'?' v " jcw,,ift5 w -J.- .. it. ffife ' VF :r-KV4 ,? Kr j- f- MMBIH PRINTS TItt ? ") NlWlWHILIlTIlNEWi OFFICIAL , NEWIPAFBB W" t?'t,fcAt ' - Ninth Veer- M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1915 im wwb lEtumhtn Iteaiii MBU -GK8 Second Expedition to fflj A UtLCMIC, NOT AS LOBBYIST Is Defeated by Fleet Attack British Coast ATTACK UPON RKFWulKNTA. TIVK UNWARRANTED lrl AHomey W "ot Hired to H VKUilS Hw That HU1 In IVumed, HHt h Cons emit b Local Hiortsacn th Protest Meeting to He HeM III Salem Wedneedey.--aBkh'a Wrk Landed (Herald Hfoclal Service) SALEM. Jan. IO.-Telegrams lVttr ro nourlag 1b trom all over ibe Ute protesting ngalBst any changs In tho game commission. An attempt will be made to re ronilder the bill placing the gamo fund proceed! IB the general fund, tnd It ! planned to make It b ape clsl order for Wedneeday morning. Many sportsmen will be aero Tues day night, attending the open meet ing. ' It U aa a delegate from the Klam ath Bportamen'e Association to the open meeting of aportime with the game committee of both Houaee el H.lera, that D. V. Kuyhendall rep resents us at Balem not aa a lobby ist," aald a member of tke executive board of the aaaoclatloa today. To late for presentation at any meeting, we received letter from the head of the Oregon Saortamen'a league, telling of the opem meeUag. and urging us to sea a delegate there to show bow tin eltlsene feel regarding the matter. It was too late for ui to take the matter up with the association, so the directors, nndlng that Mr. Kuykeadall was go Ing to Portland, where today he ap pears la the Federal district court. we aaked him to rep reseat the asso ciation at the meeUag. This he kindly consented to do, ,aad cre dential as our delegate were tesued him. "Representative Smith, who was the lit secretary of the aasodatloa. sad always active la sportmsa's af fairs here, Is aot eligible to attend the meeting, as this Is a sjatuttiag of clttsea, not legioletors. We kaow that Brother Smith will do a Trojan's work fer the defeat of the bill la lbs Hesse, aad he has the support, contdenee aad trlendohlp of wvery ember of the nwortsfMn' Aseecta-Ilea." Two down pairs of bob white quail were released at the Mils Toung ranch on Lest rlrsr Saturday, being aunt here by the state tab aad lame commission with view to la, jroduclng this bird here. Others were released last year. RUSSIAN TROOPS WIN PRUSSIA LOSE IN GALICIA LODZ 1M MENACED BV HUB GEAR'S FIGHTERS i: nlted Tress Service UN1X)N, Jan !M. A kccond attempted raid and atlack upon Use Brit. M coast by a squadron of German crulwr rm made yeatsrday. It felled, however, for British dreadnought anil rrulaere tewceseed (he -larking fleet, routing It It la known that one derma milwr of I lie llrat rUaa was sent to lite IwMom. The German claim Uiat ono llritUh crater was mink,.bnt till I dental. United Press Serrtee nKnLI.V, Jan. S3. Today's oMrlal Matcmcnt rccanliag yesterday' naval battle claims the destruction ot a llrltlah battleship. It I admitted that the German emitter llleucher was lost. It I dc rlared thongh. that the other member of the Seet returned to the naval haan without any damage). ' Tlie battle crulacra UerSJUagcr, HeydlUx, Moltke aad Bleaclter, four mall rrnUer and two torpedo boat flotilla were lite German ship en gaged. Tlie llritteh Sect, according to today's sUtetucnt, wa compoed of Ave battle rruleer, aeveml Mwall rrnlaor and (wcaiy-sl torpedo boat dentroyevw. The rtatrment Ay Hint the Ilrltbli fleet cloaed in on the Germaaa. Tlie latter, reallalag that tbejr were running Into a much stronger contin gent, fled. A running battle of three hour' duration followed. I General Roque Gonzales Garza, the Newest President of Mexico ZZTM Ruaslans Also Claim Repnlaion of Gernaaas f Menacing Warsaw To the Hnthward, Austrian, Beta- forced bylArriraU from Germany, -J5 Have Rrsken Up Raaafaa OsTen- Hungary lve Aimed at Unltod Press; Service PETflOORAD, Jsn. 20. The de velopment of! the Istcst