"'-&! ?! ' ',Wv if. l ' rT: f&f&. ft a.... rv" 1 '. s.v1 -i U &z $& strain Itertftfi .' iVAa,'iiA PRINTi THE klama i n,Fiiiir ..'-;,, i. i v yHsM-t(.V t V NKWS.WHILEITIINEW8 OFFICIAL NIWiFAMbl " JtU-"iH'$)Z aasBBammmammrV,! Xnth Ver NoMjM KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1915 fSi S99 ROUMANIA MAY PARTICIPATE IN WAR ... mm tfE 1 r"V.J.u 1 $5 raii S3 v v" V; r "ltJ I I 1 r WOi- .WWtM.M.MiMM.M.MM.y. . w WWWWWWVWWW .WWWWWWWO WWWWIWIl'WW'WyWI 'IW g WWgW .Wi' Tl, by for Cabinet to the Allies CHARGE BRITISH WITH COERCING MEXICM CHIEFS BATTLESHIPS THREATENED A BOMBARDMENT ui A-;-,. b;h u s. criticised iiu aiuungauuf uw ,.,,. ! "". King Ferdinand Being Advised Fight - -' -fa Believes Three Year Lease Oae UAllRifk German Diplomats Work to Prevent I Participation TIIOOI'H IIAVI. IIKKN MOBILIZED; KOII TWO MONTHS AMI ALL HCIIOOIJ AIIK NOW BEING ! I TURNED INTO HOSPITALS iiomi:, Jan. aa tii to every immw to beUvt that Romania to to become embroiled In the Europe war, tnalag the ehto of th Allien Dripatrtir state I Ml the OeruMN and Austrian dlploasata are making' desperate rsTorte lo prevent the mm Ilea from catering the war. It to understood here, though, that the advtoore or King FenRnaad are I already preparing for aa Invasion of Transylvania. Koumaula to prepared for ike cob j Ski to the extent of taming th schools late haafUala, The troops hare bee ntoMllted for two month. Private despatches free Badepeet aay the people er.claorias; for war. la aoaM of tlta lower H arlaa cities, the dcNMMNraUeaa against war approached aim a rlaC tfU ftaflaaaBfekW F iaBayrSBBBBBBBBBBBBaaW M VBO? i3 itt8SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV' w bhbw'SbbbbbbbbP r - JbBMt.'SbW'SB JUSbVj'V' w Jt.W BBEBBjsBBEHf ;.iasHBHnm' aLgmnBBBBBBBBBrJ? VmBY Jb IJH PMHRf bSK:vIbbbbbbbbb nEmEmEmmYssBresn ABt kfeJLv ""BBRBBmnmymymymymyBn 1 eBnEeBBBBBKR&w avBBBv bBBB?tRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB m HK'I bL-'bBbH9bHbB 1 BBBaVaBLBU fJ&I iJ BBBUChtrT BBLLLlST, VPBBBBBBBB bHbBU bBbbHHbbbbbI I LbbBbIPI HaWUKrBBMLBBBBH I bbBvW-' BW SbHbbbbBbbIbV BBBBBjflBi4f . a 9 MBwH vSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjnBBT BalBBB?"A BWBKHnfoc3BlBBBVJBBBBBBBBiB BBBBBaur TH?7Jft'SP(TvBBBBPWBBBBBBBBBBr BBBBaBBVBBWaC!?' S if Jkf&fStBtSW M BB " aT" V fr 4k 7ablV1ViHB T Arrirala from Vora tnu gar Brlttofa t'ommaadcr laid He WoaJd SbaU Tuspam If Brlttoh Oil IatraU U'orp to Be Stopped (mm Oparat Inir ItHgn of Terror I Reftorted from Mexkaa Capital United Preaa Berrlee GALVESTON, Jan. 23. Pasfeng cik on tho liner City of Moxlco, ar rlvlnK today aay that threats of the commander of the British crutaera In Mexican watera that they would bom hard Tuxpam, canted Carranxa to res cind tils orders for the cesaatlon of oil operations there. Lord Cowdray U the principal i owner. United Praea 8arrica WASHINGTON. -Jan. 23. Mexico City ndvlrca uty that there Is a relfn of terror there as" ihVrreaalt of the outrages by Zapata aad Villa troops. Women of alt classes are grossly Insulted dally. ..BaaBBBBBBBBBW 4 ' laalsssssssssHaalss -BHSSIPfkBaav .BaBBBBBBBBSsVasji-w BBBBBBBBBBi ' ...r-i'MBBBBiKBBBBBBBBBBB' .aaBBBBBBBBBBBB'iv 'i,- v- Writ! :BBBBBBBBBb' assssssssssssssssssssssssafr i J., , ' ,-' BBa ; . n ""'sssjaBBBBBBBBBBBBBfci?.iF;Bl is' BBlfcSw?'' aSBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV i BSB'.BBMlak ' KlfalfBaasssssr aflBH3Hgfip SSBBpalSBaBSJI iBFBak BBBBT .MZaBB 6aBBx bBBBbsb -BssBsBBBB"k?v '' r L. J. vl "PC uM ": L SALES TO ALLItS . -' . " s. X j . ' - " . , - ...t - nvjf .SEMI-OFFICIAL BTAiajillTH M. v$t 1 " ji"--r'- v . 