- v -Ws; iiMi!? SFXTt. "te7.?W.wK-' v4 in;, ar ti.;? j .a- - &l? PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT II NEWS ' LaATHPn ... ", . vi ;'.',- OFFICIAL NEWStA" i, Ldnaf .....(""'.'iflaviBV-? aaa Nleth Vear No. MS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1915 W BELLIGERENTS IN EUROPE FACING A FOOD SHORTAGE M BRITISH SHELL A Germans Overcome by Fatigue Sleeping in Trenches iW"., flt&M ymm f&T&S: -- - .t 13, j i.'.AT v rAJ. , NON - FORTIFIED lI' l " f i! ti ' ' . Wl M&mmm;mm&jjmm!timmmii&&yM - " r r - - - - -"". a- ti ir ."'-' ' Mi?5av- itiumhtrj Uraut UilttSBflSyMttlttHSBff?6WINK' i '-74,t jr r MIJI.WANY WILL CONFISCATE ALL Hvvvhtm (rMirt iho Hrittoli Parliament HIiiuvh Tlwt Food lrlcw Have (lone Up Twnily-Svo Ier Cot Hlnr War Htarled On Im Other IImiiI, Wagr IUvp Hern Greatly Itrdtirrd, Ho There I MMffrrlasj Uultod Press Hervlcs IIKIILIN. Jan. 0. Tlio Federal council today ordered thu nuthorlllM In ilcrnmi iiiuiitclpalltloa'to conserve all iiirntH mill provisions In order to J prevent mix waili. Kui titer business transactions in- f volvlns flour nro prohibited. j Owners of wheat, com nnd flour, hnvn Iipcii unliTi'd to ni reports with tin nuihiirltlt' shotting lint nmoitiitn Hit')' hold. ItillawliiR th Ik. thn kov-j rrnmi'iit will confiscate the supplies.) to dlttrlbutn thin. A price to be' ddtcrniltiPd later will bit pnld tho I prcinnt ownir. Hulled Press Service LONDON', Jan. 20. Preliminary report pnwmled to the parliamen tary committee making Investigations show that food price In England liavo advance 25 iwr cent since the outbreak of hostilities. A a result. the Buffering of the poor, hare In- creaicd. In addition to the raise hi food toil, tboro hat been a deduction Is the wage paid, white many factories hare been shut down, throwing thousands upon charity. rffi tejWfe'' W?r' KKttgHsxsYgsnM 1 w fUc RSBSsBSBBBHfBBwSBBBBBBBBW 4ABHgBBBBBBVtBBBBBBBBBBBBBiHtHBflgg7v.t jx t "' ElP'kiieKBXBskliV W? JwtiKWVUFjX23p9&K&Eflt3r " Bjas"""psr . SssbssssssssssbSR. I TOWN, ALII . United Tres Senrlce 1 IIIUJLI.V, Jan. JMi. British wanbip bombarded NMdleherke, nuitiy non-combataaU.. Anoag others was the liannaaiXw et t It U offlciallr aaaoaaccd tliat th uliells destroyed .' liiirrincc nnnwnmlintiiata . .. 'AireXi . m D -.- . - , v, re .. btli WHar,;v' -1 The capture, of ftrong British uoxl(ions ncaKLe Tim war office rcp-Mta 1U claim that a British battle in the flgtit SBmlay. It atoo declares it has inform atiaii tbat tw ilcstroycru also neat dowv. i'ti'SI .iSKB United Press Servlcft LOXOOX, Jan. SW. Eaglaad is today prepartsg 'to. niid loniorrotr, as that is the birthday anniversary of , m iSV Ji JKC Wi .W J- iA..,.i f".' C ifj fi,- Defeated on water Sunday, it is expected the' finals srtsj an serial attack. This is fnrthcr conflmed br sdrless that two new ZenDelins liaro moTed toward th:nirimm' aLWWi":1 .l " VK.v M s? v?a SSSI &ie ThlH U one of the most remark- without n cliunce to deep, except ! cause they are deud tired, and Kng able photographs of the wur. It ("'- fuw hours they may steal In tho llshmcn returning wounded havo shows one of the dominant forCMjH,ncheH while bullets fly above them. I said the fatigue was absolutely Im- w ii i io iniiu actual wora i aone at i possible' to aescriDe. TODAY ZH A ORKAT lAY FOR MRTHDAYh United I'rois Service WASHINGTON, Jan. J6. Today Is ilia birthday of a state, a library, and n nonator. Michigan la the stato, be ing admitted Into tbo Union on Janu ary, 2C, 1837. Tho library Is the Library of Congress, the most con Plete Institution of Its kind In the world. Congress bought Thossas Jeffcriou's private library of 7,000 