PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Ev fEwntttg Mttaib KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ninth YearNo. U,mn, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1915 Fvfeft ltf ' RATES TO BOTH FAIRS ARE OUT THIS AFTERNOON Dr. Geo. W. Crile of Cleveland Goes to Help French Soldiers ORFGON BISHOP IN LIBEL SUIT Builder of War Guns for Austria LIMIT TO lowed IIY STOI'OYCHS S. P. A I,. Miit'lj'ttit) tnl Tlthty-ihiy TIiLcIh In San I'iiiim l ''in! I'iiiIJ'-iIii) lliki'lh In Sun Mli't() I!vhii.Iiiii Thec, 'IIiiti' Will Hi' (Iiim'I)' Limited Tlikt-U Itiilrx DiiiIiik Suuiiiiri Mine (in I OMIT Announcement of ItlU IIIIH"MK'I' i.-irlltH between Khimtith Fall mill tlii' California imposition Iiiih Juh' Im-i'ii rrcelu'd by tin1 locnl office of llic Houtheru Pacific. Tlumu mien nro in effect from Fobrunr) 15 in Notemher 30, liirltmlvo To Han Frnnclxco mid return tin-re will ho two regular form, one it thirty-day limit, (In- other limited in iilnl)' days. Tim former Mill rout an ew-n l wnt y dollar; tlm Inttor 23 2(. To tlio Sin i Dli'KO fair llin roiiinl trip rate "III bo HI. Tlilrt will have ii fort) -day limit, On nil three cIiiumcm of i on net trip IICkutH llllTll Mill bo no limit, to lllu Mopvter iirlvlli'djtcH, both koIiir and ('OinlllK llmldei theiut Munilnrd expoul l on rntcH, there will bo announce-' inuniH from tlmn to time of nt 111 lower rate, with shorter time limit. gggggggggasBsaBssasassr' i lrtjA.v9t-li ti salssssssssk gaBBBBBBBgagagsFi ? ' ( ?SQ!&t ' Zlggggga saaaaaaaaEavtf vfslrvfl-HMr---H Hr, t t"-'''& i"SJPIi i------B-KE-r7 r- L it ?9fissfV"19alasrsBssssH rB newly ro.VHi:ntATi:i huiiit , iicyeiicnd is tki:n fiiom 'JHAIX IN l(lV V M HKItM l WITH LEGAL PAI'EHS ii'ifil I'iiikh Stnli.., IIOONK, In., :1jn, n. IIIhIioi. 1Hiiiiiiii.t, nowly (oiibecniloil bishop of i Ik, Oregon Dlocmi., wax takiu from ilii; train, ifnroiitc in Poiihtud jloiluy, unit served ultli piipeis In n ,$5(1.011(1 IHicl suit, brought ai;iilimt blni by Jolin Cnfvln .Murray, of tills wily. ! l.llii-l l charKt'il In connection J with u BtiitmiH'iit It Ih iilli-Bt'iI that In connection uiih nurrlaKi'. ' llio IiImIio) inailf MiirrnyV occonil HOTALING SEEKS JO GET CONTROL -j4ifHKrM!rk TROOPS ACTIVE LN BOTH CAMPAIGNS; JAPS MAY FIGHT "Jupuneso foi-olun Icgioii" being raiMd by the AIIIch. This Is ncknovle1fied bjr ot I n I If J I'resa Servlc I'.Ulf.S, Jun. IK The Inpnii ulll lie ucli'ouieil hy llclaU. II is niliiiKU'il that the rnKIiiK of a volunteer force of JapaaeM to help I'ih.mio ami Kimlnnd mIvcs imIkIiI lime leen a knotty probleei OtllCIll IhC. Olllcfal paiticliatton hi the "in- in Kuropn by the Japanese mlfbt lime icMilivil in M'lioits luinpllcutlons. .Not only niight those troops luni' to be feil ami paid by the Allies, hut Japan uonld have beea la ' posiilon to claim much of the credit for the victory, should her sou I aid in flushing Germany. This would entitle Japan to a shore of the KpoIK. T I.MIfi THAT HIS CHATTEL MOItTAOi: HAS IMtlOK ItlGHT, in; sii;s to oirr tiii: nohth WKsracN ici:m:asi:i one l)r (JeorKe W, of the no tod Hlirncoim of the Crlle of C'li'Velnnd, in the American Ambulance Hos pital In I'aru Or Crllo will Unit frlemlH In I'arlH, for his fame ban world. Iihh KOtio to traiicu witn n ijir Hirend arouiul tbo world, and he IsU Tlieim will be Umiod In connection corpn of nimlit'jiitii and niiren to work roioi;iii7od ns one of the nuthorltle with fonveutlonii, OreKou day and I . , rr other Hpcrlnl features at the fair I Tlio prenuiit one-way ratn to Hani Krnnclsco I 3 SC. MARSH LAND MEN NAME TRUSTEES! W. C T. U. Petitions to Bar All Liquors A null to compol Sheriff C. C. Low in relcaso the Northwestern plant, 'and collect $5,000 damages from tho sheriff, has been filed In the circuit court by It. M. Hotallng. Judge Drali.t In hit attorney. In the