vw&m&m 5 "wr haH? SE.i-. T5 .'J'MA JVV3CT nsm 'rt&W''V''m Wcp PRINT! THE r'H & AimMA.i dria jJews while it is news um icii- nswiraraii "' .-. L.Vi jfflrntPf' -r SjS&c vyj.um,' 1 '- .1 v,;ruii X umiiuj pi ' , , , I n u II rt'..l'ilU!l.il.Ll JLI'.'J'g" r'LlmJ-'.l!ng, ;..', !' " ' '.'I E.il n ! -. Ntom yr-XoijWt KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1915 'W I MEASURE TO ABOLISH t'iLi'fliHA llHik.a - i : - ' - ' '' -Jj' COUNTY JUDGE! ; Bitter Fighting Is On for Bridges Over the Yser FI6HTIN6 THRU FRANCE HOTTEST OF THE CAMPAIGN ClWlMAX LINKS AllVANTKD M!All AltUO.S.Nr: "Curly Joe" Cassidy, New York Boss, Before He Entered Sing Sing for Year 1'i.iirli anil IJc"rilWM lun Iktfliulnu In lUtlh fur (imxmiIin 'f .'rM i Uag " Itlrrr AtliU Hi) tjimllr Htrurtnrv t-'nurtraint rrrnrh Aviator Mt Willi MU hap, Mini Two Full lu Death I'liltcd I'jom Kervlce IIKHI.IN, Jan, SQ.lt l (tie nouno-d that the Germane, have ad rioted Itielr lines 100 yard nnr the Argonne, In a brilliant Infantry charge. Nrar Notre Dame do Loretto, other Prttich trenches were taken In a desperate night attack. Uoltrd I'rau Sartle I'AHia, Jan. 20. It I announced that intra U rfcaueralw flglitlnc for the powilou of tho brldgo over Itin Yitr, together with a reaunntlon of lighting In the vicinity of Nletiport. Tho Kronen art- holding tho bridge. Tho (lermana, under cover of a rloleut artillery firlnx, a'lteroittod io dynamite the bridge. Tbla wo fruitrated by the uao of the heavy French guna. Theee cauted the Oermana to withdraw after very heavy loaaea. It la admitted that the Oermana look anveral trenchea near Argonne, The French aay Ibey recaptured ibMt In a brilliant counter attack. An aeroplane carrying Lloutneant U Porte of Prance, and Lieutenant Chennery of Kngland, fell from treat height and alighted a maaa of flame on the hank of the Heine. Channery waa burned, to death, La Porte died on the way to the hoa-Pllal. . LgggggggggggMBgggggggggggggggggggv K gffffm tffffffgffffaeW .ggffffffffffffffffffffeifVggfffffl ' ggffffffm9Hg9'flgfffK vgfffffffffffffP'katffa & m? vi-AatffjtaMgggggggtiigV 'ibQ imL iA 'TC lfrjggggggggggKSaggggsvj gggggggggflggl 1 BffVgfffErjQnjSgfgfagfffffffffffffiffffffffffffl B gffffffffgf&gfffffffffffffffgfSB vigM " ilgigffR m gfffggfffflggffffffeHHBieB,!Vgfffffff!JgffVEgfffK u gggggggggn.;gggggggggggggggggBgggggggggggggggg9ggggggH 1 vgggggggw ' ggggggggr -gfgglHgl T gggggggs'PHTT-vi r ggggggggf7lHMgggggff vgggggffBl gggggggSft.-Arf&MhiK3 ko) '.ggfggggfv MfeglffVlgggggvgl gggggggfvfl-fi jggml igBilgggT -egggW '" gBS 'ggggMffi,!22ffl8 IbV ivgigggggaaRegggv'' ggnRJgv ggggggggl?i3 gfW ( ggggggggdiBHSgfe gggflLv ggggggggl v3lr u TB'alr'i""'' glgglfUgl Bgggggggligf' lv '.',! JmEm JgggWgggtiP Aerial Fleet Bombs Cities At Least Ten Towns Are Damascd Marcus Aurelius Column Damaged in Earthquake Reign of Terror Around Yarmouth While Teutons Drop Explosives on Buildings I I'nlitd I'rvaa Service j LONDON, Jmu. 2(. TIip lieartfi of the Umid In London am froxcu (iMbiy, mill tho whole of ICsKlaad la iixliant aa the result of last nlRht'a iili-xlilp raid by tiemian aircraft. - ' The KvirnueBt oftlclala refute to t(lxe out any detailed lafonttatlon ifKantbix vttje affair. It In iWllnllely kuoint, however, that at leaat the following BritMli (oumm