PRINT8 THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Ninth Year -No. M.fWlH. AEROPLANES ACTIVE SWAMPS FREEZING CAUSES RENEWAL ALONG THE VISUTL A I nltcd lrpn Borvko PETHOUHAH, Jan. 0. Following u lull, due to inlny ueatlici', HkIh Iiik between the German nmt llumlnn force along l lie VMula lias been mmmed. (IriM'ml von HlndenlierK, coinnwuder of llio tet-maii itottpt, N mak ing n writ of nffetinlve movement In mi effort to take ilh outer pol I Iuim from I lu ltuinii. In ihrvo he l being repnUi l. Ho l Miri lilt lug thousands of im u, Inn Utftm iMtiitucrliiK aw ay. II)' n brilliant night nllnck the Oei minis lust night took a iiiiiuhci- nf hIIiiu, Thin morning the HumIiui repiiUed them ami dinte them out. Most ut the lighting I hi'tueen .Hiikliu unit .Moghrlt-y. Following the mill it turn Ini-oiim exlreiiicly cold. Till lint, fiocn iter the wiunm, mill enables hoth iiimles Hi uiv nil nf their (nice, Tho German lutvu reinforced Im'n illy fioni Fiance nuil llelgliiin. The Itiisslnii have also MrengthPMil, I titled Press Service PAIUH, Jan. 0. The Pctrogrml cnne.oiiiUni of l.e Mm In mi) Unit the Hnatbuu control all of Hnkovlna. Their advance guard IiAn liiwidcil TratMVlvaMM." It I declared thai the Austrian luive eviiiiiuliil their lust 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 In llukovlna ami are -onr?nl rating fur the defcnmi of Hungary. IVNMjrlranbi ltoa Ita Last Hanging UNIONTOWN, Pa.. Jan. .-Tho limt legal hanging In the atttte of Peuntylvanla took place yesterday at tho Fayette county courthouse, when Isalh Croson, a negro, was ex ecuted for tho murder of Henry Brook, on January 3, 1913, Electrocution linn supplanted the callow. i Soldier -Pioneer Is 0. A. Stearns' Seventy-third Birthday Is Big Event Ol.ll HOMHHItH AX!) WIVF.Sj (MTIIKIt AT HTKIINH IIOMK ON J WKST MIIK TO IIONOIt COM-1 l HAIIK, WHO HAH LONG HKICN A ItKMIIIKXT Ol" KI.AUlTHi (Ol'XTV WAH I'lHST JPHTH.'i: of tiii: i4:aui: in this t'OUNTV I Oihou A. RteriiH, ono of Klamath cininty'B hunt known ploncern today reached tho novcnty-thlrd mlloHtone In IiIh Jniiruoy through life. In honor of thu occiiHlon, Mm. Btorun hnpplly HiirprlKed him, hy Inviting it number of old noldlorK and their wives over HiIh afternoon. A big ehlcknn dinner Ih it fiiatuic of the occnHlon, und tho uihIh In liudo Mr: und Mm, 0, M, Hunt, Uiip tain und Mrs, O. U. Applcgnto, Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Hodilold, Mr, and Mth. W. H.Uohortson, Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. K, Belli, Mr nnd Mm, Henry New ham, Mrs. M. 8, Ssrgont, B, II. nams liy, Mm, Charles DoWItt and Andrew Klriotmer. Mr. Btorns has boon a resident of Southern Oregon since tho early BO's qtulng weit with hit parents in that year, In 1864 Mr, Stearns onllstod In the First Oregon Infantry, being l ho Drat man to enroll for Company 1. The regiment was raised to light for the Union, but owing to troubles with the iBdiaai, the war depart- h I Jlarlncw lenve for 1. 1 position HAN DIEOO. Cnl.. Jnn. 9. A regiment of United Htate marines, rojnmandcd by Mayor John T. Mey er, will leave tomorrow for Hnn Francisco, where the men will go Into cnmi on the ground of tho Panama-Pacific Internatlonnl Expo sition, to reran I n throiiKliout (he ex- position period. HON. O. niont kept thu teglmunt In the state divided Into dotnohmonts Htatlnned at various garrlRotiH, Company 1 was stationed nl Fort Klamath the most of the time, though It saw Borvlco In othor parts of tho state. It was while- statlonod ut tho Port that RteriiR and somo com panloiiR discovered Crater Lake, Tho marvelous body of water was nnmed "Majostlo r.ako" by flterns, nnd was knowu by that namo for several year. bbbbHbBbbbWIBbbBbbbbI bbbbbbbHK-bbbbbH Ki&bbbbbbH lEuenmn KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, UNITED PRESS IS GIVEN AN HONOR BY GERMAN ARMY ;;iTin:m nriiil htjiir Todn) Isues n tinier Assigning Herlln Cor respondent nf I'ulled Slates to the (iei'liniii .Viniy fur the