. ; (.', "S.iit. rtiv.1 'ff--J-.-i.ihCt ,3. -" . , V tivW wV PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT II NEWS h - -ii..i-t-1, J iscsag wars IMiiIIi Year N iturnhtrj mram KL f OFFICIAL" c j. hfttVv.,W - NEWtABE V "tt47 KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1915 rvfcU. 1vfla', " f-.;j& t ,ti f HOUSE SAVES OREGON'S GAMElUM j . . . . . ....,,. ,. v. ..,,.,, ., ,WWWW,W ,. w MOVE IS STARTED FOR A SUGAR BEET FACTORY FOR K. F. If ilit vfforln f tln KUmalli CliamlHr of I'omwrri-e mv or tin)' until, it beet sugar factory may be added ti the llt or Klamath county' enter-.rl-. MTnhmi of Itw honeter nrgeniifllinn Imvu hem uorklng on this matter for MHiMt link" time, anil Ihc-y reMrl tlini enrolling looks favor utile to t Ik proposition. Then at arvernl nmerrns mIio mm- necking rlalillh mignr lwt rnil'rirtillirrmi(ptatN III llKNlnte. (htlng in tint Interference ultli Hiiiiinen e brought by ! war, (here In In In- it bin ileinnnil for nugar in khkI prler. TtinM lonrentn are willing lit ruler ilUlrltl where nufllrli'iit acreage im Im lgncd up for beat raking In Inourn nufflrirnt material for I Ik- rac-lurii-N lo work on. la mmiui communities, muim of Ihe farnien. Imltitto iiImiuI kIxiiIiik uji lo Ufl Ihi-U, hut Hie Klnimiili eoiml) farmcri Inter t letted m Ironml nurli a prop n I lion. iimitic llii- entliukiastie people over the aiignr lieet proMMiion lire the mi uilH-ro or I In- ltimiuii roloii) hIio uiv making good on Klninnili eount) ruruik. In llk ttlllt a inrmhrt- or Ihe hoard or rilrrrlor of tin Klmmitli I hiiiiilM-r or Omiim-rrr, tliey Mate llint I bey lutve bitd cperlfiici In ml Iiik Migar beet a for ugar factories, ruilheiiiuiir, I hey Muted Hint If Met ruliurt- Man Marled here, (hey Would bring oilier llUiUau runner I. n- (i mil tin- 141. Ttn neiuher or I lie IlirlvtiiK Iniliioirloiu Itolii-uiLnu h Inn) at Mallii, me miIiI lo be nlo amlou Co take up beet inltiitv. TIiiin rr, lliry lue niK lten lnlelrMnl by llu- t'lminlM-r or CVmtnieree ilireilor, ulio U look hi Into I lie hen UfBr frtury uroponliloa. Tlie tlan la to k Ihti proniolM to rftHMn to Kbimath roualy nnl innkt mi ln-MlffMloM liere. ir llw promoter dratrc It, a -llNtrrr trnrt ulll lie nnlipint tbom for rirwoMtratloa jNirpoara- Hut In KInhuUh county, lite utcm ot lb nufftr bevt lum Ionic Ixwn liiten. Ttiey irrow to vuumm alto lift-, ami furthermore, government K-Ma aliow Ummi to cemtalM HA per rent of imcar while the average In ubout IB per east. Blame Laid to J. Bull INCORPORJI T ION OF CHAUTAUQUA IS FILED TODAY i i OIUUM.ATIOS H.m Sit CAPITA , l.l.ATIO.V illilis or lliioi'ponilloii An- I'lled , lly Ihe llnnnl or DlKitorH Willi Ihe 1'oimH) ('Ink, 1'iepniaiory to ihe i. men, miiit of Woik ToHanl Hie Mint AllllllMl Aoeiiihl, lo lie llehl Hri,. Thli Hliiniiier New German Captive Balloon for Making Observations .BEEEEEEEsSW BBBBBBBBBHH'VP& 'l't3l'lBBBBBl BEEEEEEEEEEEEEfvP'IBBEEEEB B Mr"IhA ' "''-'l(LiiivaBBHBBHi beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeIMCIPIHbIIK JBBBBBBBBBBBBBW" "i VK.1tr'ABMBaBaBaH BVfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH?Vf ' ?A 7-4T ?; V!t C9aB"B"B"T 1 i-EEEEEEEEEI'V'I?W wmsKf-i 'M y?jHSBEEEEi I lfiEEEEEEEEEEfV'-' J SitiAaEEEEEE 1 EbbEEEEEBIB; 'McfjaSKKMmk BH SftiU Zifr' f& ?A'HSlBtBBBBBK5IS 3 BEEvBEEf,?tr jMaLfArjAAjraEAKHM m EewJ'SeeeHbeeeeeBSI SCHUEBEL BILL IS 'AMENDED TO LEAVE '4k GAME MONEY ALONE 'i s-v H M fl " .3 (Herald Special Service) f J-sr 1 '.ii l SSI '-.J.. V1 l "l t"l i&l Vl , KALKM, Feb. 6 Tbe apnmwin of dw atato of Oregon won-a complet ,,; nml tleciiilre victory In the lecMntarw ihU mornJag, tvhen the .Houae of ., Itcpirsrntativra paiwcd the Sclmebel general fund bill In a manner. o ;' .imended tliat It provldea that nil money derived from thelMMmCB of, ' llshluK and hunting llcenaea are to be a Menarate fnnd. - The bill further provide that this neparatc fnnd nhall be ccildawi'CtAI a hicctui aiprupruiivn ivr ine mwc ui iiie spwHiani ui iim; mndkvi -- Articles of Inrorporatlon were Mod inilny