t 1 "t ' y 1 I 1 , t,nf 'v. ! PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS h lEunum literal! KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEV bui::t3 ja.r.m.t. f Ninth Vr NoM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, J JIURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1915 EARTHQUAKE TOLL MOST . APPALLM Attack Will Be Made on State Fish and Game Commission REFUGEES RELATE HARROWING TALES Views of Three Big Men onProsperity (II)' Allio Itolir, hliilf ! I ! I'iil ) I nliu.l I'ti't Horvlca K()i:, Jmii. 1 1. -Tim 0IH1-I11I uhiii ii-tritid It) (lie uowiiiiimmiI nil in lliU virnliig ludlcntt' Mull 'ilci-ln)' mi ttifiinkf iiiiimsI nl Iciiil uo.immi ritiitlltlct In tlw pnnliit'i' or AlniiI. S-imiI tinlli tMitf with ivfiiuccM luiw n'rti IhM lino Irom Aw- .mo mill It litlty. Tlirlr nloilr npim-iiiily l'r mil ! Kottiin il llituro. 'II"' brought Icrrlbli lnle of stiuVrliiu. AtC'MIIO Ufll lllnlllllHMlly III fill WIlUT Of till" ltllkl. Tilt' llfoll lie. U (lll'H WIS IlpplllllllK. I'l-ni limit)' ! )' Immimi In Awmio mill lln oiiiniuiiilliiK town whs Irullril. TlinuoniiiU of ikhijiIo licrp rmiuht "hen III" hou- loppled oit, iiiiiI liiinilrtsN wcic- fllltrt killed or iiminrd, refugee wty. Mutlkili-d ImxII' hwi Mble In the rulim. l Ilic wry IcnM, tMrnlJ ilfim mid towns wi'tv destroyed, Willi martial law prevailing l Dm rutlm rvuloii drtnktnMsl li) Uu qunkc, cmmlng enormous lUniinKo In iilml Italy. Clio gmaiiinenl of mini n making rroodlnary offoH lo compile n IUi of lln doud ami wounded, nml lo irllem tho Inllrr. Il I brsktrd Mini It will ln rnl d Ix-fon mi)f llgurrs vnn lm obtained. In report rwlvwl by mh'iiiImt" of lit niMiiel, iiliiuiles or l lie Iovm-w nry greatly. Another rnrihiUakc hImh-Ic wan pitvpllblu in Home mul tli-lnlly early llil. nmniliiR. TliU rtttwl panic everywhere. Tiro people, already lermr Mflrhrii, riulml (ulo the street. Thons. niuN were In nlghlrloUien. In most of the, village, rwlnii ww formed, mul prayers were frvrrnntly recited lo ward off another lerrlhln visitation. So far a U known llirro wn nu uililllloiml tmiut ciiumnI It) Hie orrunil trcntblur. TWO LECTURES AT WOMEN'S MEETING Prohi BUI Is Now Up for Finishing! .11.1, KMMATH VAUM WOMKX IX- ti:m) nu: Mi:imx(i ok iiemi: SCIK.VCi: IIKI'AHTMKXT SAI,i:M, Jan. H. lluiiroicutatlvu AuUomou, of Hood lllvur nml Wiihco couutlcii, Tuoatluy Inirniltirmi In tlio IIoiimo u lilll prepnrotl by tint Com mllti'U of Onu Ihimtruil (a carry the TKItKSTKH AliK INVITKO T AT.iUu Itlu prolilbltlon iimomliuciit, IptiHNud nt I ho Kvnvral flection, lit of- feet, mul II I marJcuil Komrnl Hoiiho i Hill No I- Kuvit u piovlnlon which pmvlUml Hint It hIiiimIi! bo unlawful for any om pumoii or family lu tlio gtnto to icci'lvu from any rommon corrlor inoiv than llvo biiIIoiih of BplrKuoiiA llquura or more thnu twenty kI loiiHor mull HqtioM within u period of four uccNHlvo wcoUh, tho bill Is tlio mumi no priiu'il nml pulillsliril In tho pros. Thli provUlon won atrlckon from i ho bill bfcnii8 It mlKlit bo constinod tlnu a pcrnoii wonbl bo allowcil tlio nunntlty nrrncrlbeil for any purposo. A. Wllrnn'i'nrronHuK to HoproHontntlvo Amlor- mii. TIiohii who uro Intnrrutml In tho liomn Hdt'Dco dfpartmont of tho Womnn'n Library Club aro looking forward to tho vmhIou to bo hold Hnturdny afternoon. Thla will be (In at 2:30 nt the Library Club bullillnic, Two It'cturi'H of moro limn iiniiuI liittri-st aro scheduled for thnt day MUh Lottie Milan, head of the home Hclenru dvpartmont at the Klnmath county hlBh nchool, will npeuk on "Veicctnblo Cookery. It 'a IMnco In Our Diet." Mra. K topic Ib "Tho llomn." All womon Intereated aro urcod to nttend this and other mt-eilnitM, Mm. Tin Hoiiihem I'uclfliS Hhopn huvo C V. Kluher la lioud of tho depart- jnoponod at three plncoa, employing ment. liuii men. Ships Destroy Town rKifflEHHPBBBBBsi SFlBaVBaaaBBaaBm'M' . :fe?I '.Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal mHQiBBBiL&.3BallllllllHH II BBBBBlBHBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBTaBBBBBBMaSb'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aBaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaBaavwBaflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal sfflRHsBBBB' VBBBBBallllllllH BjHBBBBBaVBBBBBa.....H PflLaaaW' 'l9laPtn$i9laVLaaBaaaaaaH iafBBHkikl! i'I-i,' J E' '"ft V i VHIH s. T Si!? , tummi 1 1 tt rLums L.( KA.MAS rOUXTV Itr.lItK Ml.NTATIVH ,1'I.AXS IXTKtHlUC- ixc .MKAveiti: to ki:i:i ALL K itCICVI.KS KHOM LAXD u Si.i:.M. Inn II. A rcnl itlon ro-1 ferrli . to u vote of tho ueopl'j u uniMt on , iiiiK'iiilnii'iK and law piolilbiihiK aliens from liocomlnK tho ownuri of lnml In the slate will be Introduced lu the IIoiihu by Repre- 'acntalhc Selniebel, of Clackamas i county. k Mr Schuebel contends Hint any , alien who Is not KUfllcIently Inter est! 1 In tho Koernment of the Vnl'td States and tho state to be come a citizen', ought not to he per mitted to become a land ownors The bill for a law will be sub-' mltted with the constitutional nmciulim nt ho that should It pass, It may Immediately become opera tive. Hilt-fly the amendment and law will provide that any alien ac quiring land nftcr the passage of tho proposed legislation must either be come a citizen or dispose, of it within six years after It was acquired. Lands acquired for any business, trade or manufacture may be held for a term of twenty-one years. The law also applies to corporations or associations whoso majority stock Is owned by persons not citizens of the Pnlled States. (Herald tfpcial Service) SALKM, Jan. 14. That .Multnomah county carried oaT all honors in the House uai evidenced when tlio committee appew mow announced this morning by Speaker Selling. Although eloren of the twelve Multnomah men are "sew at tab pm aion, they secured tho chairmanships of the eight moat iinportaJit. coav mlttees: Ward, ways and means, Judiciary. rerWe-n o Uwa, alcotacMc I raffle, banking, tabor und Industries, medicine and, phfcrmacjr and ftt ii)t. and transportation. MemlxM-s of u few of the committees are: 1 Ways and means Cobb, chairman: W. O. Smith, Clarke, Wagflaer, i A. ('.'Smith. Elmore and Pierce. i.n,tlnn liln.llo Imlrmnii: C.irfinlll. W. O. Smith, FTB I.eirls. .Military affairs W. O. Smith, chairmanj Michelbook ad DflJard. Printing Davey, chairman; Wagner, Smith, Stewart aad Eatoa. Game clones, Kittner, Clarke, Cbllds and Forbes. Tin. malorliv of tho members of the gome committee are to the State Fish and Game Commkslon. It waa apparcady wa HII-DOS4) of kllUnic the commission that they were aelected. The llrst" ofllcial to receive tho axe under the Witliyconae ...... 