PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS mx lEutfttfng Herald KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ninth Venr -No. UfHI7. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1915 Price, Ftra RAINS INTERFERING IN POLISH CAMAIGN I iiltvil I'niBH Horvlco I'CTHOOIIAD, .litil. 7. lining lit unpin cdcnlcd mlns, uhlih iiic Milling ltli IiumIm. Dint making liiiincmciw nf mi) Mud iiliunsl Impossible, upciiillmis in Koiillu'lii I'olimil liiitn been i lii'ikiil. The IlKtHlUK olllrii'il llioie In llm noilli. The 1 1 lls-lii ii- nii milk ing " liong olfi'iislm nU'iln-l tin (iciiiiuii iinii' Mlmm. Thcio I Iii ln n uciirnil Imtlle llii'ii', us Imtli untile ni iclntiiti ing 'n sUllillslllllg Is Im-miIiiIiik hotter i'Ii'I) ill). 'llm rout of Ilic 'I'm Us In llli Cmiii ii-iis i mitliiiii s. 'I In. .Moslems, liluillitnlllllg lippllc, '"' ll HIOII) plllies llcclng Ms illsiHUillili-il Iliulis, I illicit Pi MM Hervlcu II HIS, Inn. 7. 'Hi Sliuupii mi Mini Italy Ims ili-nunidi'il a full i pliiiuill"ii mill i'iiiiittlni fHuii Aiis'ilu fur lint in iisl nf linn- iiiilliuis. Mir) Ut'iv lo'lll hostages til llrliiuiili', ll Is alleged, I tilled Pnws Horvlco I,(IMUI, .Inn, 7. Wlili'iH'il in il. Iilcs of ii iit-iiiiiliiiuii) inciisiiif It) (t,,. Miiiliuillli's lotlu) Imllwile ii heller lluil I In' !! iimn iii'ilnl lli'i'l Is (-celnl III lilt' II"! I' rillllM'. ililllliimil itU'li Inn c Ki'ii si'iil In nil or tin nmsl giiiuil Millions, lit slilis tills, tin' in'"" In limine nf tin' iii'ilnl ili'fi'iisi. mills hnti. Iirrn ll.llKllicllril. COPENHAGEN .Inn. 7. Iteilln ml the sji) thul .liipiin Imsitgunl in si nil a icii-csciiliilln lo lli tniircrciue n llm Viillinti in mushier ilu c. iImii'iIuk 'f wwimlcil iilsoiii'is. Iiy the u, tiling iiulii'ii. Ruins of Whitby Abbey After Being Shelled by German Ships TELEPHONE PLANS MOOSE PILLOW IS ASSUMING SHAPE WON BY M'COY ( llMMiniX IS DISfThSINO HOTII M'PEItlNTE.NDENT ' IIEAItLD GIIOI'MI AM AI.I.-METALLIC PHE.NSKOO.M WIN.. SPLENDID I.. i lines hetween heui: and . o. m. e.mhlem that is MT. I.AKI i made nv i' Mi'inlxTH of tlio iiiiuuiltti'i! work ini; townnt tolophontj Hiiph between I'lamnlh KM Is, Ml. Lnkl unit Mer rill, urn now kIvIiik consideration to tint kind of clrctillH to tin IiihIiiIIiiiI. It linn been cittlmnted that n grounded wire system cnn bo Installed com plete, uvcn to tlio limtriimoulM, for about (30 u riiitiHcrlliur, tint hoiuk fnor mi nil. metallic line An nll-uiulnlllo circuit Mill roHl more iiinno)', tint It In lii'lil Unit thin Mill tin repaid In tint fna l hero Mill l)i' loss dtimngu liy lightning iiml oIIht causes. It In iiIho hold Hint ilin liittur kind of n lino In freo from nnli'.c At present tlio com in It toon nro awaiting ropllt'H from Inquiries Mont out regarding oHtlmntcH, supplies, -tc . 1 "In luck for once In my life," said jllert I). McCoy today, when lio wan i Informed that Number 41. which ho lit'lil, won tlio beautiful hnud-om-: lirolilori'il Moohi) hoail pillow top, worlu'il liy CliarlcH Mender, n prlnouor in tlio county Jail. Tlio pillow top Ih a tu'iiuttful plero of handwork, nnd conlaluB over two ml leu of Bilk Hosh. It ntlrnctcil iiiuclt iitlentlon when on illnpliiy. Meader lout a limb unme jearrt iiko In a rallrond wruck, and uhllo In tint hoHpltnl, ho Icnrui'd uoodlcwork. With tint money derived from tlio sain of chinices, he expecta to buy ho m i) partu for hlu artificial lot;, tuid ttlrio to pay iiomelhliiK; toward li Ih do feUHo in rourt. "J-" vs FRENCH CLAIM BIG CAPTURE IN ALSACE United I'reea Service I'AHIS. .Ian. 