Hl PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NICWS h rfr 5 -.'. Xlitlli Vmr ,i 'J,ftl7 untti0 Mvmlb KLAMATH FAIXT OFFICIAL NEWtFAFKB :i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1914 RUSSIANS CLAIM SPENCER GERMAN A CREEK TO CLOSE SOON CAMPAIGN FAILS H intMMi MOVEMENTS ARE KAID TO MR THWARTED Allriupt "' AiiD'eniimi I Heat, llu luill I. Inn In Id.' .ltfti ImiiIuhhI t'f Crnrim Alwi u IIimiiim f. . Alumtlng )l I III DL(llir h-it i rutin l'rrtiaTil ,iuiiii ( Ulni Mie l MaMitK Album r. I Mi n wami: romiis. i iii'oivh i't i'i.it;.ui(i or M'im i: in hiu e hritiUM rou IHH HIIIIV ITItl'iiNKh Principal Square of Belgrade, Taken After Four Months' Siege t'ulicl Pun wle. petiiooiiad, I'w is.- ii i jhluitvl ltSr Out Ih? Herman mm (!iti In I'nUiiil has failed In H ptln illl tcnutttt, Vn l(liuliiitwr" .n ii f attacking the ltulan from tbj VMutn lOHnnt Onllrlo a, fru. irated by t lluUii ntl.r tlrln It) ut Lowfrt. ll l ik-cUt-U thai the HtiUn tutrr fully i rUltwl Ilia allnitipl tu turn Dilk Nkhtila right lirnr ltxlri and the i tttm? KumUii loft Aiirtiii'U nl the Autru-(icimu tenth f Cracow In bf?k the Itulatt Ur frmlirtl in a romi'lei" tuui, with ihoutandt of tlil left nit the lUld. fttxarttlttc tu "The Array Memetierr." ' tho Af department orxttll, A a pri'llmliinry tup In din cloe. me of HpontU Cri,k in trout D.IiIiik. in tudrr lo gu Ui Wm riftilu m tin,' mm haulier?, ihr Kim.. t'uU ami iUm loinmlt.lou today mniwoncrd llm pttbtlejilleii u( a public millm ( Urn (loln nf ln iltmin Jauuar) 10 Uler Ibai ilatt.. It w Im- uiiIkw fl tit Dili In Hpnircr I'rrck from iOO (tl abme ilit nN rack in tin. ron fliici,r. witti ,,. Klamath HIut FUli 'Hik In id.- Klamath Itivnr within :ua frcl of Hi.- rniitliicurfl uf Hirnrnr 'J"f.l, wiilirf atiule or ludow i nUa (Mihlliltnt .1 fcfej' wJ?;t IWJ, vWrt5Vi3 K' "-- f rt. i XI ld BONANZAITES 10 GIVE TESTIMONY m r.ii.i.in h witmsi:s iiki'oiii; im. niirriT iiit'icr.1 01111:11 m:h mti i'iiom1 1 im: cumin uiw ihsthkt ' "nrf. t r . - -- 'ri: r . M ."T,T 1-. IT" ii.a ..! J . cnrs. r (- - . . - -" "-S "B ' s: :y . 'hRi TL .: iJHkis svi ;. r L va- -r 'vrcszs .rmWm . f''.Z ? -ST ISWfffEfe BBF iBBhK B ' BUCK ISLE PLAT FILED JAN. 18TH tXI OI'FICK ISHVhJi .VOT1CK THAT AFTKK THAT IMTK EX TIIII2J OX CPl'KK iaKE ISLAM) CAX HE FILED FRENCH CAPITAL MOVES TO PARIS FROM BORDEAUX GEKMAX TROOPS KVACVAVB WEST V8KR ' According to a notice Juit iuued h- the land odlce at Lakerlcw, the plat of liuck Island, In Upper Klam nih Lake, will bo filed at 9 o'clock on January 18th. Applications for entry tvil! lie received after that date. Tin? Inland, which contains a con siderable acreage, was left unsurvey lfd In till Bovernmpnt surrer u-nrtc through here a fevr decades ago. Pete Hamilton settled on the island sev- era) years ago waltln for a unrrjtllUeiI ,.reM Serrlc. 