The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 24, 1914, Image 1

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    A, jw
4 fi
-i ' y
iti Vrtr -' U.IMMI
jki: '
iiit,uv. vv
la (M l'""M ! ' link Ttii. Aitintitr,
,111 Atltflbc ItliMlaM TtlMlH I'mmii
IMi.rr I'ni'.l. ,t IWIne llntml in
m I'dl'lr Jh llrlMrrtt H...iil
apt K'rttt -Tin AtMlltaWa HrjMi
'Mn- ! 'atllMt.
I'slUd 11 Hltlw
I'l.TIIODItAlt, o, 31 - IIUMlan
tjlvj'l lr l-UUt llllf It bolWwto KM Co
m4 llJti a wpII . liuw iho ulb
is. an Bit u rhcfk llto llriuti b4
6fr, Hlilclt fOKl lh UuttHllo
lipuf u illip fiom Cti
ll I. dttttlte4 Ibal the AuMio-Ovf
w in?t lrm Ite rrlou fl l'lr-
!, td Cmntf bp rau4 ll) !!
ut, uw$. iu rtp in a slni a-it
tux oil' v( Cftr
I'hltct 'c Harvko
VIKN.S'A (U llerltliL lcA SI
TJj' tUleWBttt anjnr
"Oar ni'efttHotta In Hn l'nr)utbli
r lVlns Hlr iturmnl turw. Y. Hneemms: rrtd Irosj loo much J
ttflUf owpflMinnl 3JQ al)4 Jifrl!llafl'f,rH. Orto l)ka, a k-o
frwrd luriber In niintiratipfly Wrier twtjr4 by lti II01M u
Jdwllet, ihwafil ibr i.udltt, .. niHuiuc fttnurk 011 tha llord ranch!
I'nlln! l'tM Itortlf
I.IHIIOS. IV. 31. Ut iJUpstcbM
jr ibat tho latent Uormrnt Invasion o'
Antola, a l'iirtuuj Affkan rolony.
I otBcUllj- arknopdr,
It l drflarnl llial I tin dormant
iultMi will, nrtllUry, appmacbp.l
oauuii, an 11 marini a wimuoruinrni
W Ibp fort, Aftir n brlrf rwUtnr.
tbo defrnitrra lhdrr,
Uln sdrlvnt My the PortURurto r
ilntorrlnK, uml rrlum t tlrho
tl (lrman out.
Dress Rehearsal Time
Local Thespians Ready
Hut utto luurn rohoitianl H'iimln
I'vlorn local hiln nppiar Christ
night and tbt. night futlowlntt In.
a big vaiidovllla bill, tliolr iiirpoa
Mng to raise funds for iiialnlnliiliiK1
Hi" KlnnuUi county exhibit nl tho,
I'mmimer-ftcino oxpoaltluii. ThU will
' ino nnai rencarsai, wimn wio piny
"M Mill present each song, skll or nrt
ll will bo given iHiforo tlm audi.
Tim sale of Hrkots has been ex
tremely good, and rapacity noun's nro
"Mured both nights tho bill Is given.
Those taking part In tho perform
nce liavo born reliuarslng faithfully
lor some tlmo, and thu dlvorslflrd pro
Krani to be offered Is cerlnln to ploiuo,
Tin, progrnm to bo prraontod followst
Holoctlun by Orclit'Mtrn
Lawrence Mohaffoy "A Mrdloy t
I,alrlotlsm"-"Dlxle," "MnrchliiK
Through aeorgln," "Aiimrka."
