IteraU. PRINT! THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL. ''?; ft iTFcr'firVfriw r Hi P if ,& 1&W$ KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1913 csi. .. flkflsjs - .. Glim fcitptttrm . ---- w r -r- .a----------' -en-at-- ------'' ----'' -saw -ar"-a"' rr-rw------' T-r- .J 1- iiimi - ujum: j ....,,,., , , i i , Mask YearN MTS. , 9B Sh GERMANS TICKLED OVER SUCCESSFUL RAID BY AIRMEN UOlted I'M" SKllC 11KRMN. Jan. W-Ww HUMt Intra. vnlhiMMCUi rclgn here . the remit or tlie niM of tkfrmum aerial riff early yeatrnlny morning, In which half a ' ItrMWt towwi trow boMilmnkd, more or lea acriomly'T"' "Tag? XItM exprf a etarerr lio that Utero will lx, more at t.c..oftbetkkd. Tag H-' rra editorially, Umc lliU raid Imm proven con. claeively l,M to m,mr " t,IM Oermaa airship. Morgea Ioat" Hawa le lxulr- Jut what aid England experts to draw from hrr Iwwiw a If II U paaalble that airship ran allark her title. H ia oMrlalljr aiuwHMCd by tlw wam l-timewt ilia I the French of. tensive inovemeaU sweeping toward ! ilir north ha been halt.!, anil U now being craahed and rotM bark. Northwest of PeataMoo th German troops, becoming aggre sit, bare rtnpar4' tho' line of HvnrlMa Iimi earlier In the ir to a strong French odeaalve. Four caaaoa were captured In Uih advanr. It l admitted that the'groaad gain yesterday at Xotre Daine dfliowtUi by Uw Tnttona waa rrtakan by tbe Fr tit h and KnIUIi. The fight la re ported aa fariou and bloodjr. Unlttd Prm 8nrie VIKNXA, Urn. 81-lt ia oMdalljr reported thai aeveral hundred Ku. riana were eaatared yeatarday la the HgtHn lw Uonejec. The iMe of the Mlacalon that rler la with tlie AiMlroermaaa, aya the war . . COLORING WATER M BE TAUGHT IN ADDITION TO .NKKDLKCIIAW, . ART DKI'AHTMKXT Oft THE U- URARY CLlH WILL GIVE PAINT. 1X0 LKMMN lu lino with lu policy of broadaa log lu acono of work, the Art Do p&rUaeut of the Woman'a Library Club baa Jtint added a couraa In water color pilntlng. Aaaouncament to tbU effect waa made today by Mr. Robert K. Wattonburg, the elBclent bead of the departaaeat. Mra. teao Clark Kimball, who baa bad great auccaaa la thla Una of art vae alaco aha attended ecnool, will ' W dta iaatnicor, All Intareated aro " lartiAl to take theae leaaoaa, and a alllbt reduction In tho amall charge will be made to member of the clubi The next meeting of the depart nwnt will be hold rrlday afternoon, t the Library Club, from J: 10 to s 30, in addition to the painting. Inare will bo free Inalructlona In tat Hag. crocheting and embroidering. THOMPSON OtllJH . CAUSES A HALT FATHKH OK LAKK COUNTY MAX I'AtiHKM AWAY AT ALItAXY', SO HKSATV, AtMOURNH r"OR TUK REST OP DAY (Herald Hiterlal Bert Ice) BAl.KM. Jan. 21. The atato eenato .ii.i nnt hold lu ftoaalon today. It met IhU morning but Immediately adlourned tintll 2 o'clock thla after noon, out of reaped for Senate rrcal dent W. Lair Thompaon, whoie ranter, Rufua Thompaon, ago 73(dlcd at Al bany laat night. Ha TooatUtla J. E. Howie, a local automobile Mleaman, la coavaleaclng after tka re- oal of hla tonalla. Honaion Funeral Today Tho funoral of Mary Houston, tho baby daughter of Mr. and Mra. Fred llouaton, waa held at 2 o'clock thla afternoon. Rov. Wm. McMillan, J. ., puitor of Sacred Heart church, con ducted the aervlcet, which wero large ly attended by frlcndn.of tho stricken family. Tho pall boarera wero four llttlo girls. Myrtlo K, Ramiby, Waive Withrow, Nelllo Klllott and Helen Wlrti. Many beautiful floral offerings were sent by aympnthUlug friends. .Women In Norway are now ropre aonted In every profession oxcopt tho prleathood and army. Fred Fleet tor Boosting Map Showing Towns and Cities in Italy . Wherethe Earthquake Killed Thousands I mamrsmamBmtmmmmmmmmtmmmtBmtmtmm TRENCHES GAINED AND LOST TIMES IN tgi " W " fj l. j fvil i 'i-'&xr'n .