3 . 3Th aw, uenmg Herald PRINTS TIIK KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NgWS WIIILK IT IS NEWS i?" ?' " VI 1 it Math Vrti !' RUSSIANS LOSE KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1914 Price, THAW WILL BE RAILROAD LINE TOWARD CITY ,Kt MKIN OlUNTWt A1T.ICII ON TMK UMlMANH BACK JAN 21 TjjMwMEjsiar l ihimi riiu in iMiicA'ua. ill tt in imiij. oi iii:i,ii:vk niAU-N .viuiiNht. nr hum uini tin: i Htin t'rtllll IMlUlOII I'lllllU ItfllintwMl n (,riiln IhIu llumU't Vm M ,,,.,11 ll'-J" '' Vienna " llil Im UaUn Mv IWhK lr.. m lu.k 1tKM A, I tillwi I'iom litt.r. si:w MinicihH ij llaii i' . -" - - s M f III" TrlMi'Mir lllli'irn "" 'ill l hrK l (fe Hl.,tt a,,! ill) Jv-ftuarj JIM. if tux Imrnrv , j Morii uf arwr HlMrltt au.u W Ilium Trw Jeiome The rc.ii tllortHrr "(IJ KOt brum I. rttlHiiUis aiiilne the uf"r h,m i hsnd da a a atstuttio arami lN !! aiirtditkHt l a settlor J' Ttj t remv rur !ll un i ' gain tf r JuBtiaigr Jit t(airril tauult ' d'Ka not llim tin 1l. J'! JC fr O UCl t't (fraj.ttu !f. f I tailed PiroHofttr MIMKJN. IW 31. "! ltU6.ao.l,,,' "' . . . ,n U.t b !cleft4let wi r iiiftninc roun Irr tlfU alnl tho OefWaM t I ltn IU and lh I'lllrs Nlicf 1li l In fit. II I, icpO'leti (bl lb MUlII ) irrillty abandon! HM'iul tn. o Important llro'l point TU rtijfcmeijt alt the Hrwn fiil) jotoii of both railroad lu Wjw from Ht ! tt5 Ui' EiREUEF DIPT. .IS PERMANE fil 1'tli.j i'fM tffw VtUNNA, IMf 32 Tli !flfll Ulnl sayS! "In I bo f wr UU'fMa illMrki i4 Is U Cnlhtiu hvp JTnf4 tclfo CnUtlCt cutttlnurs alOOC thr. j KrobotutliO ffwi s4 Ifco l" ' f lW8J"f, In Houihsrti I'rtUmJ lti?1 ilusiloft u utxtmtitihl." ttnJMVH l.lltlllt c H II Will I .UlltV IIS UHIIK HI Ml l.l'ISI. iM r iitutit"Hi.ii rAMii.ii -s iti.i.naii -Miiov iiKiuari i it DEFEAT EXPECTED FOR HOBSON BILL r.utrv t.i.MM aiii: iiw.su ki MJltlUI i.n nil: nuiiT ovi.ii TIIIH MtNUHI-i:i(IIIT IICIUII iikiuti: nxiii:it o,v tin. ri40muii'K iM-r' " . W' UVmrr Pll tf0' B riHiwrff arcniUi l ' Hr niiiptit l(liuUn. l H i''" T aroutiil lll mlBUlrr t th ! jI nt fmnlHwi loma In tiuuw toi4llii. vASMally at cluthlii a(p dlr!l. Urt rll ! if" "' llUlsry TI(m will bo Jttjtl anil 4U tntiuird m Ht-Jnl iliroseliOHl " )rar Tltn ll'aru)8l li ,l011P C,HU l.l.l n.l In lh fOW ttpetlt U life. IV w . - -. - f ctBBBPP ---' c -75Jx. S2&tr' -z- - "-. i'- - -" ' i'iSKi' La,i;7 .' FLOUR POURS IN! luuor; imi-dwi.v nnci:ixs a i,irm:rt fkom chaiuman wn COX THAT A 1.1 DONATIONS MUST UK IN I'OIiTLAND IJY 10th GAINS AL0N6. A 200 MILE LINE OVKItVTIIING FItOM ARTILtERY TO nAYONETS Ctuuabrr of Deputies, French Prettier My tlic Rrpabllc Now II Bt Oae Policy, Tluit Tlml Ii to Fight WW out' .Mercy Until a Vlctoriomw Paw Is Sriirert. If you lnt.-n.i to max a aonauon . , ,, . .. lrill f towanl Klaraaih connty's carload olr Hour for tbo relict of tbo Belgians, you had better be getUng busy. The local contribution! must bo loaded on cars in tlmo to reach Portland by January 10th. A letter to this effect was rcccUcd today by Hon. George T. Ualdwln from Theodore 1$. Wilcox, chairman of the Oregon State Belgian' rollef committee. This stated that tbo Oregon-Wash- . Jngton relief ,blp will roach Portland nm 1'rMS "' tbo 12th or 13th. I nAniS.Dec.22.