11 -. Euimma; literal PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WHILE IT IS N1WS Ninth Vr--No. .PTfl KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1915 GOVERNMENT TO : SEE WHY WHEAT PRICES GO HIGHER 1,'ultod '""" Hrvk WAHIII.VGTOX, Jail HI. Jut uliy llio prim of ulii-ui ami Hour luxs iitltiinml In l Im itrlrriiilui'il l)' llio got eminent. IVdcnil official, i-apcclnlly Hum- mniiet tM vWlh the Di-purliui-nt of JhIm' i""' AKrlriiltiiii', iimi irmly to probe llm nituc. for Ihcithm lu rUf. Tin')' iil Intend In inHo out iiiiilxliinrnl nlirrr ll I .Iiomi Hull ll"1 I"'1'1' '"""tlim I" without witmtnt, Niillco wns vlr tutlly mtumI tiMtny Hint tlu go eminent will pio'e ttito n)' illi"rr)' of lllrgnlliy In the nilviiiH'r In the ot of theke n-".. .Itl. Proldciit VIIon liu ulvt-lt III Mini lion lo ihl nillou, II 1 mi- noun cod, Defeat of the Turkish Troops Is Stirring Constantinople Lulled I'liM MorvUe XCW YOHK, Jim. III. IKmiII llm uiiiKiunrriiK-iil llint llio gutcrii' incut It KI"K 1 Iiiv-IkiiI' llio uium-i leading ii lo llm Im itww In llm prhe of wheat ami Hour, i-i'iHMiitMllvr of tti iwiIIoh'h hlggi-M u,iiiuuiIi- r'illrl lluil lln irlcH ttlll go ollll hlgho. Tin full urn of till- Ailtlrnliili crop IliU fall, iiikI llm fin I that l.'uropt' Imd ' T mmM-n It iif"nry for tho fulled Stale lo foetl the cntlte world, nrronlliiK l Jt-r:t SenbrNkle, llio rimlrrii ifir',ni tnlho of llio I'llMiroy Milting roiiiinuy. Ili iiuili'iiiU Hint if Europe ronllnui'M lo liny Hour mid wheal til tln prvwiil rule of demand, ll"' 'lillii' Hour Mtpply of A merlin will be riluumird hy March. TROOPS HURRIED TO KEEP GERMAN FORCES IN CHECK I tilled l'rea Servlc PABIS, Jan. 1(1. There Is no doubt hero but wh'atGerinany la plaaatag another drive lu an effort to take I'nri. Ten iinny corps arc repotted to liuvo been sent to the bailie front aloag the Alsne by lite Germans. These troops nro first Hue veterans who h TO lii-oii withdraw from Flanders mid along the Mucse. To divert tills thteatciicd front, a part of the Paris gitrrisoa luw beta) sent lo tlio light zone. Ik-sides these, n new British force has been landed a ml Is being rushed to this new crucial point for Its baptism of Ore. Fighting is unchecked in the vicinity of Solsaons. Tiie new buuh of the French artillery have been rushed to tha Aifi to hold the Teutons lit check. , J-'rotn Solssons to l!lileni.s they ato viorklng effectively. It In admitted, hotct er, that the Germans Iiavc retaken the treacfcM at otie- Dame I.orette and near Curcncy, which were captured week ago by the French forces. .I'tillrd 1'roiin Service CO.VSTANTINOI'I.i:, Jnn. lfi. - Tim Ttirklnh people today iMrnod for tin' Unit time of tlto ilofeal of . detacIiiiK-iit of Turkish troops, latest fotce to take up arnrs. iffi-ted nKolimt Knver I'asliu, and the belni; routed by sltiintlon Ik believed prions. rK?s3LW im hill m the Moslfin troops lu tlio CuucaHiia '"K HiHiin victory mountaliii. !l8h urn,y of lhe ;ll0llticud. Ail :i remiu, itiiuiuiu irriiiiiion m 'flo Tenth iimiilfesteil Tills Ih enpfclally ill- coiim HAI.KM, Jnn. county tlclf Katloti 1C- Tlir Mtirlun ban littroilucitl n bill provldltiK fur tlio abolition of tlio present law kIvIiik tl' Bfcrolnry of ilatv authority to Immiii' automo-1 bile llic:iCH, and ttftiufcrrliiK It to J itiu vnrloiu county clerku In the itate Inmcnd. Tlio tneiuiuro will pro-, vldu that county chirk nhall lue nil HreiiMB, collect nil feen, and tlinl' ttiu littler Bball no Into