Hubbard ft Hlnnott A Toutonlo Odd
ity, Introducing "Trla-du-dii, That
Croony Melody."
lorothy Weeks In popular songs
The lllvols Kxtracts from Hderldau's
comedy. Gharnctorss Mrs. Mnla
Prop (with her bad grammar and
ludicrous diction), Miss Mnrjorlo
Weeks) Lydla Ungulshdior nlcco
la leva with Beverly), Miss Ponrl
Motvlat lir Anthouy Abioluto
(ekelarto, but kind hearted), Qeo,
h vmm, hoi i rrrt.i;
onii. aihuivln in
licit w iuti,iiri' i-t'Mi
l Ji Mrui.tni i,j.i rbfwt-
anil (l.inv of ,a imr
HHfUi,. ti j 41,)!, , a,t ...mdg
iii i. iji iiit-n,
Whi, .i.i, r.f, Man li
i-Nti. ii isuio tubiri lit
ami Mr V i- ifetenport, ,,.
rij or i a mmlar of id IM-
v rUM r.iawtlli- jMi ,j pftrft
of 4 . fc nl A,. Mr l r4MMiU
Ifen -I.1IU. M.( fUf MAI,! .
rwl. and 11 1 f (.n at ,
InHllrnl. n Dial mi IllSlUt
him mull.) ih o!l4 nay ,jt.
l-H-f ihcrr I. lilt atlro lb t,
i.n,ru i (i, . i,ii4 rr0 ,, ,
in 'rur .,-(.;! ,f chfuitni..
P llll taj'llt It, lav louud in
'IMI(.I t.rtl-atl.., ml tb pr
' ll I Iwtlrr In elm (halt 111
frl. 4
J lir eilifi: hi:
ru oi.i:vi: to
Hinti:i-Mi:itii:tt itfvvjvo uu.n
with x
near Olrtjo, ttlii ltk tilth tH)W-r
flfit h all il lln' iithtr fiHiplpj
ilido -irt.M j
Wrd to thl 'ftct m rwlrwlj
.ibid aftrriii-m by "'fl l'o woro to
.an Insanity rvmplaltu. and th hr-
!iaa iiSk Uk 't;t in on t capture
luVa ami brine blm Ikt for tam
(nation. ll.
KranH J Howsm tftdsy rcetTrnl
tbi il ( of tlu Jrslb of hh
Utbrr In Hleut City. !&-. He Icavi
frtr ibrro In the mornlm;. cep-nl-l
br hi n
Tbct WntusM's Tax lleIWH6e
UttKiH- ol London, rempotrd mainly
t .uflrnEolli- and bttcMo mnlto Is
"No vow tits T.. M iuihi
t. taMi llii rr -I. acroant of
for Big Vaudeville Show
T IllOWor, I'ttptlllli AbaOluto this
win), J ll McAllister Act 1,
Hrono S--l)riliiK room In Mrs.
Mnlnurop' lodRlnps. Act 2,
scviio 1- Cnptsln Almolulci'B lOdK
1111:1. Act 3. tfcrno 1 Tim North
Pnrailp. London. Act I. Heono 2 -,
' -
Tim Klnumth Qunrtot UwrniM
ImfToy. II. Uolniul ninlsycr. cr-
.. I. ..!... Il.llil Kill.
8amo nt first sevno.
...... MntapliPiitiarlmr. Harold
near (I) "Until tho '
'Niillln a Udy."
Novelty Song lllls Mr. crt Carl
Thomas, dln-clor Japanese Lovo(
HcniB, Mlns Poari iiniviu, .ma
en I'nxnon, Ml ,l, Jnfl,s.
Miss nilsnbeth Houston. "Scc
Hnw," John Hubbard nnd cliorus.
Ccronlrlp Musical HoloctlonH--Fred
Houston. John Hublmrd
Hutchinson, IM Hodge,
fitolnmnn & Htilchlsmi In bltn
couiody and song.
Mr. Don .umwolt -"Uluo Rolls
Hcotlaud, Dreamt That
Dwelt In Marblo llnllfl."
ni.i.v liakor" Comedy PUylot
one cat. Characters! Crummoy,
Harold Klnnenr; MnnnniliiUo
Mousler, J. . MoAlHutor; Hetsy
llakor, Wnlvo Jacobs; Mrs. Antnl
slu Moslor, Mnrjorlo Woelts. Tluio,
tho present. Place, Klamath Falls;
living room In Husband's and
Wife's home.
. ,.
The War Has
- - , I
H "A lAiirf Ha
rvrttit. iiiRifl n y mu
n Addition to Recommendations From
My re (bo ucKVtion inad
tuts monttRg thtXaro Uta county court
00 e qumtlOB of ctimilliu- thu
county's oxrn for the comlue
wir In order to lower the tax lvy.
