t?"" n r a: " iW'KJfVsil lEuntng literati ' fr A. PRINTS THE NKWtt WHILE IT 18 NEWS ; i-i KLAMATH FALLS' .1 .l3iu . 1 OFFICIAL NEWlPAfll ! imtrniiriniiTHTimnTiiniKiaiM'iiwin 1 1 - Math Year No. aVWI --'Kur.W3L KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1914 mh Print Iwwbi . y t ALLIES CLAIM A 61 IN NORTH; NAVIES ACTIVE U'tlTIHll TO I'UltMUK Till: IUtll- nic.v in mouth British Admiral, His Dead Foe I CATTLE RUSTLING SCHOOL CENSUS and Scene of Battle in Atlantic CASE SOON TO BE SHOWS A 6AIN IN JURY'S HANDS .i ft Big Jim" Sullivan Is Back to Post AtvUttr Heyurt Is Thai tlw Urrmaiu Will MmmI Aflrr Hm lltiikli' fejuadraa In NonUt AlUaU Tim ' Uemaa Malm IU Advantage) North ( WiMW, Mm ItMteUMJ (UlN Th WRItalfww fur Mtratpgir i PpJptieM. T 4ij i SP""""4a Jf iflkl'AMMl r gaaaHBr tfta ar L flaC'TaBBBBgaBr .f a I mn4A I 1 Q rJBanabC.' 1 kHnsJk LHpB? $ Tl MHwa,a''gLBataBBty iwHaMH i Till: CLOSING ARGUMENT ARE HKI.VO MADE WHILE ALL OK TIIK IHhTIUOTrt HAVE NOT SENT IX REPORTS,, IT IH BELIEVED S!,fllMl CHILDREN Til Kit K aiu; (Kurnrfi for tlio Defease Consume the Morning HMlon In Tbelr Ar gument Co the Jury, Alleging, That the Hire Men Are the Victim of a CotupJrary by R. M. Osborn to Rail hmhI Tticm to Prison. A.OMIWM. von iif'ttr ADMIRAL StK FREOtRICK STWDU (Jetted Pre lrvle PAHIH, D. II, Th eotttmuatuu rtporta coallnued suet for th itles oCmetv In IMglum and North urn Franc, many trwichr being raptured. At lb very Ptal wbr the lr man ata4 for an olUnslvo movement, Ik British dpvord blow which resulted In an ad sue of tirsctlcally two Mil. ttnttsd Pre rvle HUKNOU AVIUM. 1H!. Until (Klile that the l)fJtt U lunk. li llrttUU lo IU hm lirwcau I tout lb aUlppI"! ,ho w,lltt aataloaL , A iwraUtoM but uuronOrwinl rum. or t lUt tlcratt ar aemllna an olhar 0t to ltu H4iull Atlantic lu ruxsKA lite lrllb. 1'nlioit l'rM tkrvtoo LONDON, D. Id llHfMi' tUltltUK liaa rfwrloM within thirty iuIIp f VrM. tflltt U clprat Iuk what U ccllJ thro aa a rat corr n Huaala. IVUora4 lnUt that I Up IlltiMlatt llhp wprcljr lililrn ror lratplc rrii rr-iV BUCOAW BOtWOlV AoMtVIDCO Mli.f ex r ua il .t-i .i v i n.!a i j. ' i.T r.- T JJ. . r.szsis ' "v sai" S c ii' n JiN LM.. ..... L T' 7 If - v . .i .. .' . Awl ' I J A K U. oxtKitx i : . rtJ6 LJ .fl. T It. W - Vjc w 1 - &i s; ,rttri5fc " -;(' '.l tAHtov... 1 T - ,. X A .iu . iK r m " .. . -' V."4 i" -T j V-C21. 'tKJt rSc I -ai ! VMJt fMUAHB bi SU.KD5 r; Q kCMWtnioan oxdstnMj A i'JMh ?i".U JJ I iiltpU I'rw rvlc iii:hmn, 1c. l.Th omclal latrmanl im "AllPr apprcwchlni IIk KntlUh cot, four crulr en uu.ucrpwfullr IUchMl by four Ku lUh turiHtlo boau. Ohp "nk ami ih otawra rirpJwl. hllr ! TliU mati liO. tl coiir ot the nyuaJrou ilun Into th. South Allan J,rmn.. H.i utidrr Admiral von Hpoo tic under Admiral SWrtle., and ho iroru lla lltlon alt Chill U wk.'found luOerin.nortta of the la K L. hrro H k ,h, Monmouth and laud 1.1... quickly. Uli tor (lood IK-t. Itrlllah rruU.r. under Ktiu. nd fa-tor .hip., ho trnk hr,e "Llml (Uddork. ... ih. .lar. In the of ll... lrr.nn. Thn cruUcra Drw H.HUI, Atlantic, wlitr H mrt lh n dfii ud NK """ ,., l.t..ilrnl Mr Vm. Till lirm "'"W vu "" '" ... . !. mid dontroycil tu .-surncoeri;. Drwdon na drlvcu Into tlio Imrbor -. I........ lrnim n Sd'lltll AUlCTlCflU lltioUciiaii and U ' K linn iiw "l . ". K..MI 'nlly'ly from l nlt,r ihclr'..bn. xM.cro he K undercolni re ttr t .,U Adu,.rn. Craddock pair,. Out In the 8I.U . Mw to llrllUh cruwiTa art iym . for tho l)rtdeii, ahould It leave, the llrltUh Urol uiidr rrlck Cliarlt Dovclon Hturde" The fnl rruUera Hclmriiliurttt. and U PilK imtl aiiwp vlctorj- In which wt ItU life in.i i l.n llrltUh admiralty. nrond . 