llio county' rout! futiil Thin detonation hao almi JIM'III.IO SCIKMII. It.lHKirr SIHM)T. CltS TAKC TIIC 1'lltST KXfJAIJC. IKXT l-'IU)M OI'I'OXC.N'TS IIV A IIOC.V rill.VTS Uniform Accountancy Bill Also Gets Axe fulled l'ress Service I5KR1.T.V, Jan. 10. Additional succc-e are elalmcsl by the wr de part men t. . "" It is claimed that the Gernmns, uttacklitK In the vicinity of Arrme, lured to first line trenches, and a nttmlcr of French prisoners. - Artillery firing continues in the not th. There Is a .sentiment nil through Germany for au ofletujlve bl 111 ita f Pllntnlll1 1(. ml.i.u diiLio wlnnc n.nl nlliaw (IapImim TflAOA ImaIm1a HMftA In an- reported sunk by the Russians In I the niack Sea. The fate of lne I 'lon British Micrcluinlmcn. and Cloveilth army 'troops la unknown, but .It Is be-1 The siici-eMlon of Grand Admiral von Tirol (2 was talun un la ill attemptliiK to reform after j led that many were drowned. ,,u,icw, especially by the officials. i It is agreed tltat I'ngland la at work on a plan to starve Germuy, sad i is contended that the latter will be ulthin her rights to make m rtaUlar ( i gressive movement. United Pi ess 8ervlc i'iriiuiii(AU, Jnn. 16. A sweep over llio Turk-1 Turkish of the Cnucanua tlio UtiKsIatiB are declared defeated near Knra Urgani with enormous losses. One rogimeut ' was annihilated by bayonet charges. Kight transport ships, covcylng troops rrom Anotolla was OUAK VICTIMS i, E NKA P H MniW Pn IN ;MayHitGameand mnuuiHL uui in , Fi8h Commission THEIR NEW HOME (Herald Hpcclnl Scrvico) lit a boll) couteHted tnmo of Introduced it bill provldltiK for Hie, bimkutbull tit Merrill Inst night, tlio liermnnrnt rcRlMtrntlon of vlt'CtoiH, It iulntet reprenuutltiK tlio prmrrlbe t!u card Index nyMcni. bdiool of thl city dufoalcd a team ' from the Merrill public hcIiooI, llio (ncoro bi'lng 29 to 17 The llneupa Amiotiiiceutunt luu boon tuade by w,to' I'risiltlcut Charles C. Monro of thut IWm,...,.nnP i,,..,r,..innl Kx. I t-u,,lr'" wiiooi -union. MoiMiiwi- ,nkllR 0f a census every ten years -............... ..,. ....-.. ..... ,. !!.. I... ...-. ..I I . . . I . Diicner; ci'iiter, uuiimuoriaiii, Kiiiinid, llefore these ato effective, bow-: I'ortlimd. .ever, they will have to bo passed ' National Tlio llouuo adjourned this morn- Ifnv .i.itll Mnmlnu Tlln rtln.k nf Tin. ' ..r "Miii fiuiiuti;. members to SAI.KM. Jim. lfi Tint sellliln Iihh Central1 ...,.i i i i - ! ''"" nitlilt-tl un iuuillirv.1 ill .(,. mil Ul ..-- .lr.,.,l tteiiclimcnt today by passliiB bllla Adjutant-general W, repealing the measures for the Immigration commission, mil Tho plan of Port- adjouru Friday OXIiV T1IO.SK OI.OSK TO IUU CCX TCItS ABE HELICVED ItAIXt TUBCATEXS DEATH TO MANY, SCBVIVOHS ,1 E. Finrer has nrovllllllir fi-tlilnreit ll In rnsli?nnf tnn no rnmninn. ,... ., j., . . n....w. ..w .u...u.. , .iter in uio uregon niionai liuaru.i ! United l'ress Service form accountancy system, nnd the. In his place, llovernor Witliycombo) has nppolnted George A. White, of. HOME, Jan. 1C Huddled in! groups In the open country, with-1 out food, fuel, and clothing, thous-j ; OPENED FOB BUSINESS THIS MOBXIXG AND BEADY TO MEET i I THEIB CUSTO.MEBS AND n.IS- i TKB TO THEIB NEEDS tiOHittftM tlmt tint LTitutiilu ntnl nil tXm Libit pnlnrei of tho exponlllon will -rrl-oi.. Ilrmlslinw. l.awronco. Tho latter has been a,'ani,s of l)easants aro facing death. j The J. F. Magulre company has (luard officer for severaliSo far' on,y tlle outer rlm of the about completed