Duration of the Win- (.'ii'ili'iillrtN relink lll'ii In V loll any llattlellelil ,linlel,l'iuiis Service BERLIN, Jan, 3. (Via The .Hague)- The Kunural Htaff of tho ! Gorman ariny today issued nn order iiwtlgiiliiK Knrl von Wlcgand, Uer- llu rttivHioitihiit to the United Proii( to thr CiMiiiim ni in) ihii'itiK the dura tion of tho war. , lie hsn been iMtiled a nperlat pass ttiid i K'llcnil iln from the licmlijnart-, er of Knlner Wllhelm. Ilia creden tial, signed hy the Kaiser, penult him to visit either eameru or western luittli flolitH at wltl. i Mendel it of the Herald will recall I von WleKiiiid'H leiiiarUnhlo Interview 'with Crown I'rlnco Frederleh Wll helm recently, ami his Interview with (Iraud Admlrul von Tlrpltz hcml of the Cermaii uuvy. HU nsflKii uinnt hy the Cerniiiu tirmy today will permit ti I in to tefiirp news donled othcr.airrepondenti,-nnd IiIh ntorlCK will nppoar In tho Herald. In addition to von WleKiuul -with 'tho (ift'tiinu iitjny. William I'hlllp .Slmmn, alto of tho United I'reim. lnif lieen helected tin the only American I'orreupoudeut to vIhH the buttlclleldn in tho wet with the French army. Honored A. STEAHNS llelng mustered out In 1S7, Mr. SleriiH filed on a homestead seven miles west of Klamath FoIIh. This was tho second IHIng inado In the county, tho nrt being on tho pres ont townsllo of Klumath Kails, and mndo two wtekH prior to Sterns' fil ing. Whon tho Modoc war broke out, Stearns saw uctlvo service. Stearns was first justice of tho peace In Klam ath county, and was elected to the legislature as representative In 1880. 4 Villa Massing Troops to Make Assault on Tampico .BBBBBBBMaar xma -fir-. -: i&m sss m&m&m 'rT-- uflrev.ji r. 'v !'i&SSSSiSSsS& j I nlted Press Service plco, and an assault of more than i WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. State dc-' ordinary violence upon that city is jpartment advices today Indicate ti,rt' expected early next week. , , , , , , . , . The state department is advised General Villa Is now determined to t,mt the cmnm gardaon at Tam. joHiuluiitf Cnrrniun nnd his forcoB.,,Ico has also ueell strengthened, and I from Mexican affairs. Today ho Is J tho battle soon to develop may ue a (massing an Immense army near Tam-jdeclslve struggle. HAND PUTS iHE COURT "ON HIGH" Si:itVi:S NOTHTS OX ATTOUXF.VS THAT AS FAST AS OXK CASE IS MOTION TO QUASH IXDICT ' DISPOSED OK, NEXT IX OHDEH ' MKXT HY ATTOHXEY IS OYER HE UP ' HUIiED TODAY In nn effort to clean up thu law and 'criminal dockot so ns to inako way i for the voluminous oqiilty docket, Circuit Judge Noland has served notice upon the attorneys that Ilia coses nro to be ready for trial Just as soon as tho case preceding Is finished, regardless of date, After the Mender case, now on, the Uniwor vs. .Southwell trial comes up, probably on Monday. Other cases In their order are: Clark vs. Ward & Ohonchalli, Swedenburg vs. Roberts, Smith vs. Adams ot nl, Portland Association of Credit Men vs. Everett, Klamath Iron Works vs. Kyle, Horton vs. Nicholas nnd Wishnrd vs. Bradley. Lady Jolllco, wife of tho head of the Dritlsh navy, has established a temporary hall tor women In the Haminonamlth Road section of London. l&txnlh JANUARY 9, 1915 IN THE FIGHTING fi',v I JONAS ENTERS A PLEA TO CHARGE YOUTH SAYS "NOT GUlliTY" 1 Circuit Judge Noland this morning overruled the motion of W. H. A. Rentier, attorney for William Jonas for the quashing of tho indictment ngalust Jonas, on the ground that tno drawing of F. U. AIntt ns n mombor was not legal, being drawn from a speclnl, and not the regular Juno term venire. This afternoon Jonas enteiod a plea of not guilty. He Is charged with n statutory crime. Last Call. Police Judgo Leavltt calls atten-' tlon ot proporty ownora under the Third Street Improvement, that the lust day In sign up under tho ten year Installment plan la Wednesday, January 13, New York has a woman watchman Mrs, Ethel Ryan, who guards the dis trict populated by produce men. . r UtJFfc.ltf" JBOnKiB7. ' YJSgSQB ji. Ff. .