The tiRtoil oxiwntes of tbo pros
MUliBC attorney's oatce wro touched
utHin by several. Tlmj contnd thnt
tho oro of dtiputy prwecutor was
;ulmw f ntl ,, lat ,no Mmo
jH fc M,a , re8ara ,0 Uiu ,lum lor
UvtMllvo iprrjct', me suppression 01
rrime bli)K hi-lit tlio work of the
sheriffs offlev.
Tlu-rw were parlous rucynunends
Uin for loworliiK tho tlumto for
niuws' noiuloii. -uno rwommondn-
,'i'on held that this "tendod to pauper-
luut, nd wan iiiIuhm1." and aski tho
piulro ollmliiatlon of tho fund.
The amount iH aside by tho coun
ty for rond workws ittso objected
in. One siiggeitlon wns mndo thnt
!.'. .ino bo shavod off this, nnd nn-
othvr that tbt-ro bo uo now road work
dotio, and tho money applied to pay
ing off .KSt imlfbtodnoM-
Tho olBtv of tounty nurlctiUurHl
ss held by Honanza pooplo to bo un
uocwMwry They nk that tho salary
for It bo ollmlnated.
Tho county -ourt la to meet nRftln
uiohdny U I pplu)w that at tnai
ri:i().mmi:matio ok
I'nltod I'ress Service
TOICIO, Ucc.24 Tho Japauoso par
lliunont today rejected tho roquest by
Count Okuraii's cabinet that in
creased iipproprlatlons bo mndo to on-
able tho cnlargomont of tho nruiy.
it u iiTimctod that tho cabluet will
dissolve tho parliament decision to-
- - ? 3 ., " -Mil - .
Taught Us One Big Lesson
Ji . H.m
ars Suggestions for
the County Expense
Bonanza Taxpayers Send in Lengthy
Resolutions in This Regard
llinu Mtiaa htiii wny bo taken rvKurd
log Utc levy.
Prominent among those making
recommendations this morning wsro
Charles J. Ferguson, representing H.
N. Day niul othor timbermou; Jack
sen Kimball, local representative of
tho Wjyerhnupr Land company, and
Hrrbrt S flalo for the Southern Pa
cific. Dmiilea UioBi', theru was a lengthy
revolution from tho Lost River Pro
duct Taxpnjcrs' League, recommend
ing cuts Tho resolutions, signed by
I'rwUloiu I). U. Horn and Secretary
K J. llnwm?. follew:
Cut shi'rlff's deputies to one at
t, 500 per year, wiving 1 1,200.
Cut treasurer's deputies 'to one at
$900, saving J3O0. Cut allownuco to
trcakiirur for tax collection to $1,S00
from $2.3 10. wiving 52i.
Cut extra help from assessor's office
Uuvltig assessor and two deputies at
13 per day, saving $628.
Cut county clerk's force to two dep
uties nt ?!00 per year and $1,200 per
KST. saving $1,1-10.
Cut county school superintendent's
deputy hlro of $150; also tho $100
travelling expenses.,
Kltmlniito entirely "book expert"
Cut county surveyor to a maximum
morrow, and turst to receiving tho
support of tho pooplo nt an electlou.
The opposition 1$ duo to tho opinion an additional financial bunion
cnnnot bo bomo by tho Nipponese,
ttpcclally If the government plans to
send troops to tho European battlo
i... H..I...
tii i-i.iu i'.iiij.
Chiirles W. Sherman Sr., tho vet
eran Journalist, Is In from his home
stead near Dairy.
PuMofllro Open In MoruliiR.
Tomorrow morning tho postoftlco
will bo open from 8 to 10. All mall
Is to bo distributed tomorrow, bo box
renters will bo nblo to get all tho mall
addressed to thorn.
Tho Portland Qns and Coko Co.
will lnv Its mains around Mllwaukeo,
j on necount of an ordluanco cutting
the price of tholr gas to $1 per 1,000
DECEMBER 24, 1914
Klamath Falls Men.ilng- None of lhe bomb8 aT0PPe dld
anr riamairr
jalury of $750, and then paid only)
jwhen omployed, saving $1,000. j
i Eliminate $400 deputy Item for clr-j
cult court clerk's oHce.