'f. VS J-XMfciS! - I" . " WTI 'Radlcala, of Coarse, Are wmtmmljmi r AkAsMraaam Spirit, awl Ma la ?&if . - A? Not Attlfis a Oerssasj lead SaaTera a Seeeatd bardJac Towwa sb a ' WP I &BsaassB j. Hi .tfgwBHf ass . -..j 'Sft Is. . M rrnltArf Pmu BLmwIrm iK - . BERLIN, Jaa. Si The awspap era today approre stroBgly.a aeaal- m sutement , frost ah j ? offlclal ment, protettlas agalBtt manufactarers aenlaa; Allies. arsts Ue I s This atatesteat charges, that 'the J,.. J.VV M- --". . law to being Tipiatwi. . .jSi... i? ---- JC -nTvl" THre Some radleal papsea dtaalair -saii 't-isi 'strong aatl-AxerIea:toae: KINO FERDINAND AND QUEEN MAHIE OF ROVMANIA MT. UKI HAS A LITERARY CLUB (Herald Special Set-rice) MT LAKI, Jan. IS. At a meeting held last Saturday night at Mac's Cash atoro, the people of thla vicinity formed a literary club. The trat meeting will be held thla evening at the church. Mr. Case was elected president, Mr. Horb Lester, vice- pres ident; Mr. Tit Orlfflth, socrotary, and Mr. McLcllan, librarian. Hev. Ostler, paator-ovangollit of the I'rosbytcrnnn church, preached at the Mt. Lakl church Sunday evening. Rev. Avery and Rev. Ostler visited the Midland district Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. West wore Klamath Falla visitors Thursday. The laldlea' aid Is preparing for a social to be held soon. A unique IkwonWaytoNI Jadge Reverses Former Decision Vacating Writ United Press service CONCORD, N. H.( Jan. 1 1. Harry Kendall Thaw la now on his way back to New York, te he placed again In the Matteawan asylum for the "labial Inaine. At U o'clock the Federal district court conrened here, nt which time WUIaai Travera Jerome, represent ' tB Ute of New York, pmented audtu fremUe United States supreme court, vacating the writ of habeas corpus granted here. Federal' Judge Aldrloh then revert ed his former decision, nad Thaw was surrendered to the New York authori ties, - Sheriff Hornbeck, of Duchess coun ty, has the prisoner In custody. Thaw did not nuke any statement over being returned to New York, where In IfOf, he killed Standford White for too close relations with his former .wife, the notorious Bretyn iNetblt Thaw. program Is being prepare w which all will bo Interested. Watch for further notice. Mr. Miller nnd daughtor, Maud, spent Friday flsblug and visiting with friends In thla vicinity. Herbert Phllltpa was among those doltverlng hogs ut Midland Wednes day. Mr. Will Morrison was a Klamath Fulls visitor Friday. Mr. Morrison came out for tho week-end. The Cheyno brother have begun breaking brush on their land south of the Gristle ranch. J. A. McComb was In town Satur day for a load of lumber. An unusual number of cattle, bogs and sheen wore shipped from this section of the country Wednesday. iinrrv Stilts was In Mt. Lakl dis trict Thuraday, buying hogs for ship ment next week. Tla Orlfflth will deliver sixty head of hoga to Fred Stukel at Midland Wednesday. COASTERS BEFORE IJUDGE; RELEASED FLYING TRIP DOWN THIRD IS CAUSE OF THREE YOUNG MSN BEING STOPPED BY COP NO PROHIBITING ORDINANCE United Pre Service SACRAMENTO, Jan. " M.