& tft w V V, PRINTS Tl IK NEWS WHILE IT IS NKWS fre 2J . 1 a f .viiiih Vwt .v a.fWT itmg Hralfr KLAMATH FALLS' ? OFFICIAL NEWSPAPM BLOODY FIGHTING DAN KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, lW IELS LOOKS RUSSIA RAGES FOR POLISH CITY INTO THREATS now Mtdt t'HiiiriMi in:. ri:iiATi:i.v tl t III Willi lit Hilt .i(im' 1111 llt mh , r 1H niliri:M!li ti, uoMituili , miimn tour German Gun Firing From tnd a MasKof Trees Beh 1 AMIIWUTON I) V . It. ?. Ikil.B Mlwlr., A..l..l ll. H"-W4r , ,fc, , Utrtfc wU um k(rnti-f, UrniMtik An 'it.'rUa tfe tetla of Nortfa ti .14 l IVNrtN.1- lb Ml At h.,,M Te. at 0r,l,. , jHairlat? into tke lima of lira Wix-fi- fiJUl IfrtDMNt IlfMP purromi lit jjj g, I'mmIm ll' Hhrr Itiurn, ikrcta4l M saet! I he f f TntwM t 4ell tesitiinttUi , , aei ItrMtKlt asd Jre$ clUm,, iMt lttt away on ASuwteftfi lro Fallot I'l ttMlr j5M,M CirriiAUUAii, . : iiuti' ti u ib mmmmS um ia u a . xuitly, bGlh tt) a J 4 itletl. ik ibe 0iit aae beard ef tbri tlit Miie e4 all Unt iMr " "rJaii of TartM peri. IrMt fi lb V.lU HUw l Ujw " '" "I" ! ikB f6rc .... ..,," ! f tke captain b i. in HU tr,, trJlMUlwwllte Tfcl wtowihi w, Wua lo iiolrilue tliffr lilt" mow)., r4 Dsslai la seek it. ith( iliv German, Unlb AmjuIi H?f atilt lift lr) Tke lain rrHi t tkat e m". Uttbftr! ti,.l (hit Uv IflMPt Im ' itwwirt lh MHtMftlMlm f miHt r)fm!U'i. tlath Utux tin- tstt lixo kil Urrtt ImV. a(nr fvat(ul Ium 0( lifn an Ull Mp, I Ik lteV ot lb IUn at4 Uium Mint Mat llttft lih (4ttt, Only At m Mlm, ; M,t wai tt( K(r, E) I Kit Ccrittati nrm) I'Tti IiI K fliM4 (tin llmttt. Tlifi Mi a I It ll'l tau Alt4, U ttlttvlnl nellil lb (fr Mrn faHU!1 4 Hklrr t"lri, (lip flbllti Iwlne tl )nH"'. HiM iifH?h tin? t. IVtOi b t-tJt u ttO ltMr. J a lbfr( if txHUbsltJtHIKl FRANZ JOSEF IS REPORTED AS ILL RENCH BOMBARD COLD WAVE OVER Fl EAST AND NORTH FORT IN GERMANY rJU WITH GREAT GUNS jiiikcl'kv hiikivh tiik hottom ix i:.sti:i( stati:s wiut.k snow VISITS SOUTHKAST FLOItmA tJI-TIS A TOUCH C, lec. ?C. Ai.i.ir.s CiaiM Sl'BSTANTIAli GAINS In(Aiil or iMflnK Off for ChrtaflM, TruopH Foncht All Uie Harder Tea irnlny IUport From Parte Bay (JtrniaiiH Mnlcr DMBerat Atteaaat to iunln Jxxit Territory te Bat Kiiim London b Wary AMaak United I'rens Service VASHI.VOTO.V. D. A cold ware In threading orer the b.xt and north, on 'I In many placed llio mercury lias establlalicil now record for fancy diving. Northflvld, Vt., reports the coldest .-athr, tbo thermometer thero being' at 32 degrees below zero, while at Albany, X. V 1C below Is registered.! Syracuse, N. V., registers 12 below;! jlYoria, Ills.. 18; Boston, Mass., 12; t'nlled I'resa Servtea ;St. I'anl Minn., 22; Lacrosse, 2i, Dav- eniort, Iowa, 14; Kansas City. I At flnifttifi thn mnrMirv oIaaH nt . ... . .. ....uw Bv.wU -v - .rM. ... iuut... c Mt, . r-. '.uuiiiuaruiiia iv uuwr i .i, 4.V UBJJIII&lUli, i ilUlVV. ill- .v nimbus, O., 2 above; at St. I-ouls 2 above, mid at Philadelphia 10 above. The cold wave reached as far south I'ATtlS 'thai the