiH general look forward with gleo to nn extra session from a purely party standpoint forgetting nald aforesaid torrid, Micky summer heat. They say that tho moro tlmo tho democrats hayo to inako mis nk(H in tho hotter chance for O. O. P. fturrcsn In 1010; that democrats al ways make a certain number of politi cal blunders In n given amount of tlmo; that tho number of blunders I only limited by the time they are In action. Ilenco If congress runs lonK several months longer, they will bury tho democratic imilo be neath n mountain of political errors. And the funny part of It Is that prom Incut democrats lioro admit that this it so j that thoro Isn't a ghost of aW. ' '' ' Meeting ' show for tho democrats In 191(1, and Tho regular meethiK of this they aro going to wallow well In Women's Christian Temperance, Hie political trough whllo tho "wal- I'nlon will bo held nt 2:.t0 tomorrow, lerlng" Is good. , at tho homo of Mrs, I). S. Grlggby. Belgians Are King Says Hell Die in Trench Before Surrendering lly William Plilllp glinniN United Press Htnff Correspondent GltAND HRADQUARTUR8 OF THIS KINO OF BRl.OIUM Insldo Uflglum frontier, via Paris, Fob. 8, Doggedly, detrmln,f(l, not to yield tjjo, remainder of hls 'kingdom. Kins Albert, of Belgium, Is here on. the lighting line directing the movements "f' tho reorganised Belgian forces along the Vprea rlver OMeen ,c)om to taeklng have told me that the ruler -would sever 1 German Father and Son Reading a Letter From Home mm! nnBnBnBnBnBnBnT7nnBnBnBnBnBnmn! IH Ca5'V&5ew vHi'vV W 4t PannnBnBnBnBnBmmunv mB fa PkjyV 1CiyB&L"Ii3 BHHHHHTBBMb ifcSi"-: - " - -r-i A (iirmuii noldlcr wlin had Hcrved lilx (lino In .(liu (lirriiiiin nrniy and tuo i.utuiHiuriiiii, inn ornanixanon lor elderly mmi, wbh callod on whon tho domandH of tlu war required every man who rould go totliu liattlotlold. OVER A MILLION PASSED BY HOUSE KTAI'I.I. AI'PIIOI'IATIO.V IIII.I.H ( l,li IS SOUMIKU I'OIt SKSMION I'AMHICI) IIV l.OVi:u HOUHi: OP OP SL'ltSCKIIIKIIK, UIIKX PKR I.K(3IHI.ATlIItl CI.AIIK llll.fi IS .MAMC.NT OltAlZ.lTIOX OP AS KII.IKIt IX HIJXATi: SOCIATIOX IS UP HAI.1C.M, Feb. S. Tliu JIoiiho today ' In order to permanently organize pnBscd four nprnprlatlon hills, as fol- tho Klnmnth Chautauqua Association, lews: which has Just been Incorporated, Maliiteuanco state rnpltol, supremo n meeting of tho subscribers will bo court buildings and grounds, ICTO,- held Thursday ovoulng, at the Chrlst 160. Ian church. The session will begin Orogon Ktato hospital, IHI.OOI. ut T:U0, Instltpto for feeble minded, 30S,- This session Is for the fifty or SOO. moro porsons who signed nn agree- Kastern Oregon nsylum. Including 'ment to proportionally relmburso any $100,000 for now wing, $305,850. financial deficits tho association might Tim senate killed Clark's resolu-'moi't with this year, thus nssuring lion submitting to tho people a con-'llnnnclul backing, stltutlonnl amendment given tho gov-' omor power to romnvo from olllcc dlslrlct fitlomeys und sheriffs, Still Fighting nbandon Belgian soil, It tho Gormaris advanco again. i wuuiu uuiur ineirciiciius m- lde.of'thovfro"n(iler'of my own king- To n Away Five Weeks dom, and meet tho end. with a gun oVs. K, D. Johnson and (leorgo to .my shoulder," ho ald. "ThojA, Cnthey, who left.yestorday raornital whole Belgian army is saturated with! fur a trip Kast, wl be nway about tho samo spirit," ( This Is not tho same army which fell back, crusliqdl under the .weight T" (Continued oi patent) 'Jtflen- ri lllu turn hail not oven koikj Into the "fmy Imtiiiim. he wsm to young, hut lie. too, wiih called lo tho war. The two wcro thrown Into tho ?amo Imttlo lint and woro nblc to seo each niu.r