'$!&? ':. .J3f r . ;vr . ,'. ft. ' " ifiV-n $ Eht 2 ?73 li-; PRINT! f HI v t t aa&vJjiAS&aiii.l' . KLAMATH-FALU'vi luit , u f jt'i - - ( i WS WHILE IT 18 NEWS VSFAmi Sill OFFICIAL" NKWSPA ?" ,Tft$,ttV TV MSIM ,Ycar - ". aIHM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1915 W j ra?V'v A $Zwtmux Mttmh eutrality of the United States Branded as Being 'Sy. vT- "Hypocritical" By Some of Germany s Citizenry AAAAAVMWMMMWMMMMMMWVMWMWMWVMVMWMWMVWVWV T USSIAN ADVANCE ON KONIGSBERG IS FINALLY STOPPED blivil l'ro Service LONDON, Feb. I, -The ItUMlaiialinvr abandoned their 111111-011 Inward .. . .... . - -. . - ... - 4iui Iln4idiiauiil iIiiuIhk ,I.m ItllllC"1" H ' FmH 44Wr .VWimt.Ml,. ,,4444 IIUKIRU IH4444H 4,4V it ihrre daye have made no mention or any progri'iu toward the Pniu an niplloti Tlii Intra! mlvlroi Kit)' Hint Hiki.im ndvum-i micI u ftupi-iltii- fnrrc, mill liii furred 10 linlt. 1 Tlu. (ii'iniiiiik suffered heavy lim-H, in preventing Hie lltiM-Inn fnrni . umIiih Hid Angerap at Dankrnmen, bill !! HumIhim are Hum far un- hli 10 mute Hip German from their strong m1Hoii, Uncle Sam's Enormous Gun to 'Protect the Panama Canal hilled .Trim Hmvlrn PETHOOHAII, Feb. . All Poland from Warsaw west lo the IVumiuiij mill)'!' U 11 bloody battle ground. , li I- oilli iully announced that Hiie 1 Heire Untiling at ILtura. Ii U ntlmlted ilial tlu! German have lieuvily reinforced, anil arw oil i-atoring to assume Hie offfMlro. Hold nlde are unlng heavy artillery. 'iillid l'r;ns Hcrvlin . 1 VIENNA. Feb. I. ItUolrJ11)iiMHmra Hint tlioinu.111. HuimJuiw lii.l Mt.rnt iimililni ipiim wen? rajitunil in tin' fnMtl" M e lutli-lmi Mrrm. Tin- kliiMlion N unrluinKctl in norilii'rti I'olnml itml CJnllcln. tilmd I'rcM Bervice MMK), Vvb. 4. A terrible cnlileiuie of uwllo In raxing in VI- i-iiiin. nronllnu to the AnmtettUm e orreMinileiit to Iho Telegm)li. Thin LiMiiri. Kinin. tlMt the Kmueror nntl h li Mrt Imve tln from the city to cmii.. the iliaeiMe, 1 I ' ' TPiH&tt" ' fc'l FA v i.1 'r - ,4e-v V r4iv '33 nfi- pPl j i - L"''JiMn!ikSf' " ' .Pbbbbpbrw- B!- H l JivilHil -BB-i BRiK9llllllll9aK. H Sc . ill- '?SH Vl l1?, k'3l!H!?i9H tYi c8S8. H ni3!fiBV" ' 1 lliRr I f'H cHlBIBii. I I .' ?SH m H2Ni-9HBHH i RII - iii iB"-HPH ONE COMMITTEE ': WILL NOT TAP U. S. OFFERINGS fi .t -K ;-t vn United Prea. Sertic .--.., AMSTERDAM, Fell. 4 On the ground that Awerica'o neutrality to'hy-. procrltical, the war committee at Zwiclutn. near Dresden, todajr aanoanced lliat It will refuse to accept relief gilts from, America, according to to iUij-'n Lssur of Lokal Anzclger. It is understood that the committees' chief cause for complaint I Jx cause United States manufacturer are mipplylng arms and anuuuniUon to the Allies. "- linked Prew Sftnrlc , - - " 4- ft.ltV-4r.V-' V3-.1. m ff. .n.4.4fl - nMn it l flu ivmryu.a.-iuAi'., .:u a. a V4nu4i Jtrrci47u ,i.vu'Bfl4j4yf v4v7i4jHia4j(p i has placed a concrete case bsfet ? United State govtnrsneBt w Wefc- the empire considered a real test of the ncutt rally question!' -' - -;- i llaron BcrnstoriT, tlie Gentian ambassador, delivered a note to Bryan I rtgnrdlng the food for the German people, shipped, 'via the WUheJmemJa.. ' This gave assurances from BetiUi's foreign office that the American cob- the food to, sec that none of it LOCALS TO PLAY KtNO'S QUINTET t I.Vrit.W. M'HIKll, IIUHKII-M, HOT t.V Till: TUAII. OF TIIK COUNTY tllAMI'IONHIIIF, PHACTICTNG IIAIlIt .N'ui roiiii.it with dofoalliiK Mer rill twice, nifil winning ono out of I wo Kiunr W(, tlc Kcno school, tlm jonlrnl nchool linskelbnll tcora Is I... ...n4ini,i Imnl fnr it irnino nt I4W l44V4W,4,fe .... --- -- liho rink Saturday evening with tho llicno learn, Conch Morris' team Iiih woii thrco out of four games .played, and they will do their bout to mid another 'victory Saturday night. Theso ynungstoi-a have teamwork uovciopea in 11 siirprlilng dogroH, and thoy proinlMo to make somo of Iho old heads In the high school hump when they enter tho high school noxt year and try for places. UuaIiIc Iho Kcno schoolboys, there 'will oIko bo n team