V.T v PRINTS TIIK NEWS WII1MC IT IS NEWS Mhv mc- "" Mnlli Vwr ,', W.ftlli jEuroittg I&ratf. KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL IB NEWSPAPIHY TIRED OF SHOOTING ACROSS THE BORDER, U.JS. SENDS ORDERS AND ' TROOPS TO GENERAL BLISS AI NACO KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1914 Price, Five Some Parthans of India Ready to Fight Germans .oiriiH'tN (ii:itii,i hunks Till nMi WAV ' fH' Mil. tiioi iii.i; at S,nt ih to hi;, ti n nut: Austria, Russians Try for Exchange I Htled I't.t .nlrp IIBUWH. Iiae 16 ba nwp. ! rfwi ibi Austria bits made a lulled l'ir berlto ,'UI,W 't"iMi i.i JIumIs for tlio U.lHlllMrrO.V, l. ( l. Ifl " "( vii-m-t They alo 11. flllirl rrW mi ilrllnllr-iln '" "",l ""' ""' . manded by , ,,1 ll ll.. iTl.ln M.-. I.h!. i. ""' u"l ".n (. tnilnnllot, ,,f (, .lop H." I.tlllrl. of III IllitillliiJ M... ",'M,:',"" itim from lltlinc In .Nam, ArU HmrUry ( 'r (miUiii Irtli'X'ii iHrisrtilil.Ml OHH'l I rrl Dili, (tlilrli uniT-, "III l I llil.nl ntlrr frrrhril I.) Ill Kflitfnl SHIPS MAY rwtrd l'iv tfvnlt u.HiiiNrrti,v, i, itw, i.r Nrrrisrj nf War HnrrluiM ll.U Hr nim unlrml llirr-n trclii.riit of In fntrj unit ll.rr IwUrrlp of aMtllrr lu ro, Arl., In rcln'orr tJrnrrol Mil- it.u.1. it n III Uric I lir pill.. U l U i FORCE NEUTRAL ACTS AT CANAL llll . If t v i "SHMTTBf thVI TTr - r f r" fc- " :fl .t ivl - I4li :t - !WBs- ,T - -aw !?? . 4. ms 5ss&&'i ,s M. rlA jeT'tsr ? X- fffistt e'ftSswK?!. -'flsrar 4 i mLiV-iiff , JW'S tp S5l?? 111 w! g1 - '-gski Mt- ... . . j ?, I - . "! v a&. 4 rf ., ' rf " ' S HTJ7 J" . . V' ' I ' WITNESSES FOR DEFENSE MAKE STATEMENTS INDICATING THERE IS A CONSPIRACY AGAINST SIMS. North Poland Free From the Invaders United I'tcta &rvlco l'ETnOORAD. Dec IS, -It I aUt- nl today that the rout of the German In Northern Poland is now complete,) ONK U IT.VESB STATK8 THAT "OCJ IKE" JOUXSO.V HMD HE WMW BD TIIK WUOI.K CASK WAS IN THE LAKE Tlio Oerinacs are cleared from the Russian territory In llint vlclnlt, and the plan for attacking Warsaw from the north lx npparently abandoned. Following tlio oxamlBAtloa ol U - prv..... . "j T,-wixr ", : :3!irCusrff sgWi3. ,'w . JlfS!- 'A??5l iiui'iiin 1'iio.M (iUIMiiai.h miii1?' miu.virr I alM I'roi Hrrlc WAKIIINOrON, l. C, lt IS Iho rrport nudo !y lrtfn IIIUn lui lie ar drpirimciil I oil ay miUun-i i:lll rUi tlittl lli only dUhpllTSlnK Tlial I', K. Itr-rinlim Mn) rairt- Hint ran t laVni m mid W Jfi56. RS , .ftfSv':.. ,. : :I :3CwAc '-' llit KOUndlllK nf AmiflC4ll eftldlor d tlilien m .S'arii, AtU, lo ilo, ."clillfiC Mclrni en tlio itlhrr lt! ol (do Wirdr, In lo uliojj li iitUiti' l-tH(uii Tli ttn ilopnltlttPtil, bow. ifer hn not ft-t .iiril nny nrilpr 10 that pffrtl Hi. t'fl fur supply IIm b) I'm.' ""' I" ouo pe"ltiipn of tlu kind Muiik to an old frontier regiment that they would do little In the field. luf noIJIor mm to tht toniliient of wll' reputation Jn India. ' Hut those who ha-e enlisted in the Iku .Wtaii. itonAt oiui (iincrtior, Kr" 'ml "" l,uc"1 ' T.y nre roucj, 8,r0nger and larger IlrltUh army in India have been fed. .. ...,.......,,,... .. 'Kuropf b) (Jn.ai llrltaln to HkIiI the ,nnn ,ile nVerace Hindoo. In fact.iand the effects of generations of (lain. It.'ttiinlliih .MUtin- if Wlit- rivrmDim They nm 1'nrtlinim, and the Hindoos as a vlana are so weak j famine hao to some extent worn off, l I'nlili nl 'l'fll.r llfilul CHILLY WAVE IS McCLUR DEAR I lilted 1'iw onlto UAhlllMJ-ION, I). C. lire. I.V I'rv.liirul WIImiii iiHbii jii ur rl I All ly rW Jtxto.rii Sr.uli.il.'