PRINTS THE NiiWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Ninth Vtr No. ,B7I jtaje. " Tisr in? untng Ifcmtlo KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1915 Price, Ft WHO SHOT SAM? 'FORT WILL GIVE WAS QUERY THAT A BENEFIT SOON UPSET THE TOWN Leader of the Persian Kurds, Who Are Fighting Russians WYLAND 500 uni river people m: ni;ii- t i.v i:i,atkiattiii. vm vno uii.D iujmoiih ai'uav this ,,,,:,' ' '''": ciieehe .MORNING TIIIIOI'GH COMMERCE HODV On. oil UimI II Tliiil,.,, 11'0rl ''" ""' "' W.....I Itlu-i alley are zciiloiiH bdoHti-m tnr miy Wnlker Wiim lliwitli Aimllu r llim He tliltiK taken up by the Kluiinili M,iuii. Wiin .MoHiill) Wounded) A 'II bur of Common u for ih mlvmimiig ,""" of tint county TliPiefore. t.itey plan miii Wctc Hold WiMiiiiliil: Vi'i An other 'I lull lliinilli M'iih Kllliil Damo Rumor wax tin tliu Joli in That Wiilku- mill I'lilKiltnitii VI. '" Hitertnlnnienl and n diuii-o fur the world fair fund. Local actor have been Invited In lui Hi Unite. Tim Port pcoiiln wish tl.em (u put on tlic piny wllh Fori mlotit on Friday night, und win meet Urn vlaltoia nt tliu Agency. tukliiR llii'Ill lo tliu I'm I The I'iIIk ik.mi.Ii. Klamath Full tltU iiiuriiluK In i v, , entertained nt i home party milliner tlmt net tho whole town on FilOny afternoon nml Saturday, mid edge )'"'. o keen Hint there wim w'" ,l' returned homo Hinnln hoiiio talk of ii lynchliiK T,, "'Idi'Hprend nti-ntlmi to Poit ,, , ... , ...... ii. 'Klamath cheese has utlrartod In Port- The story (orgliiutud nobody known , , ,. ... IiuhI iih n result or n onuiple liend where) Hint flow around mo wildly MnK tnUtn , , ,3ll, hlw ,,y was tlmt iiullro offlreni nnd three men lho ciininber or Commerce. I nl who recently eenped from the Jull M-ady (.ringing result Scvornl fou nt Dorrln Indulged In a pitched battle lnut ,lrmil lmu, wrlUmi for tll, ,.. early thl mornliiK. Jtwt tliu " elusive mile or the prndurt. and .iror.n tent of tho cnsiialllui nu not known. f ,,lrl.' regurdliiK tlmt x-rilon but all report iigrce.1 that Pntrolmnii ,x,, . rPp,.,., from oth-rtt. t .sum Walker, tlio veteran of the police . . I forc.i. wait lilt. ),, ,,., V,u , Tho PXtout of thn Injury wiih iilio ocnr II. IlKiniuuiiin. nupoi lni.-n-miicli rlmnued One report wnn Unit ,,.,i f tt water depnrimeni of tin ho wnii dead. Another tlmt he im Cnllfornlii-Ori'Kou Power roiuinu. , fninlly wounded, nnd niKithor Hint he him returned from n vIkIi with re-' wnn imuiy hurl. Intloim In Oklnhomn. Ilclde Wnllter, Wllmm wim hurt wnni wimoui liy -Wllnou of Inqulrora Hint If Hum was kIioi ; And here wn more upeciilntlon. ht. dldirt iy imytliliiR about It to' Home contended It wnn llnnk WlUon ,er I'orlmp tliu most hiirprlHcd mnn of the nlKht poller, hut other nnld of nil w Wnllccr when ho learned It wrtH n cliiip ii-imod Wilson who iit ho wui HUppoKed to haw ex wan of the rnplnK trio (P'-iir-nred. Dm hceIw: tlio Joke uim An luvcxilcntlou thin uioiiiIiik In t lift, he linn much fun lioirliiR found llnnk W 1 1 son hlli-nfiilly nliim- diiiufouudrd frieiidii toll what (hoy lurliiK At thu Walker home, Hnm heard ubii nlmi In thu land of dreain. Illtlu "If they nliot me, tho least' they ImiwIuK Hint hla wife wn kept himy could do In let me know" he re i't the front door. Informing a ttwarm' imnkud IS OUT Alsace and Soissons Scenes Of Worst Fighting in East; Germans Try to Get Warsaw BONOS jmv ixnirri:i ox ciiauui: of j TAKIXO SHOT AT ritVSTAIi' iti;.siii:.T iinoufiiiT ix XIOIIT W. F. Wyland, tho Upper Lake homcctoader arretted In Coos county by Deputy Sheriff Turpln, on charge 'of Hhootlni; nt Shcrimn nrown, was brought to Klamth Falls last night, to answer a grand Jury Indictment. Wyland was liberated on ?50O bondB. Ilia Mtiretics arc Alex Davis and E. A. Qualf. EIGHTH RAD E EXAMS THURS. 