3mmm$ Mttalh PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPCI rNEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS tlnth Year N. JWTT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1915 olhi YANKEE SHIP IS FIRED ON BY A BRITISH BOAT AMKIIH'AX CAPTAIN TO F1LK HIH CHAIIGK8 TODAY Clergyman Loses His Memory and Enlists in the U. S. Navy Sklppvr of Hit" Urtmbilcr Charge Tlmi nx III Vocl Waa PrerMHtlan: Tonnrd I he Fatherland Hoi Id Html ' t Wum Klntl Arroaa llu WmMi'a i How liy Man-oMVnr My inn Hip I IttitUh CuliHi Jtttk I'ulltd l'n'5 Senllu IIKRLIN, Jim 19. Chorion of In-'4 kiilt to thu Amvrlcuii ling, and liu-1 liroiwr Interference with hi ecl uuru today transmitted by cable tut Secretary of State Urynu by Captain Parle), comtnatrdtug tho American steamer (irecubrlur. Tho vcucl Ih now at Bremen. Tho Ownbrler tailed from New Urlcnaa to Bremen, laden with cot ton Captain Farley declare that while hi vessel was proceeding toward the Gorman const December 30, a solid hot waa II red aero the boat'a bow by n Ilrltlth cruiser, which tough! to halt tho vcttel. At tho time, Farley said, hla 'vet- id wot flying the American flag.. JH BjgBjgBjgBjgBjgBjgBjV gjassahw aaSaaaaaJSaaaaa. i M saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVBwaaaaa 9 BBS9PISISSSHSBBBBBBBBla9! ABBBm m yBBBBVSBsHbf Sl! ttsHI 9 WSe? ""wBBBr. t JstaWsvaBBBnanw WsJaaaT-t MbBbI I M vv?-?Jbb jJbb ibmDHIbbvbI. K 4 Byfr-OEw.SBBBM t, VJ I 111 Mi Mgar aSr f Jgaaaani ajeswaaanv. 3sm iS&Wy " TB 1 djStMnaasO ANOTHER SHOCK ' IS REPORTED IN SOUTH OF ITALY .NO CONFIRMATION" IH MAIM llV OFFICIAL Hi s Mark Daniels Campaign: "See America First IlinUU are Now HWng Cart led on Tlit-mali ilio Ktrltkrn IMMrlct Govcrnmeai OINcmI nn Working Night ami Dny to Prevent Any Kpl. tlcnile from Hnerplng Hie Already DcvNhtatrtf Central District FAN RIPER-FITCH MARRIA6E TODAY IFTKH CKHKMOXY LAHT KVKX- IXU COUPLK LKAVK KOrt l"OHT LA.XD TO HPKND HKMAINDKH OF MONTH It in. Walter It. Ilurtun, who any 1 2, living nt (ho Nuvul V. M. !. A., he Ih tho pattor or tho First Christ' and getting iirllmlnnry education In Ian rhurch or Fnlrmount, Minn., 'hla nnvnl duties on the receiving dropped unconscious on Fifth nvenuojahlp Maine, Ilia enllatment papers, New York, tho other day and wnaj found In the pocket or hla cltlien'a taken to n hoapltal. When liu was! clothe, led to communication be reatored to consciousness ho told n tweeu tho police and tho navy yard., atrangu atory or Iota of memory for Then lludd woke up and ald ho n month. Ho had enllated In tho navy at Key Went, Fla., under the wo Burton, tho mlnlator, and that ho had no recollection of enllatlng In name of Richard lludd, December 2C.jlhe navy or of hla movement slnte Tho lat he remember, be aya, December ib. having a.severe headache nt hi homo A telegram wa ent to hi wife In Minnesota, on December IS, Do- nt Falrmount, but a reply was re- rnllti.'rtHarervlre NUO.MK, Jan. 19. An unconfirmed i repot t una reaenca hero Hint an earthquake ahock was roll thl morn hiK In tho province or Coaenn. In .southern Italy, Thl province contain about 2,700 square mile. Ita population la hair ,u million. Ilurlal and the restoration or tho J ruined town I about all thero It loft to bo done In central Italy' lenrthqunko district. t Kxropt In a few Itolnted cases, all or tho living have been recovored and are being properly attended to, Keller la pouring In from all sec tion now, I The government ofllclala are now working the harden to prevent any epidemic. BBBV SbHIKwibK ? 'V'viB IbS y3lriB EVERY ARMY IS WINNING IN THE EUROPEAN WAR I'lilted I'iom 8rvlc I'AIHH, Jim. !