1.. a .. 'lifirlinr had ipcrcieiy em action. Birds Belong to Oregon MltUOK ipnoaTinyQ Rtlat Cms Co. Is Against the Federal Uwtat. Till A aoon aa C. U. Onelll cloaa hli IarKument for tho ttate, and Circuit Jiidco nemon Instruct the Jury, tlie futo of William Slma, Love Chandler and Ivan Krnat, charged with cattle rustllnjc, will bo lu the hand of the Jury. Tlio opening argument for the ttato aa made laat night by H. M. Man ning, and In tbli he attacked the veracity ot aeveral of tho defenae'a nllnesteit, particularly that of Floyd itrandenburft". He atated that the klnte'a caan against the trio wan con lndng, and for the ake or l.ixr and order, bo aiked that Jutlc be done I In tho wny of a verdict. This morutug'a aeaslon of the court waa occupied bby the argument! for the defenae. Qolng over the Saws In tho atate'a caao, as tbey appeared to the detente. Judge Nolnnd itated that the three men were victims of the crcat Western war between tho homesteader and the cattleman. Tho argument ot Judge Drake at tacked the state's case, and classed It as a "wounded bird." Ho held that It uas all built upon a scheme out lined by Tt. 31. Osborn. whom ho called tho "shorter and uglier" word. Discrepancies In the evidence ot the prosecution's testimony, such a a confession by Chandler to Osborn In a snowstorm, while driving cattle, the condttlou ot the hide alleged to have been burled, etc.. were pointed out. and tho attorney -held that the tntij had utterly failed to prove that .fldi Johnson's spotted cow had been Killed. Court rendjourned thia afternoon at a o'clock, when C. . OnelU began the Mnto's closing argument. A large crowd Is present to hear this speech. 1 he caso will bo In the Jury's hands tuntchl beyond a doubt. Theru are many theories as to the verdict to be i relumed, but It Is the general opinion that the Jury wilt be out for some time. fclms. Chandler and Ernst, all prom inent In tho Sand Hollow country, are charged with killing a spotted cow belonging to J. X. Johnson, selling the meat and burying tho hide on the Rims ru'ueh. This was alleged to have been done In December, 191S, and the hide found aycar later. Although there Is one school dis trict that has not yet submitted n& enumeration, and while a number of children aro enumerated In more than one district, and It Is necesasry tot bate these matters straightened out before anything definite can be given out, it Is believed that there are 2.690 I children ot school age In Klamath county. , Last year's enumeration waa 2.CI7.' Tho gain this yoar Is still larger than) the figures Indicated, as all 20 years ot age were eliminated this year, but wero enumerated last year. WASTING WATER i CAUSES INJURY i ggggHggE3'gggV aft aV'ggggB.lH rRglH W KgalBalgV V sB-pBgP - HOT WORDS FLY ' AT NAVAL MEET IN WASHIN6T0N -V COLMITTKKMEN LEAVB ROOM IX - r ANOER TAblea Are Toaaded, aad setts Maa Reeorto to Vi LaacBage la Deswaaelac lade of Others Ths ! . for lavestlgauoa as la Purely Herceaary. IIW. It. VANCE ULTCHIX8 FALUS bx irFcoviatiiu sidewalk AND INJURES TENDON IX I-OWEH LIMB Aatbaasacor "Bis Jim" Sullivan, the New York city lawer, who was named minister to Santo Domingo by Secretary Bryan some months ago, and who came to the United States alter Walker W. VIck had criticised his administration, bos been sent back to his post by Secretary ot State (train. Kow nnnrsnanprs havo becun Ian attack on him, alleging that he might aid financial Interests, which I wish to exploit the Island. Mr. vick was commissioner oi cus toms on the Island, having been ap pointed by the president. He return ed and offered his resignation because he did not care to work with Sullivan. 