IWU h JK I'KINTS THK Mvmlft 1 uittna tfgWS WHILE IT IS NKWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPB1 - n. . ., RUSSIAN REPORTS STATE THAT By A FLANK MOVEMENT, TROOPS FORCE GERMANS BACK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, mT Boys Called tolJoin German Army Pries Ftrai -. :'"V 7"lMMfcjr i I'tlud l'fw iwtfce l'imKm.U. Drr.tt.1 .irmj) t..L .,,r ,, , IMS IKirf ' if . n ill.- lrn -MM, u,itl,Ut, r 0 lltlMJ Mill frttt If'tn MrtlMil.iuf , lmrtlMi.K, , (..,. N ItlltM. rl.r.l ! fflrt hf I.a.1 fni.1., MllHMil. ll.r.. lflWpclkl MpWM IW llw U.l-'rll... .. lM.l. AlMl MIUtlllil kllirl nf M'imh aud iilmit; tf. I'ilita lllwr. .Uruili, m". ,MUIm aTr, II I tr,Mr hrtf ll. lir ljrui p, ,,., . U4 H"1' aBBEMSKrEfc ,.aKswr.-r -rvusMn- "TT"WL SraES?.' fatted IT Kenke YIK.VXA, I. ttH-lM ! t't.tlilii. ..! Im it,,. (Muii) i i.,i., tu, lb lluUwi rrpMrttrtt llnrlr IUtk )rlriU;. I.ul tirtr uiimh. ii jUrf uti hratlly In lhi Iihft tt-tttjr-e rlg-lnlus RFNCHES BROWN FUflERA T ABOUT LONDON' HELD fill A, I K.MJMMI TAKING KVf IMOIU.M:it It lis I TtXT THr! ttlAKT I'llfX'AUTtOMN tti PU. OAl'ITAI--AIX AMMl I I'ltoVl -IIIK UUMIhT t'liritcii. wun iti:v. mmmias MIMM'tTIMI tiii: t:iivifi OVER ltl.lt ItlMllKV r - ri,7,iiBESKr jerrfe. jssmBr&sm --- - ---aaaae! lOKS ?iBWMPIBfc-4ABiflM, PORTUGAL IS PREPARING TO 6ET INTO WAR; WILL FIGHT ON SIDE WITH GREAT BRITAIN; WAR MOVES (,'nltvd I'rcta Serrlc M.HMO.V, Iter. iiil. Tlic I'ortustittc Clmtnlcr todny voted la favor of pri-pnrnUoii fur rortiiRnl In Joining ITnnkinil In the present mr. Till ntlkn forrxliailouit I'ortUKiir partlrlpatlon. Tlic flinmbcr also npproTctl pnponlt for mcaiitref to be UJu Im llie il.'fenvc-of 1'ortugiice colonics, mid for wlintcrcr tcp may be nccw vii)' i put (he nation on" a war footing. It U cir-vtteil tlul fortuptl's chief ncllrlllcs will be. In Africa. I'(illr4 I'fvta IWtU NKW VOUK. !. Jl,lnlorm. IM Hum Mtl ufrw In KltnJ U trbn ll Unllail lft lhe.1 tnsffef t Mhk Uuk alioul liinlo.,"rv A ! Ihl Pitrtrdlisary nrwrauilim "n Tb Imtffftl rfiicc otp mikln (if thti U(n It. M. C. Ilroxn, hiu 4lnl Humlr M HlfUl, ct balil IhU iitofiiine t iho llaptUt church. I' riltniiiulu toiiiluclfj (h iiiefn ana n( lav ciiiii'fi i Mo miJe Ui I'MiKHt Iho KntlUhj Th m1 hrorrt vn (Iwirri. T tMK tipm ohtlrUnHed (lorti ialU .luiawln. Morion lUnk. I'l.iusui I. orUiMlun, I routtlnln, Charley II Wllhrow, II. a When ibo lrrticblo a biUH lMt)it,,tI "a c " l" 'l A" ""v OttoUr ti nunounctl thai It a '','"1 t xUb lcc dorine hU r .tfljr tat ih putK6fl ol Intlructlnc ,4"nr' bc,e W: buJon4, rt. Ut,mai soirrniavnt v.m )H cnlltd out tho clam, of ltfis to Join In tho war. They wcro reauoated to rpjHJ.l lo Ha rro hi-a.lqoarler. Deccuibcr ISUi. How jnanr of Ibcso 1 not known, for Information of that kind tho ret' M lm'vT E,u'n ou' '" lmar- ,lut " "' 'k o"th "f Cermanr the dltpntch maklnK this announce- -" ..r...v v7 , u, kuij Hwnuuiiiiou. m pnoioBrapn gpowa tnoyouth ofsomeof thoso who 11111,1 l-n'tw"' o tle'it While the clous l wuppotod to he rondo up of thoo 20 years of age, the picture Indicates that miittu of thorn tm coiuldorahly yomifior United I'rwg Brrlca I'AltIS, Dec. 2.1. A iich' uuv, of pntriotMm In iHeepbig tb rtif Mlf (is I he result of the statement made ycstcrilay by I'remler of the CowmM, Vlvnliin. Unanimous approval of the war measures la aMored.. Complete confidence U placed In General Joffre, commaadcr ta cWef of ilo alllrs by France. i ' The nlll.V ofTcnslrc continues evcryhcre sloag the battle liae. Af" luirniUy the German resistance lias been strcnRtbeaed by the aatfUac of tin troop. Tofhiy'i. communique makes the following ttateiaeat: "We luitc made slight progre bi nclgium betweea the sea ami tW J road KiniicttluK .leirH)rt and WestectL "In tho reglyn of vtrenotrnwe and Illchoote we have also gBtaetf, rapturliiK the woods nrar BlTscbootcand eat of Bethaae. The Fttaia Iirllisti forcet, bare re-captured Clveacy. "Heavy fogs Interfered with oicratlons la the Arras regJoa ywlar day, K.tt of Aimeiu mid In the Aisuo and Clinmpaigne mrJoaa, Mtaaery ' flriiiK in progress nil day yesterday. ' "Our lx-t succobo. were acnr I'erthes les Vorlas, where we eaptaresl. the last line of trenche. In this, n number of Rons and prlao fa war captured. IVogress tnu abto made in the vicinity of Btausejosur. Toihiy, MlnKtcr of Jiutico Briaad introduced a bill maklai lc Hagal to trade vtitb German and Austrian subjects. This bill proposes a fssataV inrnt of live years' Imprisonment or a fine of 30O to 90,W fraaes. XMASTREE AT THE PELICAN TM:i: UIIK WITH CAM)". VIHIT HIOM H.MTA CMl'N ASH HtKi: M.lTIMi:i: AT THK OKIffKl'S W THK IHtKJRAM MASQUE SKATING AT R1T0NIGHT Hill VAIttl.TV HI' fOSTU.MIU. WIM, To Go Free, Flour Must Go Before 1st in: imotaiir hit. axo rmzes aiii; rtt in; Ot tUCIM, TIM) 1ln followlmr toli-Kram jehcd b) u aold paying freight. Have made V S. Hlouch of the local llclKlau Ho- " contribution of C0 horo. Rufus lief Commltleo from P H Mooro In I'ortland, 1 iwlf-cTplattitory "The llclfitaii relief hue a bo tit January ruiiroatu nave uotiiiM uie tat com- AnionK the contributions received mlttrfl that they will top the fre sluco yestcnlav's rcnort In tho Hernld ha tent you 125 Tho committee la therefore anxious to get In all contributions toward tho ohip will lcaujMr0aU of flour lt Ia j,innc,i to send 15th. but the from Klamath Falls. MANY NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS VAIUETIIS OF SKKIXG XKW VKAIt fWMi: IX EXTEND FllOJf THE CHUItCH SOCIAL TO DANCES PAIIAKET STUNTS tV.ltl)i:i PAIID carrlace of rvllef ccntrlhutlouii Jftn-nro donations toward flour from the mo" l. followliif;: 'Sonlhorn I'nclilc oitlcl.it here arej Jostle Telford, It. S. Moore, J. W. trying to have tho tltiio extended tolSlement Sr., Vnnnlco Bros., E. R. Hi. i lClh Thu state eomniltteo d-jl5oam, Ward & Obenchaln. Otto vlr."4 ililpmcnt before January let.j Hcldrlcli, C. C. Chltwood. Th cond Manual ChrUlttta trso 'or Klamath Kail klddlrs will bo lrn at tho While lllou huiol at :0 Cbtlslmas day by Mr. ami Mm. '' . Hall. That U, they will r 'ntn I ho uf, but tba dUlrlbtilluti ' randlra truui IhU will bo allemlrd " r Wr. 8. Claua blnuelf. who will vuurlaiu tho children awbll Dotoli-vs ol roller akntlne r today 'making Rroit preparation for at- lending tlio maiucraito nkntltig pnrty at i ho rink tonight. All manners ut ntctuute am liclng eiir'd for this (Kcalou, a Manager Je lluna); will make a number of annnlt fot best rfmtumo. ot comic costume, brut MiMalnuil character, etc. In addition to the mask skntlug, there will be other big events on th Among tlue will ;'i GO OVER DAM IN SCHOOLS CLOSE A BOAT; UNHURT FOR HOLIDAYS In Atinr .. .ii... it .. ... !i'cnliig' program "w iuhiivii ui liu, iiim , ..a H111i cMldrrn P l0 uken la lttJ 0t.i rl. rr. .wed onll. and u. tbsal.r. wh.ra , m.llues ufrnry katlng exhibition. I'lrlurp esiHlally for children will b itlOWU. I ftlMlll Oil llllllll. . I Hhorlff C. C. Low left thin morning California haa a woman forest lira I for Hu lniiclci to nttend to bust lookoi ucsit lntcrts. J TWO ILMH.OYKKS HAVE UNUSUAL SIIOKT I'HOIIHA.MS HELD IN SOME i:.i'i:itn:xci: atthhspkague ok the grades this after ItlVKIt DAM WHILE CLE.llIXtl' NOOX THE HIGH SCHOOL All. A WAV DEllULS JOUItXED UVST WEEK lio cnirled over ths Sprague "No more school this year," Is the Installing Mill Plant I.lttlo Old 1015 will bo gtrcn a rousing welcome In Klamath Falls this year, for there havo been plan ned alt manner of observances, from prayera and watch parties to dancing and cabaret fun. A Joint watch night service Is to be held by tho congregations of tho Christian, Presbyterian, Methodist and llaptlst churches. At this talks will bo mado by various ministers. 