PRINTS THE MEWS WlfU'B IT IS NEWS h HWm ,r""" """ """ lias- uimmg iteralfo KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPBX KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1914 Prion, VI ALLIES TAKING TRENCHES; TURK TROOPS GAIN Von Hindenburg and His Staff Taken in Poland i PAHW, I've, 17. Tbo coutruuul'-Ue 4,y . "The French advsnred l Ibo -iou f VerntUI. whllp li r t ttltcrr firing continue slung lk tntlfn ln between Lya ud the at. Tb Preneb captured several Oeraun ueiicliw at Ibo (olnt of ittoj laltd Prran awrU CONHTANTINOW.i:, Dk. 17A ulm'u( t the effect that tho battle .r lh eastern frontier er v-ry fitoriMo ut the Turkish army has mii.J by Ibo war officials. It iBtttof svs tUMt lb lU (if Wlla ,U bJU ! UkeU and that Ibo tie b It nu retreating toward Ktr " I'altsd I'reea twar-ton I'irraooiui). ! t. it ootm4 today that Hie ituian Mark Kt Bret bad utcilnl In ulnkttiK n fltrmatt mtroer off Ibo TurWi.h it I'eltsd I'fese florviee M)NIK)N, !. tT,Tho condition j ol iho Ur U reported Imprntrd. . 1'bIi! I'reaa Umlce ATIICNH, ! 17 ll-Ullutia bi-9-m Otvefti and Turkey ar 'trained Itntwl to ttto bribing point. Or ilmaiilxt Ibo surrender of a prison. r "i.ifU Turkey refused. tin In I J.ssssBBBKi ssBLJ ?33mM3i AuJ i jxIB vv?dlV3raeBBB'3Bfc'J" ; i im" . ff3 F BiFI l " 1 I I 'B m H I 11 1 l l 'Bi 1 lii mrn ta!vlc?sxjsrzKBS fe -.S' iT;Vi.-'.p'y?2'IWBBlflSMSlBBBBBBB.SMSSMSSft '-.,IJUf - ,'rT AV'1 2r"tW?lS35R3P'BHBBiS5BBBBBS QbBBBBBBBBBBBbI ' 'VLgnBif ".BBBBB LACK OF WATER 'PRESSURE IS CAUSE OF 'THE- DESTRUCTION OE THQRSEN HOME THIS A. I. House and All the Contents Destroyed, Leaving Family With Sick Girl Homeless. Water Co. Gives Explanation WbMVC afc Tin ) tin fir. 1 t.i BASKETBALL ON r0RT0NI6HT IIXJII M'IKMII. IIW WltX IIL'CK IT AtMI.VHT AtUM.M IIKJII HCUtHll. UIHLM HII.I- l'l.V (irKMXO (MMK i.iUtui'i. ( i' bi iinrolml im lllnilt-iiuuiK. toiishi......! hr miiiini-v .. i 1.1. .. . . ... Ull I lllMllli 1,. I. U, H,r, ,(. . ln ,rWl ,. , tro0I, nl n,ia Pnlnn.l. K I. ih. .. a ..u. . . .... ... luBt,n4.Bl,cw.BWcrmi) md. fl ,UI ,,.., by Wllbrlm for hi. ,ucceM In the ecm war. He U .ho.n I. the center of the photograph I " "" """"-BMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Tbcro w b lo bkctbll gaiuot t iho Pavllllon UtU avvntaf, for in ddltlon to tb gm blrn K. O. It H. boy ol a alumol tom, tbo UUcki ntid Mum, two hlh tchool lrl ibuis, will pUy preliminary lam. TbU promUw to bw bitterly fouchl, a both IpbWH r crt'Pln for tbo honor ut rprMttllnit the blb nchool In rbM with lrU trmt from othtr hlh ifhool. No nitiall tntorral ! ImIux lku In lb khiiio biw lh alumni and th ludnnta, m thwe hn bn much PrtuUllon w to how the proont p'-AyoiB will up BXalntl tbo old tr. Tbo inrni aUrU at 7)30, Nmt Hull Kllrd. A. R. Cranro la tho plaintiff In n ult fllod agatut J. I. Ilonham for 181.70, nllpgtd duo on n uoto, and ISC attorney! (. (, C. llnwiT l atlurney for Crane. MODEL INDIAN J VISITS IN TOWN M.l'X WII-SOV, Ul.l TIMKIt OS llfraiKUVATIO.V, HAH AI.WAVH hTXKJI) IIICII WITH Till: INDIAN siiuviciMirrit'iAi Brandenburg's Word Takes Up Whole Day Aim WlUnn, omi of iho moi ro- A roupio of da) a no Ktoyd Ilran donbtirK and hl wlfo tcstllled that lilurliiK the tltitu thul Hlmi, Clinndlor j ami Knmt ro In California nlth their Wild Will nhow.