uenfrro Herald PHI NTS Til K NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS 4fc KLAMATH FALL!' - j OFFICIAL NEWSPAPE ;. -.- ' J 5 LOVE CHANDLER ON Hit STAND FDR DEFENSE MItlh '" IMIMJAUM iihhoiiv. ViHIh 4 IcIlliiiMM nit't IVmr Tiili l-il,,' ',.itt,ilrr .Wi Vlii h) lli, llr luxe Iti lt"fiuilUl t'lnii'ini in. Mmti I') OtM'in Whlli Cinli'r Unlli I tiinllrr IMmu ik IUnIiiIihiI ll WllMII'NiM lij if. M.ltnrill Uip OinlulM, ri- l lh? I ! nirl wt thu Merrill rHl rKrttln ,0,n ilarnl .lit lh fnlnl Iha I) Hit' ilc(rllp, III III IwlltllMllt ' lird ihM ttt wiIIIm lio-liiaiktird in It3 and IS13 riv purbd mii iradnl Mr Itjr Iw ftttii lil llfiT ctandirr ! Mated i.mt nt din rfit HtHirt II l, OtbUfll. of iUie' ltiiii, had made nii in lil iii. and in I" nnit Will Mm. I" 1. .Icllrr ctnirll hcwil ill ntllt t I ntnt l Manual Hjltav. mat that wuiher ttw. Ontotrn prut'. t iid itirrr, lilnurlf, Chandler a in) Kim fcalrbrr a tnw bm gwfrlilj la dliimt Mrrn MIU and ' twin In lil -wrolnaltnn Oilmrn l dUt! niaklne thowi tlatrmrnt" Attorn C M Onlll rondurtl tbr ile' rtnu lamination. Il wlll ujn Chandler (or detail of a num txr ot tattlo Iradw, the date be tl tcrtaln faille, fie, -A I Ibe tlm of rolns lo jrr Chandler mill tin 'rt ff rflmlnllf)ti 11.1 raornlriK H. M Olior a rIM Jt tti lnl by Um ulnJ". Jli At aiKftl If In Jllllf. 1913, tin Itml not itAlml In ffrtnltt taril llmi Uw tlcfcmUllU bail frtlfinl Din llullAlt rlnc -n llrrnt MuunUln. ntnl itml Iho t-n DUKtil to tp fui: Ibnl tin b- HpTPtiJ ih itrffntlAnls iktc butcbar Ine oibor iMtjilo' rstulr, nt Itml Ibey roultl b tnt Id lb jiltntlirr Oitom ilrntMl thl I'ollowliiK Otbflrn, Manual Hylva. t Hlikljmi raillemon, who rctit-il ibi llnjnp rnnrh In IflS, ulstcil tbnt ( bom ilbl mVn Ibn ulnlcmrnt at 0 Urn' lioimo In Juno, 1 P 13, In tb irwnnro of Bylrla ami Ham Cnrrlr Hm Currier, who wa imatmnttor nl Tulo Ijiko lit 1913, anil vrbo rln Urt Din Unborn ranch, tatml alto iIiai Onborti tun He Hid ntniniU'iit r' eartlltitt th fiiidiin of tb ni'rltii:. (bat Dip iMtnutAnl ouslit to b nlll, "it 'urrlir aaya Onborn nlm nl(rtl him In rll Iti tbo rsovrrunipnt to Imvo tbo irln4 npt'iuM aw n public "alprlnu plnrt liilorMt In Hid wr conllnup un- bI'UIihI. niid (vry u In the court ' room In nilcil. ami tl all blockml t nil llmo. 1 II ... UdmoniU leave. In ..... morn- ik for Man Joo, whom bo will wnl Hr Mnicr. Ho H re.um In U.rc munll,. to commence roiutrurtlon of the nawmlli ,, r Olene, '" "nr"'u"- Again Carranza Says Using Force by Yankees Means Hostility United i'roas Soivlco WAHIUNOTON, I), tt. Dec II.--Ih'splto tho ordiTH from I'rusldent t.utlerieK for Ounoriil Miiyluionn lo ccuho llrliiK In iiuch n maiiuvr uu to Imperil Amorlcnnu at Nnco, AfUoun, (lenornl IIIIm Iiuh wired tho Htnto do burtinnut Unit Cornornl Nonli McAl lister of tho Ninth cuvulry was WOUIidiul Into Hnliirilnv iiflurilOOII. 'Iho wound wan not serious, In order to minimize tho chance or unnecessary casualties, General Hilt" moved tho mnln portion of his forces threo-'iuartori ot a mllo from tho bor der, Tho regular guard protection Is maintained nt Naoo. Miss Marion Cleveland at Her Debut in Princeton Ml MrlMti tlv(Unil, (fonil dur,btiT of ih ilrmJ iirrlilciil, bns Jun .,..