'thoro will bo prayer services, nnd .sandwiches will bo served. ( Lovers of tho dance will have an I opportunity to make merry at two masquerade balls. John V. Houston's nineteenth annual ball will be given ,nt tho opera house, with music by a I special orchestra, and prizes for tho best costumes and characters. At tho Whlto Pelican hotel, auoth- er ruasqucrado will be. bold, invita tions to this being sent out by Tln dall's orchestra. The orchestra wltl furnish the music for the affair, and promises some novelties. Manager H. E. Day or the Hall grill ia now making elaborate preparations for a big Now Yeir celebration In tbe grill, which will bo put on In real BON 'SBILL INICE PRESENT- LOSES IN HOUSE FOR SIXTEEN WHILE A MAJORITY OF THE COX-SAYS THE GOVERNOR OT GHESSMEX VOTED IN FAVOR, CAROLINA: "IT IB ItY THE PROHIBITION VOTE WAS) TO YOU THIS MERRY NOT TWO-THIRDS MAS TIDE" ' SJr ! United Press Service United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 23. CHARLESTON. S. C, Dec U. By a voto of 197 In favor, and i83nior ' - WW Pvreua. against, the resolution of Congress-Sateen convicts in the state perttea-' man Richmond P. Hobson for submlt-ltlary' ,vtnS them thtr Christmas present. Nino of tbe parolled men were victed of manslaughter. To .,..... .i..... I.. .i llelif lin.it ninklnir itfulnmf. rrv nt tlin crnmrnnr solinnl lilW'l UHlil ! ..o.. .-.-., - w ,,...w .. -- . ,. . ... . tlio drop of sixteen foot over the children now, for this afternoon sos- cabaret stylo. A number of local peo Mructure without mishap, or wlth-gonR wcrc cndeJ unt, nf,er tho'plo wilt appear In solo, duet and cnoroi numoers, fioverai oi mo songs to bo rendored by a costumed chorus Years holidays. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Buildings About Finished With tho building practically com bitted for the new mill or the Pel fan Hay Lumber company, Ilia work ' Installing tlio machinery Is now inlor way, under Ihe direction of II, "III Hunter. Thus far, seven enra of nachlnary have reached tho plant. As ft at the equipment arrives It I -ll Installed. Tbe plant being constructed by tho 'Ucaa Ray company will out IfiO.ooo fuel of lumber every ten hours. This lit twlro tho capacity of tho plant do Htrood by ilro Inst summer, u iho mill was operated two ton hour shifts dally to mTiiro a cut of 1 (50,000 foot. It U uxpectod that tho mill will ho completed nnd ready for opcrnllon by April ltd, A majority of the mon omployod In tho construction of tho now plant nro mon employed In tho mill before Its ilettructlpn. They will nil rosumo lliolr former posllloni when tho saws beglu to bud In tbe spring. .... ..linittiiT wntnP WHS tlt i"V ... ... "",;' , . "--,, IchrlRtmoa and Now iir.rliinr.i of Jllllll I.OIIOl ailll MO UK i AM.tn. two men employed on thoTho high school adjourned last Krl. iModoo Point projoct icceiitly, ncconl-jduy. lug to Project Engineer 11. II. Hlncks.i In gome or tho grades short pro. "Thoro U about u foot of water go-Jgnuns, commemorative of tho Christ, lug over tho dam now," ho said. "Tho mas season wero hold, men woro In a 10-foot Btool launch, . which they oro propelling with oars, , Krco Salt mid Pepper Shakers. Dosldes tho local singers, thero will also be an orchestra, and some mu sicians nnd entertainers from San Francisco, This will bo held from 11 to I. whllo engaged In clearing debris from tho llsliwuy In tho contor of tho dam. "Whllo thoy wero pulling n load