complaint, Hotallng alleges that June, 3, 1913, Sam Evans gave a chattel mortgago on tho printing plant ns security on a noto for $34, 000 This HotaUns says, he was later asHlgucd, and lie alleges that this was due Juno 3, 19U, so ho Is entitled to tho property. On the first of September, accord jlng to tho complaint, Sheriff Low (took possession of the plant, and still keeps this posesslon, damaging Ho jtallng to tho extent of $5,000. Low took poacsslon of the plant for the Klamath Development com- liaron von Skoda Is to Austriu I what the Krupp works are to Ger i many In fact, many of his guns were utod In the Germ in army at 'the brginntng of the war It has i been learned nincc the tremendous i campaign tiguingt Licg and Namur startled tbo world that these sup posedly strong fortifications were not taken by Krupp guns, as was at first believed. The Germans did not have their Krupp guns ready, and they used the lighter von Skoda guns, which beat the fortifications to pieces within three dayb after they began work. Al. Tlliai: Alii: TO CONDUCT TAIItS UNTIL DHAINAOK TIIKT IS I'OIIMKD IIV OIIDUIt U UOUNTV COUItT I'OIITI.ANO, Jan. IS. Asking Uiiu,lMid to refuse to order on tho ballot 'the IcclHlatiiro refuse to resubmit to t -i")- special election nny measure I , , ... .. ... , , . ' for tho Hotel Mon'a Association or IH-thi peop o of Oiegon tho ( uostlon of constitutional prohibition of tho "'" , ' ... " , , , ' ,..i .i.. f .itc..,tln.r"tKuU,llll""K l1"" 'luestlon In whole ...... . . ..... ...or In Part to any further vote ofi iih inhu :i !ii... n iiri iiiiiu it in. i.i.iii.iHi iiif the Multnomah County Woman's tl10 ,00l'k'-' ! ' ,M... - .. ... . -. . 1... .1. . i iiu iuiiiiuu nits niBi'u ii) iuu Al it ini'iiiliiK of iMww Klamath Lake inamli ownorH Hitturday nlKht, C H. DoLap, A. A. Mehnffey and M. M. MoiHchonbachor wore eteeted as truateeH fur th0 carrying on of no Kotlntloiw for the Klamath Lake ilralnnge illslrlcl, poudltiK tho crea tion of this district by tho County Court 'ther matters proponed district the nicetliiK, of Interest to the were discussed at! ChrUlliin Tomueiaiice Union at a mass '.,,.,..n. i.t ii. i!ni tiiiinriiaclo'"" J' IrIh " eluilrmaii of tho adopted the following lesolutlon. mt'eiliig and by Kdward Drake. Its "Wo. tho Multnomah County "Tol ry Women'H Christian Tempeniiico Union nud friends to tho number ( 3,500 citizens, gathered In special .inifitlttt. lo lli.. nltf nf P.rt. laiitl, do petition your houornble body to at once pass by unuulmous vote Hiich hills iih nhall ho uocossiiry to put Into effect tho constitutional iiimeiiilmeiit piohlhltlug tho iiiauu (factum and sale of Intoxicating t BELIEVE SLAYER WAS HELD HERE unny, who filed an attachment on tho Northwestern In connection with a suit filed ugalust Kvaus for tha recover of approximately $5,000. Since then, n man Ins been in charge of tho plant fortho sheriff. Tho Klamath Development com pany's attorneys, Stono & Gale, hold that the mortgago held by Hotallng I? valueless, hccauBo St was nover acknowledged before a notary or any ; proper oillclal. Therefore, it Is con tended that tho instrument Hotallng I seeks to have declared the first Hen !ls not a notice to attaching creditors and not entitled to recognition, and l the attachment of tho development 'company takes precedanco over tho j void chattel mortgage. , liquor adopted by tho vntoia nt the i..uti',.ui. iiviUM, ux'iku orango wood Is a source of list general election. Since tho' ly and can bo used to supplement pcoplo spoke so decisively on tho i tlio Imported fustic wood, ns n per- subject of Oiegon dry at tho lecenti niatient yellow for toxtllos. lelectlon, wo petition your honornhlo .AIIKNCC UHTTIS, IIKI.D KOU .Ml'lll)i:it IN WASCO COUNTV, MAX IIU VOITII AllUKSTKI) iikhi: in iiii:i ! ALLEY SPORT TO START TOMORROW Culled Press Service