"'," ' v : .i: . K1 a.:..?j . .iv lStyft.7-&.ii kC!.?KV.KV. lj u lnting I! PRINftTHl f NEWS WHILE IT II NEWS ,taf. anfl i & H'-VlVf'lfii MM-! OFFICIAL ' NEWSPAFM if.-. .'Kj-; fl VAX .. :'&$si Xlnth Year No. aMe iii iTJismwmi iss I KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1915 .HNWl GAME FUND mrim grU-&;refcffff IS SAVED AFTER HARD BATHE IN WHM ...inllWIWMM)!,,,,, . , -, -,,,,,, JLUUi, X ' " ' ', Fighing Nearing the Capital "of Prussia; Austrians Advance (fulled I'm Bervlee PICTIUKJHAD, Jan. T. A new IIumUii oIT.ii.Ivu U now developing, nhlch has mm It object the eaptare of Idmlgaberg, i(i capital of Prussia. HumUii oiupoat lire now wilhla flfiy.aU mllea of tiuit city. North of lastettttr, lh KiMalaas have aiK-redeit In driving Iwrk Her iimn defender. '' -. United Prose Service VIK.VXA, Jaa. ST. -The stacks of the Austriana, designated to clear (Inll.b of IIiwUm aad relieve Prsetnril, In declared to continue with lilt CM. lain report say (hut a result of UiU offensive, Ilia enemy li Inn ii forced Co I'vatuai ow Ironic ,n-lilon In llie Carpathian. ' a AA(SVMVWWMMMVWVMWMMWM wvvwww KAKER'S BIRTHDAY CAUSES Schuebel Bill TaMed by "Cow Country" Men Over Speaker RECKLESS DARING BY HIS MEN . Thousands Sacrificed From the Coast to Rheims i aii.mvk piii:hi:.t to war lohd IH AX ATTACK AM, .US(i THi; IJXi: IX XOHTII, TNK KAIMKIt IIIMHKM-' IIKIXi; AT FRONT GKXKItAI. AMNESTY OHAXTKD TO UI-.IIMAX OFFENDERS TO lAV IIV EMPEROR, TURNED) FIFTV-HIX YEARS fulled Press Bervlee IIKIH.IX, Jan. ST. -The war totace claims brilliant iunc for a .cH- of Infantry charge up the height of Crnonne. Saxon troop stormed ami look wtrral Important ponltlona along I lit- fronl, furring the French down the Miulbrrn slope. The rlntrmrnt a) Hie GrrmaM there look HdJl unwounded prison er, cIkIiI machine gwa ami one pioneer depot, ued by llio Preach Mirrt ni n bae of sappllo. Considerable war material una also cap tured. PARIS, Jan. UT . Odsrial estimate plait the. Gcrmaii losse at La llaun at at leaat two haMao, iconllBir to I ho alorlm of the prlaoneni. The (lentuM on the we bMk of llio Meuae ami at Mo Mlhell nro agalu been rat off from commii-Jmtlon with Hie main armj-. French arUllorjr ilealroyeil I he pontoonn. United I'roMB Kervlco ' PAH 18, Jnn. 27. UeapK of dead Uermuu aoldlcrM, victims of reckless and bloody charges at tho Alllea' trendies, this Is the German army's Klft to Kaiser Wlllielm. Inspired by the presencu of tho Knlier at tho front, tho Ucrmanti slmultnncouiUy made a series of night ! attacks ngalns't tho Allies from the coast to Rhlcnm. With tho excep tion of near Craonne, where the French were forced to evacuate-their trenches, the flermnns were repulsed ovorywher. The Knlsnr Is said to be near Ypres. Unlird Press Bervlce UXIION', Jan. ST. BriiUJi BoclalUU Imtey Issued manifesto ex liresklng n fear of a "Mefarioua ajralem of werret diplomacy" as the " """' - - ..--. nBUMN, Jan. 27. In honor of Ilcnianih were mmta for Hie llrillsh oMrlala to giro tlio public a full, i,is birthday. Kalsor Wllhelru II. to United Press Service IIEHMK, Jan. 27. In honor clean kiateinrnl of Iho poiaU lu Hie controversy. KICKUA TIllAli HTAItTKI) TODAY Trial of Charles Kucera on n clinrico of rnllurn to provide for his wife and family, began today in the circuit courl. District Attorney Ir win Is conducting the prosecution, and V. H. Hhnw Is attorney for the ilefondant. All of (ho witnesses aro residents or tho Hohoralan colony at Matin. for that reason, the court found It necessary to