6RANT INCREASE IN RAIL RATES f ii United Press Serrlea ' WASHINGTON, D. a, Datv il. Decidedly stormy waa tkk aAaraoa . meeting of the house naval affairs, to which was ner ot Maasachsaetta. aakfac tC: m , Investigation to deUmlae taa Be. tlon's preparedasaa tor war. - Gardner, la support of hla I wrangled load aad long wRk y gressmen Wltherspooa aa Gray. anger, Gardner flaally left taa All rooms nearthe coauattasa knew that a wraagle waa aa. far all of the mea talked la wad There was muck povadlaf af The trouble cajaa altar Qrar :c Indiana lnUaaated that OarwaaT de sire for as, iBTaaticatSaa was IbVbbV enced by BereaatU latataata Oari ner tbd becaate extreasaly aagry-. . -"I am tired of thU sort af task." he shouted. "Receatly there waaa I story from the White Hsaaa that war, material mea hack thla aaarav Kst Besides the complete destruction of the John Thorsen home yesterday morning, anothor mishap Is laid at the door ot those who. Instead of shutting off water to keep It from freezing, leave the faucets run nil night. This Is an Injury sustained by Mrs. H. Vance Hutchlns, wife ot the news editor of the North esters. Water from an outside faucet near the corner of Second and Washing ton streets has formed a sheet of Ice across tho sidewalk, across tho street and Into a vacant lot on the other WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 18 side, stepping on wis ice in "e The interstate Commerce CommlssIon'Gray, and prove yoar anrkness, rs. uuu-mns uawtucu a today granted the application of 1225 tiara rail, resulting in we "uurj- E.g..-, railroads for a flat Increase eta IS admiral tella yea wa navy, you aay. 'yoa you're trying to raise year awa jaa dard'; if a private cltlsea paredness, yon aay be has: terlal for sale; If it Is a man. you say 'polities' gat t, Mr., which today makes It Impossible forof 5 pencent jn ,-jtea except on coal." her to walk. 'coke. Iron ore and 'labe-and-rall" 'joint shipments. Gray denied that he meaataay lav- suit. The hearing closed abruptly, -i-Y 1 Wild hogs are an Oregoa prodaet. " This will Increase the revenues of Thirty were shipped treat Carry Ce. 'tho roads affected about $50.000000.' to Marsbfield to be fattaaaa. f ' ' COqUILLK, Dec. I, District At torney I.. A. I.IIJeqvUt won his right for the supremacy of the Oregon gamo law prohibiting tbo kllllug of migratory game birds from boat pro llod or operated by mecliaulcul Itower over tho federal act of 1V13. which assumes to lake jurisdiction over this kind of game from th mate nad Invest It In thn federal govern meat. This vktory came la the shn) t feclslon by District Judge Coke In ernillng a demurrer to au Indict inent brought a year ago sgl"l lllllls Short for shooting rnnvnabuck duoka from n gasoline launch lu Ten Mile Lake lu this county. y his de cision, Judge Coke folio the rvcenl declalou of UalUd Htatos District Judge Trleber ot tho Arkausas fedorsl lourt, who hold that the congressional act of 11S waa uncoustllutloual. ikort waa arrested by Deputy (lauie Warden James Thomas, under liiMtruc ikma from District Attorney LIIJc ivlst, and waa Indicted. abort will undoubtedly appeel to taa auprama court af the state, and the case probably will go to the high eat court In the land. District Attorney MIJaqvlHt's brief follows very closely the same llaa of TAX COMMISSION SENDS THE TAXABLE VALUATION OK I'lIlll.lC SEHVICE CONCERNS IX KLAMATH COUNT logic embodied lu JuiIko Trolbi-i's di- rlslnit. This decision, wuivn - lorrat l siHirUntcn. In l'rt nnni. "Aro mlgrnlory birds, when In a . .. i ...I. ..lli.it Ittn ...... .... Minir llMlini Itllhi"."'