rmiuv, iii:ci;miiku u, ,, votm We Want You to Visit Our Tie Department THE KVKNINO HKRALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HERE you will find thousands of patterns from which to make a selection. We have hundreds and hundreds of the most beautiful Ties you ever saw. We are making a strong spctfalty of our fifty cent line of Ties all styles and patterns. 1GS i P .Sf JmfiL law Hi COMBINATION CHRISTMAS BOXES The beautiful Combaiation Christmas Boxes we are showing would make a valuable gift for any man. Tes, Hose, Garters, Belts, Handkerchiefs, etc., put up in tasty combination sets. A visit to our Men's Department will solve many of your Christmas problems. We Give af Green Trading Stamps XJ i.. ' ' sc - yv.;. i, jr v,. . . , L , , ..S 1 ' ' .. 1 We Give Green Trading Stamp 1 Bl a in Southern Oregon Booth ber of Commerce building. Alt manor subscribed to talc care of Klamath county Interest at the l'anama-1'a-clflc International Exposition mutt tic subscribed through tbU bureau, and atl exhibit from all ran of Klamath county to be considered In the Klam ath county dtsplay. mutt go by the way of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce, t 'ttcorgo C. Rlower, secretary of, the i Chamber of Commerce, ha been ap- Accordlng to the plan Anally de cided upon by the Southern Oregon Panasaa-PadBe International Kxpol tioa Association, the counties of Kusaatb, Josephine. Jackson and Douglaa will have a composite dl play, known the Southern Or.'oa exBibit- It (U decided that th' would b a more effective war of bringing out the individual county th-in It would tw to hare each county exhibit grouped off by itself. The sanies of the four counties will be Terr prominently displayed. The produe on exhibition will be very carefully labeled on mall cards giv Ibj; the name and address of the grower. It will be ap to the Individual rep rMtaUves at the booth .to point out the produce ot his county and takelnlctl b" " World. Fair commit r nf ht. rouniT'. in ..,-,(. " of Klamath county to reprrent ..... , . ... the county's Interval at the fair, and The booth of the association will Jtf ( of m of be looted In the Oregon bnlldlug. - , h M0 fanJ wd ,, ,,,,. with an ahle on each side and each',,,,- . ..,. j . . .. ... t - . . l,nK '" " Prouuec. end. The booth will be 0 fet lon, , llA fAff vl.l nnH t f hl. k W A1.V .t MMW IIVI MlfeM, wall running down the center of the 'boolh win allow 1,200 fet of wall tpaw . Each of the counties In the mo 'elation, with the exception of K!am( atb county, has arrangements com pleted to take care of the expense of their exhibit. In order to look after CALLS SUBMARINE A MINOR WEAPON the Interests of Klamath county It will be neceary to ralc a fond of not less than $1,500. To raise this amount of money, thn World's Pair Dnreau of Klamath county has been opened at the Cham- iAIr.MIUAI. KLKTCHKIt KAYS TIIK Ot'KltATlO.NS OK L'M'r'lt-WA-TKIl CILtPT THIS YUAK ILt.H NOT IIKK.V ItKXHHIVK DON'T FORGET Express Rates have been reduced. A Receipt is issued for every shipment. Chests are used for conveying packages. No Extra Charge for valuation to $50. Signature secured for shipments de livered. Claims, just, are promptly adjusted. J. J. PARKER, Agt. WELLS-FARGO & CO. EXPRESS i j United Tres Servlcu I WASHINGTON. D C. 0c 11 Admlral Fletcher appeared beforn the hous6 naval committee-, and informed that nuruil hnilr thnt ihA war In V.it. 'rope hasn't shown submarines to be a decisive weapon. Among other 'thine the admiral said: ' "A skillful enemy need not glre the submarine any opportunity to do dls ,atroiu work," lie declared that the 'battleship were still the deciding foe 'tor of the war." The Suwct Tide.' the tttth epl Utule of lb? lTrey o' Heart," will t tbo malu attraction sf tb Orpbeu tonight. Tl erlal ha provd by .far tho molt Interesting ;vt exhibited In (1)1 rliy, and it toltowvns are weekly Increasing In number The Dear Hunter," a laugh producer and -hove' Itefraln," feturlng "Little Mary" l'tckfurd and King Daggett, complete the bill r'or Sunday and Monday tho Or pheu management ha rured what U without doubt one of the greaU-ft film production jtn ethlbltrd In Klamath KalN. 