R'V f00' W ftlHMIt Eunfng Herald t PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ninth Yar No. U.U70 KLAMATH FALL5J, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1915 Price, lira NEXT BIG FIGHT TO BE ALONG VISTULA PARIS PREPARES TO COMBAT ZEPPELINS Scene Where Formidable Sunk r .a-W Eh fulled I'h'M Service PKTHOGKAI), Jan. II. Itolli nIiI.'m iii lomeiiliiilluu ru- n iic-inl tlni.li. TluiV I llUlt' fcCl'lous llullllliu today. HlmeSundny (lie German have relnroivl. Tlieie me tmld hiIuiih iimi ilicy nri iirimrlnit fur ii tnuilnl itwNiiuli upon ilie puslilnii- nioiig id,. u. tuln. ,l ullit'r point there mv no iIiuiiuih, It I reported ilinl lI.IXM .iiIiIiiii olllii'i mill linn lnui' lii'i'H iiiHiiiri klixo ClirlMniitn. United Prww Service VIENNA, .Inn. II. Tim unr ofllto stale Unit lite Russians v. Ill not iittrmpt t intuit Ihflr IliliiUrnril Invasion of Hiimkiii)'. The Hnlnli artillery U iiuMueCftsfully IioiiiIhikIIiik Hh lielulits iioiIIi. i'At til SVikllt'i. They nlo fulled to rrew the Vliln iiiiimllim I" ( In ii or ulllcf. HcrtVjr Mo nrit linlliuu imtiiIIoiiw In Giilli'lu mill hi I lie ('iiiptitliinii". Pulled Press Service HOME. Jan. 11. l.ulo (rout Constantinople nro bombardment by tlio Allien' damaged tlm oiilur fortH nt iluncllt'M, Tliu fear U growing that nveutuallv (orco u pasmigo advices Hint tlto Hoot hull th (i Dnr- tliuy will Into tliii Hon ot Marmora. Bten It the ships succeed in doing Hi In, It In feared Hint groat difficulty will l'o found In preventing tlio tuns mvtv of foreigner by tho Moslems. An yet, Constanlliioplo hits not learned of tlto rhut of tliu Turkliili troop by tint Htimilnnit In tho Coil cniui. wyland1obe HERE TONIGHT TELEGRAM RECEIVER FROM DE PUTY SHERIFF TELIA OF DE PARTURE KllOM HOHEHUHG WITH PRISONER W. F. Wyland, wuuted on a charge ot Mhootlng at Bhormnn Hrown, will bo hero tliU evonlug. A tolcgram to that effect wan rocolved this morn lag by Sheriff low from Deputy Sheriff Turpon, who went to Coos county for tho man. Wylnnd waa Indicted hh n John Dee by the grand Jury. Tho uhoot Ing Is allogcd to linvn occurred nivir Cryatnl. Pendleton got 10,000 feet ot six foot concrete walk from tlio Northorn Pacific. ThompsonlsElected Ben SdHng Is Selected INAUGURATION OF GOVERNOR WITHYCOMnK WIMi IIE HEM) TOMORROW (Herald Bpoclnl Hcrvlre) 8AI.KM, Jnn. 11. Tho Twenty flghth I.eglHlntlvo Assotnbly mat nt ten o'clock thlH morning, mid organi zation was effected." .Senator W. I.alr ThompHon, rep U'sentlug Klamath and l.nko counties, was easily tlio eholco for prertlclent ot ho senate, In tho House," Den Belling, of Port land, was elected president. Selling polled 37 votes, while Allen Eaton, his nearest competitor, received 83. Governor Wlthycomlm will bo In augurated tomorrow, MENACE, EI AL TO 8E FOUGHT KIITV TIIOIISAXI) AI'I'IIOI'itlAT Kl 111" Mi:.V .VATIt)AI.I.V IMtOSI. I.NK.NT TO I'HillT Till: AXTI- ;atikh.;o' papi.hs United I'remt Service NUW YOIIK. Jan. i I.- -I'Iuiik for an orKnnlted campaign iiKalnnt null (Ciivh)lic ptibllcitlunx ucro couipleted lodiiy by n upcclitl (nminlttvii iinuieii bv tho KnlKhtH nf ColiimbiiH. ' AinoiiK tlio iiiiti'tKri of m oiiiii itiillteu nro 1. I. CiIIiikIimii of i.oiilri 'vlllt'. Ky., Joseph ertt of Lot An. Relcii, Albert Ilcgll of Vancouver, ami Joajph I'clleller o! Uoutoii. A fuiu' i ( r.'n.UOO hits been (pproprl:ii) for rai'ryuiK on tho ilitht. Mother Died in California Nowh hns been received hero of the 'death of Mrs. Hlllla, mother of .Mrs. John A. McCall of this city. She paused away at tho home of hor sou In San Joxo. Mrs. McCall ban been with hor mother hIiico Novem ber. Slut will bo homo In u short time. lleiti on IIiinIik'nn 1,, M, Hchotlold of Hchollcld &. Co., innkiiiK, tho artlllclnl stono for tlio courihtuno and tho city hall finish, ciuui; In Inst night from tliu houIIi to attend to IiuhIiiohh mattorii. Wallowa Iiiih n now electric feed chopping plant. Speaker Over A. Eaton :Y3SW- WffWsv- . '&v-r: A5sw x & UEN BELLING WSSli. - " iffiHIjbk. it' ,, . -KWlBHk. agggggggggggggm "?y .,. i 2!3(HgiaaaaagWMipM 9Maaflammma gBMy " Tf' ir 43jHQHft &tWBMHIVvVvHEDuR?' t t. flawVnaVaVaslBSffjrVmwBlawmmn ll 1 XB f kmHggHgW -aaK3smmmmmmmmli3!Sifca'3J BVimmmMmmm3X. aammmml aaaaaaaammml t. f aalamgamawaL. 