r . I 7 .ctfl PRINTS THK MEWS WHILE IT 18 NKW8 mh Malli Veal So, H.M iatotmg ifealft KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 1JJ '$ AEROPLANE GEIS RANGE OF GUNS FOR THE ALLIES ji:iliAXh4AVTHi:V 1101,01 IH'.III MNIJn I'lrttf twlitllJw I llriMirtrd Ituuua'i IIm Vtw. M"uiiIIh., Ullll lle ltrMiU H41 III sllrr Unlltiuiaii Tni fwj Itir) ,(! um tlxt l.'e n( Cfulilne Vlr. ,f)tHllll MiI'm Mlirll IU, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 19M Prico, fir tfarry 77iau; on a Fs'ig Trip in His New Hampshire Exile MIS DUNBAR WINNER Iq J The Sultan of Turkey HIP "apwrnmnfflw as l&Bfa Coll4 l'f; irKo PAIII8, thu;. St. far to d) ttl ornl battle ho brit tlli ll lm tho front hrimlt in VMr fcllU IU;ort from IUr My ih CitiotdlnK wft limrd In HUi-r (tad Tt flabllwt w juro'JcJ bj mtt remarkable flUht A Prrtith Ulur flow rrtMu Multinn'U suit llalty, totaled lb rttcwy' Sftlllrl) ttOllt IP laUS", ftttit enabled the PfrWfU KUItnrU l Htt hef plrn Unltrd l'i IWrvtr IIKIIMN (wlr.), l : - Tho niSrUI Mauromt y MFfwro Nleuperl, tbcp uim) tiiimr mtfully rrttewnl Attack On our tllir. JMtofllsy, Thfif P1V UtHifrJ U) fn from vsrvMp. whirl kill! for. vrml InbtblUat of Wont Ktido, I "Tbp IIU4 lUek 01 lite. (Jrtircr. ! hamUt lit Ftander, failed "HouUiwwi of Verdun and rt of Jtretishnim. Ihn xnnmr raa alxl lo. ' iJftitflimmmmm&?? v lr KSmmmmmmmkmwiJl "in m" -' j i in Hit- ll (.11 1 Kit III 1111 M'lllllll. hU- i'i:iiivn:Mii:vr ins tim.ns. I'OIU'.t'lKIN IO Ml MIMJI THK S rit..NCIs( O KM'II. II Im Marcarct Dunbar ili 1:0 to' Hit I'aiiania-I'acim liinrim' unal wliljl lior I'Xjifiiti Mlil tUo KlauiHtli' i liuiiiii-r of Coiiimerte. ! . oid tin iisliii iiumlj.r of i.iknta to tin ' ( lirltliiinit vaudi'Viaie. th MuniHiiic of' tlm . oiil. 'tnnln ut tlm cloie 1Iiik a Inlluvri MIm lluubar 11.060 Mini Uanxi . . . , 7,800 ( i' Tluunnn C,3CU i Ml Oit. ,$0U ' ;i..iiiluian .... .' , X7J0 Mi. 'riuiiii.'m nllhilrp flum tlK'j ontmt n:Vfiil ilayk bfory itx eor ! flii) tliiul lount wn tnailu tliUJ miiniiruc Uy ltv J s .Stubtj)ilk'ld. I m fii'orKo T. I)ulilfii, VaI Vutinke.' o Smith ami Join. V Hountcn ym CANADIANS FIRE VIENNA REPORTS ON AMERICANS IROOPS ACTIVE- CARPATHIANS .NOfjUIKflH t'ATItOI.I.I.NU P1WS TII2K KIItKOX A3IKItiaX IIUCk' Itf.VTHIW, KlUASlt OXK .X' WOUXIHXn OTlfKUS " XAVAI. n.Mi: IS STIM. SAFKI.Y HKLD f Unltel I'roes Sorvlco j HLFKAt.O. NVV Dc. 28 Much' fettling lias lcn oogendorcd lioro by! the action of Canadian wldiors patrol llnic the frontier, nwr Fort Brie ' Tbo toldler opened lire on ant Aht6rlcsn Ixsat eontalnlng duck hunt-1 ixs, all Atnrlcan, and killed one of! the hunter. Walter Smith, and fatally ounded Cliarlo Doncli. t tiolh tnon are American While in Oalnclnn HIIU, Auttrhuu o Unru licticntod and SUr Allien Hold Tltrir Ground Et of DrhwiT' Omtlnl Statement -Say thRM- Kl.int ir.no I'nilcd Cttcrly ha Thlr c CunipalKn AIoiik the Hirer Doa.tJc. HIXON DEATH TO BE PROBED .M..N Wild WAS SL'l'fOSKDIiY KiCKKH UY A IKIItSK Matt ' CIIIKOyt'tX, H-S AT IIOSI'ITAl.. i (llt(.i:it IXVI-sTKIATKS Th Sultan of TurJccj :iaa Won ilrlvtu Into tnf war against the allies Ij the aJlM-rs altout him who are friendly with flermany ilti Is not tiillt'vd to he much of i force In the ro eminent xml It ix thought that; h had not much to hv aSont the div! IXCILI)ES . .: ...b " .J.: 7. ;. innnt "i ijiai' iv jwn wiui jiuBKia VT Km 1)1? 