volume for the ute of congress on January 36, 1816. Senator Oliver of Pennsylvania, la celebrating his 66th birthday. And, In' addition to theac, tho Caledonian Club and other Scottish organisations will honor to night tho memory of Robert Burns, today being his birthday. which havo mndo this European con flict one of the most terrible of his tory. Fatigue Is what soldiers of all side havo complained about. Men fight for days and nights at a time night the men cannot leave the This photograph shows the Qer trenche for fear of raiding parties, j mans on the Russian border suffer They must bo ready at all times fori tho same way. It was taken during battle. It baa been said that half tho u batle at Darkchmea on the An French soldiers live In a hate be-1 gerapp River, a tributary of the Pro- gel, which runs past Koenlgsberg. Near the riflemen on guard may be seen the bole by which these soldiers twill enter their dugout from the trenches if shells begin to burst over them. When artillery tire is con tlnucd for hours these men must live budled In the mud and foul atmos phere of their holes in the ground. WHEAT reaches Smith Brings Game UIGIICD IIIDir assssfy, wssssv IIIDIIln nlnnn nll Is 1 II diii DacK o nouse i ItUPORTH OF RAIN IN ARGKXTINK HKNDH WHKAT UP PAST fll.sA awai vti rtfiuv Avon ffsvi.! "" " w'" '"' '"".United Press Service HOAR UPWARDH SALEM, Jan. 2C Following Its jimssagc by tho House late Friday, 'tho bill providing for the turning ioi an inunojs cuuecieu irum gauie llconse sales Into the general fund Is again back in the House for further United Press Bervlco CHICAGO, Jan. 20. As the re sult of rush buying and a report that rain Is' threatening: tho Argentine crop, May wheat nan rescued """" 11.454, a new record, at closing Representative Wesley O. Smith tlmo last night. Corn and oats followed In tho jump. Coos Bay mills nnd factories are nil starting up. FumitureBillVetoed ! late yesterday afternoon reopened the question by moving that tbo bill be reconsidered. For more than an hour the debate raged heatedly over this. In tho end tho Klamath representative won his motion, tho vote bolng 30 to 29. Rep resentative Hlnkle did not vote on this motion. Epppinf ofCty Hall Has Been Further Delayed Although the matter haa been In the air over since Thanksgiving, aa yet no contract has been entered Jnto by the city for tho purchase of city halt furniture from Virgil Bon, whoso bid was accepted, At last night's meeting of the council, Mayor Nicholas returned vetoed the ordin ance authorising tho mayor to enter Into a contract for the purchase, This was upon the mayor's stand hat tho advertising for bids was one IJIcgally, and not at a regular mooting of the council. He announc ed, before re.dlng the protest, that no would withdraw his Veto If the ordinance would be changed to "leave im out of the humiliation of enter " Into the eoatraot under tho eon. onions of the:tmiio.' no move was made by the wun- ell to do this, Nicholas read his pro test, which was addressed to the council, police judge and city at torney. In part, It follews: "I have various reasons for disap proving the ordinance, chief among which Is, that I refuse to bocomo a figure head to be usod only for the purpose of signing ordinances nnd contracts based upon Illegal adver tisement by the police Judge, without authority by the common council. I heartily resent the attempt of tho police judge, cty attorney, and the councilman irom ins first warn, in trying to use me to carry out their schemes pulled off outside of council meetings, There was no reason on earth why this advertisement should have been made without