oHt jtxtmhxg, Herald PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ninth Ywtr Noa.Mrl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1915 Price Fire GERMANS RESUME TAFT SAYS NOTE OFFENSIVE NEAR TO ENGIAND WAS Believed Formidable Blown Up by German Submarine jtlERMANY SAYS RUSSIAN ADVANCE FRENCH DISPATCH nJBfp"lH. MUESE, ARGONNE THE PROPER WAY MAKINU AUS K!A ! SERVICr UNI RUE FEEL ILL AT EASE i s, i-iti;cit hkim;i.si:i m:aii,thky oaiturk passes ix thk in nil hmn"hact in tin; north TMHATKIl Ml iicinnml HHpirw Willi Ikdhl'ortrM,.,,, ....... "" " "Tones mi' Aitiiilialile," Sii)n I'm inn ,m Urlllng Hu)', Rs-MroyliiK ' Trciulic mill C'iiUmimih of tlio Other t)uy Artillery Rooming t'oiitliiti nlly Around Hi" Ik'lgbui Cot (liTiimu Mim In AUmc'. (nltcd 1'rtM Hsnrlce I'Altlrt, Jim. 2. Meaner mlvlci'H I (mm I tic front are l llio nffocl llmtj On. (IrrniHiiH haw resumed (ho of-.' fpimhn In tho Argentic mid Monollo ilimltti mid lu l liu rogoln of the the Miicmo, mid Hint I tiny hnv Imvii utroiiKly reinforced. Thin teiirrnl oITi'IihIvo iiiuvi'iiH.'iit H etldelltly pUnilCd Willi lilt' llltuil- Hoti of forcing tho French to with, draw from AUnce. Tim wnr nrflco report, however, thnl the eiwmy Iiiih been iniiblo to mak any material) Ktiln l .MInliiK operation hnvit featured tlio iiiowiiifiilH iif both tho Hermans and i lie Allien during tin- pant 30 lioiirn Hnppers surcxidod In demolishing tlio French laliwon between llcnu. ntrit mid Achlrourt, mid tho French demolished tlio German trnchvn ut I'.irtllter and In tho Hollo forent. It Ik Admitted that tho annum attacked forcefully nliicv Thurndity, tut It I hwlxtcd that they worn everywhere, repulsed. Violent artil lery continue In tlio dune nround S'l'iiirt and Xennebcke and In tho region nf Arm, Allien mid Hoye. i CAR MUST BE LOADED SOON ONI.V A FKW UAVH IjKFT IX WHICH T) flKT OFF BIIII'MKXT OF FIX)Ull FO!t TIIK HTAKVIXG HKU1IANH If tho benevolently Inclined clti jchh nf Klamath Palht nro to tuku advaiitftRo of the froo trmmportntlon nrfcrcd by tho rnllrouds for nil goods ili'iHlncd for tho relief of tho ntnrv Iiik HulKlmm tlioy innnt sol a movo on. mid hnvo tho car Inndod hy Tuox dny nftornoon. Tim orlKlnnl offor for froft trmiR. portntlon oxplrod January 1, hut tho Houthorn I'nclflc Compnny him ox- twulcd thin timo n trlflo for KlmnuthV bt-noflt. Tho iifiornoon of Tiiotday, .lnnuiiry, 5, however, la tho extreme limit, mid the car mimt bo loaded hy that tlmoj Fern Hobbs Her New United 1'resi Service SALEM, Ore., Jan 2 -After acting private secretary to Governor Oa wald Wort, who retire from offlco Juninry 1J, for aevcrnl yer, MUa Fern Hobba today became a m'ombor 't Hie Btato InduitrUl Accldeni Com rntHHlou, The poiltlon paya a aalary of f 3, ttuu n year and U one, of .the beat npI'Mutlve omcM in ih Stat. Mln HohbH will b tk only woman mm. her ot the eoaaiMM, ph.uhi:h wilhox for ink yricii Mmm , l"irldcii Wilson H)h IIU I'm- llnar Wit Kthmisicd mill 'II ml Mo IVIt Hi' Wiii Compelled In .Mnki'1 tlii Pioli-. in Ht'i' i'liiil Yankee I Ship An MoleMed Xi Further. United Pre Hurt lie WASHINGTON. Jan. 2. In mi In. torvlow Willi tho Unllnd Htalo Press today, forini'd l'i-tileiit Tun praised President Wilson' note of proton! to England. "Tl.i' in Htm wn JiiHt wluil hiiuld littvn heew-dono," unlil Tnfl. "The noli witM couched In uilmlrnliln term. ninl tln toii! vwu tut li oiikIk to ) "I mn iinfmnlllnr ni in I lie actual iili-niriH lending In tlili nnxltlon. lint thti tone of din uuto Ih udmlnilil.' " AccoidliiK to tho Whllo IIoiihi). "ox. ItmiMuil pntlonie" wild England' ni tlitido toward American Hlilpplng pr rlnllntd I he KMicllnit of tint nrol.'l. Wllron'o fori'ticm-nncc reached tlio breaking point, mid he reluctantly felt compoltiid to protest. U (o Hint lime, tint llrllUh fnrolKii (iftlrn toniporUcil or iKimrcd torn plnlniH, vcrbiil ur written, no tho only nltoriiutlvt) wnm lo protciii slitor iiuhI)', imikliiK It linposAllilo to ;llti rcitnrd It. ARMOR FACTORY HIT BY PROBE '().