Itumng Mvmlb PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1915 Price, Itr h Ninth XtSa. 8,874 LEGISLATOR HAS BILL TO CUT OFF ONE COMMISSION w:v.ti. juhciarv cemmittm: HKI'OHH FAVORABLY OX 1111,1. hi'.pi:ai.ixi Tine law ehtaii i.imiixu eitici: or mate m. MKJItATKtV at:xt r.xprxsi: i:stimati:i at m.tHtit nut Till! MJ-VT TWO YEARS IX Hill. HKT (lli'iald Spiilnl Sen he) HAIXM Jnn IB. II) n iiiiiiiiIiihmih wile the Heiiutu Jiiilliinry fuiiliilllinn today dnliU'il l itiori fimirnld) upoit On' I'HI liitroiliui'il by Senium Waller Dlmlrk, of Cl.irku.mii. which provides for llio lopenl of Urn law rrentttir. tho piwlllrin of Oregon lm migration Agent ('. C Chtipillllll. of Portland Ih llio preollt ollk'lnl Two jenrs a to mi tippropiliitlnn of IfiU.ono huh tntido for tlio ninlii tcnaiico of the department. The es timate In tin- budget for the next twoKnr list been InrriwmMl lo $71, 000 Tlm following I tlm mniiuor In which tlio budget oMtlinnlit U divided: Salary farm In ml bureau malinger, tr.000 salary mnnngor foreign Im migration bureau, 3fi0(); nalnrlon FIFTEEN GIVEN FOOTBALL "K" ItOl'KlNt, .MCim.VO IIKI.I) AT TMK 111(111 SCHOOL TODAY Mil. I. mi:i.ii,vsi: is tiii: ciioick im C'AITAIV VKXT YIIAK Kootball talk wim much in uvlilouco ut tb IiIkIi school today. At n boh Ion of thy pin)vrH this morning, Hill Mellnwe wan elected captain for tho i-multiK )oar. Millnue, though one of tho Hiii;illent miii mi tlm lenin, plnyed guard this hvbhoii in a iniinnor Hint attracted tho attention or ,. WhUo ,,ot n upec ttictilnr player, ho wrni In tho gnmo overy mlinito, and wns ono of tlio MuiCHt llgbturM on it game fighting team, At iiHMjiiibly, the following iilelil hers of th0 foot bull Hitiud wero awnrtUd "K's" I'uul Noel, (Him I'nge, u,al,t llll. Uoliiiim O'Loughlln, Uwrenro .Motchoiiliticliur. I.uwrenni HaniU-ruoti. (Iruliiun Klehl, Knrl Hv will, Alvnro Ilenls, llnrry Htuwnrt, Ira Orom, will McMllliin, Hill Mol lusc, Maurice (IrnvcH, Wudo Hhoit. Medford Here 28th Boys and Girls From Valley to Play Local Teams acciciua of u misunderstanding ' Home nort tho Klamath county hlgu school team will not so to Mor r"l today to piny tlio Merrill high school tomn tonight. Tlio gnmo mny be I'layod next Friday night. . tho meantime the local basket Ml tossors, both boyH nnd girls, are irking xealoiiBly so as to ho In slmpo Put n crimp In the Medford tenuis. Tho boy. anU g,rU mma of w Mod'ord high ,chool will be hero Jnury 87, Bn(, 0 tUe two nghl- HHOfc c c. nni'M.iN htllllHticllHIH, $3(1011.'J Mllporlll- ituudmil of exhibit. $K0, Hnlury iIrntii;hlNiniiii. J 1000, naliiry assistant In Immigration bureau, $1000; post- 'ngo on Htnto literature, JOTf.O; oillco niippllen nml stationery, $0000; travelling expenses, $2f.00; Informn- , lion bureau, S2S00, state publlru 'lion In English, Horiiinu, Swedish, InitlIi ii ml other languages of north ern Europe, $aC.0n0, exhibit ox 'poiinort, 110,000. Some Fast Boats at Miami Fete United I'renn Service MIAMI, Kla.. Jan IS - Tho spood i lent motor boat rnces over liold, and in plcture8ijue iimrlno carnival wn (In prtupect hoforo tho conclusion of tho celebration of tho Magic Knights nf tt.t 1 1 ml sA'ttfftli mt.ittil liitrn In llll) '!', "llllll ll)','ll.H HVIV " iilny, mid which will coutlntio until next WodnoHdoy. i I Carl IlHhor, of Indiauiipoiirt ami Miami, propnred tho arrangements for tho motor boat rnces, which will probably ho held on TueHday nml Wednesday Home of tho fastest motor bonis In Hie world linvo been untitled for tho races, nml now records urn promised. One of tho quoor races for sailing boats will ho n "bang and go hack" race. In this tho boats will go as far as thoy can, until n shot wnrns them lo turn nml como back. Tho boat making tho grentest mllengo will ho the winner. Wooden Or SUs'l Curt. Up to U. S. Commission NKW YOUK, Jnn. IT. Whether or not tho subway management shall chnngo entirely o stool cars will bo discussed loilny nt the mooting of tho I'utillc Sorvk'o Coiniulsslou. Changing from woodon to stool curs would cost tho Inlerborotigh roinpnuy $!, 000.000 following will play tho local gills and boya. Following tho games with Med ford tho local teams will loavo Febru ary 3 for n four-day totir ot tho Hogtio Rlvor vnlloy. Thoy will piny tho Ashland, Medford and Centrnl Point boya nnd girls whllo away, Tho second Rogue Rlvor team to Invade Klamath Fulls will como iu on tho night of February 7. It will be tho fast Ashland high team, which will play Merrill high ut Merrill on February 8. Tho followlug uights Ashland will play Klamath high hero. PARISIANS FFAR ANOTHER TEUTON DASHjN PARIS si:vi:iti: i iuiitim; aiioimi soih. SONS ltitHljin llilvc TohiikI Prussian I'miiller N Snlil lo ho lm tensing In Its I'iomiiIIiiiis Vim IIIiiiIiii. Ihiiu'h A I III)' U Resuming Hie Of. fensUc TIimiiikIi I'obiinl TiuMsh Tlllllps Mil AllWIIIlllf XorlllUlllll I n ) I l'. .".mice PAUIS. .Inn. in.- DHpm IMlHlli' ropoits noiu oIIIcIiiIh thai the (leimiiiiH :iic iinahlo to follow up iheu iiiict.-HHi'K noith of the AIkih- nml fllHt l.f KllUsllMH. flMIM till. Xir IHI'll hero Unit the (iennniiH are prepar Ini; for .moihei niteinptil ituh m I'.irU. Heveio IIkIiIIiiK rontiiiueH near Holt Ihoiih It Ih imiioiiiireil thnt the (lor- j tniitiM took the Trench posltlotiH at iHte. I'uul, but that tho French, after rolnforchiK. Immoillately reKnlned poBncBHlon after a Mnhborii anil bloody flelit. North of Arrrn. thero Ih heavy flsht-i IllK. ZotuiMH there took u lllii: of! (ierinun trenches tit tho point of tho bayonet. I'nlleil 1'rcitn Senko . I'KTHOdltAl), Jim. 1.1. Tho Ktis-j ihIiiii drlvu toward tho northern I'riiB-l 'shin frontier Is reported Increasing In 'proportions. The entire loft wing Is engaged, forcing tho (lermnns hack to their main defenses. I In tho hope of cheeking this ad vance oii llludenbiirg Is resinning tho offetiHlut along tlio llzurn and at Uttwaka. Tho military medal was conferred upon (Irnud Duke Nicholas today The l.cglou or Honor was conferred upon other IttiHshiu leaders United 1'ress Service THI'KHAN'I), Jnn. 15. Tho Turks who occupied Tabriz arc now press lug on toward DJulfn. They are to bo supported by other troops advancing through rminii Snlmns, with tho ob ject of securing possession of hlgh wnys and railroads loading to the Russian frontier. Central Team to Play Merrill l.ato this afternoon, Conch I). C. Morris, nnd Ills Central school basket shooters will lenvo for Merrill, whoro they will piny tho Men III school team tonight. This will bo the Hist meet ing of Hinso two fast aggregations of kids. Local Talent at Mt. Laid Quito a number of Klamath Fulls amateur thesplnns will go to Mt, LakI tonight to assist tho Mt. Lnkt people In the staging of a perfornmuco thero for tho houellt of tho world fair fund. Several who took part In the Chrlst mns vnudovlllo will bo In tho pnrty, nnd tho trip will ho made, iu n big bobsled. Drainage District to Elect Officers Momhnis of tho Klamath Drainage dlst rhi will nssomblo at tho olnea of A. A. Mohnffey tomorrow night, when trustees will bo elected, and other business mntters transacted. Tho district Is working for tho recla mation of marsh lands around Lower Klamath Lake, Women rotull doulors In New York city number over 7,000. King Albert of Belgium Sends Thanks to American Citizens 3 .I'1!' BIB mm -'J .V KliiK Albert or llulgiuni, has Kent UirotiKli the Commission for Relief in llclKliini, tho following message of thankK for American nlil "Tho niaKnlllcent Kpneroiiity of the Ainerlcnn people In forwardlnK Ini inenve nnantltles of gift of food- hiuITk to my nuflurlng people affords me Intense satisfaction and tonchea me er deeply GLASS GAMES ON AT HIGH SCHOOL SHMOIt-NOI'HS l)i:ii:.VT JUMOIt- ruosii i.Asr xiciiiT (iim' TKA.M WH.Ij I'IjAV THIS AKTKR. XOOX In older to dexelop all of the basket hall material n tillable, nnd to give nil so Inclined an opportunity to learn how the game Is really played. Coach Motschcnbnchcr has Inaugurated a series of luter-chiHs games. These ate being plajed at tho pavlllion, follow ing school hums, nnd all lutorcstod aro Invited to attoud. Last night a game wns