. - !' "" "" . mi... . . . ... ... .. u k.- i.rnnertv of lll fultOil Htaiesr ni-,m operate! 111 ivinmnw wuhw " ml., of the low hlch all the A'"T .... mnru have rccKiilcd Is tlnit " . ...i.... la fHrao naturae. iieuoiiM""-'"i Ml " " . - ..,. - nr. nwnetl ny "I" "iniiB. tin game, nro iih- This principle 1ms hud tho nppronl of the supreme court f Iho 1'nlK'd Btntes In every l.pfore It." rase which Inn come SAN KUANCIBCO, Dee. IS. Ar nold Kruckmiin 1ih irturnod to 8nn KranclKio, ufter hnvltig completed ft .,. r il. world. He engnged by the I'Aimiua-l'nclllc IntornntloniU p.m.u nn to nrrnuKU mi rncu uf uosltlon to nrrnuKq fr " aorlal graph company. l.0n.j ,co Su d the vor.dn 19irM.souoiTelei.houo and Telegraph c the b Ig !2c of Ih. expoHltlon. T0Mli Bprtj.. Va Uaj V owlnglo tho exMlng cond. ..ouh ,n company, f 0.U I J v..r....n n.,i imitH of tho Orient, ns a result of tho world-wide wr. the expnsltlou management wns forced to abandon tho rnce, na tho grwtw part of the course was necessarily through the countries eiiRBgetl In war. tii valuation of property owned ....I ..nnrnlnil til ' ... ..- .l .A.n.MiHnn, I tl.OOfi.. I.UUI1G HOrVIVU mi .ii.v... -. STfi. according to tho statement just sent County Assessor J. I I-ee by the Htntn lax commissien: Southern raelllc company, B9, 202.90; California-Oregon Power com iwiny, 193.980; Pacific Telophono ana 'Tolegrnph company, f 37,085.84; Western Union Tolograph company. S0.nril.tl6: Wells-Fargo Express com- puny. S2.7riS.72; Klnmnth Tolophono and Telegraph comiwny, 12,40c; ban goll Valley Telephone company, 1. Slfl.80: Merrill Telephone und Tolo ..nivh rmntmnv. Sl.077.44; Pioneer company, 'elephone Valley and Klamath Fulls Tolophono company, g C 5 C ; Diluting Telophono and Tele graph company, fMB.OO. MILLING CO. IS sued in coiTIMotschenbcher W et lts 1 i i J, J. MORTOX BRINGS ACTION TOj tXRECLOSE A MORTGAGE ON PLANT OF THE MUTUAL MILL IXG CO. AT CHUVOQUIX Scheming Friends Outwitted by Popular Caplt TO HANG PHOTO OF 010 JURIST JUDGE HANNAH THE SKCOXU CIRCUIT JUDGE OF THE OLD FOUH.COUXTV DISTRICT, WILL BE HONORED MHJALLY Suit to foreclose a mortgage tor IS2.207.S5 on the plant of the Mutual 'Milling company, and for $225 attor ney fees was commenced today In 'the circuit court by J. J, Morton. W. H. Shaw Is attorney for tne plaintiff. The sawmill Is located at Chlloquln. Married, at the home ot the bride's today," said the bridegroom taJa af- , mother, Mrs. Fred J. Williams, onfternoon, but when we; learned that Washington street, Thursday night, ' some friends were plamalng to alay Verpon Theodore Motschenbacher and j tricks on us, we were married aavaral Miss Marguerite Williams. CelHar. y MISS THOMAS IS NOW IN THE VAN The liooth-Kelloy mills have been eight-hour aay ior m pu on winter. an Six Indira of Ire, Work ot cutting Ico for summer use has been started on Upper Klamath I.ake by Btraw'a Dairy. The Ice Is six Inches lu thickness, and Is afford ing splendid skating. Following the hunglng of an en larged portrait of the late Henry Kee Beo lu the circuit