1'IIYSIOI.OGV AXD GKOGHAI'JIV wiuj he oFFi;m:n at this TIME. THOUGH SOME STUDEXTS WIIJj TAKE Meni: United I'ress Service PAIIIS, Jan. 12 Much anxiety is felt regarding tho situation In Al sace, wbero a big light is pending. No official word has been received from there since Friday. Unofficial sources say that the Ger mans arc hurling relnfoi cements Into that country, and arc making rnas3 attacKu upon tho Trench positions at Stclnbach, Germany. ' The war office says that the French are maintaining tho positions there, but no claims are made for addi tional gains. Fighting unequalled in intensity any time during the present war Is now raging .at Soissons. Tho Ger mrns are valiantly, but vainly at tempting to retake the positions they I os' The possession of these places give Hie French an advantage. If they are i.nld. they may utilize mine throwers tc demolish the main line of the German defenses around the base of the north bills at Soissons. il'nlted Fre3 Service UEKMN, Jan. 12. Conflrmntle: made of the French nnneuncerae: of severe fighting, but claims of s cesic? at Eomo points by the Frei arc denied. South of Cernay, tho French said to have been repulsed with hew lose3 In a series of night assaults. I PETItOGIlAD, Jan. 12. Fight! In Poland Is confined to tho vlcii of Rawaka. There the German In the offensive, persisting In thj efforts to reach Warsaw., Elsewhere, the armies are pelled to confine their efforja to ti'lery Are, owing to the weather dltlong. VIENNA, Jan. 12. It Is annou ed that an Austrian patrol operat an important position, pe trated the main line of the Run troops, reached the headguarteral the commander, captured bo end ttaff, and retreated to their own 111 successfully. This photograph shown how the by Turkish armies they vanquished. Krrat war nan spread over tho enrtu ,T'' ,':''v'' ''". " leader of pi... n ..... ,....., i n "' You"8 Turks und war minister. . (i.r .if.... .7 .... ...v ....h n V....M. who has been tho chief advocate of wnr, tod his army against the Rus- AkIiii. lender of the Persian Kurds, who nre lighting with the TurkH 8nR, A week ago reports came of a iignUmi the ItUHsInnti. Tho young doclslve lctory by the Russians, man in bis brother. One of the 'with lho 'statement (that the var bloodiest Ileitis of the wnr is that minister had quit in disgust and re in Turkey, Just west of Persia. The turned to Constantinople. The Kurds Russians marched over the Cau- who have been helping the Turks, rniiiH mountains Into Turkey and have tho reputation of being fierce took several cities They were met flghtors 1 Eighth grado examinations will be in order nil over the county Thurs day nnd Friday. P. E. Fountain, of .the school board will be In charge here ! The examinations are prepared by the state department of public in struction for all parts of the state. Physiology and geography will bo the two subjects taken this week, and those passing will be exempt from another test In these subjects In May. In home Rchoola a few punlls will tike examinations In more subjects than theso two. LITTLE 00NE BY THE GQ1CIL1EN THE SESSIOX, WITH EXCEPTION OF AWAHDIXG CONTRACT FOR MOVIXG 1JEI.L, WAS MOSTLY DISCUSSIONS lamnc WiUvrnmU Runnuc tlio TWO MORE WOULD 3 r n. . rr , BE U. S. CITIZENS bovernor ot uur Mate today Raker commercial club has a big campaign on pushing the local cigar 'Industry I in - f Very little real work was accom plished by the council last night that ,can be entered on the minute book, but the board was In session until 'after 11 o'clock. The contract moving the fire bell, awarded to J R. Doty, and the Introduction ofi ordinance contracting for 4he chase of city ball furniture from ,gil & Son were practically all tended to at this meeting. Bids were opened for painting all , on the city "hall doors, for stair , her, window shades, cuspidors. ' and other things needed