'aaawVwaaaamkMsaaammLSvia?? 3ha5t.r ife llWeMa1WWniessya.CgJjfctt- TIiIk Is a rene In I'nrlHinoiith har bor, tl iniiHt linporiniii reiidnvoim or tho lliltisli navy In tho wnr, off which the lulli!rtlil) Fonnliliiljli; wiir Hllllk by a (lernuin ubinnrlni or nilnu Tlio fact I lnil tho Ceinianx approached ho neitr the coiitliern bnsn of tlio Hrlt- IhIi flu t U.ih Hiuc.nd iincnHluvHii In tho jl'iilti'd KIiikiIomi Were It poHslblo fi-r a jiiliiimilne to enter tliu harbor FOR ITS RELIEF .in-TKR i:i:'i:ivi:i from head or STATE IIELGIA.V REIAEF ACTIVITIES. ACKNOWLEDGING HKOEIIT OF WAVIHLL The following lotler has been le- celvod by W. S. Slough, of the local Holglnn Relief Committee from Tho odoro H. Wilcox, of Poitiand, head of Oiegon's Holglnn Hellof organiza tion. "I beg to acknowledge yours cover lug hill of lading for shipments for relief of tho Holglans, which I have retiorted as from the Commercial Club of Klnuiath Fnlls, at a value ot (300. "On behalf of the committee I beg to thank you and your people for your generous contribution." Tho Klamath county contribution, In addition to nearly 800 sacks ot Hour, also contained a big sldo of bacon and it quantity of driod prunes. BLEASE GOES UP IN GLORY BLAZE A ITER GRANTING A THOUSAND FULL PARDONS SATURDAY, GOVERNOR TODAY DIHIIAN'DS THE STATE MILITIA United 1'ioss Service COLUMBIA, .Ian. 11'. Governor Colo HleiiHo, who rethes as governor ol South Carolina today added still number spectacular fcntuio to hN 1 leady v,i'll known career, by rending u proclamation (Unhanding tlio Na tional Guard of South Cirollna. Tin n llll la'H strength in thlrty-llvo companies. IHouho gne nu reiiHon for his act. Saturday ho grunted u thousand full p,i dnns to state convicts. All had previously been paroled from tho penitentiary, but now (hoy aro re etnrcd to full cltl-ouslilp. One-quarter of tho 00,000 drcss- uiukers In London tiro Idle. THANKS KLAMATH (it iiiIbIiI . ttacU n half-ilorcn battle hIiJph. Tho Formidable sank hi a heavy storm, ilnru than COO of her crew went down with her The lots of tlio vehscl hoiBolf Ib not of Kreat Impor tancn to the llrltitili itny, for thu reason that Hhe was of tho predroad noiiRht type and was manned with old Kuns. Hut the offlccrs and men 'on board rould not bn well spared. ELECT OFFICERS: christian church congrega- TION, IN ANNUAL MEETING, HAVE LUNCHEON AND SOCIAL . SESSION AS WELL At tho sixth annual business meet ing n( the congreatlon of the Christ ian church jesterday, the following jolllrori were elected for the ensuing term: ' Trustees- J. C. Smith, A. Hainter, Capt. J. P. Lee; Elders E. L. El liott, Capt. O. C. Applegate and A. Hnlntcr; Deacons R. II. Dunbar, C. C. Colvln, George 'A. Haydon, H. S. J Fox, M. L. Miller and George A. iWlrtz; Deaconesses airs. t1. J. iei- ford, Mrs. Nelllo Deckley, Mrs. W. E. Soehorn; Financial secretary Mrs. Harry Goollor; Clerk Mrs. P. H. KanntK.tr; Treasurer Mrs. W. E. Soehorn. Tho following committee will havo chnrgo of tho choir for tho year, Mrs. J. J. Kollor, Mrs. Nelllo neckley and Prof. George A. WIrtz. Next Sunday tho Hlblo school will elect olllcors for tho year. A largo crowd attended tho moot ing at the church yoctruay. Follow ing tho morning service, nil enjoyed n bountiful lunchoon, provided by the women ot tlio congregation.