- they Hir4 old Indian, on the llgnl movlllB nl)0Ut lho Sluu rttncn, rpacmitlmi. ban Ju.t returned tn the " roervBllon. aflrr a hnrt tUIi horo,n llt l'laul f luo "Wc durln which lluu he piirchnoi'! kup pile for the li)lor "Alex ha Ionic borito lho roputn lion of brlnic a model ludlan." tald Captain t) C. AppleKate twin) "'njnmi Urandvnhur rauche. to aeo If a t,lla of lU )car, ho lua kepi na) from whlakev and rnmbllim. the In- In thn cou atcolliiK cao wnii bolus tditlo Thul uljlit tho ainto aaul ftu auto load of rcaponnlblo men to tbo Sim IlKht could bo neett from ouo to the otlii.r. Theso tcatlfled lato ycaterday dlan'a wnrnt hablla, and he hti "everinniJ oJl). lhat thoy wM nol lteo n beon tn any trouble. Illcht If dlnplayed at tho other ranch, "III brother, Hunter WlUon. tjnK u)0 Hrandenburgs tesitflod. lho bend Indian on tho recrntlon( Kurthormore. number of wlt yram KO, and Alex nlwn) uphold UMI(M wcro put on tho atand to tea hla brother. An n rtuli. ho l KliiKUfy thnt tho voracity of Ilrandcuburg lownrd a rlpoold ace with the rMpoct.j, ,iiKwtoud. Thla romprUed nearly of both whiten and rodn " The (IrmiUu Htll tnmii near Ornnts I'ai will Inttall Cnuldo plant. "Calm Deadly Anger" nil of tho rebuttal. Tho nur-rebuttnl of tho defense to day do eloped tho fact that two auto pailloa Jouriiejed to the Sand Hollow country last nlKht, and thoso who wero nt tho llrandenbur ranch loatl llod thnt they saw tho light at the Slnm ranch. Incidentally, tho defeuao Introduced ltnaea who testified that Ilrandenburi!, veracity naa un fiueatloiiiil, Aa tho testimony by Urandenburic land Ilia wlfn roBRrillnv uuln. ti. light In tho Sims placo Is one of tho most Important bit introduced In the cute, the cross questioning of wlt- nesSM for both sides baa been very In tensive, and has boon minute regnrd- Ing details. When I'rotfocutlug Attorney Irwin's arty, which Included C. II. Miller. W. C. DMtou. drover Nail, Dick Tur pln, John McFall and J. A. Maddox. went to the Sims and Brandenburg ranches, Irwln'a failure, to make It clear to Brandenburg's caretaker caused tbo lattor to drlvo oC the In vestigators, so they vvero unab'.o to make observations as Brandenburg and bis vrifo did, and as the party sent by the defense did, from an up- por window- in the Brandenburg bouso. In the dotenso's party were Charles P. DoLnp, Sheriff C. C. Low, Cather ine I'rehm, George Humphrey, E. B. Henry. William Immel, Moyd Low and others. Tho defense attorneys stated thnt they had Invited District Attorney Irwin to go, or send a representative. MERCHANTS MAKE SMALLJURNOUT i HIIUV.VHK AXD GltOCEKV .MEN ARE WITHOUT ANY REI'RESEX TATION W1LVTEVER RODEO INTEREST IS STRONG r - flat U Sentiment, Following the LONDON, Doc. 17. A calut, deadly minor U tbo national aentlment In ''inland toward Iho Gorman empire, following thn attack on Scarborough east and the balling of Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby by a fleet of Jorman cruisers yeetorday. The full cabinet met thla morning to discuss the raid, Ita effeot, and to locldo upon measures of retaliation. I'remler Aaqulth, Admiralty He Wluston Churchill nd Lord Kltchon. r, head of the army, arrived early. The latest report Indicate lh 76 civilians were killed and 117 wound ed. in thn fortreee nt HwrUepool MT n soldiers were killed and twlco that number wounded, The majority of people killed nt eee llartoll'ooi were women nud children. Tho men kI out of the Ny. The tlermnn erulsers tacupod, drop ping mlnen "tier them l prevent pur suit. Aa a result of thoso mines. Eng lish commerce has suffered. kijvimor K twiner iniR Tho , aouth of ..!., ntr V liunborougii ucaii, Bcarborough and went down. Six membcra of tho crew ais missing. Anolhor vessel, which hna not been Idontltlod also was mined uoar thoro and sank. Tho crow and passengers escaped In lifeboats. Six miles off Hartlepool the freight steamer I'rlncess Olga struck a mine whllo traveling last night. It W y went down, but the crew U believed to latre escaped. DYING CABARET SCENE ARRANGED n.ww.k op the chiuhtmak vau dkvilli: ii:rpohmanci: will UK A IIOMilCKINO, UVRbV (IHAND KNSKMULK All this mystoiy which has sur rounded tho finale for tho Christmas vuudevlllo show has tluully been pen etrated. It la to bo a graud cabaret sceno, "Klamath Palls. New Year, lB-'lO." That