for the- Klnmntli OlintttniiRiie AriocIiiIIoii by th- lio.'inl of dlieitnrs, Herliert I). (Inlo, J W, Slotncnu. V. i: PniiiKlit. A. It. Cnmiibcll nml O, l. Wlllej. Tim place of hiiBlnosH Ih Klnnuilli Fnlln, nml tlio purpnrcH :ue Ollllllllll III! folleuH: To promote cduc.il Inn mnoiiKiit Hi miinhci-K mill the community, and to linti) nml clwjmhllr infetliiKf nml eiitertiilniiieii-ii fur llmt itirpnie ,nnil III uirr)liiK out tliu olijcd of the corporation nml to tnkn tlllo to hold reul tate, to erect .nuliublo bnjld lug, to accept licqucxu nnd dona tlona from any unurte, to borrow money and as security therefore, to oxecuto notes and mortgages, and ui.Minnftu, iiivint uiiu ii;iiiiuviiio niiy . . , ,, , pm hallnnn and all property of the corporation, lo.'" " te" wU?nl lven "" ,ho "8e r ?'n a"0"" in nnrnifln hnllnnn At work. While Captive balloons. . , dan , ,h lU. which can bo Controlled from thoSjonary balloons from the enemies' ground and from which observations guns, the facts obtained by observers inn) bo made carefully and accurate-! in them have been found to be far jly, have been substituted. In thejmoro acurate. the proper protection of tH i.51i -V jlHf !.( . Btra and animal', the intreanctton or warn v-i t ipecler, the propogatlon, winter feeding, etc. , ?fV&$&r SI Aiier oeing rnsnea inrongti jnst neiore adjournment em n-Tnw,anr5 i ti r'-SlHfk v when many of the menabers were anay from Salem on conmaMtmi'' i' noon hwiinew, tlie Schuebel bill wan recalled from the senate for lion. V1, 'iM'tAwW-. It was tabled for a week, them "trimmed up" this Morning and faatM y ' When the bill waa tabled, it wn not couusldered until ttenifn la i 'iuiii live Chria SchneheL Of ClncJaUMn. Hi author nnread to the ithiiti nan drafted by Smith, of Khun tin; Vnwter. of Ja'cksoa, and,bmJ,tof; ' ;?il 9-k Ku. a-f. Mullnomah. . . - ? 1 The game rommlitee la still con tittering the half doacam.or mar pro-J- l khm niiia Meekinr to recniaiA tarn Htale ruin mma litne t-onimnmai. ui.. -.i 1. wvtu.l.lA .I,., . nnnl kill n h. vill Onllw imlml .K' hlnalil'i Wil of the sportsmen, will he recommended by the committee. -f .By-t'1.i "" r "r imMl T it. ic 'tS-ii. ," -fc-Tfi.1 Tlio nermniiH, like he Allies, have photograph here Is shown the latest for that purpose.. uuiiiiiiuk.'iij ui urn lui i-unuiuu, iu ,, .- ,. th Brat nhotoaranh of purchase and sell, or otherwise dl- neroplanc. nnd Zeppelins for scout, "'; " lhhl?f property, and generally to do all TIRED KLAMATHS NO DECISION IS LOSE THE GAME MADE BY LODGE . J Vlll necessary and expedient things in the (furtherance of ihe purposes of the corporation iioKaraing lu cnpiiniiiniion. tne as soclatlon's Incorporation articles make ( " the following statement: i"nd by charging and collecting fees The association posesses no prop-1 for membership and dues, and by erty or money, and purposes to ob- charging nnd collecting admission tain rovenuo by voluntary contrlbu-fecs to the public, meetings and en tlons from Its members and others, jtertalnment held by it or under Its auspices, but such Income not to ac crue to the financial benefit of the as sociation or Its members, but to be expended for the purpose and ob ject as hereinbefore stated. rVHitli I aWm Ar frnwii fnr RJohn Rliohr uuuiawviiivwwinnv wivnH ,w" 'm" aaafjaa . T WW 1 WT "' llAirm9nv Warnc IMAiirrak rn Kppii or thnlr dUircoMed condition and Im-! Wl lllltll W IT Wlm IIU A Walfar tf JLamWwBaT ROYS AXD GIRLS ARE BOTH DE-J RECEIVING WORD THAT .OTHER PEATED IX CONTEST AT ASH Ii.M WERE DELAVED FOR 18 HOURS AT WEED I'nltcd I'resa Service LONDON, Jan: 10. (By malt to New York) (leorge Bernard Shaw's i (intention that England and France liac not done as much ns they night for llelilum has received endorse ment front on unexpected quarter. Tim llrltUh Socialist party has Just directed a sharp letter to Premier. Anqultli in which they make the same liargn. it is understood that similar in lion is to bo taken by the French xoclullstH and there Is u possibility Hint tlio question