IdTht PRINTS THE NBWS WHILE IT IS NEWS rj-aujimn Ninth Yar No. U.IWM WILLIAMS PLEADS CANAL ORDINANCE MUSI BE PASSED AGAIN BY BOARD m.woh'h diapphoval .MATTKH TIIW If ilm Mouniipv lo llnvc llio Council, Muiixmrred to Take Ovrr Ankcnv' Canal Orta on llallut, It Mny llnvn In Ih by Initiative IVlltlon In Order In (lo Abend .Vow, I till tVtiillit I 111 ft a lit 11m Allfkflla! 1tttll "I Tlu (Unapproving of the Ankciiyi cminl measure by Mayor Nicholas j hinIi.j I i nniMiirv l tint1 Ihn n- IIIHAI It t V .! " ! W IIIW l - iIliiMiru adopted again over this ill. approval l( tliu people urti (o volo ci n tliu uuettlou of itiuimitliiK the charter lo allow tlu council lo take-1 owi tliu uatorwny. Whether IliU will In? done or not u problematical. Home of Ilm euuiirlltiieu tiro of llio opinion that I' llio people nro really Interested limy hIiouIiI tnko tlio matter up by Initiative petition. Attorney Itutrnlc in ink- tliu follow.' Hut statement to i tin Herald "Tin- opinion of Mayor NIcIioIah mi tliu advisability of entering Into a contract with Hut Government ri.:(nl,.,eiit of the Klamnth school unrilliu: disposition of the Aukciiyi ditch of the Id ml proponed, In un tiucutlonably untitled to great con-j nldcratloii, My pnnlllon, llku IiIm, In merely to nervo the clty'H Intcrimu1 acconlliiK to my bent hollofn. In sub oiilliintlon, of course, to (ho higher' authority of tho Mayor and Council. Ah hv iitalod In hln communication to tho Council, ho in In favor of Nedy illHponltlon of the it Itch, but pernounlly opposed lo tho method i propoietl "The lllUculltlf.i of tho Commit 1 lee of the Council, which cotmutled with inu ilurlnic tho proi:rt8H of ncKothitloiiH with tho nuthorltlon, Iny In the uuwIIIIiibiichu of n fow lidlderH of water rlghtH to rolln kuIhIi thorn nt a figure doomed ut tnlnublu by tho Cammltteo, tho In NlHtenco of tho nuthorltles that tho nbllgntloiiH of tho Government con tained In Ita contract with tho water imern nhall be coiiBclcntloiiHly mot, (Continued on past 4) District Is Horsefly Project Will Hold an Election Tuesday II anyone has an Idea that tho llni-Hdiy Irrigation district, which pinpwoN to furnish water for thous ands of acres of land uonr llouantn, Is an abandoned project, thoy mum get another Idea. Far from being a dead ono tho Horsefly project Jh vuiy much alive, with u good futuro In prospect. Notices havo boon Issued calling for the blonnlal election. This Is to bo held Tuesday, and at that tlino it treasurer, aud five district dlrec tora are to bo chosen. Just as soon as the county re. oovers fully from tho depression brought about by tbo European war, tho owners of tbo waterless Irrigable land are confident that they will be Is Sentenced ViSifWSjJhM j. j. j j. "ia ii aAiiVirVVAAuXAArLrulJXn . LOCAL WOMAN IS HELPED BY U. S, CO.VGItCSSMA.V MI.V.NOT INTIIO' iirccs mi, i, roit i.vchi:a.hi: or i'Knnion Mm .mhs. i:vi:ly.v,i (Ili-mlil HmiIi, Son lo) WASHINGTON, Jim. N. Hopro-' ni'iitn(lvi) N. J. Kliinutt Introduced :i poitHlon lilll In tlio IIouko for tin- re lief of Mrs. i:olyu Wr.kollold, of. iKIiuntitli KiiIIh, prevlilliu: for it ti In- eteami of pension on account of tier Inviillil iI'uikIiIim-. Kluuoit u I mi Introduced n lilll mak. Iiik provlHlnn for compensation of WntMoii IM no ii, formerly Hiiperlntcn- ilittil iti t tt llnttitifti A iiiMint' (it ill ii IMl MV I'll till' f vmi Mitt t II f'ttvj 111 no mini of 1137.f,U. for work done by lilin In Inveii'liu: property whllu wind- Iiik mi llio affair pionnrutory to ttirnfiiK tho same over to his mic connor, Wllllnu II. Freer, now super- MALIN MAN ASKS FORHIVORCE COMI'LAIXT m,i:i in cut- CUIT COUItT TIIIH AI-TKHMKIN, HtlDOI.I'll KI.IMA Alil.KOK.H UK was ii:si:iiti:i) Alleging Uoaertlon and abandon, ment, Itudolph Kllum today hrnught divorce proceedlugH iignhiHt Mary Kllma. O'N'elll & Mnunlng are hln nttorrcyH. Tho complainant liven at Mnlln. lie nllogeii that IiIh wlfo left him In 1!H!. Still Alive i able to raise tho funds noccssnry for tho completion of the project by tho Hitlo of tholr bonds. Ah business Is regaining Its normal volume again, and llnnnclnl mnttors nro ho coming more uottlcd, thoro Js pros poet for Home action within u year. Whllo It Is not gonorally known, thoro has boon sovoral copcorns figuring on tho purchase of tho bonds. In fact, It la stnted by per sons who ought to know, that at tho time tho wur broko out, n