plnycd be tween a senior-soph team nnd a team of Juniors and frosh. Tho former ag gregation won This ufternoon tho girls' teams fiom tho snmo classes will piny. As soon as the examinations are Mulshed at tho high school, each class will enter a boys' nnd girls' team nnd n legulai schedule will be plnycd. Tho deciding games In both classes will he played as preliminaries to the big games played by tho high Bchool. Interest In basket bull Is Intense. Theio aro foit hoys nnd thirty girls out practising. WOIU.I) KEEP ALL STATE'S COIN IX GENERAL FOND j SALEM, Oro.. Jan. 15. All special I funds will bo merged Into tho general fund, nnd nil ttuto warrants will bo drawn on It, should a bill Introduced In tho House today by Representative Schuebcl become lnw. Tho measuro wns prompted by recommendations mnilo by State Treasurer Kay. Under tho presont system thero may bo thousands ot dollars in tho special funds, and tho state bo com pelled to pay Interest ou warrants endorsed "unpaid for want of funds" bociiuso tho general fund Is exhausted nml tho money in tho special funds cannot bo need, savo for Uie purposes for which thoy woro created. It Is declared that the bill, It enacted, will savo tho state thousands of dollars In Interest each year. Lane county tax levy was reduced threo mills and 1108,399 cut from tho budget this year. y "In this, my country's hour of i trial, nothing has suppoited me more I than the swnnptli; and tho biiperb .generotihlt) of thofce who have as i sited In materially lessening the I same, and I desire to offer 'my deep 'est thanks and at tho same tlmo con- e a mcSiiago of good nv ill for the jnov.- year. ALIIKRT. King of the Helgians." TWO INDICTED 8Y GRAND JURY ROHISO.N IS CHARGKlt WITH IIL'ItGLARIZIXG .MUHRIMj MAR KET AXI) MAMX MAX IS HELD FOR XKfiljKCTING FAMILY Two Indictments were returned this forenoon, returning true bills against Bert Roblson and Charley Kucera. Tho for mi r Is In Jail, nnd the latter out on oonds. Kucera, who has been residing in Mnlln, Is charged with failure to provide for his family. In addition to his wife, Kucera has three children. lioblsou is chatge with burglariz ing the Valley .Meat market at Mer- 'rill December 4. Following tholr report, the grand Jurors returned iu charge of Dnlllft Ynden to deliberate further. Women Drivers at Auto Show United Press Service CLEVELAND. Jan. 15. Women automobile demonstrators made their first appearance In Cleveland al the annual automobile show, which opened hero today. The women drove and demonstrated cars for piospectlvo women purchasers. Nearly evory brand of car mndo in tho United States was on exhibition. Local dealers blamed tho European war for tho almost total absence of foreign exhibits. Still Going Up Unltod Press Servlco CHICAGO. Jan, 15. May wheat opcued at $1,43 7-S this morning, and after llften minutes trading, ad vanced to $1.14 3-8. New Railroad Station lit I,om Angeles United Press Sonico LOS ANGELES, Jan. 15. Replac ing the Arcade depot, which dated almost from tho public days ot Cos Angeles, the now halt million dollar Southern Pacltlo station was opened formally bero today. LATEST ADVICES PLACE CASUALTY LIST AT 35,000 Ity Allie Kobe, Stntf Corix-sjioiiilciit Cnltod Press HOMi;, Jun. 15. All reports tills afleriKKm uuguient tlio magnitude InsKnil of illinlnUhliiK tho extenl of damage, and loss of lire caued by the earthquake. Tliouinils of refugees are pouring into Xnples, luid the iiiithoiltieH uie telegrnpbliiK for additional supplies, urgently needed. Already there mo r00 uotuidcd in the hospitals here. Every train iii'ihiiiK Is rrouilcd with iiihlitloiml victims. As a result of tho leports thus fur in, it Is declared by onlcUU that the list of dead will likely reach 35,000. This is said to be n conierr the llgure. In ifoiv of the latest repoi-tfi from tha commanders of rescu ing parties. At I'nterno, tluee miles from Avezzano, every house In the Tillage b Ix-en razed. .Many mutilated bodies are protruding from the rain. Soldiers found that many persons pinned under the