11,. - 'i ty-Vi av Cf F JR t i fWW "" T "" "'" ' 'fr; wrf.wiiiii: PRINT! THE NEWS WHILE IT II NEW! KLAMATH Pi OFFICIAL' NEWAWUI Xu& Mlt Ninth Yea . KLAMATH FALL, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1915 Y Ingram 6ERMAN AIRMEN BOMBARD MANY ! FRENCH CITIES triH)UTM OK IIA1DH ANOKHINO THK MlKNCll llim-lnim tlalni lo Hum Ww Import ui Victories Over the Teutons In rttlf't Piims i-rUi ' IN,UiMliiMtalhrtllitaliMid HAJrtM- yth 2,,.(1 K(1(mtl HMCPTlwlMit.TMII.ottrT1H..1u,r(fty (( ,,, fllirx,M ,,,' prhuiwr Were Tafceii la Twee ,.,,.,, welfare commission to nl llsy. of MghUng-Kalser w women nu.l girl employed In 'canneries mxl similar enterprises I niii-il Press Service connected with the fruit Industry, in I'AUIH, Fob. 2. lermuu uvlalors worj overtime In earn of i-mr rRencle. hrkMl bomb with ICmlly effect In T0 Hlm,0 ... ,)r) Hwon MNi(,.. llio nulon to tho noutliPttitt or Vcr.B0Vpl llu.llBUrt.H nlj ,i,.f.nted om. ,,., according to ward rxnlvid this Tl), mo kllu.( renttitvii ,,l0 nintvn mot nliiK- or relatives of ikmwiih eoiiimlllrd in Tim report slat that one non- lm, imnnu ,iHyliim to pay $lf ii minimum wan killed near Pont-a-l,lnnui rr their iiinlntMinnco, when In Mouimun. These advice nUo state (,, j,,iKniont of tin court, they were ihat iimiiy were badly maimed atjnnn to pay. ' Nniiey. where, bombs wero dropped In , T,(, ,,, lldo,,0(, follow, ; a hcIhm.i y.rd, nnd on nmt.rnlty, n(j)p(i( ()f hp , lirittrtl. , lIc.iiMfrt nni-KtlietlHl nfinll nil.. Tin vlllngo or Ittwnlroiricnt wan xllctitly dnmAgod. Tho iu'wd or Mils mid reached fnrlx ut tb Mmo time announce mem wiih made tbnt Oermnu Taubct ucm ilroppluK he)U on Dunkirk and vicinity. Tli'o report! crvatod bitter Indiga ilon, Tim niwnpaprii demand re lallatlon. Tho raid nro aald to jiav been x ruled from Met he. At lout all Oer mnu avlntore. with their obtervara, rutiiHt bomb on Nancy, l.unevllte. llrinlri'raetit and other town within rndliiK of 70 nllea. I'iiIKmI I'rcBH Bervtco IIKIILIN, Feb, t It la announced tlint (lermau avlatori have created tlii Allloa' line, and have aucceedad In bombarding Uallluo'l, eighteen mlh'H northeast or Lille. KnUur Wllhelra, In conference with IiIh htnff, announced tnat he Ii natU nod with progreta here. I lilted I'reka Service PKTUOORAD, Feb. 2. Important vlrinrlcu In I'olnnd and In the Car imihlmiM nru claimed In the latest iiRlclat war ofllco statement. Thin iitntea the Oerman lost 0000 killed, nnd many moro wounded and taken prisoners to the west of War mw. Husslans have taken more than 1000 prisoners In thu threo daya of ilRhtlng In tho Carpathians. City Selects Alarm Bid of Hillsboro Firm Is Tim city of Klamath Falls wont hi M'cortl ns In favor of "Made In Orc.ton" goods last night, when Po lice Jmlgn Leavltt was Instructed to enter Into a contract on behalf of tho 'Ity with the Ilcrgen-Comba company, of HlllBboro, (or the Installation or n tire alarm system. This contract lx subject to whothor or not the sys tem Is ns represented. Tho Hillsboro concern submitted a bid In competition with the Gainewoll I'irn Alarm company, and their bid was considered lower, Their sys icm wits Investigated, and the fol lowing was received rrom I. f. Rag ley, mayor or Hillsboro; "Tho entlro systom as Installed Ii'-to I n complete success. I don't eo how tho smaller cities can af ford to bo without this or a similar system. "These boya are absolutely rail nble and their yatent Is one or merit, and you can rely upon any represen tatlon they may make. I believe they would be wllllag to ImUU the Hystemaubieet to1trl. lenvlnt you to be (he judge as to wketker er not it compilH with tbe repreeentatlMi." The. following waa.f received from be aaMamba rtmasart "l i fc . . w w m e. haye beef werklag eoistantly SENATE PASSED SEVEN MEASURES YESTERDAY WAS A SOMEWHAT active day i.v tiii: upper house or