deal was nearly closed for tho sale of tho. bonds. Tho shutting of tho stock exchanges and tho acnrclty uf, monoy at tho time caused an abrupt cessation In tho negotiations, but thoro Is reason to look for thoso negotiations being resumed later, iEratttttg KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1915 I SERIOUS FIGHTS IN ALL SECTIONS OF BATTLE LINES 'CII.'HMAXS WltKCK Till: IH'SSIAX COUPS Ten .li lili- .tie l)csfio)i-d li) Ten. Iium ltclcit nf IliipiNiini'il dip. illniil l Hcninutlcd hy Xallntii Fighting I- Hot Along ihe Muosc I'liinl ltn-.,sliin Army Moving To. HllllU Prussia United Plea Sen ho DKItl.lN. Jan. S. (Wlielos Ma SnyvlUo. N. J.J --It was announced loilii ten UuhhIuu air craft weiu tJesunyeif today, and their .:ch apluied or killed. The Huh '" aerial enrpi linn been iiiiiintinll ncilvi during the fow tlity lie iiiovltiK eimy vIciIiiim for but the net tut gunueiH. The vltuatlou In I'oliuiil lemalns pructlrally unchanged. Tly :npiluK f'tl mining the (ioniums Imve made NOIIlf i:aiiiH. Tho olllolal ututeineut Is in direct contrudlctkui to tho French reports, and tleclarex that lighting In Kland era hi Impossible, owing to the rains :uu'. mutl making trauspurtatlon Im piiHHlble. Kreuch attacks in the vicinity of ItholuiH were lopulxod, and further ipragreHH of the (Ioniums Ih clulmetl, 'In tho Argnuno region. Itoports' ' fioiu Alsace uud In tho Voagea dO-;holdn about clnro that the French attacks have boon checked. Unlted Proas Service LONDON, Jan. S.- -Tho roquest, Hindu In a Htntoiucnt Issued by Lord uoseuerry. niiu.oiuian lorn iieuien-,. ant, that llio population remain l.ojoctotl In former calls for troops their homes and leave tho "Rbtlng b, accepted, and only1 to the soldiers In tho ovont of ,ul hoM who e actuay umlUU t i attack by the Hermans, Indicates) that tho fear of a German raid has not abated. I Tint Ilium. I'orrosnandniit of tho Dally News says that In n lengthy In-' torvlew with General von Heulow, Cardinal Gnsparrl demanded tho Im- Imodlnto release of Cardinal Mor 'cler, and his restoration to nil rights regardless of his political position In llelglum, rutted Pioas Servlco PARIS, Jan. 8. Serious lighting Is now In progress as tho result of tho attempt of tho French troops to retake tho fortifications at St, Ml hlel, ntul thus remove tho wodgo In tliu right wing In the Mouso dis trict, A socles of night uttacka re sulted In tho taking of tho outer trenches, and tho heavy guns will bo brought to boar on I ho fortifications. Florco lighting still continues In A Ian co. Culled Piosa Service P10TROGUAI), Jan. S. Tho northern Russian nrmy Is moving to ward Prussia, and It Is said has pono tratodlitho German outer lines and slowly gaining, despite the bad weathpr. It 'U .also claimed that Russia now to Imprisonment for life First Photograph of Japan, Since the War Began ; -mmm pst&m, m mmmscimsm-mm'mm tfrilr c . ' u This is the Hi st photograph of the young Ml Undo of Japan sinco his government declared war on Germany. Ho has been as active In en couraging his troops and marines as was his father In the war with Itus- 1 sin. JO.000 Turkish pris- oner. Cnlled Press Service VIENNA, Jan. S. (Via Home) Austria Is making a supremo at tempt to rnitso a now army for the f ,,.,, nni, Vienna and f!lptln srvla. Mnnv who wur0 shoot nro being turned down. Mexican Consulate Destroyed by Fire United Press Servlco GAI.VKSTON, Ja-i, S. Confirma tion of tho latent. Moxlcan complica tions received hero today in n cabler pram from Vera Cruz' states that tho Moxlcan consulato was destroyed by lire. It Is olllclally stated that Car nuin has annulled nil concesrloni of lands, forest, and water rights, granted slnco Decombor 187C, prom ising to return this wealth to Mexi can townships. This means that foreign and American Interests will bo greatly affected. Occasionally the charity thut does not begin nt homo has to wind up there. - Why not n Society for the Preven tion of Useless Gating? Subscribe for the Herald, SO cants a month IteraUl of the Mikado BATTLE RAGING NEAR SALTILLO VI MU ItKI'OUTKl) TO ,vo roitCP KOH l'VC IOUCI. LOH I AC ni: hais. ACIFICATIOX OF MF.VICO TUIIYTIES ARE ANDI.liKl) HY OAUHAX.A United Press Servlco I.aKUUO, Jan. 8. A llerco battle is lu progress between Carranzlsts and VilllstB, tho former Is oudeavor lug to tako Snltlllo. Villa Is re ported to havo called 1500 former