S.'--'-s ?? f.M Cb " 1 ? nn &in wninj iterato PRINTS THK NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1914 j5Tv-f. .m " - '-- - ALLIES NOW EAST NVHlVwwM .-- -ri-i-i-i-rvvtrirvvinjTjxajij-i-n-rui. OF ARRAS S1N'VlSVlW''w Germans Gain in South; Russians Towards North 1X11 rttx Hervlce l'KriHKJIU4l, Iknr, tl, -4Jrrnutn tlaluu in a .iif-pliiK tiilor) uar ttMr alv n4 only llrulrat Uf k Mar nlticr, lull t,n llrfr.it of tho Off mm In .Vtittlirrtt I'ulatol Jxilulol mil. Ttm ubjrrl of Mcli faufart-a U Ci rilJnii In mat,, u. m.rrj mImmiI pulling suant Uhm ttoropniM opinion." ) il- .intriiirni. "Tim t. ww would llko In would ihW opinion in Uirlr nun will, Iml ihry m uxtrrttlug badly, "tttrj III Ink lwy ran Make llicin.rllr, nniUurrr, linri llicj hale Irailf born itrlvrtt fruttt Ciorltrnnff, nllli ir HiimUii trH mi llirlr "Prom Hip fiKt thai Hip Urrtnau lart llx-lf lm Ailmlllnl llil, ncu Irtl rvunldr Mill lf abl u aarertaln llm Irtnli of 1I1U uiriiiml. Graeco -Turkish Break Is the Latest Threatened Uiil prs Service IXIMHI.V, lUx. IB. Wfulun recanting lit"' Inliu In llin rl lli ' wall of (UNdlrtlag tatnitrtila from (.Yncml tun llliulrntMri: nml lirnml IHlk MftuJaa, iMillmlo that Ih(Ii armtr rn virlnll) .iirrrMful 1I1U ttk. The (IrniwM iai ltin Vr" Imm the north una ImiII) roiiliit, j km llin Huatlott In llir Mtullirnt from iiinliiiilitrtlly I. In fnmr of the I :-rtiiAH, n iliclr adv-iur fnnn xiutii f llir VUlula nmartt WarMW U i rsTniBjc. L WdassamnamnamnammmT fy3K. ..sssssmw- m WkJHq IJfmSwB ". i sssssh C-Kk- B BELGIAN RELIEF WORK ORGANIZED IN KLAMATH NOW (PLAN IH TO SEND A CABLOAI) OF ! FLOUR Z v- j . - Martin llrutlicn Make Siteclal Price on narrrU of Klnmath Flour, aad Coimulllcc l .Vained to RcelTe I lie Contribution and Forward Tlicnt lo Itrach tlio Proer Persona So Thejr Will lie Shipped. tnlictl l'rw Urvlc AMHTKKIIAM, !, U ,iMcr. ) ltii.l armonMl Irnin inrry lug IimmI and ammunition In itio rwilli(nii tin Mmtn up. llir miiu U " lrm. I l'nlUJ l'rc Sen Ico Tlio C.enunn nnibasiador at Con- ATHENS, IKf. , l'J tSvrmany In utantlnoplo bna ben orJered by Gcr- .cmlenuirliiK lo prou'til a runturu In! man v to Inturrcno there and urevent ili i frlciully rolntlo'nt between arooco.ilio threatened execution of a Greek and Turkey Tlioro li wnr tnlk rlfo nrmy ofllcer ns a spy by the Turkish IttiruUKhoul the kingdom today. .nulhorltUg. L'nliiHl r Hart u I4IMM1N, live. 10 It la rrporlnl Hint (iiiwml 1'iHlonk, bji Au IrUii Kiainuuiilrr, U lo lw dtotrtl ami inttnlij- iiuirl martlalcd, liocaitM lie dlMtntra llw Ncnrlan campalirn. Am AttatriaK oMrlal latrmrnl claim Hie ltuln nrv rrltrntluK kw flfijr mil front. Bill a Help to Irrigation REAL CATERER GARRISON GETS TO PLAY PART: WHAT HE WANTS .M.ix.w)i:it of ii.u.i, ouimi wn.i. Hi: MA.VAOKIl OF THK CAHARKT I.V THK II.V.AM.K OF CUIUST. MAS VAUDKV1I.I.K VKHV MTTLK CHANGE IH MADE .IN THE AMOUNT OF THE ARMY APPROPRIATION AS THE REC OMMENDATION READ Jones' Measure Provides for Bend Guarantee A bill that will lirlnir lu-lu In nil forms of Irrigation project nml mnkv It I'OMltito for audi projocu an tho lli'Motly anil tlio tower Klninntli lako dUirlela to iccuro tlio money llli which lo carry on their work, li been Introduooil In tlio wnnln by Himior Joiun of Waihlngton. Tim bill follew: " It enactoil by thn mnato and h""" "' reprenontttllvoM of tho United H'nto of America hi conuroiw nMoin ,,!,'t. Tlmt tlio declared purpono of tlila act In o oncourngo tho rcolninn ,lf,i of landN iiiulor lawn enacted to lint end by tho novcral utalen, and to Pfovldo for tho co-operation of the "lilted Htate. In aid therefor, Bee. 3. That whenever any dis trict duly orttanUeil uuder tho law f ony atnie, haying for It purpoie tlm Irrlgatlnc, draining or diking of iftnda within tho dlitrlct, and boliig ""thorUod by law to Uauo Its honilH to Procuro fundi for tho carrying out f tho purpoioa of ita organliatlon, "nil dcelre tho co-operation nml aid or tho United Statu, It (hall file with no iecretary of the Interior plan "'id oitlaiatee of the work proposed o ho don for the reclamation of dli , rlct lands, and abi.lt make appllca itlon to have such plane and estimates Mlned and approved. The seers. Inry uf Hi" Interior tlieruiipou mIiiiII en ii ho nil oininlimtloii to bo ninilo of tho ilnim mid tlio dUtrlci project, and If (ho hiiiiio Hlmll bo iIkuhh! feasi ble, or Hlmll bo no modified im to be fenHlblo, the Hocrciiiry of thn Interior limy, on bolinlf of tho United Slnton, Kiinnialisi (ho Intercul on binula to bo iMtied by Mid district