w :, nl PRINTS THIS NEWS WHIMS IT IS NEWS src Mnih Vrar Ni. tf.fto'i, h? lEumng Herald ir KLAMATH FALLS1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPM : 'n j, Li . :t 'API KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1914 German fleet Comes in and Shells British Sea- Latest Report Is That Kaiser Wilhelm Has the Diptheria port; Fight Now Raging 0 MlMMI.V, l)H. Ill, -lllf ir limn rrulwt a,r Mill lit v llifltiti t'niiu llm IUIiMi nllir llm rtl rtwml IminbanliiK-iil . ll U r'JMrtrJ liinlglit llml 1 lt Ui-mmii. nr .rniiiilna mlnr, in e tlitlr ttitki lit prmetii pupmli Tlm rtllll nf Hilrt)'- t-iigdgriiitiii I. mill unknown, H. lh .(il.(. e tit iniMrlili I lunlulflliinl. 'tlm tattlaltlr Hlntlturtiueli Hip t.iill of llm bmtiliaiiliiirul Indium IN klllrtl hiiiI .rtrtnl lnj,tml . 1 ttllrJ ! rmrrlte IOMH).V, ltv, HI, In llm iut liming iIaIi n( t(p riillm nr, tier mit Ufrlil liMlwy rtjuuiwrliol tlm lialMi tonsl uttil .tirllr.) llio rl(p ul HrarlmttiMgli nliit llntlrM-i, ti M-aHri mi Hip KcnllniM'tiKli nul tin' Aitttilrall) liiillrolr lltal ItmriiengPini'lif lhn U iprlnpliig Into big r ImIIIc 1'iiur HrllUli iplni)tr Iinti nllvu 1..-.I llm Grrntniia utt IUl1lr., lltr (tiliulrtttl) MiAild tin l"ll"ilMK laliiiirnl it ttnlluu lln ndiili : "llrtiimn limtpittrltla ( lnr ltiiul.ii' ,)t.. lakltig Jltn 1I1U muni' In nil llm Xnrth Hr, MailmitiilKli, Wtillti) .tint lliilciM. lis..- I1r.11 drlliil, dint aI nriou (Hiluik mi r llolllln tin Im-pii mgnttrtl. "ll U lcllnc.t llit tlm dVriimn rld turt"! fimi 'iulimn nr WIN irnMifri. imati. nt tiiiijiiu nHaUiug th, train, Mnl tut ihf train departed Hcitrbor- "UKIi llii i'IUnlll, Miiult,. I niliil tft Henrlce LONDON. I)c Ifl UiMt advice Y Hint tlm final tmitln U mill pro cniMiliiK (Ynwirsblp pr.i-ut giving (ml dtlalls llumur nf big t by ,o li Hide I urn being circulated Tlicnn am not rctiflttiUHl 1 Tin- ro;ir ul tlm gun I, nhnklnif llnrlliio STATE LEVY 10 m f.o mil i n i VARIED STORIES FROM BATTLEFIELD Lulled I'rtJt Bflrrlc I'AHIS, Dec. 10. Tlio Belgians, French and Enfflbh lire rMMlf to - nm nipt to Inml a -ilnKKcring tilon- on the Gc-rninns In Bclgtam. Tlw l lino advanced nor n mile In Flanders ycslcnJaj-. Tin olTcnlvc by I lie aUics U proceeding from Uie coaat fa - ullufks nro all vigorous, nod a general aiult. In force, to expactoi fnlloH. Tlm cornmnaliue wif the German attack west of Coreajr kM ka rviuliul. Wnlted l'rcta Service ItiniLIN (by wireless), Dec. 16. Today's sUteawM ya: funny' advance from Xlcuport. aapportcd by a bomhariUat unmliliM, lias lecn rcpuLted. "In .Vortliern Poland we bare taken several poslUoaw a4 oners. "Thm x .STATU TA. COMMIfMON .M,KI WMJl'SfKMK.NT NIIOWINO THK AI'nUtTIOXMK.NT Is I.OWKIt I United I'rcss Service 1X).IK), Dee. 10. A dlspntch fnim Madrid to a local news agency ' otnlrH Hint Kaiser Wllhelm Is sulTerlnK from diphtheria. While this report U In no wny canflnmil, the SpnnMi c orrepindcnt says the Information linn Imtii reeelvetl from entirely trust worthy Mturces. THAN IIKFOIti: "1'nur i filler nrlirlvtlrl (n llir biiitbitliiiriit nf HrjiiUiiiui:li, "ItrfiiaT fniiti HorlKiriii8li lwr nlnil t Hull. Ttirj ) llrrtiuui lwll Krfll ilniunifNl III" liwii. TIM' Ininmi nbU') nf VVIillb) ttn luull) iUiiisnt. AWnnlliis to ii teliKiani Jiul ro- "A fhrll .l.lkl.. lli imr. l HrUr,H,l kllM ll.rc r...l..V "" " f""""1"1' ...... ... . . Mniiialli ciiiinly Is to furulsli 148,500 The dilmlrxll, U. .Ulr.1 ll-l !' lll.h Am lll im.,,.1 up llm ,0wiirj l0 u,lkwp oMhp ,ue T,u lriiuii, , U about IlUOnn on'ir llinn Ins) ll U kiiniui llutt llm Uernmii iml"T 'appr.iln"l nj iIimh' tu the ymr ..i li- I...i -. iiu. .......r,.ii..1l trn...r. tv III miiiIimI of Hip Irr to As Klttlilntli rounty's aseitel valu- Varhormtch, Infonitalloii fnim Ihrrf l rrj irr.s Mrttmi tVirrw, I tut olid Iwlf l"IIf In the nitluct of MmitMrouKli, U. aImi itniimerl liy llw iHiiiilMidiiirnt. Hip umIii nllnrk, llioiiuli, illlrv(rt ncsllt! hWnrlitniUKtl. I frborwiih In in llm rount) il NtirtU UldlnB. niiUHipulrly Unottiibotii w ami Iter hutliain! iro m tlm 'Qui,!, or KintimU MprlnR '1"1 ,,,,u l-Utw It It on U.o NtirlJi Hra. and , n,"a ,""i l " fa. Hipulatloit af nboui 0,q0u. T(- bMrg,u6 ih,,,u ,ofu A Hcarb(iroiih rwlugwi UI itmi!tc6, ,) In llm strou of lliiriliw U taw ttitcw klllwl during tlm """jpooi. lanliimut, which IhsIbiI Al lettut thirty) Defense Rests in the Cow Stealing Case l nlted I'rfess Service IT.THOGUAI), Dec. 10Figtitini; along die xwtani frMst hi Hvr inost Important actlrlty. Grand Duke .Mcholaa la stomUaa; thgry""'to ri iixh out the resistance. The next big battle Is expected south of Cracow. ' The Kussutns tuiTe repulsed the Aiutro-Gerraaaa te Um engagements. United I'ress Service VIK.VNA, Dec. 10. "The Russians were compelled to Gulicla, a, 100 prisoners being taken during the pursuit of the the gNt of todny'H ofllclul statement. United Press Service AMSTERDAM, Dec. 10. It Is announced that the Nertfeerm tribe, have declared war on Berria. atlou Is mvr 117,000, tlm state tax UM will In- about 2.8 mills. FINAL CHECK OF SCHOOL CENSUS ('l,i:itl( MOMYi:it TtlllXS HIS UK I'OUT AX1 Tlll'8 tXMILETtM HIS YKAItl.Y TASK OF COUNT I.VO THK KIDS mlmi!. at llml plaro. Nine nf f,unu fri-Ksficnlcu torltd kltUdiil llnrlmtHxil, whtlouim m;Ut l)fiC 1(j Uefuuws from mora teimriiHl HUM nl Wlillby. L,,,, U,c,ttro 1Rl ttlll . lu addition tu tlm Whitby ubbpy,' 6nl loarij , nrlnc thoy thouebt It' which wb partly lUtruyod, a mmbriWM prnctlrii by llrltWU bftltlcsblp. f haul wori nliio dPinolUhdil. Nft mioullon wiis jmld to U. ,, Jt Moncr. clerk of the school Alter flrltiB about ntiy utmlU tlm' TIW, tt )uv ws struck b) a simll bonrd tor District No. 1, today turned outers Hlilidrow lo tlm nurllifn(,Jntu) crumiiKd Into rulus. A iiioiiuul in bin flnul chock of tlio school con ami tlmspfl (initio ntsrlml lat.tr tlm lUltnornl hotel was utruck uh, which bo recently compiled. H Is ropurtpil thnl lo (lermn(ninl eatiitlit rtn. I In his report Mr. Momyor claims tnilmirs ImMi nil duly bfoii diiro)ed( yiih