8Hn lEunfng Herald PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEJR NEWS WIIH.K IT IS NEWS i.r mtfrrnrp 9T tr.T" n mi w ft- i fSYJ"'1"" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1915 Prlet. Ftr ITALIAN CITIES ARE DESTROYED BY A TREMBLOR SHOCK Owing to Destruction of Communication, Extent of Damage Is Unknown. Rome Feels It L Rogers, Lawyer I ;-c t. , in ununge irageay .f I'tltfd I'fMt Service 'WXUU J11' ! Arrn-llnn Co irpoits mihi-il fn nil) inu illsiihi, ikt wIlMiiwke shock, which Imok ltittu ,;ty till- inoriiltiu, iiiiiwiI tow Iw "f llr f,"1,"'r '. CMktrrnltr ls of life l rvportiil nlmiu llui Tllter, 'KaornuHKi itinutKf h tuffrn-il In ilu Hitln or Aluiul, Tin- kola province Miffrrtsl, ami limuy nl the riaill limn rti f trTBBBMIf "ssvEl l i LHatiaflk sFsfl Pi tg "'VBBBK BBJ W S&BjnBBk3uBa!BBjnBBjl II BjnBBjnBBBmBSIBaBjl HVH4 t ae"aTBnaB BjnBBjnaBjnB&BBjnBBB IrltaHHHHHi I l.iiil Kllmi Uiikpih (i lawjtr of lN'i mil 'vtt y( (1,)( tt, ,., .r flmn il II U kf Ik Arro folhmlnu tho uluike. I A aambcr of building" wrrv i1rtr)('il In Home'., mil Miiir. fffmltA Ittnt rlli-n Merr killed nt I'rrrlo. While eoiiio dwiiwgi' hmw done In lliU pi-oiliuc, the Imm k iwt mow! Wfffc OHUlilr. Ottllljc lo riMtltllUliliMtlou Im-IiiJ iim-iI, (Ik- full 'i-il! AfdMMgr I nut known. Hevrrel Miwll lowu In l(oinr prmlnro iciv l,itll tbunnitcil. Meagre advice received by the, KiivrTiiiiimt Inillnili' great ihitmtKe mm dear In llir tonus "f Opprllr, lMtllnno, I'l-mlnime, Monte Itolxinlo, Verelr, Vaiuiimilwie, nmt Albano. Maay people nro reported cmliil to ilcntli h)' i!m fulling ruins In Ik town. Itrllrf train arc already Iwlnit wni out It) tin uoicrnini'ui. VERDICT IS FOR I DEFENDANT MM 01TIIVKLU HUKR FOR AT. TOftXKY FKK8 ALLEGED I) UK. MVICTOHIOlHOVKIt KLAMATH MILS LAWVKIt ! t llt south lit ji tl J .';tt H iiko. In til" i rent ml ilmiro In one or the strangest itriiK-'llH (rliiilmil auunlx hnw over known. A woman who railed horxclf I Mr hlu Itogcrx mot her of two of ,hli. children, kiiw them hirliorlilc of 'ini-riiirj tiihlclK, .iihI iiltxi IIiikci Inn for (iini' lii)H tl'i'i illvl Sho iiIho took it tablet titnl hopu for her wjih Klvon up by iti iloctorx. At ihu sn iiu- tlinn In huh IvnriKMl ItoKorH w.ik iiiiirilnl to j Hlxtcr of I'rnf ClildliiKf. of Columbia I'nUor Nlty, utIiii'h tin; bent known pro foNKor In Unit Institution, Thoy II veil 'in nil XiciihIu niartiiittit house In New Vork. I.ritor It wim lutriicd I lint IliiRcrii ian illvorcvtl hoiiiu yuam uko, ami that hlu Una wlfo lives In Now York Ho linn vUllcJ bur nKulnrly KtntonuntH have been in n ilc (lint tho three uoru known to (nrh other and know- nil nbout "" 'IIukit'h rohitloiiH with thoni, ul HHTI..M (iOKK INTO i:i'rKrr TO- thouicli thlri ban boon iK-nleil on tho !mit of the present wife HAV TIIKKK C'(IM.MIHmuNi:ilH COMMISSION RULE IN SANTA MONICA ami: to iiavi: i:ntiki: ciiaiuii: HI riTV'H AKKAIII4 Alter a very linrt iliiMbomtlnn, tho Jury hearing tho oWdcnco In tho Broter.8ouitiwoli null lato yctorlny nht In a unllct nwardliiK tho to the dcfcmlant. Bea 8outhwcll n hiioiI for 1C0 T C. C. Ilruwrvr Drawer nlleiod tut (hi tuonoy wuh duo him for nt tartV fees lu aBUttnic In xfttftiK n MMWMd rellniiiiimiinoiit. Souths til held (tut tm had paid what tho tiWe wai worth, and that llrowor o demand on him nt thn tlmo (or )U0. tni H, Mills wbh nttornoy for fctthwii. FORT CASE IS BEFORE JURORS United I'ri'Mi Horvlco .SANTA MONICA, Jnu. 13. Sititii Monlc.i Ih the IntuNt I'acltlc coaxt clt to place llitt'lf under llio coiiiiiiIiibIou