of llmborrt, etc., olio of their oars broko, nnd tho tlmhors woro caught In tho ciiriont. Tho boat was in ouco sem across tho oreBt of tho dam, nnd mado a drop of sixteen foot Into thu water on tho other side. "Although those who saw tho oc- runence, and wero powerless to holp, wore certain that tho mon would tto thrown Into tho wator, and perhaps drowned, their little craft made tuts Instead of a "mllo of travel," tho "Hum Hnrdwaro company la this week Ady to Irrigation Meet President Abel Ady of tbe Klamath Wator Users Association has been del giving nwoy n pair of nent aluminum 'eBated by that organization to bo its "can't spill" salt and popper shakers de0gato to tho state Irrigation con for every dollar In trade. Ono man'Bre3gi t0 D0 nej jn Portland early In Bald ho solved the Christmas puuln janUary. It Is also possible that Pro by purchasing a razor strop for htm- ject Manager J Q. Camp may alio self for a dollar, and getting too attend. shnlcors ns n present for his wife. leap without mtslmp, not oven ship ping any wator, Excopt for a few bruises, tho men wcro not In tbe least the worse for their experience." Cooked Food Sale. The Ladles' Atd Society of tbe Christian church will have a baxaar and cooked food tale all day tomorrow. ting to tao stato legislatures a na tional prohibition amendment, wast lost late last night. It failed to poll tho necessary two-thirds majority. "The Call of the North" to tat fea ture attraction for the Star Satardar 'and Sunday. ThU photoplay ll ea ftirely different from any featare yet ieshlblted, with tbe possible taetftlea or "Tbe Spoilers." Aa the aaac Us ;, plies, It Is a story of the Haeeem Bay country In olden days. "The Call of the North" was one of the grant est attractions exhibited, In Saa Fraa- flsrn tn rnrpnl tlmM. Ur Itntiart License to bo wed has been Issued ! Edison of "Stronaheart" and "Tea to uatiroad M. Loomls and Theresa Great Divide" fame, will be im i TicUnor. The groom has a ranch In tbo leading role. The picture U takea Ungell Valley. irrom tne DOok ..Tno CoJnrr , House," by Stuart Edward White. It Is In Ave parts. Dairy Girl to Wed. A marriage license was issued this afternoon to Henry E. Beldin of Mer-. rill and Bertha Lcmmon of Dairy. ' They will bo ranrrled at the home of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, U. ' E. Lemmun, Christmas. Mnrrhigo License. I'oHhuul for Holldiiys. Oscar Larsen departed this morn ing for Portland, to spend the holl- f D. D. Llskey Is lntoday from Dairy, days. iglving attention to butlneaa matt aft. Mrs. H. Duncan Dies Old Resident of Langell Valley Passes Tkk A. Hi Mrs. Henry Duncan, long a resi dent of Klamath county, passed away this morning at her homo la Langell Valley, following a long Illness. Yes terday she uuderwent nn oporatlou In the hope of prolonging life, but she passed away. Tho funeral services will be held tomorrow at Bonanza, and will be un der tho auspices of the llebekah lodge, of which Mrs, Duncan bad long been an earnest member. pi f ; V.fW- a.r f T" TT- " 4 Mrs. Duncan was In her MVtnUee. and baa resided la Klamath ), manv voara. nr niutui u iMn. dead but a faw yean. , r'J$fa oua wsa ihw w mtma, Dau Kllgore. who were ill In early affaire of Klamath i Deceased Is survive by Will. A f and Ed DiMtaa. wl railillnv In rl lUiuitV "ttm won Wahll esaaal ihauamtaW ', " " ea-aym wm f Wf. iaaaaa , h throughout the" taly,'f4 ah. J . 4 V 5 J V! A'l - s i i '. ti -S Jl ' '- -l "ra 5fe m'J5"'-M i2vtij"j.ta -"WiC &3M. Hk BBBaaasaBBB " J J.a ,T.TCr . "'.J ' 'J. ' T-r 't WaaaHnl.' ."C Jaa. :". timUMm-4m " '-fc ' vraaSV-4r1 W'"- l., JjBBBBieitiVI tf''.wWm'u .vsmste - - V ' . j- . V ' .1-1 ' ' -. 4 J-ii f r 5TT Vi7'(t.t(AiUi-'Witk rainnw