VAf.l l- T. , ' , :e xtmin Mvtalb PRINTS THK i KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPE HgWS WHILE IT 18 NEWS f M Eh .ue wHSMWw9r.ii -I IS , i ycf ' nm CLUBBED GUNS AND FISTS USED DURING BELGIAN FIGHTING Uti4 h k I'Altl, lit! IW - IUIw4 ' and Bal"- - itsl In lU'lKltnt. 4 MllftM I'M '' tWri IllfJ ltf, lw lit nit.., Ihig llir H-I Im-mi-. Hh lirncr at NUttl Milk Nilrt, "it'l th- irllio u lu Hmi t .-.I u l.i. ami liii-M MMl. rtHi-f At Mrifi uulMl. to4ll M". lth I'.rlr tlftr. lllrl ttlili mud am gtM Ukv Hrw rlW. ur (1tnlmt mMi n.i. Tlit aftrnM-Wi'a WHlfcHHlUlw !' Ik H'mmih ir .-) lit i Ml h iWlrtt'lir. tlrfUnx UmM Mm VtrmU lm cHnr.t '- Iiiiit4nl -.oliiU in Km ,!" 4ihI Ar itHrid. About VrftllMI. Ih FwKta l'H ! '' .'"Mitii. I trUt uLins Wit-fat ticwjtl , tr,4i iIm i-ft-SMc Mraihrr ttlil.ii. d Wmlrr.. Inrrr. Mir fr-wli "In U atc-tlUy ittai. f1, .rt UnwttC. lmg ll hrl.M. "I ' lu- ' '-" U-4U-4. II U MM"! tltl ! Hr " 'r-tin; ( alimipl il.e -TV lata i4 Mr, MlllM. 4t UfM-fMlltNM tv WtlH It! I pi" !-" l'IHl I'i iirl IIKMMX (Mlrl U lM)tHK ,VJ., lU)'..fflrl.l !! araiMitt "Imh ! n ! nMI '" "" I "'" ' "' 0ir In trliIINt IrwfW Hhkl r .irr Mrtr .Iltri ! .Mrvilw ullnrt la tort. -Al .lMT tH l iHf Wt lllr llH 'f lwir ..I rl." I'siifl l'rfiWtilf MlMHI.V, tlr. 9KV TtH Mtr4 llalaMrlt lut ttrrw MH4) " II to now Dei! m fttai iimi t4lu. I'BlIrd l'lM Kfl ItlNHTAVrtNOn.l', l-v, . . M Ifltw llMri KMMI. t--! t lUlr, html.! Im. Im. r-lXuixt lir will Im rtrlsttli, In :rM iwl r n4.Hi U CHAMBER TO NAME ON 5TH .tXM'Ali MKMTIWtl AMI KI.MrTIU.V oi' oiti:rh im to hk iiki.ii Tl'lNll.V V TMB KUIMATII ni.MHKH OV WMMKIU't: An Important meeilnu of Ihi mtm wrbl't ef tha Klamath ComlHr v-omtnurro U to b hld Ttieay nlb, whn 0r Will iw Iwt''! OFFICERS Half of Fund Raised Prouse of $250 Brings According to tlio rort of Oco. C, .I.011U .Noll . . '" Hiiwcr. innncr world'a fair bureau A. V. Sberlnor .... KlamtUh coiinly, $S0 Iih Mr Mr lUU iiuiriiluis .'' 1 . ... !.. ..!.!... 1... ..,.- Inm.-fiil of lie $1,500 ""wo iruniM( to ( no wonux mirinni .- ( ml, thl comlnt lii addition to tlionmrk belnn r.ncliwl by (ho n.ld. lo or HON raited liv Ilia hnuia lalenl UII- 'loviiio iiinkc the total ntiutcrlutUm f 7t0,ltj. Thy comnlnio Hal la hm followai Home (Aleut play I1C8.U0 rtpoclni tulwcrlptlou iromlil 3(10.00 CmIi ,, t ,,, 150.00 Hl'oclal autwerlpUoH 100.00 Klamath Land ft Uvoatock Co. 10.00 J. V. Ilottatott W. H. Boua-k , Theodora Cat M. MoAadrawa Jnmwi Ptltoti at,ot) 5.00 coo 0.00 S.00 5,00 fi.OQ 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1,00 iiM t 1 1 Ml 'MMMMM MHHHMM I H M M I M IMMMIMtl I. H. DUen U 1 OL . MIMIIIMIIIH wi iion .,........ T. J, Talford . . . 1 , . . 1 . 1 wa. oaara. ilflfM4 wm. QrtMa aaiitataaatti A Atto (itfii .hi. . ltl tl r.l.l..l. "I IIm lwltlW ""m"1 " '""" " - " " Ii-tll .Irrrw i"'l ") '" hmIibm t.f li f " .lrroi-il... irirtl for I..UU..n of Hl.l HrlU4i riiir,.i Im llu I1. U iuiHI-ic llirlr .. i-'iMtrlun U to nluily Ibe oflecl of Hit- for lb rnuine 'r and ilan madri """"" ' . llir mrmmim .... . nfrt.oiil Mrlff IO no o rrulla mid 10 for lb-tultirt. of llu lo.iltnt orcin ',,v,m" "V" ", . ,.,, . .. . .. tomuaro lliriw ltli bi republlrnn lui on ... "- " " " " a be oiio lor tnl rili)n, iih t'lann ... made .III b ..,-b--h- J ii. i afail