7. Hruty IlKlHinKix wkH1 In tJi- vicinity of Altkirk, In Alsnie. ll U icpoiti-il Hint tlio ntliukeil In force, nnd innrto sTTght alns In tin- liillt to Hie wst or Hie city. Ill-Mill' this, Hie li rmli olTcnshi-, in nlulit assaults, drove the Got-Hian-s fioni the oulpo-l lieiulies nearo Hn-lmfli. Tim war olllcc udiults tluit tin- ("I'iniaiis, by ilcsperatu llftliUng, re- KhIiiciI 'tmtn of these tii'mhes. The helRhts, HioukIi. It Is Raid, fltill IkIoiikn to the f'rencli. Tin- ("eimniis are mnklnj; counter attaik in Argonne. The latest Coiiiinuiilqiie ilalins uninterrupted successes for tlio Aiiln at el cry point or contact. The iii I ii continues in the nmtli. In .soiuu places Hie Inundation la now n foot In depth. I let ecu the M?a and I.ys, the new heavy French artillery lias si lenced seeral or the main German hnttrries. lnlted Press Service . TIIK HAGUI', Jan. 7. A corresjiondoiit or tlie Nlcnwo Courrant, who has Just i-etiirned from a tisit to the French headquarters in Belgian, says that the Allies have nmdc .substantial Klns along the Vscr. These, lie says, Hcie not given publicity, for strategic rcntions. At one MiInt, he declarer, the entire front made a two-mile gain. ".'iiiled Press Service lll'KI.I.V, .Ian. 7. Severe lighting continues to the north of Arras. The Fiemli arc cndeuorJng to retake tlio trenches lost earlier hi the m eek. It is admitted that the lighting continues In Alsace, but it is denied that the French have made gains. VERDICT FAVORED BELGIAN PROTEST GROCERY FIRM; VERDICT FRIDAY 'jsMCmftrftTB Jl'HV IN CinCL'IT COUKT TIUS UXUKHSTOOD THAT TUK REPORT AlTi:itXOO AWARDED ROll-, OI" THE COMMITTEE VU.u El ITS WH1TMORE S218.08' STATE THAT CRIMES CHARGED Todny'i newa U Ton Herald. Probes Subway Deaths District Attorney Says Company to Be Prosecuted I'nllcd I'roHa Borvlco NEW YOHK, Jan. 7. In order to fully InvoMlgntu tho fire In the sub way ycHtorday, which cniiBcd tiovornl "lentlis nnd iiorlously nffectod others, DUtrlct Attornoy I'orklna iilunq to Hiimmon n hundred wIIiiohhoh nnd il('tlmH of tlio occurronro boforn tho foronor'H Jury. I'erklim him plodKod lilniHolf to fully -iroHucutu tho ciiho, Tlio follow Iiik churKita nra mndo hkiiIiihI tho reinpniiy: Tlint tho ItiHiilution cables nro ovor Ifilit yonrs old; that tho guards had lockort tho cor doors when tho In Nidation caught flro, refusing to por mlt tho passongors to lonvo until thoy wro half suffocntod; that tho cables wero overloaded. The troublo, which occurod yosror lay morning, was n blow-out In tho tmbway under Gflth itroot, thli start 1 the Are, which resulted In the completo lying up of llm Btiliwny Hys lem. Tho lire filled tho tube with smoko. For this reason, it wns Impossible to open tho wIiiiIowh. Shutting off of tho power mndo It Imponslblo to oper nto tho fnim nnd tho heat became, uulienrnblo. On account of tho third rail, It wns Imponalhlo to move from tho enrx, U'h cHtlmntcd that :I00 woro over comu by tho smoko, and one woman dlod, Othori may dlo, bo koiIouhIj' wore tlioy 'auffocated, mid therp nro thousands of others who nro suffer ing from tho shuck so aorlniiHly na to roqulro doctors, Thoro nro thirteen who mo in Horl oiih condition, nnd may dlo. This nftornoon !svas unuounrod that tho examination of witnesses by Dlstrlct-attornoy 1'erklnn was post poned Mntll tomorrow, ns physicians warned him that fatllltlos might ro sult If tho victims loft tlio hospitals and tholr homes to tosttfy! lit INS OF Whltb Abbey after bombardment I))' Corman Warships Thin photograph. Just turahed In until little .