tIiIh pliotoRrnpli hIiowb tho on rvndliiK n letter tho father Just 'Juki received from homo. Tho father trtok It to him. CHAUTAUQUA !S TO ORGANIZE SOON STATE TO KEEP BRANO RECORD SAI.K.M, Fob. 8. Senator Stray er's, bill creating tho office of state recorder of brands and safeguarding 'tho rights of cattle and horse breed ers by requiring soparate brands for each, passed In tho Houso, "after Rep resentative Stanfleld bad explained Its purpose. i So much loss has come about (through "rustling" under the confu sion of many similar brands that It lias been iHlcult for owners to Iden tify their nnlmals oven when they find .them In the herds of others, ho paid. (With tho registration of every brand nml giving prior claim to tho ono reg- Metering first, It was hold that much -ioMhl,coild.ho avoided. nVo weoks, their object being to make observations of the latest surgical methods as practised In the clinic of Boston, Piitladeiphla, Baltimore, New York and Chicago. , :l51 HOT FIGHTING IN BOTH EASTERN, WESTERN FIELOS OKIt.WANK AHHAt'liTINU OX flZUItA TUB ItiiMklniiH Kiiy 2enuau Commnnder IIiin Ordered TliU DlvUlon of ltu-lan- lUinoved at Auy C'nt Hlorle. of KlRhtltiK In Hm H'i'Mf In illrnlcM Ttint llolli A I in lew Are Ar tive nml OalnlMK ot Different Place I'nlled I'roflu Servlro I I'i-rrilOURAU, Feb. 8. Under the eye of Kaiser "Wllholm, tho (lerman itioopH In I'ulund arc delivering a xr Jlfh of desperate oHKaultn at tlio Hub- hIhii position at Kamlon, on the llzura. Iteatlzlng the serloua menace In the huge Itugilan forces manaclng tins (it r man right, wing, General von Kaclccnzen lias ordered this danger removed ut nny cost. It Ih reported bat tho Ctar Is at the front below Bollniow. There the ItinHlniiH nro t he j offensive army. t'nltcil Press Service IIKKI.IN, Feb. . There is violent llRiiilnK between the German and Ilrlilnli troops along the I.a Basse canal, according to tho war office. It Is declared that the Germans have captured a portion of the British trenchos In that region, and that In Argonne, several fortified French towns have been taken. Cnlted Press Servlco PARIS, Feb. 8 Successes by the French artillery from the Alsne to the Champagno '"dlslrlct are claimed by the war oftlce. The efforts of the enemy to mass for offensive pur poses were effectively blocked by the nrtlllery. There Is llttlo infantry action In tho western front,' the low lands In the north being inundated until only shell fire la possible. KENO EASY FOR SCHOOL KIDDIES CHXTltAli SCHOOL TEAM WAL LOPS PliF.VXA HOPEFUL AND LABOUR KKXOITES DEFEATED BY "SNIPE SHOOTERS" Two very one-aided games at the Pavllliou Saturday night resulted in disaster for the Keao basketball teams invading Klamath Falls. The Central school teams defeated the Keno school five 54 to 13, and a simi lar scoro was piled up against the older ehnna hv thn "Rnlru. flhnnlani " Motschcubacher waa the big scorer j for Klamath Falls," and. E. Puckett L was responslblo for; 11 of Keno's 13 points. ARGUMENT 60ES TILL MORROW ARGUMKXT IN DAVEXPORT-CITY CASE IS ALSO POSTPONED, AND THE ROBERTS DIVORCE CASE IS NEXT Upon motion, of "the attorneys the urgumonls in ibe .Dunbar vs. Rtae dorf case havelheW postponed until tomorrow,. Taking" of the testimony was completed last'fiturday night By mutual agrieififvfn the attorneys, tho arguments on the de murrer In the Davenport vs. City of Klamath Falls, scheduled for today, were postponed ldnrtly.A Wed nesday trial of tW Roberts dlvorse suit" will' occupy the etreatt eourt. Woman to Talk in a German Uniform Miss Wllma Sand'a. an American woman who has lived long In Ger many, is coming back to the United States to lecturo In favor of Ger many's