i 7ll T tf&rS r-, wwst4: '' o- ' . f , . m41'$,. v 1 "s 5..1 .- .t 'a jz- Jk. -"- -t- ' w WW(M(wi(juSWito l?iT,3Rr..'4'i-.r " -""a. " it ' J - -iVW- f 4r4 Ol .. C . I1 y ... . i V .m bWJ. : " f ,.. ,,i. .,. r uWik., PWNTtTHE , ilf-Viai B m i , . . . . . ,- - j ? "TWim . - . ' im t y; NEWS WHILE IT II NEWS sir " , 'jf,,?-a.-? lTJtf.. xtk year- -ammm .BBaaW aVAWi .BamW. Bma 8BV dm .Bmt ,Bh, ' '.A. - V BW T " Bmmal V Bmmal JH" t '.Airi J Bamal Bmaam" M wr iTiifffffiT "4mmww m w , , M4 41UU4 JTl IMJ . v W v - k . i g " i " r . . 3 jT KLAMATH FALLS, OREOOK, THUKIdAY, JANUARY 2i, 191S KLAUATM n ---, a? OFFICIAL N -f . " JSJ- OW' . .'iJ, - .& Baa AUSTRIA REPORTED SING awjiBemajny . :'t '"' v EMPEROR IS SAID ' TO HAVE SENT A NOTE TO GERMANY J . A fir f jM a - Bf "-wt - . - ? y r j .-j "-"-""'" . ''wwwwwwwiwvwwwwwvwmwvmw Yarmouth, Where Several Were ' Aifa in tne German Air Raid yUNUAHIANH CBV FOR BKrAIUTIC TRK ATV, BUT AGRD RVI.RK opikmrm raiM IVtraratili'c. Atfvkn frmn Nwtlarr laail tot lo Um Kffvrt That Fr jourr IIm Nt HU FurHcn MIn Mrr from VImuu to 0rmmr to CoApr With the Kalwr ok Km(1Im War Fearful Loaam la FUmlrrN portod n (ho rcvult of tho (lirco ilnys' HcbtltiK noar Crnoni.e. "Wo fouud l,GOu iluiu! In the French trcnclioH vo occiipled," ny lb atatKmcril. "In mid I (Ion, wo enn ui red l.ioo trWonorx." United VtCM flcrvlco I'AIUH, Jan. 28 II Ih oHlc-Wly ' claimed Hint tho (lormiin Iorich In tho Ittut thrco dam of flRhllnic ln France mid f'lnndorit ro it I lenm 30,000, t!olt4 rreaa Service ' BA8LK, Jan. IH. That Auitrla la ( readr to aue for peace, la a report that has wepl all of gwlUorlandj toaty. Tbla la baaed upon private i Him nnnpKBllv rllhl Mlllkarlllaa I No roBlraatlou. of courae, la Klrnn ay the govaramenu Aecontlai to thee private advlcea, which are from Vienna, Kaiperor rraai-JoMf haa already made a novo toward a conferenco with Knlaer Wll hetai. relative to the Teaaatlnn of hoatUltlea. The aied emperor la aaM to have usreeied a deep regret that hla age and loflrmltlei prevent him from participating peraonally la thla work. However, be It reported to have dele gated Baron von najeci, hie mlnlater of foreign affalri, in take up thla work. Alroady von ilajecs haa left Vleuuu j for Oermany, to confer with tho Kalaer. ,Deaunda for the restoration of peace arc- strongest la Hungary, say lata reporta from Vleaaa. The Hungarians have raised a cry for peace, and aak the government to sue for separate peace la caae Oer- aaay does not agree to alao aeek LITERACY TEST CAUSES VETO OF IMMIGRATION ACT WII.HOX tfliAIMM TIIIK '01KN INKIK" SIIUTNi ' Ml J . -- !, - . 7f'm . ? BBaaaaamfJ''-:JV''r" sa. A . ,t.l . Mi& .'v? ' tt tv?s&. 'tfa&irt&sMi i aaamffr!l ) V 'K."? w-'UMMnM,krf:&fnBmmmPBmmmmmmmm Bm-.y'A'f'A M di,''-,tr ' - " -r. iwmanaaBkBBannVBHBaBnnnnnnnnnnnaaV ' mmVM 4i-C-pvv,fj -.-k- ... AUimfv rammmmmmwmmmmnammmmmmmmmmHal ammmmViKP Vi' ISImmmwanammmKw - 4mmmw-jiammmfS (V3 - .V.- TIWmmwammmmmmmmmwH -i!4 PHK:t '-rer,' aJiM'-'tmmmmnmmmmmmml m-m-mmH??;" ' ''"'"3KB9SKa BnaaaaawmaaMvTvnv,ji -7.. uS'gJaamiBEgaaaaaaaaaTaaaMiaTSRtAnVBaaTj'BaaaaaBHi ammmmmaWh: -"tf 'Til --'t Z., ZSmmmwBm9amwSr94imHmm9Vml mmmmwmna .