'am! cirTinanr ROLPH 1AIES A E FIRE BOARD 'United I'rws Service j VIENNA, (via Berlin), Dec. 28. Today's offlciat statement follews: The situation in the Carpathian ts unchanged Our force hare-been forced to withdraw a little before the ; Russian attacks between Rymaawo i ana me iucbow in iue warpainiBBi in 'Oallcla. V1RIOCS' "Tbe enemy's attack along the ii-ovrcr uonajec ana too lower mat ino D.auies continue in me mux rno.M I.IFK, HUT WHOSi::faIIcd. HrtfO Unliel . (.'oriuur WhIUock and other oil!- L Tlifro the con-clnlg who have looked into tho clr- Ihi. iltuation U unrbancpd Th'. f-rliilt it" mljYrk okiK the tao i .. ...... .. t v .. u 0iittr,i it u ttli rt . .. a .. .4 t.. . . . ... . ...t . ...i..l4H nrltititr at lh a I llltt II iUPiOtnnw mim"m "-" .r.N m uwr nr, i n.w.,n ,.,.-- ,.-. - - - Indicted .cumstnncen surroundluc tho death of fiitind Hlat. litl ll Horn in .n tiii,i - - .... .IUinilili lr I"4 itwi'w iromjior rpir! ' ii. " """"" ".."..: " - I'nllMi rr I'KTMtHIIUI), another cmthlnx (KHTtril, Th "nt4 uiwrd nihlltic, Indlmtl rron Hi vprsn Th IttiMlttM mndt dKldixl nd-l"1 vntirwi In tin. Nmia and Honnjrt- .J'or Ip. , Ut Svv Vark Mat,( M, tx.t,lrn,-d to Xe- rk 10 nMnriiinnoiini aMpii-m naie 0l coma I" .' . . . i ... ,i ...r'ti.nt (nilictment. whether liuano or xlnco Wednesday, are not at nil sure , IK- 3.- N" n',,'" if......, ...,. ,., i, ,. i,t. ai upheld. Ho mut ko hick to that death was due to a kick from a defeat I. dally ft- "rr " f , ' ..,. , ...ltd iri.i. eiiU tho fact that the home. An Investigation la helnc made v ltulan have ImpfU''""""1 " .. f .. cmitu of Now York hno already do- today, and nn Inquest may he held to- of 30.000 In lh rrcrntj"" ' "' "; vwYrk f. r,,,cj i,0 ls inMn William T. Jerome, morrow. ne that tho Au.lrUn """"V , . ,,ftral i...,.,, ui,it foiieht the rmo for New York. In-, jjUoji was broucht In from n place of drffAl oVerywhrro """ ' , . ... ... ... .,. ,.,, ,i. nrinnner Will be tried nn llu. Wllllnnwnn lllrnr. nunr Chltn. v- llrtnmalllrn 11IC1U(U 111 III !- ,"" - - " -"- V. I Irt nut m - t.,,11 Ihi.hI 11m atlorne general of New on ui.' cnnppiraw imh....... United lri ftortlro I l,ONIK)N, Dee. St. llegardinit the llrllUii mid on Cuthaveii, coterie mul oltlcUl tld' I 'The mid by llrlllnh warship mid aeroplane on the Herman narnl tmne. nr.d the dropping of bomb upon titu haven may be refarded tut KnitUnd' j anwer lo the lhreU of lUrnn rou i T.la.. . . i.-.. .....t u.lt. HfHP.I. ' il(HU, lip luiroirnci anil "in that ho would nllempt to utarvo out Kniland. mlabllahltiK n ub-mtrlne patrol In tnriXHlo KiikIUIi inerclmnl men. "Deeda nro belter than nordit, how ever, nd the Cuxlmvrn raid ienm for luelf." Labor Laws Talked at Big Convention qtiln. Wednesday, unconscious. It TTSjwaB stated that ho was kicked by a i home. Au operation revealed that the skull w-as fractured, and trepnn inliiK uns resorted to, hut Hlion died Mast night without recovering consciousness. A number of Indlnus are being. ex lumlned today, nnd their stories may , Indicate that the mnn was tho victim of foul play. KILLED BEFORE HE COULD VISIT llimilAM) OK MMJAI. WOMAN IIAU I'la.NNKI) TO VIH1T IIIH I'AMIIiY IIKIIK IIUIUNO THK IIOMIUYH. WAH KliKCTHOCUTKO