J 't f;fp,mNTSTHE MV'JVSWHILBITISNEW8 ttf!kMAiiil . .. PHliWWrBBf 4. J OFFfc j Jr-fc'i!-'. t rur-;; TMCWtWgl. .jriBeg:-- ,-f-. Mfyt a"aW' ' !' taaaaaaaaBaaaaaaBaaa-au-aalaaMaaaa-alal 'A l "a"" " . -.rj -z ,r-. - . " iU " 9 T V' O I - . -r,! , t ; MIIIMNliHIING w -ar-TTm-r-T !. -,...,.., ,. , SHIP DESTROYED . IS MOM MlXH Oil -rOIII'lilM) UMW MIX or mo vits-wi, W IVt.ir, One ti( llif Ue In It. X-t) -h.ICi.-l l'lt Million IM. Ur HntiiHii" MittliiK He. ilri l'i i 'Miil-Mnil IU-nt" IV1 lit iu4i.llntt Cim.( Mini .tlillns tu IW-lnUn nlilliiB. KLAMATH I;ALL3, OKEOOiyfolDAY, JANUARY 1, 1915 ; AffV i fe" Germans Pulling Down a Tottering Wall in Lille, France rMd l'f-ifrr MINIKIN, Jsn, t. Th adnilralir thU Morning -nno.iittv.t thftt li lu. miI "Vifml.Jtt!f" hrf In uiitt In the channel. U twmialn t llil. lliatt itiHhr tho ! km diirnyr'-l Uy 4 iiiliii or n lorji'ilti Mum a tib-' msrltte. Kevrniy-onw unlvnr et j.r.l ui I.)1 a IMilWh llcht crnlwr. nd M U HMt)tt Hal ulliri mf te itm I'lrkwl UJ by Other VraM-U t Tt Bormsl rfw ( ilif Krmlilt)l hb ;? mm. Ti. rrollbli t li.odo.oo, n4 tBllfl oh" f tt li l0t tUI-!ilp. .HI nre iti limVlns tml l the r Iho fwlJ!'!, rrmtt t( lirr !!, h l-n mmhJ In catt KUirJ; auijf, and kMUllnit it) Um- rlslulne on il lllUn fl, ?i Hi - $h& '' At I.1.H IS '. IIIIIBaaiBI.-V T 'yi. J.k.'i IIIIIIIIIHBV.IHL UBIBIBIBIBIB i '.5 IIIH3WBIaaar'ier-;'TC'lilaMiiiOWC3Pl'a fM aWBaPF jr l yTKlfcia- 1- .a) -He ,---. msrap ---urn- .- ..- HEAVEMS ABLAZE IN SAN IfiO AS BIG SHOW OPENS1 j f i.iti;iu.MiM hT.tivr .tK tmi: oi.u Ceorjftf JVbanc Again Becomes , Circuit Judge for District K.n MII-.H J. l'i-l.li'lil WIImiii TiIikIiin, lliitlim nl III. Illtl.l.l,. In Wllllf ll(IUM III' t UiKililiiKfim Tlial fimiiKurnloI IV. Illll on OiIht fil.lc i.r (Vuillmiil. 1 lliifilo mill .xirttii nl l-'iiul Mini 'it , t ' -rullj- In ,trfiiiuiii!itlliiK Cnitiil, ' lluuw TtiU KiiIb. I'rliitlpat W. 'IV f KUm.lh Counljr IMch 8fliw U t-rtlfet bm (hi nrt-nln from Kn , lit Mirinrr horn, whrrp li lni fhrUtwa wHi hU iarvfil. ii, lit) l'i-an Kirilrw KAN UIKIIO. Cnllf., 'Jan. 1. T-ou IMokVi l'.innmii-(aitlVornlu cxmIIoii Jlnul today f 'nm-jnor.nliiK :b oecnlni: it tin? I'uiuiiua orial nil'l ifitclogcr nlllait'!'.' Kcii-tsii u.o rmtnl ;HlBto .inU Uniln Aiiu'Wfii Mio lilt; yetir-round fair H-vtti'1 promptly ri ' mldiilglit, when .itjilitfiil WIIikmi, from hU bed In I hi' mIi'i. Hou 1ii Wavhlncton. louiLril ;ln liulloa dint u( tlio wholi xmwIiI(ui grounds ablaro with Unlit i I lie MrIiW (if (lie fxpiwlllor; ki'iiiiiwIh 'l.mlivd out, HOrhl bombs wpru 'plndr-d, tho jcunii of wamhlpu' In tli harlmr and nt,Kort ltocran,' acroii tlio bay, boomed out. and a( crrat cheer went up from the thou-' mid of Ibronu. I'nekliiK the expedi tion erouudu to ovcrllowInK, crowd liiK through the city utreets, the great Thi. i...i,r..i .-. i . . .... . ... . thronK Jolnwl In the carnival of Joy ....-,....,..,..,.,,,.