nrw bombarded during the night br the invaders: . Ynrmoiitli, KlngUynn, Hliecrlngliiiui, RncttbigluiBi, Gorietaon, .Grims ton, llceMon, Itetvlngnani, Knvtora and Sandringhniii. The property danume at Ynnaontti alone is 91BO.OOO. In tho nbaenco of official conflrmtttlon by the government officials, re 1hh1m t.ay that seven were killed and many were wounded. Five were killed at Yarmouth, and two at Klngslynn. There Is n growing conviction that aeroplanes, nml not epplanee, citi employed In the raid. . Ihtiplte tho statements by resident or tho cities bombarded that they kuu' Zepiiellns, the officials there say tho dirigibles were not in the imiiieiiverliig. At ilnwii tlu- sJrcrnft were sighted, drift lug out over the sea. SH& c.tHfi'cf liV?-iP( ?Hg igggggi HgfffffffffiffiiaBffil Thin In tiiiu f tho moil romtirk coptvil by Tumiuatiy men, until he Mo photograph over fakou ! Now Ml out will, them n year ;.Ko. as a iKouu iiiviiii CnRsldy, as othor bosses In Now York have done, uolil u iiomlnatlon HOUSTON FUNERAL T0MORROW,2P.M. INr'ANT DAUaHTKB OK OLOTH XO MKIICHANT IHKD fiAHT HT AVTKH ATTACK OK HKART INPIiAMA'alioN The funBra 6r Marjr VJvUa HoUf ion, the only child of Mr. and Mrt. llZ n"K. who paMMl away la.t Wttt, win bo held fro the Houi- ro afternoon at 1 o'clock. ne child waa 41 month, old. "art and a iha.i. ..-...: -"-" ininctioR, !J2 by Qr BWh., the sl York city. It waa moro than twenty yeara tigo thai tin .event, which miaiit Imvo made It osnlhlu for n linlllur photograiih, hapiionoil. It la the ilc.turo of n Tnmmuny boos being Kent to fling King. Moro thun twenty yenra ngo John Y. McKnno, then botH of what hna, aluco become Conoy iMlnild when It was n luunlcU pallly hcimrnto from New York city, wan aent to prison, largely through tho efforts of the lato Mayor flnynor, then a fighting lowyor nnd reformer. "Joe" Cassidy, wna one tlmo bosa In tho "Ilorough of Quodna," nn im portant aoctlon of Now York city, on Long Island. Ho wna not n mem ber of Tammany Hall becaimo that organliatlon strictly la condnod to LNew York county, which Is mndo up of Manhattan Island, but ho hna worked heartily with tho Tammany organisation In tho control of city and state conventions, nnd was ac- for Justice of tho aupremo court. Controlling tho Judiciary convention of hlx district, ho picked William Wlllett, n lawyer of an old nnd res pected Long iMlalid family, whom ho had been chiefly .Instrumental In HciidltiK to the House of Iteproscnta- tlvc at Wellington for hovituI torniK. Hut ho did not decide on Wlllett until tho latter had agreed to nay several thousand dollars for tho nomination. Cassidy nnd Wll lett wero convlctod two years ago, hut they havo fought their cases to tho highest courts, nnd finally when they wore ordored to prison were anxious to get there In a hurry. Just outside tho Jail 'Cassidy was asked what he wan going to dst "1 am going to see this thing through," said he. "I don't see any airships around." Bill Would Legale the Six Round Bout Resume of the Legislation Introduced at Salem Today Tho 'Marcus Aurelius column, one of the famous points of .Interest In, Rome, was among the landmarks damaged by the earthquake of Janu ary 12th. The column. Is one of the greatest attractions at-Rome, arid Is well known to Americans! who -visit Italy. The statue Is situated In the Piazza Colona. It Is a dorlc column, extremely Imposing, and was erected by Marcus Aurelius In 161-180 A. D, The statue Is composed, of twenty eight blocks of marble. Its baa re lief depleting the victory of the era peror in Germany. The top of the monument Is reached by climbing 190 steps. On the summit is a medi aeval, statuo of St. Paul, placed there by Pope Seztus V. The total height of the monument. Is 1S7 feet IHOMPSOrSBItL SEEKS 10 CREATE CIRCUIT .iiineis &l tf i-'f.'M 17 & .; & o . -a 'iWiM'B .?'.?' -ti PROVIDES FOR A VmH))U!lCOVWK.- OVAPRAL rifiBf i. .-.- Ifiii-rrj! Legislation to Be fntisdnss. Vy'; KUmath-Lalce flaitai WtsJl'lm fer tan Prefeate Wat ;tf. U' --. : u, i- .- a..- ( Bis -'v! V V'li ' y, a. County to the Clreiit 0ani 9ms tedJcUoai More Circnk iititm ,2 j i '& yp.l i& -. V .iu 4 (Herald gaBkwraiy y j-: SALEM, Jan', JO., .genaiar Vy. Lair Thompson, of Klaaaatt-iakav president of the senate, kaafrawd a bin jnat wm soon Utrotnaai. providing for the chaninT ,ot?ta :J.T' state's Judicial ayateaa. ' jAmimg "' other thlBBAd&'i&HKS, additional iiaTisiv- - V'A- SK.' y. r I riCKM u- a iMr ai A. 'f'j. Among tha, chief tmtutm,mtiml!V: um t. mu.. m xbwi ing tac .an of county Judgef '"- ' & ,'- ,'.'.k.-?" '..fi ir --1-''', iowara mis eno it BrovMa'ras.ii.v,-' traasferrliigJ1f.ot' ti WoWf '&$& court. . wt!$ There la. - ' -'--'--"-'"'-S'- a circuit court of aanssdaaaaKil taken up from the county. Wf TP'.ff'UpiS 'S1 21 ''V.. r. m SSS1.R- r-Cria 'ft tll i CI .tj Mfti Vi!fawMr rfiA- Tt la rnit k. k .V-U.kt. . ' .OT office of.county Judge. thia:'at- )H mkicu tue peopie will aaorn SMBtaflr..rr set the added expanaaa wktahwtt result from the extra. iWlgasailn Besides, It to held that k''Ute'var' tne' outlying dlstrlcU woald W served by the circuit dnurto they are at preaest. If the bill becomes a law. and Cake countlea will aok.haTe? circuit Judge. 4 ,t BUZZ SAW CASE V 3i jC "if United 1'ress Service SALEM, Jan. 20. The following Is n rosunio of the bills Introduced In tho legislature today': - Roprpseutotlvo Lewis introduced a bill authorizing six-round boxing matches, with six ounce gloves; ney punch barred. Commission, to consist of seven mem bers appointed by the govornor. The bill provides that the duties of the lommitftlon shall be to "Investigate thu possibilities of profit to Oregon Institutions nnd the establishment) , "I of new Oregon Industries." The bill "7? . ,,. .' curries in appropriation of 15,000. Tho bill creates! DEFENDANTS WIN IN SMITH ACTION FOLLOWING SEVEN HOURS OF WRANGLING, MEMBERS OF '' OLD FAIR IIOARD AWARDED VERDICT BY JURY DROPPED ?'&'&?' F1 asava' . . IIIfLlV IlfliM.IW?v'. '"(Vi'.V. ?) w ' ACTION' OF CHASJIOSTON,VO aV; V? WVKIl TtUsi VAliUK Of A J CULAR SAW fl ,K .". ..! ard cask ooirenrraD i :i:4 Mrs. Hamaker HI Mrs, Amanda Uamnker, u woll known Klamath resident, Is III with pneumonia. A hlghj authority has shown that during cold weather oysters rest or hibernate. Movement ceases and thy cease to feed, ao that they are free from sewage organisms during the months of R. 21 J?, Hrt o' tto tog AH. Female school Iforala are paid 9744.91 a year. teachers In Cal an average of i Au OlUclnl Visits Deputy Coroner It. Vance Hut chins who Is employed