-itrm T1- l.'ulted t'rese Bervlce PARIS, Jan. 21. There I aerioua Metx. The JMlvanlagea are altrrnatlmf Hghtteg la the Foreat of Aprctnoat, the O'linaas were drfrea hnakiW. FRANCE mm) 'j. ffl . -tr arnwd Ste Mahaatjamtl ", ' -aamtai ,' -Vfr &M This map shows the area In Italy where thousanda were killed In the earthquakes which radiated from Sora and Campobasso, January 13. A score or more towns were almost wiped out and In one, Avexiano, It Is believed 0,000 were killed out of a population of 10,000. Rome bad two shocks, but Ijttlo damage wa done to the historic monuments of the city. The tower or Marcus Aurelma was damaged, but the Coliseum, St. Peter's, and other landmarks were not Injured. Tho circle Indicate distances In miles from the center, of the disturbance. SPORTSMEN WANT WW USING FISH RACKS FOR THE COMMISSION1 SCHOOL LIBRARY! SPRA6UE RIVER losing eereral Uaea of (retacbee. The German are Jaew counter attack to regain these poatUoaa. 1 . , T-?:0?J$. -.. .. -....i..... ..- ...- i L. i.-. .- - zi ?:&,. mh to the aorthweat of Poat-aMouaaoa, where the Kalaer'a lag their pffeaalve. The deatracfloB of a big Clenaaa aBtaiuahlek aaagly the forcea near Rhiema, ia ofldally reported. Tlie deatractioa la acredlted to the French atireaafully after gettiaa; the range from arlators, tat h t-at--at-a v . y.-,iy."ft- tfWi naaer.' Thmr amaMai V At ..V - a aew uer-saa aaaaaH apoa aotasoaa ia auuree. xae etf a ? ?.15 'sJflf4.X '&''&"&? -ir-- . t. V-ah- ? Mhelled, and many balldrag are reported oa Are. ij- fH& United Preaa Sarrlea PETROGRAD, Jan. 21-The Turkish retreat romlag a rout. Aa a diaorgaalzed mob the troops are. Heetag' toward of the rear guard have been captured. MAHM MKKTIXO AT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TONIGHT TO PRO TKHT AGAIX8T AUOLITIOX OF GAME CONTROL BODY .- HHAHTA VIEW AXD MAUN BOOKS HAVE A WIDE DISTRIBUTION MOTHERS' DAY TO ' BE OB SERVED OTHER NEWS NOTES ATTACHES OF FISH WARDEN'S OFFICE LEAVE TO INSTALL eJgg TAKING APPARATUS HERE AXD IN LAKE If tho bill pending In the legisla ture for the abolishing of the state fish and gamo commission and tho turning of tho game license moneys Into tho general fund of the state, passes, it will bo over tho strenuous protest of southern Oregon sports men. Petitions are being circulated protesting such action, and are being freely signed. Thla evening at 7:4C, a meeting of all Interested baa been called by the Sportsmen's Association, and will be hold at the Chamber of Commerce. in Medford, Roguo river valley sports men also hold a nlmllar meeting to night. Ilosldes the activities of the sporU meu, the Klamath Chamber of Com merce last night pasaed a resolution asking tho local delegates to the legis lature to use evory possible moans to defeat tho bill. Ml VaOey Mai Ooten Pabtidty Worker MORBID TRIAL DRAWS A CROWD CIRCUIT COURTROOM IS PACKED TO CAPACITY THIS AFTERNOON IIY THOSE EAGER FOR BALA CIOU8 TESTIMONY I Messrs. Pollock, two men attached to the office of Master Fish Warden Clanton, left thla morning for Sprague river, where they will Install rack, preparatory to a season of rainbow trout egg taking In the spring. Thla is to be carried, on this spring largely aa an experimental