Dec. 2. It French heavy Is raforta artlllary ia i ot. Metz. The new French KBa are Be ing; used. It is declared that the Freack. have as .Vorthern Florida, Key .West re-'advanced their lines beyond Ana jtorted the highest temperature. "Civllle through the La Petrie foraat. degree. tVlii, Innir rnnirn nna thai fllM , III VlrBinla, Tennessee, North Caro-'troop) wcro ciCared.fro the ketfkta, Una anilAVut Virginia much snow Is . , . .. J .,rafvi.rfn.in. it,. .. m,. lvlns the Frenchmea the raHe of ICI.tlstrans" those sectlonNhaTJdl"16 outcr forta ' jln many years. 1 ' it i) (Din m . ( i . t . u.t i . tthotoisraiib of atitr: an l.owiUcr flrlnt from biding. Much has been written about the In- f tt, oniltr to IK' rh ot r Curing tbo fighting In France. n the battles before Urussols Hrltlsb rt tui a tit liwebM for ijv under fire of the great German guns without being able to see one i- lA teoie Hit- pnictuc r n In the war to hide the guns In n clump of trees, vo the encmy-s nr- liftt tartly lorato t! tm f t thu return flri. I'DlM I'taM ttarrlca J'Altltt. IKK-, S -Tb4)' ui tnuntqtip m;i itio ItiiatUn hx iv atr) the (Irrittitlx lnl rtttMpd the Itiutst muth of Xoflmripw, ih liwaty Ivtat (it both tl. Tb OtittAn r !mi irifipj rrpulrt il lloHh. nil neiitluit U irp(fpjlt)B futtlirr mlh attil ftUmB h I'lllra, ;;:::r:: -what BONANZA TOWN IS HIU'VIMt HI. MlltVIW t II U t'Al'Hltli 1 lilt Alll MuN. vmii to it vi:. itititv Knows i Klamath Falls for some time, returned home. bH J DON I'nllwt rtnrlvlC' lAJNiMi.N. rum, :.- a aipu trultt lleriin MHtM tNJtt (be AltKIMIl .iut .h)l-iAit fer tkat the g( ,Kw.rfr I'tan ioi 1 e ifco verge uf a tti tv liruakdawB llo taj 'ii r.trrwly iriiQ, antl tkW ttT a fMU way lirovo wwi tOj to bint, fur In addition to other i'br- blltt thlise.. Ohtor' llttto ixMub ton- At itit ti 1 rerwtoU a m- talt)rJ an Iron Cnwt. I.lka all uf trpiuely dnnfel by the r!ure ot Tutitonli! drwni, Allirerlil lta urn- llelKmde b) ilirv1a army. l fur ihU 1rrtaUon In frt. be H Martin, thollnjatl0ri1jervtw iiHch rider, Is preparing to moio 1 out Itlvcr dam, where ho will con tinue duty In the name capacity. to! MEXICAN TROOPS MOVE FROM LINE ,JJlit&yl i DIN.. fur 'A.V.1,., Ui Inin tn. Albrrfbt Ochtcr I iiim tit Hii hl'- tdctt boyit In lott, Hanla cwdtlit .I Mtll. I NJ4 AHI.r A.MAS M Its l sTI.Itl IIOV. ciiti. dii.s in mi'itriiiutix iv Itlvltlil I.IAOlllFU'.NKWs MIm Jiascmsn, the primary teach.'Htrrlti: T A VOSITION WHICH cr, U btAlng spmo trouble with her 08. t WILL .NOT PiaCK AMKIUCAX riTV iv i)vi:u fiiom stray t 1 1 1.4.e or Klsmath Falls, passed ibruuxli thN neighborhood Inst Sun-' day. SHIU.I.S llletnl.lSfffUl.srivlrc) ....... ,.,,... .., ... - . United Press Sorvlco j UONANXA, l)ee. 46 Hugh Clop. Zumpfe. Mary Zuutpfe and Dmmat NACO. Ariz., Dec. 26. The Vlillsta 'ton ie-lrod won! this wek of lb" IlontlU, nil of the Klamath County ' troops near the International line to !.,.. i. n.i. R-v.....!,! .lBMcl.tBr. who "'R'1 ScUoo al ,ho F1,s- lflltlnglday retired to a posltloc outside of their pprcttts during uic.itlon. gunshot reach of this town. t The Urnuiinnr and Primary grades It Is believed that beforo night falls thu Vlillsta army, under Maytorena aa almtwl cm iht iwlnt of eoIuk rer xvi.ttleii.tVinplHll fJnli rt'HiK h been with her grandmothor in to fight for nntt, whrti Iip dwldnl ly mM(HW mnient of H jwrlleajIWrkeley Ag the death was caused that iib n!tlr- ftro Inn iafdr. in thrlr .