3fe IE tuimmn Iteralfc PRINTS TIIK NEWS WHILE IT 18 NKWS KLAMATH FALL' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER o . JW" f -r""-" Main Year Xu. . IMW MUST 60 7 7 . P - RACK 10 NEW J m-i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1914 Price, Wt' onton Enthusiastic Over the War YORK AT ONCE iHi i M'i'itKMi: roimr cinio.v in:. Jm IM" TaWliitf m llr.r., for ir (Intern IMIilaj HtNtMtn, I'iiIim! H4lr fiujifrriw (Mirl lU-nitrt-. h Hallux ltPflit lr llmtlno i.l ' 'r.Vrl DUlrlrl Judgo tit ,pm i Utntttif Khurt T1w Aki. ( ft W i&tntil' cxin 11 em 'IF ll '' ' Illfi'lfei? II H.J I I? ,&& llflwFi 8 Sal" 7?i aVafafafafam t'.vetx'jci ftT Aja "k.taix r;..iwm7'Ja iiBTA-i'i-"'.1TV?r 'vtaUaVafK-.a r ---"'- j-. - r "v.- - r---xj ,-. j r MAS l'lt4 I'f tfefTtfa WAttlllNUTQN, I. C. Irt. 31.- ' turn Ketdlt Th, Ur of titan. (0(4 White, tlltMAle ttf Mailed-) wjlsroa for criminal Irti, unit ill! UUf futility, nul fcium lit .SV Vm for (rial cm rur of rn, rimy Tfct U ltio lltvn ii an J j iImsu fcj ttf t'nttpJ Huip tturmn Cuuri iaJy. J.l t-forr djtmfnlu tot tW ruu i trt u,iM0nio,, iu tarjnur,. ,0 i)JO Bnu mrilr rbIu, KUMii nnil w, roa(J to jj ro,1() ft jonuarr. a further enlUtmcnt WW) Thl rfti-r lb N" Jr Alli brro tbe NrllUb m ihn r.n ir, ami (lit- trUU of wnr In from Canada In January A third lof 17,000 will lake pUce Immediately. tofihl(o fo.Irl 'lUtrlct ttum d. llnm tot ifcr t , m grt 'f luro) will n"t tfii tliftn o rauch'runilnRctil of apiiroxlmntclr 25.000.lt l belIoed that mounted Canadians i.lftt, Mh fttld Th rlt o( fl "itr thi it U,hchi Thttn- n miMlt. rrrultl irom tlm eltlc (men will bo ready In March. Includ-U'll bo sent to tho Suez region of ij ST5 W L-i-j!vJf-i- fvii ffli,., ,.fflimmm,xr. wjmzmixm! hWiv4 fwfjiu. Mid e!hr( vi h. h ifct. frwlri mil Atom a r fO, Thaw mt""! vt ,b" tMf't it Altcfta (u vnlUl Imm i to Myttitn, llimmti prr Alli l lumifc i'jnjuof aeht i"l plot, tl l4 t (nla, tlnr 'r ww l-uroi 1 r mm ri (ttd Ihefo ti IhH a 0thl liwrt AWinne the Onot o.llr In Ho t 4 fiirmor lruilns AMunt wtl4 twi i "how ntx ritioten WUIUki TrVo( JfruWn In tiato . m rrturtl l Kw Vr, In tle MrUi irllititui of dm nailnti, Jcmmo Cts not Thl j-lurtocrni'li io a crowd of Inc the Jlrxt conllticcnt of 33.000 . Kcvut. H'ltb. a contlnEcnt bclne sent ? Ton li(rtilDc l Hip pruiilrr' ad- men. tin Dominion by spring will to Kngland every two months, togeth Ji m thn war ho cnt moro than 70,000 men to'cr ulth reinforcements, Canada ex- T1ij trcrmd Canadian coutluKeul tho firing line. JpccU to havo placed between 200,000 t ill rimirl 1 5 270 oBlcrr and men. Whin th tcond conlinguni of(ai)d 250.000 men at the disposal of i 6i liumm. 5S cum and 1C ma- 10,000 to 17,000 men leave for Eu-ifireat Britain by next autumn. MILLION RUSSIANS SED TO KEEP WARSAW FOR CZAR United I'rtM Servlc LOXUOX, Dec. 21. It U believed Umt the RomIm troop teT -pletcd tlio formation of n new line of defense In front of Wrw. It Is declared that there ate orer n million Ihwlu deft ad u I, MHfl that only an enormous hatllo nlll permit the German to break taraagh. Tliu Jtimlan dcfetidliiK Varsar arc nuuaed alOBg atztf mMm fiont, extending front Sklcmlcwlcz, to the PUIca Itlrer. Tfce i&m&ttm tho lino to tlio Kouth xiut nccensllatctl by tho AnatrtMlerBUM adraam la the rcjtlon of Wotrokow. Tlie German advance is now along the nzura aad along the roimcctiriK Lowlcz and Warsaw. Tho anoH and rain nnd the cJtremo cold are luuapertac tae allien. It Is retried that tho VbtuU lia fctarted to freeae. Thc flchtiiiK was mcrtt dcperato all last week. A detaekaMat ! 