of older chaps hero from Kcno Saturday night, A loam of local players will he handed together to meet them as a prcilmln nry to tho InterscholaiiUc game. Thin enormous rlllle, believed lo bo iho largest sluglo pietti of armor over made. Is being shipped by the Unit ed Stales government to protect tho I'.mnma cannl. The photograph shows the great 16-inch gun on Its way to Watertown, Matui., where it will bo made ready for shipment to the canal. It weighs 284,000 pounds. The car on which Iho gun Is carried lisolf weighs 192,420 pounds and no fewer than thirty-two wheels were necessary to hold It. mis ran supervise the distribution of ouches the Germany soldiers. - - - - It is learned that Germany holds that if the United States laslais aa strongly that Americans hare a right to ship food to Germanno-, .cam--. ( hutnnt-, as they have to ship "arms and ammunition to the Allies, the ( i ttality ivill be proyen. , ,. t . ,Jt itjj gl. f 8?! 7" "tr th? declsldnMlr'atffOermnnyf-tlie--K0wa .-iii44T4i is uiiitt 1 1 tan impnruai tu uiu iiiii. - rt Germany believes that if Eagland seizes the WUhelawi's eargo, this trill be pure piracy, and should be punished by the United States. , ? . "I S ' i Who Owns Holy Land? shipping This Will Be a Big Question at Close of tb War LONDON', -Jan. 20. (Dy mall to New York) Who It going to have I'nlt'Btliio wheu tho war It over? ! ono of tl(l questlona which la already lioKlnnlng to worry Iho Alltod Aiao 'intlon of Now Map Makers, and the ixxponHlvn query, Shall It bo the United StatoaT is receiving more con xldcratlon than, at first thought, might Beom possible. What over happens to Oermany nnd Auatrla, the Allies determined that Turkey shall be pushed com I'loteiy off the map of Europe, and off the greater part of AaU Minor, nnd there will be rare ohj iergmW for "log portions" when tho Otto man bird la carved. (Jortnln portions of tho turkey have already boon hooked. England has annexed Kgypt nnd Cyprus, and will almost certainly Insist on retaining thnt part of tho Poralnn gulf and the Euphrates valley, captured by tho Anglo-Indian troops. Arabia won't bo much use to anybody, ob Ita In habitants are n bit too llvoly for Christian government, and anyway, England could not afford to havo any other nation planted along the route to India. Russia will grab moat of Asia Minor and northern Persia, and there only remains Syria, nnd the Holy Land, Palestine came' under, , Turkish do- Changes Opposed in Drainage Bill Dead! BUSINESS IN TO ASK BETTER RATE DELAYED WIRES BRIN6 BAD NEWS (Herald Special Service) muko tlio changes asked by the SAI.KM, Feb, 4 Owners of swamp Lower Klumnth Lake .Drainage Dls- litiul contemplating reclamation will tt let, and Its attorneys, Kuykendall , not be affected by tho amendments to & Ferguson, of Klamath Falls. be made to the drnlnago district The old law will probably bo left law, introduced In tho House by tho r. it is. A separate bill, covering Marlon county delegation. I3oth conditions in the Willamette valley ItVj AT LAST .NIGHT'S MEETING IT WAS DECIDED THAT A CAM. PAIGN BE WAGED TO LOWER THE FREIGHT TARIFF authors of the law and tho rovlslon that caso. will bo substituted for the of Inws committee have agreed to 'proposed measure. (CoatUm m pat I) BILL DELAYED AWHILE DEMOCRATS PUT T1..J MATTER OFF UNTIIi TWO MORE SENA TORS RETURN FROM TRIPS TO THEIR HOME STATES United Profca Sorvlco WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. The dem ocrats havo agreed to postpone final action on tho ship purchnso bill until Senator Nowlands arrives from Ne vada, nnd Smith returns from Caro lina, With the prospects of these votes,, the leaders ore hopeful for tho bill's adoption, Instead of cajllng an extra session In case the bill la defeated by reason of tho recent filibuster, led by Bmoot, of Utah, It la understood that Presi dent Wljaon will take tho case be fore the people on his speaking trip In March. " . h ARRESTED ON A PORTLAND WIRE I.AKEVIEW PHYSICIAN 18 TAKEN INTO CUSTODY JUST BEFORE NOON, CHARGED WITH MONEY MANIPULATIONS . , Thnt the Klamath county mer chants are paying too high freight rates, and that something must be done In an effort to bring theso lower were among the matters discussed at Inst night's meeting of the Busi ness Men's Association. The matter ,Is to be taken up with the railroad company. In tho meantime the members of the Business Men's Asoclatlon will I hustle for a bigger membership. A .campaign has been started watch, hag as Us aim the enrolling of every busl- itess man in the city as an active membor. Charged with obtaining money under false piotonses, H, Of tidal, M, D., of Lakcvlow, was grreated juat before noon today by' Sheriff C. C. Low, live minutes after the receipt ot a telegram of Instructions from a Portland constable. x ; The physician la bow. In the coun ty Jail. - V '".'" . At "Klamath's KUaay Show house" tonight; nine reels ot pleturee will be' shown at the regular gdmleslon price -ten ceata. '& United Pre&s Service ' - i mm . WASHINGTOON, Feb. I Qetmaay has noUded America and aU other, neutral nations, to keep their shipping away, from the. Westers coaatlof France. '' T t K "J This is taken to indicate aa extension of Germany's nctivitlea. TWO KLAMATH PEOPLE LEARN OF FATHER'S DEATH IX SOUTH, AND MOTHER IS SUMMONED TOJ A SICK DAUGHTER Tho resumption of telegraph vice yesterday evening by the Western morning for San Jose. t l . X i Union brought to Mrs. J. I. Clark of' this city and F. V. Cprpenlng'of Olehej news of tho demise of their father;.. Captain W. G, Corpening, the grand old Confederate Veteran4 who aaadef so many friends while visiting here' last summer nnd fall. He died Mon-: day in Ashvillo. N; a, but toe Wra1 service troubles throughout the country .delayed the message. Another, urgent message that waat delayed was to Mrs. G. K Van Rlperl from San Jose, announcing thatTlier , daughter, Miss Lillian, .who. Is attend- ing the San Jose normal school; 1 very III, and summoning her to ceme: ser-lat once. Mrs. Van Riper" 'left? this " " ." -F.V. " t I &i A I . ., ., rr-"A 5 Collection of Taxes Is Up AAA M Bill to Have Sheriff Collector Aaewld in j:HWAf--t fifl. Art Department Meets The regular meeting of the art de partment of the Woman's Library Club will be held tomorrow afternoon nt the Library Club .building. ' The session will be from 2:30 to 4:80, the regular Instructions In needle work will be given, and, all lntero8ted nro Invited to attend. Home From Visit Mrs, A. G.-Wiggins returned laalt night from a visit of two. weeks or more In Rogue River vallep points. Mrs. Shermaa ptvoreed -. Circuit Judge Nolaad today leaned a divorce decree to-Whel era, who snad' for aanaratltm froas T. Sherman. It was a default eaae. ! taxes. Uafer thafprtaeat eeaWa., (Herald Special Service) , SALEM, Feb. 4 The House went on record yesterday aa favoring the collection of taxes By the county treasurers In place of sheriffs. Thla action was tufcen when Kelly'a bill to put the cpllectloa la the hands of sheriffs "was ameaded by the House aa a coamltte of the whole, so that tne treasurer wouia nave enure sup ervision ot thla work. Repreeentatlve Kelly'a meaaura plaaaed to amaad the. law' la order to make It aa;H was before the ooaB' ty commUetoaers were glvea ay part la the buataaas ot, ooueetlac yl v' .H;iaA? rw the work Is divided 'andUUe ,hert jm collects only delinquent-taxes.! Thai' v4w drvlston ot the labor. Is criticised,. bT "-'! many and the desire te to plaee the J7 collection In the hands of one-;.df;Iv flclal. m ' &'&&& -. - ..." , 'Y Sry?" After amending the .bill m;maU,&; alter its entire original latest, .tM House authorised thefaBotaktaHil 'MW$: a sueelal .commlttea.-to lA4k',itA,'-s'.'1 sherlKs and tttuuntt.t&tW I - '..""' .v', (" Sf ot collecting, the jCeujJiiiss,'. 1 l?5v'TM.fc , wij...ia: vJS 4 4BV44, 41 Vi;.ITVB la v argTied l$fr0VM raeaiTii-l - -r sua ratts r7, , i " h3l$lli;ti&Kf&&?$: r m fcjl 71 -I ,1 l m & i MmMtym&&n-'-&m. v. t . . .i ' 4 " v '$, A'..' K n."3.?.If'T'fe a ' - B i.S . ' "i.T '.' -, . r - . f r. 1 1 , "-!' -fv4 fcWSii- kiAi'l: .i.,s-:--M