attitude In the war. in order to emphasize her tendencies Mies San da will wear the uniform of a German o fllcer; that Is, she says she will. She believes Germany is right in its position on the war and she will do all sho can to prove this to those who will go to hear her lectures. HELPLESS WIFE SEES MAN DURN SUPPOSED BLACK HAND OUT RAGE IN LOS ANGELES CRIP PLES MAN' AND WIFE CANNOT GIVE HIM ANY AID United Press Service LOS ANGELES, Feb. 8. John Chase, a grocer, slowly burned to death last night, while his wife, a few yard away, was unable to reach hut bedside. An explosion, believed to bavo been by black hand agents. wrecked Chase's store and started the fire which caused Chase's death. Mrs. Chase, though, slightly In jured, returned twice to the burning building and rescued the three chil dren. She was unable to help Chase, who was crippled by the blast pre ceding the fire.- HORTON PROJECT IS AGAIN SUED I D. M. Donnelly, Don Jolley, Charles' (Horton, Henry I... Milhi, A. L. With-' ard and C T. Darley are named as defendants In a suit filed today by W, T, Bantam,, who alleges that there Is $522.60 duo him for constructing a flume for the Hotron project. Bantu, through Stone Gale, holds that Horton and Jolley own the Hor ton ditch, and' that the flume was built over land belonging to Horton and Mills at the instance of Don nelly. y Wlshard'snd Darley, who were also employe j'on the project, filed me chanic's "liens previous to Bants. Banta asks that the liens be fore closed, and tbe moneys received di vided among the holders of labor ac counts, y s Home from Kansas jf Bruce' Gaddis, who. K-shrt. time ago purchased the S.' B. Low raaeh on the MerrlU ,red,vreturaei ;Iast night from Kaiais, where ae saat several weeks vlslttog relatlvea. '' ggfl lggggf ggHil'iiH gglVelfA gggB-Sgf TggTssV gTssmHsT : sssssssa BgBfH tg, SSSSj BSSSSjfl M BgBgw 'ilgl USE OF FLAG BY SHIP STARTS STIR , United Prets Service WAHIUXOTOX, Feb. 8eator William . Hlon?, of Missouri; chair. : ,, j maa of the Hcnate Committee on Fereign: Relations; fol lowing ''a lengthy. -, conference with President Wilsosi toilay indicated to press ipctative j i that flreat BrltUn will probably be asked within a few daya by the UaltMf, .i ' Slate' to furnish this cottstry all facts Jn, conncellon with the use of the, x .tmiviMn suur br tho Britlih trans - :r:zz:.: l Althoagli he denies that he and the dent to any extent, Senator Stone volcea as til personal wir tiutt in nee us of the. Star and Stripe by the British teasel is highly improper., ntone aecwrea dcuci uim. wmnrw Wiiiwu .. 7-- vw ing opoH Ilie HI ui uk. kwhu mi" 1 . ...... . '. ...u . . - .. LOXDOX, Feb. 8. According to remit of the lying of the American ling br the Lnsltania, daring her recent trip from New York to LtrerpooL , t J It U stated that this waa done by the liner' commander in order to cape any attack by the German submarine fleets. f- , The British foreign oflce i confinced that the use of Uie American colors can be shown to Itave been JatMed by international law: , It I felt here that if there are the incident, they will be between SERVIANS TO DIE FOR THEIR HOMES PRIME MINISTER SAYS COUNTRY MEN WILL DIE IN TRENCHES IF NECESSARY TO HALT THIRD INVASION, SOON TO START (By United Press staff correspondent) N1SH, Servla, Feb. 8. Still bleed ing from her earlier wounds, Servia's army is gathering for a heroic de fense of her soil. Four hundred thousand Austro- Germans are massed along, the north ern frontier, preparing for the third Invasion of the little kingdom within the next six months. What is left of the Servian army is determined to die in Its trenches if necessary to repel the invaders. This was the picture painted by M. Paghltcb. prime minister of! foreign affairs of Servla. in an ex clusive Interview today with the United Press. Servla does not ask the help of other nations, he said, add ing: "It other nations offer to help, we will gratefully accept their aid. Fight ing, as we are, for liberty, we' feel that we are entitled to the 'sympathy the moral support of all fair-minded nations, such as we know the United Stats to be. 