authority. and. without my knowledge, except For the second time in two days, the morning paper has got oft on the wrong foot this morning, In Its story tomorrow, regarding the passage of House Bill No. 35. The paper stated that this was passed late Saturday, when as Is well known, the legislature waa not In session Saturday at all, the various committees taking that day to view various .state Institutions that asked for appropriations. W. O. Smith, as a member of one committee, left Friday for Pendleton with his colleagues to view stats buildings there. It was at closing time Friday that the measure was passed, at a time when 8mlth was en his way to Pendleton. Again the sportsmen are warmly congratulating themselves on having Mr. Smith In Salem aa a representa tive, now that he has carried through his' fight for a reconsideration of the bill In tbo House, giving the sports men's delegations an opportunity to talk with the legislature tonight and VERDICT IS FOR THEPIAINTIFF MERRILL MAN IB AWARDED VER DICT OK 300 BV JURY HEAR ING EVIDENCE IN THE ACTION AOAINbVT ELDER A verdict awarding f&OO and In terest to J. P. Harter, of Merrill, waa returned latq yesterday evening by the jury hearing the evidence in Har tor's uslt against Albert E. Elder toj coltoct notes given In payment for the Merrill Record. Rollo O, Qrosebeck was attorney for Harter, and John Irwin appeared for Mr. Elder. (OMtlaMf M Hflt I) Tho new Elisabeth hospital at Baker will be opened next month, HI6H SCHOOL LAD BURNED BY LAMP sasiasM EXPLOSION OF .iLCOHOL LAMP - -- CAUSES PAINFUL THOUGH NOT SEIUOUS BURNS TO ' HARRY PRATHER TODAY As the result of, the explosion of an alcohol lamp at tb -nigh school this forenoon, Harry, Prather, a stu dent, received some painful burns on the neck and fade. The affair, was purely accidental. The Injured lad was rushedto Dr. White. Tbo physician pronounced tho burns as not'eertew. The Ontario Pfajest la started to reclaim 10.000 aeres of !au,1,oa Suc cor creek. w,t,, .a FOURTH ANNUAL B. P. 0. E. DANCE INVITATIONS ARE TO BE ISSUED TO ELKS ONLY AFFAIR WILL BE HELD IN WHITE PELICAN EARLY IN FEBRUARY The fourth annual ball of Klam ath Falls Lodge; No. 1247, B. P. O. Elks, will be held. in the, White Peli can hotel February 5. Only ,131 Wa and their ladles will attend. The affair is in charge of LWle Rogers, W. H. Shaw and Clarence H. Underwood. They are .making great preparations for the hop. IT'S".?! ,: " .n fill United Press Service '. PARIS, Jan. 20. It is officially announced that the frtflif fill Ineoj. In AffAMra BMh. Ia tlllt mAa4Iam mm a T Indications arc tliat the flcrmim Aiw aitemaatlmaf aa'. 'oMttw-:rti ward the sea from south'of Arras; ", !-yJ Tho British troops have positiOB.sv comma nding the roads lesssSlgf'IOL La Basse. .. ,, . : r .i .i a IS --i s. VSf-l .".rrfjr,-- ELKS TO DELAY AGAIN WAKEFIELD . MEET lfi. t.-rs. BUILDING i ( ADVICES FROM OUTSIDE ARCHI TECT. WISHING. TO SUBMIT PLANS CAUSE A POSTPOXMEXT OF A WEEK -&J fi J . Vi ' i .. ', !'. Ou'Z m &. HEADS FIRIDEH " "r. r' m m m w.m'imXw'F m'V w ". VJ - ? !M.'i UTHKK OFFltl SfViSI iW'wWtfil icaaa -jam wmmmBaK'it 'cr sV.aicWiTav.'msssBsNinscsBBss'l . ---.' -. "i:.? l LAST, EVKKWG At a meeting .,). : r -t-m' m 1 Instead of Using, up the selection- mnt laat.night.Bd, WaJheJsM;Wtjl for the fourth time elected7 as': esJef..-? .f- ...:..... ;.-:v.ft irnaF nrnrsiriiTsi ssisiirsssssi -r-mrmmrmi t srsrsssmni - r a dent, George TiisottjseeretMyrtreas-Hjl tss TloMr sTlnA ! . 'I kt'J .,....., vt , .'I1.! At this meeting. Chief WaketeM. Jnplr Prinarltt and Will VPIIana'waM H named to take charge of the aamaal St. Patrick's ball, to be givea la 1 Houston's opera house. 