-$?.?: &Kf&l!SKKKM BOTH ARMIES USING BIRDMEN; GERMAN LINES ARE STORMED I ulted I'ress Service UEHLIX, Jan. 0. Six Gerniau aeroplanes today bombarded the BUL laiy depots ut Stnisellu and Hasbrouck, setting flro to aome bw lid toga. A detarliiiieut or Itrklsli aeroplanes, armed with rapid flro KUl, pur sued theiu, and the result of their flight is Jet unknown. .leiophiues are belnK wetl by both amrlcn near Verdun and In Alaae. Tori-ential rnins have swept Flandci-s and northern France. The Ijr liiis oerfloited, InundatlnK the urrouii(liiij country. Culled I'resa Service I'.MtIS, .Inn. I). It is announced that tlic Germans Iiatc DOBsbarfled .SoIhxoiih and the l'alare of Justice uus destioyed. This Is aald to be s reieiiKc for the failure of the Gcr-maiis to rctnko positions captared by the Kiciich. Tho (tains made In Solssons hy the .Hill's Is said to Indicate that thejr found a weak $Ht in the eGrnian line. It Is expected that u violent offensive ulll now lie started, to force a widKe tlirouuli the Geiinau Hues. Parly Leaders Pave Way for Second Term- I'tilted Press Servlca . WASUIXGTO.V, Jan. 0. Following President Wilson's remarks at la. illnnanolls last night, both Democrats and l!epubllcans unanimously re- Kurded the speech as nn iinncunccinent of his candidacy for reetectto. I The Democrats said the "single trim" plank will bo pushed from the i platform. From his train, President WUso , n telegraphed here that he ns pleas-ed with tho reception glvw his remar Us, but it-develops from his uordlngthat he did not intend to make the re marks. Such Is tho interpretation some take from his message. He made no correction, however, so the Impression is that lie Is com ing forth in 1910. :-Governor Hodges to Talk "Dry." TOPEKA,' Kans., Jan. 9. Former j Governor Hodges Intends within a ,fcv days to take tho platform In the Interests of national prohibition. He says ho has accepted in n tentative way all the requests for his service and will probably speak first at 'Raleigh, V. Va., about January 13th, i- ....... . r... going to is'ortu caronna in iveoru- ary. He Is billed to speak in Denver I January 20th and will answer other I calls from New .Mexico, Mississippi, , Missouri and Nebraska. Court Pays Attorney Rentier Is Given $100 "I believe. Mr. Renner, that you raved Klumuth county at least Ave or six thousand dollars by advising your client to enter u plea of guilty of bccnnd degree murder. 1 bellovo that your efforts eutltle you to a feo of u hundred dollars, und a war rant for this amount will be Isucd to you." Thus spoke Circuit Judge Noland this morning, when the matter of compensation for V. H. A. Renuer came up in conn. Tho matter was brought up, hut no amount was spe cified for his services by Mr. Renner. HO left that up to the court. Both Renner and District Attorney KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Pries, lira j Tuft and Knox Are Golf Gaeats 'United Press Service j ATLANTIC CITY. N. X. Jan. . The long and short of It in golt U expccieu to ue present toaay at we opening of the Senvlew Golf Club, when ex-President William H. Tart and the former secretary of state. Philander C. Knox, will be amoag tho guests. Tho National Union of Woman's Suffrage Associations of Canada is conducting a campaign for pensions for mothers as a result of the war. for Defending Williams Irwin aro being warmly congratu lated today upon their work in clos ing so easily what might have been a very expensive and very long trial. As yet, the sheriff's office has not doclded when it will take Williams to Salem to begin life servitude at tho penitentiary. Pressure of work Is causing the delay at present. Since ho was sentenced yesteday, Williams has had nothing whatever to say regarding the case or the-ver-dlct. It Is understood that anpHoatto Is to be made for sending fa la little children to the Boys and Qlrto AM Society In Portland, as the wife left with no means of support, ' IMi "A