(!lti:SSIO..l. tXI.MMITTKi: KX. i'i:(m:n to m'I'out ahvi:uhi:. I.Y OX TIIK FltOSMXT FtUt A ;vi:itMKNT.ov.i:n aiimok fijAti: woicks United Pronii Kervlco WA8IIIN0TON, Jon. 2.Tho con Krcftslonnl comnilltee, appointed to InvontlKftto prnptwinlri for n Federal armor pinto factory, In expected to make IIh report early next week. Senator Tillman Ih chairman. It In undcrMtoad that the committee will report advcmoly to tho project at thin rohhIoii, because of the neces ally for rigid roiiKroRHlonnl economy. .'oweii JetH the Coin A total of I31C.I7 tvna turned over to tho county treaHiiror thin morn Iiik by JiikIIcq of tho I'onco K. V. (lowoii, iih tho earnings of IiIk olllro for tho week. Hlnco then, ho has taken In another $25 (Inc. Tho North Heiul MauufacturliiK Co. lias ordcia for dorn from KuKland. Begins Job Today Mle llobbn' tenuro im private sec cotnry to tho chief cxocutlvo waa unrkod by ncttvl'.lcu that ntractod r.ntlonwldo attention, She conductod a number of InvestbtalloiiH In connec tion with moral crunndes In various tots nc of tho State. Ilor inont apoctaculnr performance wuh a year ago, when, accompanied hy n Hquad of stato militia, alio in vaded Conporfluld, n town of the old "wild Wont" Hort, closed nil salooas and caused to bo confiscated the storks of liquors, sftuibllng paraphor nalliand firearms. ilfc. WrBW't Y&m ? . i jp2t'g Im iilmte plii'ioKrnpli "f pn imlntl duty in the fall. I'nlted I'rodB Service LONDON Jn " While all de- Ui I lit are withheld, II Ih eoiiHldored eeriuln that the battleship Formld- able whh deHtroyed by a torKdo HONEST RECORD! ,ITi:U HinOTIXM A SWAX AXI i,i:um.v; that thk iuhh is I'ltOTKCTKU. HK COMKS TO TOWS AND I'AVH A FINK Mr. UloRenes nocd look no further, Klamath County ban the Honest Man ho necks. ThlH In Charles 1). Wlllson, pro prietor of tho Uoclty Tolnt supper re nort on Upiior Klamath Lake. Ho Is so conscientious about keeping law that ho uindo the trip from tho other end of tlio lake today to pay a line. A few duyH iiko. Wlllson shot a swan. AflorwiirdH ho found out thut thin bird Is protected, mid that to shoot It Is unlawful. At once, Wlllson hourledly tele phoned Justice of tho Pence (lowon, HtatliiR that ho had violated the Rnmo laws, and would bo in tu pny a line. This mornliiK ho appenrod before Howell to "take his inedlclno". Itut this could not bo done until a compLilnl had been made nnnlnM Wlllson, Yet undaunted, Wlllson set fortli and found Deputy (innio Warden Stout. To Stout ho told all of the, facts, bo tho latter could swear to aj complaint. Wlllson then entered a plea of KUllty. Ho was assessed $25, tho minimum lino, by Justice of tho Pence Oowen. "There mo hoiuo peoplo up there who nro breaking tho same laws rlcht along, and I intend to sco Hint they Btop It," snld Wlllson today. "In view of this, It would look n Ilttlo bit aoor If 1 waa Insisting on othois keciplng within tho law, and breaking It myself." LvlleV Mother Dies WILSON SCORES Word lias been received horo ofil'.v a scoro of 0 to 4 the death of Mrs. Cimrlotto Wood, mother of Don J. Lytic, well known !n this city, Tho domlso occurred Inst week In Indiana, and Mr. Lyllo was at tho besldo of his parent. Mrs. Wood was long a respected lesldont of that section. Jack Han ho Gout ! Oonlnl Jack Klmbnll Is about to, mnko' application for admission Into tho ranks of tbo Four Hundred, Ho produces as credentials an atack of rheumatic gout. Hrr lf. UHM .Klv3w ZnmImm r Hon of tho crew of the I'm inldnlde, taken JuM before the wnrslilp siaiieil fioui n Ceriiuui KUbinnrliie Thiu Is hideruble criticism is expressed on the believed to hnvo occurred off 1'ortB- failure of the UritlsU submarines. mouth. Tho admiralty has Issued n list of Tho lateBt repot ts are that only Z7 ofllcors, headed by Captain I.ox- ISO of tho crew woro saved. Con-, ley. and says all perished. TO