- uu" xuv urniwin imiiiijcu i.im in rrsnc. ',i 1-1. i..i .i.--i. ., i.i i-i,. ti. ,n if. .fir .1- i . ... .whlrh lasted thronh the whole night.. .... .. .... ,.,,v. ....i i. -...-. . uuiui-u wn iiuiivit uuwu anil n puuiOK raphrr hci wa on hand look n plcttttenh the Kreat mnof brick and mor ir a crutnlilliiR to ruin. 1' : lllllaflxHIaBlllllllllalllllllllHallB aLHSSaHHallaHHllaaKlaBHiBalaaHl 3 LasSWaaaBIHPHPKTlaBHaiiallHilllllH raVaaaaaaaBaVaaaaaaH& if " .'BVaaaaaalaDaaaVlavaVaaaaaH tHVf, ""WaLLLLHBLLLLLLH alllllllHallBMaC',AV ''IIKSIaHRaallllB 3HkBaaalBiHlltHaBBIHBHBIIIIW' &' aLLLLLLLLLLK VSv:''aLH..H n IBalllH9(alHRflIHBDlr. ,-" ti aaaaH TaYMaYaYaYaYaYaYaYall&3GaYaVJaYaYailAiK&aYaaYaYaYaYaYaHBYaMHV .aYaTaYaYaYaYafaa RWj-jCjWHHiHWwOT.wi BHHH w mil mmi miKf: x5. CSJfcAJ 11 , 51 ifvjivw JV-lPiKt i -4. .. k.-.r?.". ivaoinHH i'ubiiiiii-v u rJtiM.'fctl5 ''jlMI,i VHipWHW HiMMN m vwKfw65 w:j IIim I'o'lH kBtaaTil-AaA t W Bw "WB .".... 'is''firf.'SW'i -.; .iv. If . . S , ' . AT J -v Tom ni iiiiiiinii"iir riiiM -a.j-i" av iu t-w. 11A1V7.V j-""'?."; ; ... ... efM( -'inffri.vH(ifiii: .t- .r . " :: . T7T7"'i'ii.wir7rr--JT7 -f.'l-i. i-': -?r. v v( .. .1 "'"'- - - i J.-,75S.-"t'-WSSjHK mi-vmi t 'rTuesday, 'fit" .Miiii the ChaMk:CMijt W !.urti! trwfrftk' la KIMIW J lion. GcorfipCkoLind Tho same change was made In the lSU2,Va'Hh the degrees of irtwwmx rm''' Ji&s&m unite re-dyj tWiSMCMiiil fr . S W ,probabltldi.-4WfjrHtVliimlM - TM at which tlwe?!.'!!!'!',!!. ,- f ,for th Klawath -Cta-r. WtSttSs I6 j)merc' ,for' the 'coHnfyeVwH rtl ' :.:$ -J.-.-- MH,afc V - netMMnwwOMrAatliMi:- jW"- - rf -h - --)ms' MBttBtelpal '. v-' trttee. kIpl'ef.ofl4,--i- Ili.ltV. J'n.tn ffrrrirr J. fl, Cmp, project munnKir for itio IlKlamailon H-rrlre. returned Ul nlisht from I'ortUnd, whett h ha tx-n atlendlns j fonfernw of rrtlr official", U'nitla o U Ainrrirnn. ' A iM-tltlon for natnrallutlon hn' 'htrii filed In Hie circuit rourtby Annl-' bale Comtorli. a natlvu of Italy, thU' petition will he foiildered nt the June term of the circuit court. BATTLE ON NEAR CITYOF MONTEREY Circuit Court Clerk Geo, Cha-uln 1 ami wife nnd Claude Chantntu left IlhU nmrnlnc In the former' car for i.invinx m:ci:ivr.i iiv It hft trn rIcuUtrl by a KOtrern.' llonittiM, wher their father, Dr. J, WPnt totnl! that one need of cotton, A. Chnntnln I III. J lm the application of all polble: j ran and nklll. would produce Krt.OOO,-1 Thern are 20,755 Chlnee and 3H4 000 ied In lx year. JapaneMi In Auntralln. ii:i'.itT.Mi:.T iximcati: that i nircisivi: STiti't.-oi.i: is iti:tc, clasilcdl courses in the Vuiram-UkA MrjUMMit.iVm fSlIS. IIIHH'W. IWaMMK ( --r t J 'oWtAK-,.1 l'lii1inrt.lrf''i,.ii!rtfSi It AiVAltflB. J. T 7 1- W .-".- S, HI.. J MIIIIV VWMMV J IUUC fcUW .aUN,lHlU( fcUU. UVK1COM4UL UaVUTlUl. -..''