( .. i. .. . A . -BBnaB i , -t. j. .. "i. j ." &it , t ,- ...J" y. ... .u. . .. e1HBnBnBnAT. BB7 avWBB1r.BBy ?W ' '.aSMa-a A .A. -fc ruin ! ansv bh ann i BnBBB bb-bbv - - : b, a ,.,. -, ,.. ...... -.. - , . ., , ib:' NBwsWh,lt;,n8W, ijjji ItllPffllMIi ''IClBlTHlJtl ' w " .". .f . ?".. '-'r.WK. - " " ' 'T ' - -'-.,! AT i A ,T.i : Vit- .bA!' BSBBMMBJMMBBM , r T, r i ! - .rhwmh, i " . , - " .... - ,,-... TT- , . . . ... , .,. . . ., .,.., .. , , ... -.,,.., flfLaasasasS 'VW .. 5 ,-. TI' -!. KLAMATH A WMf9iPAH fJS".-'' .-J-J " -1 a Ninth Vwm X. jWMMI KLAMATH PALLS, OREOO,' MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1915 .r&m& HOMESTEADERS IN FIGHTING HARD KLAMATH PROJECT ARE RECOGNIZED (lOVKHN'MKNT TO HOXOK nil-: PRIOR RK1HT AROUND YPRES ihi:nii claim fin: itici'ui.Hr.oF 1110 UKUMAX AIIMV MAHMUI) WITH Till: INTII.VTION OP HM.IKIIIXO A 1,1,1 KH Piujert Manager Camp TiuUty He (clvnl Meaage. from Head of lunl liiMrliiii'Ht of Hrrvtiv, Mating Ttnit IIkwo Who MHlltil In Wll'iifrown Uintto llefur They Ww Willi-li-nun Will Ik IMjffil, IND Tim following from Chlof Counsel Wilt It. KIiik, was, received today by I'rnjrrt Manager J. II, Camp: Hiiiijcft: Report on squoter set- Allien tlin, lU'inwil, Klamath Project. - I, Your ri'ixiri or January, 9, Ifiia, lias been received. ' 2. Tlic land office hni tlccldril to ii-okmU) I lie- ttolllt'lnciil of lli niUBl. I it irfcrtlvc from ilnlv of tint Mrl tnciii iiulhorln'il In Hid onlor rcHiurliiK iIim I.uiiIh lo ciiliy. AIo, ii i)otwwn ilt.tm Miul rival MOttlnrx, llirlr irivloutt ronliliMirc on eho Innrt will bu i-oniilil-m-il In ihclr fnvor. 3. Tliv llovlnmallon Hrvlfo cim lake no nriloii r)'ctlnr tlm lllrtl linorvi, uliico llmt In imtwlilf ihU Itiiriiiu'it JiirlHillcllon. UiiIIimI I'rt'HK Bcrvlco I'AltIB, Koli, l,Vti'U Ueriuuu IroopM, hurloil Into action nl VproH, wnro nnlHc(l with unvore 1ohh yen lorilnyv They worn Imyouettixl hy clinritliiK Krcncli, mid fronr hoavy Iohhom liooumo Imilly illKordorcfl. It Ik oftlrlaly (Inlnx.-il Hint tho rrench urtlllory dotroyd thu en- oniy'n lrMic!ien nt mivcrnl plncpn nloiiK tint AUne, nnd initurod ft iiomIIIoii W0?l tf KoImoiih. It U rcporloil lliut thu UiirmmiH for miviTiil ilii piihmimI, nuiHHcd rt ItiforccnirniB nt Vprt'n In riih tho IANS CERTAIN IS HERE SPRING Tim rocolpi of thin order roiIIim a limner Hint baa been much In tho Mr tor Hovi-rnl innnthi -In aouiu caiea KVvrul )tar. H U mati'd by nom (hut It wan (he light Woici'd to miire ri-cDKiillloii for IIioho who aottlcd i.ii thu latulH bofi.ro they wcro with ilrnwii that dluyod the renlorntlon of tin lund, and It In certain that muny injonrlon have been active In Bi-riirlnic tho change. On thlri matter 1'rojecl Manager t'niup Iuim been an ardent worker i.liu'it hu linrned of toiidlUoua hero. AniitliiT Ih Abel Ady, prenldont of tlm Klnmnth Water Uiora' naioclu i urn, who wont to Washington to litcmt for the ueltlera. Aud atlll an oiliur mom Important ally la Con Krcsnninn N. j. Blnnolt, who ever xliirp IcnrnliiK of the ahapo thing were In. Iiuh conatrnntly been on the Job