1,... tint Ktnin insutnncn Coinmlssioncr Fergaaoa. Hla was rtsjiiesteil by the governor. Hnrvcr Wells, of Portland, was appointed to succeed Fergaaoa. .' Thirtwn new bills were Introduced In the House today. IMa atakea 11 total of slvty-nlne so far this aesslon. A An attack tiHn the Workmen's Compensation Act waa made' la tae 5 senute today. This was in the form of a bill introduced by LaFoltefta. , Tho gist of this bill la tliat tho provision that the state ahaU-eia-tiibuto to tho accident fund a sum equal to one-sevenUi of the total contributed by employers and employees, be stricken oat. .I J,MliS flUTct rA.EGELL G..H. GKR.Y, Germans Say Allies Wipe Out Weste Ende in North 'United Prigs Sorvlne HKULIN, (Wlroleaa vln Bayvlllo, N. J,,) Jnn, H, Tho town of Westo Kudo was wiped out by tho oiubliio uro of tho .Alllea' war hIiIph off tho nelglun coaat, and tho land forcra, acocrdlag to the official HtuUiaent today.! This Mya tb ,tbe Alllsa usod ioonl(ra and torpodo boata In too bombaidmont. Thoy woro driven off by tho Herman land batteries, but not until thoy hnd cnused con sldorablo damngo. niilldlngH nro still burning thoro. According to tho otllclnl stato inunt, tho lighting In northeastern Franco and In southern nolglum la largely confined to artillery opora- tions, Tho Dig guna aro mum. muvu between Ypres and Nlouport. Hero are tho views of three very Important mou on prosporlty Thomas A. KdUon, who aftor tno burning of a $3,000,000 plant Is not ('Ucnuragod; Jiidgo E. II. Uary, chnlrmnn of tho board of director? ol the stool trust and James A. Karrell, presldont- of It nun oxecu llvo oer 1C.O0O workers. This In what Mr Edison had to my about worry In connection with tl.u huMnosB conditiens: ' Wfcfn any ouo talks about wor.y ho might apply my new standard ( wor ). Just think c' tho Knlsor, tu on tho defensive, with nonrly !'iV m'le. of bnttlefriMl. till told, on U13 oast end west. why tho average 1'itin't worries nlu'.t Into flgnlllcauco vonipnred lo this. Anothor sttmd'V.I of dttPtor Is n-jlgit m llttlo, grlttir 1 eU"."i! 1 It nas BU,-i)i'f.tl mo to seo how AiiMKtins have bee 'tno wonk-KinM )er this war. 'I (icy seem to bo sunken with 11 no.- of commor!l.i! paralysis. Thoy want to get out ana nu nomotlilnu; H "l0 opportuno 1. mo. Why, you cse put a hulldhu up rhenpor tod.ii' ban you cowl hiiiou tho war, m.d ot mnny of 01 rupposed god h 3ines8 men will will intll Iho w'" Ib over as n tt gu of prosporlty and pity moro f jr tie 'iiilldlng. Tiio ise man will n'opri. now for -he room In trr'u tint wo will soon ivporlouce .i!( whicn will bo trjmendouB aftor Iho wir. KLAMATH CHIEP CLOSEJO DEATH LF.LU, TUB L.4ST SURVIVOR OF TIIK CHIEFTAX8 WHO SIGXGD THE RESERVATION' TREATY, IS SKKIOUSILV ILL sze!!& COURT IS NOW waier nuriw.vu. (Hciald Special Service) do not expo it. pld, but I ai ejp stenuity sus.-aiLta improvev- i..' il during 191"." Mr. Farrell. of 1 lie off el trust tolJ . Pittsburgh audi- . . . .a nto. tio insisieu ..'5; a penoa o. CHILOQULV. Jan. U UeporU roivoii prospe.'tiy vas about t ,nVo reached here that Chief Lelu, be, ,n innsmuch a; the Bteel busl-'jone of tno 0i(iest and best known In r.iss hat for jeavs ,u a bnromj'cr ,jnn3 on (no Kiamath reservation, p; fcir.ernl buslnojs, tho statement oi'j a very jh , His condition Is no bad that bo is not expected to live United I'rcss Servico j BIRMINGHAM, Jan. 14. Hear- ! Ings were scheduled today in an at-j tack, by quo warrants proceedings, xoLAXI agaiust tho charter o! the Blrmlng- ham water works company. Su- burban citizens allege that exces-, slve rates are charged and false J meter readings are practiced. "UNEMPLOYED" FINDS HIMSELF WITat ".NOTHING TO DO TILL TOMOftV - . - -A ROM" AFTER SWD?T ACTION IN CASES UP - Homer is Improving Andiew J. Horner, the well; known young lumberman wuo nas been critically ill for several weeks with typhoid fever. Is at last