V. H i t lEunfnn Iteralfr PRINTS THK NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ninth Year No. Sl.rWJO KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1915 Price, Fir M 9Ut FRENCH ACCUSED OF DESTROYING WITHOUT REASON Pulled TieMHorvlcn BERLIN. Jan. O.Tlio French are iit'ciucd of won ton destruction of I1Iiiroh behind llio (lormuii IIuoh It U rimmed that by u Hytoiitntlc Uom hnrdiiiciit they linvo wrecked tlm vlllnitcH to the rear, uud Imvo not dniniiKcd tli (leriumi Ilium Putted 1'iesa Hervlce I'AltIB, Jnn. C Hiu'CfuHUK iiround Amount nnd In tin lclnlty of t'oiirt('liiiu'."nnd ttio rc)iiWi of German attacks ut aimirnl polnu nro nuuoiinred, IKtaplto torrential ruins! Ilin tlertnnns twice nave ntlemplml Ki retake the positions neiir Hto. (.row-, and Imvo been repulse,.! ultli blR loMeii. Tl weather In Imd nl nil point, Between l.yn uud OUo, thorn Ih only itiiiiutimdliiK nnd between thu AlMie CAMP WORKS FOR AID OF SETTLER IV'j I ESTIMATION ORDERED t'ANKH WHERE PEOPLE OX RESTORED LANDS HAVE LIVED t THERE FOR YEARS ' In mi effort to nnslst nil entitled' Within n fnw dnys mmeya nnd In preferential rlghtn In tho restorn-! other piellmlnnry work will ho linn of homestead lauds under tho started nl the (Irlltlth litiernl by tho rrolict, Project Malinger J C, 'iiilmimtloii service. In order to allow Pninp hn Issued n mil to nil of 'the deepeiilni; nnd widening of tho tliete people to oo hi in nnd sluto tliulr claims. Ho wilt meet n num ber of these people nt Merrill Inter In the week. "The people I nm Interested In nro those who lmo settled on tho lands somu years, and hao expended thonmnds of dollars for Improve ment," said Mr. Camp. "Tho entry blanks they are asked to sign ro 'lulrn them to nay that they did not Huttlii on tho land more than thirty dns before the tlmo t hr laud was open to entry. ' Thu (loverumeut hns naked mo to luvetlicate, nnd I will ho Kind to iisnIhI n) of tho pooplo ho nltuntcd. They should eomraunlcsto with mo nt once, for thero Is little time loft." former l'tor Hero Itov. II, Koiul, B. J:, who was tho imstor who built Sncred lloart church, nnd won In charge of the Klnmath Falls-Morrill parish for over throe years, la hero for u Hhort visit with Iter. Win. McMillan, tho present pastor. This la tho drat tlmo Father Fousl Una vlsltod Klamath Knlls slnco ho left hero nix yoarn "He, and he la greatly nstonlshod at tho metropolitan alra the community ban taken on alnco that time. At prosont, Father Feusl Is ntntloned nt Chowelnh, Wnahlngton. Trying Hull on Account Trial of tho Hiilt of ItobertH & Whltraoro vs. C. T. Ollvor to ro cover 100, alloged duo on n noto and some assigned claims, begnn In tho Circuit Court this nftornoon. CharloH I'age, u nillllonnlro of Tul xa, Oklahoma provldos n homo for every widow in tho atnto who npplleH, Hlx hundred women in tho Now York workhouao will be set to knit ting aocka, bauds and rati mora for Die aoldtera 'In Huropc. In district No. 4 of the forest re serve, with headquarters In Ogden, Utah, Jlgbtnlng caused 30 per cent of this year's fires and campera 87 P CMt I Ji find Itlili-mn, llio Fietich kuiin Iiiho '"'''l'1 "" ",ul1""" "'""i' Vlolutu lighting tuiitiitiioH mound ArK'Minu Tlio Flench iiiu ndiuoiliiK to re take Hot. Mlrhlol TiiiIhIiiiiiIm of irioti suffering from iniKtiiiinnlii liuu lunched Dun kirk Uultul I'M'Mti Hcrvlcii BERLIN, Jan. C - Exports bollov lliiit llio I'tpluiv ot BorJImow Ij) Von I lltiiltMtlttTK opens it way for v edging ttiroiiKli tlm IliiHNlnn