tho removal of their ! open every day between Fobrunry 'Merrill hcIiooI Forwnrdil, Otlleld.jby tho House December oxhlbltorH 1, 11)15. lu- nnd repreHonta- Stukel. center; Irwin; guard, Itobl- mod, AudorMoii, ttlahok. years. iO ntnl lllVlllllttl lives of foreign and utalo govortt- A prellinlmiry gatuo between tho. month will bo permitted to close their girls of the Mcrrlirhlgli and public dlnplnyH at their own discretion onejitciioo. wan won by tin. high school ilny ench week, team. ' HISTORIC OREGON CHILOQUIN HAS Organization Mail Puzzles the Postofficej .-,! I -.Ml. , j With New Officers Elected, Clerks in j Quandary Ask Directions Just who should receive tho mnll to, no malter If tlio sumo olllcors wore "ttor addressed to tho various ruolecloil. ,,,,,.,. Home of tlio organisations to which "ikch, patriotic societies, ehuiclies, STARTS ON 1 RIP RAILROAD WRECK qunko zone has beou touched by relief workers. It Is admitted that there is slight liopo that tho death list will be re duced. A heavy rainfall is feared. If 'this conies, It will mean thousands of ntoro deaths among the shelter less people. i i i XCWI.V PAIXTED AXD POLISHED SXOW AXD DISGUST ABE GIVEN THE GAI.I.AXT OLD VESSEL; AS THE HEASONS FOB EXGIXE liCFT SEATTLE TO TAKE IX BIG XAVAL PABAkI: LCAI I LEAVING T1IETH.10KS YESTEB-' DAY AFTEBXOOX KID CLOTHING BADLY NEEDED stock Into tho now home prepared for It by the remodeling of the ester whllo Comstock hotel. In addition to remodeling the first floor of tho building, a handsome brick front has been added, and the SALEM, Jan. 16. To abolteh the State Game and Fish Commlwlos. and mako tho master flan warden B4 game warden appointive by the governor will be the purpose of a bill to be introduced by Repreaeata tivo Schuebel. "The measure will take the flak and game department out of politic, and' cause a reduction in the number of the wardens," said Representa tive Schuebel. "By vesting the governor with the appolntment'ot the two chief wardens they will be di rectly responsible to htm. It will also limit the number of wardens which the master fish and game war den can appoint." tlvlc oi-gunlzutloiiH, ote lit n matter Hint keeps tho postal employoH hero Kolng most of tho tlmo. Now, how ever, It is woi-ho than ovor, for most of tho organlmtloiiH have electod nw olllcors. No advices liuvo bueiuglvuii tho PpBt olllco rcgardlnK tho clinnscH In ho porsims to whom thy mail should h sent. Thororore, Postnanstor Del oil has Issued an appeal to tho local organliutlouB to nio Instructions as to whom mall should bo dell,veroo mull Ih huiU aro as follows Six churches, Indies' nld soclotlos forN syiearly all deuomluallons, Womiin'fl Civic League, Library Club, Klamath Falls Business Mon's Asso ciation, Klamath Plouoor's Associa tion, Woman's Christian Tcmpcrnnco Union, Plumber's union, Medical As sociation, liar Association, Teachers' Association, Ministerial Association, Sport men's Association, County Cen tral Committees of tho republican, democratic, socialist nnd prohibition parties, nil logos, Klamath Lltorary Club, Kwnuna Lltorary Club, High school organizations, Klamath Falls band, etc. ., United Press Service SEATTLE. Jan. HI. Freshly painted mid polished, tlto battleship Oregon loft the Pugct Sound Navy yard at noon today to lead tho International mnrltlino pageant through tho Panama canal, taking President Wilson nnd cabinet from tho Atlantic to tho Pacific, March 10. Tho Oregon will mnku brief stops ut Sun Francisco