(. Tho rapturo or udditloiuil Gerwaii field worka to Mm fount of Ij IVtrli-, aoutliwmt of MctJt. I iforto1 rram the rr OuIuk In tho complrlo wlthdrnunl ol ttn 2emuuu fratn tlia tlio French pvoidr mv led to Ih-IIcvc the "Allic have mada progrr, Xo other ImporKint gain aro noted. Tliriv Ih m'utc HuhllnK for tho powwlon of Im Itoaaelle, twar mius uliero the Fnncli nro endeavoring to retake the toaltloR i lug Nle. Mlhlel. . TUItKH CLAIM GAIX IN HILLH dnlted I'luaa tiervlca COXHTAXTIXOPliK, Jan. III. The unr ofllre declare that deaplf I'uoriuoim fluanlnn forrcn, the Turk on Kilning ground la the ' lore that, time he had never, he aaya, boon enat or Chicago. Ho explain hi enllatment uudor the name of Hudd by tho fact that lludd la hi real name. Ilurton It tho nam of hit stepfather. He otieu played In an amateur band, ho addt, and that, celvvd to the effect that aha had gono to the home of a titter nt No. I too North Thirteenth ttrect, BoIm, Idaho. K aecond raMtage waa Mt to her at that addrett. a The man In the hoapltal aald tie hnd been a victim of omntala on a LAKEVLEW WOMAN DIES IN SOUTH ho think, account for hi tnlltt- prevlout occasion and had remained lug oa a second-grade musician. inway from homo for several month Ha arrived In Drooklyn January .without realising who ht waa. A long-expected ceremony was pre- rmed at the Presbyterian Manse Is morning, when Rev. J. 8. Stub- reld united Mis Hazal Pitch aad rrett Van Riper, Jr., In the bonds matrimony. Tho couple left on train for Portland this morning, icro they win remain until tne it of February. Ir. and Mr. Van Riper will re- on Bush street, near Ninth, la home recently purchased aad Dished by the groom. Mr Van er Is the son of Mr. and Mr. Kip Riper, plnoeer residents of Klssa- county, and Is connected with the Klpt-r Brothers' grocery. Like bride, who Is the daughter of Al Fitch, Is well and favorably Iwn In local circle, and ha wide lie of friends. Would Have Farm Instead of Prisons SACRAMKNTO, Jan. 19. Senator Jono today Introduced a bill pro viding for the establishment of two state farms, one In northern and one In the southern part of California. Ho suggest that men and boys over eighteen years of ns. convicted or minor offenses, bo put to work on ..thorn Instead of Imprisoned In jails. Assemblyman Chenoweth has In troduced a bill which provides for substituting the electrical chair for the hangman's noose. HOLD ABSTRACTOR FOR ANY DAMAGE ,MltH. C. A. HKHAIIT, MOTHUIt OF MUM. FIIKD ll.'UllKMKIi, PA88K8 AWAY AT A HAN FRANCISCO HOSPITAL HUXDAY Til IK IH THK PUIUHMIT OF HILL IXTIIODLCKO IN HOUHK TODAY IIY MULTNOMAH COUNTY ItKP. UK8KXTATIVK8 Albany Is still pushing for a can nery. ew Drainage Bill (Herald Hpeclal Hcnrlce) SAI.KM, Jan. 19. That all ab stractor In the state shall bu liable jfor damages sustained by persona as a result or tho errors In abstracts 1 the gist or a measuro Introduced In tho House today by Huston, of Multnomah county. ,The bill Is recommended by tho Stale Bar Association. People Are hzzled Of er Measure Sent In (Herald Hpeclal Henrke iLKil, Jan. 19. A measure will allow the organisation of sago districts within the state le of the bills Introduced la the of Representatives today by sscntatlve Allen, of Marlon coun- he bill provides for the construe of drainage systems In order fclalra swamp lands (or agrlcul- purpose. The cost of construe of such systems Is' to be taxed the owners of property wltkln districts created. cal people Intaraatad in drain. t work are at a loss to understand what Alltn's bill drives nt It held that there are already Inwa which provides for Just what the measure seeks to do. "There bu bsen a dralnago dis trict law on the statutes slnco 1880," said. diss. J, Ferguson, of Kuyken dayy A Ferguson, attorneys for the