V"t J-hJi tw- jW .I'S-v .". . iVh Wtok rtftiW',-if1 ' .. jrttAi. 'i" ' n3M?l I'RINTI THE "- '? Sfe (fiTt NKWS WHIMS IT IS NICWS .jwrv' Main tr !I'M,, KLAMATH FALL' OPKJCIAL NEWSPAPI i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1914 FIGHTING IS FIERCE IN BOTH THEATERS Type of German Air Craft That Raided Dover JAPAN ACCUSED OF HOLDING U. S. SHIPS -wa "' v?l iwiii.iN, t. ai. (vu wi.,. ..It, n umrUI sUlonirtil l ds the r office rotitradltt lh fUllil ut tW Klth ami lletUlfr ittftt lbr lli-d (rt'lll hlllUr lii llOMi' III 1 1,1' fsie (if n die 1 1 tdii lite German machine ciin wii-.) mi ik itf of iiouttHi snt! ltl Upprr floor til liMlldll "While Din im uii bath tide. Ihm i Li- tk(fir) It tin luiparuui jlllrti lave Made HU slll Whatever, "M". H I'lli !m I"'! AHHrrli The ini--i.t f..iihi-. Ibw il "" '"'. -i,rh III shelling Wt Klide bv , t,t ,., tfMire ara many hou-e Km! public .irriiiHAW. Dec si iit.r ttllillft, but hai rl im mlllioo fr,( , Hum ,iiiii that i ho (tit JMJI(r whlVtr. Il hste toll riIM nl several , .,, , hiIM oil the V(ntii and Kanaka , At iimmi iiiii4, t.kfrr, ilr ngliiiiir t bh.,1 I.-.. IW , Jm rmni m U att(itry PAltlH. IW 31- Tho flcMliu l 0(.rfilnt, In tlnll.U are .r.ri.-s IHdrn.lut III lllltlinjlj III III" IVtlCK ()f. ,ulrf and tlgtil. The lolanUy Is ri,. m,i,pj ,,r,r (tf f fl0Clrlri lwlr bl lrJHr fUe irrr4lir l fitlMliK Hid Car The thief wfMlowi Ida were III pAlhlan mmh nnd iipmlng I In- . tjj-T Alwro 4 Ihf Ctilii'Hf 1U (nr b llunenrlaii lutanlun. Illtt Tnw tiVe Uwtl IU!iPl (rum In llm r. llm KiimUii hrnc rji tngl ti J Nsiiey (o rrlufnrv Dm rm uur.1 Auirlaii wlilim at of Hal; t l'u l!t)li. rsilurlnr a niimtirr of in- TUt (rirnl ! IclrtiO n rlMt flilhn nun , uiilwr Alnf ut (Jrniii r)t, arid ihm Ujflti iiiiralluii nalriM lr t'ltllnj !'( HcrilM itiJ Huiutiur, I.ONIHJ.V, lrr. 31. A Ian; iiiim Tin ruiuHtuni)ii Iih1j Vim ii UKainer olrut-k a mltii In ilinj Th ffwath ti HurtHl Hlrlti. .S'urili Sm idJs)' an4 moV. I.KoUnwmj Wifli, tit ujiiHcr Al, MluMlnit f urcliliiis (or mm Ivor tin Plnini )filp litllp. 11y lllfrnlly bt lrrriuli JlraU t- . iX..UjJjt3. 1 that tbc protest wa in a spirit of" ' friendliness, In the hope of ttopplM condltloni that might become more ' ncrluui t they were Ignored. No Htatemcnt regarding their cob- -ferente wan made. Th admlraltr Is prepared to report ' : Coast delegation In the houui U au- 0n all shlpn caroriB Americas goat -lliurlly for a stalcment that Japan that were held up or dlvert4. I ha hteu holding up American ablpLaeij case the rcanon for the Hve In the I'.iclflc a England has In thuwni t given, i-txCOi I'ulted I'tbks Hervke WA8IIINOTON', li. C, Dec 31. Hcrlotu Interferenct with American commerce In the I'aclllc Is chnrgt-d against tho Japanem; navy. A prominent member of the I'aclllc i , if , Ss l 4 ' i I Tho" sipeclflc allegatlou by .vjm. ,ryjsrtHtt&vwtfgai. Atlantic. A preliminary statement of the cane .United Statea ana intilirtkt FFw hut heen died with congret by the fests and contrabandnililpito, It'ta $$& I'adfle Mall Steamship company expected, will figure prealaeatfr' l ' the reply of England.' T"" t 'v- "-" liiiicu in-n.icrn iniiiiiio or inn actual Bnun.