In Hot Springs, vlsllod tho Palm cigar store. The latost articles duvisod for the benefit of tho modern woman are musical clothes brushes, scent bot tles, sprays and powder puffs for her drosslng table, Over 800 chorus girls are. In tka cast of "Wars of the WortsV'a.Now York Hippodrome spectacle, a boxing commission. Senator Kellaher introduced a res olution to submit to the people n proposed constitutional amendment granting tho governor authority to veto appropriation bill for sluglo Items. Tho Beuato unanimously pusaod a bill authorizing cities on navigable streams to dredge, the bod of such rivers and use the material lu making fills, Seuator Bingham's bill reducing the salary of the county commis sioners of Lane county from 16.00 to 13.00 n day and actual expenses passed. Senator Kellaher ;hatr4ao4 a MU creating the OroffM ftaiff Trad Tho bill introduced by Represen tative Schuebel requiring the regis tration uf all lobbyists with the secre tary of the state, passed the House. I Tho longest street in the world Is Western nvouue, Chicago; the r Illicit Is Fifth ttvonue. New York city; the widest is Market street, i Philadelphia, and the shortest Is the I Hue Mo, in Paris. The dirtiest street 1st tlmt of Tchjiikstl, In Nankin, the. lclMtueat Is the Via Castile, In Seville. 'Spain; the most nrlstocratlc one la (irosvenor place, In London; the mot beautiful Is the Avenue dea Chnuiim Blysm, Purls. The narrow est street la Via Sol, Havana, buna, which has a width of no moras than fouy-two inches, ' i r ... i, ' Moat ot the cats In 'Liberia', are of a bright red tint. A verdict in favor of J. .Frank Adams, Louis Gerber, Alex Martin, Jr., J. Fred Goeller, B. St. George Bishop, J. V. .Houston and Will O. Dalton, members ot the old Klamath County Agricultural Association which conducted county 'fairs here, was returned by the Jury hearing the evidence1 flrt the action of Elmer Smith against the1 seven men to re cover 12,166, alleged due for grad ing .; race, track v Tho suit was, brought against the men aa individuals, as the associa tlon Is defunct It waa held, that for thla 'reason, the corporation's notes were non-collectable, UDori motion nf thai dalailM'-! torney, the auit'of Chaa. BorjW'i'C Nicholas to recover .tWr'w:f The circuit conrt.togfaniflfflg-1 to the June term t'wttim"'iitLyi LWUhard vs. George MraW toltJ cover a dUmond. rin. wMaksman W-t Involved in a deaf between the twoSvt parties. - j. rrf 7 &$$ Itamaby Oa Skk Last p E. B. Ramsby waa' stricken 'wWtoSf ing by a, recurrence of t 'ntlmii'f-r. which a few moatha ago;- inrfe4Va him temporarily of tnoVtrof'ffP He U at the hot !!:;' Sine 'the women of Norway" how have equal rights with men they .have dlaalved"th;Solety of Sutras tor Women, thtroHeoiag no reaaon ' lor It. 'ttmiilAi' hm ) s '"'", right arm. son. Carey ported today Mjr9MT his; old Judgo Robert only negro Julgw states. jHsttea m the Diittkt oy rreuaent m bbbUbbMSbY iiri1. 1 . - AA'Z self agala; .v f . - '. . .1. V.. iVjiVl'S' . TJJ TmwmWffl& Mttwftmvm. He wm -MiaUrtaJ' n'sfwii ' ; CmhaaBnaa- w earaw;4ffv -, ' .j- iflji ""'hli -' . "aaBaanHanrgwaamaai W. ..-'',;; $, ;N.w' Tor.lt;. pHr Mff sNt' itiittAmn!'- TWS.(.wt MMiv 'IXX. 1:. . NX '02. . &$ V ' V .' jfti ?!?... &i?- A v 1 ,vv t. ' .y ,4'vj,irgxjjv