wt huratlttK ouirln-sid mid Hint Uwro nro 4SC bojs and C35 girls mid tlmi (lid DrltlsU llit tins Iimih n, ff,rf from tlio strct't, pooplo f school ngu In tlio district, making dainngiM, but thnso lopnrU nrt iiU'.riuhwl Inlii tlm iri In a pnnli. A lolnl of 1,020, fonnnuod. ,mBj rfta, jor the riillionil HtnlUms1 For tlio first tlmo this ear' onum- In HcflrboroiiKli, Mrs. Mi'rry..unuul. whllo sonio of llm ueoplu eiiitlon does not Includo those at wonllmr was klllvil by n slmll which sousln t.-ruco lu Um collars gliding school who Imvo rech9d thi tumnsuil lmr husband's cloro. nml" Blmllt fti-ri- liurMlnB out tlm "K" f iwoniy oars. Tlm defetiso In the Sims-Chandler- Lindsay said that at. that timo John Krnst caso llnished Its direct testi-9" said that ho could not Identify moiiy at 2:30 this afternoon. Tho ,hcm' In 1,Is """ JJ ",l8 state then began IU rebuttal tcsU. J trial, Johnson tald he could tell they 'mony. so it I. bolloved that the case woro remnants of his spotted cow. will bo In tho jury's hands tomorrow. ' c- p- Beck' J- xv- Frcy ad J- ; i Impeaching questions are being I,awsliurst " callcd t0 lhe sUlnd Lsked by both sldosln the cnttlo rust-, t,; B,vo expert testimony as to tho ling case condition of a hide burled for a year. I Pnllnwlnir Ihla tisllmnnr llin de- Thl morlB Itay l-lckott testlned fens(j rMted Bnd the state recftlJed that ho saw the cow alleged to have F, Bran,,enbllrE for further.cro9, Doen outcuerea m uecemoer, . n lamination. As an Impeaching aues tho llnrtery field near Tule Lake Inl , ... ,.. ,. ,, . ,,,, 1913. C. M. Klrkpatrlck stated that Fight Not Over Woman!'! Statement to This Effect Signed by the Stowmansj HUH furtlmr evidences of too husty 'Oiicluilons by llm complaining wll 'ii'uj lii llm iiilultery (ihiirgi) brouglil 'iKiiltisi V. II. McCluio nro given lu n stnlmiieiit, stgnoil by McCMuru and "' of tlm Blowman's, ntnllug posU ly that tlm Imbroglio Induced In ') Hlowmntt mid McOluro was not 'vit Mrs. Hlowmnn. McOluro wan nircnli'il nt his lioimu '" Mills Addition n short tiinu ago on 'liorgo or Illicit roliitlons with Mm. iilowmnii, Rtowmun innklng tho com I'lsliit. Yesterday, tho tluio sut for "in preliminary hearing, Tltowmun wn not present, and It Is rumored Hint ho found out afterwards that Mrs. Btowmnn nnd nor son wore both il (ho McOluro horn while Mrs. Btow- miii wi ii'ceivlng iiit'dlial trciitmmit 'liuio, nnd t lint llm ivn men luul bi-en 'giving iiueful iitlonllou to mlmliils- lorlnn to the needs or tlm imtiuni Tho slatomt'iit folluws "Wo, Um iinilerMBUod. wish tu notify Um public that tho nrlU'lcs ap pearing lu tlm Klamath Fall phpoib liiiconilior Mill, timi'niiiliig us wt'io In a litrg" iinMsuio inlalimdlng "Tlm IlBht Ihnt occurred bvtwoeii McOluro and Htowiuan ns not oor Mis, Htowmnn. Tlio pardon fuinlHh- lug tho papers tho nowa nviiioniiy falkul to loam nil of llm rncis. or oIho uiUicprusoutcd thorn," Tho forogolug In slsncd by Uoo i. fltowmau, lliury II. Btowman, Mrs. II. Btowinau aud W. H. McOluro. FURNISHING JOB COUNCIIi AWAHDH HIM THK COX- THACT 1X)H FUHMTUIli: FOIl Tin': xi:v city iiAMi, aftiih I.OXG (XIX8UI.TATIO.V tion ho was asked It he was at tho Sims ranch when the missing cow This Drandenburg de- ... .....! .. !.. ...1.. .1. l.lrtM I1U il9Ci.'