-;iiifi. .," ''-;. l.ONDO.V. Uei- 31- Ambassador ilti;ntIon over the thlpplBg l I'ggu Hi' afttrnoon held a long con' ference with Foreign Minister Grey, the war. H Ik understood that he explained ored tbe mont serious development ftf ,., t.. .ni.u. i. ...!. ;. w-- i-. "' -j; - w.ft .uuws, .- -- "a-t: ,1, v :? f t'n abuvii iihotoKmph In a tiplt-ndld lit w crtonx tln KdeIIIi channel and ceis with hlch thCFe litige "hlrds' illinitrtiliiin of ilui (irrmaii dlr.Klhle dn'MHil ioritl bombs around Dover, have located the enemy mid have alr.lili. cominoul) knon a tho "7.ep. h:,,R,,,"a U " trmn PrnlnhHI their foru and cities. Iu iteroplanes. I'nrli nnd I-ondon etery posalble light Milt type ' on nrrouiu f Us lme.it- .n,t. f(,ar ljf R mUn raid Is felt Is exungahhed -,r night to mak..' or. Count Mllit ( j, f ,a. principal cities of the 'the cities less a target to n hotlle Iti-rciitly one of tli huge nlrslilp nlllol rouulrk's, followlne Oi" sue- air flit. DIVORCE SOI T AFTER ARREST I tliMl III Ui llUltwid III Ullcll.lltiK lii hrr ho iii i' dtiilr, U vi (Mit iu en to ill. and other If rt Irs at nllllit. It'AtliiK lh rhlldri'ii tieglrcli-d Mr a. Hint hi tia it'iiirntxl homo lal j at nlelit wlib loads of lumber. lc. ,,,n,, mid found ih rbltdriu In bed and Hum Mlfi Ar) at r tnnro On oiiif omtslon. he wy. sliu. MRS. w. 0. huson Benson Adjourns Court titld A UIVUKbt r .i i .t- u tor tne Last lime nere America's ignition, nnd emphasized liove the protest Is prrJeruiv ""T , SMVs&fs ' - - - itwif CENTRAL POINT FREIGHT SERVICER TEAM NOT 0. K.i CHANGE IS NEXT Sftll "in -,& ml 'M 'i TKL.KUIt.lM UKCKIVKI) UV HIGH HKBEAFTER THERK WOX SCHOOIi STATES THAT IJOY8 l'L.YIXC O.V HIGH SCHOOL TRIM AHB NOT KI.1GIULK ..BMM Ma.k v.aB AMMTm ?T- FROM WEED JPJ DCMNO i' .,, "- - i ' WS 'itt.J ' A" v is S - . . .( ,- - Jlv S'firi taL.A.sfts3 f Svr, ""fl Is s(ivi;i tuhav ji'imji: iii:.m).v. Ai'iiat Vli:V DC TI.TIMO.V TAHi:.Nv,rr,:U-N oiHCUIT. JflKIK W1I.I VKEK TW1CK A WEEK SKMMMf ,fi ; t..lLe,1l siitWIR -- Tr'fegi ?K'vl ltl There will be no basketball game! Deglnciag the flrst et ";. 'sq . BN ItA.NCIIKIIIUld noi een proildo hiiiiiht for thrro.j Janil when Hip) tttmUl to roik llm) HKI'AltA (fl nnl , , M( ,n, ,,y y,. ' i. t ..i.i.i. i .I... iiKitmi: a iti:rr.m:i: .-, KliMATH OH'.XTV IIIIIXiM AITIO.V I'OII TIOS ,SU hill ;fKTOUV ' HIH unwashed and frlRliieneil. nticr A ,,tmp lf .mmtloii as today tryln lo -nt raw alwh. When IioiMt(,(1 ,0 Amt,mn Huson. who sued, THItK'i: tllll.llHK.N jm.e nl litis, Itobetl )S. sho flow fnf n ,m,)rc from 0. Huson. who , Into a Icrrltlo roge. )M i,,,,.,, r0niieried lth local lum-J ClirUtmas, h slatm, she put on a jt,rrng ronceriis for soernl jenrs. A an aftermath of Ihw artesl o'Vcxtiume reaching t" hr kiu-s In gojTi,!, f limed a re lew of the testl-' Homer llohrrt on a rhArgo of ns!0 mastjuerAdc, ealug hlin wrtliIIIOn). which wn taken befon It. M aull and hailery, prefrrr4 by blIim rhlldrcn, He 6ays ho utailo oniii'nichnrdoii wife, a suit for dlvorte today j(K-iilar remark about the costume. ri,( iUB(l a,K,, cruelty, and! niej by lleberu. Ills aiorne) are am ,itj,t ,, lost her temper, mid at- ..... .i.