I'AKIS, Jan. 18. Tho Gemma assaults near Autreche, aortbeaat of the Ainse, were repulsed Mitii heavy loss yesterday. The flghtlaf oaa limit.", the Gfrinnns endeavoring to gain a foothold among the Ffieh jxisltlons. Tin- French are on the olTensivo nt Ijil'etrie Woods, northeast of I'ontn .Moimsen. From the Argonno region to Ujipcr Alsace, the armies are flouadeo ing in enormous snous. Operations there arc checked but aot eBded. Iiotli nre endeavoring to force their artillery and infantry tbroagb forc.stH anil mountain passes blocked with snow. TEN ARE GIVEN CERTIFICATES hksclts ok kkccnt static ex., United Press Servlcs Ul-.IIU.V, Juu. 18. It is officially claimed that the Allies, have lost I 150,000 killed, wounded and captured since early In December. Tho German losses arc said to be u fourth of this Dumber. 'Sluro tho enemy assumed the offensive, it has not beea able to i nny material progress at any point. On the contrary, we bare considerably," says tho statement. Distinct German successes at La llolselle, north of the Argoame, announced. ' ., ALL LOCAL APPLICANTS FOn OXE VE.VU PAPERS ' to United Press Service AM1XATIOX ADE LV1)K KXOWX! PETnOGnAD, Jnu. 18. Despite fearful weather conditions, K reporte.l both north and south of the Vistula. This Is said , serious. I in me norm, me missnins are iiivshuik uo ivnaru rnuwiui. Ono vear certificates have been ' tno -0"111. 'he Germans are moving toward Warsaw. Fighting la Issued to the following Klamath coun- Caucasus has. slackened. ty teachora, who took the recent state " test: Margaret Aldrlch, Mabel E. Cllne, C. u. Corpening, Zella G. Evans, Mrs. Uortlia Ezoll, Beatrice Harbough, Winifred Keyes, Helen I. Paxon, Ger- ttude M Selley, and Mrs. Pauline White to tae Tells About Medill RARMY F BRING GOOD FEES: Prisoners Say Williams Said He Killed Carpenter That Frank Williams, now serving a Hfo sentence In tho penitentiary for tho murder of Allen C. McLeod, IXSPlCCTOns KOK FOItniGX GOV- also confessed to prisonerrf in tho county jail that ho killed Jack Me dill, who left hero with Williams In KIINMEXTS PAVING FnOM $70 TO OVEU $100 FOlt SUITAIILE May and has uot been seen sice Idrlvlnsr.' Paisley. Medill said he did not want to, and the longer they argued, the mora angry they became. i "All right," Williams la credited with saying, "if you don't go to Patsloy, I'll toll the authorities tbatl you stoio tue two Horses you are AltTlLLEItV STEEDS Restaurant Burned Firemen's Work Saves Block of Wooden Buildings I'lro orlglunllng In tho kltehon of tho Poloratelner restaurant on Hlxth "Toot, near Klamath nvonuo, last nlKht destroyed tho room and colling "f tho fr"o structure oceupled by lio roBtnurnnt, and Uestroyod tho ''Btanrant fixtures. Only tho prompt and offlcolout wrk of the flremen, clambering over of8 with Icy hose, saved a general coullngnatlon. The building that inught flro Is located In the midst of a hunch of wooden buildings which could easily hnva caught flro mid burned, Mrs. I'etcistelnor'fl loss will run cIoho to $2,000, Her furnlturo, etc., was Insured for that amount. Tho building, which is tho prop erty of Ed, DuFault, of Lnngoll val ley, was not Insured. It will tako extensive repairing to put it In good shape ngiiln. Whother or not Mr. DuFault will do this Is not known nt this, tlmo. That Chuenco Pettis, nuobtod In Wasco county for murder, Is the Uob- ort Pettus who wint In jnll hero for horse stealing and attempted statu tory crime, Ih tho opinion shared by Sheriff Chrlamau, of Wasco county and Sheriff Low, of Klamath county, Hearing that tho Wasco oillclal was hocking Information regarding Pet tis, Low wrote him, describing tho outh held heie, and tolling of his Klamiith history A letter from Tho DiiIIoh .says that the sheriff Is cer tain that tho man held Is tho ono who waslu jail hero n couple of yoars