-' - . -JS f ." I r. ' ', -" . .' Thirteenth Judicial District today as of Arta and Bachelor of Sciences. JC ij&'eimMkUidilSSli . t .. ... rt. J7a lAnlr t.rt'h riwr-WUnlinA and S ".J.." 1. . !. '.' Jil rilL." aL."l .un iimuv i..ur ja.s uu, mul'u win cult Judge Henry L. Hcnson left the bench and was succeeded by Hon." ...... . ., .. .,. - -. I .uiuiii3, lie uu lutt ojiic uuiv iraii i. the omce ot Judge ynaries -a. letter, tmtaenUrf - :iimii.iiA0fi, Georse .Voland. This morning, Judge liaw In tho offlce of Judce Charles ... -. A v-i-. ?d&':2Z'J Benton, after many years of residence piPh nt Knn hplnir mimtitiwl to' .T . '."'Tl1!. fn Sbulhem"OreEbfi;Uit foKSdlemtojth0 bar'thesaine year ho MbiZ!!i?u taKo tne oatn or omce as Justice or;from tt,Q Uulversltr. the Supremo Court; today Judge Xol- AtCr a year's hroetlce In Prine- and succeled hlra on tire Klamath-jvl,e jUdK0 N'oland mored, to As- , "5 VS-S-Si ''ake b-h- wrte. and practiced law there am' lLSIS JudKoNoland Is a native of Oregon, 11907;. when he moved to Klimatn Klamath's Growth Good endlnR only with the dawn of Kew Year's day. Thousands of visitors, flocking here from nil over the country on peclal and regular trains, steamships and by automobiles, all but swamped tho ho tel and apartment houre keepers. Probably never before has n city of 30.000 enred for so targe a crowd of visitors. One of the most Imprcsslve'plcces of nreworks was one that appeared tnbovo the great dome of tho music STATU 'pavllllon simultaneously with the 'bursting of thousands of rockets. It was n monster device representing tho Panama canal, Its moving lights j Illustrating tho mingling of the wa- "Oregon. His mother was also n plo- signed to assist his brother, tho late WAGKD IIV THK FACTION'S trrs of the Atlantic and tho Pacific, neer. coming to Oregon In 1S53. Governor Frank Benson. He occn- . Thousands of bells clanged, thousands After attending the 1-ano county. pled the bench for two years, and jf whistles shrieked, and huge bon-(schools, Xolaml attended the Unl-Jsince then he ha3 devoted his atten Unltcd Press Servlco iflres Illuminated tho sides of the seniNjversity of Oregon, and graduated injtlon to bis present practice. . i circle of mountain twenty miles i - i KlamathFalht; .;. that; Oregon, and I faafMUM.-J at least lwo;j HH.-va ,r. -yrj Jtt'l.'TT,'' . W '' Jk f j '"J'V. ifvn- ;-!;- -ut -- -- - i..i tkn.. n r4fcHn-ti t rA. e-i. -itt.tfa t.. ia.j. .-. w .' uitcnvtv, "."i.l""""' Nolanil, a votrrait of tho Mexican war .for two successive, terms, serving fiVelto .sVCBth n JTO and the uogue Itiver Indian war,! and a half years In nil. .'.i:j-: IRtJ'.' iil. P, tj-,a-- , 5 r3 M 'IS;-, ?&i2 v:. camo to Oregon In 1853 after the' In September. 190S, Judge Noland "49" days la California, and' was; was appointed io tho Circuit Ucnch, prominent In 'the early history of (succeeding Judgo Hcnson, who re- gramraur scaoota. ,, The big meeting wilLui (take place In tho Houston ftVfl $ ,m4 -.A-J, 'or some other centrally lotlCjMfc;);f Special vocal aBdiinatru-wwa.B--W.wv' 'if I is being arranged; UfS&$jlM:jv i$ secretary Blower 01 ia ".jWi uitiuicii.tr will a. a.a..wB' -., occasion. WASHISOTON. 