for tlio pur piiHCH aforetnld. Her. 3. Tlmt tlio illslrlit honiU to bo Kunrnnlt'od iih herelnbeforo pro vided mIiiiII run for a period not to ex ceed forty years, nnd tho Interest to bo Kunriinteed hIi.iI! not exceed -I por cent per milium, und with tlieao lim itations each Htnto mny prescribe tho tlmo mid uinuuor of tho payment of (ho bomiH of its dlBtrlctH. Tlio guar anty upou nil bonds Hlmll bo condi tioned Unit any dofmiltliiK Interest shall bo paid by tlio Unllod Htntea; and In cast) uny district Hlmll default In Its bond Interest, nml Hitch lutorest uhnll bo paid by tho United Htntoa under Its guaranty, tho United Btntcd Khali liiivn nil remedies which mo glv on by law to tho bondholder, nml tho bunds nml Interost shall bo nindo by law u lion upon nil tho lands within tho district. Bee, 4. That tho secretary of tho I . . Another touch or realism mat nas been added to tho plans for the onnret scene In tho Chamber of Com merce Christmas Miudovlllo Is tho se lection of II. K. Day as manager of tho cabaret. Day Is tho manager of tho Hotel Hall drill, mid nil of tho patrons of that popular eating place bear strong testimony as to his tlt- iiess to carry out this exacting work, for alt ho will have to do li to act natural, Another addition to tho vnudovlllo company I Clifford Sovlts,, who Is llbted ns Mnnnger of tho Wardrobe, but calls himself property man. Ho Is organUlug a capable following to neo that tho proper propa aroall there when wanted. United Press Service .WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 19. Tho Iioubo committee on military at f a Ira has agreed to an army approprl ntlon bill carrying practically every tiling asked for by tho war depart moot. No provision Is made, how- over, for a larger army, or for tho establishment of a reserve. Tho measure carries appropria tions for 1100,000,000, which la $3,000,000 below the submitted esti mate. Tho budget devotes f 100,000 for another squadron of eight air machines. CAST TO HOLD - A l.enves Tomorrow. County School Superintendent Fred i Peterson leaves In the morning to attend tho Oregon State Teachers, convention at Eugene nud to grade Ipnpers and attend tho county school superintendent's convention at Salem., REHEARSAL (Contluued on Page 6) All of tha mmitoura who aro going to participate lu tho vaudovlllo show to bo stagod Christmas ulght nud tho night followlug for tho World Fair fund, will meet at the opera houso tomorrow nt 3 p, m, for ro-liearsal. At tlila time, the order of the pro- will, ho outllnod, Herald want ads trliv results. A carload of flour from Klamath county for tho relief of the starving people of war-stricken Belgium. This Is what local pcoplo bopo to bring about as our contribution for the re lief ship, which leaves Portland early In January- A local committee Is composed of tho two local banks, the pastors of all the local churches. Dr. W. A. Leon ard, Mrs. Skllllngton, Mrs. C. R. Miller, Miss Laura Bice. R. H. Dun bar, George A. Wlrtz,I. D. Coats and W. S. Slough. They will receive and forward contributions. In order to make It easier on (nose contributing, Martin Brothers Mill Ing company has made a spctal price of $4.80 per barrel for Anchor Brand flour. All who can aro urged to con tribute for a barrel or a sack of flour. It Is the Intention of tho commit tee to send the Klamath county con trlbutlon by the middle of the com Ing week. All non-perishable provi sions will bo welcome. It Is estimated that SO, 000 barrels of flour Is less than enough to supply tho Belgians one day. SIMS CASE TO THE JUNE TERM MOTION UV STATE IS AUREED TO BY THE ATTORNEYS FOR THE DEFENSE HORSE THEFT IS CHARGE Tho trial of William Sims on a charge of tho larceny of a mare from Harrison Brown, a Klamath Indian, has been continued to tho Juno term of tho circuit court. A motion made to that effect by Attorney Manning for tho state was agreed to by the defense. Tho jury was excused until Decem ber Cth. D. B. Campbell, one Juror, was excused for tho romalnder of the term. METROPOLITAN ORCHESTRA NOW This is One of Most Important of Recent Moves United Press Service LONDON, Dec. IB. Moving northwest from Arras, tiw IirilUh force today bold ground which represents the moat since the occupation of Arras, following the battle atosv the This I tfie first time la two month tliat the allies held territory of Arras. Fighting la reported la the outlying districts ot See. Mangy. This represents an eastward advance of two and a half It la reported, thoagh not confirmed, that the