li.hsi,aturi: one iiii.i. killed inlnlMcr iiimothcilil(n. .MnklnK ffooil tho title or IttnilR unlit by tho ntutp boforo It nnd n rlcar tltto from th Rnvernnr. nclntliiR to tho tlllnc of thn ro portH of tho trewturcr nnd HhorllT with tho county clerk. I'rovldltiK that tho county trcamircr Hhnll ilupoHlt monthly with the coun ty clerk nil county order redeemed. HclntlnK to tho publlnhlnx of a cml-monlhly report by the county clerkn. IT(, (11,, for Hm 13. Ii. Ramsby better known as "Dnd". leaves In tho morning ror Oakland with his daughter. Mr. S. Kdwnrd Martin, where ho will ro cupernto from the effects of the stroke ho received recently, which to; prlved him or the use or his band ror n time. "Dad" expects to bo here In tlmo to bent the drum In his drum corps Hvlller than over for tho O. A. It, on Memorial day. In from IxirelU Mrs. Fre-l Fleet and Mrs. J. P. Illckox enmo In rrnm l.orelln today for n Hhort visit. Mrs. Fleet Is the wlfc of tho secretary of the Klnmnth Chnmbnr of Commerce. In front llanch JnmoH Henley wns n Klamath Fall visitor yesterday, comliiR In from his ranch at Mt. Lnkl. Accepted by the Council to perfect our work, and have tried to push our Aystom on not tho tnnrket beforo It- wan ready, "Thu falrosi proposition wo can iniikn In that we Install thu complete system ami allow yotl to put It through n very rigid test. Wo nro willing to run nil risk and nsk no favors from you. It tho system does not fill tho requirements, wo will be tho losers, und you will have the prlveleeo of getting any other sys tem you may desire. "Wo rcnllso that u lot depends upon our success or fnlluro In your city, nnd you can bo sure tbut we will loavo nothing undone to make It tho best system of Its kind In ex istence." Tho company's bid ror tho sys tem, completely Installed, Is S480, it conslstsof an electrical striker, and a district system, bo devised that by setting tho Indicator at tho number or the district and pulling a .switch, a general alarm, and the- district sig nal will be rang twice'. This system; for the present, Is to be .operated from, tho firemen's r sta tion' In the new city hall, It will be but the work' of an, Instant to thus sound an alarm once it Is telephoned la. Later If the seeds of the city demand It, alarm boxes can be In stallsd througheut the etty. . Germans Resting Rifles t aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBWrnaBmSBrSVlabl. tmUir.IBBBBnBBBBBBT9aV kSagaa, - Pf..BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ISMggViai V.rS"i '".;tillMtSr''... .1' Jlle(a&- X 'BBBBI SkBBBBBBBBBBBLaBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBkJlBl i. tJKJMKm-P7lr'im'l-fim. '''TVaBBBBBBBBBV1mBBBBBBBBBBnB.ngl I HfgHRflVKjk; fliem ikJjfWMVy lWl l TmBBBBBBBBaVfavamBBBBBBBBBBBBmgl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmKiskW 'WPkuSkUKkKM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnPIK BBBBBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBBBBBBmrjB ? -Iflgg !TJaBlril-rm4BBBBBWyBBBBBBBa CtgmVQOamKrjgmBBKlfrT" ''vSITmW aVosfaaammaBBaVi gammVaV 'mVfaVfaVfaVaVMal WKBBKKBBBJiBkjJw- aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaM gBBBVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBC BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBI gaVflgaYaYaYaYaYaVaYaYaYaYaYm aTaTaTaTaTaTaTmVal I BBBBBBBBBBBBBaS'vlaBBBBHBl A VK&SRB K PLLattBgaaQaWmBBBBBBBBB Whiter In (list I'rusiiln Is cold miouhIi, even for tliOM who have coal mill (omforliilile homes, but this i Js a pi. ture f die German. troopsiabolt lw?nty.flve degrees below aero, flRhtliiK ihi ItiiMtlanii from thclr'unit tbo fingers o) the men are so irem-liiM. Tim photograph was taken! near Uarkoliiiicii. on the AnRerapplthoIr triggers. river, In cnxt Prussia Tho bottom' Fire to warm themselves In the COMMERCE BODY SEEKSJEMBERS OPTIMlfcTUi 111.1'OllTS ! iKJS IIKIIH SHOW THAT THK TOWNS PEOPLE AUK WITH UOUY COMMITTEES START OUT If you are not a. member of the Klamath Oharabor o"f Commerce-, you will be pretty soon, for all of the members of tho booster organisation nro now scouring tho town for moro mcnlbers. in this work each mem ber of the Chamber is the head of n committee of one, and will Inter view all of his friends. Thero will ho a small monthly membership reo charged, und this will, go to Jhe matntonuueo at the body these expo sition days. At last night's meeting of tbo Chamber directors, memoers were asked to report on what they heard from townspeople regarding the Chumber of Commerce. In every case, optimistic apeeches were made, telling of. npproval and offers of fin ancial aid from those not now In tlm membership list. LYCEUM FOR NEXT WEEK ANOTHER ENTERTAINMENT IS HOOKED TO ASSIST IN CLEAN. ISC. I'P DEFICIT COLORED I ROURADOItH COSUNU A, With a view to eliminating the de ficit of tho Klamath Lyceum Bureau, tbo incmbors of tbut organisation have arranged to Imvo the California Jubilee Quartet here next Monday and Tuesday nights, Thoy will ap pear ut the opera house, nnd tickets are' now on aalo. This organisation of colored artists is considered one of tho' best on tho Coast, and each member has wen fame ns a sollst, Mr. Payne, one of tho quartet, Is a double-voiced concert singer, .and In addition to numbers in n rich baritone, he has NDMBER a most wonaerrut lyrio soprano, , : -' Mr. Stewart, the pianist, has at-i Last year raUwafa W sVRala, car talhed fame as the "Black Pader-'rled 1,22I,III.M latfaajiwi and wlikl, t jRnPllrftfMHHKWWByffMWWwt tn. t'7yf of tliu trenches tiled with snow and the soldiers aunt rest their rifle on snow to fire aC-the Russians some I, I (at II nrm tltt Thd UnrnnnfnAtAi. la near frozen that they can hardly pull ADMITTED , TO SUPREME COURT (Herald Sptclal Service) WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Edward D. Ilaldwln; of The Dalles, Oregon, secretary to Representative Slnnott.i of the Second Oregon District,, was admitted to practice Jn the supreme! court or tbrVattfehtaics todayr 'He was presented to, tho court by Sena tor William E. Rorah, or Idaho. CHURCHES FINISH GREAT CAMPAIGN I SUNDAY FINAL MEETINF HELD NIGHT, AND ALL STATE. THAT! SERIES HAS DROUGHT PEOPLE CLOSER TOGETHER With a big union service at the Paptist church Sunday at which Rev. Stubuteflold ,of the Presbytcrlau church delivered . the. sermon, the co-opcrntivo evangelistic campaign, which has beori held for four weeks, carao to a close Ministers and laymen uro elated .at the work ac complished. The purpose ot the meetings was to bring about a closer relationship between the members ot each cob grcRatlon, and between congrega tions of the different churches, so that all might work together better for tho Reed of. the community. Asked whether or not they thought tho meetings had brought about tho dcplrcd effects all attending the meeting last night ar,ose in enthusi astic assent. . ' Thero Imvo. been, five .meetings each week, four of thaY addressed by the clergy, and the firth by the laymen. Albany Main Is aeaored (Herald Spoclal Service) '. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. President Wilson today selected William E. Hornebrook, of Albany Oregon, aa minister to Slam: Undergoes Opera t last Mrs. John Irwia, who underwent an operation this, morning at Black burn hospital, la .-reported as Im proving nlcelyi JHt ' William BoaalMwr, XI yaara eld, of Rut St. tauU" at fa recent spelllag match spelled i;4et: wards wKbout an error, la eltvea heara. 