'The 8ldUra of For luce." one of the moat widely read work of Action lodr and It ha lint none of 1U Interest in the movie por trayal Duitln Karnum, America's favorite actor, U teen as itobcrt Ctuy. the young American mining engineer wtiow aetlvltle In a mll Houtl) .American republic, lead m a revolu tion and niimcroun exciting adten ture. For next Thursday, December tlh. the Ohpheu ha secured the greatest hlitorlcat picture m.r fllraed, 'In dian War lle-fttught by the L'nlted State Arm;' 1 the name of this at traction, which shovk "lluffalo illll" (and General Mile. l fl. A , In th.lr original ruten, Th' l.'ullcl Htate army co-opcraicd with (he producer lln (he making of tbl picture, and ev ery event U guarantor to be abw- Iluicly authentic. Owing to the Immense demand for thl tyiMuctlfltt onlj" one day' btwk lug "Uld be neeureU A ittUue 1U be gitrn U(( thl dA) One uf Ibe bel ild-wrk pru gram ever ottered at the 8ur I the three rrl prtUurtlon f Tti I'lum Tree," the Ijidi Wtirld prUo rUI turj llh i'r4U X tluthruan. the prltrt nuivlo 4ctor. In the tending rule. The picture dealt with the btlghllne of the hero' career by one who ought the hand of ihe brrulne, and cverod her father by fe of murt gage due. Aft.r making a rmtrk bout ud- tlcnly becoming rich, the tmft Uitvc liU lwaed ol their Ifjretluc pUre. hf plum tree, and Kj. t4pJ4edy help look for a fortune, but In frilly to get into a trap that rauc htm to be ent to the penttrntUry f.r train robbery While be I in prlton the heroine marries (he man of her fath er' choice, believing the hro guilty on account of hi remark regarding tho Mune), but hi memry U kept grren within her by dally lil t the plum tree. Following hi release, ihe hrfti, In hi wandering, rrhn the ro(, where he IUmbe Into a plot, ftMter ed by the man whu ni him to prim to nurprlie a Mlran garrUon and lake the town. ThU thehrn pre vent by escaping from the teel and warning the troop, h, In torn, ur prltn and defeat Ihe rebel In the rourte of a hand-to-hand fight btfn the lerj and hl pro- cutor the tatter I ut4nd), and be 'fre hi detlt WVe ronft .atil!). Ab sotting the hem of any umptltiy In Ihe train rubbery ArttuM w(h tbl the b.ru ha it" trmible In rarrylng 'the hett A( Ihe Ud)r of III rhotfe t1 ton Tbcfe afe WtttH eixttlng orllwti picture In tM, especially the 'AgMIng In tbe wei tMt wuntry Mary I'jckford, America. Ht' jbeirt, will be e al Jbe rttar theater UatuttU and rumd, in ln)e rij man" prxturilrn. "Caprke, Tbl I P)ttUt nn vt the bt aiirinit that iht titar b reeied from tbe Famttu i'U)cr. Manager ll.iutn. .hd ha hid Ibw pr-iure of rjle Ing' Caprtr?" at private eblbttlen tar "U ) n Ametiran try, mad In Amerla4 pld by AmrlrAti . ir It I a grant piodutltan Me jur 'Made In AWerlra" picture In the future "Why doe a chicken rrvw Ihe ,tret? tfwtig "Mr H.fy Others tc(ue ihe picking U bt ter. The mifcni cblcken known I the (tne who ptrket the band fnim an alarm clock. it tin Id lte hand and fe r.d pUr.tr nf lime in lay around Hj u fur flock and thing in Ute time line Wntrbe from "one wheP to "Uty bucks." Al Uclfattan' Milrt wwile In liur ueire al KiK.K, Mitre. ht thr inpe. I.tOt Ve Light fit ( iurt, The a ;o , lat4a Mtm, nllej Urnp ne tp f-:rd t iv Mtlh-.)Ut rht i , , f ix, Chandelier t,4 u. u l U)f onnurlne t ifce it, (tft. gajb'n Tbo lawiM i. talH t (tlt4nl 1W .! gire nfi and ptea.ani tuhi tit We laid leu ! "H..ti- Tr;e," rir ihtrr umitU u U Ut Dm. J Th ukaru fuifuj nst flttii nCet it a llc ike ttlttiif of Cfly rfr. nt IU pls, U town. Uth (a fin fUtt U eulfl fur nn feri I . Mlg tini nf a i it o la fe Clt ttrleCI li Tilt: IIOMIO.V.S'ICRE It'll Noil Jo.