Rumlan of tonal vo move' Is menacing Lodf. In a brilliant victory In Southern Poland it is declared that the Ger mans moYlnej agalnat Ivangorad were rolled back. Tho fort there is the main protection of the southern en trance) to Warsaw. Tho Ruaalana, In occupying Klelce have driven tho Germans back twenty-rive mlleav United Press Service IX)XDON', Jan. S3. -Reports from Holland arc that a four funnelled German crniaer, apparently of the type of the Btraatburg aad Boon, was sighted off the Dutch coast today, apparently damaged. This ktrengthene the conviction hern that the German losses were greater than Indicated In tlie admiralty' statement. There la no report a to casualties. KagUad is la aa uproar as a result of the defeat of the Invader. "Wipe oat the German navy," I the deamnd of the people. ELEVENTH ST. IS TWO FAMILIES TO BE UP. A6AIN THOSH HRKKING THK IMPROVE- DURING T1IK WEEK PHILAXTRO- HE GIWEH mmm IK BEFORE THE JURV MKN'T OP THOBOUGHPARK TO iiiif rviiivr-n. m niv iniTH.' TIHK FOR BIDH Tho Ulevcath street Improvement project Is not dsad. Neither can It bo snld that It now slocpetb, for todsy It Is very much awake, and will be brought before the council this even ing. Tho Eleventh street people who favor the Improvement will ask the couacll to advertise agarn for bids for this Improvement. This runs runs from Main street to Sargent avenue. I'HIU DEPARTMENT RECEIVES MANY CONTRIBUTIONS TO ITS ClxmiING HUPPIA' Go to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Chas. K. Stone left yesterday morning for Portland, to "Pend a couple ot weeks. In a new eleetrlo.hatr drying comb, air, heated by electricity. Is forced through hollow teeth by soseslng a bulb at one end ot the handle. An -American espert bis been en gaged by the Australian state of Vic toria to reopen a long-closed factory nnd revive the beet sugar Industry. Uurlug tliu psst week aid was ex tended to two families by the Phllan trophic department of the Woman's Library Club, This department dur ing the wnt.er has done much to si levlsto suffering la families where nines or unemployment bsve caused a financial stringency, ana ineir ei- forta are heartily commended by the entlro populsco. Contributions of clothing are con- stantely pouring In. As the work Is to be canled on permanently, all eucu donations csn be used, and they should bejMLW the library. Donatlonsworo received from the following last week: Mrs. Thomas Hampton. Mrs. J, II. Osrrett, J. F, Magulro, Mrs. J. 8. Elliott. Mrs. R. R. Hamilton and Mrs. Downing. State House on Fire United Press Service ROME, Jan. 25. The Austrian ecatcrn array, reinforced by German troops, has broken the Rumlan ofen- sive toward Hungary, and Is now threatening the Czar's hold in Bnko- vlna. Official despatches from Vienna re port the capture of several trenches In the Carpathians, where the Rus sians held the passes leading to Traniyivaalannd Hungary. - SUIT IS BIIOUGHT AGAINST THE FORMER OWNER OF THE MER RlLIi RECORD TO COLLECT NOTES OF PREDECESSOR ' , , -insw SPBtBtBtBtBtBtBtBtBtBtStMsa mBBgK BsnBsnHwBsnBawV. .aSwisnBwanBswsW . t')'fKmJaM &M !'l?-KHna4Ban' r $ffiBWEffl9Swwt4pW$mWBm mSSnwgBSSSSSSSSSSSLU3BSSSSSSSSSSB 1 ssWE?iftBsmJBBamjKTi'irtKiKmsBW sBslaMBBBraas&M mKKttEtJW ' saswa siHHn'IH BnwnT4fw T THBwsnwsBnwawawawBnnwanw i COASTING 10 K PUT UP TO CITY C0UNCILT0NI6HT a SEVERAL ARRHSTMD DAY BY POLICE v. One Crowd of Eighteen or 8e la In carcerated for Fifteen Then Liberated Petition Circulated Seeks to Have Hve Hoars Set Aside for Third Street nTJM On S r With the weather ideal; frffr r'yft . . r.r .as ;'? poor indeed was tasihlll UHHVwaa neti alive with vounastern land sdeMesW too),' enjoying- the ceeatins ;"Bffeet. That It, alt bat Third? street for the police made several tlons in the enjoyment' ot thn sport -4j . - . , ' r ", - a . v? m t-rs I '!