allies saade nut advance aear Armeatierea. The Germaa artillery fa again bombarding Itlilwias Priace AHguate Wilhelm, one or the kaiser's head aad leg near there. I'nited Press Service BERLIN, Dec. 19. (Wireless to SayriUe, N J.) "Oa the front the fighting continues about Nleuport, BUcbooto aad La ays the oflria! statement. "The enemy's attacks west ef Xejresi repulsed." sssssaSkM Lnl ted Press Service GENEVA, Dec. lO. Swiss-Get man newspapers pabUsaJac knowing the number of Germans dead, wounded aad prisoners to the total at 1,200,000. Olene Man Visits. Christmas oa the Fans. W. R. Brotherton. a well known Miss Bessie Applegate, lastruetcr resident of the Olene country, camel In English at the high school, loft In today to give attention to business today for "Brookalde." bar paraaia' matters. (ranch, to remain over tho kolldai. Verdict an Acquittal After Short Deliberation, Merrill Mei Freed Away for the Holidays. Miss Wllla Leonard loft this morn rug for Orants Pass, where sno will spend tho holidays. Leave After Visit. Mrs J. E, Balllngor, who has been visiting her sou, Postmaster W. A. Delzoll, left this morning for Los Angelos. Bho will visit Oakland and San Francisco ou the way south. Xinae lu California. Mrs Sam Short and children da parted for California this morning to remain over Christmas. Tho Metropolitan Orchestra la the latest mimical organisation for Klam ath Falls. It la a alx-plece aggrega tion or well known musicians, tho members being: Clarinet, George Mitchell; cornet, nalph Dewey; trombone, Charles Hutchinson; violin, Sam Garrett; piano, Miss Fitspatrlck; drums, A. L, Wlshard. The orchestra will make Ita Initial appearance at the Star theater this evening In a special program, and will play there each night. "Not guilty," was tho verdict re turned by the Jury which heard the testimony In tho Stms-Chandler-Ernst case, which occupied tho circuit court for nine days. This was returned in thirty-five minutes after the Jury left to deliberate. "Had tho Jury taken a vote on the case as soon as It left tho court room I believe that it would have been for acquittal," said one Juror. "Beforo we voted, we discussed tho case, and all were agreed that the hide Intro duced could not have been burled for a year, and be In as good condition as It was. The light that Branden burg testified to seeing in the Sims placo while Sims was away Is anoth er mattor that was convincing." The three dofendauts are well kuown through tho county. Love Chandler, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Chandler, la considered Klamath county's best rider, and has starred In two Rodeos. William Sima has a ranch In the Sand Hollow country, and Ivan Ernst ia a brother-in-law. They were arrested in December, 1913, charged with killing a spotted cow belonging to jj N. Johnson of Sand Hollow, and selling tho meat. This was alleged to have been com', mltted in December, 1912, and aa evidence, tha prosecution's wltnesaea declared that they found the hide and head of the cow, burled on the Slma ranch. The preliminary hear Ing was held before Jstttee ef the Peace Gowen. and the trio bound over to the grand Jury, the tW-J fenso offering no testimony. ' At the trial Just ended, the dsfajmj alleged that tho suit was broegkt In an effort to drive Sims and Oaensaer ifrom the country, because Sime had 'homesteaded a tract oa Brrnat. Mountain whereon was located an In4 dlan spring. The fencing of this la i said to have aroused some of the eat tie men. and It was stated that ther made a number of threats. "Wo have not been the least afraid ' of what the outcome of the ewe would be," sold William Sims, eae tho defendants. "There have been ; many different trlcka tried on ns te get us to leave, and the Indicting ate on a horse stealing charge grows Ml t ot the same motive. We like Mass ath county, and have no Men ef leaYvh Ing." r. While not all of the witnesses hel as yet claimed attendance and sNa age, the claims thua far enteresVlb4 them amount to 1719.10. . AMewlhf $ ) Just 350 for Jury fees, .withe m v-.&Vv mileage oi me aceeeiee jaijmsasjssaw , -tu; the pay and mileage of fthe..JsJrtrtM W. cost thus far ennnwroiWsi'ssW.'fsmM'' ft Is 11,069.60. Besides this. the fees of Attorneys Onein nlng who assisted lathe the fees of Court son, the eost of, I amlnatlen and witness preliminary hearinsT .J utW rvrr-rw jV aWlsnVenmBfel .AT - M ITf fUsJ JspJIssmBBi Wr i.f ' slnabil Psf v esat feMhea aw i . -a Jtirad, .a '.ij;'.va m': fit m -VI f.. V'J vrrssss&t. A - "