renter, coiiiiioIIIiik the ltuirtliHiH to retlro In their m'riiiiUiiiy llni', or face n flunk ntlnck. Ult'.l I'ihh Korvtct , )HAl.. . Jnn -Tho Rus- ulnii ndvimco In Hungary Is prnctl- cully iiiiopponod In tho Car-' pntlilaim, the trnopH nro nlmostl mum hound, mid It In illttlrult to send them MipplloH START WORKING FOR ENLARGING PRELIMINARY WOHK BOON TO I START, PREPARATORY to tiii: deepening ami widening oi' .itui nil lateral .vnlernny before the Irrigation sen hdii tilnitn. It Is to be enlarged to curry r. 100 second foot How, Instead of n -f Second foot How ns nt prenont. '.Vlton eiilnrged the ditch will entry uurli of the wnter heretofore tarried by thu Kouth Brunch caunl. il) (li't'ieiiHlug the How In the South Branch, the service will bo able to dispense with a concrete lining for the high line part of tho canal, tlitm xahiK nn expondlturo of $34,000. N. Y. LEGISLATURE CONVENES TODAY United Press Service ALBANY, Jnn. (!. lu accoidun'ro with the stnto law the legislature will convene hero today, tho Hist Wednesday In January. With Its mooting, tho wheels of tho now state Rovernient begnn today, will be started on tholr revolutions, Tho make-up of the Senate will he: Re publican, 33; Democrnts, 17, nnd Uopubllcnn-I'roKrosBlve, 1, Tho as sembly will bo composed of 99 Re publicans 49 Democrats, nnd two Progressives. Tho presiding olUoer of the Bonato will ho tho lloutemu't governor, Kdwnrd Bchocneck. The re-election of ThuddeiiH C. Bweot, Phoenix, iih sponkor of the as sembly is practically assured. Conductor la Hick Henry Bwltxor, nn S, 1 conductor, hits boou obliged to lay off and nurse a bad rase of In grlppo. Conductor Bradford has IiIh run until ho re covers (iOOD HIM, AT OIllWtiUR Through an error the program of tlio OrphoiiH theater In today's issuo of the I lor a Id was not changed, but thero is n eomploto new program today ut Klamath's claaay ehow bouse, Latest Photo of the Kaiser, and Showing His Hair Is Turning Grey msmmimmmirx ?3P!'l iyy 'B I lLV J53c Bm kitv3' JH-i flC IT mHh Mr fji --3.w yi9t!l MB Hb-vW mvr-Jt rwftK 6 & I uVvbYbsssssS-bVBbI H f? ?1 B03mSB9CHa l scvm?- si I m $ . MSKmlloV-BS-Ki '' -;ml B l s f B9HBTriB''k "Pi -''vB vl PSBjBjpMBJBB,t s-SfB'Mi!?v jMjsi Tnln Is (he latest photo of Knlscr Wlihelin. Ho is wearing" his new r.rny field uniform, uud It Is tho llrit pldure taken of hlui since he adopted t nut tho striking thing about tho photo is Its confirmation of ntute- niciiti In severnl cable desputches BIGGEST FERRY ON J06 TODAY co.viii.i t-osTA is put ox Tin: PORTA COSTA-HKXKCIA lVS IIV Till: SOUTHKRX PACIFIC roil r.uii hkrvici: SAN FRANCISCO, Jan . The Southern l'ncllle's now train ferry, Coutiu Coaiu, tho largest railway fori y bont lu the world, Is now lu operation in the Curqulnes straits, between Porto Costn nnd Benocln, California. The Contra Costa's length over guiuds la 433 feet, with width over',nny ft NU)nder u wflg 8hpped gunrds 110 feet. t.'.,... ...l 1.1. ..!... tnt rinu uiii-nn nun iiuiu iuih itnnlnKi will iieentiimmlnln ffivn inpfi ' motives nnd either thlrty-slx fiolght cms 01 twenty-four pnsscngor ears. f Wunlrn In Plnliillir Suit to iccover 8G has boon com - moncttl ngnlnst Fred N, Qrennon b Cims. 1;. worucu. ino eoinnuunuK,onty oxpltltes mnttors. It la wns Hied lu tho Circuit Court tlila Itlila tool that onnbles tho O. K. shop afternoon by Bert C. Thoinna, MIsh C'molyn F. R. naitenti will bo the Hist woman to piactlce law In Nassau county, .New York, having successfully passed tho bar exami nation. L'nglnnd