( i.r iiimi ,u ,ir hoiii.i nl I'rlnc 'Ilii T!il nluilucraiili of lior xvn tak- -r CmwoJoi. Krnk M. llwiinc m ulur uf hr fatbur' wtale. inir Dili) iHr, lo ourU. Vmir .Srlulic Vuiir PhiuIIj nml Vmir ('ounlrj j, mmu (ni .....-. r c....u im uiin ni ili I.IIuiiij. Mm-' (hut tiili tin) It"! ,.... - .... HHIU llimr iiuiiiiiivniiuiini .v ,(rl(, s(on. ooltL-ii IIiiIh ht""- inntions will bo conducted by County 'School Superintendent Fred I'etentou , , , ,i.i,idi, p.iinm. at the Central nchonl, and tho follow- Th. annua ! m bj Uu ., J l MnMh)m: W ' wlnlw"D lft " '' r"f h r.,.1H,-.wrltiiiB l' There are ISO mill. ..u.l 790 lo m . - ... ,h,..- r.t.nB. l camp In the provinr employ..,,; nl- 3. Ill.tur. I lo.lolow. nt U0.000 rueu V.l.,.".ib.y Afiernoon IMiyslcal .;(iCOKrttpby. HendlnR. Composition. Is Riled. WAHIUNOTON. I). oc H HuforrliiK to thu UiroiU that Amor- in mm viiim will return any lire from Mexicans that Injures AmerlcaiiB, Car rimzn has Informed Htcninry ' State llrynn that any use ol (otco by Amur len at Nnco will bo ronsliloicd "an act of hostility," WASHINGTON, II. V., Doc, H- 'United Htnli'H Consul tlcnoral John ,11. Hllllman hna ylrr-d tho Blnto lo- piirimont iliat Omierul FuimteH ami four minor billrom won oxorutod by tho Vllllstiis In thu Sjmnlsli comctory in Mexico City Wednesday Clenernl Ftionlns' sou married a daughter of ex-Vresldont lluorlu KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1914 Wjt III iSrvl l,.r Kunnlln. bo U one of the ex- TEACHERS' EXAMS START WEDNESDAY wii.i. in: iii:i.i u.mii. satuhiuy .iti:h.mmx at tiii: ckxtuai, scihuh-suit. nrri:iiKo Tt) in: in ei.uuii: lUKlimlui? Weilnosilny, Klamnth county taacborH who are ncokluK blBlitr ulnli' cortlllcatos anil nppll- j rt rilf1ffilia wilt )ir nvnlillniwl VIIIII4 il UIUIHIIHB "i.t w- - ...... ..,,..,,,,, n.. , Mellmd In IteadliiK. Metlious in Arltbmotle. 'i iiiu-iln.v KoreniHin Arithmetic, HUtory of IMucallon, l'sycboloRy. Molhod In (leoRrnphy. 'I liiiixliiy' Afiernoon Orammar, CeoKrnphy, American Literature, I'b) Bleu, Motboda In I.iiukuubo, TIickIh for l'rlmary Certiorate, ! Kildly ronnoou Theory and Prnct.cH, OrtboKiapby, KiirIIhIi Liter ature, Chemistry. I'llilny Afiernoon School l.aw, (leoliiBy, AlRObrn, Civil Oovernment, Siitunlay I'orenooii (loometory, llotany. Snturday AfierniMUi Cleneral .llu toiy, HooKkuopluK. Hoileiihiiiuer-Siiillli At tho homo of tho bride's parents, on Canal Btreot, Sunday morning, Elder S. I). Harlan solemnized tho inarrlngo of Oeorgo nodenhamer and Mlsa Ogn Smith. Only tho Immediate relatives of tho contracting parties wero In attendance. Tho couple will rcsldo hero, where tho groom la an employe of tho Ewatina box factory. PHONECOMMtTTEE I MEETS TODAY AND; FORMULATES PLAN1 win, i.scoiti'eitATi: 'i hi: com. i'Av i'.miiji: stti: i..vs .llr ('oiifrM'inv Willi lti- litnuilloii S. Mill OIIUlilN, K Di.IiIimI Tlint ' Trli'ptM,iii Can Ho Imt.'ilbil In I'jh Ii liiniiliouM.' nl ut Mon 'I lino I'll-. Will (in dill fur Tciiliilhr Sub i rllM'm, A imi'cIIiik of the luo coniiiilltevn tippolmed by iUrrlll and Mt. I-aUf tiioplo lo consider the conntructJon of firmer telrphouo Huts wan held to day in tho b(idiuarter of tho recla mation Kcrvhv, ,'il Milled time a num ber of maiterM In connection with the proponwl llnej were koihi over. - At thin meeting It wai decldvd