4y lEutfttmg iterate PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Mnlli Vefti No. U.BOIJ KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1915 FriM, VtT TURKISH TROOPS (1. S. MAY MAKE PROTEST ABOUT Scene of Brittish Raid and the Men Who Managed It Speaker Clark's Daughter to Wed fj AND BOOSTERFEST T HILLS, GIVE UP 0ff4l S)r PAvio rpfws BANQUET TONIGHT SURROUNDED OMORROW NIGHT GERMAN A 0 frL ? v & Jom simrtm."s ss mmttus ;s jiLiZ2..,J,im a A T" "&KSM tom richardson already on' tiii: joii HiU I ihmhi, Atlillf.eil Jill liiimii' sihii'il Students iiml 'I hi- Attn, moil Tnlki'il lit llii KIiiiiiiiIIi ( -.iiinl) IHkIi sthiMil Will .Make I'liin liiii smith ( Hi., riiiiiniii'i' .,f CiiiiiiiKMO I.iiihIh'oii Toiilulit - If joii don't liiiu mil in t It Chamber of '(ililliurr.' luiitiieiili iiml eletilon thin evening, l miri- itnil ho nl the Opetu limine tciuioriiiw night Or better mill, iittt'inl both gather iiikn, (or oit will (rul well it'imlil. At lliu Hull drill lit 7. an. Ilio mi mini luiirhoou of tlio Chamber of Ciiinmortii "III bo linlil. itml t thin thin. iiIIIhth will bo elected lor Urn t (inline )" Tho print U fifty com a pint.-, iiml ml are Invited. An nilili'tl feature tnnli:lit ! ii talk liy Tom Richardson, tin fore mom lioiMtcr Iti Oregon. II" raino in hint nlghi to help out In tho l)iini revival on hero thin week IIchIiIo hi talk nl Hid nrlll to night ItlclinritHon will mlk at tint Oprru I louse tomorrow iiIkIiI. Then will lm other speakers then, iiml big things doing. ThU forenoon, ItlclmrilHoii talked to tlio pupllH of tliu Contrail ncIiooI. TIiU afternoon, ho talked to tlio high KI'llOol HtllllcIlU. Vonr schools tiro among Ilia best organized In tlio slato," xitlil Rich nrilxon, following his vInIIn. SCHALLOCK SAYS, "GUILTUUDGE" MAV AltHKHTKO ItHt IHIATIXO his win: ik nxi:i i'H-tv ooi.- I.AIl.M IS IMJT I.V JAIIi TO si:hvk out fini: i A idea of Kiillty wan nnteieil by Mark Hchnllnrk Ibis forenoon to n iliarKe of bea 1 1 ll i; his wife, llu was Iliad $r0 by JuhIIco of tho fence (iowen In ilefault of tho fliie, Kchallock w.io committed to the county Jail to forve out tlio fine at the rate of J2.0U per dlom. Two Stories Are Told Men Giving "Ha-ha" Interview Talk Different to Cop It was n grand, big Joke, mid Day mid tho llernld reporter woro "It," according to tlio morning pnpor'ii In terview from tho two "well known, etc," commercial men who said they went Into tho Hall drill to got bouki tiling to rut, mid found tlio pro prietor Hcurod to death. Grout Joke. Hut Sunday night, a Hhort tlinn after Day repmlcd hubpIcIoiih actions by ii pair, when thoso sumo 'two touunorcliil truvelleis woro accosted by tho police, and iiuoBtlonod regard ing thnlr wheroaboutH tlioy woro n much-Beared pair, Purtliormoio, their own stnteraont to (ho pollco that night was that thoy woro no whoro nonr tho grill. Near It? Oh, morcy, no. Thoy ato ut tho Hex Cafe that night. No, thoy did not know there was a grill In town. Tholr own Rtory does not stack up very wall with tho atatomonU of Mr. Day. Nalther doaa It alt woll with th itorlea told by Mr. and Mrs. 1 1 ' J M li ib'i rfj vivlr iW- f - vL'ILk t'JMti Si' 'if stmt, SFW --h &Q5-r Jw lLm iimi i i? "" ' i ' iki-iii n .a a MBgat7T f - ii-csb U . , , In tlio I'iilIIIc by (ienuau ships will Admiral Jelllto.', foinmiiiuler Jn the Oerinnii iiltntk on the eaut roaHl.i,,, ,rii:,i, j v Hie Mihieu or the Iler Chlef of the llrltUli Heel, and Kir "IHeH. the? Dent eltjht warnhlpH mid!.,,. ' David llentleriioi., flilt.r of the ltii)iil " ,,",",,,' "f "eioplanes over tlio Cor-'.-.. ..... .., ''''"' l'"rt llombsw.re dropped, Inn 1 " ' ' tint llrlllhli ImtlleHhlpH on fuxhaveii. one I.enduuarttirH of the (lerman licet in iiimwer to Krcm tiemaiuiH in III Itnlu for aUlou, whlth followed LOCAL ACTORS GO A- wii.i. iMtiisi:xT vaimh:vii.i,i: XI'.MIlCHS AT IIAIHV AXO .MT. .1 I.AKI OAXt'i: WII.I. ALSO IIC IIIVi:V AT IIOXAXA Not HillNllcd with (ho muccohh tbny scored hero Chilntmri, several of. TROUPINU thoitti who took part In tho vmidu-'court vlllo how will travel, Saturday (night they will go to 'January lf, will show :l.nkl church The skit 'lltits) linker," the lltitrlilkon & Htelnniuii act, and mint- bora by others will ho given. He - ...!.... .l...u.. II...... telll I... .......Ii.tra nnii'fi i.i'n.'