'Dcnth Head" Husww were trapped near Lowlcz. aad oaJy ftftr 9 ! kurvlved the Muicovlto toIIcjk. Extensive fighting has developed In the southern froat. Tolted Press Service ATIinXS, Dec. SI. It U reported here that the BrtUafa aa fleets succeeded In bombarding tho lutcriar of the DardaaeUea fort day. No detail nre given. MANY 10 ATTEND "FARMERS' WEEK" WU.VTV AUHICt'LTlIlllHT OI-tlH. i:n hi;i:ki to t.vrKHiMT u. v,u lAitxim. Asn i:ctmi: a iii;tii'c:i kaiii: ROLPH OUSTS THE AVIATION CORPS FIRE OEP A Y WANTS A ARGUMENTS MADE DISASTERS REAL PARTNER! IN DOUBLE CASE u him; i ii(i:riiii.r i.i.a i:cm 'im umou kii.i.kh, a.notiikk ,uTi:n'riiii:i;KooJLMATiMiLVKAtrrioNS 0K 00ELLEK vs- ,VEj United 1'ress Service PARIS, Dec. St. It is reported that the French took tw German trenches southeast of La Basse. The battle In riandcrs and In northern France la iarrraslag km r t) . The warships are aiding the allies, shelling the Genaaa It is now stated that Mlddlekcrko naa not takes, as Today's communique reports the destruction of iikce. of German artillery east of Albert, on tho llae of the van co toward Peronnc. Tlio occupation of the encmy'a entire Brst llae of treachea to Miuthwet of Loos It. alo offlclully reported, and Important .aalaa far allies through Belgium and In other regions In France are It is rumored, bnt not confirmed, that the Gerataaa Ypres military hospital yesterday. HAMi piafiLiii.. hi: ritoM-i wui -tin: .M.uoit , Mi:uuv itArri.i: i.v tiii: cmi'iits m itr, ,m iti.roitri:i that a Tllllll) I.S I.NJL'HKH IN MOUTH l.'ltN CAMIOIIMA I lli;i:.N I.KD Tt TUB ALTAH UV1 LOCAL GIIILS. COLLIUIt WILLi ih:uam a co.vtk.ict I THLE LUMBKH COJIPAXV AXD i I'nlted Press Service LUJIBEH COMl'AXV VS. GOEL-. nprtv.TV. not- at Th mtAtemont today la that the Cripjaaa - 1 -- - - w LER AHE TRIED AS OXE and captured the trenches held by the British Eat Indian trooffa, i their cannons and machine guns yesterday. I. A movement to ham a o? of KUmalh county farmara al. Ibe "l'rmr' VekM at lh Oroson AtrtrtiHural Cllvs. Kabruary !" U Uopn Mart! by County Agrlcul lurUt UlaUyvr. If auftlelenl farmer lll matin the trip a upwUI railroad ffo can l laturcd. "farmer' Vk will h rif lota er IhU year," Mid Mr. Olaln- I lillr.1 I'rrts barvlte s United l"rr berrlco HAN KHANCISCO. 1c 21 Attlnei BAN DIECO. IVc, M , . (on order Iup4 by Mayor Uolph, IV iWA.NTKD A roommate; one- ho ta .prepared to sign up for a year. I nhfiwt Ulcn KeKPint Will today r.taouM I'. ,.. W(lll uutHi f0jft) won i,e fcu! ., . II Hhaughnr-.y. Han Kre..' chl.fi ' ' , r lhllJ., " '"L" "" "l ?L"' of thn nrr deiwrtnient. frtm in city ....... ,...,, ....... hall and from hi oftkr !)"'K ac'" ro1" l"7" ""r """ " rthaUKhnc.) Mi feasibly, but body ha noi been rocover itromle l fic'tl "'' matter to a An-' Captain It I. Muller alto foil In tho( sow bUC)4 a advertisement Is bc- S0. Captain j Ph. IV. Fd J. ficrstner of tho arm) aMatlon hae ou of booUi and woa.t 'cLllfle0rM' WM UlM t0J,l hCB '' fCl,, a "rato uo of my e Inli In ltio tourt. former Chief Mtirph). uiiiiiiarlly otuul by tht lm tllfilit. but 15 a Ihe. nl urcd. though badly In board of i iitwt ndtina from Oioauldu wiy lerenrp, a dralnira conforr-nre and a el Krowent' conference. At thl limn, orKanliallon will ho rffrctml, n Iho ork ran bo rnrrleil on through- 2 . ..V,., . ,, V . r'nr, wmwlMlonrm. . rlnall by',, llllril Mlttlor MMtal.HHl an accident )r May, "In Addltton l lha other J" Capl.trano. Ills Iden- turr. ihcrr, will be . poUlo .,'" . . Jr nro ol kn0ftn )Ct , irfeHrei. a dralttira roiifniwnrii and a ; CITY HALL IS NEARLY READY w i i'ii n in: i:.'i:itih ok m"". MI.MHI KXTEHIOIl IIXISHING, WILL in: maiiv l"lt OCCC I'ANCV .lA.NUAHV 1ST Gtilnu fur llidldn). j Ml Until Htnltli. lu charKo of the, 'Sperry