Is nsklng for hldss from Oiogon nnd Washington mills for 20, 000.1)00 feet of rnllwny tlos. (hading on the Wlllnmotto Pticlllo will lie Hulshod by February 1. from torrespoiulents who hne re- "l"lI' soe l,lm lh s hair baa- tuuitd gray. IMiotographs of the Knlser taken before the war show Mm with Iron gray hair containing ,,:ro i,nck than gray. The change In his appearance Is thoreforo ery noticeable. AT LOCAL SHOP i:w i:quipmi:nt installed uv O. K. TRAXSFi:U CO., STltlKKS :iil BLOWS A MIXUTi:, AND IT WKIGHTh XIUHLY TWO TOX8 A 1h11 to the blacksmith shop of the O. K. Transfer Company re cently tevealed tho fact that Klam ath Falls Is rapidly adapting herself to her needs. In this shop has been installed a glnnt power hammer for hoavy him kmulthinir Thin mnelitnn In enr. iheie from tho factory at Albort Lea, ... and Installed at n cost ot $.100. The weight of tho monstor Is 3,100 pounds, and tbreo horse power is ieiiiired to opornte It. Whtlo tlm mnchlnn la ilnalptinri fnr lhpnvy worK ,, ,8 n,B0 ,)ossll,le to ,, 't,0 iiKlt0st kind, and with its ca- iimLity of 320 blows por mlnuto, to manufactuio nnd wold uutomobllo springs nnd othor work that It has heiotofoie beou necessary to .send to other places. Only one modorn sawmill Is oper ated lu .the tonltory of Hawll. Tho Ice cutting boason In Unstetn rOregon Is on n month enrllor thnn usual. Bids have boeu taken for 450,000 tons of jock for the Columbia Jetty next year. POWER HAMMER :. merchants to meet EARLIER TO.VKJIIT In order to glvo nil of tho inemherfl un opportunity to at- tend tho booster meeting at the Opera House, to bo ad dronMod by Tom Illchnrdnon and others, tho Klamath Business Men's Association will meet at 7:30 this evening. Tho meet- In? will be held at the Cham- her of Commerce, and Import- nut matters are to ho discussed. ' PLEADS GUILTY; GIVEN A CHANCE i I'lltST MAN TO UK HUOUGIlT BE lOlti: JVlHiK XOLAXI) IH I'A KOI.KI) OX COXDITIOX THAT Hi: ItKMAI.V IX ni.STKIOT After being kept In Jail since June, A. L. ' Pumford this morning regained bis liberty. He m'i turned out in the world In the middle of winter with no money, a ery scant supply of clothing, and no Job. Pumford was arrested, charged with forgery. He was released at the June term of the Circuit Court I on account of forgery not being 'proved. Right after he was released ho was arrested again, nnd held in Jail until today. The grand Jury Inst month Indicted him on a little J different charge. When arraigned, Pumford entered a plea ot not guilty. This morning, after conferring with Hay and Merrymau, his attorneys, be changed his plea to guilty, and threw himself upon the mercy of the court. Pumford is a flno looking young chap, and Judgo Nolcnd asked him n number of questions regarding bis past, etc. Satisfied that there is good mettlo in Pumford, His Honor suspended sentence for a year, to gho him a chance to make good, the only condition being that Pum ford reports to the court every month, and be will romain In Klam ath and Lake counties. ! ' 1 Tho roleascd man was deeply af-j fected, and tears came to his eyesj(: (JATIIKRIXG OF WELFAUE'1'0,'I'WIXa AX INTERESTING ns he sought to thank tbo court. To-' j ,, .... -, ., ,, day he Is loklng for a Job, and has! warm .ecommendatlons from all in any way connected wuii me sueriu t office. THREE CASES GO TO LATER TERM CONTINUANCES ,3RANTEI) THIS MORNING BY JUDGE NOLAND IN CimUNAL CASES UPON .MOTION OF LAWYERS Three cmimlnal cases were con tinued to tho Juno term of court by