In dm Interim of Mra. Thou. Wood iiml in hern Mlinlllarly.altualed. Tin- nioRt of tho pimple affected mi- ilniHif )hu aettled on the landa prior to tho tlran they wore wltli ilrawn for reclamation purpoaes. The lands were withdrawn before they woro cntltlud to.homeateads, and they liuvn hIiico held, on, patiently nwalt Iiik renjienlng. A. It. C. Day, wboae luiiiio.ili.nil m on Lower Klamath lake; in'iir Okluhoran. haa becu waiting iilioiit twi-nty yearn, nnd ho have "tluTB In that district. mciMimmi: or tiik hxow. ih NOT Till: ,,Y HIHS, I'Olt THK HOIHXH AUK Hl.V.S MAlSd TIIK IIIVKIt OTIIKH SF.WH XOTICH (Herald Hptlal Hervlrr) KLAMATH IIKSKRVAT10N, Feb. I. Wn believe that the real cold day have loft iik for thin year. Wo dava been huvlng raliu which have been carrying away the snow, and! our old friend robin redbreast lias re turned lo hitt old haunts along the rlvor banks to slay for the year. TIiIk la nu alumni infallnhle sign of warmer days. Mr. and Mrs. liyron Loti'lie made a trip to Yalnax where Mrs. Lot clio was railed on account of her father's lllneas. They returned Thurs day, ' Itobln Hood, of Yalnax, Is very low. Ho has been III for a long lime nnd Is getting worses right along. Wo hoe ho will recover. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson nnd daughter, lllunclie, wont to Klnmnth Falls for n short visit last week. Thoro will bo u basket social at the Williamson river church on the night of February 12. Kvoryono Is Invited to attend, mid a hlg time Is expected, Chicago Wheat Pit at Its Wildest : !!- : . r Wma'JM ' ' ,' " Bl ii , , Vt 9tfWv - - v; . ' , r . wSrAem k I ZaSw v l - '''.,' Kl 'J bSbbbJ . ' 'jA f BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBbVH. " ftVff ' BHbbbbbbbbbbYMB' I "' " mSbbbHbVc I -'I '- "bbbbbbbbbbbbbF I - ,.--. 1- -JLrj .JH1IIJb1hbbb.bI I T.fw- ( i wmWmmmflm i "a '-Ti ' V"- rTi -I'1 iii 'i ii ' 'iiTrBiMBBr" I r i ii i I i1 ' vrr nBT V ' i uKJ t ..II bS!cbbbbKIIE rVr7'w .' J UialaVaWVnilVffaBFfiW V-V V I It bbbbbbmmSA if fejKml - 1i,IcIHbbbbb! I irlBKnT r ? j!fl 'ftr,isM jBBMMBr' bbLmIbbbbI 1 RTOTIVi'-l x?" ivWwrailb? - liVBBMoiflBVlBBBBBBl lhlll-nJBZ4anMH!lBV9ffiAjK I 'inW jwTKBbI' 'IbT . V l!WRfGH-2iffl?ttB! , u .A ' . s " JMr- Camp believes thla can be done; . -. V ',vtfriuS ixv cicaninc: nut tue cnanoAia thrnnvhj. j!iv,T'TB."vr3B'r"i,jf?Tsw !' " w "" l- . v .-w-'H, f ? Tt1: ,W ' ,1 J!7Vi!v-J - j' fi ;'i-jt Itl.r J.VyJ PLAINTIFF MOST PAY OPPONENT COURT TODAY ORDKK MOMER HOIIKKTS TO PAY ATTORNEY COSTM TO WIPt-WORDKN CtifPM-:. ARK DIVORCKI) Emm lllluDIA bHItvIII.1 kiiaa ihii.y nriH IN PROSSftte ' Divorce matters occupied the at- tuition of the circuit court this after juoon, Judge Poland divorcing .one couple, and hearing arguments In another case. ( The., divorce was-granted in the H. IK Veit vs. Mamie Velt case. Al fthough Velt-wa the complainant, be j;did . not- offer any testimony, while 'tho wlfp took the stand and testi fied. . i -In the Roberta case, it was ordered tthat Homer .Roberta, the plaintiff, jshodld .pay into, court 165. to be .uaou by hlf wife, for atorney fees r,ni! other-costs, of the ault. ' TORN WATER IN THE LOWER LAKE ''iM' '??,!, r ;mM " HtltMARIXIXO OF THK .RRitiMi ;aihfj ttEtiMctiiasMMlt At , i vj , A: Jfc a Sinking of WH In (Mgbtor ah pWti' - ... "J.A.HJMS''! ,.. .. a ;-; '. -."'