rbalterHi an 10 b madi i lit Ihf mrnnrl of lb" Clumber of romuirrcp' mrll roll Ik not known ' II I. unrlri-MiNHt Ibal l'rililetii loi J Wnlion lll noi be a candidal for ir- rlecllon, ft bo levin lhal to year, lit ibi liarnea b inililed blm lo retire Nrsoilailnn nr Kmlliu: l,r,w'7"lmi)s rMU 'lt V fih luker Commrrclal flub mid the I.. . t . . ll.llali 111 .......aa j t'nlon ratine iiaiiaj 10 e.n arr lo fadorlen Fair Fund Up Past $750 bo Imd faith In JMIIUIiry. " "'"" In rmMkli' ilrlt of tho fnrnicra of Klnmnth loiiniy, and Hint ho n qullo mo thnt Brent nM-";f ' (hum could bo t minted on for liberal Miibiicrlntlona, , ,. Ho unld ho foil oontltlont Hint l'" l.nvnn of Klnmnth iy ' ',l,,r nirroundluK community, ich na Mer rill, Fort Klamath, niy. Ilnnawa "l Hairy would Intvr lomo In with Htm,! ammir from 160 mi. In wWUIoii o many liidlvldunl contribution-. Thoro will bo thouumiua i"i- Intorvlowod at H"J Hoiwiprii ""-a.,.. .... ...m im on tho lookout for land and Induatrlal InvMimenla. To) will know Juat about wimi may . .11 ..... L.nw wliero to KCl It, It Old Will II"1 "" - will bo Iho duty of Hi roiir.cntntlt of Klamath county 10 amiwor, KLAMATH FALLS, Chairman Miles Sees a Republican Victory thafl.. ! III i I., flltli ol 11). nfwblltari nutlunal finiinlllc. ;, rcfrabtloin rltinry In (In- ettnint In ll'IC A Gain of c!kIu itAlM Ote? tlio dr-lloii of 1012 ln fcrrti al. U" lil ll nsmi-J ihi'iu N'pw Xaik. Mslit". I ifn "hlo MonUii, NvJ. UVi VlrKlnln anl Wmhltisloa H runtlnunt Tlir K0 in It'll wim Oh mrllT. I4 rif; flair. iirrr lite vttnt Of tho t'mlrrttCMHl bill Imd ttinr io lo 'li rnl rcpultllron lrrr Brcai ,mBMia!Uritie ial and rry ercat labor trnicr rriudlatpt ilio di-mo- rrntlr rl) and oltpl rondeinnatlnn full ntrol of t ic ernwrnt Ti- Miilrul of tlic eoM-rnwrnt Tlif dl- 'mlro tfcl of lb now tariff tiau Ifiot )rt bfTD fully trU In iho cront (acrlruliiiml lnl- of tlio wii but run ttieto tlio roactton acntnil dr iMix-iar .ik unmUlattnbli' The Iup In 191''. ltl be quarflv on tin larlfl and llir tiKllUon of llu' dcmocrallr lrt) UiirlUK Hit net l 'ar tho conniry will Uai a crealor oji- I,HIM of prol((ln of Amrrlron ., '""" ' A,rt",cn" ' In- CITY TO HAVE A NEW EIRE ALARM rot'.NCiii nun 111: isrAi.uTit tu ..- i:i.i:irnif .htuikkk ami ax XUtltMSVsTKM An addition noon lo be nmdo lo the ,M,ulu.ient of tho local lire depart ment will bo the Insinuation or nn ..iirle lire tilftrm njMem Tl will couiliil of an electric utrlker, with nt- inrhmeuu no Hint It will rliiB : K'" ornl nnd wnrd nlurui twice bv one pull ,of Iho lever. .1.1... o, Ii.ih nutboiUed nihor !.. ..... r..r i.l.u fur tho iiuichitho of till lining ... '-- .... BirlKer und toalem. ""'I '" ",''ll" Hon In tho new city hull this omu ..... 1.. l.. mt.oied Jiiuunr) I lth Willi Iho new alnrm watem In mulled II l or Intontlou to dlvldu the town into Ilio dlHlrlrts so a to mllk(, po'ilblo lo lotalo the iln better, nnd IhcIIIMo ho work o Kot UiiK Ilio equipment to Iho tlre." anld 1'lro Chief Wnkelleld thU mornlnB. "After thU In done, III ease of 111 e tho alarm telephoned Into tlio lire mil mHt alo Klw. tho tlUtrli-l number, and to Klvo tho alarm t ho In rilramr will bo net nt tho dWrlct number, ami n hook lllwl. -tnrthiB iho elect rlo atrlkor. Culled Mwllnif. All meinborn of Klnmnth Lodno ino. 137 1. O. O. P., nru requested to meet t tho temple nt 7:30 this evening. Arrangements nro lo bo mnoo .. iiaylng tho last honors to llrothor (teorgu McLean. 