. llOan mul (inrrl I LL I ItLL Ul Lit i""' '" U f of tlio MHtirit m.nlo I.) t.frllinl, l' noiui). In. mIiI, lie 1 no itiiiM fttr nlnnii. IWKSTV III'UIU' .V VOII1II l.. Ho prrlilPiil tl'l llial lir l.n. ri(r(tt ( nliMirl (iMllinl to iimki. n KOTA, AMI lli:i,t)V '.IlltO IN ,,.,., ,M,tl ,lf , m,(,lil.-. of E PUT OFF A WEEK British Troopers Take a Position BOWLERS MAKE United I'h-ks Scrvlco PARIS, Uec, 15. Today' commu-' ; nlijuo nn)g the French and Urlllsu at-j MIMI'iaiMM! VIT.MS WAH .NOTtUcU,, ,uo 0ormans boteen Hollo-j K mm k & 111 I., I a a ,t tUl lunl,nAli t li v Tlsltlati l. . I I I.MM.IVil,, .l."l II in mm "ii'i ii ( iiiimvw, mu unitou. drlvliiK the Germans from the woods HGH SORES III.NTi:i THAT Till: COIINTHY in: has ki.kh MN imiUlt HTATIbt I II HV TIIUHnllAV -" tt I- ' '" ItlUOpmi tiAllllllM III III!' Uttl" ihUii itUtrlit If lliU M'lMirl tliiiiK (tint mil) I') aud taking the position at the latter place. The French iiluo gained ground. which they held, desplto determined SKVEHAL KOliLINO AIIUVE Sao. WOMEV AUK TAKIXG ML'CU I.V. TEHEST I.V THE TEX IIX GAME THIS WIXTEH I eilloil l('p Hcrlri WA8IHN0T0.V, t, C lc. IS. ArronHtiK lo Hm untlier bifiii tliw mirii rouniry In In iti Rrlp of a 'cold ,iv from KloHda and Hie CJulf Ltmrtli, nn.t fioin Cslfforiiln to .Maine 1 1 Tim fnriTam U for a lotUluiialloi. )'l"f h cold, with n rndunl wnruilnB ulup by ThumUy, r H Heporl of brlow.iito ttuatlmr nro s'n from t Vlrhila, W'tMdun I'enti- lylvanlfl, I milium, Illinois, WUroiuln. niliuicnoia, mill iho Northwestern funtes Tim rowest rporld was 20 ' dyrt4 below ero, nt IMHV Lake. North llakoln. At I lie rr-nuent of the statu mid the 'opposition from iho enemy ItmiliiK itevt of dfntrojem nn lie defeni the preliminary iii-nnng tor , iimlnlnlti ilio m ntraili) prorlniimtlmi ' William McUluro, nrrested on charge , of ilm I tilled Mti, Hot eU lll of adultery by hlo partner In mlni'"9TlirKish CrUlSer KO forttiollll to (.iHlIinl., nrft.nlliiK lo nnrry i. oiuniuuu, .. iu.4., WlUcm. "in" "o" Tuesday morning by Jus- , tlco of the I'oaco K. V. Gowcn. The of rrouocutlng Attorney lr- From present maicatious records ,.iro liablo to be broken this winter b) the ladles, who are taking a great in terest in bowling at the Palm alleys. .Wednesday afternoon from 2:30 till ,0 is resrrvod each week for the ex- QUaIIc QsaKsmafrtrwlic1'16' use of tho ladles, and the at- jnens jeparopoitendanco u lncrcaslnK constanU).. "" " Somo exceptionally high scores are being made. firesenri' t niiwl i rww hpriice wln n 0 cIu.u ,.ourl , W!,nl). rtw L Mltca VTeu SerrlCe WAKHIMIIUN. I U I'OO " " Hpoiinlblo r t-... t it.mvkj.k rsAlliftt HiWiiClllir f i . ... m x.nl uiiwinioiMiHixi . - ; mm Hianmiin ami .Mcv-iuro wwo (l)l of Sobagtapoi by the Die panaijw mum . iiu mHiriru proH,nl lU ,ornB, but Stowman ,,,. ..,.. Jttv.ua anllm ,4 Hn to Keereiary llrjau mid fi.Hrletry Gar- xrn8 ot , ,ore. It la rumorod that lio . ... Jtn,,Pn, frnm rni made In one game I.aut iiIkIh tlio tlinnnoineter drop l'"d to ) nbovii xero, tlin same as the minimum Hunilny nlr.lil. IteporlH from Port Klninitli are tliat It was 13 below there last night. Hiero Is 18 Inches of snow In the "Wml Jllvor Valley. rltun that Kuropean liolllROrent war- llft ,,.,mrlPl ir the Middle West, shliw hioo been emlliiK lrelew mi's- nf,r c.nrniltR ihat Instead of halng jiiltes oiiMrliie tliaii iumtnil ulillr In Hud, rpnons with