that (be com ii f InoialllnK a telephone. compli-te, In each houne will not be mnr 32. If that much After that, the maintenance of tbt lino and the puItchliiR fes will be the charge,. From the reclamation service, data Ma Keciired rccnrdlug tho distribu tion of the government pole through tho project. Hy checkini; up rtn thce it will bo possible later to make a moie accurate estimate of the cot of tho line. In a short time, afttr this data U flKured out, the committeemen will work in ascertain how many farmers wish to tako ad outage of tbo phone )item. An Incorporation will then be formed, with each telephone sub scriber a subscriber for one share of stock. Meotlncs will undoubtedly soon be held to submit these matters to the people Interested. J. FROST MAKES PRESENCE FELTICOLD WAVES HIT thkh.mo.mi:tkh takes a slide, I IH'HIXn THE week end kid- HI IN ARE E.YJOYIXO KIXe' SKATING Xl-ill nOME I The mercury slumped down con siderably over Snturday and Sunday, and those who left their work. Satur day night with n conviction that they ought to sell their overcoats, came back on- tho job today In n different framo of mind. Tbo minimum temperature Satur day night In Klamath Falls was IS above zero. Last ulght Jack Frost knockod tho thermometer down threo moro points. Whilo tho nights and mornings are cold, tho grcator part of tho day sees overcoats cast aside. The freeze has brought, good skating In the canalb and along tho shore ot Lnko Ewnunn. JONES' BILL TO SWAT JUNTAISTS SENATOR PROPOSES HEAVY FIXE AXD IMPRISOXMENT FOR MAK IXtl AXY REVOLUTIOXARY Alt RAXGE.MEXTH HERE Culled 1'res.a Sorvlce WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 14. Senator Jones of Washington Intro duced In tho sonato today a bill -proposing $50,000 fine or Imprisonment for ton years tor anyone making ar rangements In America for revolution In any country wherewith America Is poacoful, Tho bill U aimed at the Juntas ot various countries which appear to make the United State the place for perfecting tholr plans. Governor West Provides a Job for Miss Hobbs sBknim.. Tbo api.oiiiiuieut of MUs Kern Hobbs to succeed Commissioner Chan. I). Dabcock of tho State Industrial Accident Commission came as a sur prise to the people of tho state. H was generally believed that Mr. Dab cock would be re-appointed, as he has been doing yoerann duty In the organization and Inaugurating ot this lino of work. It appears, though, that "general belief" was sidly routed in this en gagement. I)y appointing Miss Hobbs, who wns his private secretary, and Iwho led tho attack upon Coppcrfleld by Colonel Lawgon and tivo militia men, Goernor "West, in the dying mo ments ot his administration, reward ed tbo young lady by giving her a po sition which will pay I3.C0O a year for threo years. EASUOME DIE TWO DIE AT IvAXSAS CITY SIX TEEN HELOW IX CHICAGO TIUS MORNING GREAT LAKES DIS TRICT SUFFERS J Culled Tress Service .CHICAGO, Dec. 14. A sold wave Is sweeping from tho Rocky Moun tains toward thu Alleghaneys. Two deaths aro reported at Kansas City. puiuth, Minn.; Huron, S.D.; Moore ho'id. Minn., and Miles City Mont., are tho coldoat points, according to 'thu report received by the weather bureau. Early this morning It was 1C de jgroes below zero here. Declare War