-Obv- ernor Hiram Johnson Is strongly op posed to the Shartel measure, in troduced In the House yesterday, pro viding for sulking out the three-year leasing clause In the Webb anti-alien land law. Many people believe that the gov- lernor'a attitude In this matter to likely "Even If they'd nned us, that ride would havo been worth It," aald one of the trio, after Polios Judge Leavltt luid told Lawrence Mehaffey. Cecil Weeks and Harold Klanear that there was no ordinance prohibiting coast ing, and that they were released. The three young men were on their way to town after coasting in an other part of the town. Fearing that tholr aled might bump Into them tf they assayed to walk down Third they plted aboard, and made record time down the four blocks of smooth road way. At Mala street their speed sleek- eued none. They went down Third to Klamath avenue and then up Klam ath to Fourth, where Mehaffey lives. Patrolman Obenchata then request ed the boya to appear before Police Judge Leavltt thla mernlng. bL.?i tfrf .v. .15rXjnr.s&sfi' iLS3fc VatfMffiJSCX Vt : gSSS w Tt'V D lilt umw tm mtmii f,- . LONDON. Jan.- S.-Aa a . -...-j i. j.l, fcnAll nf thu Shar. . .umi - aatamtmdaat'jm. w u- w - w-- , -T --A-T7TrrrraS tel measure. i i somewhat unnerved, dseptts 'tsm'tgW he ernment denlal'M dlilgrllis asisasi lav: ., i. am that tut alaaattaf'Bm " '- K" r-TK 7S5 TJA 5kHli4W &&$. rsfr' m The till. whlcVv.la' aiming at the Japanese farmers, was introduced the request of labor organisations, imaa. tnda that thla la no Ume tor lnur--Dunkirk aad other,lrenefalM' naUonalcompUcaUons, which are Uke- glaa town by aTtoterare niillg ; . ia a.i eMSieA4g nA9ejrAinsBsmjBBmdBBl t w -w Li, j-. ly to arise again as iney am wo iuo .- -" -tjtf ' pci "A Webb bill was Introduced. i Since that time they -have taken vote after vote, and remained unchanged, despite all arguments, etc. At 4:40 this afternoon, they re turned to the court room to be dis missed realising that It would be Im possible to reach a verdict. They were discharged after being requested by Judge Noland not to state how they stood for aequltal or conviction. Once thla afternoon the jury re turned to the court for additional Instructions. Even with this they were unable to agree. The defendant, William Jonas, Is ( chanced with a statutory crime. j TRADING STAMP HIT BY FORBES DILL INTRODUCED BY REND MAN MEANS PRACTICALLY THE PRO- HIBITION OF THE USB OF THE TRADE BOOSTERS) LE6ISLAT0RE TAXES A REST t MEMBERS ADJOURNED YESTER DAY, AND PARTIES ARE SENT TO INSPECT VARKH78 STATE INSTITUTIONS; These reports declare that' airmen dropped hundreds killing aad lajariag scores ef The reports are net r2 m- 2 l 'United Press Servtoe ROTTRRDAM. Jan.1 It.