."-' ct IiMuraRce, Jliska, Rates &;,iU'Xp,XH ' , , 2f &$ and tifrmaw tazvrrTmH -S."'S ;i ureal' in aiarre ink ,ot Madn ht Vaia ! ?sse)W H:?K&es KSMSS.IIM5 " .etSCiSSSSr im.l .. j .. . a MS sCr- 'it .TO A 5sW'".89 tnkedrressnriceilgl a announcei Russian' right, causedUhe.reUreatH.p --' .iii'fif'.v r; i "i-i.. that, .RusalaaeffortaC w? j" ij,,i , arrti. crfi 'tiT ''."i advance Coward ' Thorn tbayeiawlfcvl. been halted.,- Forces'aOvlagsoiUli-.vig 1 , OT of Lowlcz and south of th Yltlie Tomorrow the reclmatlon service will open the grates 'at the railway embankment, 'and let tho waters 'of the Klamath river pass into the lake from the Straits. It' is. the Intention of Project Maaa Ker J. C, Camp "to see if It will not be possible for) the service to turn in, sufficient water to satisfy the de mands of the Van Brimmer' ditch water rights, and at the same timet not raise the level of the water suf ficiently to again floodthe marshes, I which were pretty welf dried while United Preaa "Service ? "1 EETROGliAIC Tub. a. Desperati 'Ml fighting rages, neafthe-'oreat ',otp Pltkalleo, where, the beVauasv rewf forced," are-concentrtttag-thetf refrfe "forts to;iialtLjthe Rnsslapr marck lb :& ceat'.f wmmfrm 'i-"7 W 4J- ...MV'fc im WklSSfeJ Vnlted ,? ltf-As iiWrivifei writers suraace on coaKWie.'-slHgiiaf;w3.i .r.'A-:TudV&-tiM-riSi&vl per centraaVtheraealt: l.ih n.ni. nt,n i.. v-w u.i 1 men off tbn British ertt'fimv i r- - - .- -(. . ,'iT7r&3mmi r iiiipii inir inn - - - - - - -- - - r " T. CTT"-1 T-:',- 'F '. .. Tim Uoard of Trude, In Chicago rc-'H& 3-8 n bushel Itveemed that theJman(bi fUHes to permit photographers to top notch price had beeu reached. enter lis sacred prrclncta on business many brokers believe otherwise. They Thnn 1 a kiiIa nt t It in linultiAoa nf ...!.. iknt la a AWkiAWfa nf hWAan I.-... ,t .J - A W a in ,ll:iv in u lure t"l uumiiion l )MJIIIl UUI mat. luv .vapvito v. wiow- IIB1TCIS, .'UUl(Jarf.U Willi 1,H0,1V 111 I t'r J biiylng and t.elllng wheat. So. In k tuffs in December last reached the the samo month a year ago and tbe't'" foe " v United PresaServlce order to give n representation of the onormuos total, of 55,860,ioa. Jn; value thereof was 19,473,660, as com- Miss Ora, Kelson -left Sunday for, BERLIN Feb" u Atnnrt mAtAOlMif tT flnni- .VB w ... -BWM MM Aatr w... - t. 'A-J1 -. nun wo 7j lur !Ul U1UIO lUBJlj -. Hllph In December. 1913. being 1.818.S17,: ifV. st 1 ntn,a.;i;''lul''. enormously Interesting scenes there December. 1913, the exports amounUinared with 14.903.223 in December. Dunsmulr. California. whrp aha wiir , .... . . -. fsrA -J iL :. M- r -.. i-t - 'i " ' i .."T - m im nvor iba tfifwitruTiABr 'ATr ii., --j . a. .. .,--. "" -- - - r'"''M-.VV'ws.