'v f - .i t of building plans -at Thursday night's' meeting of Klamath Falls Lodge. No. 1247, B. P. O. E., this order of business wilt be continued until the following Thursday. Announcement to this effect has been Issued by J. J. Parker, exalted ruler of the local lodge. The reason, given is that several architects in other cities are anxious i i i r. -;' to submit plans and specifications fr!STKN'(w3RAPHElUi SEEK "' :L'-: v F the home. The Elks, will build a . rnna wrrsr nrnf.:.am;W v-ZJ- .; " -- f i" 7,CTfiiS ..mm club home at the corner of Third and Main streets, costing about $40,000. LOTS OF TIMBER BEING CUT DOWN HOMESTEADERS AND OTHERS ARE GETTING OUT LOOS FOR SPRING DELIVERY TO THE AL GOMA LUMBER COMPANY Brownsville cannery put up thirty- one tons of beans and several tons of pumpkins. Cash sale amounted to S2C.766. hW? .!&l nrAatxiNvrnwu t '?,?.?" t .w t""s .' . . !lil . V.1 TjI isras Braphers;and;typewritew;fortM;s! Thousands are belnic TJ ' , " According to Upper Lake residents. logging Is being carried on exten sively by private individuals. This Is furnishing winter employment to numerous homsteaders. The greater portion of the private logs are being cut for the Algomo Lumber company, The Pelloan Bay Lumber company and tho Lamm Lumber company are also getting out timber. In Mexico there Is a 150-foot bridge over a river that Is composed entirely of mahogany, worth, at the present price of the wood, about U.OOO.OQO. Apparatus to be fastened to a man's feet aa he lies in bed. to make hu Isgs go through the motions of walk;: Ing hu been invented to treat victims ftitatr-,-t 'if1 i3i ' i.' . ' trumeni service are oeisg.jSisssniSBv throughout'the contryTtor.Tla; entrance salanr aTerM 1710 '9MT; h ThAtittflnnsi sm Ksalmtav Biarai saejlsimal 1 ? r .ViT , K"'V. Itessa ml f m - 1 sb uuver uoing i : .& .ft; &A m Klamath County Exhibit t Be IsttalW st a meeting of the directors of yersant wjtht km ilamath chamber of commerce !fniy --' in 1900, Oliver took dear of ath county products,tothe 1 CornShowi In Omaha. tAt that! he secured for Klamath At tbo Klamath" last night, Caleb T. Oliver was select ed to tako the Klamath exhibit to the Panama-Pacific Exposition and install it in the Oregon building. Al ready, Cale is at work, preparing, the products for shipment, February 1. It was decided that there will be no paid Klamath county representa tive sent to the Exposition by the chamber of commerco until in May, when the, crowds begin to arrive from outside points. After that, it Is hoped there will be a permanent represeata. tlve there to Interest homeaeekers and luuriaia iu maniaiu. ins wosunui, Mr, Oliver Is perhaps the best ;Vn, Bttv Aatjl A aa1ajiA jfc laaaisVatllJ attW viMu wum vv ov.tTvicu iy sanMf , exhibit aX'.tho 'falr,.aitfoYk. much'experlence"tn hls woritat Wt land shows in all parts otitheooun- lw aaawam tita Ia -- -! .'tJji,. "YiTTfvij ''SsTS .- - '"f 'SA"J,-. "i jfiisTir : EMM i.iAi'l. - 'I XTn.,- etleM .'oitaeSi' tfWA'WsSas VluiiKKi -l . m . twoftHsirt:,: wnrld nriiu - M .vkSalSiua 'itimM ;::: .znr. z' ss?csjs3;i " "' v;s ssjsisj. sum lueuui ivr, ino aat esswettSSl - wheat;. ". Y'SfeS? After' 'that; Oliver attssMlsasst shows at PltUburg,' r&laaaak: Council Bluffs, at , which, he T.H' other primndftepi fpr,IUamthVMirkiis?ifK show, (h eoeasW' as' thaae Union acin:ft'l:?r, ' P y","S mmsmmramjm, tary'of tbs! Chamber. a iai-"ftll-Ui:..-4.'' v, wTr,itVwa,,&ara, 1 Angles taisf occasions as. a ofptopit.fwhdr, Urarlslsjr-eWBi . im5S?iSS!R ' itP'' . Wfs! " Vkfw!Kftl "'W ' rt m it -5 " V . ' C iPVT W T. fOH.7 '? I T ...', l.k ' 1 'Mimaa