- i - . -s er .? men arriving from Nerd report seeK Ing an airship foaader la .tWNeHsyS I Sea, far frem the mmtr-t-i iA It U" beuJrred xlmsirem'SalM Zeppeuaa repertec an raiemsi .ame British-coeet. " SALEM, Jan. 23. Both the senate and the bouse adjourned over Satur day to reconvene Monday, In the meantime, the various committees will make Inspections and studies as required of them. Smith, Wagaer, Elmore and Clark compose the special committee from the House aad Senate to iaspeet the buildings of the Eastern Oregon In sane asylum, at Pendleton. They left Friday night for UmatUla eouaty. ' ' ' - ''. vjs2I " 'i ' . . xrtw . . , , .t.... (.a.( 4ss; a -".-'" -V.rt '" ? iJi. -Li WK- United Press Servlee i AMSTERDAM,-JeavM lUh aviator Thursday neir, Qermaa ltnea. hombed Ueessul deehn $ g .'' 5I - ' !; K .1 -rfr" I he escaped to his own lines. St. -r ai- at Bruges and stores of ..'...- ...i...ki. lll 6SUVUI l"" "J " MB N fijGl Though peppered at wltt sBMMbba -- AitJJl fcMikt'K ,.' i ; i1 .. r sffi- u -" tne onty uM , ii SUtea to wear tteCresnv,f Legion of Honor la Mrs. WTAUtfiM. I'UII&OrV, UI UfW Ma TTTi was- Mrs. ,BramhaU;01Iamm her marriage to Captate Dngnteew - n,uir .- . :' u-!-.- .-s, ? ' ., .,:,i;GW.,t. ' mv-i.'twvi. Zk lu China the Easter bonnet la un known and the nearest approach to a hat la the high headdress of the Manchu woman, who must be married In order ttr boast this adornment. Mrs. Ann T. Stelnaurer will prob ably be Boston's first policewoman, aa Mayor Curley has declared that he will find a way to appoint her to Ue police force despite the fact that he has no authority under we w. JONAS JURY WAS UNABLE TO AGREE AFTER FIVE MOOR OP OPE- LESS DEADLOCKINa, TALIS MEN ASK THE COURT FOR A DISMISSAL TOBAY When the Jury. Is tk' Jamu trial left the eeurt room UUa fereaeen ther took a vote and ataai a te nve. SALEM, Jan. IS. Absolute pro hibition of the sale or use of trad ing stamps, coupons, tickets and cards In connection with merchandise, la practically provided tor In a bill in troduced la the House by Representa tive Forbes, of Crook-Klamath-Lane counties, for It requlrea that baton any person can sell or use them he mutt uke out a license with the county clerk of the county la which they are to be sold or used aad pay therefor If.Mf. The license la for oa year la dura, tlon, aad wparate license must he taken out tor every store uslag Ik stamps, aad a license held by a trm eelllag the stamp la valid only far one store. v - i if ijVirs Chits Lassen AgamAiii tAt&tl A., ,t5w- M-nXl mm a.Vi?ia m, KHJS? iwV M-aV.VSJft :m Reesmt Advices Say EirtLmjike Alt Ngm United Press Service REDDING, Jaa. II. Mount Lassen broke Into a tremendous, violent erup tion at a Uttl after alae e'cleek thl meralag. '- 4 " Tb eaylosloa aad outbreak earn trom; a Ww erater pa the eeet.sM t U Toleejt. 'The mala erater, aad the aorta erater were ttat,, .,1 j-i n sf T- Jfc . ' ' 'J5.V1,V!?I TiK.-.!- For, aa. hurshedmeits.aeMssl. Ue thuadrousrumMlmga ot tb'lasm thrower weiheti ,eHgp l . ,?ws aamari 'vSMMBi;-aB m 'flV L'l W I lepeTiB xmmmC.eBjajL i HR(r lB r&m f till . i e ..'i-' r " 1Vf 'WW- "1 j aalrlJW.tsM sjaajgLr.. V) 5 T VYMVXv t t :At5. KVvv i. - vy -fc ?&m& V . '1 w f . At M i-f l . A 1. . 5tl J t. -v t V -flr Wlt, S'n4fr. . m. W v,.: ;mmmM Azmw '";"& , lM, i r i t1 Vi.