-OpcnlnsUi.Bew Local contributions are pouring In smlou of tho chamber of depatlM fast, according to the committee raem-'today. Premier Vlvalnl mado-the fol-r bcr. A partial list of those who ,,, .-.,.. have contributed follews: ., ,, ,,, ,. h, nnm M T a .-t A.. Ttf C Clnnirk T ! " VJJVMV m.w a. h t, vv lrw U Ell. T. PrnnV Adam,. Jar Loom-' PMe. This U to tight WltbOat Is. J. B. Mason. W. C. Ball, Maude Carlcton. J. C. Smith, Dr. C. P. Ma son, C. R Do Lap, Chas. F. De Lap, Mrs. Fred Peterson. T. F. Nicholas, Pine Grove, John Siemens Jr., Goo. A.' Haydon. Mr. Haines, Ida B. Momyor, ttoberu & Whltmore, Mrs. It. R. Hamilton, Mr. Camp's Sund3y school class. Hazel North, J. O. Beardsley, Miss Arnold's Sunday school class, Geo. O. Frey, Goo. J. Walton. D. C. Morris. An Immense side of bacon was sent in last night for tho Belgian relief car by Francis J. Bowne, a well known Lost River rancher. afB-8S-jfiy 1. Turk..!. -rh. Mcudlh Ho duel under rio ro ol : mlno.. ., , ii,i, ifttid after tornodolug the old war .es- M suuk in U.. lurdanolM by llrlt.;" m flfed flt i, ubmartiie lommnndod by Llou- . . 0B0 llmo nad t0 reman bait bcn in clUnc. bl Is fttixloui 4cnant Cotnmandor Norman 11 Hoi- undcr Wtt(or for nine hours. The Mes- br.H.k in the moil dorlnc cxpion oi fUdled was a tery oiu oom, uauj, , r H,. .,di his mil id. tlw be,n built at niaekwaU. England, In ". . ' . . ....... ,.. i,.,, roli.74. and reconstructed at Genoa In Ull, m ii.t - -"- L'nlic4 vnm Unif WA3IIINOTON, D. C lc ?3. The 4fat of the llobiou national rrohltlllon roluiloti kMin eeruln, cordle la lb tun of I bow innk lac dbU tyiwcliM, Two hour wr doldd upon (or Ilio tlvbal upon tho qucollon of Hip ubmMoa of Ik amendment to tho lain.. Klghl houta of dobaie will bo utluwrd on tho amndmottl. Tho volo I oxpttiti at 9 ("tiUlit. Ojmntn Hi debate, Chairman Hen ry Rtinouncod that ho Intended lo vole no," arly lltiM nro entirely lie nored In tho dobato now being hold. . ... to further thl ora rn-ncp vW- Any ci reported will therrfom Ik. IntratUato) without dola A number ol donation naip jrrfrltmt of 'ate, ataone othora Etier- ou rontrlbuilen Iio -"l" ltul and th Htllu Dry Good. com. psny Ainone omers oiii "- ll.nir. art' Mr. Clan-'nco u. Morsnu Mr llamber. Mrs. Charlo Orar Mr llarrlMm and Mr Uownlne 11. r ihlps, "through a Held of mluos. , 1 1'03 Shi. was 332 foot lonp. 69 feet beam and of about 10,000 tons bur den. Sbo had a speed of 1 vi Knots and her main battery consisted of 2.9 inch guns In turrets and twelve 6-lnch guns In battery. In tbo war with Greece. In 1912 tbo Messudleh was re ported badly damaged In a naval bat tlo In tho Dardanelles. crew of COO men, Sho carried a BROWN WILL BE INTERRED HERE FORMER RESIDENT OF KLAMATH FALLS DIE'S IN S.UiEJI, FOL- C LOWING BREAKING OF BLOOD VESSEL IN HEAD mercy