-':ii' -j- -t-F- -a j- -,-w .' AonamnAamwanammmnWdmmmmmyZ reuiTCffi 1-lnnnmQria.iil mttHBapSmVm WmA ammmmmmmwammwayaM-''vaSamS aasssssssssssssssjBapaaaMajajajfy rfs Jtf Jt'fliHTaaaaaaTaa1anaarwTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I SfmmwHW'' E2f-ammwE?tlfAammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmm Kammmmmv li' Tt ammwammmt mrkBmt eaamVmmmClmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ammmBafyfTaBU l aL"llllTi" ''IWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwawHI aammwWiigfemwfc rwA'-mmVmnXmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 4mmWBB?V'i.'ilB 4lm1mwBfj ?ia lasSammmSmmmmmmmr-M?'' .' t- "7 Bm&mmwKSamwammmmmmmmmmmmmmwammmmmmmmmmmmmm JamaSJlLmwaW ' Mhm&m&X&pZZkUlUBtR 'ftmmCltigmwmTT'' iRafWeHammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm x lammmmwmVam iL ammmmmW m V BTmammmaCKKamT 'aammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -mrnvSPIRr ' SSK emmmmmmmmmmmmHsmmmmmmmmmm naramaBn9JtfBSW ! LmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmB i'1 'MaTafcannnnnnwajial tl aaaaaawamwawaanammwaanageajaapassssssssssssss . 'VfriVJ amrni 'amwa amwaff "' W ammwam' mmmf aPammPW 0 awami ammW anmml awl ataaamm mammf W (wammV ami ? )C?5j''t amaav'ammnl' ' 'af fal,r ami (-mmmW"- ?W ' Lav bwbwbV .aVfBWaaTBwaanwiy Csfe JHSW &'&. i Aniriiirr .r wM ami ami mmw alwH wamalama -" aaammT if ' ci"i'' awawmm wal H taV amaaml ' .B ami amtT ?',F - , -. 'v jf-3V im RUSSIAN NEAR KONlfvSRFRi; weaaaa ea m b v wea.'awaw'aawempam'hVeTy41 S&l4 .--RoSlVrVI, "VUm . ;'," . i f'- VJ !ffl fV 2fivtSWtl J -a e j t waW 'MBH awl.mwam wal mmmf 01UDDUIU1LI r, MANY PLANS ARE OUTLINED AT THE MEET LAST NIGHT k)LOB HAVE SEVERAL BILLS TO CONSIDER' HriiPf ..iCWJv 'C e,a w.Af m sw,. oi"vftfta, vcv . .J i.W nmiy lwa&lSfe :'JWiSH?aK GERMAN ' i IOTJPKTO 4 -. .erffcjff zzzzstiBsm r &&. ' l CaaaoBisAn BeeeaaamAlaaali Lower Vlma mgg . . w''.,,'..ars . "..-.aim. ' cawaaawam , -j mn-t K Late Right Wane la At !. Baawsaaai -u j. 1 1 4,4.-i .Arvkji I i - , ppv,t? a injured and Rome hmixeg were Mnaaurc In 8ent Hark to CVnKr4M j ncKj,t. Willi rrealdent'N Mo.ki I)lap- sf V Yurmmuli, on Hie et coant ot Uiislaud. which wm jwtt of the towns attacked by the Qermans in their air mill of XtL'day, Jununry 19, Is ou0 of the 'chief watering plasaa of nho kingdom, J Several persons were wrecked 'by .bombs, 'dropped either by aleroplanea or -.Zeppelins from a great .jl M , . . 4 1 2 tiwhlrlntt fVrfflln llMM,lllnMU Im- I iTIiurxdiv. Hip veio Is ofitod to b?nl videil for Ilefom Neu Aitlrnla Can lie Landed. Will Il Up In the House for Another Vole Next Week A vMir-n flght U .Mifled nt Uiot (line tt Ih iloubtO'l i many whether) tho menfiire will override the veto, i Thla the emperor refaaea to do. Ma insists that Germany must partlcl Ute, under the terms of their ngree wnt under the Alliance. United Press Service KHUN, Jan. Jl. French loaaea fanning into the Uouaanda are re united I'lcus Borvlro WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. Presi dent Wilson today vetoed tho Immi gration net, recently passed by Con; gre, regulating tho admission of newcomers Into this country. Illh meaago, scut with the