llutrhlnnon tlhUlon lure . ,.. .1... ...A.i.lm. fiir t'.rintA l'ttKS In. Iwrilr.iti..r .1. MH.1.H. mnnia. lnro lHH,""," .' .. . ..... . "' 7 " , fi,nd Hint ho hd walKed more innu i" fllP JilPV lt" va''f' " " Corvvnlll. which nre by no mean high. "Tho coiiro com pa at a limp when Hip farmer la not very tiuiy." dtltli- Ten mpu' stale tn" Ntiffrage prnliU for wo- Kaiser Goes to Front Despite DoctoriHe Intends to Spend Xmas There United I'rcM serf Ice I-ONDOND-c. 31. A llerllu cor iMliondent to the Kxrlmngo Tolo Kraph, wiring from Amstordnm, un ion that the kaleor returned to (do from today over tlio protest of hl"i Physician, who Appeared to be doubt ful (hat ho had fully recovered. It la claimed that the military tutliorltlM iMlited that tho kaiser lend Onrlitmaa at the front, lu urdur Tho plastering I finished, tho heat ing id uil I luHtnlliMl, tho imlntor Is getting H 1I llcK,! rt"11 cnrI,0"lor,, nro turny hiuiKliu: ilow. plnclng llxturea, oto -lu Hhort. tho new city hull Is Just about Mulshed "llnrrlng a llttlu outsldo Mulshing, which can bo dono l bettor Hhnpo In thoBiuliiB, o will Iimo tho city linll iv to turn mcr by Now Years, .... i.i w n cnfer. of Cofer llroa , this ...i.i nun " ----- in eiteournitii lb" troop, it i "t,,,roon. (lint tbt '''" ,NftH or '" ' ,, ' ' Work on tho Jul! will bo compiriou Ko tiomiiimi."""" " lioiirod nged, companlod his doparturo. nt that llmo, too. I..I....I liraia HnrVlCtl uMiiiiM. IKm) 21. Hoporta. """'.' ... I... minister Of .dl'rtOU, from uorun say mm roroimi "'. 'rl" M v"r T companlod the kalior to tlie front. S. talMrPcU in Pu Chrl.tum. at the front, Home From CoualU. Kugono P. McCornncU, Maol 8nn- Ruth Acry, rnniuo vrB.i, rilo Orom nnd Tiioouoro . amoiiK tho Klnnnth county students at tho Oregon Agricultural College who are homo for the holidays, lug coustdircd by Andrew M. Collier, who Is ono of the sub-custodians of Iho exchequer nl tho First National brink, following tho desertion of htm by Vernon T Motschenbacher, tho laUtt addition to tho now ly wed list. For bo It Known that Hymen has Ue- Islgiis ngalnBt (no( not on) Andrew, j ml ns fast as ho secures a roommate and K-ts nicely settled, tho roommato U by means hurreptltlous or other- w'Uo, dragged before a minister by soma nlco joung lady, nnd murmurs words lj; "love, honor, cherish " lonvlng Collier to return homo to a deserted Mresldo (or steam radiator). After Philip Slnnott had coaxed "Hooney" to Join forces with him In meeting tho monthly demands of the landlord, bicholor llfo scorned happy Indeed. Hut after ho hid taught Sln nott tho art of making coffee, and tho two were dlbcusslng tho color of tho tat thoy .should domesticate, Collier rocehod'nn Invitation to act as best mnu. Many Onllaghor'a long nvorslon to "wlmtncn" mndo Andrew think Hint ho would bo nu Ideal roommato, hut, nhiH after a fow short months, Har ry hied himself Onklnndwnrd, nnd also wodded. And tho Inst was MotBchonbacher, Collier's old collogo chum. "Thorn wero tho dnja," poor Itoonoy Bndly laments, speaking of tho long discus sions ou ologlos, Isms and Unlvorslty scandal. Hut Motschenbacher, too, wm married. Colllor wants a roommato who will stick. Of courso Colllor win sign no ugioomont himself to romatu sluglo, though ho Bios ho will not marry un tti ho has 1150,000. Dut tho culi nary ftccotupHbraonts of Andrew nre botug noised around at missionary io Follow lug tho taktng of testimony and the filing of tho transcript, r.rgu-i menU In tho Gooller-PIno Tree Lum bar company cases wero made this' morning boforo Circuit Judgo Ben son. J. V. Rutenlc represented the Goellers and Stono & Galo the lumber concern. There