It was fur from merry Christinas for Mrs. Adolph Maler nt this city, for Inttecd of bavin with her tho luiw band alio hud not seen for two yenm, Mho hud received tldlngn of 111 elec trocution at Touonali, Nov., the day before ho IntcndtHl to start hero for n visit. M. Maler was employed In electrical work there, and ho and another mnn yvaa killed In the accldonl. Tho re mains are to bo whipped hero from ! Tonopah tonight, and will bo Interred hero. Mrt. Maler la a alitor nt Mr. W. J. fltelnmett of this city, Rho hiu two tost. lYapte. chalrinnn of Ohio's Industrial A CommlSlOII l ompreiiciiano " United I'loss BurrlCo ..iiiai I1IM.PI1IA. Dtc. 2S -A i-oiumiiu .. ......v. v...., ....... " . -i ii.. ., n ilnioted to the snojeci oi two liny sesulim Of ino Aiiieimiii joint Axoelallon for Ubor UgUlntion nnu ".-"; . Mntiniml Conference on unom Kor the uncmploj incut the need ,...!.... I'mlll . S l'OUSiniCllV ui-iv KKmsi-:,,;;,,,. .-- --?sr2sus in nttendauce. Workmen's rompnilou." In nil! iih nliniws wit tho chief topic to ho considered by thoorgnnUnllon for .id VMiirement of labor loRlslntlon. And nmoiiK lbo who were to speak on the subject "t '"". H. SeKor, of Columbia I'nlwnUiy. uowirnor- elect M. 0. ilrumlwuKli, "I reniiBji vanln; John Mitchell, member of Now York' compensation commission, CollKttSSIUSn 1). J. .MClilllicnuiij, -. H. Parks, member of Massachusetts Industrial Accident Hoard, una w. u. ndeaunle unemployment Insurance,' states a bulletin Issued by the nssocl-i iiinn. 'The care of the uuemploy-i able Is the task of tho relief nKency, the hospital nnd the ieformutory."i Those scheduled to discuss this top In were: Charles It. Henderson. Unl-i entity f Chlrngo; Mayor lllnnken-t burK "f Philadelphia 11.0. Vnlentle, Mahsachusstls Industrial Counsellor; A. M. lluddoll, of lloston; Meyer London of New York, socialist, and J, P. Jackbou, commissioner of La bor, Penns)lvnnla. WOMEN TO WORK OVERRIDING tx oitnr.u to assist a iwmhjY in STItAITKXKI) CIHCUMSTAXCKS, WO.MK.V Willi. I'l.Y XKKIHiK IO.MOHHOW Kalo llouusovell and diiugh- "CupM" to 'IVIsco. who lino i.awruuro .vhhj Mrs. . ii .n lor. Miss uuirn uinin"- nsslstitut cash- BavliiRs .',,,," in Oakland for tho iwati lor of tho l'lrat State nnd BavluBs aMstt with local Mend. They for-two week's sojourn. merly resided here. Up 1'itnii t'liy. IMwnid J. Murray, who Is winter liiK In flan Francisco, I hero on a 'abort business sojourn. (iusN lo (Hvo Party. The Htaudartl Hearers, au orKnlm Hon of gtrlH who are enrolled In draco M. K. church, will hold a party Tuesday evening nt the homo of Mrs. J. B. Klllott In Hot BprluKtf addition. Awn) l Confewnee. Pioject Mnniicm- J. (I. Camp loft jestordny moinhiK for Portland to nt liud ti conference of rocltmutlon ofll elnls to ho held there this weok. Tbo Columbia highway form As toria to Peadloton la to bo completed by July 1, 1916, aaya Major Bowlby. Coqulllo bridge. will build a 12.000 city While dlKKlUK potatoes In Hope. Maine, Arthur Hnbnrt found one 12 by lfi Inches In clrcumforenco, In which wits a iuoubo "est. coutninuiB one old ouo nnd four yountf mlco. The skin was loft on the top llko a trap door, Multnomnli tax levy for 1U1D Is 8.8 mills lest than for 19H, ,V spoclal nwotlng of tho memhors of tho Woman's- Library Club haa