9 riflflfljK ijri I C. 1 I P -H I PJ!"'' '7-54 Pi I Jmlli i k'i. I '.. . HI mm: v i jj H-P-----L- V-V I ' E-------P'-------l H I Lfejf I r kIT7 I r Aw " iX Li - T-'l ORISGON, WEDNESDAY. DO NOT EXPECT IAN EARLY REPLY Oil II l.Ks htV lllT hlMHOl N 1 1 III' Ol' fltorilST Wll.l. III'. 'i mi: r.uii:rri 'o..siiii:i.. 'iion on r.iitr or intirisiicits 1 Mini I'reu Korvl.. UAKIIINOTON. 1) r. Dt su mi ruiiK-iil ulticlnlM ny thai liny tlo imi miprt in irl) njly iv tin pro U At mail"' l Unite it Stnlfn ncnliiHt in union of I'lielaiitl'ii war MtmU 'iinril I ntttil SiaIi- ulilppliiK ( Tlc irilel U of a iiiI Mrl'Hi lia- ton- unit w ill rcjgli" canful coimlil (trallon nn tlit mil til I hi Klllillull ini"iiitii hftnrn frainiiiK a rcpU jl iiiuil l'n'i bTlr- I.ONUO.V. Dec 3U lilt(.'nu Inter- ml In rtiucicil lii l!tj iipi-clal mettlng of i lie bblnci now In c-slou to ton Miirr tli (uolcit by tile 1'nltcnt HUI" ".tir.rnlni; tla rlKbt uf tearch anil K'liurp on tlio lilrli -tan Uiril (!r- relumed 'Trom a vaca lluci In I. pn-M'nl lit tbo liKelltlK nllil -nt linrarilltttcly t tlio foreign of- tire lo cnncldiT I lie proleel Hi. .nl.'Kd Hip rablncl murtini; bi-arliiK Kilt anil ii'i'oru u iiKnUt- nan In aiuHcrlne tin- olnt brouclit nut by llif Unlteil Slatvx Ai lb), proicul U b.ihel on tlio in. i.riri'U!l(n of lntcriintloinl taw b Aimrlcan IcbsI vxf rt, It 1 not bc- llottl tbat the rolo(t will bo canity dispoiod of BEATS HIS WIFE; FINED K LIMIT sl'rlN(.1l. llOX KAlTtHlV I'M. IM.Oi: IIAI.i:i) IXT) CWUIIT Mill Altl'M.Mi l"L'SK STtTK I IITV AMI COSTS The onl regret. 1 lue U tbat thu maximum lino l rttiv dollars." said J IlKll llco of tho IVaco l!oen at noon, in bo lined Joo Kerrarin that be .imouui plu costs, for beatlnK his ulfe IVirarla 1 employed at the Ship- pliiKlon box factory. Last summer ho took one of his smalt children out for a boat ride, and tho llttlo one was) drowned In tho lake, the father say-1 Iiik that it fell from tho boat without bis seelm: It. Since then his wife has nudo appeals to tho Justice court for nioiectiou. statins that her husband said he would take her out for n boat ride, and leave- her where tho baby was, and that he wanted to take the nihor little child out for a boat rido. On another occasion Mrs, Kerrarla appeared In iho court room much biutsed as a result of her husbands treatment She niado complaint niter H o'clock, nnd before 1 o'clock nor husband had been arrested nt the factory, brought to tho court room, Ulead Rullty and paid n lino of 50. TWO MASKED MEN RGB AN S.P.TRAIN IIOl.ll l'l' THE PASSK.NOKHH l. TWO SLEEPEHH AXD OKT OKK WITH COXSIDEHAHLK I.OtT. OSSE IX ptmsuiT United Press Scrvlco ban ANTONIO. Texas, Dec. 20. Two masked men hold up tho passen- curs In two Pullmnu sleepers on me west bound Southern facino tram nu, 0 this morulng at unne, a siunu - Ingo about 115 miles west of tnia city. Tho lobbora secitrod considerable liioney and vaiuaoios irow m- ii- ors, signalled tho train to a atop, ana tsenpod. A po.o wn soon formed ml nro In pursuit of the robbein, I DECEMBER 30, 1914 Author of the Prohi Amendment Kenrescntatlvo rtlchmond P. Hobb- BOn of