CircuU Judge No'land this morning, following motions by the Interested attorneys. These wero tho Clopton, Carrlngton and Johnson cases. Hugh Clopton and his wife are charged with setting Are to the post oflico In Bonanxa over a year' ago, when several storos, a hotel and. tho printing office wero destroyed. Cnrrlugton Is indicted for perjury, and Edgar Johnson 1b cuarged with shooting 11 bull, leaving tho animal wounded uud suffering. All nro out under bonds. Aid to Meet Tho Ladles' Aid Society of Grace M. n. Church will meet nt the homo ot Mrs. Kinnoar, 713 Ninth street, Thursday afternoon. The meeting will start at 2:80. Plans nud estimates of cost of irri gating 200,000 acres of land in the Upper Deschutes River basin are be- lug considered by tho Government, estimated cost, 12,929,000. More Live Men Named to Conduct Boosting 'I haven't had a chance to ob - serve conditions here quite as much us I wish to, so 1 am unable to make a complete diagnosis at this time of tho case," says Dr. E. D. John- son, who was last night unanimously chosen as president of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce. But we have a live, wideawake board pf directors, and with the citizens get ting In their Individual and collective work, we expect to make tho town forge ahead. If there Is anything radically wrong, we're going to find It, and ellmlnato it. 'T liBI'n rAfllilnil Yir 1itt m fA1, A imiu icoiucu uviu will 4 ign months, but Ilko many others, I. an extemporaneous speech that will am f harmed with tho, country, and (long be discussed by those hearing see a great future In store for It 'it. It Is my home, and I am going to' Webster Is one of the most sincere do all I can to build it up. 'and convincing bqosters Klamath "We are, living in 1915, nnd the (County has ever bad, and he merer (Civil war ended long ago. So, for all times, we hope, has local fighting. jus. Ho holds that here is more Tho members of the board of dl-jcourtcsy, more consideration and rectors are not particularly Inter- kindness shown and more true n ested in whether this one or tbatjeouragoment given than any place was In the right In their bickering a I In the state, and declares himself few years back, but we are Interested In the town as it is now, and as we everlasting friendships that will ever can build up its future. In our remain green in his memory, and minds, Klamath Falls extends from which In his reveries, give him much Crescent to Weed, and we believe ,FenuIno comfort, that with very few exceptions, all As a speaker, Webster's reputa of tho people feel Just the same way i0n is well known here. He has about It." an irrepressible sense of humor. Dr. Johnson and R. H. Dunbar. which keeps an audience in roars were named for president, but Dun- of laughter, but under every remark bar docllned in favor of the doctor, and anecdote, there Is a deep mean who, by the way, was active in ing and these lighter remarks are several of Portland's best known Interspersed with some of the moat social and civic organizations. teautlfully expressed thoughts and Will H. Bennett was chosen as 'ideals conceivable. Lack of apace vice-president. The members of the J prevents our giving the Judge's ex new board of directors are Will cellent talk, but suffice it to say that W. Baldwin, L. Jacobs, Orb Camp- he at all times held the rapt at bell, J. E. Swansen, J. F. Magulre, Jtentlon of all fortunate enough to W. P. Johnson, Charles I. Roberts, (hear him. FEDERAL CHILD LABOR LAW NOW WORKERS IS CALLED TO OUUKK LV WASHINGTON' TO CONSIDER THIS LEGISLATION Unltod Press Service ' 0uo of tue be3t meetulgs the WASHINGTON. Jan. ri.