on the way to lecovery, us his many friends will bo glad to learn. Horner Is still in a sadly weakened condition, and tt will tako somo time before he Is able to bo up and about again. A p. Pnrroll woa eoin.lC-red of mud lii.po' lance. "This country should bo properous all tho time." was the opinion of Mr. Gary. "There should bo plenty of work for nil who deserve to havo work. Noither tho capitalist nor the poor man. tho employer nor the em ployee, has good reason for dlscour ngoment In this country. It Is to bo KsTctted that thore nro bo many Idlo inu nt tho presont time, and every lensouablo effort should bo given them to And employment, I have Croat hopes that tho number of un employed In this country will grow lesf and less, nothwlthstandlng It may ho expected, as a consequence of tlu war, immigration will increase. The nppoitunttlos of tho United Slntea for success in ovory direction nro ory grent nmf nover woro bettor, "It remnlns with ua to tako ad vantage, of these circumstances. Wo should liocomo and remain tho lead ing nation of tho world, financially, industrially, and commercially; and with this foundation, thero should be no limit to our prosperity, our In fluence, our material and moral strongth and growth, or our hap plness." very long. Lelu Is tho last survivor of the thirty Klamath Indian chiefs and head men who signed on behalf of tho tribe tho treaty with the United States establishing the Klamath reservation. The treaty was signed In 18G4, fifty years ago, and since then, Lelu has ever sought to see that tho Klamaths lived up to their agreements under the treaty. Lelu was chief of the Cowumcan Klamaths, who lived nt a village of that name on Sprn.Tue river, near the Crawford place. Lelu atlll lives at tho site of the old Tillage. After tho Modoc Indians decided to lcavo tho reservation, and defied tho troops scut to take thorn back thoro. Lelu saw service In tho Mo doc war. He was one of the Klam ath scouts enlisting In Captain O. 0. Applegate's company, and ren dered valiant servico during the Lava Hod's war. 'lhe Oiegon bluo sky law has been upheld by the supremo court.' ) Tho rapidity with which, Ua, trial" of the Clarke-Ward & ' OBencaaUt case was carried on yesterday, aad,' the speed wh which the Swedaa-burg-Hoberts case was ' settled"laat night has left the circuit 'court with out anything to do. The next cm scheduled does not come up untl Saturday. Tomorrow morning, .Judge NoUsd will call the docket to see if tatra are not some cases ready for trial. Soissons Is StiD"It" Big Forces Battle There. French Retire on Aime The resources of Orogon and of agricultural education are to be ad vanced by au O. A. C. college quartet going east to gtva concerts. United lt ess Servico PAniS1Jan. 14. Flghtlug la still tho hottest around Soissons. The Gormnns havo thrown an ta ormous force of mon Into tho battle tnero, but today's Communique claims that tho French, have been ablo thus far to turn tho encounters against the enemy. At certain points In the vicinity of SoUsons, tho French and Eng lish are said to have made alight gulus. The Allies are reinforcing thoro also. The retirement of a conildarahla body of French troops Iron taa north to tho south side of the Xlrar Aisno is admitted in the: oatolal statement, . ' , According to governmtat. oaUlakL this was done on account ot tM floods destroying the taaworai? bridges. " f Tho war office says that tkte to not a retirement, but a'aowawt I preserve tho line of comaiualoattCa.1! ft A