on Spitting. An effort to Interest other women's rclubs In a cnmpntgn against spitting on tho sidewalks and In public places Is to bo mado by tho W. C. T. U., which recontly made an investigation. Tho commlttoe reported tho condition nt the entrances to many buildings along Main street as "revolting." Two Suits DNiuUscil, Dismissals wero made today In tho action ot Marlon Clement vs, North & Nowhart to forecloso a mechanic's Hen, and tho action of John Qootz vs. Long & Dervan on a farmhand Hen. Theso were mndo upon motion ot W. H. A. Ronner, nttornoy for the plain tiffs In tho actions. Merrill Trims Hitskethall Team. By n score of 33 to 27, the Merrill High School's basbetball team de feated Coach Motschenbacher's Klam ath County High School aspirants. Tho local lads say they were hamper ed on account ot the narrowness ot th floor on which the game at Merrill was played Saturday night. BRITISH BLOW UP TURKISH VESSEL; M.iri'iNa into H.wtnou at dah n.vi.i,i,i:s, IIHITISH HUHJU- iiim: tohpkdors ax MAN WAIlXIIIi' inlted 1 W Serrlco' ' IiU.nuu.v, uec. n, According ioi tho office of tho admiralty today the Urltlsh submarine Btl yesterday tor pedoed and sunk: tbo turklah cruiser Messudiyeh In tho Dardanelles. To sccomplisb tho feat tbo submarine ' iliVTcd under fiTe rows of mines, and 'escaped without Injury. . The ( admiralty statement follows:; ! ''December 13th submarine Ell en-i tcred the Dardanelles, despite tho dif-l ftcult ciin.nt, dived under flro rowsj ot mlues and torpedoed the SIesiiudl-.ate ych, which was guarding the mine lli Id. and returned tn safety. The . Jlovaidlyeh was last Keen sinking tr tbo stern." LUBKE AGAIN IN i . DIVORCE COURT WIFE, IX SUIT FTLT.D LATE SAT- UKD.YY ALLEGES SUE IS ItE- FCSED E"EX THE BREAD THAT SUE BAKED I Extreme cruelty, ejection from home, loss of her personal effects these are some ot the allegations made by Mrs. William Lubke In a di vorce action she filed In the circuit coUTf lato SaluFdoy afternoon. The r ........ ,.j , - ,. uuive3 were iubjticu la aepiemoer, after both had secured divorces from other partners, Mrs. Lubke being at',.-,,. whA th .nmiMM la mra. that time Mrs. Stankey. It is alleged in the complaint that; Lubke has ordered her from his house, and Is keeping her personal effects. Shn also say ho refused her tbo bread she had baked, and she asks for $500 alimony and $100 at- torney fees, besides $50 or the return ot her belongings. ; Sllverton has more buildings going up and taxes coming down. Write an Expo. Letter All Parts of Coast to Boost 1915 Fair Terrw SAN FRANCISCO. Doc. 14. Pres ident Charles C, Moore of the exposi tion board has Usued to tho people of the Pacific Coast a call to the colors of tho Panama-Pacific International exposition. For nine days moblllxa-Jcisco tlon has been in progress, and tomor row ieverul million neacoful soldiers will opeu flro on the citizenry of the world. Mayor James Rolph Jr. has enlist ed for tho time ot the war, and issued his first order today. Although thero will be every form of attack known to tho strategy ot war, and tho rango ot tiro will be thousands of miles greater than thei best gun of modem warfare, the - munition In overy instance will bo constructive Instead of destructive. It Is tho Pacific Coast's