- o lli. Hfittd tktilng. ii Hk I. V (tillru4r. If II' ,nrtng. ! The tlMl l-adir lVn fft aj try tury Tho i'lum Trr." hi t Kite, mr ibftr loaiittt cely Theater Guide A five reel tonight only. program. Star theater. Lo Cabin Cuke Frosting BoO 9 nips of Towlc's jag Cabin Syrup until It strings, Theniur the boiling syrup ifito the stliUy beaUn whites two eggt, and beat contln Mallr with a lilrer fr.A ,.,.111 tbe right Uilckne. to )iread veiweeu tuc ia)uj-J ana on top of Ue cake. rx t. uonz miss these maple treats Everybody, loves the de licious muplc flavor of Lou wuuiiio,rui. T-Tvcuwunine breakfast pancakes or biscuits, witn tne Juiich dessert umj it to liuvor the dinner pudding or caKe. TOWLE'S LOG CABIN . CANE AND MAPLE SYRUP Mats Awn., '5tef " Horn. tdt4 It is a delightful blend of choice suifar cane and num maple syrup. Improved in flavor and in "body." Sold at your grocer's in full meas ure log-cabin-shaped cans. Th Towle Maple rroauctm tv. Mai M sfniiartsCTt raeplC atstaWChlaswafj tmmmmamm 'ileii, IJleti: i -:er bear about killing two birds' 'with one stoneT Sure; everybody (know that. Hut did you know It I Iio-ihIMg to kill thrcu? What? Yen! you can, urt thine. Here Is how Ulrt One Vou loto your wife, and i of all tbe gifts you'buy you want Iter's j la be one that shows how you apprc- f elate her and ber help In making your ' life worth while, ' lllrd Two If poislblo you want j that proem to make thine earhr) for her by making houie work n light o possible. ".Ird Three: (Here Is where you come In) Vou want her to enjoy' Kod health, and you want to live In a j houxft that you can breathe pure air. Now don't you think that a Chrlnt- 'mas L'Kt that can do all that and 'more will touch the right spot In her heart? If you have any doubt Just drop a bint that you were thinking labout getting her a vacuum sweoper )fcr Christmas, and ice if she doii't not only give you a fine plum pudding tfor Christmas dinner, but will have time to do It often, and you won't jliavo to beat rugs and carpets whun sho cleans house. Just drop Into "The Home of Benst-j hie Christmas Olfts," and have there J eei one asiae ror you, uon't wait; do lit now, ) How much? Just f 10 and flfi, I WILLIS-JOIINHTONK CO, At McHattan's Wt tarry a complete stock of tho "Hhcraton" pattern In Com munity silver Also tt, Vintage In "14 17" Itogers. and a plain pattern hIHi fronted Imndle. The "Hhelburna" pattern In a luadruplo plute, ruodo by th tJorham MfR. Co It's beautiful, and the same prktt na the othurs. A fine new line of hollow. ware for the table In quadruple sliver, Tho maker's name is on It bot tom. ' 1 have a complete stock of Hur ling Silver Tablo Waro In lliu nuw nd graceful "Ktruarari" pattern. 8e me before you buy. McHattnu. i Special Xmas Offering For the Next Ten Dyg We Will Sell You the New j Ford Touring Car jwa' I. 11 W ! WWW) Houston's Metropolitan Ai fssai BsajlaMsMaMMM S HOUSTON'S OI'KKA HOUSE STAR THE ATM ifssysA ISmMy s 3 a "TIm Huruct Tlile," Fifth Kplsode of "Trey o' Iloaria" Tlisi Dear Uuntrr," Comedy Jtve'e IWraJa," Featuring Mary I'lckford and King fiaggott, ADMIHMIO.V lu CK.NTH sayg,aig Francis X. nuihmnn In "Tbe Plui .Tree," 8tur theater, tonight. Fim.NIBH KD nOOMH for light house keeping; reBt reasonable. 110 gac ond street. 11-tf Coming Hunday mm Monday IIICIIAMf-JfAItniN'U DAVIH1 "HOMfKit,OF VOHTVSK" In Mis Heel Mill VKi: KVfcKV MATVKIMV AM HUNIIAV AT a:0 (Joupoas for allverwara alvea Una. day, Tuesday and Thursday, For $559 $319 Down and the Balance in Six Monthly Payments of $40 The lUMitiiy t Kinpsny rneati rilAM'lJi lll'tlHM- In iliffirrnl l-dlr. tVorldlll tiii: 1'i.t i TitKir III Tlirc' I'irt "t'.ilr In ilnAlr," 81 ie comsdr fliHl t'hkr," l.ubln Comedr AittiiUliii III and 13 certs Ii iitniitis KatiiMUy and NMadal f MAIIV l'K'KHrw IN "CAI'IIICK" You Have Been Wanting a Ford for Some Time. Why not get One for Xmas on These Liberal Terms? GEORGE BIEHN Agent , ji IUi.i .. Utunimt AftW I i ai TEMPLE T HEATH !"Ti) Hlwlen Vniht." I l.ubln Two llcol Up "lmii Wwrk WHif ' Vimgrnph l'rni l.j, flit Life Hrtieri" K ii In in (.'otneaX ..itWfl ADMIHHION ALWAia -- i .nvATflP ft MATinilv " " "jif ....vdill PlOfl'l" 11 MERRILL OPERA HOV Merrill, ' ..a SMBIBm T MliVIO.V I'lOTUrliw - -i? mmiiiUHiiiiiii r .. uTlTKlJATB t A 1J1I' - ! Kfjt