-. i1(.r tuisbaud on several l.liHi: IX Till: "MOItXIXG IXIU SAI.CM. WIIKItK Hi: IS TO HK-' cejii: s v v it i: m k j u s t i ci:. ItlCIIAItlNO.V I.KAVIUS SATl'lt. It V MOItXIXG I'OU Till: .SOUTH to ,cci:it A POSITION THKIti: Onelll nnd Manning Hobarl slate that eter since Ihvlr Tor the last time Judge Henry I.. (teuton today ndjourncd circuit court. tacked him with big lamp, beating '(Cai,mH ranu. ,omo Intoxicated audi Ho closed the term until Wednesday. Ill in, and causing Injuries that re. . , , , , . nre. she says, hoijnnuan Clh. when Judgo Noland will lloliort slate ttiai eer since imir ( ruin, nun riimiR ihjhiht . " jmltrrntiil her. Onfe. siio says, no jjnnuar win. wnen Juugo .oian marriage In lh couniy In 1903. hl quired the attention of a I'lOslclnn.1,,,,,, (,r fr0(n ,, i)U,0f um forced (be on th Klamath-Lake bench wlfo has irealwl lilin III a cruet maif As she was goiuc lor a gun, ue .(j,r t(, ,,fi for two nights Iu n smnll Iu ,lu, ,UOrnliiB Uenson leaves for iter, mid Im finally driven him lo his he rnn out of the house to keep from j,)(iat (1 ,,M,0. KInnmth mU, wHI-iSttt,m .,fu.r lwt.nt)-to )ers. of sor lalher's ranch under threat of killing , being killed. ,,, ,,mcleut clothing to keep herilw l)l0 Jocal jutrlct .both as dla- Itoberls static Hint two dii)s later jurm devrrllxxl as a 'he returmil to Urn ranch and found S)l? , a,.,;cj that ho freiuiutly ;to become supremo justice, lilin If he returned. Tim lll.frltlUlIt I "woman of terrible and uiignverii-jtl.e children again mono, uhmanim,,,,! hl,r ,mt their marriage wus nbla temper." Ho Mys llml she tins ( ami neglected, while the wife was liiBlum reremony. n,. iHi,i n ri. I reiiueiitlv. and liaalKlnmnlli Kails. He tMik tho children , .i......i ... kin i.im iw.lih raiuito the home of his parents, where! lug him vllo nainw In the presence of I they are now the children, u. ...... ..f ii..... ilii Inii fur several I. O. O. I'., Allciillmi I lirlct attorney and a Judgo. Ho goei' ACCUSED OE THE it In uddltlou to Judgo Donsou, H. M ' 'Richardson, who has been court re-' 'porter for Uenson for a number of years, also lcttcs. Ho goen to Salem j " s-5feL rm smmwM" - gtgmmmmmVsmmmmmmismmmh. BBBBBBBBgSgsV V lggB .between the Klamath and Central new freight train sUiilJii: Point hlch schools tomorrow and Sat- Into effect or tlie vKltMmlWlHiJkfL, f 1 urday, as planned. A telegram re- branch, according to .niisjissjjsjt a 'Point school todar stated that tho ! two. Instead of Yb rev.lt relli svwistJSi ,team was composed of men Ineligible from Weed. rfi tp represent the school. So a tele-j Monday a. freight wUI wttttmjk , r-m.n irnD out in Wr.n,i tuiiinr thom I Klamath Falls frosa Wand Tka'fsl- not to come here. lowlne day tho tralVwllf wRelsj J&VJ? l! . Games will bo placd hero tomor-,the local jards, and-ruato Mn?m$&&f-w Ami vsiusiisi' tnt hint' 'inn iiuurn iiiviiisr ir.H iiiiiuwiHii HsirmH'Ji'in'iM'W; vn diiu wvw'; Mjs.v,, ... D '"r-rrj JS-.3l&jJP . V" fiV i1"- rv V. f we d' . r-; .... ....: . . . u..-. Kewples will play tho high school to- ween. morrow nlgbt, and the Merrill high The second train will come Is from quintet the following night. Weed Thursday. The following dy,- , 'after switching here, the train wlH run to KirK and return, gomr to Weed Saturday. The switch train wblch nan (Men s'tJ -. ' LOTS OF FUN AT THE N. P. working in Klamath Falls yards hnSj IlioAn aKAllalind been abolished. Women are engageU to patrol In army camps in England. -a' ! " Judge Rcnsou - a . . S - ...... 