- Tho following toasts wore respond ed te: "Tho Plonoer,,' Capt. Apple gaeo; "Junior Endeavor," Mrs. S. D. Harlan; "Tho Church and tho New Ycnr," Capt. J. P. Leo; "Alms for 1915," H. S. Fox; "Hoy L(fe," Prof, n. H. Dunbar. Tho roporta of the omcors showed tho affairs of tho church to bo In tho vory best of condition, with n bright outlook for futuro work. Literary Club Tomorrow Tho llrst meeting ot tho Klnmnth Literary Club following tho vacation will bo held tomorrow ovonlng at tho homo ot Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Chllcoto, 035 Washington street. Tlio sub ject will be "Modorn History of Rus sia," with Mr. Chllcoto ns leader. In Diinsnitiir Archie L. Alexander Is expected home this evening from u visit In Dtinsmulr. Another light Is to bo made to de velop the Oregon stone industry and (stop Importing substitutes. CHURCH MM (It hns been the 1 ollcy of the ad miralty to keep the dreadnoughts of the navy within hwbnrs, away form chance of sinking by the German submarines. Tho ships of lesser im portance, like the Koimldable and the cruisers, have been sent on duty ill the Onpll Ron. TIk. Inrror hnttlo ships have been held for the time, i when tho German nay may break from Its base. ERS WANTED FOR GREAT CHOIR EVANGELISTIC CO-OPERATIVE CAMPAIGN TO SING iiiiu i nu auimur wujuiuissiuu me uu PRESRYTERIAN CHURCH DUR.'at the font prepared to care for (he ING PRESENT WEEK The cooperative meeting:, being conducted by the Protestant churches will bo held this week at tho Pres byterian church, the sermon tonight being "Put pose of the Church," de livered by Rev. E. C. Richards, pas- 'tor of Grace M. E. church. I The other services this week will bo as follews: Tuesday "Personal Responsibil ity." Elder S. D. Harlan, pastor I Christian church. Wcduosdny "Acknowledging the l Responsibility," Rev. A. F. Simmons, I pastor Baptist church. I Thursday "The Christian in Klamath Fnlls," Rev. J. S. Stubble- field, pastor Presbyterian church. Friday Laymen's service. A call has been issued for addi tional Blugcrs for tho choir, which Is directed by J. B. Mason. Addi tions to tho orchestra will also re ceive a royal welcome. '! jJailbreak AT MILLo HALL! . FRIENDS OF A. L. PU.MFORD, WHO ARE ANXIOUS TO HELP HIM ON HIS FEET AGAIN, PLAN DIG TIME FOR JANUARY 22 With a fettling of commiseration for A. L. Pumford, the youth who was released from Jail recently after six months' incarceration, without funds, clothes or a Job, some of his friends have arranged to hold a benefit dnuce lor him at Mills halls, in Mills addi tion. This will bo given on the night ot Friday, January 22. Music will bo rendered iy TludalPs orchestra, and It Is possible that a huts sorylco will bo maintained from tow u. Tickets will be on salle la a few days. I nllt-il Press Service PARIS, Tun. U. A Zfiiellii raid uion IMrU It feared. Wnr BUmUter .MllU'innd mid Military Governor Gnlllrnl conferred today and agreed that flu- HrIiIh should be dimmed nt night. An address, Informing the people tthut they should do In caae of u, ,'ieil.il altiuk, is lo hcvprcpnred. Thtic is liolcnt fighting to Iho renr of tho lino between tile Rlvan I,jm iimi Alsne. It Is uiiiiouncrd lliitt in o scries of hot combats, the i'lenrli took a lino of German ti niches. tiutwten the sea and tho Lya, there l :ir etchanges by the artillery, but Utile nctlvlty by Infantrymen. Near Soissona tlio Qermns urol snu'Jiiclng men in an effort to regain the gound lost. The fighting Is indenting in volume, but the Ger metis claims of gains aro denied here. . Hctwcen tho Alano and tho Cbam-l-agiic, artillery duels are to the ad vantage of tho