project, to determine the possibilities of that stream for furnishing egga for the hatchery. Besides the rack at Sprague river, the Pollocks will also install racks and other paraphernalia In Lake county streams before returning to Portland. HAYDON ASSUMES Tl IEASURERSHIP At a meeting of the directors of th work In Mollne and other Klamath Chamber of Commerce last lbt, Fred Fleet of Loriu wj vaanltnouily chcW aa Moratory of organisation, succeeding Oeorge 0, .Blower. This morning ,:b aa- WMwduU.f4T The aspolatmant of FMt la looked upon with favor by all who know klm, 1?. : ": vhJjm" u fW thMrji he big ua4ukia. J?ff t0 tat. Wamgth Palki Mr. riaet wia siaed la puMMty Illinois cities. Sluce eoming here he has done soma splendid editorial work 1 both newspaper, ahowlng great or iginality In his Ideas and features. The greater part of the time he has been here, however, Fleet has been earned In atock raising at Lorella, with H. H. Wlnnard. This, of court, has served to bring him to a reallia lioa of the farmers' problems, aad wlM help blm in aeourlag relief and aaaiatanee for the rarmera m mtaatlnna Trial of Willie Jonas, an eighteen year old youth, on a statuory charge commencod In the circuit court thla morning." The Jury was solected thla forenoon, and thla afternoon testi mony la being taken.. Ruth Lemmon.-a young girl re siding at Pine Flat, Is the complain Ing witness. The courtroom waa crowded all day by an aaaembtate of men eager to hear the aordM details. The throat was so vast that many. unaWetb a, cure standing room la the courtroom, blocked the tap of tke'stalrway. (Herald Special Service) MAUN, Jan. 12. Joe Foster, a homesteader from near Malin, was called to his home, near Klamath Falls. Friday. John Fiugut, a successful hog raiser from near Bonanza, pasaed through this neighborhood on hla way to Malln this week. Shasta View district contemplates a mothers' day program Friday even ing. Appropriate exercises, Inter spersed with good mualc, will make up tho program. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Klrkpatrlck, Mra. Strowbrldge and Jessie Klem attended a dance at tho home of Mr, and Mra. Nelson Fogle, In California. A good tlrao la' reported. Blanche Dobry, who haa been visit ing hpr parents here since laat Oc tobor, leaves soon for Iter home In California. O. E. Hunt and daughter, Mary. spent two daya In Klamath Falls last week. Mary went for eye treatment. Rov. Hutchlns and wife ana Mr. Flay and daughter from. Merrill, at tended Sunday school at Shasta View i.t a.initav. AftM flunitnv school Rev. Hutchlna delivered an excellent I Tb,R mor",n Couaty Treasurer ?.! .- . .-n-ii-a ,.... 'Oeorgo A. Haydon formally took up ...u.. Mg duUeg HU bond WM aDproved Such Is the Interest taken In read-, yesterday by tho commteslonera. Ing. the library books that many ofj por'the present, Haydon'a ofllco the patrons and resldeata of the dts-Vu be In tho Fisst Stat and Savings trlct aro "reading them. iBank, as the nxturea, etc., necessary Frod McManus, who recently came ,Br u ,her- from Aahland to vlalt jn tht home of W. W. Bailey, haa taken P a home- DAVRVS BILL OUTLAWS atead east of the school house, , LOTTERHS IN ORBOON M!m HtrrUon aa hr lister, fro -. -111 HI.U.!l k& atWl a . . aswrui, x. wtmm -v -...