--M t for tho nsst faw days it was neces-.pit to nnlv tll.149.C00. Wheat ex-, 1913. Isnpnd ;i ahnrt limn a n, noA ,, n d.t,l n nfflal iHln I,A ynllA.f .tnwtu In lAi,mhni ovvfavalail 98 Ih 11114 4ftn- AvnnB a Ht.A h.mm I mUMmim ISn . ,. .1 .. ..,..1 . ,L. . ... ...1., ..,. 1 L.I. A A... AI.B..U. U.lV- AA AAA . . ' iu u raw ii luciuru "i me m-uiiu, uuu Rits.ii i utiui;i, ur um iiuirs uro 9ii,uu4,uuu, uui auring no past year. the one shown hero is the result., quantity 01 ueccmoer; mis. i no they amounted to 1185,591,000. In Never before, except under extreme average export price last 'December! 1913 the export of flour wa3 worth conditions, have such high wheat was $1,25 n bushel, against 93 centa $56,568,000, but In prlccH prevailed. When it touched ,ln December one year earlier. The worth $61,682,000. 1914 It waa Honiu from Visit Mrs. Fred Houston has returned from a visit with her sister. In Duns-iraulr. Thhro will bo a free lecture ou Christian Bclonro by Clarence W. Chndwlck, 0. 8. II. , member of the board of lectureship of the First Church of Christ Scientist, of Bos ton,! Mush,, at Houston's opera house, Thursday evening, February 4, at 8 o'clock, A cordial invitation Is ox- tended to (ho public. I-4t. f Legislators Are Praised Introducer Explains New County Code Bill - 11 r The followlug vlll bo of Interest to all voters, as ItU.M'.syiiopsla of the coiiuty rode bill, Introduced In the Houm by our representative. (BY W. O. SMITH) Local Attorney Says Our Men Are Right on Job TllO following la tmm Tl. V tfilu. Skcndall, who Is In Salem represent- 'UK tho Klamath SDartsmen's Asso- K latlou, ttn(i altendlna to other biml. ui'HM tunturat "Tho Rouuebel general fund bill did get by all of the fellowa be- rcatiso they dld-not realise Its efect Hintll It had lwsaed. However. W ;, Smllh's eflerts: and.' hia lnltla. tl.vo recalled the bill from toe senate "lid Is now In. the. Hohsv awaiting, a reconsideration, after 'tba, mala game Mil that la yet to be cejnslderd: "Tha.lpbt'icalledlor a reversal of. selling, and really united the & ewa' mora than anvthlaa .that kaii aa ,mu-illiLli r,A. '-..... OCCun-aJ. rpu-. ;lood thit: theprswt "in Da caaafl4 at tbU really did the work and led the light nnd should bavo credit for It. "1 found that our section haa a very good aud nctlvo delegation that Is. highly spoken of by nil parties. There la no chance that anything detrimental to our section will get by Thompson, Smith nnd, Forbes." Kuykondall, according to reports tnrougu otner enanneis, is aoing some very effective work in the in terests of the sportsmen and others of this section. Among oilier things Kuykendnll la looking Into the drain age bill, Introduced by 'the' Marlon county delegation, and which la sot liked here because It is believed to bo a detrimental measure. Aa a re- , Mtthi IlkelW sultvot "hla'efforts, It Ik bellevad that aytMrn there will be so trouble ii other eM.,ItR lag the bill; The purpose of tho bill -Is to In troduce system and safeguards In the expenditure of county money and the business affairs ot counties and school districts. It Is aimed to be a purely numiuistrativo measure