federal otllcers, to reorgaulzo Hu orta's army and join Villa In tho pacification of Mexico. Shlrtsleovo diplomacy may look thin for n cold winter, but It ans wers tho purpose very well. Tho war news makes it clear that lu these times tho Man ou Horse back rides In n motor car. Thoro Is always an over-production of things until the consumer goes to buy thorn. Europe's war of - tho cultures Is resolving Itself Into n physical en durance contest. Still, tho soldiers lu the trenches do not notice how their winter flan nels scratch. GUILTY Prisoner Tells of Rancher s Death Fiank Wllliuin-i will not be lileil fop the murder of Allen C. McLeod near .Midland, August ":!. Today he enteied a (ilea of gullly to second ileal ee murder. He tins sentenced by CJicnlt Judge George Xoland lo spend the rest of bis natural life in the Oregon penitentiary. A lai'Ku crotwl of s-poctatoi-s packed the courthouse long before the pii-ouep uns brought in. His attorney, V. H. A. Ilenuer, stated that I i ilient uns leady to plead guilty lo a second degree murder charge, rut to out charging premeditation. District Attorney Joliri Iruln uiiiiounced l bat as the death penalty abolished, Ihcru uns no diiTercnce in the tlrst and secoud degree sentences', ami lie hold I hat nothing could he gained by trying a first de liite eliiuge, i-utniling mure expeitse fur Klauitilh county, so in behalt i.f tlie stale, he said u seioud degree rerdirl would be acceptable; proTld lug siateiiienu he niiide for recoid in ease ihe matter comes before a par. don hoard at u later date. The piisouer uns then asked to plead. He plentl guilty lo seeoBO degree uiunler. I'ollowiui; Ihik, l)i-tiict Attorney Irwin made u stnteiuent of the ensit as viewed from the angle of the stale. He introduced a number of photographs of the .scene of the crime, In addition to his talk. .Air. Homier, who followed Irwin, paltl the prosecutor u high com pliment for ills readiiusn in accepting tho second degree plea. Instead of trjing to wiest glor) or gold from trjing the case at Ihe county's expense. "This shou.s," he wild "that John Iiuin has risen far above the com mini cMKHtatious of the everyday man, from u moral standpoint. The whole county ought to appreciate this real principle he lias shown." In his talk in behalf of the prisoner, Itcnner held that the two were close friends, tiuit Williams worked for McLeod and that the latter owed him money which he could not collect. He read a statement writ ten h) WHIIams, in which ho said that after they had had hot words about tho debt, Mclicod hit Williams on the head with n beer bottle, and Ihe two began lighting. Williams says he was besting Mel. cod in a list light, when the latter em him several times with a knife. Williams then, according to Ma si.tteiueiit, wrested tho knifo froniMcLeod, nud they fought again. i At this time, according to William';, McLeod grasped a shot gun, and Williams an a.e and IT-J-callbro rllle, uud the latter ran for the bam, Continued on What Soldiers Eat U. S. Newspaperman Looks Into Allies' Larder lly WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS (United Pres,s Staff Correspondent) WITH THE FRENCH ARMY AT THE FRONT, Nov. 30. (Hy mall to New York) Probadly no army In tho world, actually lu tho Held, was ever bolter fed thau U that of tho Allies. . Every French soldlor lu tho field Is entitled to 23 1-3 ounces of bread a day; 3 1-3 ounces of rlco, beans or poas; 10 ounces of meat; 1 1-3 oun ces of sugar; ono ounce of lard; 2-3 ounce of salt and a little more than 2-3 ounco of coffee.. These articles constitute the dally ration under ordinary conditions. There aro times, however, when cir cumstances are extraordinary, when fresh meat, new bread, dried vege KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price, Wtn Page Four tables and regular coffee can not be delivered dally to tho soldiers. Un der such conditions the French fight ing man falls back on his reserve ra tions, which aroi Ten ounces of "biscuit" or "war bread" as hard tack In known In the French army; 10 ounces of caaaed meat; 2 2-3 ounces of sugar, 1 fcfcjiv. ouncos of soup essence, in cube forta; 1 1-4 ouncos of essence of coffee, alio 0 in cube form, and .0625 litre (1-16 of a quart) of brandy. Back of tho lighting line the French soldier has never had to fall back on his reserve ratloiu. R al- (Continued oi t) .M