Call for bids on all stationery and
supplies. Reserve tho right to takoj
mora or less thau called for In bid. j
Elimination of widows' pension
'item, estimated at $5,000. '"Tends
to -pauperism, and is abused too
Reduction of registration and elec
tion expense to $150.
Reduction of court houso expense
Savo $1,400 by eliminating the dep
uty district attorney nnd making tho
dctcctlvo service itom $300. "What is
tho sheriff's office for If not to sup
press crime, etc.?"
Place soalor of weights and meas
ures on a fiat salary of $300 por year
and expenses. "Too high n salary for
tho work Involved."
No now road construction whlle'the
county's coudltion Is as at present.
Elimination of the $35,900 new road
fund nnd tho $20,000 for outstand
ing road indoltodne33, or placing It
to liquidation of present debts.
Entlro elimination of $2,000 agrl-
' cultural extension work, or salary of
county agriculturist. "No need for
such assistance. Taxpayers need tho
money n great deal worse."
lu Addition to those heretofore
printed, tho following contributions
have been received toward purchas
ing n carload of flour for the relief
of tho Belgians:
O. W. White, $5; R. F. Shepherd,
$4.80; 0. C. Blower. $1.30; K. K. K.
Store $3: W. O. Smith Printing cobs
pnny, f 4,80,
i:.vrnMi to roriairr
tiik war roil XJMHj
United Vrett Sorrlee. (
LONDON. Dec. 21 Kor a
period of thlrtron houm, be- ,
g'nrilne at 2 o'clocck this after-
! noon, KiiKland will turn fcer !
! compkto attention to tho ob- (
; scrvnnco of Chrlitmatldc.
?o far a pcmslblo, new re-
Bardlnu tho war will bo directed
only to tbo In command of the
army and navy departments.
.No war news will be received
4 by tho newspapers. 4
The official pre3a bureau closotl 4 '
this Lftcrnoon, and will give out !
no iore news regarding tho war
until 9 o'clock tomorrow nlRht.
fokts axd runsi;iG nnrrj-jH
United Press Service
LONDON. Dec. 24.-A Geraan
I, . . , ,, . . French troops report advaaees la
aeroplane today dropped bombs overi.. . , .
.i.t. u .J. . ..the Argonneand Woevre regloaa.
Dover. Although tho forts flred at, """"
I it. the craft escaped. Th " lade" tni trsatofU
-i.i,. ,n..
Mncldcnt follews:
One of tho enemy's aeroplanes was
seen over Dover at 10:35 this morn'
any damage.
"Tho aeroplano flow out to sea
when pursued by British alrcralt. Itineaven, they must be cleaa,
j succeeded In--escaping through the) bathe and don their clew,
I thick fog." (fore entering a battle.
Where Christ Was Born
A Present Journey Into
llcthlehem today is a small city of
about S.000 Inhabitants. It is only
six miles from Jerusalem, a pleasant
afternoou carriage ride.
It is the oldest city In the world,
for, unlike the other cities of the
ancient world, It never has been de
stroyed. Protected by Its insignifi
cance, It has o'caped unscathed tbo
succession of 'destructive Invasions
which wiped out Jerusalem and the
greater cities.
it is a remarkable fact that the
nonulution of Bethlehem Is altogether
Christian, there being no Moharame-
dar.i except -the soldiers and police,
and uo Jews except some enterprising
merchants from New York and Chi
cago. It is also remaraaoie maw u
people of Bethlehem continue to do
ervo tho reputation tlioy have borne
for nearly forty centuries for their
peculiar beauty.
Tho young men of Bethlehom today
have the samo ruddy cheeks and pos
sess a degrco of physical beauty far
beyond that of any other Syrians.