1). C. Jan. ! Arrnr.lli.L- In nilvlrni r.r..lvi..l hv lli.("wal' At the stroke ot midnight. ' .;?i ir,r m state department n decisive battle 1,,'ni.iuum .. .. i'i,1B u '", LBV I U1VI h I Kill I u speecu, nrct'pieu uie kojs in int.! Mil I llnillll 1 lini I Year Just Ended Saw Permanence in Development No city or ttiwn can make, a norma- will nlo result In money being n in-lit growth unlen the country ur- free, hero than In hilierotr., w founding I become " developed on at or near Monterey. lteKriN from Carraiiia'a liead-'tx,'u,"u"' uuarlen. ..re to the effect that their. Tl, Jo' services begin at f..,... .. i,..,i viii i ... ....ill o'clock this morning, with Lyman, jtrol- the situation there, and are bat-'J- "a vrtBlilng. Secretary of the tllng with tho forces of Villa. ........... .-...-, ..r.... . ..- , ' .. a llll... xaIia Wim half at n klMIK . American consul's report, however, i'0"'1 """"' ai'".. """" """': Indicates that General Vllla'.i forces; more. are l,e roiuroiiiiig torre. GAME ON T0N1GH - . a " T 'M' . " .- S A tlio y-r Jiut clowd m ueen n .ub.laiitlal growth of the most mib Htautlal manner for ihls city. The year 10H has m wonderful development of thn agricultural re source f Klamath eounly, strides that promUo to soon put tho Klamath llailu, o long n cattleman's country, In tho front ranks of Oregon' farm ing district. ThU I throuab the development work carried on by the Individ"! farmor, Improvement of herd, better home, more up-to-dato machinery, and apllcatlon of more In telllgent method In hi work of crop production. Tho blggent boom over received by l ho farmer or Klamath county won tho alining of the Iteclamntlon F.t tension lllll by Prosldent VIIon, A a result of this tho owners of tho 33,000 or more acre of Irrigated land under tho Klamath Reclamation Project paid from 3f to cU an aero construction charge this year iMteaa f th l wr acra fwnMt un4ar th ol ww. ThU mean that the Klamath far mart had MI,B06 or mora saved thla yaar by the inhmi t tht tMWtM act. 'ThU mony, Invaated in mw, ho, Hunker of Implamtnt, ; haa m a MM Impravtmant thrthut tha Mtisty, ID WW tk tlUMton bill hen there would be crying demand for loan to pay off the 13 per here charge. It leave the fiiriner In a ,k..lil...t u'lii.r.. In. run ihl 11 llttlll llCt- ter for himself, Instead of working hard to keep up Intercut on hi debt. Another Innovation this year that1 has proven njl that wns claimed for; It, I Hie establishment of the ofllce, of county agriculturist, the expense' being met Jointly by the county mid . tho U. H. Department of Agriculture. Distend of carrying on n demonstra tion farm, the agent, II. Koland OlaUyer hn conducted esporimeutnl work In all parts of tho county, thus working toward securing varieties suitable to each particular section. In iitldlHon to thl. hi