In the bul lug, and for a fire alarm These matters were all discuaed I lor less, but were continued -until I .next meeting' of the council. j There was some talk about tha provement of the Shipplngton but no action was taken, there Ing no fund at present topay anything done on this project. Oath of . Office Is Administered by Chief Justice Moore, Following Which Ex-Governor West Talks, and New Executive Reads Message to Legislature OLENE MAX, AND RESIDENT OF I SWAN LAKE VALLEY FILE AP-, I.1CATIOXS FOR XATUUALIZA- I ! TION PAPERS Horses Are About the Most Abused Creatures in the Wi Hulled Pros Borvlco SAUUM, Jau. it. With simple lercnionlcs, Dr. James Wlthycombti, republican, of CorvnlllH, wah Inng" inted Kocnrur of Oregon to succeed Oswald West, democrat, this after noun, Tho hull of representatives was that'Hcono of thu Iniigurntltm. The uieinhcrH of tho loglsliituru nml Htute lourt, besides friends of thu out itolug nnd Incoming chief executives wero In uttetiditnco. Chief Justice Moore, of thu su preme court, (idmliiluturcd the outh of office. Tho lotlrlng governor de livered a Hhort address, which con tlHtod mainly of a rovlnw of tho iichluvomeiitH of Iilu administration, Economy without pttmlmouy was urged by (lovernor Wlthycombti In bis address to tho legislature, lie urged more centralization of statu work, und n system for bettor econ omy In tho counties, A part of his mossago was devoted to uugKCBtloiiB for economy In all Htato dopartmontH, taken up sopnr aloly. Tho address in pnrt follews: It Is your duty to provido now legislation und nmond existing laws for the well-being of the people trim have aent you here. In till your de liberations I would urico upon ynlt one paramount consideration, numoly, that you constantly remember you BBW' ''JmBBBBBBBBBBBi mV"' jmmmmmmwmmml GOVERNOR W1TIIYCO.MUH nro building "not solely for today, but for tho future. Let tho record of thla sesalon bo ono of forward-looking IcitlHlntlnn, Oregon Is but In bur Infancy, and moid than nil clsu alio nooda sound nuslBtunco In tlio dovulopmuut of the roHiiorcos N'aturo has given her. All that will tend to Increase tho ptoduc- tlvlty of her flolilB, her forests, her strenms, and her factories; now and la tho future, dosorvoa your etithusl- .nhtlc ntteullou, and all that Is bound aruuuii wmi petty traiucMug or sectluunl antagonism merits naught from you but disapproval, Especially 1 onturo to recommend Hint this legislature set a record for luulty, particularly In tho number 'of tiWK passed. Nothing In tho gen era vlluutlon demands great activity In thu Held of law making, and as. I'tircdly tho popular frame of mind I resages thankfulness for tho least i possible new legislation. A short, isiinu KCHslou, with n fow good laws, lis at this t lmu Infinitely preferable .to u lengthy assembly, replfito with drastic, changes and burdened with many enactments carelessly dovlbod. In tho consideration of governmen tal development In Oregon during i tho past fow years, ono fact is clearly hippaient, namely, a tendency toward do-rent rnllzntlon. Whatever tho Im mediate causes behind It Hits ten dency cientes a division of minority and In n great measure tho apportion ment of duties among sovornl offielalj In plnco of one. Accompanying this division ot nuthorlty has come a di vision of respoublblllty, which works, It Bcoms to mo. quite contrnry to the development of tho highest ellleloncy. Km thet more, any tendency Involving tho employment of sovernl bends In I stead of ono Is usually accompanied jby oxtrnvaganco and wnRte, Petitions for naturalization have been UPS In the circuit court by j J antes M. Stephen, and Steve Jabo, Jjr. Theso will be considered the opening day of the June term of court. j Jnbo seeks to foreswenr alleglenco ' to Emperor Prnnz-Jossf, ho being ' born in that section ot tho duel mon archy now threatened by tho Rus sian advance. Ho resides In tho Swan Luke valley. In Galician Campaign, Where Supplies Must Be Team r the Steeds Are Coaxed Driven and Beaten UJitil They Drop From Harness n- liy WILLIAM (.'