Mrs. Stowman, IilhinUn Hlrrs. and that It has been' jjiCluro, together with Mrs. 8to lenie'J from apprentl iruvtuorlliy jinnH ,oll( cro uJmlnlsterlng to her mirc that some of theme voMels are mo,clno preicrlbod by her physician, prepnrlni; to mlsuiie the American ns- enailim as n bnne for nl timt sup pile. Tlio 10 oiiftred leKiiiding iho matter but wlihoul leachlnu nn aKM'eiuuit The) deoldeil to loavvo tin .nailer up to President Wilson , HKKL1N, Dec. 10. Tho bombard-. ,""" ul '- '"" "" "" '"-"' Turkish utvumu n iviv uiiiut a&u ui: 'two exceptionally nign scores were It la rumorod that hoi , ... .,.,, trnm nni made In one game. Mr. Taylor, who stantlnople. No details Are given. HUGHES RENAMED I A nUTVTOYOUHXHWSPAPEKjand ran up 203. ! 4 Eei reader of The Herald , owes It to himself to give his newspaper n fair and careful U connected with the J. F. Magulre Co., cairled off tho honors with a score of 23G nnd Claude Maxwell was a close second with 232. Kleth Am broso was also playing In tho series i ON GAME BOARD! Oil (lie Hlrk 1,1-t. Mm, A. V, Tlnilnll In cmiilnnl lo lr bed by sickness. This posiponed lr TlniTnlPn depnrliiro this mnrnltiK ''r Han Prnnrliiro lo iillenil to busl 'imh mntturi. I" foinpleio Iiii'ic Coiiri'. t'lnmln Androwu Iiiih rntiinied (o l-o AiiRoles, whero tin will llulsli his f'Mirse In inw nt llm Unlorslly of Sntitliftrn Callfornln, Mr, Andrew Is 'i sun of Mrs. J. H. Wise. Warships Waiting for the Dresden l tilled Press Set (Ice , liril.NOa AVltl.'fl, Dee. IG --It Is in nod Unit ilioio iiro two llrltlsh wiirelilP I" Ui Strsill of MiiKOlli'tt, off Pituiii Arenas, w.ililfig for iho Ger man cruiser Diesileu Tin- Dromlen, wlilcli whs imill injuied In Inst weolts lllihtltiK off Iho Falkland Inlinds. Is at Pniitn Arenas. umliiKiunK tepiilrs. At Ashland tho Home Uteiuti Lung dry has put In a new ulonm press. Another ntloiiipt Is In ho inndn to I'lmrl Ihn unlversiil iiliilit-hnur law. ( Mini county Iiiih Tfiiiiroil tax rata, no debt and a Teutons Making a Big Galician Gain United Pioss Servlco VIISNNA, Dec If' Tlio olilclnl Andrew Kennedy will build a cnnl lnloinot my tho pu.sult oftho Uus- I'limtllnB plant at Nprth nend. jl 'jr I" i:"" ';' ' . , . nt., Tim AiistiliniB hiita iciu'hud tho jrliimtllnB Doniostle Rrlenco will In Intiulit fO til Astoria htih iihr,ol. Philn of Allentlinl, most cuntlniiouy, Fighting Is ul COMMISSION'S PEHSOXXEI, 18 .NOW AS IT WAS IX)I.I.OWl.VO Till: ORGANIZATION OK TIIK IIEPAHTMKNT , reading. That ts to say, he should be sure not to neglect tho advertise ments nil of which are planned for his special Information and beuotlt. If any part of tho uowspaper Is to bo slighted, skip over some thing other than tho advertising. Eery reader also has a duty to tho newspaper ltsolf. He should support and patronize BASKETBALL HERE THURSDAY IGH T i 8AI.KM, lec. Ifi J. Frank Hughes 4, of saleui has been appointed a mem Tho basketball season will bo ush- .eid in'hero Thursday night, when two games will bo plajed at tho Pavil- lion rink. Tho Klamath County High Jschool boys aud girls will participate In both contests. those merchants who tell their Tho principal game will be played helpful Btoro iiowh through the between the high.school aud an all- nihoitlscmcnts. 