Is the tlmo Oregon enters the "dry" columu, leaving California the only wet spot on tho coast. Around this there has been built up a clever What last night's meeting of tho Klamath Palls Business Men's Asso ciation lacked In attendance, it made up In enthusiasm, as every business man present mado It plain that ho de sires the Elks to contlnuo the Rodeo, and will do all In his power to help make It a success. Each of tho men attending last night promised to see a certain number of other business men, and hnvo another meeting Janu ary 6th, to talk the matter further. E. I). Hall, one of the directors of tbo Hodeo Association, stated that thero aro many things which made the asoclation hesitate about a Rodeo this year. Tho two principal reasons were the largo number of similar shows In other places, causing Inter est to wane, and tbo evident scarcity! or wiiu norses mis yaar. J. F. Mngulre. president of the Business Men's organization, and for mer president of tbo Rodeo Associa tion, stated that ho believed plenty of wild horses could be secured. This matter will bo taken up more thor oughly nt the mooting in January. Ily letting the natcr run all night to prevent the pipe fr Inttcnil of fthuttlng on the water where It enter the house or ' private line leaves the main In the street, KLatuath Fails people are asm pcrilliiiK the entire community, by etiiausling the water pfly. Thh h the gUt of tho statement made today by Qeorg J. Weltf. i suerluteudent of (lie Klamath divlvslon of the Cadlfornlav-Orefeai (.citiiuuy, lu answer to a query a to the lack of water for Pthflntf U , destroying the residence and all of the effect of John Thoracal tUo 1 il'K. The Thortcu residence la situated at Seventh and Jefferson At i) o'clock, lire, supposedly originating from Sue, broke otrt, aad hie depaitiuent was called. After much difficulty n cart from tho central station reached Um just tik the iiosc from another cart was connected to the hydrant. It found thai the water pressure available uu woefully weak for r Inn purpose, and only by putting on a shut-on nozzle were the ArenMtt to throw a Mreum, hut this waa very thin and Ineffective. With sueh low pressure from one hose, it was fonmd anwiee te I tempt to um) another lino of hoee, as that would weaken Ue pseaawe) at more. To the fact tttat they were unable to get the water, tfce ffween ucribe the complete loss of the borne. O , Jolm Tliorsen is a carpenter, who lias resided here several who only recently completed his line eight room residence. work lu his idle time. Uls furniture was all practically piece belli-; an expensive talking machine purchased Just a lew Today's lire not only completely destroyed the house, bat It nil the fumlly'h Iwlonghigs except thoso on their backs. Thoracal purcltascd u new suit, nud this was destroyed. Mrs. Tbo; pers uheii she lied from I lie bouse, and her shoe were burned, lit addition to their other expenses, the Thornsens have had in their fumily, one girl being sick witli typhoid fever for Shu l just at tho stage uhere she can sit up, and she wi Hie blazing home to tho home of a neighbor. The loss sustained today by Tborsen is partly covered by The loss of a number of family treasures will, of coarse, never ered from, and It is certainly pretty hard line to be rendered in elillly December. "Our pumps are running day uad night In order to keep the full for Mipplyhig the people, and for Just such cases i nnnsTCaBvs y aeJdMr.Wal. peente la wises? id rtiwtnta-aT BJaahr maa all nigsst. ton of the poner company this afternoon. "Tho laziness) of Is really to blame, for instead of shutting oil the water pipes thero arc many In Klamath Falls who let the water "The result of thin Is that Uie water uasted la more than ear plant ran supply, and the water runs low