Alabama ha caused more of a stir In comcre than any other mem ber for manr months In his fight for In prohibition amendment to the Con atltutlon of tho I'nlted States. It ha not been generally believed tbat the vote for prohibition would be mi larg? nR was ahown on the actual vote In tho hoiio. Hut when the question came to the test It was diicoered that thero were 197 votes In favor of It to 189 afiainsU Thnt. of course, did not mean that tho amending reolu- itlon wai. adopted for submission to 'tw stnt08 for to do that would re- loulro a two-thirds otc to say noth- JlnK of concurrence by tho senate Mr. Hnbson believes In prohibition, wo men suffniBe nnd the Imminence ot jKnr wltl, japan ROBERTS TRIAL SET FOR NINTH M'MHEH OK VIT.KhSl AUK TO KLLLLLLLLLLHavV taiaLLLLLLLHP ij Bi J-iMtai fcli Mi li ill l m ! I n,,M,S,X,W"'"T.,."'' ' OK THE ASSAULT CHA1UJE llllorfillT BY ItAXClll'.lfS WIFE Tho trial of Homor Roberts, tho r.meiior who was nnestod jesterday nftmnnon on charco of beating his I wlfo, will bo held January 9th, before iiitlro of th IVaco E. V. Gowen. In the meantime Iloberts is nt liberty on I i uonus. The case was et In Janunry, as there nre several witnesses now out of tho stato who nro to no ciuiea. Iloberts has retained 11. M. Manning to defend him. and the case promises to bo n warm one. Manning wiys his client struck In self defense, after tho wife turmv n inmn nt him. Tho woman tlonles this, and ssys thnt nfter she struck him with a smnll btlck on tho arm, ho boat her up and held her head In a tub of water. Sho sttya ho objected to her going to n mnsquerndo, nnd tore her costumo off her. Tho main trouble occurred some time ngo. Thoro was moro yesterday, It Is said, when Hoborts took tho children to his parent's home, Kuneinl Tiuuorrow. The fuueial of tho late Adolpb Mnior. who was electrocuted while nt work nt Tonopah, will bo held Fri day from 814 Llucoln street, The re. mains will arrlvo here tomorrow night. RUSSIANS DRIVING TURKS, AUSTRIANS OUT OF POSITIONS t nlitil I'res Serlco I'lI ItOCItAD, Hit. iVt. KriicMrd lliM-laii ucrciuM- In llic Cmmcmim niniiiiliiliiH anil till Of Itulk irslon. Iin.miliint nionmenU belwewi Wrw ntnl fi-salle noil n if pntte of Hie .lu-tn-f. iinan lM-jronl llu frontier rr M (uirlol. In ilio 'flui.i.iii. llu HujnH Imic oiiill Mertlruek, which nrnn In hi ly TutkWi In ne. Tin lienrlic protertliilC Ihl" cllf ,irlr ctrrld hfz a bnyoiii't (luirK. Kiiwlnn cnnlr nn ailhc In Ilio vicinity of Kboruiwan. It i aUttd Ibat Hn-TurWUli ilefL-iHlcra an- rn.ikfiiK u tmn IIrIiI, and thre la rfi close IlKlitlnK. Mllli blc Itrt or life. lti.-IH.itf. from territory occupied by the Turks are that lfcjr waaaa. crt.l ilioiik.nuN of nun ami outrnRcd anil tortured women aed gkU. I jili- reM)H fiom llic rront nay the .tuotrUn force la Soathera Oalacia n ruiilrd, mid Ihil iretlillnlcljr. United I'roM SerTlca VIKX.V.t, Uec '. Today V official itnlcmcnt denlM tlx lepottad ioi.t of llic Austrian In Unlncla. It ndmll that llier forced to Wfctti draw, but InslsiH tliat IliU m done for strategic reaon. , The siaiciiieiit said Iliat the rrllrrment nis most orderly. All aitfl i. .