10 ue rnaue, ana ne nas m roe raontns "in which to Mo to maintain his pref erence right. Artillery Duelllag Aloiig the Liae ta Cainpalipi Berlla Kiiixer About ReM4f to Hie ItottlefroBt Bnwil Try Oet FontltoM Xer Yfwea. ThU U u cuii III llvlKrtide, capital uf .S'rvlu. which tin just been tuj.cn by the Aumrlans after a siege of four muiittu llolerititi' Is Jum. acrotk the Danube Itiver from Austria, and It nas believed the city would fall In n fe lUyn uftor (Im Auntrlaiu had begun their attack. In fact, the Servians themselves believed It, for they mutrd their capital out In the flrnt two weeks of the war However, the Austrtans fought for more than four tnunthi beffire they succeeded In occupying the place. I.'nlt 1'iom Krtlr VIKNNA. I)e. IS H I nn mmnrrd ilmt the Aulrlii Uiv Im jirlMtiird lo.dho KumIimu In Wntorii (Ulltl In HrrvU, th Atutrlaiu etin. Hriip ibolr lmne uth uf liel srnilf COTTON GOWNS REPLACE SILK AI.IAMItlCAN I'ltOIH'inS AIIC Wtllt.V HV THE WOME.N AT. u:dmh mo wM-nrrv i r.x riO.NK IX XATIOX'H CAI'ITAI. Inlltil 4'fP rWrvIc WAHHINIITON, I), C., Dec. IS. Tor ilio Msrtiud limp In the luime wuvk lle rtiiton ball will bo lidd in Vnh liiKUm KmUht KoIIowIiik the big "ffalr at tin Wlllard tlio other nlr.lit, the Boutheril Horty lonlgtll will KlVe big (Unci III ihd I'nifAinprlcan I'Ulldlng. It l mill that the eoitunii- which, iiU entirely ftit cotton, will tn lv IiikI) fiuteupd up by ndmtrlui: iiiitdK Jmt before ill line r. Hits evening, nrc n beautiful Hint silk mnl untln nuiy ' I'ermnnenMy, relegated to the rear wlnii nun eliyites am belliK rnnslil' cred. (Ilrittlit M-lnl hrrihr) I IIANANZA. tV II -On amount, ill circuit rourt rtiuvenliig at Klamath Call 'iiilln a number from tbl i vlrlnlty will ro wltni4i In differ-' rut ratr. , Dr J A :iiatln Is reported tu be luiprtivtiti;. Hp has be"n vory low, alid Ills children hale been called lo til lirilside The JiHiliG fidk are kliarprlilliK Up tlii-lr ki(tri Mr Duncan of l-nnitcll Valley la irliiinily III. Dr Johnson I In at tendance Mr, and .Mr Devnul from flood low mminmln. rr vltltors In town 'rfceutly Jmt llellliigi'r'it sain wb well at tended last ftitttrda)', (llin Hurt, was given a surprise pally lam i'riday ewnlng A large ctowd was present, MlM Artie XlclmU, linxlng Just tin ll.d her (uill(s at the Monmouth Xotmal scliuiil. has accepted ft posi tion at Newport, where nhe Hwk ' rKe of the I'liurih grade, TENPIN MEN ARE AFTER PRIZES lltnrk l Hie FnlU. UjuIs llonglnnd returned home last , night niter About three month's stay In San Francisco and other Callfor- nlit titles. "(Jlvo me the Falls every (time." 2) a l-nula. IHCHOT TEN HAMi: AVEIIAHE KOIt Till: El'llllEXT MOXTII AltE TO HE AWAItDED SI'LEX- .Argraves, DID I'ltl.RS llUtrlei 'Mnnager Hew.' Martha lllazo Wrenn, Southern Or opon mnnngcr for the Vlavl company if Snti Prntipliirn l hiri. In fhn rnm. jptuiy's Interests, and Is located at the1 ")' TRY THIS ON YOUR PfANNER KAXSAS .MAX FIXDS "HOX" .V COXVEXJEXT I'LACE FOIt STOH 1XG THE Wfn: GOODS TILT THE LAW KOniHDS Tit VUlt III Ktiiiw. I'rlurlpnl W E. KaurIk of the high aclinnl loft lliii mnrnlng for I'leasan ton. K.uu., to sud Chrlstmns with InlntlW' lie will lstt high schools In several rllti-s before returning EiiliiK to "Houni.tT-Vllle.' ..'