1 1 A..nfek III a.4SrtSftfe trxt Ip..m,w.I,... sniiulilnr n nnd nn oUiilUU Lin IH'UflUU .-.HI 4-Jiuuiu W4W fered him there. lUlllft C. O. ilorgan ; until June, In order to allow Miss 'uin ntonn remain hero out of tho'UenbOU to complete her nigh scnooi days, he says, ami In nddltlou to nl-, All ineinborn who possibly can no TIjrfT IlL UllUvL4 tacking him, sho has beaten the dill- are rniuested to meet ut iho hull I Hl"f I lit lluL' Ml lh'n"mtt MU dreu until ihey bled, and ho was Hl ; o'clock tomorrow morning to ae- I II LI I Ul IIUIlVs- forced In ele them nnd ruiu toifompniiy the body or urotiier oeorge t rtvo them, h threntenlng lo throw MrU.n to tho depot. Tho ioiiiiiIiih his cffecU Into the road, lof llrollier MclA-an nro being inketi to t.Mi:il IS Altltl'sTHD CHAHGi:i) .MAHOL'I PARTY W1I.Ii UK GIVEN'! ting. In order to make It potliU Ue AT WHITK t'Ki.iu.i. -"TK-'HhoWeUels. musical raarreto, to THIS KVEN'IXG, MUSIC TO RK RY TIXDAM, ORCHESTRA studies. Thoy will occupy, the Rich LouUo llelison in dson residence on Conger avenue plete their act In time to nlajr'w4t,j Tlndall's orchestra at tne WnMiM lean, where the orchestra w glvlnjr ai ... . tu UlUBIJUClUUVs A big list of invltatloMwara, The vaudeville act at the Orpheus mulled out, and a record attendasvM w -(theater will start at S:15 this even-J expected at the affair. ' ia , ' Another cause alleged by Itoberls I Allniny (or Interment Youths Plead Guilty i WITH TAKING IIORSi: RIII.ONG ING TO AXOTHlUt tllVI-S IIONU l-Olt APPKARANCi: Six Are Assessed Fines and Costs for Disturbance "A couple of inoru dances like Hint nt Gray's hall ChrUlmus night, and Kliiwatlt county will bo out of debt.' scld an onlooker at tbo Justice court today, as ho watched Justlco (lowen gathering In tho flnoa and costs n saw-ad against tho young fallows nr restea lu connection with tho fracas nt Pine Grove. Mis of thosa who waro urrWfd today eutured pleas of guil ty, and paid num. The amouBts taxed against ench Wtowi 4 l.lnn imlth, f 16 nnd coats. Vnm Otralaa, IC Md coats. M .'. Hliauiion, f :i6 mid iohis. Merrill Archer, 2f. and costs. Jnck Heitton, 30 nnd costs, lleury HtlloH, l-OTiiid costs. Tho cases of the two oilier bo8 linpllcalml nro being held In nlwyiuico hv Iho court, peiidlng fttitlier Invvstl gallon. They may como up Hnturday for furthor consideration. The iroublo lesultlng lit the ai loals occurred t tbo (liny hull on Christuins night. Too much Ilnrloy corti was largoly u-spoiislhlo, nnd be (010 the affair was sotllod there had boon a freo-for-nll fight, and Archor had rocolvod sovoral cuts from a knife wielded by Stiles, N. McTwondy was nrested Into yes terday evening ten miles south of mulh Kails by Constable Kroil iMorley, charged with the larceny of a .horse. Ho was brought to Klamath I rail and gno JfiOO bonds for his iniipenrnnce for preliminary exuinlnn 'tlon, tho time for which has not been set. 1 The homo Is alleged to hine boon stolen from (1, A Johnston. Tho theft, 'according to the complaint, occurred xestortlny. WATCH MEETING MUSIC AND SONG AT THE CHURCHES AT HALL GRILLE PMOX SKRVICKS XVILl, RK 1IEUI i LOOAIi VOCAUST3 WILL TAKU There Is lu Norway u law deullng with cremation. According to tho net every person over