Klamath Drainage district. "It was amended 1 1909 and 1911. and under this, we are proceeding with our' district. What more could be provided for, we are unable to see, as the present statuto Is complete." A campaign la being conducted to cut out at least half a Million dollars of eitmvgganee In tbe, admtaistra Hon of the state 'government and an other half million dollars wasteful ex penditure by the leglawture, Mr. Fred II. Bremer, of this city, left this morning for Lakevlew, to (attend the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. C. A. Robert, who passed n.vny Sunday morning at a Ban Fran- !cUco hospital. Heart trouble, which Mm. Rehart sufferod with a long time, finally resulted In a leaking of the nlve. and tho demise followed. The romalns were taken to Lake- view by train. The funeral will be held tomorrow. Mrs. Rehart was 6S year of ae. J Horn In Linn county, she has re- aided In Lake county for 27 years, and a well known through south ern Oregon. Mrs. Frank Payne, wife of the county dork of Lake county, la also a daughter of Mrs. Rehart. Boo American First." I the loguu of the now superintendent of tho twelve- national parks under the charge of tho Interior Department nt Washington. Mark Daniels, the Cal ifornia landscape engineer, recently appointed to tho place Just created, hna taken up tho work not only of handling tho national parks on. a scientific basis, but of convincing the American people that they have spent millions to go to Kuropo for scenery when they had mueh better at home. Frankllu Laue, secretary of tho In terior, and Superintendent Danolls belluvo there never was such a time to convince tho American public or the value or visiting tho national parks that there la now with tho great war raging. They aro going to try and havu millions of Amorlcaus understand tho beauties and tho won ders, not only of the Yellowstone, but of Mount Rainier park, Crater Lake. the Sequoia, the QoncralOrant and others. Daniels visited Crater National park last summer, and waa greatly Impressed with the wonderful lake. Ho predict It will attract an Im mense numbor of tourists a It be come hotter known. HIMHIAXH HAY Til I IV WIX XEAIl PLOOK United I 're Service PKTnOClItAD, Jan. lit. It It notiotinnil here that the Russian bam Im.hii Ntirrrwaful In n neilr of bloody light for a position la tbe sMttsteaet M-rllon or the province or Plock. Th- (Jeniuin are being forced "tosrardi Ilio fitMitler, It I report!. " , AXOTUKIt UXITIU) PIIKHK MAX NAMED Culled Press Service , I.OXDOX, Jan. tl. Frederick Palmer, the American Jonrnalsst, llil niornliiK given rredentMla to reprctient tlio United Press oa Use Mn liattlefleld. being aealgaed to tho llritlali army. He left far i front today. FIQIITIXO CliOHi: .TO ZAKUCXN - - United Press Service , VIKXXA, Jan. 1U. It it claimed that the Austrian iaave drtea i Ituanlana from hoiiio of the trencltea urnr Zakllcsa. ; In geaeial. ever, lite ultuation la unclianged. (v N U.-I - New Teacher Needed in nnior to nroncrly euro for tho ninety prtmnry "children In tho city choola, tho school uoaru ni ibbij nlght'H meeting decided to hlro an other first Krade teacher. Her em ployment la to begin Fobrunry 1. Daughter I Horn A daughter arrived nt the homo or Mr. and Mr. Arthur U. Boyd last night. Tho girl weighs seven pounds. Mr. Boyd Is connected with tho California - Oregon Power company. SCIENTIST 10 LECTURE HERE MKMHKH OF THK IJOAHD OF LKC TintKRH OF THK CHRIHTIAN HCIBNOK Oma.MZATIOX WILL HPKAK HKRK FEBRUARY 4 An explanation of the practical ap plication of 'Christian Science, and of tbe alms and the accomplishments of the society Is to be given February 4 at Houston's opera house, by Clar once W. Chadwlck, 0. 