veto, gives nc hla main reason tho literacy test clnutc. He hold that this gave n closuro to tho "opon door" policy. Other restrictions wero nlxo nli- Jcctol to by tho proiidont. Tho matter Is iUrcud hack In Uui- gross. Today tho i i'1'or coni'Mitttr granted tho right o. referendum or tho vote ' The U'to upon the motion to our- Marsh Owners Stirred Si Ifoinfe Kl b EHrely Unnecesiary Act Strong protest Is being made talnst House BUI No. Ul. Intro duced by the Marlon county delega "on, and providing for the formation wd organliatloa of drainage districts. "n protesu are to he forwarded lo Balem by the owaera of Klamath Unda, who fea4 that such a Mil Is a detriment tfi the reolalmlng " "ir laadi, "To us, the waele prepeeltton look's JJ PU to iwatah mere joe. for " Wrtot Ht tha affairs la tho hnudH of tho people, but tills bill takeu nearly all powor away, and places It with 0. A, C. and othor state odtclals, who hnvo absolutely no Interest here. "In the first section It Is provlilod (hat the application for tho formation of n district, Mt,ato tho numhnr of years "too district la to continue. Why limit It? Why hodge tho districts with audi Inconvenience T Lot, thom con tinue aa undor tho present ndoqtinlo" drainage law, aa long as tyocossnry. They can bo dtaaolved by process of law If (hat la over necessary, "Tho present drainage act provides for the publication of the petition by the district, but (ho new act would have this published by the count? GIRL TRIES TO END HER CAREER GRACE COLVIX TAKES CHXOHO FOItM WITH SUICIDAL INTENT, HUT DOCTORS ARRIVES SOON ENOUGH TO SAVE HER LIFE Coast League Be Made a May "Major" Sportsmen, Fanners anil. Others la- 1 (erected la Game Protrctipa Appear Before Joint Senate-House Game Committee, aad Present Their Views and Recommendations, All nt Which Are from Varied Angle n o Thorn tmilm j " United Preaa Service" i amaa54';-'. t. . -&rV? --v.;S? ' i ajw. f4 -jr2'1ir"??SS,', , v v , met ' rfrfi a. ; .0 &&& Xft&Jm: t United Preaa Servlae . T ... F i obI.'.j? 'WLWl.'iiyi PETRCmBAD; Janll ea2. I ' r !-ta.-rt Jt' ,r, i. &&) l,J --. -..jyMf.- .'.f-trt J.: -C' Miiicu-won; uwt.wv sent for aa lavastea of-. e j t,-ri -litflRj-f 4itjS meeting wita... atahhera :eatsaasaa -g , its advaace mWlaM KnhmJihfemar rfmym , .lW&&f3&Yi t:i. S aaV3 ,J . p . The Germane hare noated a . ?tj. fr V. Kl of the River Appaicutly despondent over disap pointment In love, Grace Colvln, who resides with her pareuts on the west side of the river, swallowed chloro form last nlRht, In an attempt to end her life. Before It wn too late, sho was discovered by othor mom- United li ess Service CHICAQO. Jan. 28. Prealdent .Chlvington, of tho Americas associa tion, who Is here, and Prealdent Bar rows, of tho international league, to day mado simultaneous announce- . .nu.i.n mu iMw iv, .w- raised to major loauge standlag. 