371,671.000 tea ef fresabt. in the Snow trenches is out of the question, for that would only glvo their location to the Ftuslans. Vhey mint stand In these trenches' In the bitterly cold weather for a day, for1 days and nights sometimes, waiting for Russian at tack. That Is what war means now, more men arc being frozen to death than are killed by enemies bullets. ELOER KICKS AT THE COST .VTTORNEY HOLDS TBAT"SAM EVANS' TESTIMONY WAS DMA TERIAL TOTHE CASE, AND DE POSITIONS NOT NEEDED Arguments upon, a protest against the cost bill in the trial of the Har- lcr- Elder action waa made this after noon before Circuit Judge Noland. Elder, against whom a Judgment waa rendered, holds that the witness fees iare too high. Objection Is made to the costa of lhe depositions of L. R. Brooks, from 'whom Elder purchased the, Merrill Record, and rrom William Wagner, a former local newspaperman. These were not Introduced in testimony, and Elder says It Is not up to htm to pay for them, On the ground that the testimony ot Sam Evans, of the" Northwestern. was immaterial, and .being In answer to a hypothetical question, had no weight on the case, this Is objected. Elder also objects to the coat tor the testimony ot Ernest M. Bnbb, cashier ot the Merrill bank, on similar grounds. DEMANDS DAMAGE AS RESULT OF FAlt LILLIAN 1VHAY, THROUGH AT TORNEY W. H. A. RENNER, ASKS CITY FOR $8000 FELL ON SIDEWALK ON SEVENTH ST. Alleging that as a result ot the "pooV and slippery condition" ot the sidewalk on Seventh street, between Main and., Klamath, she tell and sus tained a fracture of the right arm, a dislocation or tho right- wrist, and other Injuries, Lillian DeHay, at last night's council .meeting, presented a demand tor $5,000 damages. Her attorney is W, H. A. Reaaer. $ The matter waa referred to City Attorney Rutenlc who will report It Monday, ,S,r .& Accoraing to me aeauM, the Am- Jury was sustained Pecembervl. ' Chile baa 8,000 mile ot telephones, 1 worked by aa aglleb eempaay, NEW TEACHER IS ADDED TO STAFF ,MltH. HARRY OOEIXKS U AOAJM , WITH LOCAL SCBOOLS TWO PRIMARY TEACHERS AT THE CENTRAL ' ' In order to rcllovr the congestion In tho primary grader at the Central school, the school directors have en KaRed Mrs. Harry Goeller as a prim ary Instructor for the remainder of the. term. She will teach.at the Cen tral building., Tho primary class, has had an en ormous growth thU year, especially at the Central, school. Thero It be- Ci nme apparent that MUs Alice, Peel, thn Innrhnr rmlM nnl nn,IM lva ... T .. ... ne proiwr auenuon 10 an oi ine""""''"""' - w, S'ySStSwM little folks beginning educations, so Shortly after tha llrst; UaltedjiaM ui:o graao was.amaea, nan neing as- tetfmo.'f in flaa Vnn anil half tn Utra 'Otiellcr. i I'riorto her marriage, Mrs. Goel ler taught, hern successfully for sev eral earg. NEW TRIAL IS DENIED TODAY ATTORNEY FOR W. L CLARKE WOULD THRESH OCT ANEW THE SUIT OVER CAR OP AUS TRALIAN LUMBER ' A, motion for a saw trial ot the suit of W, 1. Clarke vjs. Ward Obenchain to recover-the value, ot a cartoadjoLAuatraliaa. iRmbajjattaaaad by the grocery concern for a debt owed by W. B. Barnes, waa made this morning in the circuit court by W. M. Duncan, attorney for Clarke. The motion waa denied. The case, it Is understood will be appealed to the supreme. court. . The Jury's verdict In the trial was la favor of the defendants. Daddy" Bragg Die ' Wordhas been received here ot the death ot A. L. Bragg In Oakland, after a long selge of pneumonia. Mr. Bragg was connected with the Klamath De velopment company's Interests here a few years ago, and he had charge or much or the company's construc tion work here, and at Harrlman Lodge and Point Comfort. He had a (wide circle or friends who are pained to learn of "Daddy's" demise. Sues on Account Suit to recover $127.90, alleged due on goods furnished, was filed in the circuit .court today by J. L. 8par- rentorn, a Bonanso merchant; against ThoB. A? Turnage and wife. E. h. Elliott Is the plaintiff's attorney. Mrs. Davenport Very Ul Owing to her illness becoming! , worse, Mrs. yf. E. Davenport did not leave yesterday for Portland to re-. celve treatment as planned. She will leave as soon as she la able. HUMmA U IflAfu. 