& ri into custody. ; 4 i About a quarter of an hoar later This is General Roque Gontsles Garsa, the newest president ot Mex ico. He won the Job over night whenfGutierres fled fearing he would be attacked not only by Villa, but by1 Carransa followers. The pro visional convention, which has more or lees assumed to direct the affairs of Mexico since it came into clash with Carransa, elected him at a meet ing in Mexico City. The last report was Uiat Villa was hurrying troops to the city to protect its action. Garsa Is about 36 years old, a graduate ot the law 'school ot Mex ico City and has been practicing law for years. Trial ot the Harter vs. Elder salt in the circuit court today called forth much testimony regarding the Merrill Record, walea Elder took over from L. R. Brooks, after tke latter had given a mortgage to Har ter. Elder paid some of the notes, but he holds that the mortgage was not recorded at the time the paper was sold by him to its present owner, and that he Is not held to pay the re mainder ot the debt. 5 OrcfM'tCaiM b Eaiitfered for Taw SwUy C BAL1M, Jan. H. Oregon's his toric state Houss was endangered (or a time yesterday- by a Are which tuted shortly before s o'clock in tbe afternoon, following an eipteeioa t oil In the sentrsi heating plant, Just outside the basement et the Gap UI. f ' , The interior ot the heating pteit MhiU lames. The soon leaped out the skylight and up along the side of the State House. Quick work by the state omotals, state employees and the Salem Are department aeon brought the blase under eontral, for while It was gravely feared that the twa hug oil tanks, both full, would etplede, This danager was eliminated however, by Jot natal, a Iremaa, whs rnehed through the names aad shut off the pipe walea feeds oil to the burner of the l.ii. slant. snjmnsB'Bjnem anwjanmnw GERMANS PROTEST U. S. AERO SALES COMPLAINT LODGED WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT SAYS CURTISS IS SEUNG AIRSHIPS TO THE ALLIES United Press Service WASHINGTON. Jan. 5. Ger many has protested to the state, de partment against the manufacture ot hydro-aeroplanes by the United States manufacturers for Russia and England, The German ambassador, submit ting the note said the Curtlas works sold the mammoth "America" and Ave other similar to it. aermsn-Ameriesn eongrensmen to day renewed a sghf for a m per mit President Hilton to embargo the exportation, of arms. CHILOQUIN GETS BASEBALL FEVER DESPITE THE CHXLLINE8H OP WINTER, AGITATION IS START. KD FOR THE BUILDING OF A DIAMOND THERE LADY 106, LADY mVBHUB! United Press Servtee BRAWLEY, Cal., Jan. SI. tomologlsts from theyXIalverslty of California are making taveotlgationa today la the Imperial, valmr canta loupe none, seeking in determlae what has become of See.Hs lady bugs that were brought hero several mqnths ago to chase tho aphis, arch enemy of tho fratekrape. It is a fact wall known to the erudite bug.oxpfrt o the univer sity that a healthy, iVell conditioned tadybuy loves toTirewee em the aphis. Therefore, the etperta were startled to learn that soon fter thn tody bugs were let loose In tho valley, they disappeared, nmp!anstloas that they probably had Sown away noma failed to 'satisfy thiTprefeaeors and tho investigation waaordered. If the Isdybni 'irhM prlerm true to form, sBtomekegmU believe they wUl aave many rheennda of dollars (Herald Special Service) CHILOQUIN. Jan. 85. There Is quite a little talk among the Indians of building a baseball diamond at Chlloqutn. This town being ion the railroad, it would bo possible to brlHK In teams from the Falls ana vicinity, and possibly have excur Ions. The national game has been gradu ally dying out among the Indians, where a tew years ago the reds' teams were among the fastest In the county. It Is expected that Harry and Edwin Wilson, the Hicks boys, Joe Ball, John LeBall and other-"old, heeds'" will get busy to stir up the youngetera and In addition get a dia mond, aad will coach and aend forth a world boater ot a baseball team. Some Vine, This SAN DIEGO, Jan. 35. Among the recent exhibits received for the ever changing agricultural and