ORGANIZE TO ENFORCE STATUTE UXIOX MKKTIXU TO I IK UKI.I) AT MirnioDisT ciiuitcii to phi:- PAHK FOH KKKPIXCJ KliAMATH FAI.I.S "DUY" Tho bllng pig, speak-easy aud boot logger aro to be unknown In Klamath Falls after tho stato goes dry, or tho efforts of local prohibitionists will count for naught. Tomorrow night a union platform meeting will bo held at Oiraco M. K. Church, when organi zation will bo effected to work for enforcomont of tho law. Laymen will bo tho speakers. It Is the Intention not to Interfere with the olllcers, but to nld thorn In heir work. IS DOWNED IN GAME KKWPIKS ARK TOO FLKKT AXI) STRONG FOR LOCAL YOUTHS MERRILL AX KEXO TEAMS ARE HEREE TONIGHT; 1 Forty-eight to thirteen was tho final scoro when the game between Kloth Anibroso's Kowples and tho basketball team ot tbo K. 0. H. S. ended last night. It would bo better to! any "part of the K, O. II. 8.", for Noel and Page, two of tho mnlnstays,' wore out of I ho gnmo. A preliminary gumo between tho Blues and Ulacks. went to tho last mentioned girls I This evening tho high school will piny tho Men ill high school team a return gnmo at tho rink. Pre ceding this will bo a gomo between tho teams of tho Central nnd Keno schools. Tho llnoup ot the Central teuni will Include Korr at center, Motschenbachcr, Hilton and Dow as forwards, and Lawrence, Chambor- lain and Summers as guards French and Gorman flshormon can be compelled to eery In their respec tlvo navies. H SCHOOL 7 vF IT. LAKI DINNER A GRANDSUCCESS OXK HUXDltKl) AXIi FIFTY PEO- PM-: ATTKX1) AND KXJOY l'KO. flllAM GIVKX UXDKR AUSPICES OF LADIES' AH) SOCIETY (Herald Special Service) -MT LAKL Jan. 2. Tho annual Now Year's banquet, given yesterday under tho auspices of tho Ladles' Aid of tho Mt. Laki Church, was a great pleasure to those attending. The families of tho congregation and their friends Joined In a social day with picnic dinner followed by a pro gram of toasts and readings, recita tions and music. Tho Mt. Laki gleo club sang soveral selections. Mrs. Murphy sang n solo, Irene Lewis and Graco Reese sang in Get man and tho Primnry class and several othors sang. Mrf. Lewis and Mrs. Geston gavo readings. l'erd Williams recited and Mr. Mc Lellnu and Mr. Colson whistled sey ci al fcloctlons. ron&lfc weio responded to as fol fel fol eows: Mrs. Lewis, "Women"; Mr. Lewis, "Men"; J. G. Camp, "Our wives, God Bless Thorn." Over l'"0 were present. Among those isllliu: from tho Falls were Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Camp, and daugh ter; .Mr and Mrs. George G. Fry, and daughter; Forrost Pell, Maude Miller mid Mario Griffith. MUs .Mario Griffith is out for the veed-end. The Mt. Laki nnd Falrwlew and Spring Liilco kcIiooIs begins on Mon day, after tho holiday vacations. Miss Maude Miller Is visiting Miss Fayo West. 11, A, McComb of Langell Valley, has been visiting his brother John Mc Comb. The young peoplo attondlug high school mo returning after tho vaca tion Rill Comes lu Win. Twlssolmnnn ls lu town to day from the Henley ranch, with his 2-h, p. Studebacker. Quite a crowd ot Klamath Falls people attended tho dance In Mer rill last night. All report a good tlaa. STI'.IXIIACII ,'lhey AIm Clnlm 'Unit Hit- I'rcnili Ale l)i iini) Iiik VIIIiiki's mid Killing Soii.CoinlmfmiN, foe Which the IWuiih is l.nld in the Door of ("ier- iniui) Tide In In Fut or of fier mails In WiiIiiii, Say livrlln Wires. L'nltcd Press Service UnUed ,,,, j BERLIN. Jan. 2. The war oflice, pETnooRAD, Jan. 2. la the Mil today asserts that the French claims (Wa reg,on the German8 valaly at. of victories at Sfelnbacli are baseless temptea the ottenaU.e An4 80Vere and without any foundation, as the flgbtIng followed. It i8 ndmUted that I rench attacks they were repulsed tho Gcrniang mado allght glna at with great loss. gom(J pontgf but u ls aUted tnat It Is also asserted that the French the malu Russan 9trateglc polnt9 are systematically bombarding and are not threaten destroying villages behind the Ger- Rus9,an stcamcra bearIn8 hsavy man Hues, killing many non-combat- artIery bombarded tho Oerman ant? In one village 30 non-combat- po9,tlon on the IaIand of janyBn0w. ants wcro killed. 