. ...u... .... . ............. . by local people In each place. Thesti stunts are lon to i.Usc additional funds for Klauuilh'i ex- lilhll ill tho I'miama-ratillc Inter- nntlonnl exposition. Uesldes these, there will lm an aii-nigni tuiuco ai llnnuzii, music to bo rendered by a Klamath Falls oichestrn Wlrd, Who saw the pair pooling Into tho grill In u wny to cause oassers by to become suspicious. And neither do thoy account for the tear ing of the cloth from tho buck door of tho grill, evidently an attempt to open tho hack door, Whethor theso "drummers" Bold anything hero or not him not been ienrnoil. Hut Wild nml his wife say they looked more like yeggs o them. Tho two also ntnlod that thoy did tholr Bhiivltig nftoi thoy "tiiod to got Homothlng to out" nt tho grill. Most men shnvo before going lo dinner. ' Thorn uro Horornl othor foaturos In connection with the rtiao that In dicate that It was uomothlng olao heoldes "eats" that the two inltorn were seokliig. Just whiit thoy sought, Is, of course, a matter of ronjocturo, hut tho authorities are enough' "tukon In" by Day's story to bo carrying on some Investigations. nicerilliif: to the Oerinan account' thoro wn no damiiKe. In fact, Hint nrco.mt ban It that the onlj damaBo wan unit to me nrillHli vemtois wiucli ' weio repelled by tlio (iermami. "" - PUMEORDITRIAL i.aki:vii:w woman- will taki MORNING ri:STI.MO.N"V lli:iti: WHIM: .MIS.SRMt wns lighted by the burning si:ii((i:xt IS ILL. COIMITIUMLM "nwu ! With tho Issuance by tho war of hcin'o ki:.vovati:i moro cheerful when Circuit ' It will lm a much Ilookiiu; tourt room convenes tomonow. Janitor) K, li llnniBby "and somu of the prls Dairy, and oners from tho Jail mo engaged In nl the Ml. going over (lie walls and telling, re moving a com of dust that has ac- .cumulated through tint agos. and 'brightening up tho llnolouni and in ithor wa)s Improving the looks of ll... ,.... .... iuiiiii, . Besides this, the Judge's chamber , iH.,: renaiiereil nml lepalnted .... ,uk!1 .. tlitmirli I'll have tol Bla. lon, for u co,,0 f ye,M, g0' , ght ll!( xui!1 nmie ti,KR utile ,, i vlt Iiik". said Judge Noland t,rt morning. The Mist case to bo called before Judge Noland will he the trial of A 0. I'umfoid on ehargo of uttering a woithless check. This Is alleged lo haw been committed in .Time, I'.UI, K Sugarinan being the vic tim At tho Juno term of court, I'uni foril was released beciuiso tho evi dence did not prove n forgery, as I'unifortl was Indicted. Ho was ,ronn rated by the District Attorney, 'and has been hold III Jnll sluro then, iiwaltlng trial. Ah Miss Loulso Sargent Is as yet unable to tako up tho work of couit Reporter, owing to Illness, Mrs. Jack illatchelder of Lakovlow, who Is an .export stenographer, will act In th? (illlcliil capacity hero for n few days. VO Mi:r.TIX(J OK K. li. C. I Thoio will bo no mooting of tho Klamntli Literary Club this evening! las planned. It wis cancelled to 'glvo the mouthers an opportunity to hoar Tom Richardson speak, at tho lunehoon nt tho Hall Orlll. Tho mooting will bo held Tuesday next, at tho homo of Mr." and Mrs. Ed mund M. Chllcoto, whon tho subject will ho "lllsmnrk." with Miss Mary Short us leader. Tho Portland Railway Light and Power Co. predicts thnt with tho tlo clslvo dofout of tho radical legisla tion nt tho Inst election and with tho flvo per cont ndvanco In freight rate, 1915 ill bo o prosperous year In Oregon, .i.i,u.'i:ii that roAi si:i.i:i in vi:st I IkIiIIou In llu AIhiiIIoii 'oil ii I ' lu ll fsiM-.I In Violent i i'iiiijiiis llt'liiliiK. mnl l'ientli 'i) "On lt l lm Itlilnt'" (it'iinmiH IIoiiiIi.iiiI AIII.h Aiiiiiiiiiilllon Itasi-M in the SmIIi fnini IHiIkII.Ii- (infl l I' .1 