As tho races have cuanged com
plotely tills peculiar healthful beauty (embroidery, and the like. Oa theeaM
Is duo, no doubt, to tho fact that. sldo of tho grotto Is a recess, tk'fMC
Beinielwm la tho center of a small .of which Is tho uncovered Mtftral
region of wouderful fertility, and Its
peoplo get enough to eat, which can-
cot be sntd of tho inhabitants of many
other towns of Palestine.
Bethlehem's narrow, steop and slip
pery tticots are not distinguishable
from those of any other small Syrian
town But every stranger, every vis
itor, and every pilgrim goes through
them quickly to that foitloss like
group of buildings which Is known
i tho Church of tho Nativity.
Unlike the Church of tho Holy
Sepulchre In Jerusalem, thcro Is no
disturbing doubt. There is every rea
son to bellove thnt tho cave over
which the church Is built Is actually
the very place of tho nativity of the
Lord, and that historical truth Justi
fies tk inscription within the cave;
; - trl,:?&i",'TJ.Vi'iii'jiwyj:A
Fries VUm
Ily .MlnliiK Hand Daaen er CoavN,
Allien -Make ProicreM Tbe, While
Hie Heljlan Oaio Oronad AtakB.
vIllRlit Ilank of the Yati TWy
FlKlHlnic la Franco AUo Atnmtm,
S:iy, Coomraalkae.
United I'ress Sorrlee
PARIS, Dec. 24. The coamultM,
reported advances la Betgtuai Ntr
the coast for tho alllea, the Mad tint
being mined and utilised. It la .
nouncod that all German attaaka, at
l though very fierce, have
Tho Belgian troop, who art
tng along the right baak of taa Tatr,
have 0.U0 advanced coaaMaraklf.
Their progress was especially laraad
south of Dtx Made.
! The Communique reports extaaaire
advances, similar to those earlier iav
the week. The German attacks ladK
Jcate a desperate resUtance.
possible the dUtrlbutloa of gtfta to
the soldiers is going on. Dssalla tka
Christmastlde. though, the latlac la'
brisk, and there Is heavy namwadtog
in progress.
I Believing that to be wortay at
the City of BedMea
''Hie de Virglne Maria Jesus Carfataa
Natus est" "Here "or the Vtrgta
Mary Jesus Christ was born." -
Tho nave of the church la the eesa
mon property of all Christiana, aad it
Is the most ancient example of Ckria
tlon architecture extant. It waa caav
pitted In the year 330 A. D. by tk
L'liippror Constantine, altkoagk
gun by his mother, the ftaaraas"
' Helena. Its roof Is of stout Kactlak
oak, and was built by King Kdward
"IV. or England at about the
Christopher Columbus waa seoktag
reenns for his epoch-making VOTM-
Yet with all its Interest.- IU aaUaaKy;
and the nobility or Its archtteeturs);
tho nave Is a barren and dsaalate
place in which no religious eerrteee
are ever held.
Tho Chapel of the Nativity la a
natural cave In the rock wktek ts
reached by two staircases ds lag
from the choir. The cava la
with marble, and Is decorated, or i
ecrnted, according to one's Individual
opinion, by scores of paintings, Igurw
of faints, gaudy tinsel haaglifs, i
- rock,
Iu the pavement of this reataa la
set n silver star, which ladleatat tke
spot whore our Savolr waa bora, asd
adound it Is tho Inscription tjttetod
before. Over the star hang slatoam
silver lamps, constantly buralag. 'Mb
of these belong to the Qreeks, tfs to
tho Latins and Ave to the AriwilM -Near
by there Is a plain altar wMs la
ut-ed by each of these tbrea s eta tm
turn, It Is a narrow Httli rtwasll
feet long and only It feet wi4i,'toto
which Is constantly; ewwdlsm itmi0
stream of devout weklaf1jsajr
ran on tnetr tsces iswre uw
the rocks and khw tke sar tor
freuiy of rellgwus
no ugut except, irosa taa nay aassaa,
thAi-A ! nn vaaUlatisam at all. j' 'IV-h-r;.-r
.. .. .'- . j" i -:-.r ' ' J i
- '. - r' '
A 1,1,1 u' iiisynn ijiiulwdatpji
- I
, 'fii
j . 5 t.S
Ml i iM
, l