and Sun Diego. On a Bug CiuUe Hal II. Olgu and Carl (Irubb, con nected with tho Klnmnth-Lnko For est Patrol association, loft this morn ing for Newell Station, near tho Luko county lino, to begin n cruise thoro for signs of troo Infestation by the western plno boutlo. Tho associa tion is waging u successful campaign of extermination ugnln't this pest. "Tho squaw limited," as some style BELIEF WOBK OF PIULAXTBO- tho train operating botwecu hero and imo DEPABTMEXT DEPLETES Kirk, mot with a mishap ut Chllo- , ' , , , , STOCK OF CLOTHES AND DOXA qulu yesterday. The euglno Jumped the track, and It was not until a late' TIOXS WILL BE WELCOMED hour lust night that It reached Klam- a tli Falls. Some s.iy tho suow was responsible , 11... ...ll.nti nilinoa nn. ll n 1 1. ,1 ' IUI IIIU lllinKltll. WIMVia Bj KUtiK HIU mogul bocamo disgusted over tho fail ure of tho S. P. to extend the lino on to Natron, but at any rate, It Jumped, and ll took much persuasion and cus sing to got It back In Us proper place. Home Agulu Mrs. J. M. Evans -will be lu this ovonlng from Kansas where she has been visiting relatives. Establish Olllco Here Cicorgo 0, Ulrlch litis roturned from attending a conference of Ore gon agents for the New York Mutual Insuruuco company, hold In Port land. At this session Ulrlch was named district manager, for Klamath ami Lake counties, und an office Is to bo established here Mr. Ul rlch will move his family here from Medford In a couple of months. Have you any children's clothing to donato to a good causo? If so, send them to tho library at once. Thoy will bo distributed to needy people throughout tho city as fast as theso are located by the Phll nntrophlc dopartment of tho Woman's Library Club. This organization, which la steadily nud qulotly carrying on a most com mendable effort; this week supplied clothing to four families in hard cir cumstances. All of 'those families had children, ono having, eight and another nine, so It Is needless to say that the douated supply of clothing was nearly exhausted, Donations were received tbts week from Mrs, A. D. Harpold, Mrs. Chaa Loomls and Mrs. Fred Bchallock, The palaco of fine arts Is the oaly one of the eleven exhibit palace tlrm now has one of the nicest and that is absolutely fire-proof and bttllt most convlenent store rooms lu the .of steel and concrete. It Is city. 'circular In form and 1100 feet long. Arrest Is Made in Merrill Saloon Case Fred H. Mills Flies to Aid of Client With a Writ , All is not settled us yet In tho A. F, Clubiuo case at Merrill, wherein Clublno was arrested on a charge of keeping his saloou open after the polls closed election day, and was fined $250. Today Clublno was arrested by T. M. Durham, marshal of Merrill, a? tho fine has not been paid. This after noon, his attorney, Fred II. Mills, after telephoning to Merrill, secured a writ of habeas corpus, and left for Merrill to rescue his client from the Alfalfa City donjon. Clublno was fined December t. A couple of days later, his attorney Sled a petition for a writ of review In UM circuit court. This was granted by Judge Benson, then on the bene.. lu the petition for a writ of re view, Mills alleges that there art no legal provisions In the Merrill charter whereby his client could be fined for keeping open bis nine of business. He held that-If therttto . such a provision, it to of no aaU, ' because he charges that It was pasMd' at an extremely irregular sasetiag.of tha cltv'a fathers. -Ol 1-Wl