in that It doeH not propose to reduce tho powers of nuthorlty of any of ficer but simply to provide safer and moro systematic methods, forms and procedures. It Is divided Into bx principal parts: 1. It provides a more complete system ot budgets and estimates of expenses and requires closer conform ity of exponscs to appropriations and provtdos dodnlte and fuller provisions far emergencies, 2, It provides a complete system for filing, verifying, auditing, con stderatlng, allowing and paying claims against the county A bual- ness system is provided and while the county codrt Is not restricted in the, nature of Its powers, evory ef fort haa been made to provide a sys tem that will enable any person, In terested' to know Just, what is being done and have abundant remedies for wrongful expenditures, 1$ 3.. it makes the county treasurer the treasurer of' each school dletHet. Hu Is to keep thoT funds, nt interest, mnko freauont reports to the dis trict, and pay all warrants of the school clerk. - , 4. It provides a method or selling county property.' Notice, hearing, publication, appraisal and public sale are required for 'Important sales and shorter notice of public sale for small tteniB of personal property. A vote of tbo people Is required for sales of unusual importance. C, It provides a" complete aystem for the procuring of structures, ma terials and supplies by proposal, bids and contract under bond., Qeneral supply purchases are consolidated In one ofllce, but jiesu of. Infrequent demand or Immediate need may be procured, with lesfl formality. Ac counts with structures, offices and de partments aro to ne Kept eacn wituin the amount s,et aside for that purpose. 6, Miscellaneous , provisions are incorporated, tonriweiit) fraud, .prplt or onicera iruwvsunix. Dasmaaa: bonding the memben 4 tbe'eouitty court; and the taxaajref la ttven ample remeaies in tno way. a5,iieriBgs, apr peaia ana petter ropta-tuntties to know "wlat! Iwlit;;" "with the .--.......-. ... -. .... . -- ...... f. 'tA iet dw neat4y to Maltae- OFF TO FIGHT TIMBER BEETLE PARTY OF FOUR, BQU1PED FOR A XOXO STAY, LEFT TODAY FOR OPERATIONS IK THE VICINITY OF KKXO SPRINGS Stills Retaras Harry Stilts returned Saturday jtrom a buslnes trip to Portland. sat . state that this nhowM that' lUdmdi , jr . jt-vv :,-"FTjrrriJK. i ..- i. . . - .--a r.r- 'r.-z ' ii urui nnvn rn nvvna VaTitiy' errtiiiiAgw ' ".- ..w.W .V...V,.-.a, aHV WV17 , r. " - f? fr mercnuncraen. ' -in newi .J-fy , - ..A man submarines, and that thfoBclr mean rno suirvinirflut or kubuha. - . . SB- - y Mrs. Onelll Is eRMer Mrs. C M. Oaelil, underwent' a tlon fine ;?r who,. reeeaUr 6fi- '$ erwent a. severe surgical! aiftwfB , is gradually- IrapWing,. accord.;. to word from thehespltai: " JM& . "" - ' "n-i"", , " " a,,.