i . form of Kowrnnient t:Ol'.NTV llt.M JUUV COXVUXKS I'mlcr tho plan adopted nt n re rent deletion, couimlmiloiiora of pub lic worka, nafcty nod llunuco will bee entire cbnrgo of tho cliy'n af fnlm, Ward Ilium will bo ubollHlmd. Tho drat election under tho new THIS AITIIUNOO.V TO LOOK IN TO Oltl.MI.VAI. MATTKIIH IX THK COUXTV SENATE MEMORIAL ASKS60VERNMENT; FOR BOUNTY FUND I'M.IIT HTAIITH .l,lti:.VH IN Till: liOUSK .Miilliionmli ItepieHintnlhc'N Dill foe t'ouliiullilic for SleiioKiiiplile Woik or I.eKlHliituro Culls I'm Hi n lllllir Hi bun. Klitlif for Vii)h mid .Menus I'liiiliiniiimlilp lli-ittei'ii W. O. I Mnllli, Vanler mill Cuhli. . I i I (lleinhl Spt-ilnl heiie) HAI,i:.l, .ran. 13 --The tiemi'u lo da piiHHed a ineiiiorliil to Coucrexs, utd.lliK foi an appioprlalluu of $3U0,- DOO to bc iiaeil lu the extermlirilioii t of predatory nnlmnlH InfeMtln the national forcitH. Senator IJurKesM. author of the memorial, hii)h the iwinual los from tbeHis iiiilinalH to the stockmen and poultry minors In the w extern ftatets l $13,000,000 nyoar. In the Houbo the entire mornluK ni'shIoii wag denoted lo tho ronsldcr liiK of rulex. The proposal of Schuo bel. of C'liickaiiinH, wax that tho ways and iiionnu committee prepare n bud-1 Bit of tin nppropr'.illoii bills before the lloiihe. no the memberu would! know bow nfuch was being xpent. ' Tbbi wax defeated. The blKKext IlKbt was made when' lliibton. or .Multnomah Introduced an nmeiiduieut providiui; that the uteno Krapblc uorlv or the k'ulslntuie be contiaried for. Thlx engendered n' bitter debate hi the forenoon. It wax lute this afternoon before the House oted to peimlt each member to seletl Ills own xecretnry. The nnnouncincnt of comniitteo ap polutmentx will be mado soon. The most Important chairmanship, that of the wajs and means committee. Is be tween Cobb, of Multnomah, Smith, of Klaiunth-I.ake, and Vnwter of Jack- BOH The chairmanship of the Judiciary committee, anothor of great impor tance, is between Vernon Forbes, of Klnmatli'Crook, and Olson and Hus ton, of .Multnomah. The H rut appropriation measure to coma up at this session waa aprunx in tho senate by Senator Hawley. Thix Is to provide ISO.000 for tho construct Urn nnd equipment of a new training school at the stato normal ai Monmouth. Two Young Men Quit Leadership of Bull Moose sntnn l.'i:. will bo held In December, Tho llandon wnter plant haw been acquired by tho city. Directors Chosen by Three Klamath Banks NunathFalU Financial Institutions Have the Same Officers. New Men at Merrill A number of wltneanex from Fort Klamath are hero to nppoar boforo the grand Jury, which conveuod this mnrnlug, after un adjournment of Hovornl weeks. Tho Wood Hlver peoplo nro aald to bo hero In con nection with tho Investigation Into i tho liquor tramc there. ' Some ihargo thut oxtenxtvo Loot- pcy,liig has been carried on there. Others xay that liquor has been sold to minora. toekholdera mmtlnia wore hold 'rday by lll0 Vlni mio niu, 8nv. " bank, tho Vlnx Nnt0m, buik( Th. 1 i FlrBl Nft,lonnl r ""'" "rat to choso offlcora for tho heu? mr' ,l'" 0,,! Cor"H boll,K ro i2K" nf ,,,u JMrMl NaUoBl 5J'. I- P, Wllllt. nd K, R. 4ltt iiJ, onU,or roolocted nro C, vT'"' ,ro,,iaen'i Ohrlc. s. HJJ. Vlce-presldonti Loallo Roger, A. a. CompbPlI, aaslatant Tho olllcoia elected asulu by (ho First Stato and Havlnga bunk last night nro J. W. Siemens, president ; Will II. llonnott, vlco-proxldont; John HlomeiiB, Jr., cashier. Tho dlrectora nro Kd Illoomlngcamp, II. 1.. Klllott, Oeorgo T. llnldwln, Will II. Ilonnett nnd J. W. Siomoiis. Two now mon, Andrew M. Collier and John M. Moore, woro nddod to tho dlrectora of tho Merrill bnnk, tho other members of tho board being 10. 