French. Korth ot Perthes, tho French as-j 'vaulted and captured a lino of Ger 'nian"tronches. , Heavy snows have fallen In the I Vosfce region and in Upper Alsace, Despite this fighting continues. Aeroplanes have again attacked Dunkirk. Five civilians were killed and several buildings damaged. The German aviation corps also at tempted a reconnolsancc of the French positions near Amiens. Their craft was pursued by a French ma chine, and tho German airship was Knocked, tho pilot being killed and! tthe observing officer seriously wound ed and captured. United Press Service I OASLE, Jan. 11. All Swl:i troops .mobilized are on guard along the jftontler nd preserve neutrality, as the result of the heavy fighting at (Alsace. Plans havo been perfected ,to summon additfonnl troops if needed. , The Red Cross, the Catholic Sisters ,' wounded regardless of nationality, j Both the Germans and French aro pouring additional troops Into Al- 'sace and a desperate struggle Is Im-i !,,cn(jng 1 LAWYER SUING TO GET A FEE C, C. BROWER BRINGS ACTION, AGAINST REN SOUTHWELL TO I COLLECT $1B0, ALLEGED DUE I FOR SERVICES Ht has been but a few days since the lists were distributed, over three Trial ot the suit brought against i fourths of tho Items advertised have Ben Southwell by C. C. Browor to 'been' disposed of. recover $150 alleged due Tor attor- Glalsyer has received letters to ney's tees was started today In the) this effect from the farmer who circuit court. Chas. J. Freguson ap- listed articles for sale and exchange. Local Men Held on Theft Walter Wilson, Dick Williams and James Beck, all of Klamath Falls, woro n muoh-sought pair hero yes terday, an ofilcer from California be ing hero after them. They nro charged with theft and with break lug jail. The three left hoto on horses last wook, btntlng that thoy were going to Keno to round up some cattle. They wero arrested at Dorris Friday, charged w,lth the theft ot a saddle and a pair of chaps, and wero placed In the Jail there. Saturday night, by clever uso ot knives, the trio succeeded In opening a way for them to leave the Butte pears, tor Drower and Fred H. MMIa for the defense. The jury selected ts s-rtrttrwicctfl nt , Oeorge J. Walton, Frank Grabael, C. E. Spldell, S. M. Hammond, W. H. Shook, J. W.Ty rell. A. M. Jamieson, li. E. Kanu. W. T. Garrett, J. M. Evans mad Awr Davi. WHEAT DROPS A N1CKELJNCHICA60 DIG SUPPLY OF JLONO WHBAT COMES TO IiTGHT IX TIME TO PREVENT THE RAISING OF THE PRICE OF BREAD CHICAGO, Jan. ll. After soar! upwards at a terrific clip, wheat took a sensational drop today from opea ing time. Opening at 1.3, it fell off to J i.33 1-2. A big supply ot long wheat pnttlwr In an appcaranco ts believed respon sible. Eeforo the market opened today bakers bore and In New York agraed that bread would shortly raise to eight cents a loaf, unless the stam pede was beaded off. FARMERS LIKE EXCHANGE PLAN lOVER THREE-FOURTHS OF THE ITEMS ADVERTISED FOR SALE I AND EXCHANGE HAVE BEMN I DISPOSED OF The success ot County Agrlcultmrtet t already been established. Although at Dorris Charge Get Out Saturday valloy calaboose. After writing a sarcastic aud insulting note to fhe officers, tho three left. v Coubtable Green, of Dorris trailed tho three to Klamath Falls. Tiey walked here from Dorris, and ih .c officer says ho trailed them at tar; a tho Savldge Dros, lumber yard, , Search was made yesterday by the local ofucors in conjunction With Green, but the three could net 'he . ' located, areen returned to Derrto this morning, stating that the ease j Is to trivial that 'the mea will not. 'i be returned to California, fer titoL,, , Tho goods alleged to have NM , y have been recovered and reHuraed to 7 the owner, fv V:1: v - t j? CSV A in'