1 They claim that they raise from tho AA class by reason ot the removal of the rulo which permits the major lentigos to draft from them. Garry Hermann, secretary of the. American Baseball Commission, when that any formal action had been taken. Hermann admitted, though that thla haa been receiving consideration from the membera of the commission. "If the rating la raised, aa planned you will also And the Pacific Coast league in the major class," said Her mann. "The Coast league has been furnishing the American and National teams with some of their beat players, and the patronage given and salaries paid there entitle the coast fans to' a taster brand ot baseball Just aa much as the association and Interna- SALBMTian. 28. Debate overpnJ--,rt,l,e,"Jr' I00 ?Jy tection and propogatlon of the fish and game of ftho state was heard before tho Joint game committee com posed of members from the House and Senate last night. Arguments were made by contending interests, from many opposing angles and for many apparently conflicting purposes. From Portland 'came a special trainload ot sportsmen. Including anglers nnd hunters. From southern ! attempting8 b stopth awmamae ranfce. nart at iha mri (tustdan trenches, aadf being kept at ' seeJmar"5lsiV the troopacaaaot Tho Russian right , .,.' JIlS.. fesjf Tf ijcTj Zx ' .' i JZr? i i r Vri fr- r- t .v fni "j . J,'-' " " fvt, (IV J- tgnRmi.'' vt -?! frt- -rf , c .tawvj.zsf&-?L: In Tia ! ""' - .. .tjWSu.1 4?.?i.T. . -A-U-f "' a vl 'E'l asked regarding tho matter, denied rtlonal fans." ' 4 bora of the family, nnd Drs. Johnson, WHEAT GOOES TO A & Cathey wero summoned In time to MARK NEAR CTVIL . huvo her llfo. 1 WAR PRICKS NOW .... . 1 . Tho "man In tho caso" la xalir by r. 4J 4 his friends to bo Innocent ot tho af-, United Press Service. 'F fair, except that the girl is said to CHICAGO, Jan. 38. May havo been much ntnehed to him, and ! wheat today reached $1,50 8-8. that bo has not welcomed iher atten tion. It is snl( that ho Intended leivvliiK hero, It ho could secure work elsowhore, on account of tho affair. It Is understood that yesterday forenoon, tho young lndy requested tho chap to come and sco her, and that later she cnlled nt tho nlnco ho Is employed. Crazed with grief, tho father and brother of tho girl also called on the you UK man oftor tho girl had swal lowed tho poison, nnd aro saia to havo told him that If tho girl died, they would kill him. This evidently started the rumor that n man was killed Inst night. Korean care Frnax-Josef Jim KleJcl. a native of Austria, haa died 'petition for full naturalisation In the clroult court eUrk'e office. Ha This Is the highest price, with three exceptions, sine the Civil War. ' f " July wheat also made ealn, after opening nt 81,88, " , All other grains have also " gono up correspondingly, 4) takes: prisoner off to portland ARRESTED AND ON CHARGE OF MEXICAN IS OOAOsTlTraD SKLUNGJ WHISKY TO INDIANS ON TBI) RESERVATION Oregon, camo delegates representing sportsmen. From eastern,, Oregon cam, representatives of sportsmen and farmera,.and from.the Willamette vajteynnd several districts of western Oregon came various groups from divers4 walks ot life, each eager for the protection of the fish and game of tbe.'