of Belgium will noon again bo one of the supreme ildo Usuos of tho war, In the letter, which was drafted by the oxocutlce loramltteo of the Ilrltfsh aoclsllst party, the followlag declarations are made: "Over six millions of pooplo In Bol Klum are on the verge of starvation, nnd the outlook for the civil popula tion Is terrible, Indeed. The measure tnken for their relief rest upon the slenderest foundation. In saying this do not cast tho slightest refaction upon tho Americans, who are working ho strenuously to ameliorate tho hor rors of the situation. "Monslour Entile Royer, deputy for Toyrnal, says In the 'Indopendemee Hello' of the Ilnd of this menth: 'A frlond writes to me from nolglum llmt, in spite of all the devotion In the work ot organising relief, beg" Kars Increase In numbers every day. There are districts where nine-tenths are wholly dependent upon nnblto charity, aa4 the oftolals there) see dearly that they will soon he with out resoareM, land.unaMe to fee anyone. The dvll efukuie a Sel slum seii menntta warinsf, g plorlng uld.' "Truly, an Mr. iloyer sayn, 'A wholo' nation Is dylugt' , "In thee clrcumttauccj, sir , wo feel It to bo our duty to ask what steps aro bolng taken to mitigate this stupendous disaster. Wo sub mit most strongly that tho people of England should know that their gov- ei nment Is using overy posslblo means of preventing tho wholesale sncrlflco( of non-combatants and women and children on tho alter of military "United Truss Service nrrosslly. , BERLIN. Feb. li "It should be poslble for tho Ger man administration In Belgium to give facllHIeH for tho free distribu tion of food under neutral niiBplces, Ships Away From France, England This It Taken by Some as an Effort to Blockade. U. S. May Make Protest. Other War News States from making nay shipments; of Warsaw. One of The admiralty i whatever to European ports. r ..... lHiJ V. . tf ihas issued tho following new warn- " uf"" '"-" ""B arouua r-ngiauu aa. a oiocaaae, sue Ing to shippers ot neutral natiens: "England la in tho eve ot shipping no ma'tter from what Bourcos thow numerous Hoops aud quantities ot supplies aro obtained, and to guar-jwnr material to France, We shall antoo that such n distribution shall proceed against this movement with bo made to and enjoyed by the Bel- nil the moans of warfare at our com glum civil population. We urge, mand. thorcforo, roost strongly that tho A!-1 "Peaceful shippers aro therefore Ilea approach the Gorman government earnestly cautioned against approach without delay In order to secure such Ing the northern and western coasts distribution of food to the Belglan'of France, as It Is threatened, and people thoro Is serious danger of peaceful most make It "air tight." Otherwise tho United States will not reoognke It. This was broadly. Intimated at a cabinet meeting !today, The notice received, however,'-Is regarded mere ly as a danger none' warning, such as heretofore Issued by England and Germany regarding mined areas. battles of the war is developing Seven divisions simultaneously be gan a frontal attack from Bzura to Rawaka. A hunderd batteries are shelling I tho trenches, and the sonw Is crimson with blood. At some points there Is ' band-to-hand fighting. (Herald Special Service) ASHLAND. Feb. 5. The Klamath county high school's boys and girls I basketball teams were defeated here last night by the Ashland nigh school teams, in two games that were of n speedy order. The boys' game was worn by Ash land by a score ot 22 to 14. The score In the girls' game was 14 to 2. The Klamath teams were In very poor condition for the game, as they were delayed for eighteen hours at Weed. Furthermore, sleep was im possible in the Weed hotels, the stu dents say. They claim the bedbugs kept them awake all night, and they reached Ashland air" worn out. the greatest PLAX8 ARE ON THE WAT HERE .oaW FROM OUTSIDE, - . i POXE BUILDING MATTERS ELKS. POST- i - I f As they were advised that plans and specllcatlons tor their new home are on the way here from archl " teds In ether cities, the' members -yt ot Klamath Falls Lodge, No. 1847, ,' B. P. O. E., postponed for the Ume.': the consideration of plana tor 'ihe, V, $40,000 building to be. erected at j,v the corner of Third and Main stream - The demand fo'rtVe building nernde si is gratifying' to the lodge and shows -j J the hustling jplrU. of the members., Aitnough it ass been Dutta ahort r tlme since, ths Elks decided 'to ot'j a 10.000 bond issue aniongth "', members of 'the lodge, 'taeretaiveryr " uttie ot tne tissue uuu unetitaxen, .