. SHEPHERD (United Press Staff Correspondent) DRUG STORES TO CLOSEJT 1:30 NEW CLOSING HOUR WILL CO INTO EFFECT MONDAY HOURS 1)R CLOSING SUNDAY WILL NOT RK CITAXGED meant Tol more horrors G (Continued on page 4) . Beginning Monday evening, the dtug stores of tho city will close at 1 7: 30 ovcry night except Saturdays. An agreement to this effoct has been 1 1 cached by tho druggists, who hero- toforo have "kept their stores open j as Into nights us they felt Justlllod In doing. I No clinngo will be mado in the Sun ,duy hours, As usual, the phnrnfaclus will bo open from 8 o'clock to noon, inud from 0 to 7: SO p. m, ntlDAPESTH. Dee. 1. IBv mall shot Immeilintnlv. Hnwnvpr. hrrs I Evidently he had an ounce of I " ' 1 - to New York) It's not a gasoline flesh began to grow scarce, after Hie more vitality thau they, for he power of war in Austria, but a horse t!rst six weeks of lighting, and the stretihed.. oit, with his legs cu power war, and tho tragedy of the armies on the Russian frontier were umder him, while they were I I horse U seen nt every turn. Tho helpless without the hundreds of on their sides with their beadi great roads in Oa- thousands of tons of supplies which, the ground. His head was llcla, leading into must bo cairied to them over tho and I fancied that he was watcl tho Carpathians, mountain roads In the odd willow with n horde's Interest, tne m wore literally jam-'bodies of basket wngons of the .ending train of wagons that was med, for miles, andjGaliciun farmers. So a new order sins him with wagon loads, I was issued that no horse was to bel I was borry for him, too. in October and also 'shot unless one ot his limbs were in early November broken. and tho big steam Tll0 result ol lMli order was Uiat from tho backs of whcn an animal fell from exhaustion mo tnousanus 01 nud. ...... ....,. to hls ....... the. faithful tolling nnl. strength that was necessary to keop,about Ws laead ninls. nscondeu UKe hlm 0 hls feeti ho wa'b Ur.,Bgcd ClOUUS 1U W1U roiUin,!,!,, i,rnfi-nlili- nn ,. flol,! wlinrn thoro was grass, and loft to work out his own fnte. Uusnlly, ho died, uneared for, but, now and then, n horse survived nnd becamo strong again, thereupon he- would be seized by some parsing soldier and put back Into tlio daily grind, I winched a horso "come back1' this way. In a field near Przemysl. Iln hml fnlloll tn thn nititiltn nf n tnn i.m ,. mi. m.i.iov. ,nU ...,DQ.i ! '" buirouodlngs. He waa nlbl tho death of many an exhausted ' 8,n1wf'jr 8tthe f gTfM hn rt 'i,i wi.h .,. and then he raised his head !of other horses in a field alongside Mm to QOk ttt tte mfty , (CpDjtlnued oi page 4 wintry air. Theso wagon trains on tho narrow liko tCa.Sfuuh- C IOada are like end less chains, ' They can't be delayed. And woe to the horse that falls. He Is coaxed to his feet again and again, Every last ounce ot strength in hls tired body la urged out of him and. be gives hla last pull with bulging eyes and then topples over. I Rut that Isn't the last that the Aus tiluns expect from htm. At the be ginning ot the war the orders were; I that any horse, which fell must be, the hill road. well only him. When I returned that way in evening ho wns still lying down there was a circlo ot nibbled The next mor be was weakly 'standing up, his legs stretched wide apart, ho had gone away from the dead and dying horses, to a I corn?r of the field. Incidentally, I noticed time again, that there Is nothing trelghtens a horse so iriuch! as uuuy or n uena norse, ana that It was sheer horror that this fellow to his feet and h him to struggle away to more el