- loft. It was among and Uttlo John practiced archery ,o fnltcd SIMM. h.o. part of nn, other buildings of Whitby. J.0 follnUeil ln lne 9ev. bnl was loft of Whitby Abbey, one Scarborough. Hartlepool and West ceuturV) but the blltidlngs were of tho nmi famous hlntorlc churches Hartlepool damaged by Ocrmnn ractrCally rebuilt In the twelfth nnd of CiiEhiml. after tho bombardment lioll. fourteenth centuries. The old by nerm-n warsh.p, h,ch raided Whitby, which was the smallest of Vt. "TZZ tin. east eoam of England. December j tho bombarded towns, was famous Ugelf hng neyer beon robbed b. Hi. Sliella from the crulbors some chiefly for Its beautiful old catberal modern enterprise of its Old World miles at soobi-ai down the old wulls : Trnilltlou has It that Uobln HoodjCbnrm. I'KOM T. C. OLIVER NOT I..w- TO GERMANS ToJIowIug a deliberation or over an hour, the Jury empanelled ln the 'ci.h- this afternoon returned a ver 'dlct awarding Roberts & Whltmore JJ21S.0S In their suit ngalnst C. T. j Oliver. i The suit was to receover four dlf ifntnt accounts, some of them as signed to the concern. J. C. Rutenlc appeared for the grocery firm. PETERSON IELLS PROPOSED LAWS ror.vrv school suii:kinti'N- DENT HETllt.M:i LAST NIHHT KHOM STATE CONVENTION OK SFI'Eltl.N'TE.NDE.NTS County School Supciiiituudcut Fred I'etorson returned lust night fioni Eugene whoio ho attended tho statu tenchor's instltuto, nnd fiom grading papers and attending tho Htnto and county school iupurInton- duul's convention nt Salem. Ho was n member of tho committee appoint ed by tho superintendents to take up proposed legislation with tho mom hers of tlio Legislature In Portland tho lit st of tho weok. "Wo weie piutlcuhuly Intercstod as to tlio moihoti or uisinuuung school moulort," Mild I'etorson. "Tho 'Muitnnomuli teachers nnd school tioiuda fnvoicd u uitto of one-third for onch tenchor, .uul two-third, for tho pupils attenrtliut. "This would bo tin ndv.inMgo to Portland with Its huge enrollment, but not to tho Bintllrr districts, so wu urged tho ratio of half for topchor nnd half for" nuplls oiu oiled. Wo also advocated tho ct cation of i nuin- hor of constructive duy's atteiulunco for tho Biunll district -bus n mini mum of 300 days n mouth, to glvo thorn nn eaunl chanco to got w good tcachora as larger districts. "Anothor thing wo took up was to make tho county treasurer the de pository for all school funds, Instead of having them In tho hands of tho various boards as at present. It Is felt that tho facilities of tho treas uier's Olllco would permit better at tention being given tho funds, and In this way, tho money, deposited by tho treasurer In tho banks would bring in two precont, which, added to tho county's general fund, would help materially. "For this, of course, it is only just tho treasurer's salary to bo In creased. It Is ostlmated that tho school funds of Orogon, with half out on two per cent Interest, would return $01,000 to tho counties of tho stttto. "Theso two changes will come up In tho county code bill to bo In troduced. It provides for moro ef ficient methods In tho county administration." GET THE FARMER, RICHARDSON SAYS BOOSTER TELLS THE I'EOl-I.E THAT LANDS .MUST HE SET TLED VV HEFORE TALL HU1LD- MAY HOLD A DIG CELEBRATION 4TH lustenil of a Uodoo It is possible that a big Fourth of July celebra tion may bo held horo this yoar. This, nt any rnto, is bolng discussed by nioinbers of tho Duslness Men's As sociation, ns thoy bollovo on account of tho exposition that It will bo dif ficult to got any ouUldo attendance at tho Elks' wild west show. Tho