I'lofK Sen In WAKIIINOTUN, Jan. .1 A pro iCMt to (lurmmiy leKitrtlliiK treiit ni.'iit of Anioilcan hIiIpi'Iiik Ik l'"s Bible. H Ii. Hlatod that I lie question of (i'iiiinii'tt Hccnrlni; coal and oil from America Ih involwil In tlio tlls tiiHsloit with 1-iikIuikI t'ni :ro"s of American coal (teled lli:UM.V. Jan. .".. ALCortline to i (,,. nfllclfiU Cerinnn nvlnlnrs . bomba, tK.u the HrltlHh ammunition banes at Coudekarquo and llooen-' , diirl. In the isiibiirhg of Dunkirk. It lis nuLfirlAil tl.r.t ttttpn nl.f.Tltltteu rif . I'" """ -- - nmmunltlon were destrojod at both 1 plact-H Coiidekertiue took lire ami :'wii partly destroyed. I'AUIS. Jan. 5. Advices from Al sace state that the fighting there is lucreaslrif; In lntunslt. Tho (ler niiins nro retlrliiR In many places, ac cordliiK to this rupoit. their counter attacks being ropuUc.I. The scene of the (Ir.htlnR around Corney last fice of a statement of French vic tories In tho extrcmo north, to the ! south nntl on Herman soil In Alsace, it he cry hero is" On to the Rhine." United I'ress Servico LONDON, Jan. ii. Advices fiom Las l'almns, In tho Canary Islands, stato that the Herman cruiser ICarl hhue sank four British and French I merchantmen Tho crews from the 'vessels were put ashore. . MERRILL TEAM PLAYS FRIDAY More basketball Is on tho tapis for Klainath Falls. Friday evening, tho Men ill high Kchool team will Invado the city, to pl.iy a return engagement with the local high school aggrega tion. Tho teams met eailler in tho sea son at Merrill. At that time, tho 'Mcrilllites won by three points. Tho local tossers nro practicing dally, and aro sworn to get revenge bore. i As a piolimlnury, a team of girls fiom tho senior class at the high .school will play u quintet from tl,e oilier Classes. T HEAD EOR GOV'T (eoigii Manning, u woll known hlocUnmn. Is In tho field to Bocuro n thousand hond of horses for the Government, to bo used In other than military sorvlco. These nro to bo purchnsod by tho 15th. Moiinlng's lieudquartois will bo at tho J. Frank Adams ranch at Merrill. At present, ho Is looking nt horses In I.augoll Valloj'. Dr. Poxhamer pleaded for "real neutrality and fair play on the part of America." BUYING HOUSAND mm. :k 4J Wl, m:y. m&:, '- -. . : :l. Miss Ceuevleve Clark, daughter of Speaker Champ Clark, of the House of Representatives, who Is tho best known young woman in Washington, has announced her engagement. She will wed James M. Thompson, pub lisher of tho New Orleans Item. The ceremony will take place sorao tlmo n tho Bprlug or early summer, at her father's home nt Howling Green, Mo. Though she Is only nlneten WHAT THE EIRE T CONFLAGRATIONS CAUSED AL MOST THIRTV-FOUR THOUS AND DOLLARS' WORTH OF DAMAOi: l I'AST YEA It Accoullng to u report complied by Fire Chief Ed Wakefield, in the ear 1914, the lire department answered twenty calls. Theso flies caused a total damage of ?33.78S, and to combat them it w.is necessary to lay. 7,800 feet of hose. The insurance on the property looses last joar was $18,702. The join's recoid shows thirteen nioio alarnib than lu 1913. Tho loss fiom the. II res was $21,788 greater' than in tho jear preceding. I ELECTRIC WORK ! COMES UP AGAIN LETTER OF PROTEST FROM LINK RIVER COS ATTORNEYS READ AND LATER ORDINANCE ENTERED INTO CONTRACT Tho council last night Introduced an ordlnn'nco ontorlng into a con tract with C. 11. Coon for tho pur chase and Installation of electrical llxtures In tho now city ball. It pased to second roadlng. Earlier In tho evoning, tho letter of protest regarding the award of tho bid, submitted by Kuykendall & Furguson, for tho Link River Eloc- trlc Co., and published in Tuesday's Herald, was read: No action was taken on It. Xdmi.. ij : ,. r . ft v B sK-iA .Tf.. w-Mf . ' zer .... zi.-- . -" . -. -.1. . ,i.:TKrj. njr t z,' j az, -. . DEPARTMEN ID . ,aA t L, H . v- Sftr.3J mrr-w?a t "48 .