11. IlonmoH, Chnrlex 8. Moore, Alox Martin nnd Krnost M, Dubb. The Merrill dlrectora have not chosen of flcora yet, CHAMBERLAIN IS INTERRED TODAY IiAIKIi: ATTKXDAXCK AT HIS : rxi:u.vii. iiki.i at homm or S()X UKV. HTUUHLKI'IKM) foxnuoTion hkkvickh Tho funoial senlcex over tho 10 mnlnx of tho Into Siniuel giinmber Inln, 'ho pnssod nwny Tuesday, woro hold nt tho homo of his son, George II. Ohiuuborlnln, on Ninth stioet, at 2 o'doclc thin afternoon. Tho torvlces weie conducted by Uov. Sltibblollold. A largo number of liliindH of the deceased attended tho ucrvlco, nnd followed tho re mains to tho city eometory for Interment aESISSai SBSa$Bj BBBBBBK!5Bx3aBs9alBBBBBW BBBBBaflKnPlBSBBBB BaalakBhBBBBBW t-tJaMBBPaaf Ew?!bbbH mSm BBjBsngSBkw BnflSB BjBjBm't aIX&Bk4bBjbVBjVBS BBBBS-SaPNVSflBVBBBH BBBBBKw'BBBfefMiBBB9Ba TURKS, AUSTRIANS RALLY AND FORCEC CZAR TO DEFENSE 'Attempts of Russians to Cross Drina Are Repulsed by Austrians. Turks Reassembling in Hills I nited Press Service IT.TItOfi'UAD, .Ian. liJ. Anuoiiineiiient or the resumption of AgbU iiiK in (lie Cnnensiis liy the TruLlsli ti-oops, mid the occupation of Tb 1I7 mill I'd i la by the MoIenm, is contain! il in today's ofllcUl state nit'iit. In llie mountains, the Turkish t loops, ulio were driven back, routed mill ilisorKiiiiiel ii few ilas ngo, hate rallied. ltrorganizatiOD U bow eC rerteil, ami I ho troops mo mnkiiig ait oirinsive moTetnent. I'nlted Press Service VIK.V.NW, Jan. lit. All efforts on the urt of tho RuxUa aumj to irons the Hirer Xldn hate lieeti lepuNeil, ncrordlnn to the cSclal atete- nient. , All day jcstenlny, (lie statement sujn, the ltuulan troop worked I l spuiitely to force nimssage. They ucrc uimble to ao this, as the Aaav , tiiun army inked the eneni)'s front "ltd n murderous fire. U'lniiiK hundreds of dead and uoundeil on tho river bank, the Raw ' si. ms tlnally retlreil. The uar olllce shjh the Hiisslans hum been reitelled In the Car p.ilhlans. It is denied here that the Austrian commander of besieged Praeaa ' s nskeil for teiins of surrender. REEL LOSS IS FELT Jf JAVEE Foim hi:i:i.s ok film left m:iti: vi:htkiuav foh meh- UllX, HUT FAILED TO KKACH TIIK AI.FA1.FA OIT' Has nnybody stumbled onto four teel of film? It so, he Is tho per son John Houston wishes to see. Ho has n Reason ticket to any show tho finder wants to attend. Besides this Stage rrler Will Hill has a reward ho wishes to slip the nndor. All they ask Is tho return of tho film. Per schedule, Houston shipped out movies for (he regular show at Mor rill jeiterday morning. And per schedule, tho Merrill .manager swopt out of the thoater, and wont to got tho nim but contrary to schedule, they did not arrive, "Motion II I m couldn't bonont nny body but a moving plcturo man, and their loss will set mo back a fow hundred,,' snld John V. today. "I've got ix sensou ticket for any Informa tion thai will lead to finding the film." United States has more than 6, 000,000 factory employes and 1,- 000,000 railroad employee. Theodore Douglas Iloblnsou, a nephew roiCor Roosevelt, has re signed hix plnic as chairman of the Progressive State Committee, of New Vork, and Fnincis W. Rlrd, sou of Charles Sumner IMrd, of Massachu setts, the mllllonlnre who ran as can didate for governor of his state, has stepped out from the .position o chairman of tho New York County Committee. Mr. Robinson