'alumni team, and It promises to bo Tho advertiser, while, of 'fast and furious. MeCluro, Boiler, ber of the stato game and fish com mission to succeed Floyd llllyou,-resigned, Hughes was a membor of tho board nnd resigned about a )ear ngo, with two other members, following dltll .'iillles of long duration with Commls 1 loner Kinney Reappointment of Hughes makes llm I'O'trd'ri membership tho same tu bufoio tho trouble with Kluuoy, which ritlmlnntod In the resignations White pine and yellow plue are the wods used for boxes, and each contilbutos more than a billion feet to the box industry anually. com so, iulertlslng for u busi ness lenson, none tho less docs a dUtlnct service to tho reader, and (Kscrves tho roador'a at tention nud patronage. And by gllng this support tho reader not only discharges n duty to hlntbolf aud to the advertiser, but also to Tho Horald, letter buy uomb spare lu Tho Horald. 11 y tu vuup ui tiio iutkiu w ueioro you suop in uie iiores; vi per rent of tho circulation of this Mer goea direct Into the homes. Hum, Meaner, Motselienbaclier, Van Riper aud Yaden aro among the fast grads, while tho high school team will start with Noel and Steigor as forwards, Everett or Craves as cen ter, and Page and Deals us guards. During tho gamo other high school candidates wll bo gleu a chauco to play and show their mettlo, Tho preliminary game will bo be tween the Blacks and Blues, two girls' toaius from tho high school. The high school girls have taken up bas ketball this jour lu real earnest, aud thero Is much good material there for teams. The Kama will start at 7:30. SETTLEMENT OF WARRANT SUITS NOW UNDER WAY WORDK.VS ELIMIXATIO.V MAKES IT EASIER General Opinion Is That the Greater Portion of the Warrnnta Will He PI1 in Full, a Certain Percentage of Them Iking Retired Each Year Until All of Them Are Paid Con. fet-eiifo on in Portland. New development in the Klamath county warrant cases Is expected in tho near future. D. V. Kuykendall of Kuykendall &, Ferguson, attorneys for K. X. Day, Is now lu Portland, where a meeting Is being held with Judge Webster, the county court's representative, and attorneys for the Wcyerhaeusers and other interested parties. Now that Judge Worden has been eliminated as county judge and Marlon Hanks will occupy this posi tion after January 1, it Is believed that an amicable settlement of tbe warrant trouble will be possible. Much speculation on tho outcome in heard, and the general opinion Is that tho greater portion of the war rants will be paid in full. It Is prob able that arrangements will be made to caro for a certain percentage of these old warrants each year until Klamath county Is finally out of debt. It is almost certain that certain that some of the warrants which, have been attacked will be permanently enjoined. Paris Gets a Bad Zeppelin Fright three defendants, Ernst, Slau Chandler, In the Merrill cow raaUJavt. case. Attorneys Drake and NbUmM are this afternoon Introducing taaM I mony tending to show that taa . cutlon of the three youa mem la tto 'result of a plot to get thea ot etf I the country. The motive they are es tablishing for this ta the feadacet Indian springs on Bryant Meaatirib: I by Sims. Tho trend ot the questtoalag cates that they are working to that R. M. Osbora la the lastlgatev ef the alleged plot, and that he aaa a number or tnreata aaa has to raise money to prosecute Mi clally. Sims a as examined tfala atenrJas regarding the cattle he butcaeretl la December. He stated that oa Deeatai ber 21 and 22, 1912, ha aad ChaaHer kllled three head, aad that they kBlea none the folio-ring day, aa the tadiet raent alleges. i .