tiRo. Pettis Is bolug held in Wasco coun ty and Is charged with a cold-blooded murder III Oil lillHlllOHM Harry L, Walthor, who Is con nected with the Callforula-Orogon Powor company, Is hero from Mod ford, attending to business Interests, The hoi so Inspectors representing the French government scorn to bo meeting with success iu finding suit PAI.MS AND ItEGALS WILL STAHT nho animals for light artillery serv ice out of the steeds now at the HOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE I.INKVILLE AND MAXIMUMS ON DECK Adams ranch, near Merrill, for their iiibpcetlon. Yesterday ono of two of over throe horses wore accepted, and good prices paid. The inspection continues today. There is tall; of another Inspection hoio at a later date, to secure mora horses. "These men are good judges of Tho city bowling league schedule of c,nnios will start tomorrow oven lug, vhen Joo Kent's Palms will try ('(inclusions at maple smashing with Van ilollen's Itegnl Shoo store hni'teflesh, and they nro anxious to toam. ibecuio ut many here as possible. Wednesday night tho LInU.vHlo.nois.cj striding fifteen haudB and team will play tho Maximums. Five Uu'lghiiiR 1100 or 1150 nre what men will roll for each team nt eaehjthey want, und If tho horses are of engagement. jany real uluo, they nro purchased," The Cams opening the toumtuneutiuld u pioailuont stockman up from aro composod et: 'Merrill today. Palms Joo Kent, captain; Henry "Tho price paid depends upor the Kotsdovor, Frank Upp, Mike I.av-'oith of tr-e animal. Prices rang- enlk, Hunk Free, Don Dale, Ralph) lug tro $70 to $110 hnvo been paid." Dulo. ' i Regals L. Q. Von Uellen, cap-, Up from Merrill tain; Leo Houston, Joe Drett, A. H, Loewo. E. B. Elliott, Austin Hay den. Justice of the Peace George Of fleld, of Merrill, Is a county seat visitor this afternoon. Is the statement mado by the Jail V Inmates. They say Williams told them he shot In self defense. The prisoners say that after Wil liams had entered a plea of guilty and had been seutenced to life Im prisonment, ho was questioned by Sheriff Low, when tho lattor re turned him to Jail, regarding tho whereabouts of Medill. Williams stoutly denied any knowledge of Mo dill's wanderings, and said they parted friends. While Williams was in the court room, one of tho prisoners had cut from a magazine a rather gruosomo picture, showing a mnu stalking from a man ho had murdered. One prisoner Jokingly asked Wllllai a If that represented ho- and Medill. At tlio sight of tho picture, Wil liams turned pale and apparently be camo weak, tho prisoners sny. Short ly afterwards, ho told of tho end of Medill. Tho story told by tho prisoners Is that Williams said he and Medill woro camped Just across the Hue In Lake county. Ho said there was an argument as to where they should go the next day. Williams Bald ho wanted to go to At this, according to the prisoners. Williams said Medill flew Into a rage and reached for his gun. Wllluuu says he pulled quicker than Medill, and shot the latter through the toft hand. Dosplto his wound, Medill palled his gun, Williams told the prisoners, aud was trying to get a "bead" oa Williams when the lattor shot again. This shot killed Medill. What disposition was made of the body, Williams did not say. He told tho prisoners that the scene of the last camp with Medill was marked by some, cuts on a tree near the road, and that about sixty yards from tho tree was a chest. He asked the first prisoner to get out to go and dlspoBo of this chest, whloh tke prisoners bollove contains sUdllVa body. Williams returned to Klaauita Falls with the wagon and Odtlt C Medill. Later he Is said to hare aoM tho colt from one of MediU'a aetata. and to have worn clothing lo Medill, Medill was never afterward and Williams told several stories regarding the the rulaslng csrneater, l