horticult ural displays at the San Dlege Ex position, which opened, here New Year's .ere. Is a hundred-foot grape vine from Escondldo, -California." The vine. whlclT bears branches having a total lineal footage of more than 1,000 feet and measuring 100 feet In length, has been installed in the Southern California Counties Build ing on El Prado to decorate the sec tion that Is occupied by the' Escon dido valley. ' here. It was for sliding down. Third' street hill on a bob Friday night that three young men were, cited .to jap- Ipear before Police Judge.Iyltt Sat Ju t urday morning. They, were released 'as there was no ordinance phoblast ' Ing coasting. , '' , f Sunday, youngsters put in an nv ipearanco .at Third, and were afore jthan enjoying themselves when tt police put in an appearance.' Aboat eighteen youngsters were then tal I i.i they were releaaed-aneinthetwaw ing no cTdiBsnoeJto'hoIdtheBnV.4f ! Laat " nlht there '! J-mrtfaV" icoas?theroitbnneverWlWi were a couplo.of Interruption, hot W& arrests. r - s ' $ Believing, that Third atreeCwsdesu is easily tho beet and MsewtMtt . in town, should bo open.to. r,isetmg-f couple ot nours, oacnmgnt.ia pe- tition, signed by httndreofirttl ;!; presented At the council meeting thfcAp evening, asking that this be allowed.'' .! with the .understanding tntjha x, coasters will pay sentinels to'ettmd , at street corners and prevent nsnv accidents from collisions .with tranw. ' It is also reported, that the "antiiM will also make an. appearance 'nt tonight's council meeting, v They are., said to have an ordinance prohibiting t coasting, but this report "cannot .be verified. " W. C. T. V. Meets. The regular meeting ot the Wo man's Christian Temperance Union will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2: SO, at the Harpold residence, Sev enth and Canal. 5 il r Bragg Is Very HI According to 'advices received b) friends of Chas. Bragg, who was eon nected with the .Klamath Deveton , land, critically ill with pneumonia.- ;? Jonas Out OnBende . j mi' . .A whose 4 William Jonas, regarding; guilt or Innocence a, circuit eourt JnrV $ duagreea saturaay, u ai.uoerty "oej 1 AH1 V.na nn.11 tiw XT V! "Li." M fi """"I jwvct it u. -. v.-aw, a Henry Stoecbsler and WIUlamrate.s rlltro ?'. 4M A iXit - vai tsifanmaru - i' i -'... iWl Sees New Railroad M'f Eureka Man Writes of Roai it lEmerMalsnittFni. Meetings at Christian Church Beglnnlg today this week's meet ings In tho co-operative evangelistic campaign, will be held at the Christ ian church nightly, Rev. Stubble- leld, pastor of tbe Presbyterian church, will be speaker tonight, his tepte being Wrignt-Hayes A marriage license waa leaned this morning to' Ben Wright and DeJoy Hayee. Both are from ChUoquln. a year to p$$ In from Diary . f Dave Llaky has returned to the Uekey ranehat Diary after a short vtaltt In .tho enpnty seat. The following from Eureka, Cali fornia, appears In the Sacramento Bee: President D, W. Hanson, ot the Hureka Development Association, has given out n statement that the Hill- Guggenheim interests have deter mined to' make Eureka the terminal ot a railroad that will connect with the HIHtraneonUnenUl line at Klam ath Falls, Oregon. The prepoeed line -will be ele- trlcally operated, the power being furaieaed by the Ungford prejeet at fehl PmM falls on tbe Klamath,' and another plant to be at Klamath Pall. .'Tsereed;wtlbe ij. t &f w H"? U. it. A rf X ' m J -iiVOTI rm. fiC the Klamath river to Requa, enter- y ing Iltimboldt countyby0 wyKwt Trinidad,, Survoyoru are aald tw bel In III. fi.M .I1M tkA atiV "?. il It Is claimed rhat " HUiangi '. genhelm mtereeta-beHeve nrss";tj be fceyeral houra.loaer;J?-;Ot4ag4 ,, thankay other seaport ra:tnwnhwl state T "&WWWIW&.. The Uugteahelaw are Intatenwal m) a uiarevB0rt.nuan cona4y, vhieh.s abowt ready M 4nsJ - .-...- -.... ,-r. ...-,-, , iVf,.J -The IshliPlsUjmlisrolaat been worked for, Iveil Carl a4 Pfonk & efJ'W'Awalb'-", Wfc . IWI k".fi VA .1, n - t U)l $f& :VV -f f-VJi fi Jf