nntil Europe Is finally liberat ed by a fully victorious peace." Vlvalnl blamed Germany for tae war. , Tho Communique reports new prog ress practically all along the 3100 mile front. Between tho sea and Lya the actios yesterday was largely confined to eaa nonadlng. Between Lys and the Ales thcro were repeated attack by Ike enemy, which were repuleed. nl the Champagne district aa4t the Argonne region, the tlllee ad vanced by a series of bayoaet caaraem, and between there and the Usee tk French made marked progrea. trenches being taken despite wire entanglements. Over I MOO KnitlUh women hw .nei.ir.ii ihelr name a bcinit an- ton tako lb" I'loc of '"" tth" hne been ralUnl aay from llii'ir em-, ployment duo to tbo ar AKrlculturUt In Euyi't ' "uc'' creded In ralnliiK a new eolion brown in lolor and itronser SAYS HE CAN 00 REPAIR FOR LESS ltrlnc l Turku. lieu Reed arrived In tho county neat todsy with n load of fine turkeys ( for tint Christmas fostlvltlca. FRANCE PREPARES ITS XMAS CHEER HI (OlNtiL. . II. MASON SAV8 in: can rei'aih iifii.Di.Nn at M:r.VIII AM MAIN l'OR A niimiouwii.i.TiauiriM)vx A norary I I'lalntUf. Alleging that 150 Is due him on ac- count, C C Brower has nica sun sfii-f- srrz ssbK4- v - tod) In tho circuit court oy sir.i llrowcr. Prisoners Try a Dash . ...iM ii... .Mtrtl hiiru 1 hat no caw rtri ' - : ud atruciuro at seeuwi nnu ( Mreots lor low 'ban "no-uiiru i ..ritinal co-i. I the statement mado UEMEMRRANCES are on the WAY It) THE FRONT NO CAFE CELEBRATIONS 1 V DL'TV W YOUR NEWSPAPER ' Eery render of Tha Herald ones It to himself to give hU ii.nsnai)or n fair and careful reading That Is to say Conrertinf Knives Into Saws, Williams Worked e v--. .- - . ,. . I. ... i M...,n In a letter to tllO Cll) . in .i . ... . couueir I'urtlii-riuoro. ho slated Hint u()t (() uog,cct tho naVerUso . .1 . iiiid inr iii iiiiiwuni i If 10 CIUIIIOI ll l'"" Vclllud. ho will be filing to tear out iii. tiirtirmiu. t I United Press Servlco PARIS, Dee. 22. Christmas cheer Is en route to tho front. Trains and - . All... l.t. ntfi. te w .tin mnn wVin ivnn3 iiueu iiii bi.ia ui ...v uvM .. With knlvi aa harkaana, Williams, who la awaltlnic t tho lllllritnr nt Allnn (1. McIOOi .Midland. Iiiim for ionrul day born Mwlng t tho bolts In tho "tank" In llio county Jail wlioro ho Is loullnml, In iiroparatlon for a dash for llborty. In the poaicaslon of Hort Hoblson, bound to the grand Jury for burKlarls. Ing it Merrill most markot, thoro Ima boon found a key, fashioned from a fork, and It la believed that It was I ho Intonlloa of the two to osoapo to father. These plana worn frustrated, how ovor, when Bherlff Low and hl ou, Moyd Low, searched tho J I"1 night. They took the saws from WIN llama and the key from Ilobliou, Evidences of tampering with a look In the main corridor wore noticed yesterday. The night lofore, Wll lUau wu heard aawlni at bolt heads laald kta tank. , Frank, Tho key ...a. I.b,.; -'-jr':' , 'S;:,." t uncu' mtVnV Vim rr .r.-h j. jow ..j... ' ;; - " J MlirII wllI tll80 ..a,,. 