-- Mr. nml .Mm. Waller Eggvrlli, who Aimy for Xiiim, ul.i (ho summer on the ranch of the Attorney Hollo 0, Urocshock leave hitler's piircnm, Mr. and Mis. Fnlrclo In llin inoriiliiK for llin former home'nt Ml. I.nkl, env In the morning for 'inr New Orlenmv ''" "' ttl" l,"'1ll,,0l. iei"ln nl" l'rlnK. mmiiii ciiruiinii. ..in. i.i. rninmii iin .Mr Eeiterth was formerly with the '"iniinn ni iMlll --- "' Intends to return nbotit Now Years. Western Union here. In Front ilie Valley. John Jansiten, n progressive ICIam 'ut Ii county farmer, was In today from A content that Is attracting more i,s ranfu n Antelope Valley on a than usual Interest Is now In full lousiness trip, swing at tho I'alm howling alleys In llllf Oillt pollllWS' tltltllllO. I f, l.taW nt V.i.nn.lin rnnal nnrl. The management Is offering thrceU hipped 17.000.000 feet of lumber"'0 cTn., ot "h,eh had bcen 8US nltrartUe special prises for thoMijto San Francisco, making the three highest averages j tenpins during JUNCTION CITV. Kan., Dee. 12. That a piano can yield up other things than music was discovered by Chief 'of I'ollco 1'ohso in a raid on a house, at tenpins during tho month ending i January S, out of nuy ten games played, VTie first prise Is n hand.'fjtno highly pnllsheil lignum vltan ball, i known us "Expert." Tho socond prlw U a $r briar pipe nml tho third la a sterling silver cigarette easu. Already nearly u hundred local business ami professional men have entered the contest. They are per mitted to piny as mnuy games as they desire, and can Belecl any ten of these from which to make their aver age. In addition merchandise prizes are to bo given on nil Individual high scores In any of the bowling games. A howling tournament Is announc ed for the latter part of the month. Already the tennis that tiro to com pete are being delected. There will be four or live teams entered. Captain Who Was in Charge of the Battleship Michigan Xmas Truce Fails One Power Dissents, So Pope's Proposal Loses Unltwl I'ros Service HOME, Dec, 18. The Vatican to- Christmas Is recog- tlio pope's pioposnl of ii Ii, nn. nu deiioinl Joffre . i .. . ,1... .........tii.til.... In elilnf lf ly unnouiicud tho fiilluro of I'ui'o,,,, ' ,,,,., Tllo 0M,iiy of tho 1IAI.1..1I..I. M .. .. . .... ..!.. .".' iu u on on n 10 imvu mo wiiriwh niitlom urns, ii ut Ion declare a truce over Christ It Is Htatea that nil hut ou uupported tho plan. I'nltod I'reis Hsrvlco LONDON, Dec. 18, England lift " Krancri tho declslou In rrd lo n IIUm, The possibility adopting of the plan depenus upon llio military nltuntlun at that time. II Is lepoitml thai the HussUns luivo rejocteil llin offer. Tho Husslan ChilHtmnu Is In Jiumnry. ThU rejec tion will not Immediately nttoct tho prpipocts of a cessation on the west ern front. Hide n (JoimI Hum, John Ansel, Mnti Sharp and Mike Tnlnr returned last night after a three days hunt In tho Lost Illvor country, lo.uled down with ducks and geose. Elder (ielx DUiiiIhkjiI. Attorney Albert E, Elder this morn lug received notice from the land of fice or the dtsmlssiil of tho contest started by A. Ayn, u La Pine banker, against (lieu Howard for n homestead near l.n I'lne. Mr. Elder conducted Howard's case at the hearings In llelld, The Itulntn mouutnins of Utah, In cluded within (lie Wasatch. Uuliitn, and Ashley national forests, should become n fnvorlto recreation region, because ut the