- BAUJU JWi. .Lottorls of all view i -". . CHANCE FORM ' TO BE A "MIDDY" CONGRESSMAN 8IXXOTT TO MAKE APPOINTMENT FROM YOUTHS TAKING COMPETU'E TEST NEXT MONTH BOND WAS APPROVED YESTER DAY, AND TODAY HE TOOK UP OFFICE IN THE FIRST STATE AND SAVINGS BANK United Press Service ROME, Jan. 31. There are freeh rumor that Join the Allies la the war. These are strengthened by report from Ber-eevfJiat afcV deal la Swiss universities have been ordered by regiments. . ' - . ;-, i 4,'' It U reported that 180 case of ,Uack :-4SSi45l have heaa &t1mWim ' "'"x .''.' fl" ftS?i .rauinr ta nii.vArnrnii .a- :m Fjaa-vjMiei r3fzm$t I aVSV ml sVml amP'jV v Jr - ifHk' 5j3W5$tS DAmt :?, v TRANSPORTATION TO AND HOP L, MILL'S HAL. WILL W ESPECIALLY TOMORROW WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. Repre sentative Slnnott. of the second Ore gon will make his appointment of midshipman to Annapolis this .spring by means of a competitive, examina tion to be held in Oregon about the middle of February. Tfie examination will be conducted by the United State Civil Service Examination Board for -Representa tive Slnnott in two or three different parts of the district on the same day. The boy receiving the highest grade will be. appointed principal, and those next In order, first, second and third alternates, respectively. The examination will be open to any male resident of the Second Ore gon district' between tho ages of IS and 20' years. Announcement' of the exact time and place of examination will he made In a day or two; ' - S -..... . it rw i JWf J people contemplating fttaadamaajty,, nll-nia-ht dance, to be. a4rat-MT'5SB hall InMUTa night for "thft 1 . . . m w stei r- IteC A: L.:V kSkSI siie&i rVTSjxl arsr.1 ford.' 'those In ekarae at' tho 'aM have arranged to lutve.a'lhfawisfi conveyance plying; oetwmiat'l my ami ;& ihn Kali VABlBr,Tt aaa.sbaaTaat:rff aiurwn-Hi. J jausic tor u lshed by Tlndair, big time U, anticipated. t. ' zjJnsl&i.& its I 4 WH-a mat'Ri erekeatra, a4a m gaalal .oa-wt m awWajsa.: Ramsby J. Better - E. B. Ramsby, tho house Janitor, who yesterday u stroke which UeapiciatadtoWyJ . . . : ' - - t . .. wv".-i?y; limbs,, la today, repert: ,aa aa-nas jffe partially regained th use of hla tremltle. Enlargement Is Oumber of Connerce Wfll Rght i m&m --,i-rHif '- mw i i j. .v.,'k i v. ,j(ii -&ik Opposed . .S"l,is'. . , v- - -yie Mr. Arthur M. Dodfle, presldant of th National AmocwtMa Opposed to Woman Sutrage, 4alaai that only 1 pa oaat'cvf tho waua il Uo UaHoeT States aro sattractot ;lMa4 nre absolutely prohibited hy a bill utlroduoed by RpraaUUv Dnvay, of Harney county. It is also made' unlawful for a par son to promote them la any Tm meaaur carrie aa. ehtvaf. f, Klamath couaty, tar from bene fitting .by the Increasing of the area embraced, within the limits of "Crater Lake. National Park, would suffer materially through this. .Therefore, say member of the Klamath Cham ber otr Commerce, tito project "iati be fought the local orgaalsa- Una. t -j. - 4. The oxtoaaloa proposed .would r the aa to take la vMt. TUlelsvta. aad Diamond, lake. Tho territory that would Una ho away I torn of KlaBMth1et,dr hunting, grounds, aid xemi av, ,ei3.- qvvMf I PrtMoliBBi I th'sVtMNlMlW . .-.'. iT:.- ' i.iii!- -.It-V- --: aS'r would be taua proauatiaa.Bftaaa-aasi of 'being wjtklna aaAleeJpi'feW''; K i ' hv- i l'Liiij3iiKt ii waa .no wanaw,. fwa,a.sir the !anda,to''ho'tama;a)anM; way incroaso'tho haaa.ottto.j aud'that R waa pruaaiahlra for ,ht,tr- rada-ilra;; theipatk fremtM'Oa; .ir'M tains.' Tf. "i-s'.U.. --';! m ". " ' - - - rTT ' v"".' plan, aad-roaay i iijis jvum ITt"TT; ! ,' HfteSfeW! &?&&& it- J' lW -:.' -- a--a-a-aaa-a- 'mmmfv'' Vrarf Ukia ap wtth tht, Ma iouMaW - i-r-Zirx&SV- Tf