appoint Joe Koaop as Internrctor, as several of the wit nesses do not sroak English Inlelll-Kntly. Auto car sorvlce between Eugene and Hprlmcflold may compel reduc tion In P. R. a h, train aerlco. Judge J. w. Campbell warned tho cltlicns of West I.lnn against build ing any but hard-surfaced streela. Ah! Koclrty Mertinu The ladles Aid Borloty of tin Pres byterian church muds tomorrow af ternoon nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Mason on High and Ninth streets. A fuel economy of raoro than 12 per rent has been attained by a French dovlce for heating the vnitor before It la introduced Into a loco- motlvo bailor by oxhaust slenm. day granted n genoral anmesty to hundreds of offenders against mili tary and dlxclpllnary rules, arrested since the outbreak of Jho war. The Knlnor's order annulled all legal pro ceedings nnd Investigations In the case of persons charged with evad ing tho call to arms. Tho ordor was Isauod from the Kalser'a headquarters In tho field, and telegraphed here. Electrically bporated cash carriers for storos hnvo been invented, tho motors of which aro supplied with current through tho wires on which they run. Now York has moro single women paying nil Income tax' than any whore else The Salem woolen mills aro to re open, employing 1S6 hands. 1 Kmncror Wlllielm III has tho dis tinction today, aa ho celebrates his SOth birthday, of bolng more able to wield power for good or ovll than any ruler slnco tho first Napoleon. No man In history lian aroused so much discussion. IIo Is conceded every where to bo tho control figure In tho war. This mau of whom everyone li talking was born January -7, 1869. Ills father was Frederick III; his mother tho Princess Victoria of Great Drltaln. When his father died on Juno 1C, 1888, after n short reign, Archaic Section Up Judiciary Conwittee Reports on Negro Exclusion (Herald Hneclal Henrico) SALBM, Jan. -J.rr-Tlie senate went Into session for only a few minutes this roorolajr, and then, ad Journod untlHate this afternoon in order to give the varloua committeee n opportunity to catch up la their work, Tho liouso judiciary committee to. y 'Portfd.adt.mJy.nrofeibiUuf "e official publlMtlOfi. of that mUm of tho Oregon constitution excluding negroes from the state,' The constitutional clause was su perceded by the Fourteenth Amend ment to the Federal constitution, but It has since remained In Oregon's constitution, Lewis protested the commltteo re- r. ... " . ... ....... . ;. . . j port. ,ne phi win ue conmuereu Friday by the House. Governor Wlthyoombe today Issued a proclamation declaring Febarary 17 My"Oh,lld Welfare Dpy" Id, Ore- MsmjsasjsaesmasMMsa 1 a--tVg--Hg-------H I I BeeemaeeeeifBeeeeeei ? 1 aBBgHHigHgBgBH l JgMgigmjgMWCTTtaa BHsmBmBmBmBmBmsmgemBKi. ''t' sc- jgpsfliSfeaW9BBgHi P geMHIHHmiK'' A-i' ' '' fla3'''iBWaaTY3fSB 0e HHHE&HIEIgeMePlm 'i5JBeis'C?JWF'BBa3pSMe3 Vi BBBBBBBWBBBBBEeSBBV'.n tTaBVaaSK aVi7MJgeBr. r7?gejl & MMMMMMMWBBr' 'LBWbi & bHkI-MT' 'VtTl fr'trU f'Jftrf Tp " gBHBmR'BHpl'ipHBmOsL 4jSfl V,pHBB -.t W r BF'fe'emBEaWsfl --liaBBI f "4 '""&- 4s',. -.""'' W g' geKaT'eMlHHBBHH65E9lgS' .i"' xM S'''!" I - aTwTflHwruSHB $-,& btJmbw 'ggBB',vvv f "speaaaHH ?s. r agru4aBr'. -w "- Bv? iJl&Mt" LiaHawxLr zj BmBmBmBmBmgeiCi- f-rKwj 4 . l flsmsmBmBmBmBmsmgejgf . "earv-&Jl jMJi. MPjiojtA x 'jV ''l4 V1 JagH f Hi JlvPar' V M askKBeeeeeeeee W kLrgigiggigigigigigigigigiB 4 I -tKttttttttttttt 3J seVeaVsVageeeeksZBeeeeeee aeeataf I gB?kgaB4IMDsWlr? .5.'