many nmnll lakes within depressions scooped out by glacial drifts. Seventy such lakes call be counteu irom iienrs peiiK, nuu one paitlculnr township, 30 miles tujiinro, ronntliiH moro than n hundred, Helix plant, U assured an olectrlo light BBss:iiKB --tnVssVAl Bssx .V peeled of selling liquor. ' A careful search revealed no ln criminating evidence, and tho officers were about ready to believe they had bcen working on a false trail, w hen Chief Peeso accidentally struck several of tho plauo keys. Thcro was no response iu the way of sound, so he lifted tho ltd and found that the original contents of the Instrument had been removed and replaced by bottled goodv. Seventeen bottles of whiskey and n half barrel of bottled beer were found In the piano. MT. LAKI PLANS FORJOLIOAYS Sl'XDAY SCHOOL WILL HEXDEK PARIS, Dec. 12. Wit i tlon of the war office, all i i of the government are here. War Minister MlUers4 not want to mov back for fear of 4U 'niptlng the departmeat work, i The communique aaya: "Oa lb tenth the enemy completed Um WW luatlon of the west bask o tk aar canal, north of the ferryasaa'a fca. jToday, they are maklms deafarato af I forts to regain a footkaM am Yser south of Yprea. Botk arasaaa aro reinforcing there, aad tk ffjht XMAS 1'HOGKAM, AXDAID SO-WiR Is desperate. C1ETV VEAK8 I'UEPARES FOK .VEtVt "Artillery dueU coattasa te tk re gion of Arras, Freaek arttHaT i the AUne silenced (batteries." I The conimunlaue ' lery Are continues tkreagk tk 1 'hills. The regloa ketwa land Xlnaalla la al ' ' .. ,, . n S: -i- United Fresa Benrlce v - -p.p r,t.rf t. rv-. an . - - - ,kr ubnuiii, wt. .-' tr- akwaa LECTURE INSTEAD iL OF USUI SERMON I'ASTOIt HAHLAX I1EIXU THOU IILED WITH SORE THROAT, DR. WHEELER WILL DELIVER LEO- TURE OX HEALTH TOPICS "Tho Uuttlo for Health or Hygiene and Autl-Tuberculosls," will be the (8iibjoct of a lecture at tho Christian , church tomorrow night, to be given ,by Dr. V. V. Wheeler. This will take tho place of the evening sermon, as Elder Harlan Is unable to speak, owing to a sovero sore throat. In this lecture, tho White Plague Irrusades, tholr results, statistics re- ship Michigan when it was grounded f" bg diseases, and hygienic work off Capo Henry on the Virginia const " scllools. Playerounds, work Thanksgiving day. He was reeling Bll0',8i u,c" wl b8 ouc, upon. his way Into the harbor betwoon tho Captain Albert P. Nlblack chargo of tho Uultod States was In battle- Capes Henry and Charles, and us a thick fog had settled down ho con cluded not to trylo make tho treach erous entrance to Choiapeake. Ho anchored some ten mtloa out nt sea. In tho morning When tho tide went out he found the stern of tho vessol, supposed to be In thirty feet of water, was retting on the bottom, Here on RiiKtness, Mr, aud Mrs. Hiram If. Roberts, who have n ranch In Poe Valley, were Saturday visitors In the county seat. Here for n Few. Day m. E. J, Murray, who la spending the winter months in San Francisco, U la town for a few days on bualaeaa. (Herald Special Service) MT, ALK.I, Dec. 12. The Ladles Aid met at the chnrcb Wednesday at , a special meeting, to finish some extra f work, 'lha socletv Is maklnr