.l ItlV lildkV UOIU il.V UlUL'a '.,... l'lllp I and did not seo any evidence of holes. pckeU tbm w,fled that Tho tostlmony or Maud Jones was Urandenl)urK toM hlm that uo wa8 Bt that 11. M. Osbom had uiado the ranch Rt tno tme of the butcn. threat In her presence that "Mr. SlmSjornR u d tQ ,mvo occurred o.uu u a .. mm mm iius, t v Johnson and J. Frank Adams would bo In tho road kicking." Sho ., ,,,, , ,,, etnnrt . rtqn. ARREST ON BAD INDIAN CHARG PETERSON GOING E TOCONVENTIOI FCDE1UU 3LUISHAI PLACES JUSSn SCO.N'CHIX IX V t TODAY) LOCAL SUPERINXENDEMT M A RMOI.CTMMM- ME3IBER OF I THE COUXTY JAIL, OX CHARGK' COMnTTEE OF STATE TKACsi- -, OF STATUTORY OFFEX8E ERS' ASSOCIATION said ho also told Imr that her family ought to tako an axo and cut tho fence surrounding tho Sims home stead, which Included tho Indian Spring on Bryant Mountain. tho testimony of gome of tho dofense's witnesses. II. H. Hoyt testified that when Sims took up tho homestead ho told him that Sylvia had the Hays ranch, Tho testimony of Mrs. William 'amJ tlmt Sims had tho spring; that Chandler, mothor of ono or the do- they'd havo to corao through with a fondants, was that ho lived at homo, 'bunch 0f monoy to get water. Ho also and not nt tho Sims ranch. ' testified recardlnc cattlo he sold to J. W. I.lmlsny was asked as to tho i Sims. testimony that J. N. Johnson mado at Charlos Picket testified that the tho preliminary examination as to the record of Floyd Ilrandenburg )for Identity of tho hldo and head alleged j voracity was not very good In the to havo been burled In tho Sims land. Merrill-Matin country. At hint night's adjourned mooting of tho couucll, Virgil & Son woro awarded the contract for the furnish ing of tlm city hall, this bid being con sidered the lowest by moinbors of tho council. A contract, showing specifically What Is wanted Is to bo drawn up by tlio city nttornoy nnd signed by the city nuil tho furulturo firm. Wnlly Going Away. Wally Thompson Is preparing to leave for the Sacramento Valley, whore ho will sxnd the wluter. United Press Sorvico. m WASHINGTON, D.C. Dec. IC. Tho administration has complet ed plans to onforro noutrallty In tho canal zone. Colonel Goethnls gots amplo power. Further word from him Is awaited before rur thor action. ! ! FluUhes n Term. O, 1), Chorpenlng tins ruturucd to Kl.wunth Fulls aftor completlag a term of school at Clovor Creek. At prosout ho is tuklug tho teachers' ex aminations. Gov, Wttbycombe says down state appropriations and keep down taxos. Eugene sold $34,000 bltulitnlc pav ing bonds at a prelu. United Press Sorvico. WASHINGTON, D.C, Doc. 16. Secrotary or War Garrison to- day ordered Gonoral Scott, his chief or BtafT. to proceed to Naco and tako charge of the sltua- tion there. Scott