- now she came Into national notice Jat the Baltimore convention iu 1912. pvhen she led the cheering for her I father when he was named in the i convention. I Miss Clark takes considerable In terest lu politics, and has become .acquainted with most of the leaders (in Washington. Some of them talk I politics with her. and her knowledge 'of the game has" been commented" en very often. POKER PLAYERS CAUGHT BY COPS ! ; Joo Ball. Fred Noel. M. C. Gerruo !and F, V. Miles were unceremon iously disturbed by Patrolmen Wal ker and Wilson last night, and were told to nppear before Police Judge Beavltt today in answer to a charge of gambling. That Is, threo of them were told at the time, but Ball was not so Informed until Ho was located down town some time luted. , Thus far todnj the men have not made their appearance. Taxes all oer the State of Oregon generally are lower than last j-ear. Opposes ' $ h. m j.&i -e t! tB In Lengthy Protest, Nicholas Calls It Detriment Thnt ho believes there has not been sufficient publicity given to the matter that tho people may know- all of the facts in connection with It. and thnt In his optulon, the measuio would saddle upon the city an undesirable and .porhnps expen sive burden, were among the state ments mado by Major Nicholas last i night In r lengthy communication to tho council, showing his reasons for not. approving tlio mcasuro recently passed, calling for n special election to submit to tho pooplo tho question of amending the charter to give the council power to take over the Ankony canal. Tho letter was placed on file. Nicholas held that ut the time tho I'measuro was submitted to him, there was not time for the holding or an election by Jauunry 27, He further stated that tho ordinance did not .mosm:ms him.it i.v two nv thr UUHSIAXS Aimoieil Hleiiincii Are l'lacetl In tlw VMiita lj (Jci'inaiiM, Evidently With the liileiitlon of I'rotectlnK (ieiliimi Tiooiih In CrotslliK tlio Itlver HiihsIiiiih Uepoil Hucrem to the South of I'lock Totln)'. "nlteil I'ress Servico PRTIlOOnAD, Jan. 5. It Is an nounted here that the Turkish foicos In Jliu CaucasiiH have been badly routed, and that the Ninth Turklt.li Corp has sunendercd after bcliiK surrounded. All of the Turkish positions and uiormous tiuantltle of supplies and munitions havn been captured. Tho Russians reinforced, made a (lank movement, and split the Turks In two. Cossacks are pursuing the fleeing Moslems. United Press Service , I'ETROGRAD, Jan. 5. The Ger- tmans have placed armored steamers In the Vistula River and It Is thought that by menas of, the protection of fered by the steamers the German 'troops will be able to cross the river. .Ruslan ropoR. the successful block ing of the Gorllce road. SPILIOS FREE FROM CUSTODY ITALIAN ACCUSED OF TAKING INDIAN'S WATCH AXD DE- f OAMPIXO, PRODUCES IIECFJPT FOR MONEY FROM ACCUSER After a short hearing this after noon, Justice of the Peace E. W. Gowen dismissed tho ehargo of lar ceny preferred against Gus Spillos, an Italian youth, who was arrested at Weed in November, charged with stealing a watch and money belong ing to Mlllor George, u Klamath Indian. ilio lasiimony oi Meurisu ui j altogether clear In several details. ,The state produced a receipt signed ! by Miller George, for threo dollars. paid him by Spillos for the watch. Canal Bill contain tho measure to be submitted. That the city charter, In Article IV at present gives the council "all reasonable power" for closing the ditch, was another contention. Nicholas also held that the matter had not been put fully up to the people. Ho suggested the publication of tho complete contract In both of tho newspapers, saying that money could not bo spent to a better-pur-poso than for this. Tho mayor hold that the contract was all one aided. In this, he said. tho city was being bound to a propo sition that it could not unload laUr, holding that Instead of acqulri an equity In the ditch, the city Wftf only acquiring endless litigation mm expense, taking over the govern ment's obligations to the owners ( water rights, without wren wattr toe run Jn the ditch. A .. " K ,J3l .. i' I Tf 'K