been called for tomorrow at 1:30. At this meetruK the women will remodel some clothing In order to lit out ono local family that Is In decidedly hnrd circumstances. Tho work of tho club's Philanthro pic Depnitmont In assisting thoso in need and distributing donations of clothing and other supplies, has dono a great deal to nllovlato misery and to cheer homes thnt might otherwise be sad. This work Is to bo cnirled on permanently, and all donations loft at tho library will be welcomed, ami used to Iho heat advantage. Some Dandy Prewiit. A present thnt arrived a little late, but noortholosB was enthusiastically welcomed, was an 800 Helming grand piano, purchased for George lllelm by his two little daughtors as n Christmas surprise. Tho instrument was bought through Shepherd's Piano Depot. HEY POORS IN FOR BELGIAN FUND COMPKTKXCY QCKSTIOXKII CAXXOT III!' neighborhood of Tomazow. SKYKItAli ri.ocu TO COXTitinUTIOXS I'L'KCIiASIXft COMi: I.N DAILY WILL HAY TO SHIP CAU SOOX All of the Balkan territory be- longing to the dual monarchy, except isomo unimportant frontier regions in ; Bosnia, Herzegovina and Southern jDelmatla, aro clear of the enemy. Varorf "A narrow strip of land called TlolDh todav named tho following to sPlz Budua has been occupied by compose tho new Saa Francisco fire ;thc Montenegrins since the beginning beard: . 'ot tne 'Brar- Their attack on Boche Johnr. PnMrir. nn tnnnM m,7, !,do MattTo failed utterly. Tho bom- . ,, ,-J,, .... ... . United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. .John i Davis, an atterney: T. It. KUXD' Herring, president Longshoremen's Lnion, and KranK C. Sykes, a contractor. XV Jtsp'v - -' Contributions to the local Uelgl relief fund, with which a carload of1 flour la to be sent to Portland for shipment to Belgium, are coming In in a steady stream. Tho following were added slnco the last publicatien: First National Bank, A. U, Camp hell, J. W. Bryant, Sunset Grocery, Elmer I. Applegate, Bell's Cash Store, A Friend, Mrs. Drew, Miss Bice, Frank Arant, It. H. ."unbar, Chas. Paltoe. As tho steamer w ill clear from the Portland dock early In January, those j , wishing to contribute toward the car i United Press Servico of flour should niako haste to do so, i sporan'p Wash rJE-WAS ANGRY WITH BIS WIFE SO 111. HlUT HCU TO DKATH A.VD THH.N BLP.W niS OWX POOL BitAi.NS out withTiiu im:it- bardment of the coast fortress there by the French fleet also falledso the naval harbor Is therefore securely In our hands. "There aro some Montenegrin army divisions In Herzegovina, and'3 there are some Servian troops east of. tne Drina on a line with FqcheVlslograd. Tbeso have .not retreated, even during tho Austrian offensive" REVOLUTIONISTS ARE REVOLTING UHADY nKVOM'KIl I for it will bo necessary to send the !-.,, bocause hls wIfo BUed lllm for car out In a few days to Insure Its be- dlvorc.t Martln Loth today heat tUe ing lonileu on the reiiet steamer CONSTITUTIONALIST ADVICES BE- CinVKD IX TIUS COUXTnY INDI. Dee, 2S. En-i CATK TI50UBLB I THK KAXKB OFTIinVUXISTAS , . M MOV ES j woman to death with some blunt In strument nnd then blew his own brains out with revivor. "JOHN DOE" H STILL SOUGHT SHDWLU1ERING. LOCAL PIlOTOCiKAPIinit COM-. PLin'IJ .noo PKKT OF FILM. a 800 a3 "John Dee," who tbia f Itituo