-N'eed r0r,Klamath Medlcal Association ?as . .. held atnen ttu nrirnnl2fitlnn wftn held n Federal ciiiia laoor law was tne " . theme of u conference here today of.las,t liiM w"en tt most mterestUg prominent persons Interested ijpal,er "SpecIal E syPtnis lu Re cblld welfare llatlon to General Diseases," was read Amnn th smv,k,r RehPrtnln.I wero Jane Addams. Julia C. Lathrop. hoad of the children's bureau of the' Department ot Labor; Felix Adler.j Florence Kelly, Edward T. Devine, John Mitchell, Secretary of Labor Wilson. Representative Manning, of Kansas, Represent a the Palmer, of Pennsylvania, author of o. child labor bill In tho House, and Senator Owen, 'I who sponsored It lu tbo Senate. I Now Willi Peoples' Commencing tonight tbo Star! Howard Anderson, who was con theater will, .jtvo "f-Trlp" with tll'nected with the Crlsler & Stilts tickets. Just think ot tho many markets for some time, has assumed miles of travel that can be accum- the position ot manager ot the mulated in tho next few months by Peoples' Market. Ho Is well and salng "Scrip" coupons. Patrons favorably known, here. t have already expressed themselves ( as pleased with the idea, and state In certain cities of Russia street that with tho coupons obtained atjwhUtllug by civilians is a penal of tho Stnr added to those obtained at fen&e, tho prlvllego belug reserved other business houses, they Intend .for tho pollco. , to see tho Fair. You can get "Scrip" tonight, and r.lso seo nn excellent LUI of ylftires. featuring Edw.tr.l O Connor. Knthlyn Williams jnd Alice Jovce. Another feature of to night's Mil is the fancy skating ut England's champion Ice skaters, ;on an see tho whole show for leu cents. In Lapland a man who marries a girl against the wishes ot her parents may be severoly punished. The Portland Baggage and Omni bus Transfer Co, has bought a block and will erect a large plant there, (JU O. Van Bollen, I. D. Whltmore. dorsed by all. It was an optimistic bunch tht gathered at the Hall Grill last night for the banquet &nd annual meet- ting of tho Chamber, And optimum .reigned all evening One hitch in tho program was the Inability of Tom Richardson to make his scheduled speech. He loat his voice yesterday, after two talks at tho schools. But by happy chance, Hon. Lionel K. Webster, former Cir cuit Judge ot this district, and later County Judge of Multnomah County, came in from Portland, and be made .loses an opportunity to speak fpr Minted to Klamath by tho bonds of MEDICOS MEET, EAT, BE MERRY - " - riaam.a. DOCTORS ENJOY CLAMS SENT HERE BV DR. STRAW V " V. V. 13U0r..,ana W88 IOI- owed b' short ta,ks other doc 3' Followiug the meeting the doctors gathered at tho Hall Grill, where n clam supper was enjoyed. It was all the more enjoyable because the clams were sent fresh from Marsh field by Dr. E. E. Straw, a former 11 pratlcloner. The gieatest of all weeklies "The. Animated Weokly" will bo shown at tho Orpheus every Wednesday and Thursday nights in the future. Here-. tofore this much sought after pic ture has boeu shown here at tlr-' tegular intervals but the manage ment has at last secured regular, booking. Tho events ot Intereat the world over are shown as well as up-j to-the-mlnute war news. I If women do not get to vote before her death, Mrs, Margaret Stockman of London Is so framing her will tkat her son will be disinherited. 4 .as