0,1 Tr '" l lh 1 Wl I In TL sas. ,poied romodollluiT of tho old va born. Mho furnUhfi mii""'"" .......'..., , men- stablo. I Tho matter referred to ml council ns a whole for etH ...at llub.m f-hla.!,!, Z ! tho 1 4, Iron. . . .... .-... iiimntiorH Hint tllO 4. cluliiu-il ny " ' ;-- ..,., ' pslltloii Ii) rodents oi mai '( '! 'loo not Inrlttdo thoso nearest tho proponed stablo i ered U with lh understrtmiinB i"" " Williams opened tho tank door, ho would open Urn chko in which tho other prUoner sloop Tholo,w opnnliiR lh nW" Aoor' :,v,,,0"t hoped lo iow "r91 mm ' .iilor tho rorrldor, and then oicapo. Ah an iiflornialh of tho ilUcoiy U.t nlKht. tlioio ..h Htllo iroul.10 ,, ho "ill ..IV. TI.UnU.U-d when lohlsou nccusod Iho olhor prlwaora ,f sqm'MlnB," nd Uon hi. maUo a slight uc remark to A. 0. I'umfonl ',n d ro-ontod this, and .lPP I on. in return. Hobl. Wl l'. foul In llio arm. and waa rewarded b) holiiR floorod. .. .....i i... imiition was placed FOiiowma ""' " . . i. tin. lu tho co whoro William P. tho daytime. GoluK Home for Xnia. IM Ilobson, who Is employed nt tho AlKOiim Lumber rnnipnny'a mill, Is lu -i . ... . ,, irtmnr. tho city today, ana wm " " ,o for llomhrook. to spend Ohrlst mim with hU family. Goliiu to Portland. ....... vntthies. who ha no his connections with tho Star Drug company. leaves In tho morning for Portland. Dr. 0. K. W heeler will ac compnuy him to the Rose City. ments nil of winch are pianuou for his special Information and beuotlt. If any part of tho newspaper la to be slighted, skip over some thing other than tho advertising. Every reader also has a duty ., dm nnwMiaticr Itself. Ho slinnlil fill thoso merchants who tell tholr helpful Btoro nows through tho advertisements. Tho ndvertlsor, while, of course, advertising for a busi ness icaeon, nono tho less does a distinct Bervlce to tho reader, aud deserves tho reader's at tention and patrouago. And by giving this support tho reader not only discharges n duty to himself and to tho advertiser, but also to Tho Herald. llettur buy somo spaco In The Herald. It wiys to shop In The Herald before you shop In the stores; 01 per rent of the circulation of this paper is direct Into the home. I iinTulanmf.lv romemberod. Every sol- Idler will receive George Offleld of Merrill Is expect ed hero this evening from Salem. bringing with him the remains of the lato Rice M. C. Brown, who died there. Mr. Brown, who has been re siding at Oregon City, suffered tho breaking of a blood vessel la his brain recently, and although he was ritciifui in Salem for treatment, ho died soon after. Mr. Brown was for many years a resident of Klamath county, and vwis a brother of VV A. Brown of Round Lake. Mrs. Offlold of Merrill la daughter of tho deceased. The funeral will bo held tomorrow from Whltlock's undertaking parlors. Tho time of the services has not been ft yet. Rujsa New Car. i in.. ........ ...... ,...- yr iaiiersou oi .iiernu us u mo T'nro fighting Franco's battles nro to be d He returned home y, no snouiu .handsomely romemberod. Every sol- ,. 