- . rf ntkarin ILlv dltihtherla It was liHlHiWlblo for li.tliiK. and tnlxht till lilin Tlw ' -ttfiim n'SHn l. tAHipIielJ amltk irent to K to llerkeloy or me at Mallu bud npproprlnto Christmas I w , bo-ejtabHshcd In Its new position l"w rontalnltiK thi Ciixmi tted .. . M)1,., f0r ttto cawr(vtloit of ;the lly shipped Hw. . , , ., Y , tbo ,;;:::: :: ,7;,, f.o,,r' r.. " ' "?:. : : :: u. ; l" u, s iot rnu-.p""' ..1... .. ...... ...'V" . . ' . "" n"" "' - ,-t.i, u agjin v )icr non "" iimi unuai puiiinRrapii or tmttraiu PELICAN SANTA DELIGHTS1IBS .MOHK THAN A HUXDRFJ) LITTLK - OATJTTWaoYtKfmiIXBfXnfO h ItOOM AND ATTF.XD A KM .MOVIE PROGRAM Thero was no cessation ot flgktlac for Christmas, The GeraaM'Bele 'desperate attempts yeeterday ,te r- gatn the territory la Balflaai Mt they have lost of late, ad tke Mt lsh, Belstans and Freaeb eosttaMai mining and bombarding. "Between the sea and Lya," aaya the communique, "there iraa Httte cannonading, tbe roc teterferiac. f "We repulsed numerous oiamtar at- ZSSSfSSUSf trenches were takes ky a. ratnlMi 'by tbo Germans, and aala' eaptsred t . -.-' -1. by us, with terrible close igatUC." The hearts of five bcore or more youngsters were further gladdened yesterday afternoon, when they as sembled at the White Pelican hotel as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Hall. Santa stayed over to help out In this respect. Following romps and games in the big dining room, the little folks were presented with nut3 and candles from the tree. After this they were taken to a special matinee at tho Orpheus, which they enjoyed to tho utmost. United Press Service LONDON', Dec. 26. PrecaaUMB against aviation attacks are laerana tng, following the shelling of Deter. All lights not absolutely needed hare" been ordered extinguished at mlgkt. and an aeroplane patrol la belag eoc stantly maintained along the coast. nil ChrUimmi. All AlbreOil now I'rk U n snbrp cnr to Elvn til in nn hemic appearance, n li In tliltiklnB "f M tending somn country danro. IllUited todrt)'. liiidiin t.tirrraKll hvo forme! aoim'ti'a oliiiileer pollco -force. l.liiu County i.i....rf hi 1? (vtrh. iiiitn ? .. iiianularturo road .Vu in liuiwln, ilm t'lllted Slnten nas morn horse than any other na Hon In tho world. Combined, the " " l roiiiitrlit .(ie r.8 per rent of Only Ihr.v imen In mj-o the world aiipply. 