'opposite Vysogrod. The war ofllco also claims that Belwccn Lower Vistula and Pillca Mibstantial gains aro being made In ,nc Gerraans attacked In force under the Argonne region north of Verdune. heavy arUiiery fire. They made and between Vihy and Appremont.sght galns but were !ater repU,ged. The French attacks have been re- pulsed, and at one point 33 officers , United Press Scrvlce and 100 men were captured. The ,. r. r Germans also claim to have captured , i, ' , !"T. W" the entire forest of Urules, and now s ated. thls "" " bold the Allies trenches. HORSE-AUTO SWAP BEFORE JUSTICE . .McTWKKDY, STEALING A ACCUSED OF HORSE. SAYS OTHER FELLOW DID NOT MAKE, GOOD I.V TRADE BARGAIN j Tho preliminary hearing of tho' charge of horse-stealing, preferred against N. McTwecdy by G. A. John- stono, began today before Justice of tho Peace Gowen. District Attorney1 Irwin represents the state, and W. H. A. Renner is conducting the defense. The testimony of Johnstono was that December 30. McTweedy wont to Johnstone's ranch near Spring Lake, where Johnstone and others were engaged In breaking sage brush. Ho stated that McTweedy said he would take the gray gelding, and did so, lending it away. , There wero three men present at the time, said Johnstone. Ho says McTwoedy mado a movo as If to pull f a gun, and they then did not attempt to Interfere. ' Tho cross examination dovelopedi that tho horso was traded to stono by McTweedy for' an nuto- mobile. Tho auto was in Silver Lake over 100 miles away, and McTweedy maintains he was to give n bill of sale for the horso after ho found tho car as represented. This, It Is stntcd. ho did not. as tho crank. National Automobile Show Started Today NEW YORK. Jan 2. Direct drive, .enter control, chnsalo, floating axle mid similar technical terms -aro now on tap at tho Grand Central Pnlaco for the anuual national automobllo show, oponod today. Nearly 300 ex hib'tors and manutaturors are exhib iting the newest lu pukoIIuo and elec tric cars and accessories, New makes ot self-starters, patent gear-shafts, speed Indicators, light JAHPATUIAXS IVtroKnnl Despntcho Hy That Bu- i i lmw Are Xow Turning Their Whole Attcntlou to C'ruiiIUng tiu Couutry Killed by Franz Joaef Hcvcro FlKhting Between KuMUn and C.'erninn Forces In Vlclelty of .Mlntt n sians uare captureu iour v.arpaiman passes, tho Austrian forces retreated toward Hungary. i It ls admitted that the Russian losses werevery heavy. Russian of llclals admit that the present plan l.s to make a supremo effort to crash the main Austrian defenses In the i Carpathians. United Press Service t VIENNA, Jan. 2. Undoubtedly the main Russian Attack Is directed toward Hungary, instead of Germany or Western Gallcla. Fouf eBormoua coldmns are driv ing through the Carpathians from JN'yaykow, Turka Tind G or lice, the crack Eighth Russian corps leading. Considerable nervousness Is felt In hls city, ORCHESTRA TO GIVE A SERIES ( ' FIRST DANCE WILL RE HELD AT OPERA HOUSE THIS EVEN 1X0 ARE TO RE HELD EYEY WEEK HEREAFTER Tho llrst of u series of weekly John-'dancos will bo given this evening at Houston's opera house ,by the Metropolitan Orchestra, the splendid musical organization which plays at tho Star theater. Tho dances are lo bo given every Saturday night. British India's wheat crop ls esti mated this year at 8,385,000 tons. ing Bj-stcms, horns, and so on are on exhibition to Indicate the progress ot nutamobllo nvinufacturlng during the last year. One ot tho features ot the snow this year will bo Society Day when tho -dmlBslon fee wJH be doubled la order to keep out tho mere curiosity eeekora and attract the preepeHIre purchasers. The show will continue one week. 4h 'Vnfw