1Q1 , SACRED HEART XMAS PROGRAI SPECIAL MUSIC HAS BEEN PARED, INCLUDING SOLOS AM DUETS WITH SEVERAL CHORAL NUMBERS a special Christmas dinner aud a present, oven If It must Tb8 dellvorcd In tho trenches. Paris will celebrate Christmas, sol Tlomnl), but not sadly, aud there will T be no revelry. Tho authorities have Tlput a ban on tho Christmas ova colo T'hratlons of tho restaurants, and or- jwspapor Itself, ho aorcd tnat nll 8Uch piaC03 must bo pport and patronl-o ..Me, bv 10 O.ciock In a now 1915 Studebaker. Three masses i to be held at tae Church of the Sacred Heart ChrtsUsas morning, and at each aa appropriate talk or sermon will be delivered by tho pastor, Rev. Wm. McMUlsa 8. ;. Low masses will be said at 5 o'clock aud at 8:30. High mass will commence at 10: SO. For this occasion the choir has pre- a pared a special mass by Peters, whisk Includes several solos and aaeia in aa dltlon to choral numbers. The ckok 13 composed ef: Soprano, Mrs, Mat thew Smith, Mrs. William H. 8Uw. Miss Pearl Bolvln; alto. Miss Marjorto Weeks, Carl Schubert; tenor, Miss Dorothy Weeks: baas, Harold KJft near, J. D. McAllister and M. J. M Donough; organist, Mrs. Aroh Y. Tin dall; violinist. Mrs. Jule- Barlow. Ankeny Canal Up 27th lloleo to Bo Citizen. Application for full cltlrenshlp has been made by Arthur uoioo, a native A'or Italy, and in chargo of tho "clean- I ... . . ... ., .1. nA up" departments ai mo niuiuuui u olopmcnt company aud First State and Savings bank buildings. Date for Special Election Is Set by (fyCoNcil Tiicmmi)' YUltor. Mrs. J. H. Hobb of Merrill is hero today on n business trip. For babies taken on railroad Jour noyB a Callforniau has Invented a collapsible berth to be hung on a car seat. Philadelphia has sixty-two women engravers. Oa Wednesday, January 27th, the voterh of Klamath Falls will deciue whether or uot tho Ankeny canal, long a menaca to tho city's health, shall bo closed. A apodal election is to bo bold that day. Tho question to bo submitted to tho voters then Is tho amending oi tue city charter by tho adding of Section 91. This section authorizes the council to enter Into an agreement with tho govornnieut to purchao or otherwise acqulro tho Ankeny ditch and the obligation thereunder, and for tho disposition of tho canal aa the council sees fit. An ordinance calling for a special election waa Introduced at last night's meeting of the city council, It WM passed to Its secoud reading. Copies ot the proposed measure are to bo printed and distributed t all of the citv'a registered voters. '"Th regular judge and clerk wWfjsV VIUIU Mb 4UU uv.,w w,www - - r. n th nnuiM "nf mask aai'.'aam!'i nnwarlnff mnflMlir la JtsUlfff tkl SaSSteii'vf. .,i. .on mnVo II noaalbla tar aha aaaaW,-! ! yis ... -w -.'- --- -r-" -1 t , J i cll to mane progress -ewe mmtfwmprjp. tlon ssaioa starts. . : . triS'rA T7' - u .,' ' H Ii Ii M w m m M H I. H. u -'. . . ', TT 3T IXBZMtUS&i'&'X', '4'" VliW'vlflll.w..WiM,l