- "I eet-sB-i United Press Servicu PARIS, Dec. ID. -After midnight last ulght the lights of the city were suddouly extinguished, only small gas l!(htu tnnrlflnEr Rlroi't rnrnfr nnd n single lamp nt tho approaches of the I""""1 y 'o nnye uarriaea Seine bridge being-left Ulumlnated Tho rumor circulated Is tliut military men heard a Zeppelin raid was threatened Johnny Bull Sends Congratulations United Press Service LONDON, Dec. IB. England today sent congratulations to Servla. Tho report that Austria askod Russia for terms Is believed to Indicate that Aus tria feels that the time Is approach ing when soma settlement will be Imperative, To Entertain lawyers. Members ot tho Klamath County Bar havo been Invited to tho home of Judgo and Mm. Qoorgo Noland in Hot Springs addition Saturday night, where an. Informal smoker will he ikivau for the attorneys. Ho also told ot taking n .tae $ homestead oa Bryant saouatala, ef , fencing it In. and later "nin'rtlssT it to Chandler. Sims also that Osborn. haa proposed to he Chandler that they hatcher teen head of eattU IwImwIu i. nal Sylvia, aad divide the -raiT Later, he said. Osbora preaeaad that they klti a disputed cow, aad aMH later made the propoerUoa that lie. and Sims go In on the deal If Chaa-f dler did not hare the Benre'te. The testimony of iTaa Erast, alao a defendant, offered last atahL-waa- that he was trapping oa Bryaat aaoaa- tain at the time of the alleged taeft and butchery, and that be kaew aoth lng at all about It. Th.Is afternoon Mrs. Virginia Wood; ' testified that while she waa at the homo ot J. N. Johsson, the latter made the remark that he believed the Indictment would keep the defead ants out of the country, aad that hev would keep them out If It coat a taott- sand dollars. Fred Reed, who helped Johaaatsf drive the missing cow oat of the Hafw tery pasture about a month beferataa day It Is alleged to have beearkiadi said that the cow was ta verf poop condition, as R had nursed two o-tffw all summer. This was to prove tho cow's unfitness for beef. C. Crosby Garrison told tho jar that R. M. Osborn stopped him aad told him that the fencing of Iadtai Springs by Sims was a heavy Mow to all the cattlemen, and that Maw eoald be sent to the penitentiary. "Tho witness said Osborn told him a faad was to be raised to prosecute sTdaw and force him to leave the coaatry', and that J. N. Johnson would pat la a considerable sum, and that ho ask ed tho witness to contribute. In cross examinatioa Atieno aav that the money was being raised to prpsecute Sims because he was i MM Ine nnd butchering other people's sat tie. Tho witness held to tho mont that it was because ot tho hole. Edgar A. Johnson, whoso stead near Malln adjoins the Place, testified that when ho Osborn regarding his proposal to and Chandlor to butcher the dlepatod beof animal, Osborn told him that too cow belonged to him, and that, ho made the proposal to drawtho,oo " fendants out. Johnson also stated that ealae -! way homo from Merrill last Doaosaoar mini uiiuuuunce at imm DMnuukhM . . bearing, J. N. Johnsoa, the TUftiH '?, lng witness, stated that Kbo! Vy ' been for Osbora he vosMst'tkMkw'M'N gone Into tbe ease;ttir-tW'3p too much of Osbora' tirttmoar; MM tVl thla dlda't prove sslhsaf s var: fe' that It had cosrhlm tZ tmtt I case only just tted,. assi ' Vw , JA . TJa , -& V t 1 tf wished the whole Into the lake. 2 '-1 . wfiSt '& M I -Sry Jl"1- I , I . .y-ffygvfi vt -rrr-iis Iw.'oyyyi. C.1iy.g