- i$ti i.B i we! Equipped with snowsnoes, and with equipment .and supplies for a stay ot several weeks, a party composed of Qllbort ' Anderson, Harry Telford, Charles Ogle and Wilbur .Telford left at noon today for Keno springs where they will work against the spread of the eastern timber .beetle, the In sect that has threatened much fine timber. The party will work under the di rection of the Klamath-Lake counties forest Are asoctatlon, which Is wag ing war on this bark-boring pest. The work now is to destroy Infected trees, nnd thus destroy the Insects while Iu nn early state of development. adapting it to counties havtng.a separ ate auditor or board ' of commis sioners, Tho statutes on these subjects are now Inadequate and have not been changed since the pioneer days of the state, though ihe development In the amount ot Importance of county ex penditures baa rendered .the oldsys tem obsolete. Tho fact, that the en actment of ameasure ottheaeopaot this bill scessltatea chant l;Mr four or live sections ef.riierd's Ore- ion Laws abowa what a laffe'- gap. there has-been in the law 'goTtra Ing county ; affairs. Talajaek tea been especially felj inthe-jpast few as.via) . ' H, : ' w J""' Man Drowned in Lake ' r.P?- 7FWji$iZft --: - "'"iirsiwv.w 'ja.SfWss -ft' -'M.'iateP "WjaP'T" &"!! w . .ttj y j. ?A iW-.Tih' I Hvms vs&m & a.?i9&6&t 1 S!..AlfJiWl . V ' "" Ton Enhiy Falls TWouf. ke to Deatk -i. M ''! Saturday aftern'on, while fishing.lils strength and" althougAtaitBU-s; through the ice on Upper Klamath aco ot the party jraakrld:'jai lake. Thos. Eudaly. a well-known u waa Wft'W "W? fish and ntiA nt iha'uFt.!. r'v.ti-A,.i'. -tv.;.i peddler, broke Uirough the Ice ' " T&&S&fflSBS&i van drnwHAii. - j ' ' .iVi ,lTa i V'-r'r.;- i-JyMjj ""-" - UUU ' IMInntlaTlTIg -fll 'aTWT' riflaTn gill fill I the' maaVtoVtiS The story ot the happening, as told by one ot the party, is as follows; A party ot five, composed of Messrs. Eudaly. Davis, Gilberts, Sevlts and Hoffman, went to the Upper lake Sa turday morning 'in a rig to Ash through the Ice. They located them selves at different places near' the tules, as they found the" lee pretty rotten and weak. Sevlts broke through the Ice, and waa pulled out by young Gilbert, who waa close ;by, and the party built a Ire on the shoro to dry Sovita' clothing.' ' . -. Eudaly not.havlng much:juek where he was. tarted to ind a new lqcaT tloq and; teld the party to pick him up when on Hhe way home. "' About8 o'clock, the partyr started back, and began, tplook for Kudaly. Me, was seea.on ta lee aout a nau mile from' the erow and. abQut. 100 "w""- ..-, fc &! j Just aa nudairiwaa sigatsf te,ie broke uivdw hiaiawl bVwaa.l'aiif' techedto ,Hn' ; bnt,bVtlij, t self, ,ana,.could. sotBo!dBii - . w .iMnHiviBtir:an iiMH v them good-bye. let go of the WW-k" -v. il'i3r.v: inr lea 'and .aanlc. v .' .la, somoj. manner ;, Eudaly 'ajj laciue eatangisa, in Bitw JtL-iTW-"r &ZS$1 -lv m m IS the; floating pole Indicated; thejrM&Wf Ingj.place ofthe,' i'tWkrjui. taken from 'the, 'woer'AgunojayaBdtfJ' burednhat-atterU'"lkl af The story that Mr;;jBudalya4tii.' ed to'crosathe laJtaaii tt "IX'mfk'-' mistake, as t t ha tpla.s'wbseUMa- 1 ejdMt :oiwrMtWNilMi' lMIMl'l betwea'thtwCirerIW' cpan om;mm4 IWltO r BBnaVr $tM Uradout j a a;;-M,Ma4.lM'a tlW.M4r Ti.a. ''TuS ,'V w H it if; i 'i c uit a ji