8. B. Mr. Chadwlck Is a member of the board of lecturers. On acoount of tbe Interest locally In tbe work- the lecture promises to be largely at tended. MERRILL CASE IS ARGUED IN COURT HIOHT OK CITY OFFICIALS TO JAIL MAX FOR- CONTKMPT WITHOUT A COMMITMENT 18 THi: MAIN IHHUK TODAY TRIES CASE AS JURORS WATCH , Whotohr or not the city officials AFTEII TWO WITNKHHKH ARK KX of Merrill have a right to arrest and AMINKD, JUDGE QRANTM DK- ,mprta0U "I?" " V! ' - ' j,ropor commitment, and without hav- FAUIT ORDKIt TO KLAMATH ing tho Journal ontrlos made at tho iimv wnnvH ,,mo( ' n iu't'0n Pnd up to Judge m nuuna ,Nolnnd to decide. Thla Is tho point nt lstte In the City of Merrill vs. ,A, F. Oluhlno habeas corpus proceed- "aentlemen, I've tried tho cnsel,nft for you, so there Is nothing more, ciublue. who some tlmo ago was for you this afternoon. You ore flued mo for keeping his saloon excused until tomorrow," mW Judge Ldo alectlon dny. was arrested last Noland to tbe circuit court voulro today, after he bad heard two wit week on rhnree of contempt of court, and sentenced to three days' Imprls neises, and had ordered a default . m u. reiiuand unon n Judgment for tbe plaintiff. ,)auen cor))U ,frit Bttur(Uy, Tho case was the suit of the Klam-I p. H. Mills, attorney for Clublne, nth Iron Works vs. Kyle, to recover' hold thoro wns no commitment at 1119. B. L, .Elliott, iittornsy for tho plaintiff, Knd K. O. Bcordsley testify as to the goods sold Kyle, and W. W. Baldwin' teetUed to the value -of tbe goods. The default order waa then entered, the time entered In tbe docket. J. C. Ru tonic, apnenrlngfor the city, holds that At tho moment the city recorder did not have time to make the. entry, but that he has alnce done so, and the order la binding, Mitchell Win '"'low Dr. C, C. Mitchell, who hold one lotto ctonco on the beautiful hand worked pillow top raffled off by A. L. Pumford. won tho prlto. Tho drawing was made at tho Eagle Peel room thl morning. Bnndon spent J70.000 ror sewer and streot work ln.1914. JURY STILL OUT IN SMITH CASE LUIT COURTROOM AT :M TMU MORNING, AND HTILL WRaWTL ING WITH PRICE OF, fUUck TRACK WORK v k 'i , There Is prospect of a dtsagremsnt In the settlement of tbe suit oTB mor Smith versus the members of the old Klamath County Agricultural Aanoclntion, for money alleged due for building tbe race track nt the fair grounds. The Jury left nt ! litis morning, and at 4 o'clock ''was Mill out. " ' G.C. Blower Resigns Secretary's Resignation Tendered Last Et At lust night's mooting of tho bonrd of directors of .tho Klamath Chnmbor of Commerce, Gcorgo C, Blower louderod hi resignation as socrotary. This Is to become effec tive February 12, and the retiring secretary naked for $20 for oxponsos hack to Portland, A commltteo was named to re ceive the world's fair runds from Blowor and an account of his stew ardship, and met with the secretary this morning. At a meeting Wednes day night, the quest on for a new secretary will be discussed, , In tho meantime, Will H. Bennett will act as temporary secretary. He -Wj U vice-president of the .Chamber jef Commerce At the first mooting of the new directors, it became evident that lit would- be impossible tor the board and tbo secretary to work' together amicably. It was with a view to) a settlement of the matter that Blower tendered his resignation, after four mouths' of work In the harness jaa Klamath's publicity man. There are several men mentleejed ' as the next secretary, Itv.wat de rldod last night that the salary for the position hereafter will n month1, Instead of S1B0, aa Jnald niower, , l Other matters of Interest to the organisation were dtsensaed by fie directors last night, -