court iooiu by the Klamath County Bar Association, an othor attorney much associated with the local courts Is to be so honored. This is Hon. H. K. Hannah, tor thirty five years on tho circuit bench In Southern Oregon, and presiding here when Klamath, Lake, Jncksou and Josephine were nil In the same dis trict. A portrait ot Hannah has boon en larged, and will grace the court room. If.ai.nah was the first district attorney lu tho district, and was the second Judge He is well known to all ot tho old timers, as he prosecuted and defended a number ot cases here In the early days. ' There Isn't a person In Klamath (Falls who did not Tsnow that this happy event was to take, place wma J day. but It Is certain that In having tho ceremony performed last night, theso well known young people out witted even their most Immediate friends. The wedding, most people believed, would be solemnized in the spring, but others were listening for tho nuptial chimes Christmas. Yesterday a few oh, very, very TAKES FIRST PLACE IN THE VAU DEVILLE TICKET SELLING RACE TODAY FROM MISS MAR GUERITE DUXBAR hours earlier, outwitting even th the ever-observant Rooaey who was my roommate In th laat days of my bachelorhood." Motschenbacher Is the son of M. Motschenbacher, a local merchant. Me graduated the Klamath County School in 1910, attaining Inane an debater, uomg to tne uaivarnriy.nft Oregon, he represented th U. la far enslc contests, and was also, a meanter, ot the Glee club for four season. la1 hla last two years at the UnlWralty' he was regular catcher for th haaa- ie . rv I' fiil few-ot those close to the happy , b" , 'cafm' anf wa ""'KttS man In the cure, were given reason to , '' the student body. Ht H nW Following Is the standing this after noon ot the contestants In the race tor the free trip to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, which will bo awarded the young lady soiling the highest number of tickets to the Christmas vaudeville show; Miss Ada Thomas . ; 2,100 Miss Marguerite Dunbar ...... 1,800 Miss Santamau , .... 1,150 Miss Bessie Ogle 1.050 Miss Ella Dew 800 Miss Verda Coxad , 800 Miss Adelaide Schubert 600 MUa Hasel Baraea , . , 800 believe that the ceremony was to be (solemnized today at noon. Even tho know-lt-all newspaper men had to give a gasp ot astonishment when ho called the Williams homo after tho noon hour today, and learned that In stead of calling just as tho ceremony was ended, he called soveral hours afterward. Following the basketball game last night, members of the Motschenbach er and Williams families assembled at the Williams home, At 10 o'clock, Ror. Ernest 0. Richards, pastor of the Grace M, E. church, performed the ceremony uniting the couple for life, Will Hum, a brother-in-law of the bride, giving her away. "It was our Intention to be married rt meeting with success as an taatrnaiar and nthletlo and debating oaacb ta tho high school. r . The bride, in the years of her dence In Klamath rail, hM.alwaaa been extremely popular la th'ya er social circles, an4. is hlgalr-aa-j'r ., coinpllsbed la many Haei.f.nTfcf jfmi uaieu me iocajntgn seaevia-4vw,4t.v,y'. but until recently she haa fcM,d)M j,: post-graduate work at-ta .itinavm all school activities ah tank : '.w aw ) mens pan; & ix r The couple wll resl4'eAvtlpt llama resiaaaoe. stra, inaani Miss Katherla WUrteaW.lk twin sWr. will lear M far aa eateaatv rm'-HU. .' JJ i Waf vX 'U. ,15' " - ' 'i'JfA i l M M t ?r " X . f-vbr;c '-Tf?5zx&z-Tiin tpf,i., ry f-Jar'-1