'Our entire malo population will die before we. will submit to foreign domination, While we aro fighting primarily for our national liberty, we aro also playing a role in the strug gle for others, whose liberty is Im periled. German domination an Austro- U- Is Bound to Warner's lawyer Wahres Examinatkm - Vv.. Edward Warner, former chef at the Peteratelner, restaurant, was this atterroooa bound over to the grand jury on a eharge.of arson. His ball u piaeedju) IJ,Bf0. . ? warper,, -is apecincauy cnargea wthiettlag'the''Jire whfck.partly jdeat rayed the restaurant a: few weeks age.5-,. The priaetpal, witness for the state.ls' Isadore JHaiselheU,.disv washeriat 'the eetabllshmeat, yfi says Wtraerjeld him that he ttoti th lira, '' emmimmiej-ww W cfi sWm&& rt in iii iiriii j::m;m , r ,, - -.V -. .. .? ; ara KLar gLsr Hvl IbV Ksgl gm n I P I Lm I I H I ml W ga H -i .'iT--C. wr k: ' $ " ' , r ? . j Atlantic liner J.uiitanin on a recent.. j,; ." in president discussed tho nag lucl-- ''? " "" v-"-" .ir a; r. jk triVS. .f, il an oHcial hlgb in tfto cuptontatic serr- at any diplomatic exchange n reeukoT Germany and the United State.. ., ,r Germany victory would mean the militarization' nt Kllrntw -for' t least. x 2 half a century. I cannot" thlHkdemo- ,, cratic Americans would sympathise . with this tendency to ward .world dom -,v! lnation.A What' return to..,brbarkssar.H would be under Teutonic domination '"A & K-. atiei) tmrwmw. 4 K a nt Attl.kl lm iusj utJiuivicu iuai but? iavMre ommlttPd In Rprvla bv the AufltrisUiBr . .- jineir conauct asainat. us, is wkbobk' & precedent." , - s , - vfX . i'M:'m .... irt . y - fcSt'K M-jfr WELL ORGANIZED r "' , t P &' 'j"7 SEVERAL CLASSES WERE FORM MISSION PI100C0 ED AT YESTERDAY'S.SEsHOX f 'i 4 " A i PAPERS, LESSON HELPS, ETC, n; I ARE ORDERED The first session of the Baptist -mission was held yesterday forenoon ' in tbe Library Clubvbulldlng, with a . good attendance. At this time Sun-. ' day school work was, completely.'oui- lined, and several classes i were or- ganlxed under the direction df Super- M uueuueai uoucoraan ? -,4 3 us By next Sunday. It is expeeted that the Sunday Behool papers, lessosT' helps and other 'supplIes;-wUr be hereM for the classes, as they havo aU-beeh ordered. $&' M hi s?;..r,m - , " y &L& mr w " ,B:t5 nme ob owucm - .;spj: Johnny Welch, Btellar t wirier '6lX . T-I . ,1.. A"-" JTw J 'i.S-?l iuv uuivcrsity ui uresuu. imeuiuii -squad, la here from Portland inth'e . ., w.,,,. .,to tumiiunjf. ijiib win -bo ma, iasuinpv to Klamath Falls untir theendof m school, sb le goes to, Eugene .from" here to enter tor , the last semester. '.V ij' J M ' JU A- Grand Jury -,A 2 & t ,4v "J-Tf. y h&M mkim '. $m r V"A A numoer 01 witnvHses.were ptace- - on the stand, bthe Utr;eiimii ana .men, cross, eHwwnan7t ' A. Reaher, Warner;, attarw,' '.: t Aner tae swte,rHf;jsi cairMOMwttna.afll Jierore tais wnneesw amlaed to aay.ekteat.'l seme . 'eeasulatVsi wWi mt',iifvnpwais Jastiee t:iae-rse -JvV: '' - J V laLr- - VTVMAM". 'V -T' ' AM , .-' . .X ,".' -TT. A 7 -. J-t TT'rW. "W t,nyuiywvnT.frtrr:..3iTSi kM.& T?-,S& ,iiVAT. 1 A' . ,' Tz4- A2t . ..,2 Jk &' 4 3- ttl t . -r-t r rfv.i r- j . l ( fl V !., 1 ,&t M'lUf iS -xj- ?a M- ' " '!. ft,v '& - j n 1' Mm