ruins had froten to death. According to the latest estimates the list of fatalities In the recast earthquake will tench 35.00O, while the Injured will probably reach lOO.OOO. The minister or public works has wired from Solandra that every (ity, town and village in that district has been damaged. Hundreds of tho Injured are streaming into Rome, and all public build ings have been turned into temporary hospitals. At Mngliano and Denmrsl refugees report that at least 1,800 were killed. At Capello 800 are reported entombed. Tho city of Alhafucense Is reported razed. Xo word luu been received from the commander of tho troops sent to relieve these places. It is declared that ot least 100 cities, towns and villages hare bee damaged, and thnt at le.wt half a million sufferers will require relief. Maay are lielng rescued from the ruins, but the majority of the rescued are eeri ously injured. CALIFORNIA tin I ted Press Service SACREMEXTO, Jan. 15. The extending sympathy to the stricken people of Italy, and offering clal aid for the relief of the sufferers. i Gill Has Measure to I Reduce Forest Fires SALEM, Jan. 15. Representative John GUI, of Portland, has Intro duced a bill providing that August be eliminated from tho open season for hunting deer, reducing the sea son to two months The measure Is intended iu part for the protection of timber, as it will reduce the fire menace In the forests. He also fathers a measure to close the Wil lamette river from the falls at Ore gon City to the Oswego bridge to commercial llshlng. This measure will be fought by tho Clackamas dele gation. 1 W. C. T. U. Has n Day of Prayer PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 15. To-( day is being observed by members of tho National W. C. T. U. us a day' of national prayer. Mrs. Lllllam M. I Stevens, of this city, the national president, has Issued a proclamation calling for a world-wide crusade. ', Ortgon cannories report a ryodj market for their products, but .vill ask for relief from restrictive legls 'latlon. i Elks Start Bonds to Be Issued, and Tho next traternal activity for Klamath Falls will be the erection ot a lodgo homo by Klamath Fulls Lodge, 1247., B. P. O. Elks. As soon as the frost Is out of tho ground, tho lodgo hopos to have work started on tholr property nt Third nnd Main. Tho matter was brought up nt Inst night's meeting ot the order, which was largely attended. It was unanimously agreed, that the lodge should Issuo bonds for $40,000 Just as soon as possible. Those bonds are to bear six por cont Interest, and are to bo of $100 denominations, redeemable lu live, ton, fifteen or twenty years. This gives the ordor an opportunity to liquidate both tbe principal and the interest. They will be offered the lodge members first, and last night sev eral thousands dollars' worth was spoken for. ; At the meeting ou tho night ot January 28, the building committee will Bubralt a number ot plans for tho lodge home. From these the lodge members will docldo just what they want In the way of a' home. The Btructuro to be erected Is to be a club bouse, not a business build Ing. There Is a spacious lawn, and some pretty trees on tht props rty;,sjd the lodgemen all want big, roomy verandas. Tho lower floor will k Us club rooms, with the lodge hall on the upper door, OFFERS AID legislature today adopted a reaolatfaa FIGHTS SALOONS BY FREE LUNCH OHIO PASTOR, TO BATTLE THE STORY - TILVT FREE . GRUB FORCES HEX TO SALOONS, OPEX A LUXCH COUNTER Cnlted Presa Service CLEVELAND. Jan. 15. The clnim that men are driven by the free lunch counter to the saloon "is vigorously combatted by Re.-. 3. L. Royer, pastor of the Colllnwood Methodist church. In tho basement of the 140,000 edifice, Rev. Boyer has established a soup kitchen. He had 50 guests on the first day, "Wo are welcoming all who come.," said Rev. Boyer. "We'll find some way to finance It." Ono hundred Jobless men In tbe vicinity prompted the minister to provide food for them. Irving farmers are boosting tbe sugar beet idustry. . on Home Plans Are Being Prepared