nlans for the annual New Years gathering. The picnic dinner win be followed by 5 personal physician toasts, music and an Interesting Dro-!' convalescing, aad wM k gram. j return to the froat la a weak, ar.t ,. . Tdaya. A V OUUUttl KUUUI VI uio Oil A4a.l I . , , , .V-. .W. ' i i t t t n. t il ts iuimjiacu ncro usi ftav . .uu.w. p.uK ,u v-nruiimaa pro- p,, flMt m4a UMWellM u. gram, rho usual tree and Santa iUck at DardaB.M , Clans will bo present, with a cantata by the young folks and children i John Koonti is building new porches. Mr. Alexander of the Falls Is helping with the work. - Miss Mary McComb U spending the ' week end with Mr. and Mrs. John McComb. Considerable interest was shown at the meeting of tho men of MtT Lakl and Spring Lake districts to talk and consider the advisability of a tele- phono line for the community. A, committee was appointed to confer with the committees of other com munities and to look into tho matter of expense, etc. 1NSAKER BOYS OUT WAKEFIELD HKATIXO RISK XOW UV OXE MAX CMUMMS K -, . IX THE HOURS RE OPEN . t f? Engineer Returns. Isaac S. Voorheea, for several years assistant project engineer for the rec lamation service here, has returned from tho Umatilla project, where he had charge of tho construction of tho Three Mile Falls diversion dam. which diverts water for the irrigation of 10,000 acres In the first unit of the West Extension. This structure mis built In n little moro than four months, being a record for construc tion. . Orcendale, Lake County, is orga nizing u co-opera tho well-drillers association. Today a deal waa cleaed la Ed Wakefield dtepoaed ( kit esi iu iuu rainuua naa " t saker, his partner la tk Taatar. Wka, I will continue the blaa. , Beginning Monday, tk riak.wttt k , open Monday, Wednesday, yildai at Saturday nights, aad Tkatviajr. Ikt urday and Suaday afteraaa. I-"J day night's session U far ataa r,' '' 3 i - , Of two million akea aaaaally ed in the state of Utak, million are on the wklek-antoC; it Ws or, Including lambs. tenlng tor market oa tk ranges, over a mlllloa sad tera. J ''JtH. T i A-. i' !r J 1. "V?' l. .&i .'-J, T' State's Case Rested , --" -- ', ry,Tj :? i T.a? r o .. in ii. r .... J fl..-.'iA5.5.a?. 3 lestiraony ror iras-uwMier-rBJi xmmmmi Following a little testimony this morulug to show that the missing cow In the Sims-Chandler-Ernst case waa commonly known as the property of J, N, Johnson, the state rested Its case, lu which It Is attempting to provo that the defendants killed thU cow lu 1913 and aold her for beef, The defense placed Love Chandler, one of tho defendants, oa the ataad, v r.. 1 ". " LJ H.LD V . i, (iVfli;"a4 (. . K yW-fifC). and then aunbune tkst It Watts ajtej recall R. N. Otkonw. ;'!- -r'.t'L: ' state's principal witasaaa,'asff 'Mat ' -' '.' tner crow exasMatla, kf no so until oa c rlvcd trow CaUfetata'taatflk, -,i - '? The aUte nfciaatad it,ti mm lng wlththelifiasa aattt m exaatl&atloa M eaasasstji. a W$o case waa a4goirtie4 uJUMIV. far-nkaUr.-m aaMastariaL .f i- -. - '.. - 1i v-l ,1 i . i' j (ii 'TxJV! I sM "Sb , ' f? tt-Qii " - . T -J . 'J J, . &$$j K, jl . V "?" A. ,,., - n .J-,v rty" r-''''"ii'r&"i?'1hZ".i