Itfteen years of age can bo cremated utter death If ho makes a declaration In tho presence of two wltuessca. Motor wins haVo been superseding horso-druwn vehlctea In tho parcel post delivery business of Scotch clttea. AT PUKMIYTHRIAN CHURCH THIS i:Vi:XlXG, AX! SRVKRAIiJ TALKS ARK TO RK MARK !' PART IN XKW YEAR'S FESTIV ITIES Ii.TK THIS EVENING. S. E. MUSICIANS ON RlMi ,jMf ' ... ... - : y?.i JuryGvesNoBlaimil b 4&f mW'M 'VRjwfrSPS: r v'traNm rji vjuft 9ifti HZ tdU&& ; n,.'iaii ! Evidence Fails to Show That Wilsoi CtaseaDMlh i t.V1 I fSffi . T.T.7TTrTr.MJ.-fl . Pvlfti-i j WWW v.. . A -n. i A union watch night service Is to, Nliiuteon-fltteon will recetVo u rous be held at the 1'rosbytorlan churcli 'lug wolcoment the Hall grille tonight, this eenliK by Protcstaut churchos for Manager H. E. Day tms arrauged of the cllv, which will be largely nt-jn novel program, to be given hetweou tonded. i11 o'clock and 1 o'clock at tho pop- Thu progintn to be given follows- ulur eating place. .j, 00 Song sorvlco nna piayor. 9:115 ."Woild Victories lu Right eouDiioss," Hov. J. S. Stuhblolleld OiHG "Moving Into 1915" Klderlorphous. S, I). lint mil. seloctlous, There will bo sovcrul musical uutu bors, amoug others, selections by tho WoUells. who are appearing nt the Theio will be also cal featuring Klnmnth Falls 10; io Sandwiches nnd coffee, , imulcal celobrltles, nnd the wholo jUOn "Tho New Your Rev, A. '..ovcnlng promises to be one round or Simmons, ll;35 "Tho Passing Year" (poem) Rev. R. 0 .Rlchnrds. pleasure. Mrs. Mary U. Hart owns, several well-paying gold mlues In Alaska, A flvo-atnmp mill Is to start at onco In tho Gold Leaf mlue. Bo hemia district, . Alter a number of Indians and white people had been examined, tho coroner's Jury empanelled to Investi gate the causes leading up to tho death of William lllxou. u young whit mau, who tilod recently from a fractured Bkull, last night returned a erdIU placing no blnmo for tho acci dent, and stating that death was due tin blow on tho left side of tbe head, received near Chiloqutn December 23. This, vtrdlct cleared Harry Wilson, a prominent young Indian, of any counectlou with the lad's death. The testimony, given In u straightforward manlier, was that Hlxon, who was em ployed by Harry's brother, Edwin Wilson, was sent to Chiloqutn to meet him that day, as he was bringing ' .c V$ homo Christmas supplies for' tho. two ... . . '- KUi,l' nntl Ino Hlvnn mail. Ik IHB.SB A - ....... ..V. ....-.., .w . v-, yj sled, dud a short distance irom vmn-, '.: ' fimilii nnn Inir lincnniA inifatud.'v " it ,' Wilson says Hlxon was nu,U 4 ,'?? -. . "' . tug, wheu one horse, becmU.M- tiouu. KicKeu. siriKina itixon na'wne) .. head, besides damaging tne lJHk''AC' son then rode one Uorse to tm Mkiuit Mi er'a place to get aid,. and man was removed there,; all night, and lewored heeo,lls loivlnifdav. , . i ).. i7si - -, - T? ' . T.' 'The testimony o-Wi the other wItwmaeajMrr n..... .MI.!.,. ' I inu inula QMvr thought they saw wlte man, but 11-s that thki wan $Hm . HlaoawMhiotaiM sure waftnef.n "i t v. ff v i . .aivw wur ' a .-i-i..1. i mwmtm rJr'.M iW-l iBpn mm ml K li m lT l v' ' i ' t& TOh LI s.ts-MaJtsW-1-at-slSfr sWts-Mtf!fJM- MM1 l-)rl V , asaiistfdoiteati ! iiW s,rr I'WTtJwWWWWB v. -ii". - ;