.' ,1 'ij -v, H ,;iai.2. -. k J "JWW , . '. m$- .....' .' -JfcOt unitea rress service JSasn-!. SALE3I, Jan. 27 By a vote almost muuHmoBs, KepneeaMtfre' -Citls)" ' i ir tw. UCCWSW MSBT.' - "yTk f - tj It will be at least week before it 'li aamba ceauOdered, aril's. : t. , ;. SchuebePa bill, providiag for. the placing of flsh aad in the general faad wae ivcotuddered Ty the Howse this bill waa then laid oa the table. ,'a sMateaVtlm.. V givo the spbrtsmesi a chance to interview the two Houses today, aad allow them to preaeat the matter. " ' " Miicaker Ben Selling's "gag rale'' attempt to prevesst the recosSui, -'r , ation of Hie bUl last night raised the lighting Mood .of . all of the so-.. ; called ''cow country" members to'tbepolat of Mtteraese. - t ' i the House rales' of order. Upon this point depeaded whether the aaeajsi could bo reconsidered. The speaker carried his aotat- yesterday Hda, The oppoaitioa did not let the matter drop there, however. they secured some aew recaka, aad today, uniting their forces; broaisjat the matter up again and swept the House wlthoat a dlseenHaeTTQice. .;; I ltA1llnc !. I.A wmm A u rl,l itofMl- OAlllja ,MtAW ttltA'Mmm 4 .J ... .. . . . .. .. .... .. 1?W me woe oy anempuag; 10 reverse naBseu. ii agaosv members, however. rfl U -Ula tbta. it J .s xiie ociiueuci uiu was warn uj ine wnus jvat, uciecv HiniBi .;, t? rv . -J sajfe-M.l Friday nlKht. advaataao 06180: taken of the fact that a aamher of .th.sasa :SI bera were abseat from Salem, being sent to investigate hMtteaaV to'".' other cities. . .srii 'l' W. O. Smith, Klamath-e representative, waa oae of those he was seat to Pendleton with a committee to look over state there. Upon Ida return Monday, he moved 'for' the rei sWaMpot the-aeBo '' ;M ,-irSKf from the senate, aad his motion, after some derjate, carried, aW'toaw.ft'i I ,-w .'I p w . Pt -TTTI Ever slnco then Hie members have peea preparlas for the aaat, ruai'iicu luo cruus u nwnuiiSt rewmins sa . twwi .m- hvo I.- 'JsK7 i Tl li men' of Hie state. !' Kaiser Wlllielm II tho present emperor succeeded to tho j have succeeded In almost any bust- throne. Ho married Princess Vic toria of Schleswlg Holsteln, who Is threo months older than he, on Feb ruary 27, 1881. They hare -seven children, six princes and one prin cess. Wllhelm II is a many-elded man. With n capacity for hard work and long hours combined with a mind quick to grasp essentials, ho would ness or profession. As an emperor It is for tho future historian to say whether ho la a success or a failure. Until tho war broke out, at least, he was thoroughly la love with bis work and aroso at S o'clock in the morning In order to do as much as possible. "We Hohenxollerns know nothing (Continued on page I) FRACTURES SKULL IN PLANING MILL F11IKMAN OF THK PKLIOAX MAY LUMBKK COMPANY'S PLANING MILL IS AT HOSPITAL IN VERY GRAVK CONDITION Kd, Nyberg, for the past year and a half connected with the Pelican Bay Dumber company, and last year fore man of tho company's planing mill, lies lu a critical condition at the Blackburn hospital, as the, result' of an accident at tho mill this morning. Ills skull is fractured. Nyberg, who was to have charge of the planing mill again whan the plant la rebuilt, was engaged with others In the Installation of planing .MAY WHKAT GOES STILL HIGHER TODAY United Press Service. CHICAGO. Jan. J 7, May whoat opened this morning at IM6K. Karly In tho day, it Jumped to 1,47 7-8. At ten o'clock tho price was S1;47K. At' clos ing tlmo May wheat was $1..8ft. July wheat closed at 1.33 3-8, ... 