leaves tonight, nnd will arrive In the border town Saturday afternoon. Hrother Is Dead Oscar Pejton has received the sad nows that his brothor, Dr. Emmltt Peyton, is dead at Pinckneyvlllo, III. lpp Agulu. A sou was born Monday night to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Upp. Mill City Odd Fellows dedicated a new hall. Ou charge of adultery, Jesse Scon-j County School Superlmteatamt FreA chin, a Modoc Indian, was arrested attpeterson leaves Sunday for Tigaaw. '' Klamath Agency, and delivered to to attend the fourteenth aal eta Deputy U. S. Marshal Do Boost attention ot the Oregon State Teaeevera' Chlloquln today. He Is now In the Association, to be held at the UatTer- ' county jail. isity. At this time talks wMI he asssie. The time for holding the prelim-'and work outlined by edtteatora el Inary hearing haa not been arranged. 'national reputation. a , Mr. Peterson la a member of the .resolutions committee, and he it e Ing to the convention largely hieaaae 'nf Ilia rpenliillnn tn h wAniiiMA 1m- gardlng revisions tn tho acheoi lawe the legislature will be asked to Austrian Reverses Astonish Germans) From Eugene. Mr. Peterson will go to Salem, to grade papers subasittee , United Press SerWco LONDON, Dec 16. A Copenhagen ' In tho teachers' examinations! dispatch to tho Star declares that tho lug held, and to attend the convenUM news of tho Austrian retreat Irotu 'or county school superintendents. Mr. Struta created a panic in Berlin. The I Peterson will be away three weeka, l sudden Austrian reverses after occu-j during which time the local MaeriaV ' V) lug Belgrade astonished the Ger- teudent's offloo will be in the eayMe ' mans. I hands ot Miss M. A. Carteton. ' Lamm Co. Now Logging Former Pine Tree Man in Charge of Logfitg Clap lu preparation lor a busy season's ruii, once tho mill Is established, the Lamm Lumber company now has a force or men In tho woods cutting timber tor tho summer. Charles L. Smith, who was formerly connected with tho Pine Treo Lumber company hero, Is lu charge or the operations in tho woods for tho new concern. Weather conditions now uro such that "snow logging" can be carried on extensively. With a change ot season tho company will have com pleted its logging railroad, and put a locomotive nnd cara In commission. The plana of the company call for the erection ot a sawmill with a testy capacity or 70,000 feet et lmair,. The construction ot thla mill la' to he' startod as soon aa weather inndlHima permit, and It la expected that tttli; oo in tun operation late w tee or early In the summer. The exact location of the plant haa not is generally believed that on Upper Lake. The Lamm Lumber months ago.p'urehaead est Service l,IIMO lumber In Crater Watlwml the Odeaaa waterahed.1 U between the rwk'd-4 & --atoaaaiaitorai 1 ', ijhi akamsBBBBaBBWr'sn r iV" ! H (rail tjuSjC taeief ml sshBasssssssKrSaflL Ma4sf s 8 v -hi JSj 1?I itl .5.11 " t J ?..-. .'. V1 v-s t, j ,..'" . . '. .-v . -.-. vHn .fflt m --n -yg rlt'WYtt try -