war on the ru mors of postponement of the 1915 ex position because of tho European war. Tho Pacific Coast army will extend from Coronado on the southv to Bel llngham, Wash., on the north, and will cover tho territory from tho ocean Inland several hundred miles. At the end of this bombardment It Is hoped that the rumor of postpone ment will be killed forever, and that there will he no opportunity for It to bo resurrected. Incidentally, It to hoped that the greatness and beauty of the exposition as It exists today i A Pftofy ? OHM AWES CLAWING 1 ADVANTAGE BOTH EAST AND WEST -Jtiiijiiij , ,,raPraure nawwo IN FLAXDEIW K(.M)fU From RumU Aw te a . feet That the Czar's FI(tiU t Has Checked Uic Qtrwmn on Warsaw, and Have Mas It .VecesMiry for tlie Trojan at tttmtn to lie Reformed. "k United i'russ Service j," pauiS, Dec. 14. The saort r- character of flghU-t of tlM Both Is raging In the extras weL FIwtj. Ing from Ypres through La BaaM.ts Armcntlcres Is In progreM. a atrczi Gorman orfcnslve meeting (ha aBlaa' ' attacks In a band to haad aaaaiurtar. The communique ladlcataa tkattk (French attack in tho Woerra ragtan lis forcing the OersaaM to .wtraat northward, on a diagonal Ua ba-1 it ween the Muese line of forts JMeti. United Press Service LOXDON, Dec. 14. It la e-aeefd wnnv nmmnllr tn ftalv'a SaliaBS aV reparation because ot aoeUia daaaaay strattona la Holdea, when thai BrW-fc consul was dragged froai tk ItaMaai, consulate. United Preaa Seme PETROGRAD, Dee, 15. I In the Lowlcx region have damaged the German atUekia -,. forcing them to reform kefere er general attack can be i --- - - ,. . reDorted that the fllliaia H !checkca alone the entire tkfetr all Lrtin - The Russians who checked tk Oeav man advance In Northers Petaad are 'pursuing Francois' araty, wklek la retreating toward the Eaat Prefeta frontier. ,Hero for the Winter. Mrs. Charles DeWttt ot Clevel-? Ohio, a cousin ot Mr. O. A. Steana. is here to apend the winter aa tk iguest of Mrs.-Steanu. will be Impressed on the world wKk renewed vigor. President Moore baa called oa r- ' cry man, woman and child to 4 a part, and the Idea already kaa reaesT- , cd tho approval ot scorea ot Baa Irak- - organization which haveT4- unteered hearty support. Among tho first ot these to tak tho cause are the Merekaate ' Manufacturers Association, tk Ckaak-v ber ot Commerce, tk CoMfial; Club, the California Develapainait. Board, the Commonwealth CUk, tk Tourist AssoctaUoa of CBtMtpatt fornla, the San Franeiaco H4!,j. reau and the Northern Callforala Wa. f tel Association. Tho proposal haa come from tke , .. na th . hnmlntma llMtruct0n. that on DCM-br Uh cry letter leaving his oSe fcear postscript telling that tb war kaa at harmed the exposition, aad taat.M will onen as scheduled, oa Tskf art 20, 1915, complet la vmt'WfkAj$8k Thn KnoTila nt Jm-mt at ,'- V3,g Francisco, Lo Aafala uA9imf: mento notifled th ubsHIm iWfcSasV, '' ' tor the proclsBsattoB a iVmHttttlfS, Moore that the school cklldrea af t v '' -: respective cities will wni letters tomorrow. .& In tke three cltSea tafaW 0m -l T 150,000 pupils, aad R the example ol Ua tafa atWl af ' be followed ky ry elar! ttosW PacHc Coaat 4at.-Ai ' - ct z '. -,"-' ' ''fcS, W ! -l f .rM mi !' 3 '! H -I.M-.HV-3t-U s Ta i-wgarrv &$ n y