$ and the sale.of the rest is a certainty.? B il l 'wi. CiiHed l'i ess Service Avirvnu rk n? en a i .. .n-m. i ii,iu rtirnn m,,. c,l iwl,. ennfiised with vessels for ". "' n-rnBno nnc- -.;:..- ..nn ohn..i i. u.,.;i.i, ,.rn.e. Around Scotland '"P Oormnny's chUenge. Just is bo mado at onco, and should In-.wurllko purposes. Around Scotland elude a request for a guarantee that j Is rccommonded ns tho best track all hindrances to industrial activity .to th North Sea." In Belgium In tho way of lines and, impositions should bo Immediately ' United Pi j Servlco ' removed. i WA8IUN0T0N. Feb. C After a "The muto anguish of a nation of hi lot oiiamlimtlon ot the Herman war whose dependence and neutrality thla'sono 'proclamation, administration country has constituted Itself the officials are Inclined to believe that guardian, appeals to us with piteous there 'Is ground to protest against helplessness, and we are convinced i It, According to the terms ot this, that the whole civilised world will 'all the waters surrounding England approve and applaud whatever steps J nnd France am to b Included In the are taken to give effect to the sug-,wsr sono after February 19. gestlon outlined above." i This would prevent the United sued, as a result of the threat to starve out the Rrtttans. Tho admiralty"1 conference on the isubjoct la secrefTIt is understood. though, that an order-will be Issued for ta part of the North Boa flotilla of destroyers to he detached and as signed to waters nearer heme. - United Press Service PETROQRADFeb. 6 OMeial statements say ,v hnaderd thousand Germans are making headlong rushes against the Russia neaitlon United Press Service ATHENS, Feb. 6 Advices reeefved here are the 30,000 Turks have crossed the Senaln peninsula and are j massing along the Sues canal be-. Klamath Space Good M..&-R a n, f i!fi Letter FromOuver Tdk Hew Ksphy Is ' n f lit m ' & i tween Port Said and Sues. There That Klamath county's products is a delay in the general avance be -; attrMtiuid sicured It pending the arrival of reinforcements. J ' ... "ThUi extra United Press Servlco PARIS, Feb. 6. Heavily reinforced the Germans are attempting an of fensive movement from the Const south to Arras. There la heavy eon nonadlng at NIeuport, and the AlUes lines at Furnesa are bete sheUet. The German Infantry ssssnltss aear Notre Dams de Lerette hvw hsam nn- successful. - ' j The Oerman avtatsrg sad the AK lies' aeroplane gun sm ahw between the sen and Tacts. attention at the Panama-Paellc In ternatloaal Exposition Is shown by the following, letter to the Chamber or commerce, from c. T. Oliver, who Is now Installing the exhibit In the Oregon ballsing; "Klamath county has a booth font teen test square-' Ini one end of .the southern Oregon ssetlenf .whtehtisi in an attractive 'earner. Aeress'the awe from tasKismath Mth.is n wairseaee Misttystg test lethf'ssht w-jd-war-sfc " z r - - t .m tk&p!, ten feet In hclghth. I applied for - j j- WBFil ITTiM n m" extra space gives us amnfelf room for a)l the deer .beads anK Klamath county pictures. seV.- mras ana antmais, etc,, mat enm(nt obtained. 'fi ' . . r ylP WW TN. vv-J.-sva . ij j K "Besides this I,haveJaf,saees ... -..m- m "Vii 'n'-.''.i.3 lacnes wise aav twevvevteet)'.; which I wMM h mh west" Kietalaraad nieta M W BB BBl r BB BB BB OBtaaia -jt i sulk lag is iae as chei . '."- t ." . . 7 TmeM h ne nmmusm.hfi WfVI:Wi'l' ' J r-..i . 't tV ,v . w-a;'wRtfv. & . s fcvi. aswiVMSWa-v.' 'j' a ?tm