had held his place for two jears. Mr Bird has gone to Doston to bo publisher of the "Ad ertlsor" aud the "Record", two newspapers owned by his father. GERMAN LOSSES WOULD TEACH THE REACH 840,3431 YOUTHS TO SHOOT i . MUMMIED AXD TWEXTV-FIHST CASUALTY LIST PUBLISHED BY GEItMAX GOYERXMKXT, CJIVES'TIIESi: VIOUHES XATIOXAL RIFLE -ASSOCIATION WILL TAKE UP HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUCTION AT SESSION TONIGHT NECK AND NECK FIGHTING TODAY GERMANS HEAVILY REINFORC ED, MAKE SAVAGE OFFENSIVE AT SOISSOXS FRENCH LOSE SOME GROUND United Press Service PARIS, Jan. IS. Despito tho bad weather, severe fighting continues to the east and west of Solssons. The official war statement today admits that tho French forces have been compolled to yield some ground to the Germans, but denies the re linquishment of any important positions. Tho Qormuus, heavily -reinforced, nro maintaining a savage offensive. Botween Ypres and the sea, artil lery alone Is active. I.lttlo is heard from Alsace, ex cept that tho French hold their po sltons nt Stelnbnch, Germany. Will Elected Officers Tho Presbytorian Ladies' Aid So ciety will elect officers tomorrow after noon, nt the meeting at tho home of Mrs. Charles R. Word on on Canby streot. The meeting will start nt 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. P. B. Lowsry has sailed for Liberia, where she will take a trip Into the wilds of Darkest Africa, tab lug moving pictures as she goes. In the fiscal year ended June SO, this country paid In pensions 9172,-41T.MI, United Press Servile COPENHAGEN, aJn. 13. The 121st German casualty list, Just is sued by the German war office, has brought the list of killed, wounded and missing for the Prussian army up to 840,343, according to Berlin advices. This list does not include the casualties to the Bavarian, Saxon and other German armies. United Press Service ' ' WASHINGTON, Jan. L3. Promo tion of rifle practice among; alga sihuol students and other Americas ouths, and also- their elders will b? discussed tonight at the annual meeting of the board of dlrectora of the National Rifle Association. The ust-ociatton offers prizes annually for various rifle competition. t In Stockholm tho street car con ductors sell hat pin protectors for a halfpenny. Miss Margaret Foley Is again back lu Boston to pursue her work of gain ing better legislation for woman and children In Massachusetts. 3 Bowling Tourney to Be a Lively Battle Four Teams Are Selected, andjScheduIe Is Being Drawn Up for Alley Contest Bowling devotees tuo looking for ward to some great tenptn sport this winter, following tho organization of u bowling league Tho schedule for this has not been figured out as yet, but piny will boglu next week. There nio four tenuis entered. Thoy are about evenly matched to make things Interesting. The teams are as follews: Llnkvllle Ait Leavltt, Perclval Shall, Fred B. Bremer, li. J. Sheets, I.ouls Bice and Virgil DeLap. Regal Shoo Store L. G. VanBel len, capt.; Leo Houston, Austin Hky den, Earl Elliott, Joo P. Brett, and A. H. Loewe. ' Maximums Claude Maxwell, capt.'; Will Hum, Kteth Ambroae, Cu'rUaa E, Wlddoes, William P, JohnsonrBob' Johnson, and E. M. Chicot. Palm Alloys Ralph Pale, Do Dale, Hank Ketsteever, Hank Ftm. J. S. Kent, F. M. Upp and "JUd" Dreher. m im Irai if wl S3! I llfifil fra jjfei im Sari i I: rtfeJSi &81 m i$m n&fti cims MX.'S ,sw ln m flftst'O fiW i Bna s$a: 1M 1 63S5? Mm isa iff" S (8! matt hVfe 1 mm m 8i F'Ji'f jei mm vm mma ,3 i&B ;: I rt't'.rv bj.w aiw m i rtf v.vji m M