association Inst night wont on rocord as heartily favoring the rais ing of u fund by the Klamath Cham ber of Commerce to maintain An exhibit at tho opposition, INGS ARE NECESSARY Today's news today In The Herald. United Press Service HARVE, Jan. 7. The report or tho committee from the court of ac count investigating the alleged Ger man atrocities ln Belgium Is com pleted, according to George PayeHe, tho president. Tho report, which contains 20, 0i) words, will be published In fall tomorrow. It Is believed that tho al leged crimes were not proven to have been committed by the Germans. Goes for W. F. Wyland Indicted on Charge of Shooting at Sherman Brown If Klamath county and Klamath Falls nro to forgo ahead, It will bo ky the settling up and cultivation of tho thousands of acres of mnnless lands ln this section. One good way to get tho proper kind of farmer to coma In hero is to enable tho Klamath Chnmbor of Commerce to send a convincing display and repre sentative to tho Panama-Pacific In ternational Exposition, to interest tho homoseeker attending tho fair. This was ono of tho main argu ments mndo nt lost night's booster mooting ut tho Open; House, when Tom Richardson, booster plenipo tentiary for the stnto of Oregon, was tho principal speakor. Ho brought out convincing facts to prove his statements, nnd mado a deep Im pression upon his hearers. Besides tho talk by Richardson, Judgo Webster nnd W. F. McCredlo both mado well received tallksl. Library Club Meets Tho Woman's Library -Club meets tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in the library hall. Tho Identity of the last of tho, John Dee" Indictments returned by the recent session of tho grand Jury, has at lust been learned. Tho man Indicted Is W. F. Wyland, who has u homestead near Crystal, on Upper Klamath Lake. Wyland is charged with shooting at Sherman A. Browu, who also re sides In that section. Sinco tho indictment was returned, tho sheriff's ofllce has been making diligent search for Wyland. He hns Just been located near Coqulllo, In Coos county, by tho sheriff there. This morning u deputy sheriff left for tho Coast, to bring back Wyland for arraignment and trial. Tho tudlctmont of Wyland Is only ono of a sorics of logal steps that hnvo been taken by tho Wyland and tho Drowns In n neighborhood fued. Roth families have been frequently In court on charges preferred by the other. A fence and the location of a road are tho principal causes of conten tion, It Is understood. The Drowns In the earlier summer, had tho Wy lands arrostod, charged with threat ening to kill, and with threatening nnd advocating the committing ot a felony. Immediately after this tho Wy- lands had tho Browns arrested on a chargo ot tearing down tho Wlland fence. Tho case kept getting more bitter and similar charges were made by both factions, and an officer was con?, tlnually on the road between here and Crystal, to serve warrants or subpoenas. After much squabbling ot this kind nt tho expense of tho county, Dis trict Attorney 'John Irwin and Charles F. Stono, attornoy for the Wylands, mado a trip to tho warring neighborhood to try and effect a set- tlnmmit. Thev hnlrl n cnunrll with all parties concerned, and It was agreed that with both tactions mak ing a little concession, and a new road being laid out, thoro could be poaco again. The suits were then dropped. Late ln tho summer a shot was taken at Sherman Brown ,s he "was out ln tho woods. Just who fired . this was not learned at that time. ' It Is alleged In the indictment that ) Wyland did the shooting. AJI &