demonstra Hon work, OlaUyer' timely advlco and other nctlvllles hiivo convinced what few skeptical farmorn ibcro were that thla department U working for their hcnollt, and more onch week are tho farmer and the ndvUary tl parltnent drawn together, To show tho practical results being attained through thin advUary do rtartmont It might bo ntnted that there wa three time as muoh fall plowing dorio thl year thkn over beforo, and that thti farmor ,nro navlng tho way for better price for their crop next year by a careful elecUon of tho ,ANS 6AIN NEAR ARGONNE military and naval parade will open the day. VIWI.IJ.VI MI.UIIAU !.- "Ml " , ,Mlllon h.vird. THICT I1KI.IKVK THAT (IKK- Tomorrow, at io o'clock, the great 3IAAK illlK M.1K!I.U Ilir.Kf. Wilt AXOT1IKH ATTACK ,, i United Press Service PAItlS, Jan. 1. The communique report that the Germans have gained In the Argonne country. Tho flghtlntr Is violent there, lletwocn Ithlems and tho son can nonading continues, It Is belloved Ki:WPIKS," eOMPOSKD OP LOCAL STAHS, VII.li PI.AV TUB HIGH SCIIOOli SQUAD AT TIIK PAVIH LIOX TllfS KVlXIXG A banquet wilt be held tonight In l.nnA t DiAalJant f A T-.llafMt (if i UUUUt iviliuilt. w, I'niiuavn "'I. ..ill . K Kr. lr.An1 lr.t-.i nt Hn. kctlmll will not be ilUappoin(odr for a fast garno will bo played at tho Klamath County Has Modi tt VJHs'S ...v.. &A11r. ff iUtn for Klamath Fulls ty during thVycar to come, ilna Klaiaita'Seaala-1;&r:.iii8 things In prospect jlearae4-thttlrtjlii4!ffei and Klamath cbun-!lr lower' fcW5tlii K...... ,,-.,. iho .i!,ir.i hompaipn.I DorU conceralns 'K-iflMtll .'ureas, Increase tourist traffic theaoj Iateraa4Hlwl)toM! McAdoo was followed by Count deli Vnllo de Salarar, representing King! 'Alfonso of Spain, and John Ilarret.j ; director general of tho Pan-American; . Uulon. j Theso In turn wero followed by thei governors of states having part In the ' exposition and the mayors of many f - "-l"t;"; T,-', Not i. ataie.'tliSiMfi W estern cities. Despite the fact that tho Central (years has tho future taken ou sorosy an : lBl,bfJakibwlvtlM . , ,,iu.m v ... ,.u.nll -.pnm-grogmton whtch was a haven ,1I10 a8 hns iflir, , viewed by local attee ,tlSel-i: iiuiiiiiug iook piaco ni noon. .,.. ,, ,,,Ia vt.a f ,."-" r. ,iV-wt2'iCJLfi-t juvui. .....u ...s ...u...uo ...w ..w. . Micopii.'. j .: -jjv -).,- mmm . ... .. . ...... ... ..... . i . posea oi.nisu scuooi siuuouw, nuu Klamath county ns nit aericultural scelion has great possibilities ;aHt. crop failures are .unknown. "Thlijraa pavllliontonlght, Tho game starts at 7:30, wv .ii:1,. wo. xx lf"2 (Ceatlnaed m n Hint tho Gormnns are massing there preparatory to resuming their drive toward tho coust. Tho French offensive near Verdun Is slowly repelling tho Germans. Ho tween tho Mueao and Moselle there U iuucH .artillery action,'' WATCH MEETING HIGHLY ENJOYEO United Press Service PKTUOaiUD. Jan. l. -In Gollcln and Poland tho lighting has