are two actions. In which the. parlies aro both plaintiff and defend- ALL WHO ATTEXDED THE TIRST nni. uj uiuiuui i:uuscui, iuvj nvivj tried as one. as they both arise from t BID REHEARSAL GREAT SUCCESS clover and snappy, with pteaty of' "pep" In them, and with the varleaa roles happily distributed. The "Passing of 1915" aa the Oah 'rot flnnln f onHtUul Wtlt ! AM jf tho biggest screams ever ataged hare. Tbero is not a dull aosMat la thla skit, which shows KlaxaathjFalla the night Oregon goes dry. tho same Issue, tho sale of lumber to Goeller & Son by tho Pine Treo com pany. Hugh T. MaGulro. T B. Whipple and T. N. Stoppenbach of tho Pine Tree company brought suit against GEXERAL PRACTICE AT OPERA HOUSE YESTERDW' GREATLY PLEASED Not until tho rehearsal yesterday Brought the Racoa." That some of the Herald's WERP'tcred Shots," though scattered, are a little effective, wus provved receaUy when the Klamath Chamber of Ceai merco received a check from I. at. Bath of San Francisco for 15. '.Goeller to forecloso a mortgage on afternoon was It so couciusiveij local property, given as security for pointed out that the audovIlle show tho pajmeut of certain promissory . D stn, d chrtst m3 night and tho notes, which, lj was alleged, woro not ,ght foll0tting by jocai talent wlllj l'"1". j ho without doubt tho greatest theat- Tho Goellera then brought sutt'ficaj mt that Klamath Falls has ever against tho plaintiffs In tho other jbcen delighted with. The acts aro all action, aiiogiiiK mm mu iuwuvi iui-, nlshcd by tho company was not up to speculations, and that much of It shrunk so ns to bo of less value, nnd 4 that owing to faulty piling on tho, part of tho Pine Treo company, much , of tho lumber was "bluo moulded"! and rendered valueless. They stated tho nmount of damage and toss this . resulted In, nud asked tho Pine Treo pcoplo to tlio a satisfaction of tho J mortgage. I from enclosing a clipping of the Her aid's "Scattered Shots" regardUm homo town boosting and contributes to tho Expo fund, Bath made ao com. ment. Cincinnati is to have a theater for women. Pioneer Woman Dies Mrs. Fredericka Melhase Called to Her Reward Home From Visit. Mrs. C. C. Hoguo has returned to Klamath Tolls after an extended lslt with relatives In AlBnny, Eugene, Portland and San Francisco. Miss Sargent Bettor. Miss Loulso Sargout, who has boen suffering with throat trouble of late, Is reportod by hor phjslclnn aa much Improved. clotlos, card clubs, kltcheus and other nlnrni wlinrn tho "female Of tllO 81)0- cles" Is wont to gather, so some one ago. and since that tlmo alio has ro- . . . ..-. ... AK .t.'i,n,i tni.k nml in Fnrt Klimath. Mrs. Fredericka Molhaae, for two decades a resident of Klaniath coun ty, paisod away this morning, after u long llluess. Tho Inllrraltlea of old ago wero tho causo of tho demise, thlch has heou momentarily expect ed for somo time. Mrs. Mclhasjo was n natlvo of Ger many, being born In Berlin. With hor husband nnd family, she camo to Klamath county about twenty years may steal him before ho annexes the aforoesid thousands. sldod hero and In Fort Klamath. The Melhase family has beeu prom inent lu tho affairs of Klamath ty over since coming here. doccasod (Tad a wide ce.ual ship. Surviving Mrs.. Melhase artjeay boys, Fred Melhase, Al Melhase, MseV ard Melhase and Ous Methaee,-aa4 two daughters, Mrs, Emma KiteHaysr of this city and Mr. Clara rrwwXaf Hannibal, Mo. t "' W' Tho funeral ervteeaiwHt ee 1:30 Wednesday afterneoeJlM . ...o .j . ' j - '--- Ian church, In chart MtmMmr t ''w monles, H'-Ji!' '' ' 't Mil: f 7 r'.i. t?urv, . 7 ? -. iJ IhW M, 4., ' ta.v, M ": r 't. r. V c r1- :i Vr--iC3i S'TTT3KrXM