In the reservoirs, pressure correspondingly low. "Ever since tills cold snap, we have been cojuUderabty this, for vthuteier gain wo would make In the daytinse tn tilling tho reservoirs, we would lose at night through tile dralawsje fc-r wlio leave their faucets open. "ToOuy'h lire U nn illustration of why the city passed an prohlbltuu- tho listing of water In this way, and providing for the meut of offenders. The trouble Is that It Is Impossible to catch the time uasterof u ntcr, ns the water runs through his sink Into the nud then, are no external evidence, as In the summer." winter I vohlclo for songs, chatter, and all manners of specialties, and tho big cast of woll groomed men and splen didly drossed women will mnko thla number a veritable style show. This will by no moans bo tbo ou tiro program, as several other skits, mi in bora and playlets of nioro than ordinary merit are oelng practiced, and will be given Christmas night, and tho night following at Houston's opera house. Tho salo of tickets Is brisk those days, according to the young ladles who are In chargo ot this. There Is great rivalry among them for tho ticket selling prtie, a round trip ticket to San Francisco during Exposition time, Eight-Found Hon. An eight-pound boy arrived this morning at tho home of Mr, and Mm, E. M. Aldrtcb, on Eighth street. Mr. Falkland Fight Is Told Rack Home Again. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Becbdoldt ar rived in tho city Inst nlgbt, and will leave this afternoon or in tbo morning tor tho homo of Mr. Bechdoldt In Bo nnntn. Austin left Klamath county nearly two yenrs ago and has since been located in Northern Idaho. After his wedding, which occurred recently, ho decldod to return to the Klamath country. Art Department Sleets. Tho art department of tho Women's Library Club meets tomorrow after noon at the Library Club building, from 2:30 to 4:30. Tho usual free lessons In needlework will be given, and all women Interested are Invited to attend. Turkeys For Christmas or New Years; mar Aldrlch Is tn employe of the Pelican ket dressed, 18 cents; ready for oven, Bav Lumber Conwany. I cents, P. I. Bowne, Bonansn. 17-lt Steamer Says Even German Colliers aire DefiMt United Press Service BUENOS AYRES, Dec. 17. The stoamer OrUa arrived today, bring ing tho first complete story of tho bat tle between the British and German t squadron off the Fnlkklaud Islands In tho South Atlautlc a few days ago. According to tho Orlza officers, mis calculations ot the strength of the British forco caused Admiral von Spee to give battle. Tho British fleet included tho battle cruisers Iuvlucible and Inflexible, and the cruisers Kent, Cornwall, Carnar von, Bristol and Glasgow. They en tered the harbor and coalod. On the morning ot December 8th, tho smoko ot the German cruisers waa sighted. Admiral von Spee evidently thought the British force was only light cruisers, for he steamed directly at the enemy. - l Before he discovered ho wacJnn . t- proachlng a superior force, von Bfee'a ships were within three mllea ef ike British, and the fight began. ?,, Tho battle raged for two hour be-' foro the German cruisers sank. Though hopelessly outclassed, 'tho -Germans proved extremely eowsa ous, and refused to surrender, TkW,.r fought to the last, the only tW(arv caplng being the Dresden and WiirX) l harff - Ah Even the crowa of the Ornu Hers refused to surrender. A',fa A ' 1 1 '- v, '. - Jlfc' i " 7 olinto trnrri Vtvltlafc auiW UlA Bakt-' M. ..-. U..V.-I. s ! " .,j Eh. ?jmt AS m Trv JL llers, Of tha crewa of tha 1 f . - . .,.. .-..ft ..""' yesseu, omy i vtf rmv. -'im m r British loaeea were eight kJlind sllsf r'1 ,;' four wounded. ';. ? 3Kv 2?s The cruieer Cornwall vmsbWI below the vrater Vmm Wsmw .- iirKten swim wen iinwiweav - '- aw vr , n "-ti ':'"