Ugurod lit tho fracas at thei FOB McCLOUD ItlVKlt lAI.MHUIt r;r:lj. hnli tu P3uo r.rovo Christmas CO., .SHOWING ALL IMWCISSKS W "rotted, the trial of tho eight implicated persons will be held. Thust i far. Linn Smith. Van Cornish, Henry; Ifilllfn M. 15. Shannon. Lowhi Hoae-I C. It. Miller of tho UUr I'Jtoj 0Uo Arnoia ana Merrill ArchorJ United Press Service - . SAX ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. J. The constitutionalist consulate 1 I this city today received a dispatch 'from Vera Cruz to the effect that the Vlllla forces had evacuated Meai Ico City, and hurried north, to aave the 'line of communication to Jaurex. j The dispatch gavo news of a revok among the Villa forces at Torreon. (t M L SITE"- company, left yesterday moraine tor haTe beou arrestedi .Mcuiouu, taiung wun mm ., i Hoagland and Arnold have been re of motion picture film ho made lat;JCMe, on own Tccoguiiaac;. fall, showing tho lumbering opera-L ,, , at H) , on R bond sleuod LAflrlM LUMBER CO tlons of the company, This flint is to bo used by tho company at the Pau-ama-Parlilc International exposition. A private exhibition was given at tho Temple theater Saturdny, to test the pictures, and It was tho unani mous opinion of all present that tho films compared favorably with thoso of tho film companlos, both from it standpoint of oducatlonal Interest nnd from tho standpoint of photography. The movies show lumbering at Mc Cloud from tho tlmo tho railroad crew by A. Oehlor and Dick Turpln, nnd tho others on bonds given by W. T. Leo and J. A. Thompson. Cornish. Hoqgland and Arnold ap pear to haio been the "Innocent by standers" In this affair. Several state that Cornish and Arnold took no parkin the fracas, and that Hoag laud, Who was busy changing a tire on his, auto, kept out of tho troublo until ho was attacked, and then only fought In self dofonw cleaning up his allallant, by tho way IID.IO OF COMPANY DENIES JBVBN XKGOTIATIOX3 BEING1 . I.MADP. Von Tin: pink thee qompaxy .MILSITF. start tho building of n railroad Into , A of tho youtna wlth ti1Q 0)eepUon !... .nr.il? .mill Hirt lilir Irpfta. nrrti ' !" .. . .. .. .. i tho wood3 until tho big treos. are felted, bucked, hauled to tho mill, siwcd, finished nnd shipped. The picture Is ono that has high educa tional value, Douglas county will pay $141,000 less taxes than In 1914. Mntchts nro so-scarco at the war frout that an Eugllsh officer pat $2. tilt for u single one. of "Mr. Dee" aro la town awaiting tbo hearing. All of them, even Archor, who was cut In sovoral places by n knife In Stiles' hands, seem will ing to let tho matter drop, and it is reported that tlioj will cntor picas of guilty to tho charge of disturbing a public mooting when tho case Is called, bofore Justjcet the Teace Qowen. . ' "The article appearing in the aom- " ' Ing paper legardlng our purckaaJMi of : ' tho site and machlaory of tuolWlMt , 4 erouoous," says W E"., Lamm&tBS? Lamm Lumber company' I'Uo sjmKf ment'or the Kind lias pttMMofMi' nto. ;:WI -There nas not, yM.jty mj tlons toward this, v have utado no se4wsjt,li about the cost otlofSaa) 1 so far as we aeoiitai,1 tho result of lBMflMftNi. As yetthe Lamm has B0fdel4d zm,mMmtf. Its saw toVW&VJlr , 'WM . kv.oMm'Y'it , mmAPMrnmi -. wrtuwMaaa7ahltTaiaKTaPW anwiaumaTpy