slacken ed. Doth Rrintea are relnforclug. It U understood that a new R. ttlan offensive movement U develop ing, No detail are ctrea. Fifty or more people wero In at tendance at the union watch night service held last night at the Prea byterlun church, which turned out to he a very pleasant aud profitable eve ning. Following a song service, talk were made by Hev.,J. A. Stubblefleld, Rev. K, 0 Richards, and S.,p,Hrirlan, I.ute In the eyoalag the aaaembUge repaired to the Ohristlaa church, whero hot coffee, aaadwlchea and cake were served. (Here! gathering saw the pltulag of 1M. It wm that the becanseivOf In this tho "Kowples," a fast local team will play tho high school. To morrow night tho Merrill team, which recently heat the Klamath High team, will bo hero to piny a return game, and this will also bo n spirited con test, ns K. C. II, S. is anxious for re venge, Tho "Kowples" lineup is Mc-uer. Hum aud Garrett, forwards; McClure. center; Ambrose and Holler, guards. Tho high school will play Steiger and Noel, forwards; Graves, center; i Everett, Real and Page, guards. proceeding the game tonight will bo aco-ed game,, between. Ufa Dlacks and1 Ulues. both high school' girls1 teams. The teams, have been prac tising hard of late, and will put up. a much raster game: than they have ever kArniui niBVaui t r.:ir- r ,. ,..., als ... ..., not generally believed, tho. landholder here a fow years ago was In too many casea only a specu' lator, only keeping tho ranch ho. pur chased long enough to sell. It to tho man willing to pay. more. ThU type of fa'rnier did uot wlsli to farm other- wlsenhan on horseback, and tno Is no place in tho world where such method succeed. Ileslden tha reports of sterility" it has bceu popularly nppoeM',-)j oilier paria or ne, bkiio mm :i in ices hero were out ,pr,rvason',aBi hhat oven ytth Uio proper, faming methods, If! was, Impossible to uc- eeed, gyring to killing -frot every mouth, In the year,' . , .. :.. By sending an exhibit- to the' re- IndPrOduct gUqw;.wUitiHTit4' off tbejgoW.BjfdBl'ijroTrtbe.VMleil products ;xblWtIav.,ie(ajttM' lawardi, the. aaa'Ofcamlyt Comweree disproved the;a4Jrem';' a'w " . - at tii:,.1 .... rij,"ii-. exposition. ,j W'tfc..-' '- a-aaSl ffa-!!PT p , lukaaHlMv. gip-, vnarail.4kl4Ui.VaJa.''kIManiaBS,,'r''iii play hsai-bWaj'tprtgati ssass i.;arnHI.?Hi-iWHMaF P" ,' from tae'jcaM.M,.- JM-MHMMf Aaot her manner, lawWcli awi ,Mitte ;ww'Mm mm .mm ntjb xiMiaUi isiitylaf. tkM Lake KMrtaMi? LQWer?KlaathVlliJyv ' IndUnltMiWalte-kF " " MoiKfjY:::M mi ml matleMinitebMr tfMt M Its:inUa't dhiMH. iMMh'i oiritTf,ja' JaX. wT IWiW im E-i ym x&9am . V K'4 - "' 'fc M. ..!. -"i, vX&P&ii'JlfTt ' ' c " ' ..'-.,'.. ..." "' "'.... j- Zi& u3.' ' .. . .i -l.r'i' .. :- r. 'j; v :swtiVF'i, , V '.f i&M&jk 4 wtf-SJ'.fji .iS?-'. f .. &i . 'Wi tf,'-'- ,-vs N ...'iW'iii.im m'ti i-w znwsnam m s . .i .v te i . -. ..-r. ."'.'jiJi.-v'i. . ss',iaH:sri t&Mh.-'mB&m