11 nucuiuia iu onw up r-x. Uijitcd Press 'Service VANCEBORO, Me., Feb. 2. A man who glvea-tba name of.' Horae, and who claims, that he Is. an officer in the Qermaa army. Is being held by the autborlties here, following aa' at tempt -to wreck the iateraatioaal bridge acreea the St. Croix rivers ' "What Horne'sintenUons wera.'lsva JBatter ytV to b sal'vad. aiiVaa from reUiagimt,the,war,;:astaM he sought to was prlyata ;warjMpiiat ManAttacksCanada w& eaABiai iiinnrfinnu' I llllaaa .Ullllll'IIUlf ;- .w mum mini ii ni i t, " W8faiX&lM STORM niiTminr IIII'I Iilll; iiiii.Miir VU.IVIVbK "FV '-4?W.Tt'ft'l . .2.',7J:t :jtf.Ws3a, f . i?; .NEWS REGARDING DBCMIOWf f DELAYKD fm After 'Uotdiag Paper ',Oter- aa-aa'fi la Hopes That CofBJMaJeatfeat ;Baj! Restored, Mope le AbaadBaedfiea Publlshlag Any Story Jadceafalp Bat la Otbei storm Is Mnch Wore Thajs.fSairvi:l 4 J SSs'fl ...iuv niauiivai mmuu ' m..nn ..,..!.. .. --' -,. i.nu'ii UUCI,U uyuun lWBW-B rornla, the MIddle,Wet,anda;tltl Aitunui; cuasi me town IS -woiaiea.l this afternoon from tegrapkteor. tclenbone communication" WlthCtl Inl.tal.. n.n.l '' L 'Vfit file was recslved-by-the Herald tftrtifinn tliA IIma i0&nf .,'." '"- . n, M-tji, mmmj. Isilll out of order. The tsUlikoi line between here. aBd 'Ashland fata went out today, and this completely cut off communlcatioa" with the oit-' side on a day when kUmaUt'eoagi ty people are almost'' certain taatS1 a decision vu raaileraii hr imArmm:P & Tl - T I . .tT.. preme court in the county Jadgaklp tangle. ' .-'Sf, The paper . waa" held up aa-'henr;; V -w,itv" H.iwyww TCyv wm F oaiem, out "no v enconragemeat at .that tlmeglven of anyVrerampUbsr ot 'service. . t.. ' "S&H?. The telegraphic wires -were-.-aleo'sx out a. greater part of .yesterday aftai noon. - mr..jr W..W .VWWHOI (VVa,l MW ' '. . wuu,uww W, In, tt MM- tiabta..- M.KVaf ' W... MWV wind. Tae same is true, ot .Ua'CaliU, fornla-OrasroB Po cotftnaaT SVu- 2., ' ivr- -. ... uu, awiUwi'Mi:'W-j Merrill was out batitwiu. weasiLi;; It .was ,wp;:toytX$ttiwt? was a wasaoat cat ueuae .aetwaam-? 1lrrBaaftTMa7atta '" the local railroad oSciala., 4sm -, v - CLEVELAND? TefetTByttar, the :m.:zrr. most serious flood, danger staettthe Dsytoii; flood is now meBaciagthe state of Ohioy . J Practically every, rivera?BtreMt:i is rising, and rapidly "approaehlBg; In addition wiand''rrall,'trac3 hav been rlemoliahnd h von' of '1eii , . . . V- A-l I .num. cLTiuun siee.. cuu vrr.in storms , lu' years ' . v t"W HKiuoKfOHT, o... Feb.. 2 Thevl unto river is. rising at- the rate of I nine inches an hour. . ' ' ' . -.. .- .. .. --'-Jt uriogeport, ueitaire, Martina rerryrj and other Ohio, valley points are ttni most serlouadaager, flood situation. " iV owing to, the i V & . " 'u.S?. .- .-,1 ..1 j.,a.i7- .i.-it. ":- ..iiu uiuuuirieB oj-iub" unio :are all Bwollaa. by; rains and mettni(! glons are fleeing to higher gronadS; i HAI.TNA' Kit! K-h hiSyj worst storms in. years is 'sweeplag'lj the Middle "West. In the. form o;. uunuing snow srorm ana gate. ,,- J One death and scores of injured are reported. . 'I ; ywJ rfp iFt WASHINGTON. Feb, a.A heavrS Kale wrecked the1 schooner Framlt.n'-f Swain, and played bavoe with? other lamall craft. aniithAatnfraiuHLv'v ".-"?& : ? J .. ' x::'fC:m v ,rv 't-tsfs-m - . mLkZ-2.t BiJHr!" u wernuNDU DTiaVl tennlanri hv hlnulnaf nn th 'iJumi'lA and thus cutting a few'CaisjdlgS,' towtiR. off -from. an-Aaerlcanbaaa'af . -4hVAimiKP;i. .rrttA a.ilAJ.a rnnti ul 1 1 iintfl, 'tl Kit ' The exPloeloa took:alaas' .m,rnlB.VTb.brMw;wae;ealya1M ' Th J '-- '--'1 --- i.,..--.J ths-CsaadHs, ; alaa ;e4-;a atn soma of.tM-i..-; tlmebut wea!soaa at UgmaaBBH 4aBPaBBBaaH vna & to,- s Tai 1 l 'Hftiste -i..,A ?K a." ?$-. n T'