- .....I iKiiuimHti ut-ri taken alonir . - - It Is not denied that Ilio los Man hiis not out of proimrtlon to the number of men cuRaced. CinTINJE, IK-c :W. Monday front In HerzKovlnn. Thef wcrc the Tlnee acruplnnra iiropped bontb f.rntovo I'nlted Press Servlca lir.lU.tX, Dec. UO. The unr otllre Kusslniis have recaptured Loulcz. WILSON'S FLAT HAS NEW NAME' I'l.lUSAXT VALLKV IS THE TITLK DKCIDE1) UI-OX BY RKSIUKXTS OK TnAT SECTION, WHO NOW, HAVE A SCHOOL "Wilson's Flat is now n thing of 'tbe past," said Allen Stansble, who is In from his ranch on tho Pelican Bay 'm.-id. "That district is now to bo known as Pleasant Valley." People's market, and Frits Ha-tlltoa, The change in name followed the -I" formerly employed by that conduction of a school there. ThU; are 0WBe" "' lf oe-S .. , .k t i ,v .iicri ' The now market will bo locate. la ..: V " "' J" IT", u fm.; r,th. Brt.tol bulldm.. near the potH- liiuu iuc ruvu.iu v..w. . from Klamath Falls. It was named lllltf wa uiw wvaiu-tvvi . i-. ..-w .. lev In which It Is located, ai belnK uut or ninety mouiiwr- m ---ir'oro npproprlate. 'iture. thlrtylght are lawyera. Court Makes Total Is 24.1 Mills for M After a day ot consideration, night session was held last night by tho county court, and tho following tux low for tho ensuiug year was de- cided upon. , Tho total Is 2-1.1 mills. T1Ih U .... divided as follews: General expenses, stato tax and general fuud warrant redemp tion ...,.... v,8 Curnegle Library School tax .,....,......... -0 High school 2- Agricultural extension work ... .1 Itoad fund New court house 3-c Tho money to bo raised for each fuud from this assessment Is esti mated at follews: County, general, $113,265; state, $48,413.39; Carnegie Library, $3, 318,28; county school, $60,265.77; rriM, vim , hesujr. It i held, thongh, thajyt VJI. VI the Austrian force attacked all aloas I,U,,,C1 everywhere. amooK Ihe MonWBegrln troepa at W-i, lias lontradlctcd the report that Jfca ''' ANOTHER MARKET TO START SOON STILTS. YIXEYA.11D AXD HAM1L TOX WILL OPEX MEAT 8BOP IX THE liniSTOL Xllll POSTOFFICE nt'ILIMXO. u The latest business enterprlaa for Klamath Falls Is another meat isuu- ket. which Is to be opened In a couple i of day. Phil Stilts, Mr. Vlnayard, who has been meat cutter for tho ,.. .,.. l. 1. a4- 'ce- aa '" -J""' " -" isLi State and Coaly Fail f ' a, high school, 133,132.88; state agri cultural extentlon, l.5,o; roM fund, $58,078.91; new court hoaae, $58,708.13. ' f ,..... .'- The high school fund memoes ut, cost of maintaining tho KUUMW ......... - -l I .(.!.- county niu sciioui. -- mr ,, doficlt from last year and $.I6 Ml tlon to bo paid the Merrill IH W -. T . . nnuza high schools. ,?m A reduction was nude ... '.Ki- T ' .t' amount to bo raised for the oito f'jjjm county agricultural-,. iomitM .. i..i. ... i. -)lM'W-y. - r1 4 - " uivucj - s.m .-,--. j---ju-ju,' n.l.A ..(...-I a.knnl IllkvaW!. ... w;'ii-?u iw,fi xne usual ac.Booi JWt-WAWfj BOi uanuc urn ! --p-w wm '"-f-TPp -i tav.i- --..J-. -a. -- U)MHMvM; ?& money on hand w tMt IJsJMi .,r,M r .. . - . - The orlglaa eetliuta m wtm i..... ..n.-JIu, ''nt. avj uuuio B"a.., s 'i' 9 $85,000, so a Wf etit w-i original road'fiiad MtkMto 000. A. 'txm?ii . . rrV?; t j m.-wm. wmm M,ft M V' 3 r$l ( At r m i y 1 .'' - .(i. m -rTTTiJ.-t-r ji-ji. in- -r i'-i - 'i-.ii -! tt.f . lOSaF '' . fiftV. f"'w"tf '. -fWT igiMw4 .nmirty 7 - 11 IH-H I ' , rr'wsmsrrmivy- -a -r- fct t-jmn