'In Nevv York FID nrc at mk John Pntight, who lives near llo- i leu Hearts of Poor Glad trills U aesln V her Home, hue ex- iwtta io take aji liar ork In the ... ... !.. Itnllilfll rfttlflll xrrtu ." v v ,.,,, xUIkmI O. K. Hunt nn.l fninllv Warren Yahr and family, fromiiecently OlyiHpla. Wash, aro here to spend , tho holiday with parent. W. M. Chandler called at the, . ... , . twhool recently, Mra. Hen Koetl eittnrtnlneU the fol- laaiiiK t ChrUtmn dinner: Itob, ,,., Vi,, rnnini.inii iim ini uoi and fnntlly. Hr)- Nichols and (,IiUmr(UQ cntPrtnlnment over given, IIMHIl.V, UlMirKO iliminiiwmp i'ritnii. Crlt Parsons and Mr. Cost. Mi Henry Daniels entertained thol n. ... I.,!- t niirtitutas dluucr: Mr.! ...,i Mra Li Ho. MlMoa (Irnco Aihe J llio ntnt ww I! .bell I'rorekoor liurke, I liervt. Itehentsals and drills nro now the order of tho day. FACTIONS BATTLE NEAR VERA CRUZ AVOTHP.H HARD FIOHT IS RA( I NO NF-AU TAMPICO PKACF. coxvnxTio.v to RF.cexvnxi: IX COMING MONTH Dmiru Toulght. Tho regular dance will be given In Moo hall this evening, music to be furnished by Tlndall's orchestra. Mrs. Harriet Fisher Andrews of Trenton, N. J., Is the only woman Iron manufacturer In America of In ternational fame. Robert S. Towno. owner ot tke Blue Ledgo Mine, Jackson County, will develop the property and, katld a railroad to connect with tke BallUrr. line. cs X At a wedding in the Italia tion ot Manchester, N. II.. tke bride's nalst was covered with yellow-fcaeked $20 bank notes, which she had planed to tho dress as given to her byvker friends. i The suffrago campaign in EngUad has cost tho Hvc3 of thlrtyi A 12S-foot stop has been Installed In nn organ In Lowell, which pro-! duceu a tono an octavo lower than Thirty per cent ot the female popu has over been known. latlon of New York City work. . Mrs. Flod Brandenburg and her, and daughter. Tholmn, nro on an extend-' WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 2C. Mccormick, cd visit In California. ,it Is believed that tho real battle for llnro and Muuroe Ljtlo Hd l tho possession of Vera Cruz is now in progress. J.ato nuvices say me The nttendanro nt Shasta View Sun- U. v nnd Mis Hall tk Chrlsttnns )Umn Jt ma llPC for BOlno h,,, (ini.'.r nub Mrs. inhr Men miles west of thero, tho Carran 'zaltes slowly retiring toward the city's Dance Ends in Fight a 'J Cutting Affray at Pine Grove on Christmas Njfb Philanthropic Department Did Yeomanlike 1)llllts.fjY NOTES Hlioiild it not do another thiiiK this winter, the Phllnnthroplo depnrtmeiit 'f tho Womau'rt Library Club Is do rvhiK of great crvillt for the aplou did work It bus rurrled un thu lust few ilnyN to sen thnt ChrUtmna would not bo cheerless for anyone Hut with Oil, tho club does not Intend to atop, H will work permanently to rojlovo itUtruai wrought by poverty, All of tho letters Io Santa Clan nt from children In poor families wore turned over lo tho department, "id tbo kind lad lea composing Ita ex ceutlve coamltteo saw to it that all of tho weo little hearts were find. dvued bv thu UiIiikh I'"1' Kl,1 Sl,n'" to bring. Where rlotliliiK and other muipllra nio nooilwl, they woio 1' proilded, rim cimiinlttoo has leutlwd u gen orntiH omtrlbullnii from tho local F.lks, who, as