-state, held to bo a big re source. v The sportsmen from Portland urg ed protection ot the game. They state! that only In thla manner may the game be preserved as a natural asset of the state, and made to yield a rev- enue. "t '' S S V-, ' - The farmer wanted protection, tqo, to flank the Germane. ,, 4J.taws. jsu ....'' i Zky&fJTtMTZ AiiuwTj caainwaea swiem,'SRt w LoviirA Istnln TkA Viaaatea aafeaaav- w.i . , ii . i- J7 . . L w. . S on the Thoracoatma,ea.Wi7;.'ff7f : . "i'-jjt .jfi1 -: ,." - sj. ? United Press Service 3 -V ATHENS, Jan. '88. advance guards of the Turkish . - a tell! ot nerce.ighOar, hkwaeif,HaVt? a m a" I rfj W-T y i : . sr..x Mf menaclnr Sue,5ad'fthe, lWlmmt''mmMi ri.i.. !... j tatiCi&V.Jti-aKili!?e m. ThU gives rise tO'Ue heUef . . . - . - " .v.i. trat tm Turnip aaevemeac aa . - f -ii naa progreMM rurtheruiaawaB saaVK' t vJ posed- WW'fil kg 4 frt a A2!r-3fptti4 $ ft I tlfl 4Vl "VS" vf?l -TffifW'l ..'05- -Ji' t."- c: (Continued on page 4) Ob Way to Letters reaelved.from Mr.aaa osa . aa4 ltam.ViMl nh.i 1 '---- -'- -... ..ff.tKifcU wa.-,. VMpMVAPMW'.PHK HiHl .ift.C are on their Va; tmrar Buori visii. r. jonaeea'at ; ot tho Klamath Mannfaeta pany. ' ' U. S. Enmms Warra m "TTTv'mJJjSr;-1 WWSV!'I - ' mB9UjViaJif3r vVw.-vSw4SV 3 iyArfraf j1 E -T 'r'-r-.TTV t! ; V-W 7tlt - Over Half Mloo KlamatkDtteTiW lteQml ASiaV"..'r '. ' i t4 0, ,aWia:aW- Charged with Introducing liquor ? on tho Klamath .Indian Reservation, , .. frrsE .- Manuel Agullar was taken out of Now Jersey has a balance of ft,- Klamath' Falls'tnia morning by Dep- 081,383 lu Its treasury: uty U. S. Marshal Carmoa, to be held in Portland pending a hearing before Germany In 1914 devoted 1,848, 48f) acres to sugar heeta. Oregon haa 80,878 weman workers. Philadelphia has. three registered women piano tuners mJ There are nearly ,7.001 female the Federal grand Jury, Agullar was arrested at' Bonansa, and bound over by U. 8. Commissioner J, O. Haniaker of that nwee, t The ladwa, service otlclata are making " a, cmiaeadable effort to atamn-'.put tho lUner traSe oa the reserritlpa.aad several arrests have eeea maae wnaia tne Beat few Local officials have received copies I of the temporary injunction order isued by Federal District Judge Wok verton, restraining 'the payment 'ot fi"5,000 worth ot county warrants Involved In the suit brought by the Weyerhaeuser Timber company, the Western Pacific Land & Timber com pany and the' Oshkosh1 Land & Tim ber company. The officials are en Joined, during the, pendency of the action, from paying, or' receiving or redeeming with Klamath county tuada any ot the warrants listed, or from leaning ether- warrants In; their c. ' ,Hv A total ot 1878 warrants weres-a fected by this Injunction. Tkm.tiei 480.10. Issued ioO, the boot farm trade,, eerby'ta4n.-;.!-V.- fe.aaa lath. 'lajiMttoglt S2, VHJUm. S. Werdseu aad- alasisai' p-!;; rountv; fntfa ' tTakilatJ '- ' ; McCornack as, s - " ' Ji. U tr-. igBsv Haydon Mtresiw.VamA isasamam tan cnl!ectorrC.rC.;LW, Saei!!. , iApt couBiy owrti; AmmHmmmmm t. -.-. n . . h. T . 3: '".Z. county w, tne mxtmmmM w ; ' cUnU Natleaalha ml JMajMA ft F rstNsAIoaalammValla,; i"mmw ffi!SMW-JnS aw eeapayi r-asmm ssmammaarJ Flssse eempsar; Itasgaa j- . - -r-'rf . , ."mmt. m m " (Continued on naff ) jls a resident of Merrill, bookkeepers In New ,Tk.:Uf. Ai oaths, r 4tut? oa the list la the warraat.fw&'4,t 'SSKW (nusfcgi l n'j t ? t f If if l IV 'Wf,T S