4 machinery. In some, manner, while his head wor near n big roller on the machine, the roller' mYed, crush ing Nyberg's head between the roller and a small shaft. - - At once the IhjnrSd man 'waa rushed to the hespital: There Is little hope for bis reoarery. ROBISON FREED OF BAD CHARGE JURORS REQUIRE OVER THREE HOURS OF DELUBERATION BE FOE THEY ARRIVE AT A VER DICT FOR ACQUITTAL Bort Robisoii was acquitted of the charge of burglarizing the Valley Meat market at Merrill, by the cir cuit court Jury, which returned a not guilty verdict yesterday evening, fol lowing three and a half hoursot de liberation. J. 0. Rutenlc was theiattorney for the defendant, Robtson Intends to go to California and work a elaeer elatm : V Adams to Cruise the Canal East via railroad and return via the Panama canal, is the schedule outlined by J. Frank Adams, Jr., who left here a few days ago tor New Jersey, In charge of the horses purchased In the Merrill country by tho French government. He will be away several weeks. An Australian has patented trous ers for men with four more than the usual number of, pockets," but with the! ordinary number of exterior openings, his life was despaired of by all; DR. CHASTAIN IS AGAIN VERY LOW 1 Dr. J. A. Chastaln. a pioneer physi cian of Southern Oregon, whose 4e health has been very poorly all win- f i. . . . - , . m. "'... . i.. ter. is again very low. vircim ueart & i OlAflr ilixm-ffA rhaaitsaJn msait Plata Cbastain, Wns.ofUliilck - Uti jva.v.unj .w. u,a, -, pi i,y ,n wvbih m i & The' aged, physician has shownrer,:-l markablo fortitude la his. lllaeM, and he has rallied time' after time when . : 4 f , Annapolis Test 15th 4 , - ty Boys Trying for Academy to Be Examined Here (Herald Special Service) WASHINGTON, Jan. ST. Con gressman SInnott will make his ap pointments to the naval academy at Annapolis this spring on the basis of a competitive examination to be held in Klamath Fall's; Baker and The Dalles, on Monday, February 15, 1915. The United States Civil Serv ice Commission will conduct the, ex amination for Mr. SInnott. Any young man between the ages of 18 and 30 years, who. is an actual res! dent of the Second Oregon Congres sional district, win, he allowed to this examination. , Tose desrlng to do, so should drop a,lne at once to Hon.N. J. al; nott, Hpuise of Representatives, Wash-; ington.D;, C., so that.be can ltftj'the caadtiatM and send each .one. speel mea stl6as. The oxamtnaUon will . .- . - - consul oi,, aigeora,t sawryaaB.! grammar,' for which' three 'houra are allowed; after an Intermission of oaa.i t... A-nl. TTmliaJ'aia l.la-' ..uu., tovi.vu wancu vwwb w ,,- v- tory and arithmetic, for which three m hours are allowed. Candidates. '' . .. - ., .. it .."''..' suouia report to. me secretary .wet .ci tho civil service board at Klamath i Falls, Baker and The Dalles promptly!' at 9:30 o'clock a. m.,' Frtroanr ','$ . . a. - a ' - Ti preyarcu to uko cat euniuuw. fvri The candidate whomakes the UtBpf : est ,avfruge grad;,;i'JtlitBXff live examination win ee apsonnenjy.v m by Congresauax llaaott as and thoie ranking the aetaV will li. nnnnlntnil M -'-'-'--- '' it,.. ..;. iSJ,I?ii.ivtl mini iin?iw iwmrKxtTmat'HryM .. . .1.- , ' .."".w . yi.w"" . hathest (fiv-- ortylaUexamlnatfoB- for ;eatrte;': to '.:::;. the academy -takes , iaWVAll:;i,vf u 1 5?s!cnwr xyv&imt&i datet gfte. helag aJNWtnHd. WW tf ' PM the fttslr.aaaatiaftfaann eal er MMMMMlili1 aonsldered f the er set i f j ' t -v , . . &-Yi?&V :? rZ-i ,MxsVh.Wj:rif?Pv, i.v at: v., sa