usual, ntirled on roller work In a unlet way, Hi-nlWnK tlie liiinioitao Iwiii'ill of U" J'lillBiitltropIo Dtpnrtiuont ia Io tho city, tltoy ulnilly turned over nil Hiirpuifl "Pi""- IIohIiU-h UtMo contributions and tilhor lit'ictoforo lltod, tho commlt tun hint received u contilbutlon ftoin Mrs. Oconto llradloy nnd it B ' lion from W. H. Bloitgli. mi OF S FOLKS Tho following Interesting program1 defenses. was rendered this week by tho Shnsti ricrco lighting Is reported near, Vloiv bchoel: jTnntplco. .Orchestra . .. "The Mountain Inn", ,.., ,, , ., ... '"' ' "Qiinni NM-iii"' l "o Motlcatt peaco convention will .chUrtm..":. i . . Primary Drill'"-' ".1U " .1 Z .n ih:nt.. iie.mi: fou holiday MI 11IIIST.MS PROGRAMS llti: HIILD C0M1N0S .VXD GO IVI.SOP MALIXITKS j Piano Solo . . . , Paulino Jobes Uerltntion. "Clulstmiw Twico n Year" ' Marjorlo Jobes Song "Dainty Little Stockings" 1 Primary , Guitar Duet I "Tho Unburlcd Woman" store ordor. Tho leadors plan tho finmlng ot n coiuptohonslio land law, nnd ltopo such n law wjll simplify tho disbanding of tho armies nnd cnablo recognition by tho United States and tho A. II. 0. powers. Dialogue . Recitation, (llciiiltl SiH-ilnl SeiiKe) MAL1N. Doc 86. C. M. Klrkpat- licit mill family Chrlstmns nt North Polo" Dialogue "Christmas Stocking" ' Orchostrn 'Dreams" ,Dlaloguc,"Court sceno, Hum vs, How" Recitation "Christmas Carol" 'school Song "Christmas Bells" Mary Kotera Recitation ... "LUtlo Orphan Annie" Duet ... Mrs. Zbenden, Mr. Chltwood lOrchesttn Hazel Hunt Guitar Duct buying i (sited near Duet Emma Hontlk j Dialogue Mrs Zobenden, Mr. Chitwood Chorus . i 1 (aa. rini, "Jolly Christmas Weather" A Uttlo too much "Xmas Cheer" was largely responsible for a free-for-all ml nt Gray's hall In PJno Grove last night, during which lists met Jaws, and knives wero usod. Charles Gray, ti well known resident of Pine Grove. came In today to swear out warrants for tho arrest of several persons hold to be responsible for tbe trouble. Merle Archer was tho worst Injur ed. IIo received about halt a dozen cuts on his neck, limbs and body, one lit tho shoulder bolng tho worst. Henry Stiles is chargod with tbe whittling of Archer. During the courso ot thd evening, it is reported,.' several persons under the influence of J, Barloycom became embroiled In & fights, which soon assumed tke pro portions of "gang fights," How attics mid Archer tangled is reported twa w ays, one being that Arcker, sailed Stiles an Insulting name, aad aaataar; nun ai cuor Hiapveu diui, luu I s sui03 men pulled a kaiM aM -; '-i'- cd lu. Others, some eay,,al aattad '' knives, but this has not acaaVailiiBf. ; ; After being backed coaaldnaatr, Sv ' bis fist. L.ireFSH Tbo sheriff's oMce was aataaad aasl. two officers went to" tke!ati'(all were unable to gain aay as to now tao iroaaie this' afteraooa sailed -. oflee regardlag tka seat to tke aroeeaaal 5 . - . '..- j, nmm i -. Ai J H m. n'rrw iHiumjU'Ui'Wln s 5 -staBST "srsr," w v. -2. jrL Mr it .w.wi't-'-St c